# LinkShrink Changelog ## 0.0.5 Released September 7, 2013 ([0.0.5](https://github.com/jonahoffline/link_shrink/tree/v0.0.5)). * Add Is.gd Shrinker * Add option for selecting Is.gd Shrinker in command-line application. * Update version to 0.0.5 ## 0.0.4 Released September 6, 2013 ([0.0.4](https://github.com/jonahoffline/link_shrink/tree/v0.0.4)). * Refactor complex method in Request module (#process_response). * Update version to 0.0.4 * Add coveralls badge. ## 0.0.3 Released September 6, 2013 ([0.0.3](https://github.com/jonahoffline/link_shrink/tree/v0.0.3)). * Add Coverall gem to gemspec. * Add Config class for configuring Shrinker API to use. * Add TinyURL Shrinker. * Add documentation to TinyUrl, Google and Base class. * Add new options for command-line application. * Update README. * Refactor Shrinker Base class and the Google class. * Added 2.0 and JRuby support through TravisCI. ## 0.0.2 Released July 16, 2013 ([0.0.2](https://github.com/jonahoffline/link_shrink/tree/v0.0.2)). * Add :qr_code, and :image_size options to the shrink_url. * Add new generate_qr_code method to LinkShrink. * Add method for using API key. * Refactor LinkShrink module. * Move code from LinkShrink into new Request module. * Move json-related code into new JSONParser module. * Add new Options class. * Add Shrinker::Base abstract class for defining other URL APIs. * Move Google URL API related code into its own class implemeting new Base class. * Add --qrcode option into CLI for command-line application. * Update README. * Add Changelog. * Update gemspec development-dependencies (RSpec) * Add new gemspec development-dependencies (autotest-test, rspec-nc, simplecov) * Add BadgeFury, Gemnasium, CodeClimate and Travis-CI badges to README. ## 0.0.1 Released June 24, 2013 ([0.0.1](https://github.com/jonahoffline/link_shrink/tree/v0.0.1)). * Initial Release.