# encoding: utf-8 module SportDb module Import class ClubIndex def self.build( path ) pack = Package.new( path ) ## lets us use direcotry or zip archive recs = [] pack.each_clubs do |entry| recs += Club.parse( entry.read ) end recs clubs = new clubs.add( recs ) ## add wiki(pedia) anchored links recs = [] pack.each_clubs_wiki do |entry| recs += WikiReader.parse( entry.read ) end pp recs clubs.add_wiki( recs ) clubs end def catalog() Import.catalog; end def initialize @clubs = {} ## clubs (indexed) by canonical name @clubs_by_name = {} @errors = [] end attr_reader :errors def errors?() @errors.empty? == false; end def mappings() @clubs_by_name; end ## todo/check: rename to index or something - why? why not? def clubs() @clubs.values; end alias_method :all, :clubs ## use ActiveRecord-like alias for clubs ## helpers from club - use a helper module for includes - why? why not? include NameHelper ## incl. strip_year( name ) ## has_year?( name) ## strip_lang( name ) ## normalize( name ) def strip_wiki( name ) # todo/check: rename to strip_wikipedia_en - why? why not? ## change/rename to strip_wiki_qualifier or such - why? why not? ## note: strip disambiguationn qualifier from wikipedia page name if present ## note: only remove year and foot... for now ## e.g. FC Wacker Innsbruck (2002) => FC Wacker Innsbruck ## Willem II (football club) => Willem II ## ## e.g. do NOT strip others !! e.g. ## América Futebol Clube (MG) ## only add more "special" cases on demand (that, is) if we find more name = name.gsub( /\([12][^\)]+?\)/, '' ).strip ## starting with a digit 1 or 2 (assuming year) name = name.gsub( /\(foot[^\)]+?\)/, '' ).strip ## starting with foot (assuming football ...) name end def add_wiki( rec_or_recs ) ## add wiki(pedia club record / links recs = rec_or_recs.is_a?( Array ) ? rec_or_recs : [rec_or_recs] ## wrap (single) rec in array recs.each do |rec| ## note: strip qualifier () from wikipedia page name if present ## e.g. FC Wacker Innsbruck (2002) => FC Wacker Innsbruck ## Willem II (football club) => Willem II ## ## e.g. do NOT strip others !! e.g. ## América Futebol Clube (MG) ## only add more "special" cases on demand (that, is) if we find more name = strip_wiki( rec.name ) m = match_by( name: name, country: rec.country ) if m.nil? puts "** !!! ERROR !!! - no matching club found for wiki(pedia) name >#{name}, #{rec.country.name} (#{rec.country.key})<; sorry - to fix add name to clubs" exit 1 end if m.size > 1 puts "** !!! ERROR !!! - too many (greater than one) matching clubs found for wiki(pedia) name >#{name}, #{rec.country.name} (#{rec.country.key})<" pp m exit 1 end club = m[0] club.wikipedia = rec.name end end # method add_wiki def add( rec_or_recs ) ## add club record / alt_names recs = rec_or_recs.is_a?( Array ) ? rec_or_recs : [rec_or_recs] ## wrap (single) rec in array recs.each do |rec| ## puts "adding:" ## pp rec ### step 1) add canonical name old_rec = @clubs[ rec.name ] if old_rec puts "** !!! ERROR !!! - (canonical) name conflict - duplicate - >#{rec.name}< will overwrite >#{old_rec.name}<:" pp old_rec pp rec exit 1 else @clubs[ rec.name ] = rec end ## step 2) add all names (canonical name + alt names + alt names (auto)) names = [rec.name] + rec.alt_names more_names = [] ## check "hand-typed" names for year (auto-add) ## check for year(s) e.g. (1887-1911), (-2013), ## (1946-2001,2013-) etc. names.each do |name| if has_year?( name ) more_names << strip_year( name ) end end names += more_names ## check for duplicates - simple check for now - fix/improve ## todo/fix: (auto)remove duplicates - why? why not? count = names.size count_uniq = names.uniq.size if count != count_uniq puts "** !!! ERROR !!! - #{count-count_uniq} duplicate name(s):" pp names pp rec exit 1 end ## check with auto-names just warn for now and do not exit names += rec.alt_names_auto count = names.size count_uniq = names.uniq.size if count != count_uniq puts "** !!! WARN !!! - #{count-count_uniq} duplicate name(s):" pp names pp rec end names.each_with_index do |name,i| ## check lang codes e.g. [en], [fr], etc. ## todo/check/fix: move strip_lang up in the chain - check for duplicates (e.g. only lang code marker different etc.) - why? why not? name = strip_lang( name ) norm = normalize( name ) alt_recs = @clubs_by_name[ norm ] if alt_recs ## check if include club rec already or is new club rec if alt_recs.include?