# fluent-plugin-mysql

## Component

### MysqlOutput

[Fluentd](http://fluentd.org) plugin to store mysql tables over SQL, to each columns per values, or to single column as json.

## Configuration

### MysqlOutput

MysqlOutput needs MySQL server's host/port/database/username/password, and INSERT format as SQL, or as table name and columns.

    <match output.by.sql.*>
      type mysql
      host master.db.service.local
      # port 3306 # default
      database application_logs
      username myuser
      password mypass
      key_names status,bytes,vhost,path,rhost,agent,referer
      sql INSERT INTO accesslog (status,bytes,vhost,path,rhost,agent,referer) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
      flush_interval 5s
    <match output.by.names.*>
      type mysql
      host master.db.service.local
      database application_logs
      username myuser
      password mypass
      key_names status,bytes,vhost,path,rhost,agent,referer
      table accesslog
      # 'columns' names order must be same with 'key_names'
      columns status,bytes,vhost,path,rhost,agent,referer
      flush_interval 5s

Or, insert json into single column.

    <match output.as.json.*>
      type mysql
      host master.db.service.local
      database application_logs
      username root
      table accesslog
      columns jsondata
      format json
      flush_interval 5s

To include time/tag into output, use `include_time_key` and `include_tag_key`, like this:

    <match output.with.tag.and.time.*>
      type mysql
      host my.mysql.local
      database anydatabase
      username yourusername
      password secret
      include_time_key yes
      ### default `time_format` is ISO-8601
      # time_format %Y%m%d-%H%M%S
      ### default `time_key` is 'time'
      # time_key timekey
      include_tag_key yes
      ### default `tag_key` is 'tag'
      # tag_key tagkey
      table anydata
      key_names time,tag,field1,field2,field3,field4
      sql INSERT INTO baz (coltime,coltag,col1,col2,col3,col4) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)

Or, for json:

    <match output.with.tag.and.time.as.json.*>
      type mysql
      host database.local
      database foo
      username root
      include_time_key yes
      utc   # with UTC timezone output (default: localtime)
      time_format %Y%m%d-%H%M%S
      time_key timeattr
      include_tag_key yes
      tag_key tagattr
      table accesslog
      columns jsondata
      format json
    #=> inserted json data into column 'jsondata' with addtional attribute 'timeattr' and 'tagattr'

### JsonPath format

You can use [JsonPath](http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/) selectors as key_names, such as:

	<match output.with.jsonpath.format.*>
	   type mysql
	   host database.local
       database foo
       username bar

       include_time_key yes
       include_tag_key yes
       table baz

       format jsonpath
       key_names time, tag, id, data.name, tags[0]
       sql INSERT INTO baz (coltime,coltag,id,name,tag1) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)

Which for a record like:

`{ 'id' => 15, 'data'=> {'name' => 'jsonpath' }, 'tags' => ['unit', 'simple'] }`

will generate the following insert values:


## Prerequisites

`fluent-plugin-mysql` uses `mysql2` gem, and `mysql2` links against `libmysqlclient`. See [Installing](https://github.com/brianmario/mysql2#installing) for its installation.


* implement 'tag_mapped'
  * dynamic tag based table selection

## Copyright

* Copyright
  * Copyright(C) 2016- TAGOMORI Satoshi (tagomoris)
* License
  * Apache License, Version 2.0