module TreasureData module Command module List class CommandParser < OptionParser def initialize(name, req_args, opt_args, varlen, argv) super() @req_args = req_args @opt_args = opt_args @varlen = varlen @argv = argv @has_options = false @message = '' end attr_accessor :message def on(*argv) @has_options = true super end def banner s = @message.dup if @has_options s << "\n" s << "options:\n" end s end def cmd_parse(argv=@argv||ARGV) parse!(argv) if argv.length < @req_args.length || (!@varlen && argv.length > (@req_args.length+@opt_args.length)) cmd_usage nil end if argv.length <= 1 return argv[0] else return argv end rescue cmd_usage $! end def cmd_usage(msg=nil) puts self.to_s puts "error: #{msg}" if msg exit 1 end end class CommandOption def initialize(name, args, description, examples) @name = name @args = args @description = description.to_s @examples = examples @override_message = nil end attr_reader :name, :args, :description, :examples attr_accessor :override_message def compile! return if @usage_args args = @args.dup if args.last.to_s =~ /_$/ @varlen = true args.push args.pop.to_s[0..-2]+'...' elsif args.last.to_s =~ /_\?$/ @varlen = true args.push args.pop.to_s[0..-3]+'...?' end @req_args, @opt_args = args.partition {|a| a.to_s !~ /\?$/ } @opt_args = {|a| a.to_s[0..-2].to_sym } @usage_args = "#{@name}" @req_args.each {|a| @usage_args << " <#{a}>" } @opt_args.each {|a| @usage_args << " [#{a}]" } end def create_optparse(argv) compile! op =, @req_args, @opt_args, @varlen, argv) message = "usage:\n" message << " $ #{File.basename($0)} #{@usage_args}\n" unless @examples.empty? message << "\n" message << "example:\n" @examples.each {|l| message << " $ #{File.basename($0)} #{l}\n" } end message << "\n" message << "description:\n" @description.split("\n").each {|l| message << " #{l}\n" } op.message = message op.summary_indent = " " if msg = @override_message (class<<op;self;end).module_eval do define_method(:to_s) { msg } end end op end def usage compile! "%-40s # %s" % [@usage_args, @description] end def group @name.split(':', 2).first end end LIST = [] COMMAND = {} GUESS = {} HELP_EXCLUDE = [/^help/, /^account/, /^aggr/] def self.add_list(name, args, description, *examples) LIST << COMMAND[name] =, args, description, examples) end def self.add_alias(new_cmd, old_cmd) COMMAND[new_cmd] = COMMAND[old_cmd] end def self.add_guess(wrong, correct) GUESS[wrong] = correct end def self.cmd_usage(name) if c = COMMAND[name] c.create_optparse([]).cmd_usage end nil end def self.get_method(name) if c = COMMAND[name] name = group, action = require 'td/command/common' require "td/command/#{group}" cmd = name.gsub(/[\:\-]/, '_') m = return {|args| } end nil end def self.show_guess(wrong) if correct = GUESS[wrong] $stderr.puts "Did you mean this?: #{correct}" end end def self.get_option(name) COMMAND[name] end def self.show_help(indent=' ') before_group = nil LIST.each {|c| next if HELP_EXCLUDE.any? {|pattern| pattern =~ } if before_group != before_group = puts "" end puts "#{indent}#{c.usage}" } end def self.get_group(group) {|c| == group } end def self.finishup groups = {} LIST.each {|c| (groups[] ||= []) << c } groups.each_pair {|group,ops| if ops.size > 1 && c = COMMAND[group] c = c.dup msg = %[Additional commands, type "#{File.basename($0)} help COMMAND" for more details:\n\n] ops.each {|op| msg << %[ #{op.usage}\n] } msg << %[\n] c.override_message = msg COMMAND[group] = c end } end add_list 'db:list', %w[], 'Show list of tables in a database', 'db:list', 'dbs' add_list 'db:show', %w[db], 'Describe a information of a database', 'db example_db' add_list 'db:create', %w[db], 'Create a database', 'db:create example_db' add_list 'db:delete', %w[db], 'Delete a database', 'db:delete example_db' add_list 'table:list', %w[db?], 'Show list of tables', 'table:list', 'table:list example_db', 'tables' add_list 'table:show', %w[db table], 'Describe a information of a table', 'table example_db table1' add_list 'table:create', %w[db table], 'Create a table', 'table:create example_db table1' add_list 'table:delete', %w[db table], 'Delete a table', 'table:delete example_db table1' add_list 'table:import', %w[db table files_], 'Parse and import files to a table', 'table:import example_db table1 --apache access.log', 'table:import example_db table1 --json -t time - < test.json' add_list 'table:tail', %w[db table], 'Get recently imported logs', 'table:tail example_db table1', 'table:tail example_db table1 -t "2011-01-02 03:04:05" -n 30' add_list 'result:info', %w[], 'Show information of the MySQL server', 'result:info' add_list 'result:list', %w[], 