I am happy to announce that Rails 4.0.1 has been released. This is a bug fix release and includes more than 460 commits.
This release comes up with an important change on how Active Record handles subsequent order
In Rails 4.0.0 when you do something like this:
User.order("name asc").order("created_at desc")
The latter called order
will be prepended in the ORDER BY clause resulting on this SQL:
SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY created_at desc, name asc
In Rails 4.0.1 the behavior of Rails 3 has been restored and the generated ORDER BY clause looks like this:
SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY name asc, created_at desc
We chose to revert the behavior because it added a major backward incompatibility that made harder to have an upgrade path without major changes in the application code. Also we consider the older behavior a bug since it behaves differently from all the others scope methods when they are chained. So we took the most conservative path of reverting it to be consistent with the idea of having a smoother upgrade path to Rails 4.
For those who want the old behavior you can use .reorder
or .unscope
to remove the ORDER BY clause and generate another one.
Also, this release adds some performance improvements to make Rails 4 even faster.
To view the changes for each gem, please read the changelogs on GitHub:
Full listing
To see the full list of changes, check out all the commits on GitHub.
If you'd like to verify that your gem is the same as the one I've uploaded, please use these SHA-1 hashes:
I'd like to thank you all, every contributor who helped with this release.
]]>I am happy to announce that Rails 4.0.1.rc1 has been released. This is a bug fix release and includes more than 450 commits.
This release comes up with an important change on how Active Record handles subsequent order
In Rails 4.0.0 when you do something like this:
User.order("name asc").order("created_at desc")
The later called order
will be prepended in the ORDER BY clause resulting on this SQL:
SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY created_at desc, name asc
In Rails 4.0.1 the behavior of Rails 3 has been restored and the generated ORDER BY clause looks like this:
SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY name asc, created_at desc
We chose to revert the behavior because it added a major backward incompatibility that made harder to have an upgrade path without major changes in the application code. So we took the most conservative path of reverting it to be consistent with the idea of having a smoother upgrade path to Rails 4.
Also, this release adds some performance improvements to make Rails 4 even faster.
If no regressions are found we will release 4.0.1 final this Tuesday, on October 22, 2013. If you find one, please open an Issue on GitHub and mention me (@rafaelfranca) on it, so that we can fix it before the final release.
To view the changes for each gem, please read the changelogs on GitHub:
Full listing
To see the full list of changes, check out all the commits on GitHub.
If you'd like to verify that your gem is the same as the one I've uploaded, please use these SHA-1 hashes:
I'd like to thank you all, every contributor who helped with this release.
]]>I am happy to announce that Rails 3.2.15 has been released. This is a bug fix release and includes 56 commits.
This release also contains one security fix that you can read about here. Users are encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.
To view the changes for each gem, please read the changelogs on GitHub:
Full listing
To see the full list of changes, check out all the commits on GitHub.
If you'd like to verify that your gem is the same as the one I've uploaded, please use these SHA-1 hashes:
$ shasum *
3c9bf15a9b2ea5c4c3280638776f84783adefe6d actionmailer-3.2.15.gem
34cc3d5cbcee97a4e57ee9d909f51f0f387991bb actionpack-3.2.15.gem
b1c631dd75fffee2f34407aaf01405aef6c63a43 activemodel-3.2.15.gem
7c86074b47c3864943b719d5b969264e2ace722c activerecord-3.2.15.gem
a95f88e30d1af9c377f01725282d0e581bd9f88f activeresource-3.2.15.gem
08b57d2bf95fd16eb9bf1de144f7f0461894ee68 activesupport-3.2.15.gem
da220b9b6f37871d7f32f4c66fe33d42acc92a5a rails-3.2.15.gem
66e189a5331dabc675459001d57e0fd906f3a888 railties-3.2.15.gem
I'd like to thank you all, every contributor who helped with this release, especially everyone who tried the release candidates.
]]>I am happy to announce that Rails 3.2.14 has been released. This is a bug fix release and includes more than 150 commits.
I also want to announce that the next 3.2.x release, 3.2.15, will be the last bug fix release of this family. After it we will only release security fixes. So, if you have issues on 3.2.x that you think should be included on 3.2.15, let us know thought the GitHub issues page and in 3 months we'll evaluate if it is time to release.
Action Mailer
No changes.
Action Pack
Merge :action
from routing scope and assign endpoint if both :controller
and :action
are present. The endpoint assignment only occurs if there is
no :to
present in the options hash so should only affect routes using the
shorthand syntax (i.e. endpoint is inferred from the the path).
Fixes #9856
Yves Senn, Andrew White
Always escape the result of link_to_unless
link_to_unless(true, '<b>Showing</b>', 'github.com')
# => "<b>Showing</b>"
link_to_unless(true, '<b>Showing</b>', 'github.com')
# => "<b>Showing</b>"
Use a case insensitive URI Regexp for #asset_path.
This fix a problem where the same asset path using different case are generating different URIs.
# => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"/assets/HTTP://google.com\" />"
# => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"http://google.com\" />"
# => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"HTTP://google.com\" />"
# => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"http://google.com\" />"
David Celis + Rafael Mendonça França
Fix explicit names on multiple file fields. If a file field tag has
the multiple option, it is turned into an array field (appending []
but if an explicit name is passed to file_field
the []
is not
Fixes #9830.
Ryan McGeary
Fix assets loading performance in 3.2.13.
Issue #8756 uses Sprockets for resolving files that already exist on disk, for those files their extensions don't need to be rewritten.
Fixes #9803.
Fred Wu
Fix ActionController#action_missing
not being called.
Fixes #9799.
Janko Luin
returns the number unaltered when
the units hash does not contain the needed key, e.g. when the number provided is less
than the largest key provided.
number_to_human(123, units: {}) # => 123
number_to_human(123, units: { thousand: 'k' }) # => 123
Fixes #9269. Backport #9347.
Michael Hoffman
Include I18n locale fallbacks in view lookup. Fixes GH#3512.
