# frozen_string_literal: true
module Html2rss
# Provides a namespace for attribute post processors.
module AttributePostProcessors
# Error raised when an unknown post processor name is requested.
class UnknownPostProcessorName < StandardError; end
# Maps the post processor name to the class implementing the post processor.
# The key is the name to use in the feed config.
gsub: Gsub,
html_to_markdown: HtmlToMarkdown,
markdown_to_html: MarkdownToHtml,
parse_time: ParseTime,
parse_uri: ParseUri,
sanitize_html: SanitizeHtml,
substring: Substring,
template: Template
# Retrieves the attribute post processor class based on the given name.
# @param name [Symbol] The name of the post processor.
# @return [Class] The attribute post processor class.
# @raise [UnknownPostProcessorName] If the requested name is not found in NAME_TO_CLASS.
def self.get_processor(name)
NAME_TO_CLASS[name.to_sym] || raise(UnknownPostProcessorName, "Can't find a post processor named '#{name}'")