# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../../spec_helper' # Use the RSpec framework require_relative '../support/var2word' require_relative '../../../lib/zenlish/parser/zparser' # Load the class under test module Zenlish module Parser describe ZParser do include Var2Word subject { ZParser.new } context 'Parsing lesson 3:' do it 'should parse sample sentences from lesson 3-A' do # Sentence 3-01a definiendum: 'J happens to something that does K.' literals = [j_, happens, to, something, that, does, k_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-01b definiens: 'J happens to something. # This same something does K. # [Tony has something that Lisa wants.]' literals = [j_, happens, to, something, dot, this, same, thing, does, k_, dot, tony, has, something, that, lisa, wants, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-02a definiendum: 'J is true, and K is true.' literals = [j_, is, true_, comma, and_, k_, is, true_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-02b definiens: 'These two things are true: J is true. # K is true.' # [Lisa sees Tony, and Tony sees Lisa.]' literals = [these, two, things, are, true_, colon, j_, is, true_, dot, k_, is, true_, dot, lisa, sees, tony, comma, and_, tony, sees, lisa, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-02c definiendum: 'J and K do X.' literals = [j_, and_, k_, do_, x_as_noun, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-02d definiens: 'These two things do X. # J is one that does this. # K is another that does this.' # [Tony and Lisa want to see me.] # [I see Tony and Lisa.]' literals = [these, two, things, do_, x_as_noun, dot, j_, is, one_as_adj, that, does, this_as_pronoun, dot, k_, is, another, that, does, this_as_pronoun, dot, tony, and_, lisa, want, to, see, me, dot, i_pronoun, see, tony, and_, lisa, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-03a definiendum: 'J is true, or K is true.' literals = [j_, is, true_, comma, or_, k_, is, true_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-03b definiens: 'If J is not true, then K is true. # [Tony saw me, or Lisa heard me.] literals = [if_, j_, is, not_, true_, comma, then_, k_, is, true_, dot, tony, saw, me, comma, or_, lisa, heard, me, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-03c definiendum: 'J or K does this.' literals = [j_, or_, k_, does, this_as_pronoun, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-03d definiendum: 'If J does not do this, then K does this.' literals = [if_, j_, does_aux, not_, do_, this_as_pronoun, comma, then_, k_, does, this_as_pronoun, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-03e: '[Lisa or Tony said something.] # [This belongs to Tony or Lisa.]' literals = [lisa, or_, tony, said, something, dot, this_as_pronoun, belongs, to, tony, or_, lisa, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-04a definiendum: 'It does something.' literals = [it_, does, something, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-04b definiens: 'This thing does something.' # [I touched this thing, and it moved.] literals = [this, thing, does, something, dot, i_pronoun, touched, this, thing, comma, and_, it_, moved, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-04c definiendum: 'They do something.' literals = [they, does, something, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-04d definiens: 'These things or people do something.' # [Something happens to them.] = Something happens to these things or people. literals = [these, things, or_, people, do_, something, dot, something, happens, to, them, dot, something, happens, to, these, things, or_, people, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error end it 'should parse sample sentences from lesson 3-B' do # Sentence 3-05a definiendum: 'This is its X.' literals = [this_as_pronoun, is, its, x_as_noun, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-05b definiens: 'This X belongs to it. # [I saw this thing and touched some of its parts.] # [These things are their things.] = These things belong to them. literals = [this, x_as_noun, belongs, to, it_, dot, i_pronoun, saw, this, thing, and_, touched, some, of, its, parts, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-05c definiendum: 'These things are their things.' literals = [these, things, are, their, things, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-05d definiens: 'These things belong to them. literals = [these, things, belong, to, them, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-06a definiendum: 'This is your X.' literals = [this_as_pronoun, is, your, x_as_noun, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-06b definien: 'This X belongs to you. # [You feel something touching your body.] literals = [this, x_as_noun, belongs, to, you, dot, you, feel, something, touching, your, body, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-07a