Juan Barreneche
Fix ActionDispatch::Request#formats
when the Accept request-header is an
empty string. Fix #7774 [Backport #8977, #9541]
Soylent + Maxime Réty
Active Model
No changes.
Active Record
Do not re-create destroyed association when saving the parent object.
Fixes #11450.
Paul Nikitochkin
Do not shallow the original exception in exec_cache
on PostgreSQL adapter.
Fixes #11260.
Rafael Mendonça França
Fix ActiveRecord::Store
incorrectly tracking changes of its attributes.
Fixes #10373.
Janko Marohnić
Fix a bug that prevented the use of the default STI inheritance column (ActiveRecord::Base.inheritancecolumn = 'somecolumn'.)
chapmajs + Takehiro Adachi
Fix mysql2 adapter raises the correct exception when executing a query on a closed connection.
Yves Senn
Fixes bug where Company.new.contract_ids
would incorrectly load
all non-associated contracts.
company = Company.new # Company has many :contracts
# before
company.contract_ids # => SELECT ... WHERE `contracts`.`company_id` IS NULL
# after
company.contract_ids # => []
Jared Armstrong
Fix the :primary_key
option for has_many
Fixes #10693.
Yves Senn
fixes bug introduced by #3329. Now, when autosaving associations, deletions happen before inserts and saves. This prevents a 'duplicate unique value' database error that would occur if a record being created had the same value on a unique indexed field as that of a record being destroyed.
Backport of #10417
Johnny Holton
Fix that under some conditions, Active Record could produce invalid SQL of the sort: "SELECT DISTINCT DISTINCT".
Backport of #6792.
Ben Woosley
Require ActiveRecord::Base
in railtie hooks for rake_tasks, console and runner to
avoid circular constant loading issues.
Backport #7695.
Fixes #7683 and #882
Ben Holley
Maintain context for joins within ActiveRecord::Relation merges. Backport #10164.
Neeraj Singh + Andrew Horner
Make sure the EXPLAIN
command is never triggered by a select_db
Daniel Schierbeck
Revert changes on pluck
that was ignoring the select clause when the relation already
has one. This caused a regression since it changed the behavior in a stable release.
Fixes #9777.
Rafael Mendonça França
Confirm a record has not already been destroyed before decrementing counter cache.
Ben Tucker
Default values for PostgreSQL bigint types now get parsed and dumped to the schema correctly. Backport #10098.
Erik Peterson
Removed warning when auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds
is set and the
connection adapter doesn't support explain.
This is causing a regression since the Active Record Railtie is trying to
connect to the development database in the application boot.
Rafael Mendonça França
Do not reset inheritance_column
when it's set explicitly.
Backport of #5327.
kennyj + Fred Wu
Fix a problem wrong exception is occured when raising no translatable exception in PostgreSQL.
Resets the postgres search path in the structure.sql after the structure is dumped in order to find schema_migrations table when multiples schemas are used. Fixes #9796.
Juan M. Cuello + Dembskiy Alexander
Reload the association target if it's stale. @stale_state
should be nil
when a model isn't saved.
Fixes #7526.
Larry Lv
Don't read CSV files during execution of db:fixtures:load
. CSV support for
fixtures was removed some time ago but the task was still loading them, even
though later the code was looking for the related yaml file instead.
Active Resource
Fixes an issue that ActiveResource models ignores ActiveResource::Base.includerootin_json. Backported from the now separate repo rails/activeresouce.
Xinjiang Lu
Active Support
Make Time.at_with_coercion
retain the second fraction and return local time.
Fixes #11350
Neer Friedman, Andrew White
Fix ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging
incorrectly providing program name the same as log message
even when block is not provided.
Carson Reinke
Override Time.at
to support the passing of Time-like values when called with a single argument.
Andrew White
Revert the changes on unicode character encoding from ActiveSupport::JSON.encode
This was causing a regression where the resulting string is always returning UTF-8.
Also it changes the behavior of this method on a stable release.
Fixes #9498.
Rafael Mendonça França
Fix ActiveSupport::TimeZone.parse
when time is at a local DST jump.
Fixes #9678.
Andrew White
Fix bugs that crashed rake test:benchmark
, rails profiler
rails benchmarker
Fixes #4938.
Backport rails/rails-perftest#2.
Dmitry Vorotilin + Yves Senn
Add support for runner hook.
Backport #7695.
Ben Holley
Fixes bug with scaffold generator with --assets=false --resource-route=false
Fixes #9525.
Arun Agrawal
Full listing
To see the full list of changes, check out all the commits on GitHub.
If you'd like to verify that your gem is the same as the one I've uploaded, please use these SHA-1 hashes:
I'd like to thank you all, every contributor who helped with this release, especially everyone who tried the release candidates.
]]>One regression was found on the 3.2.14.rc1 release. So, following the script We are releasing a new release candidate, Rails 3.2.14.rc2.
If no regressions are found we will release 3.2.14 final final this Friday, on July 19, 2013. If you find one, please open an Issue on GitHub and mention me (@rafaelfranca) on it, so that we can fix it before the final release.
Action Mailer
No changes.
Action Pack
No changes.
Active Model
No changes.
Active Record
Do not re-create destroyed association when saving the parent object.
Fixes #11450.
Paul Nikitochkin
Active Resource
No changes.
Active Support
No changes.
No changes.
Full listing
To see the full list of changes, check out all the commits on GitHub.
If you'd like to verify that your gem is the same as the one we've uploaded, please use these SHA-1 hashes:
Thank you everyone!
]]>I am happy to announce that Rails 3.2.14.rc1 has been released. If no regressions are found I will release 3.2.14 final final this Monday, on July 15, 2013. If you find one, please open an Issue on GitHub and mention me on it, so that I can fix it before the final release.
Action Mailer
No changes.
Action Pack
Merge :action
from routing scope and assign endpoint if both :controller
and :action
are present. The endpoint assignment only occurs if there is
no :to
present in the options hash so should only affect routes using the
shorthand syntax (i.e. endpoint is inferred from the the path).
