#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'bundler/setup' require 'vedeu' class EditorApp Vedeu.bind(:_initialize_) { Vedeu.trigger(:_refresh_) } Vedeu.configure do debug! log '/tmp/284_slow_rendering.log' # renderers(Vedeu::Renderers::Terminal.new, # Vedeu::Renderers::File.new(filename: '/tmp/284_slow.out')) fake! end Vedeu.interface :editor_view do border do title 'Editor' end editable! geometry do align(:bottom, :left, Vedeu.width - 21, 10) end end Vedeu.interface :members_view do border do title 'Members' end editable! geometry do align(:top, :right, 20, Vedeu.height) end end Vedeu.interface :help_view do geometry do height use(:editor_view).height width use(:editor_view).width x use(:editor_view).left y use(:editor_view).south end end # When pressing Return/Enter in the editor view, the :_command_ # event will be triggered with any typed content you have provided. # # The :_command_ event in turn triggers the :command event. Bind to # :command to retrieve the content entered, and then process # yourself in whatever way appropriate. # # Vedeu.bind(:command) do |data| # # ... do something with 'data' # end # Vedeu.keymap :editor_view do key(:enter) { Vedeu.trigger(:_editor_execute_, :editor_view) } key(:insert) do Vedeu.log(type: :debug, message: "Commands: #{Vedeu.all_commands.inspect}") Vedeu.log(type: :debug, message: "Keypresses: #{Vedeu.all_keypresses.inspect}") end end Vedeu.keymap '_global_' do key('q') { Vedeu.exit } end Vedeu.render do view(:editor_view) do end end Vedeu.render do view(:help_view) do lines do line 'Type into the editor dialog above,' line 'and press Return. This will trigger the' line ':command event with the contents of ' line 'the view.' # @todo Not implemented yet: # # text 'Type into the editor dialog above, and press Return. This will ' \ # 'trigger the :_command_ event with the contents of the view.', # name: :help_view, mode: :wrap end end view(:member_view) do lines do line '' end end end def self.start(argv = ARGV) Vedeu::Launcher.execute!(argv) end end # EditorApp EditorApp.start