( rec ) ## note: do NOT include duplicate club record msg = "** !!! WARN !!! - (norm) name conflict/duplicate for club - >#{name}< normalized to >#{norm}< already included >#{rec.name}, #{rec.country.name}<" puts msg @errors << msg else msg = "** !!! WARN !!! - name conflict/duplicate - >#{name}< will overwrite >#{alt_recs[0].name}, #{alt_recs[0].country.name}< with >#{rec.name}, #{rec.country.name}<" puts msg @errors << msg alt_recs << rec end else @clubs_by_name[ norm ] = [rec] end end end end # method add ## todo/fix/check: use rename to find_canon or find_canonical() or something?? ## remove (getting used?) - why? why not? def []( name ) ## lookup by canoncial name only; todo/fix: add find alias why? why not? puts "WARN!! do not use ClubIndex#[] for lookup >#{name}< - will get removed!!!" @clubs[ name ] end def match( name ) # note: returns empty array (e.g. []) if no match and NOT nil name = normalize( name ) m = @clubs_by_name[ name ] || [] ## no match - retry with unaccented variant if different ## e.g. example is Preussen Münster (with mixed accent and unaccented letters) that would go unmatched for now ## Preussen Münster => preussenmünster (norm) => preussenmunster (norm+unaccent) if m.empty? name2 = unaccent( name ) if name2 != name m = @clubs_by_name[ name2 ] || [] end end m end ## helper to always convert (possible) country key to existing country record ## todo: make private - why? why not? def country( country ) if country.is_a?( String ) || country.is_a?( Symbol ) ## note: use own "global" countries index setting for ClubIndex - why? why not? rec = catalog.countries.find( country.to_s ) if rec.nil? puts "** !!! ERROR !!! - unknown country >#{country}< - no match found, sorry - add to world/countries.txt in config" exit 1 end rec else country ## (re)use country struct - no need to run lookup again end end ## match - always returns an array (with one or more matches) or nil def match_by( name:, country: nil ) ## note: allow passing in of country key too (auto-counvert) ## and country struct too ## - country assumes / allows the country key or fifa code for now m = match( name ) if country country = country( country ) ## note: match must for now always include name ## filter by country m = m.select { |club| club.country.key == country.key } end m end def find( name ) find_by( name: name, country: nil ); end def find!( name ) find_by!( name: name, country: nil ); end ## find - always returns a single record / match or nil ## if there is more than one match than find aborts / fails def find_by!( name:, country: nil ) ## todo/fix: add international or league flag? club = find_by( name: name, country: country ) if club.nil? puts "** !!! ERROR - no match for club >#{name}<" exit 1 end club end def find_by( name:, country: nil ) ## todo/fix: add international or league flag? ## note: allow passing in of country key too (auto-counvert) ## and country struct too ## - country assumes / allows the country key or fifa code for now m = nil if country country = country( country ) m = match_by( name: name, country: country ) if m.empty? ## (re)try with second country - quick hacks for known leagues ## todo/fix: add league flag to activate!!! - why? why not m = match_by( name: name, country: 'wal' ) if country.key == 'eng' m = match_by( name: name, country: 'eng' ) if country.key == 'sco' m = match_by( name: name, country: 'nir' ) if country.key == 'ie' m = match_by( name: name, country: 'mc' ) if country.key == 'fr' m = match_by( name: name, country: 'li' ) if country.key == 'ch' m = match_by( name: name, country: 'ca' ) if country.key == 'us' m = match_by( name: name, country: 'nz' ) if country.key == 'au' end else ## try "global" search - no country passed in m = match( name ) end club = nil if m.empty? ## puts "** !!! WARN !!! no match for club >#{name}<" elsif m.size > 1 puts "** !!! ERROR - too many matches (#{m.size}) for club >#{name}<:" pp m exit 1 else # bingo; match - assume size == 1 club = m[0] end club end def build_mods( mods ) ## e.g. ## { 'Arsenal | Arsenal FC' => 'Arsenal, ENG', ## 'Liverpool | Liverpool FC' => 'Liverpool, ENG', ## 'Barcelona' => 'Barcelona, ESP', ## 'Valencia' => 'Valencia, ESP' } mods.reduce({}) do |h,(club_names, club_line)| values = club_line.split( ',' ) values = values.map { |value| value.strip } ## strip all spaces ## todo/fix: make sure country is present !!!! club_name, country_name = values club = find_by!( name: club_name, country: country_name ) values = club_names.split( '|' ) values = values.map { |value| value.strip } ## strip all spaces values.each do |club_name| h[club_name] = club end h end end def dump_duplicates # debug helper - report duplicate club name records @clubs_by_name.each do |name, clubs| if clubs.size > 1 puts "#{clubs.size} matching club duplicates for >#{name}<:" pp clubs end end end end # class ClubIndex end # module Import end # module SportDb