Fixes #9856
Yves Senn, Andrew White
Always escape the result of link_to_unless
link_to_unless(true, '<b>Showing</b>', 'github.com')
# => "<b>Showing</b>"
link_to_unless(true, '<b>Showing</b>', 'github.com')
# => "<b>Showing</b>"
Use a case insensitive URI Regexp for #asset_path.
This fix a problem where the same asset path using different case are generating different URIs.
# => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"/assets/HTTP://google.com\" />"
# => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"http://google.com\" />"
# => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"HTTP://google.com\" />"
# => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"http://google.com\" />"
David Celis + Rafael Mendonça França
Fix explicit names on multiple file fields. If a file field tag has
the multiple option, it is turned into an array field (appending []
but if an explicit name is passed to file_field
the []
is not
Fixes #9830.
Ryan McGeary
Fix assets loading performance in 3.2.13.
Issue #8756 uses Sprockets for resolving files that already exist on disk, for those files their extensions don't need to be rewritten.
Fixes #9803.
Fred Wu
Fix ActionController#action_missing
not being called.
Fixes #9799.
Janko Luin
returns the number unaltered when
the units hash does not contain the needed key, e.g. when the number provided is less
than the largest key provided.
number_to_human(123, units: {}) # => 123
number_to_human(123, units: { thousand: 'k' }) # => 123
Fixes #9269. Backport #9347.
Michael Hoffman
Include I18n locale fallbacks in view lookup. Fixes GH#3512.
Juan Barreneche
Fix ActionDispatch::Request#formats
when the Accept request-header is an
empty string. Fix #7774 [Backport #8977, #9541]
Soylent + Maxime Réty
Active Model
No changes.
Active Record
Do not shallow the original exception in exec_cache
on PostgreSQL adapter.
Fixes #11260.
Rafael Mendonça França
Fix ActiveRecord::Store
incorrectly tracking changes of its attributes.
Fixes #10373.
Janko Marohnić
Fix a bug that prevented the use of the default STI inheritance column (ActiveRecord::Base.inheritancecolumn = 'somecolumn'.)
chapmajs + Takehiro Adachi
Fix mysql2 adapter raises the correct exception when executing a query on a closed connection.
Yves Senn
Fixes bug where Company.new.contract_ids
would incorrectly load
all non-associated contracts.
company = Company.new # Company has many :contracts
# before
company.contract_ids # => SELECT ... WHERE `contracts`.`company_id` IS NULL
# after
company.contract_ids # => []
Jared Armstrong
Fix the :primary_key
option for has_many
Fixes #10693.
Yves Senn
fixes bug introduced by #3329. Now, when autosaving associations, deletions happen before inserts and saves. This prevents a 'duplicate unique value' database error that would occur if a record being created had the same value on a unique indexed field as that of a record being destroyed.
Backport of #10417
Johnny Holton
Fix that under some conditions, Active Record could produce invalid SQL of the sort: "SELECT DISTINCT DISTINCT".
Backport of #6792.
Ben Woosley
Require ActiveRecord::Base
in railtie hooks for rake_tasks, console and runner to
avoid circular constant loading issues.
Backport #7695.
Fixes #7683 and #882
Ben Holley
Maintain context for joins within ActiveRecord::Relation merges. Backport #10164.
Neeraj Singh + Andrew Horner
Make sure the EXPLAIN
command is never triggered by a select_db
Daniel Schierbeck
Revert changes on pluck
that was ignoring the select clause when the relation already
has one. This caused a regression since it changed the behavior in a stable release.
Fixes #9777.
Rafael Mendonça França
Confirm a record has not already been destroyed before decrementing counter cache.
Ben Tucker
Default values for PostgreSQL bigint types now get parsed and dumped to the schema correctly. Backport #10098.
Erik Peterson
Removed warning when auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds
is set and the
connection adapter doesn't support explain.
This is causing a regression since the Active Record Railtie is trying to
connect to the development database in the application boot.
Rafael Mendonça França
Do not reset inheritance_column
when it's set explicitly.
Backport of #5327.
kennyj + Fred Wu
Fix a problem wrong exception is occured when raising no translatable exception in PostgreSQL.
Resets the postgres search path in the structure.sql after the structure is dumped in order to find schema_migrations table when multiples schemas are used. Fixes #9796.
Juan M. Cuello + Dembskiy Alexander
Reload the association target if it's stale. @stale_state
should be nil
when a model isn't saved.
Fixes #7526.
Larry Lv
Don't read CSV files during execution of db:fixtures:load
. CSV support for
fixtures was removed some time ago but the task was still loading them, even
though later the code was looking for the related yaml file instead.
Active Resource
Fixes an issue that ActiveResource models ignores ActiveResource::Base.includerootin_json. Backported from the now separate repo rails/activeresouce.
Xinjiang Lu
Active Support
Make Time.at_with_coercion
retain the second fraction and return local time.
Fixes #11350
Neer Friedman, Andrew White
Fix ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging
incorrectly providing program name the same as log message
even when block is not provided.
Carson Reinke
Override Time.at
to support the passing of Time-like values when called with a single argument.
Andrew White
Revert the changes on unicode character encoding from ActiveSupport::JSON.encode
This was causing a regression where the resulting string is always returning UTF-8.
Also it changes the behavior of this method on a stable release.
Fixes #9498.
Rafael Mendonça França
Fix ActiveSupport::TimeZone.parse
when time is at a local DST jump.
Fixes #9678.
Andrew White
Fix bugs that crashed rake test:benchmark
, rails profiler
rails benchmarker
Fixes #4938.
Backport rails/rails-perftest#2.
Dmitry Vorotilin + Yves Senn
Add support for runner hook.
Backport #7695.
Ben Holley
Fixes bug with scaffold generator with --assets=false --resource-route=false
Fixes #9525.
Arun Agrawal
Full listing
To see the full list of changes, check out all the commits on GitHub.
If you'd like to verify that your gem is the same as the one I've uploaded, please use these SHA-1 hashes:
Thank you everyone!