definiendum: 'This is my X.' literals = [this_as_pronoun, is, my, x_as_noun, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-07b definiens: 'This X belongs to me. # [I do not want you to touch my body.] literals = [this, x_as_noun, belongs, to, me, dot, i_pronoun, do_aux, not_, want, to, touch, my, body, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-08a definiendum: 'There is an X here.' literals = [there, is, an, x_as_noun, here, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-08b definiens: 'X is some kind of thing. # There is one of this kind of thing here. # This is not one that you said something about a short time before now. # [I did not know there was a person in this place.] literals = [x_as_noun, is, some, kind, of, thing, dot, there, is, one, of, this, kind, of, thing, here, dot, this_as_pronoun, is, not_, one_as_adj, that, you, said, something, about, a_as_art, short, time, before_as_adj, now_as_noun, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-Bxa 'Lisa sees a living thing that is very big. # Lisa says: "I see one living thing. Its body is bigger than my body.", dot literals = [ lisa, sees, a_as_art, living, thing, that, is, very, big, dot, lisa, says, colon, quote, i_pronoun, see, one, living, thing, dot, its, body, is, bigger, than, my, body, dot, quote, dot ] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error end it 'should parse sample sentences from lesson 3-C' do # Sentence 3-09a definiendum: 'Something happens to the X.' literals = [something, happens, to, the, x_as_noun, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-09b definiens: Something happens to X. # This is the same X that someone said something about a short time before, # or there is not another thing that is the same kind as X. # [I saw two people here before, and now I do not see the people.] literals = [something, happens, to, x_as_noun, dot, this_as_pronoun, is, the, same, x_as_noun, that, someone, said, something, about, a_as_art, short, time, before_as_adj, comma, or_, there, is, not_, another, thing, that, is, the, same, kind, as, x_as_noun, dot, i_pronoun, saw, two, people, here, before_adverb, comma, and_, now, i_pronoun, do_aux, not_, see, the, people, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-10a definiendum: 'X is an animal.' literals = [x_as_noun, is, an, animal, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-10b definiens: There are many kinds of living things # that can feel and can move when they want. X is one of these. # [The animal moved when someone touched its body.] literals = [there, are, many, kinds, of, living, things, that, can, feel, and_, can, move, when_, they, want, dot, x_as_noun, is, one, of, these_as_pronoun, dot, the, animal, moved, when_, someone, touched, its, body, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-11a definiendum: 'J causes K to happen.' literals = [j_, causes, k_, to, happen, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-11b definiens: K happens because J happens # or because J does something. # [Someone bad caused these people to die.] literals = [k_, happens, because, j_, happens, or_, because, j_, does, something, dot, something, bad, caused, these, people, to, die, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-12a definiendum: 'J is true, but K is not true.' literals = [j_, is, true_, comma, but, k_, is, not_, true_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-12b definiens: You say J is true. # Maybe when some people hear J is true, # they think K is true because of this. # You want them to know K is not true, and you say this. # [I hear Tony, but I do not see Tony.] literals = [maybe, when_, some, people, hear, j_, is, true_, comma, they, think, k_, is, true_, because, of, this_as_pronoun, dot, you, want, them, to, know, k_, is, not_, true_, comma, and_, you, say, this_as_pronoun, dot, i_pronoun, hear, tony, comma, but, i_pronoun, do_aux, not_, see, lisa, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-C Xtra Lisa says: "I can hear an animal, but I do not see it." # Tony says: "I can see the animal that you hear.". literals = [lisa, says, colon, quote, i_pronoun, can, hear, an, animal, comma, but, i_pronoun, do_aux, not_, see, it_, dot, quote, dot, tony, says, colon, quote, i_pronoun, can, see, the, animal, that, you, hear, dot, quote, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error end it 'should parse sample sentences from lesson 3-D' do # Sentence 3-13a definiendum: 'You use this thing.' literals = [you, use, this, thing, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-13b definiens: You do something with this thing # because you think this can cause something to happen that you want. # [I used something big to cause people far from here to see me.] literals = [you, do_, something, with, this, thing, because, you, think, this_as_pronoun, can, cause, something, to, happen, that, you, want, dot, i_pronoun, used, something, big, to, cause, people, far, from, here_as_noun, to, see, me, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-14a definiendum: 'You know X about each of these things.' literals = [you, know, x_as_noun, about, each_, of, these, things, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-14b definiens: There are two or more things. # You think about all these things like this: # If something is one of these things, then you know X about it. # [Each person here said something to me.] # because you think this can cause something to happen that you want. # [I used something big to cause people far from here to see me.] literals = [there, are, two, or_, more, things, dot, you, think, about, all, these, things, like, this_as_pronoun, colon, if_, something, is, one, of, these, things, comma, then_, you, know, x_as_noun, about, it_, dot, each_, person, here, said, something, to, me, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-15a definiendum: 'Someplace an X exists.' literals = [someplace, an, x_as_noun, exists, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-15b definiens: Someplace there is an X, # or someplace an X is alive. # [This kind of thing did not exist before this time.] literals = [someplace, there, is, an, x_as_noun, comma, or_, someplace, an, x_as_noun, is, alive, dot, this, kind, of, thing, did, not_, exist, before, this, time, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-16a definiendum: 'J became K.' literals = [j_, became, k_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-16b definiens: Something happened to J for some time. # After this happened, K is something true you can know about J. # But before this happened, K was not true. # [These two animals were small before, but they became big.] literals = [something, happened, to, j_, for_, some, time, dot, after_, this_as_pronoun, happened, comma, k_, is, something, true_, you, can, know, about, j_, dot, these, two, animals, were, small, before_adverb, comma, but, they, became, big, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-Dx: There are some animals here. # Each of these animals was small when it existed a short time. # After a long time, each of these animals became big. literals = [there, are, some, animal, here, dot, each_, of, these, animals, was, small, when_, it_, existed, a_as_art, short, time, dot, after_, a_as_art, long, time, comma, each_, of, these, animals, became, big, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error end it 'should parse sample sentences from lesson 3-E' do # Sentence 3-17a definiendum: 'These things are different.' literals = [things, are, different, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-17b definiens: These things are not the same. # [I want this kind of thing, but you want something different.] literals = [these, things, are, not_, the, same_as_pronoun, dot, i_pronoun, want, this, kind, of, thing, comma, but, you, want, something, different, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-18a definiendum: 'J made K.' literals = [j_, made, k_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-18b definiens: J did something to some things # and caused them to become parts of one different # kind of thing that was not here before. # K is this thing that now exists because of this. # [I used many small things to make this big thing.] # [J made K happen.] = J caused K to happen. literals = [j_, did, something, to, some, things, and_, caused, them, to, become, parts, of, one, different, kind, of, thing, that, was, not_, here, before_adverb, dot, k_, is, this, thing, that, now, exists, because, of, this_as_pronoun, dot, i_pronoun, used, many, small, things, to, make, this, big, thing, dot, j_, made, k_, happen, dot, j_, caused, k_, to, happen, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-19a definiendum: 'J contains K.' literals = [j_, contains, k_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-19b definiens: K is inside J. # [I made something to contain all these small things.] # [Your body contains many parts.] literals = [k_, is, inside, j_, dot, i_pronoun, made, something, to, contain, all, these, small, things, dot, your, body, contains, many, parts, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-20a definiendum: 'X is a container.' literals = [x_as_noun, is, a_as_art, container, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-20b definiens: X is something that people make because # they want to use it to contain other things. # [There are two things inside this container.] literals = [x_as_noun, is, something, that, people, make, because, they, want, to, use, it_, to, contain, other, things, dot, there, are, two, things, inside, this, container, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-Extra: Someone made these