class Device < ApplicationRecord # Constants PENDING = "pending" VERIFIED = "verified" BLOCKED = "blocked" STATUS = { PENDING => "Pending", VERIFIED => "Verified", BLOCKED => "Blocked" } STATUS_REVERSE = { "Pending" => PENDING, "Verified" => VERIFIED, "Blocked" => BLOCKED } # Associations belongs_to :user, optional: true belongs_to :registration # Validations validates :uuid, presence: true, length: {maximum: 1024} validates :device_token, presence: true, length: {maximum: 1024} validates :device_name, allow_blank: true, length: {maximum: 64} validates :device_type, allow_blank: true, length: {maximum: 64} validates :operating_system, allow_blank: true, length: {maximum: 64} validates :software_version, allow_blank: true, length: {maximum: 64} validates :last_accessed_api, allow_blank: true, length: {maximum: 1024} validates :otp, allow_blank: true, length: {minimum: 5, maximum: 5} validates :api_token, allow_blank: true, length: {maximum: 256} validates :status, :presence => true, :inclusion => {:in => STATUS.keys, :presence_of => :status, :message => "%{value} is not a valid status" } # ------------------ # Class Methods # ------------------ # return an active record relation object with the search query in its where clause # Return the ActiveRecord::Relation object # == Examples # >>> # => ActiveRecord::Relation object scope :search, lambda {|query| joins("INNER JOIN registrations on = devices.registration_id LEFT JOIN users on = devices.user_id"). where("LOWER(devices.uuid) LIKE LOWER('%#{query}%') OR LOWER(devices.device_token) LIKE LOWER('%#{query}%') OR LOWER(devices.device_name) LIKE LOWER('%#{query}%') OR LOWER(devices.device_type) LIKE LOWER('%#{query}%') OR LOWER(registrations.mobile_number) LIKE LOWER('%#{query}%') OR LOWER( LIKE LOWER('%#{query}%')")} scope :status, lambda { |status| where("LOWER(status)='#{status}'") } scope :pending, -> { where(status: PENDING) } scope :verified, -> { where(status: VERIFIED) } scope :blocked, -> { where(status: BLOCKED) } # ------------------ # Instance Methods # ------------------ # Status Methods # -------------- # * Return true if the user is pending, else false. # == Examples # >>> device.pending? # => true def pending? (status == PENDING) end # * Return true if the user is not verified, else false. # == Examples # >>> device.verified? # => true def verified? (status == VERIFIED) end # * Return true if the user is not blocked, else false. # == Examples # >>> device.blocked? # => true def blocked? (status == BLOCKED) end # change the status to :pending # Return the status # == Examples # >>> device.pending! # => "pending" def pending! self.update_attribute(:status, PENDING) end # change the status to :verified # Return the status # == Examples # >>> device.verify! # => "verified" def verify! self.update_attribute(:status, VERIFIED) end # change the status to :blocked # Return the status # == Examples # >>> device.block! # => "blocked" def block! self.update_attribute(:status, BLOCKED) end # Permission Methods # ------------------ def can_be_edited? false end def can_be_deleted? false end # Authentication Methods # ---------------------- def generate_otp self.otp = rand(10000..99999) end # Other Methods # ------------- # * Return full name # == Examples # >>> device.display_mobile_number # => "+919880123456" def display_name "#{self.device_name} - #{self.uuid}" end end