]]>A big focus has been on making it dead simple to build modern web applications that are screaming fast without needing to go the client-side JS/JSON server route. Much of this work was pioneered for Rails in the new version of Basecamp and focuses on three aspects:
Rails is of course still a great JSON server for people who want to build client-side JS views with Ember.js, Backbone.js or Angular.js, but with the progress we've made for Rails 4.0, you certainly won't need to go down that route just to have a super fast application.
We've also added live streaming for persistent connections and Rails 4.0 is now safe for threaded servers out of the box (no more need for config.threadsafe!).
Active Record has received a ton of love as well to make everything related to scoping and the query structure more consistent. We've also locked down the general security defaults even tighter with this version.
On top of these new features and fixes, we have hundreds more of all sorts. Everything has been combed over, streamlined, simplified, and we've extracted out lots of old APIs and things that just don't fit "most people most of the time".
Active Resource, Active Record Observers, and Action Pack page and action caching are all examples of things that are no longer in core, but lives on in plugins.
We encourage you to peruse the CHANGELOGs for all the Rails frameworks and delight over the hundreds of improvements we've made to Rails 4.0: Action Pack, Active Model, Active Record, Active Support, Rails.
If you're upgrading an existing application to Rails 4, have a look at the upgrade guide or the Railscast screencast. As always, install the latest with gem install rails --version 4.0.0 --no-ri --no-rdoc
or depend on the v4.0.0 tag. If you haven't already, now is a good time to upgrade to Ruby 2.0 as well. Rails 5+ will require Ruby 2.0, so you might as well get a head start.
If you'd like to learn more about developing Rails 4 applications, the final version of Agile Web Development with Rails 4 was released today as well. The more advanced Crafting Rails 4 Applications is also out in late-stage beta. For screencasts, checkout the new Rails 4: Zombie Outlaws and Mike Clark's Rails 4 class. There's new material and books coming out all the time from a variety of other authors and broadcasters, so we're really in good shape with training material timed for the release this time.
Finally, thanks to everyone who contributed to this release. There has been some 10,000 commits between the latest 3.2 release and Rails 4.0 and ~500 people have contributed in 2013 alone. We have a bigger and more engaged community than ever before and it shows: Rails 4 is an incredibly polished release. It's a real milestone and something for everyone in the community to be proud of.
]]>docrails is a branch of Ruby on Rails thought for quick doc fixes that gets cross-merged with master regularly, please have a look at What is docrails? for more on docrails.
When Pratik Naik created docrails back in 2008, he offered commit bit to anyone interested (this is the original announcement). Let me express my admiration for this idea. You know, in open source the commit bit is seen as the precious treasure only given to a few, and Pratik goes and puts this upside down to encourage contributions to the documentation. Genius!
And it went even further. GitHub was very kind to flip a private backend flag for docrails that enabled public write access, you didn't even have to ask for commit bit, you could clone and push without asking for permission.
The idea proved to work, trust people and you'll get trust back. Tons of people, including yours truly, have been able to contribute and improve the API and the guides with a workflow that is trivial compared to the friction of pull requests. Is about the same effort for Rails committers, patches have to be equally reviewed, but much less for contributors, which is fantastic.
GitHub had to change their infrastructure recently and they needed to get rid of that hackish flag (only used by three projects). We are very grateful to them for providing it all this time. Thanks guys!
With the flag out now we are back to the roots. docrails is now owned by the Rails organization and has thus moved from lifo/docrails to rails/docrails. You can either ask for commit bit if you'd like to contribute to docrails regularly (please contact anyone from the core team), or else propose documentation changes to Rails itself via pull requests to rails/rails.
Please, do not open pull requests in docrails, documentation belongs to Rails and is maintained and evolved alongside the source code, the purpose of docrails is precisely to give you a way to bypass pull requests altogether.
]]>As last time, please give this release candidate an honest try. This is the version we're going to ship on June 25th unless people find and report blocking issues. Please report all the issues you find on the Rails issue tracker.
As always, install the release with gem install rails --version 4.0.0.rc2 --no-ri --no-rdoc
or depend on the v4.0.0.rc2 tag. You can also follow the 4-0-0 branch. 4-0-0-stable is now targeting 4.0.1 and master is targeting 4.1.
Go West, friends!
]]>Genadi Samokovarov will be working on adding a web-based console for development, debugging and testing your Rails applications. He will be mentored by Rails Core Team member Guillermo Iguaran.
Łukasz Strzałkowski will be working on seperating Action View from Action Pack and adding support for custom view classes. He will be mentored by Piotr Sarnacki, who was a Rails Summer of Code student in 2010 and has been a consistent contributor to Rails.
Ujjwal Thaakar will be working on adding support to Rails for bulk/collection actions with RESTful resources. He will be mentored by Rails Core Team member Andrew White.
Kasper Timm Hansen will be working on replacing the venerable html-scanner in the Rails HTML Sanitization API with Loofah and adding improvements to the API. He will be mentored by Rails Core Team member Rafael França.
John Wang will be working on refactoring the configuration and initialization of Rails applications. He will be mentored by Rails Core Team member Santiago Pastorino.
We'd like to thank all of the students and mentors who participated in the Summer of Code selection process - it was tough to get down to five projects, considering all the great proposals we had. We're looking forward to seeing what all of our students bring to Rails this summer and we hope not to lose touch with others who are also excited about the prospects for Rails 4.0.
]]>As last time, please give this release candidate an honest try. This is pretty much the version we're going to ship unless people find and report blocking issues. Depending on how much stuff is unearthed, we expect that the final version could drop in as little as 3-4 weeks. Please report all the issues you find on the Rails issue tracker.
We're still working on the upgrade guide from 3.2 to 4.0, but that's a good place to start for help on how to do it. We're also so lucky to have many authors and screencasters ready with material for 4.0. In the books department, you'll find Rails 4.0-ready versions of Agile Web Development with Rails and Crafting Rails Applications. For screencasts, checkout the new Rails 4: Zombie Outlaws and Mike Clark's Rails 4 class. There's new material and books coming out all the time from a variety of other authors and broadcasters, so we're really in good shape with training material timed for the release this time!