containers. # Each contains a different kind of animal. literals = [someone, made, these, containers, dot, each_as_pronoun, contains, a_as_art, different, kind, of, animal, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error end it 'should parse sample sentences from lesson 3-F' do # Sentence 3-21a definiendum: 'You try to do X.' literals = [you, try_, to, do_, x_as_noun, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-21b definiens: Because you want X to happen, # you do things that you think can cause X to happen. # [I tried to do something good.] literals = [because, you, want, x_as_noun, to, happen, comma, you, do_, things, that, you, think, can, cause, x_as_noun, to, happen, dot, i_pronoun, tried, to, do_, something, good, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-22a definiendum: 'X changed.' literals = [x_as_noun, changed, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-22b definiens: Something happened to X. # Because of this, X is not the same as before. # [After this kind of animal is alive for some time, its body changes.] literals = [something, happened, to, x_as_noun, dot, because, of, this_as_pronoun, comma, x_as_noun, is, not_, the, same_as_pronoun, as, before_adverb, dot, after_, this, kind, of, animal, is, alive, for_, some, time, comma, its, body, changes, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-22c definiendum: 'J changed K.' literals = [j_, changed, k_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-22d definiens: J caused K to change. # Because of this, X is not the same as before. # [When these people did something bad, it changed what I thought about them.] literals = [j_, caused, k_, to, change_, dot, when_, these, people, did, something, bad, comma, it_, changed, what, i_pronoun, thought, about, them, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-23a definiendum: 'You see the surface of X.' literals = [you, see, the, surface, of, x_as_noun, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-23b definiens: You see part of X. # This part is where other things can touch X. # [I can see the surface of this thing, but I cannot see what is inside.] # [When I touched this thing, I could feel parts of it moving below its surface.] # comment: `where` word was implicitly defined in section 1-25. # `could` verb was implicitly defined in section 2-10. literals = [i_pronoun, can, see, the, surface, of, this, thing, comma, but, i_pronoun, can, not_, see, what, is, inside, dot, when_, i_pronoun, touched, this, thing, comma, i_pronoun, could, feel, parts, of, it_, moving, below, its, surface, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-23c definiendum: 'J is on the surface of K.' literals = [j_, is, on, the, surface, of, k_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-23d definiens: J is touching the surface of K. literals = [j_, is, touching, the, surface, of, k_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-F xtra: Tony wants to know what is inside this container. # Tony tries to touch things inside the container. literals = [tony, wants, to, know, what, is, inside, this, container, dot, tony, tries, to, touch, things, inside, the, container, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error end it 'should parse sample sentences from lesson 3-G' do # Sentence 3-24a definiendum: 'You choose one of these things.' literals = [you, choose, one, of, these, things, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-24b definiendum: 'There are two or more things you can do. # If you do one of these, you cannot do another. # You think about these and what you want to do. # There is one moment when you know what one of these you want more, # and after this moment, you try for some time to do this one. # [You can choose to have one of these things.] # [I chose this big one.]' literals = [there, are, two, or_, more, things, you, can, do_, dot, if_, you, do_, one, of, these_as_pronoun, comma, you, can, not_, do_, another_as_pronoun, dot, you, think, about, these_as_pronoun, and_, what, you, want, to, do_, dot, there, is, one, moment, when_, you, know, what, one, of, these_as_pronoun, you, want, more_as_adverb, comma, and_, after_adverb, this, moment, comma, you, try_, for_, some, time, to, do_, this, one_as_pronoun, dot, you, can, choose, to, have, one, of, these, things, dot, i_pronoun, chose, this, big, one_as_pronoun, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-25a definiendum: 'X is in a place between J and K.' literals = [x_as_noun, is, in_, a_as_art, place, between, j_, and_, k_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-25b definiens: X is in a place. # J is on one side of X, and K is on the other side of X. literals = [x_as_noun, is, in_, a_as_art, place, dot, j_, is, on, one, side, of, x_as_noun, comma, and_, k_, is, on, the, other, side, of, x_as_noun, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-25c