'Show list of result tables', 'result:list', 'results' add_list 'result:create', %w[name], 'Create a result table', 'result:create rset1' add_list 'result:delete', %w[name], 'Delete a result table', 'result:delete rset1' add_list 'result:connect', %w[sql?], 'Connect to the server using mysql command', 'result:connect' #add_list 'result:get', %w[name], 'Download dump of the result table' add_list 'status', %w[], 'Show schedules, jobs, tables and results', 'status', 's' add_list 'schema:show', %w[db table], 'Show schema of a table', 'schema example_db table1' add_list 'schema:set', %w[db table columns_?], 'Set new schema on a table', 'schema:set example_db table1 user:string size:int' add_list 'schema:add', %w[db table columns_], 'Add new columns to a table', 'schema:add example_db table1 user:string size:int' add_list 'schema:remove', %w[db table columns_], 'Remove columns from a table', 'schema:remove example_db table1 user size' add_list 'sched:list', %w[], 'Show list of schedules', 'sched:list', 'scheds' add_list 'sched:create', %w[name cron sql], 'Create a schedule', 'sched:create sched1 "0 * * * *" -d example_db "select count(*) from table1" -r rset1' add_list 'sched:delete', %w[name], 'Delete a schedule', 'sched:delete sched1' add_list 'sched:history', %w[name max?], 'Show history of scheduled queries', 'sched sched1 --page 1' add_list 'query', %w[sql], 'Issue a query', 'query -d example_db -w -r rset1 "select count(*) from table1"' add_list 'job:show', %w[job_id], 'Show status and result of a job', 'job 1461' add_list 'job:list', %w[max?], 'Show list of jobs', 'jobs', 'jobs --page 1' add_list 'job:kill', %w[job_id], 'Kill or cancel a job', 'job:kill 1461' add_list 'account', %w[user_name?], 'Setup a Treasure Data account' add_list 'apikey:show', %w[], 'Show Treasure Data API key' add_list 'apikey:set', %w[apikey], 'Set Treasure Data API key' add_list 'aggr:list', %w[], 'Show list of aggregation schemas' add_list 'aggr:show', %w[name], 'Describe a aggregation schema' add_list 'aggr:create', %w[name relation_key], 'Create a aggregation schema' add_list 'aggr:delete', %w[name], 'Delete a aggregation schema' add_list 'aggr:add-log', %w[name db table entry_name o1_key? o2_key? o3_key?], 'Add a log aggregation entry' add_list 'aggr:add-attr', %w[name db table entry_name method_name parameters_?], 'Add an attribute aggregation entry' add_list 'aggr:del-log', %w[name entry_name], 'Delete a log aggregation entry' add_list 'aggr:del-attr', %w[name entry_name], 'Delete an attribute aggregation entry' add_list 'server:status', %w[], 'Show status of the Treasure Data server' add_list 'help:all', %w[], 'Show usage of all commands' add_list 'help', %w[command], 'Show usage of a command' # aliases add_alias 'db', 'db:show' add_alias 'dbs', 'db:list' add_alias 'database:show', 'db:show' add_alias 'database:list', 'db:list' add_alias 'database:create', 'db:create' add_alias 'database:delete', 'db:delete' add_alias 'database', 'db:show' add_alias 'databases', 'db:list' add_alias 'table', 'table:show' add_alias 'tables', 'table:list' add_alias 'result', 'help' # dummy add_alias 'results', 'result:list' add_alias 'schema', 'schema:show' add_alias 'schedule:list', 'sched:list' add_alias 'schedule:create', 'sched:create' add_alias 'schedule:delete', 'sched:delete' add_alias 'schedule:history', 'sched:history' add_alias 'schedule:hist', 'sched:history' add_alias 'sched:hist', 'sched:history' add_alias 'sched', 'sched:history' add_alias 'scheds', 'sched:list' add_alias 'schedules', 'sched:list' add_alias 'job', 'job:show' add_alias 'jobs', 'job:list' add_alias 'kill', 'job:kill' add_alias 'aggr', 'aggr:show' add_alias 'aggrs', 'aggr:list' add_alias 'apikey', 'apikey:show' add_alias 'server', 'server:status' add_alias 's', 'status' # backward compatibility add_alias 'show-databases', 'db:list' add_alias 'show-dbs', 'db:list' add_alias 'create-database', 'db:create' add_alias 'create-db', 'db:create' add_alias 'drop-database', 'db:delete' add_alias 'drop-db', 'db:delete' add_alias 'delete-database', 'db:delete' add_alias 'delete-db', 'db:delete' add_alias 'show-tables', 'table:list' add_alias 'show-table', 'table:show' add_alias 'create-log-table', 'table:create' add_alias 'create-table', 'table:create' add_alias 'drop-log-table', 'table:delete' add_alias 'drop-table', 'table:delete' add_alias 'delete-log-table', 'table:delete' add_alias 'delete-table', 'table:delete' add_guess 'show-job', 'job:show' add_guess 'show-jobs', 'job:list' add_guess 'server-status', 'server:status' add_alias 'import', 'table:import' finishup end end end