As always, install the release with gem install rails --version 4.0.0.rc1 --no-ri --no-rdoc
or depend on the v4.0.0.rc1 tag. We also have a new 4-0-stable branch. Master is now safe to move on to developing features for 4.1.
Go West, friends!
]]>We're building a potential list of project ideas on a GitHub wiki, but we welcome other interesting proposals. If your proposal gets accepted, Google will pay you $5000 over the course of three months to work on the code. If you're interested, head over to the GSoC site and start reading about the process. Student applications can be submitted starting April 22 and the deadline is May 3.
If you're wondering what's involved in becoming a GSoC student then the Google Student Guide has all the details on what's expected and what you will gain from taking part. Any further questions can be directed either to the mailing list or to me directly.
What if you're not a student? You can still help out by discussing ideas on the special mailing list we've setup for this year's program. Or if you've got previous experience of contributing to Rails and are ready to make a strong commitment to help out the next generation of developers, you can apply to be a mentor.
We're looking forward to working with this year's students, and expecting some outstanding contributions to Rails as a result!
]]>Rails versions 3.2.13, 3.1.12, and 2.3.18 have been released. These releases contain important security fixes. It is recommended users upgrade as soon as possible.
Please check out these links for the security fixes:
helper of Ruby on RailsAll versions of Rails are impacted by one or more of these security issues, but per our maintenance policy, only versions 3.2.13, 3.1.12, and 2.3.18 have been released. You can find patches for older versions on each stable branch on GitHub:
as well as with the security advisories.
For other changes in each particular release, please see the CHANGELOG corresponding to that version. For all commits in each release, please follow the links below:
Here are the checksums for the released gems:
[aaron@higgins dist]$ shasum *3.2.13.gem
72b14536f1717121e8b2a5aa5a06c6194e02c87c actionmailer-3.2.13.gem
a21166f7c364ff7825bf83f9757c33cc44fa0c00 actionpack-3.2.13.gem
9fa309dee3f87a53764db3aaefe3bbf6f9724ad2 activemodel-3.2.13.gem
469f6b4456d7fa1bf0336d488ad5878a6842e2da activerecord-3.2.13.gem
0c89382354ffc5b4438ed37434b50d7cbc71d569 activeresource-3.2.13.gem
cdf230b698b28ae1cffb325ecbb9e219645ed68b activesupport-3.2.13.gem
3785dc8d2af1521baddf2d90b67a9b61b2b31604 rails-3.2.13.gem
ff0607812bead596492272e4a4306ae3e950bdf4 railties-3.2.13.gem
[aaron@higgins dist]$ shasum *3.1.12.gem
b3f0ecee33032416170263508ccfb33d5dd65eef actionmailer-3.1.12.gem
426fcf3f5d4e29ae6bf21f536a97d90d02bf73bb actionpack-3.1.12.gem
2b01ba8bd85d67ded372f3908b694c1fa1ccb041 activemodel-3.1.12.gem
a3afc58fe3f7448ba09cdacb2046c9e10e474cb4 activerecord-3.1.12.gem
d3402193c0820f016b492162547194f942c96c1a activeresource-3.1.12.gem
e25ed2f7e055d38b1bed482faf8b563a6b7e3899 activesupport-3.1.12.gem
75c2f85ed1e09d2bd1baa3efab5f097cdaef2a6b rails-3.1.12.gem
618c5beb85124fbedfe41a72424079700f7a1d2c railties-3.1.12.gem
[aaron@higgins dist]$ shasum *2.3.18.gem
09e361c4c96104303abad5faa4aec72ebe7c19d1 actionmailer-2.3.18.gem
deca0d8352858f734479b54162269e334faada21 actionpack-2.3.18.gem
e385b4b2e863592f9f06ca3248a67a18ea8c7e6c activerecord-2.3.18.gem
ff4fb4a62c4d4007a6c596edf8f7055147948e60 activeresource-2.3.18.gem
1b9102fa31a47cf66b0c2583c99b707544d42054 activesupport-2.3.18.gem
f4aff07dce1db10ad6145e358344671cc482de70 rails-2.3.18.gem
Happy Monday!
]]>I'd like to announce that Rails 3.2.13.rc2 has been released.
Rails 3.2.13.rc2 contains fixes for regressions found in rc1. Please test out rc2. If you find regressions between 3.2.13.rc2 and 3.2.12, please email the rails-core mailing list, or file an issue on GitHub.
If there aren't any major regressions, 3.2.13 final will be released on March 13, 2013.
]]>This is a bugfix release, with 287 commits. There is one big thing that is technically a fix but is sort of a feature: Ruby 2.0 support. Big thanks to Prem Sichanugrist for putting that together! Please give your applications a try on Ruby 2.0 and let me know how that goes.
Action Mailer
No changes.
Action Pack
Determine the controller#action from only the matched path when using the shorthand syntax. Previously the complete path was used, which led to problems with nesting (scopes and namespaces). Fixes #7554. Backport #9361.
# this will route to questions#new
scope ':locale' do
get 'questions/new'
Yves Senn
Fix assert_template
with render :stream => true
Fix #1743.
Backport #5288.
Sergey Nartimov
Eagerly populate the http method loookup cache so local project inflections do not interfere with use of underscore method ( and we don't need locks )
Aditya Sanghi
no longer duplicates X-UA-Compatible
values on
each request to prevent header size from blowing up.
Edward Anderson
Fixed JSON params parsing regression for non-object JSON content.
Dylan Smith
Prevent unnecessary asset compilation when using javascript_include_tag
files with non-standard extensions.
Noah Silas
Fixes issue where duplicate assets can be required with sprockets.
Jeremy Jackson
Bump rack
dependency to 1.4.3, eliminate Rack::File
headers deprecation warning.
Sam Ruby + Carlos Antonio da Silva
Do not append second slash to root_url
when using trailing_slash: true
Fix #8700. Backport #8701.