definiendum: 'X happens at a time between J and K.' literals = [x_as_noun, happens, at, a_as_art, time, between, j_, and_, k_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-25d definiens: X happens after J and before K literals = [x_as_noun, happens, after_as_prep, j_, and_, before_as_prep, k_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-25e definiendum: 'X is between J and K.' literals = [x_as_noun, is, between, j_, and_, k_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-25f definiens: X is more than J but not more than K. literals = [x_as_noun, is, more, than, j_, but, not_, more, than, k_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-26a definiendum: 'X moved here from this other place.' literals = [x_as_noun, moved, here, from, this, other, place, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-26b definiens: 'X was in this other place before # it moved for some time. Because X moved, it is here after this, # and it is not in this other place.' literals = [x_as_noun, was, in_, this, other, place, before, it_, moved, for_, some, time, dot, because, x_as_noun, moved, comma, it_, is, here, after_, this_as_pronoun, comma, and_, it_, is, not_, in_, this, other, place, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-27a definiendum: 'X is a machine.' literals = [x_as_noun, is, a_as_art, machine, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-27b definiens: 'X is something people make. # When people make some things like X, they use many parts to make these things. # Some parts of X move. Some parts can cause other parts to move. # People make things like this because these things do something that people want. # These things can do more than people can do and more than people want to do. # [I used a machine to cause these big things to move.].' literals = [x_as_noun, is, something, people, make, dot, when_, people, make, some, things, like, x_as_noun, comma, they, use, many, parts, to, make, these, things, dot, some, parts, of, x_as_noun, move, dot, some, parts, can, cause, other, parts, to, move, dot, people, make, things, like, this_as_pronoun, because, these, things, do_, something, that, people, want, dot, these, things, can, do_, more_as_adverb, than, people, can, do_, and_, more_as_adverb, than, people, want, to, do_, dot, i_pronoun, used, a_as_art, machine, to, cause, these, big, things, to, move, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-G xtra: Tony wants to make something using a machine. # Tony is between two different machines. # Tony says: "I can choose to use one of these machines." literals = [tony, wants, to, make, something, using, a_as_art, machine, dot, tony, is, between, two, different, machines, dot, tony, says, colon, quote, i_pronoun, can, choose, to, use, one, of, these, machines, dot, quote, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error end it 'should parse sample sentences from lesson 3-H' do # Sentence 3-28a definiendum: 'J damaged K.' literals = [j_, damaged, k_, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-28b definiens: 'J did something to K that was bad for K # and it changed K like this: Before this happened, # some parts of K were good more than now. # Before this happened, K could do some things more than it can now. # [You cannot move now because something damaged part of your body.]' literals = [j_, did, something, to, k_, that, was, bad, for_, k_, and_, it_, changed, k_, like, this_as_pronoun, colon, before, this_as_pronoun, happened, comma, some, parts, of, k_, were, good, more, than, now_as_noun, dot, before, this_as_pronoun, happened, comma, k_, could, do_, some, things, more, than, it_, can_irregular, now, dot, you, can, not_, move, now, because, something, damaged, part, of, your, body, dot] expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error # Sentence 3-29a definiendum: 'Doing X is difficult.' # literals = [doing, x_as_noun, is, difficult, dot] # expect { subject.to_pforest(literals) }.not_to raise_error end =begin 3-29. difficult. [Doing X is difficult.] = You cannot do X if you do not do much more or think much more than when you do many other things. [Something very big can be more difficult to make than something small.] 3-30. easy, easily. [Doing X is easy.] = Doing X is not difficult. [I can easily make a small machine.] 3-31. control, controls, to control, controlling, controlled. [You control X.] = You can choose what you want X to do and you can cause X to do what you choose. You cause X to do some things and not do other things. [When you touch a small part of this machine, you can control where the machine moves.] [Animals can be difficult to control.] Tony tried to make something using this machine. The machine was difficult to control and damaged the thing Tony was making. =end end # context end # describe end # module end # module