module Usagewatch # Show disk used in GB def self.uw_diskused df = `df -kl` sum = 0.00 df.each_line.with_index do |line, line_index| next if line_index.eql? 0 line = line.split(" ") next if line[0] =~ /localhost/ #ignore backup filesystem sum += ((line[2].to_f)/1024)/1024 end sum.round(2) end # Show disk space used on location(partition) in GB def self.uw_diskused_on(location) df = `df` df.split("\n")[1..-1].each do |line| parts = line.split(" ") if parts.last == location diskusedon = ((parts[2].to_i.round(2)/1024)/1024).round(2) break end end diskusedon ? diskusedon : "location invalid" end # Show disk space available in GB def self.uw_diskavailable df = `df` parts = df.split(" ").map { |s| s.to_i } sum = 0 for i in ( - 1).step(6) do sum += parts[i+1] end round = sum.round(2) totaldiskavailable = ((round/1024)/1024).round(2) end # Show disk space available on location(partition) in GB def self.uw_diskavailable_on(location) df = `df` df.split("\n")[1..-1].each do |line| parts = line.split(" ") if parts.last == location diskavailableon = ((parts[3].to_i.round(2)/1024)/1024).round(2) break end end diskavailableon ? diskavailableon : "location invalid" end # Show the percentage of disk used. def self.uw_diskused_perc df, total, used = `df -kl`, 0.0, 0.0 df.each_line.with_index do |line, line_index| line = line.split(" ") next if line_index.eql? 0 or line[0] =~ /localhost/ #ignore backup filesystem total += to_gb line[3].to_f used += to_gb line[2].to_f end ((used/total) * 100).round(2) end # Show the percentage of cpu used def self.uw_cpuused top = `top -l1 | awk '/CPU usage/'` top = top.gsub(/[\,a-zA-Z:]/, "").split(" ") top[0].to_f end # return hash of top ten proccesses by cpu consumption # example [["apache2", 12.0], ["passenger", 13.2]] def self.uw_cputop top %w"$11 $3" end # todo #def uw_tcpused # #end # todo #def uw_udpused # #end # return hash of top ten proccesses by mem consumption # example [["apache2", 12.0], ["passenger", 13.2]] def self.uw_memtop top %w"$11 $4" end # Percentage of mem used def self.uw_memused top = `top -l1 | awk '/PhysMem/'` top = top.gsub(/[\.\,a-zA-Z:]/, "").split(" ").reverse ((top[1].to_f / (top[0].to_f + top[1].to_f)) * 100).round(2) end # Show the average of load in the last minute def self.uw_load iostat = `iostat -w1 -c 2 | awk '{print $7}'` cpu = 0.0 iostat.each_line.with_index do |line, line_index| next if line_index.eql? 0 or line_index.eql? 1 or line_index.eql? 2 cpu = line.split(" ").last.to_f.round(2) end cpu end def self.uw_bandrx read1 =`netstat -ib | grep -e "en1" -m 1 | awk '{print $7}'` sleep 1 read2=`netstat -ib | grep -e "en1" -m 1 | awk '{print $7}'` (((read2.to_f - read1.to_f)/1024)/1024).round(3) end def self.uw_bandtx send1=`netstat -ib | grep -e "en1" -m 1 | awk '{print $10}'` sleep 1 send2=`netstat -ib | grep -e "en1" -m 1 | awk '{print $10}'` (((send2.to_f - send1.to_f)/1024)/1024).round(3) end #todo #def uw_diskioreads # #end #todo #def uw_diskiowrites # #end # Show the current http connections on 80 port def self.uw_httpconns `netstat -an | grep :80 |wc -l`.to_i end private def ps = `ps aux | awk '{print #{lines.join(", ")}}' | sort -k2nr | head -n 10` array = [] ps.each_line do |line| line = line.chomp.split(" ") array << [line.first.gsub(/[\[\]]/, "").split("/").last, line.last] end array end def self.to_gb(bytes) (bytes/1024)/1024 end end