Example: # before root_url # => http://test.host//
# after
root_url # => http://test.host/
Yves Senn
Fix a bug in content_tag_for
that prevents it for work without a block.
Clear url helper methods when routes are reloaded by removing the methods explicitly rather than just clearing the module because it didn't work properly and could be the source of a memory leak.
Andrew White
Fix a bug in ActionDispatch::Request#raw_post
that caused env['rack.input']
to be read but not rewound.
Matt Venables
More descriptive error messages when calling render :partial
an invalid :layout
Fixes #8376.
render :partial => 'partial', :layout => true
# results in ActionView::MissingTemplate: Missing partial /true
Yves Senn
Accept symbols as #send_data
:disposition value. [Backport #8329] Elia Schito
Add i18n scope to distance_of_time_in_words
. [Backport #7997] Steve Klabnik
Fix side effect of url_for
changing the :controller
string option. [Backport #6003]
controller = '/projects'
url_for :controller => controller, :action => 'status'
puts controller #=> 'projects'
puts controller #=> '/projects'
Nikita Beloglazov + Andrew White
Introduce ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB.escape_whitelist
. This is a list
of mime types where template text is not html escaped by default. It prevents Jack & Joe
from rendering as Jack & Joe
for the whitelisted mime types. The default whitelist
contains text/plain. Fix #7976 [Backport #8235]
Joost Baaij
middleware now appends it's X-UA-Compatible
value to app's
returned value if any. Fix #8086 [Backport #8093]
Nikita Afanasenko
prevent double slashes in engine urls when Rails.application.default_url_options[:trailing_slash] = true
is set
Fix #7842
Yves Senn
Fix input name when :multiple => true
and :index
are set.
check_box("post", "comment_ids", { :multiple => true, :index => "foo" }, 1)
#=> <input name=\"post[foo][comment_ids]\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"0\" /><input id=\"post_foo_comment_ids_1\" name=\"post[foo][comment_ids]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" />
check_box("post", "comment_ids", { :multiple => true, :index => "foo" }, 1)
#=> <input name=\"post[foo][comment_ids][]\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"0\" /><input id=\"post_foo_comment_ids_1\" name=\"post[foo][comment_ids][]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" />
Fix #8108
Daniel Fox, Grant Hutchins & Trace Wax
Active Model
Active Record
Reverted 921a296a3390192a71abeec6d9a035cc6d1865c8, 'Quote numeric values compared to string columns.' This caused several regressions.
Steve Klabnik
Fix overriding of attributes by default_scope on ActiveRecord::Base#dup
Hiroshige UMINO
Fix issue with overriding Active Record reader methods with a composed object
and using that attribute as the scope of a uniqueness_of
Backport #7072.
Peter Brown
Sqlite now preserves custom primary keys when copying or altering tables. Fixes #9367. Backport #2312.
Sean Scally + Yves Senn
Preloading has_many :through
associations with conditions won't
cache the :through
association. This will prevent invalid
subsets to be cached.
Fixes #8423.
Backport #9252.
class User
has_many :posts
has_many :recent_comments, -> { where('created_at > ?', 1.week.ago) }, :through => :posts
a_user = User.includes(:recent_comments).first
# this is preloaded
# fetching the recent_comments through the posts association won't preload it.
Yves Senn
Fix handling of dirty time zone aware attributes
Previously, when time_zone_aware_attributes
were enabled, after
changing a datetime or timestamp attribute and then changing it back
to the original value, changed_attributes
still tracked the
attribute as changed. This caused [attribute]_changed?
methods to return true incorrectly.
in_time_zone 'Paris' do
order = Order.new
original_time = Time.local(2012, 10, 10)
order.shipped_at = original_time
order.changed? # => false
# changing value
order.shipped_at = Time.local(2013, 1, 1)
order.changed? # => true
# reverting to original value
order.shipped_at = original_time
order.changed? # => false, used to return true
Backport of #9073 Fixes #8898
Lilibeth De La Cruz
Fix counter cache columns not updated when replacing has_many :through
Backport #8400.
Fix #7630.
Matthew Robertson
Don't update column_defaults
when calling destructive methods on column with default value.
Backport c517602.
Fix #6115.
Piotr Sarnacki + Aleksey Magusev + Alan Daud
When #count
is used in conjunction with #uniq
we perform count(:distinct => true)
Fix #6865.
relation.uniq.count # => SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT *)
Yves Senn + Kaspar Schiess
Fix ActiveRecord::Relation#pluck
when columns or tables are reserved words.
Backport #7536.
Fix #8968.
Ian Lesperance + Yves Senn + Kaspar Schiess
Don't run explain on slow queries for database adapters that don't support it. Backport #6197.
Blake Smith
Revert round usec when comparing timestamp attributes in the dirty tracking. Fixes #8460.
Andrew White
Revert creation of through association models when using collection=[]
on a has_many :through
association from an unsaved model.
Fix #7661, #8269.
Ernie Miller
Fix undefined method to_i
when calling new
on a scope that uses an
Array; Fix FloatDomainError when setting integer column to NaN.
Fixes #8718, #8734, #8757.
Jason Stirk + Tristan Harward
Serialized attributes can be serialized in integer columns. Fix #8575.
Rafael Mendonça França
Keep index names when using alter_table
with sqlite3.
Fix #3489.
Backport #8522.
Yves Senn
Recognize migrations placed in directories containing numbers and 'rb'. Fix #8492. Backport of #8500.
Yves Senn
Add ActiveRecord::Base.cache_timestamp_format
class attribute to control
the format of the timestamp value in the cache key.
This allows users to improve the precision of the cache key.
Fixes #8195.
Rafael Mendonça França
Add :nsec
date format. This can be used to improve the precision of cache key.
Please note that this format only works with Ruby 1.9, Ruby 1.8 will ignore it completely.
Jamie Gaskins
Unscope update_column(s)
query to ignore default scope.
When applying default_scope
to a class with a where clause, using
could generate a query that would not properly update
the record due to the where clause from the default_scope
being applied
to the update query.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope where(active: true)
user = User.first
user.active = false
user.update_column(:active, true) # => false
In this situation we want to skip the default_scope clause and just update the record based on the primary key. With this change:
user.update_column(:active, true) # => true
Backport of #8436 fix.
Carlos Antonio da Silva
Fix performance problem with primarykey method in PostgreSQL adapter when having many schemas. Uses pgconstraint table instead of pg_depend table which has many records in general. Fix #8414
Do not instantiate intermediate Active Record objects when eager loading.
These records caused after_find
to run more than expected.
Fix #3313
Backport of #8403
Yves Senn
Fix pluck
to work with joins. Backport of #4942.
Carlos Antonio da Silva
Fix a problem with translate_exception
method in a non English environment.
Backport of #6397.
Fix dirty attribute checks for TimeZoneConversion with nil and blank datetime attributes. Setting a nil datetime to a blank string should not result in a change being flagged. Fixes #8310. Backport of #8311.
Alisdair McDiarmid
Prevent mass assignment to the type column of polymorphic associations when using build
Fixes #8265.
Backport of #8291.
Yves Senn
When running migrations on Postgresql, the :limit
option for binary
and text
columns is
silently dropped.
Previously, these migrations caused sql exceptions, because Postgresql doesn't support limits
on these types.
Victor Costan
can be used on a relation with select
Fixes #7551.
Backport of #8176.
Topic.select([:approved, :id]).order(:id).pluck(:id)
Yves Senn
Use nil?
instead of blank?
to check whether dynamic finder with a bang
should raise RecordNotFound.
Fixes #7238.
Nikita Afanasenko
Fix deleting from a HABTM join table upon destroying an object of a model with optimistic locking enabled. Fixes #5332.
Nick Rogers
Use query cache/uncache when using ENV["DATABASE_URL"]. Fixes #6951. Backport of #8074.
Do not create useless database transaction when building has_one
User.has_one :profile
Backport of #8154.
Bogdan Gusiev
now returns unserialized values for serialized attributes.
Nikita Afanasenko
Fix issue that raises NameError
when overriding the accepts_nested_attributes
in child classes.
class Shared::Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :address
accepts_nested_attributes :address, :reject_if => :all_blank
class Person < Shared::Person
accepts_nested_attributes :address
#=> NameError: method `address_attributes=' not defined in Person
#=> Person(id: integer, ...)
Fixes #8131.
Gabriel Sobrinho, Ricardo Henrique
Active Resource
No changes.
Active Support
Fix DateTime comparison with DateTime::Infinity object.
Dan Kubb
Remove surrogate unicode character encoding from ActiveSupport::JSON.encode The encoding scheme was broken for unicode characters outside the basic multilingual plane; since json is assumed to be UTF-8, and we already force the encoding to UTF-8 simply pass through the un-encoded characters.
Brett Carter
Fix mocha v0.13.0 compatibility. James Mead
isolates options when encoding a hash. [Backport #8185]
Fix #8182
Yves Senn
Handle the possible Permission Denied errors atomic.rb might trigger due to its chown and chmod calls. [Backport #8027]
Daniele Sluijters
No changes.
Full listing
To see the full list of changes, check out all the commits on GitHub.
If you'd like to verify that your gem is the same as the one I've uploaded, please use these SHA-1 hashes:
]]>The purpose of this beta is to get as many people as possible to try to upgrade from Rails 3.2 and earlier and to get an adventurous few to start new applications directly on Rails 4.0. That's the only way we're going to suss out all the issues and ensure that we can launch a solid final release. So please help us with that if you can!
Rails 4.0 is packed with new goodies and farewells to old goodies past their expiration date.
A big focus has been on making it dead simple to build modern web applications that are screaming fast without needing to go the client-side JS/JSON server route. Much of this work was pioneered for Rails in the new version of Basecamp and focuses on three aspects:
Rails is of course still a great JSON server for people who want to build client-side JS views, but with the progress we've made for Rails 4.0, you certainly won't need to go down that route just to have a super fast application.
We've also added live streaming for persistent connections and Rails 4.0 is now safe for threaded servers out of the box (no more need for config.threadsafe!).
Active Record has received a ton of love as well to make everything related to scoping and the query structure more consistent.
Given all the fun we've had with security issues, we have some great updates there as well:
On top of these new features and fixes, we have hundreds more of all sorts. Everything has been combed over, streamlined, simplified, and we've extracted out lots of old APIs and things that just don't fit "most people most of the time".
Active Resource, Active Record Observers, and Action Pack page and action caching are all examples of things that are no longer in core, but lives on in plugins.
We encourage you to peruse the CHANGELOGs for all the Rails frameworks and delight over the hundreds of improvements we've made to Rails 4.0: Action Pack, Active Model, Active Record, Active Support, Rails.
Now let's all work together to ensure the release is final and enjoy the bad-ass combination of Ruby on Rails 24! (Or 42?). Please report all the issues you find on the Rails issue tracker. We're still working on the upgrade guide from 3.2 to 4.0, but that's a good place to start for help on how to do it. As always, install betas with gem install rails --version 4.0.0.beta1 --no-ri --no-rdoc
(--pre and ri generation is busted on RubyGems 2.0 at the moment) or depend on the v4.0.0.beta1 tag.
Support of the Rails framework is divided into four groups: New features, bug fixes, security issues, and severe security issues. They are handled as follows, all versions in x.y.z format:
New Features are only added to the master branch and will not be made available in point releases.
Only the latest release series will receive bug fixes. When enough bugs are fixed and its deemed worthy to release a new gem, this is the branch it happens from.
Currently included series: 3.2.z
After the Rails 4 release: 4.0.z
The current release series and the next most recent one will receive patches and new versions in case of a security issue.
These releases are created by taking the last released version, applying the security patches, and releasing. Those patches are then applied to the end of the x-y-stable branch. For example, a theoretical 1.2.3 security release would be built from 1.2.2, and then added to the end of 1-2-stable. This means that security releases are easy to upgrade to if you're running the latest version of Rails.
Currently included series: 3.2.z, 3.1.z
After the Rails 4 release: 4.0.z, 3.2.z
For severe security issues we will provide new versions as above, and also the last major release series will receive patches and new versions. The classification of the security issue is judged by the core team.
Currently included series: 3.2.z, 3.1.z, 2.3.z
After the Rails 4 release: 4.0.z, 3.2.z
When a release series is no longer supported, it's your own responsibility to deal with bugs and security issues. We may provide back-ports of the fixes and publish them to git, however there will be no new versions released. If you are not comfortable maintaining your own versions, you should upgrade to a supported version.
You should also be aware that Ruby 1.8 will reach End of Life in June 2013, no further Ruby security releases will be provided after that point. If your application is only compatible Ruby 1.8 you should upgrade accordingly.
]]>I'd like to announce that Rails 3.2.12, 3.1.11, and 2.3.17 have been released.
3.2.12 and 3.1.11 contain one security fix, and 2.3.17 contains two security fixes. It is recommended that you update immediately.
You can read about the security fixes by following these links:
Please note that today a new JSON gem was released, and it also contains an important security fix. You should update the JSON gem as soon as possible. You can read about the security issue in the JSON gem here:
In order to ease upgrading, the only major changes in each gem is the security fix. To see the detailed changes for each version, follow the links below:
Thanks to the people who responsibly reported these security issues.
Please note that per our maintenance policy there will be no 3.0.x version released.
Here are the SHA-1 checksums for each gem:
[aaron@higgins dist]$ shasum *3.2.*
5627c6d044cc52876128459d960f8805006b5f97 actionmailer-3.2.12.gem
336f76c045b6bcbd204831897131182cff82ddf8 actionpack-3.2.12.gem
89bec5d68861ad5d79ca776ef5d6df7c1cfc2b11 activemodel-3.2.12.gem
7d4327c54900f45c60947a63350e865843e193ef activerecord-3.2.12.gem
4b8ed4190f98a85b800ee7893bae5afd1bee0874 activeresource-3.2.12.gem
c9e44eed288140f556e6543b93fc45f8dd57a415 activesupport-3.2.12.gem
24b3b4633d7f131e61e50decc3aa11590941c6e2 rails-3.2.12.gem
a84262f1968e83141d290c034b20a28d38886d10 railties-3.2.12.gem
[aaron@higgins dist]$ shasum *3.1.*
d80816e69614c1f0d96cb7d0f4a38bfdc8d84ff5 actionmailer-3.1.11.gem
f65cea0682b6051869d4125f7b441a7c6f59fcbe actionpack-3.1.11.gem
549ec2b67d4332b38cef1620b23e00e50e0774e6 activemodel-3.1.11.gem
3d342764b7ba3bae05190f15bcb35d401cd8121e activerecord-3.1.11.gem
19bd70bad6c4e4a555127a7738e71ac4829e6f61 activeresource-3.1.11.gem
7267b2f87bea5bd285f5d1bfe49bb2ba19df7c94 activesupport-3.1.11.gem
ca57e1243451385689343dbe2bb42e23058284df rails-3.1.11.gem
48cc801bdb7c31c4b6939235a60ef3e5008f5dbb railties-3.1.11.gem
[aaron@higgins dist]$ shasum *2.3.*
5df1fe13db46ac10dec8bb607ef515881dcf09c5 actionmailer-2.3.17.gem
d1165517a185ae73ca8a4ac89549e695a23fedfa actionpack-2.3.17.gem
b24ff71e46b798d7c38504531cb7622955d9a20c activerecord-2.3.17.gem
9cc2a7bd60a959dcba099425954a1b9c53235ce5 activeresource-2.3.17.gem
4ccc935fdc4d7ede78a1c376453ecb502e48b7ed activesupport-2.3.17.gem
9613a97cb726f00de59ad6d0f901f7434f9c4733 rails-2.3.17.gem
]]>I'd like to announce that 3.0.20, and 2.3.16 have been released. These releases contain one extremely critical security fix so please update IMMEDIATELY.
You can read about the security fix by following this link:
In order to ease upgrading, the only major changes in each gem is the security fix. To see the detailed changes for each version, follow the links below:
Thanks to the people who responsibly reported these security issues.
Please note that per our maintenance policy this will be the last release for the 3.0.x series.
Here are the SHA-1 checksums for each gem:
[aaron@higgins dist]$ shasum *3.0.20*
c5b1a446d921dbd512a2d418c50f144b4540a657 actionmailer-3.0.20.gem
79ec243f6ec301b0a73ad45f89d4ea2335f90346 actionpack-3.0.20.gem
80c7d881ed64ed7a66f4d82b12c2b98b43f6fbde activemodel-3.0.20.gem
d8fc6e02bf46f9b5f86c3a954932d67da211302b activerecord-3.0.20.gem
e465e7d582c6d72c487d132e5fac3c3af4626353 activeresource-3.0.20.gem
5bc7b2f1ad70a2781c4a41a2f4eaa75b999750e4 activesupport-3.0.20.gem
ba9fb9dba41ce047feef11b4179cd9c3f81b2857 rails-3.0.20.gem
42b0025e4cb483d491a809b9d9deb6fd182c2a57 railties-3.0.20.gem
[aaron@higgins dist]$ shasum *2.3.16*
ab1a47a08d42352d9e8c276d28e6ed6990c23556 actionmailer-2.3.16.gem
f81ac75eb9edbb363a6d7bbe175a208e97ea3d4f actionpack-2.3.16.gem
4ce36062f1f0b326b16e42b9fde5f1ab0610bffc activerecord-2.3.16.gem
3698787f9ab8432f0c10268e22fbfcf682fa79cc activeresource-2.3.16.gem
90490f62db73c4be9ed69d96592afa0b98e79738 activesupport-2.3.16.gem
239253159f9793e2372c83dcf9d0bd7bff343f7d rails-2.3.16.gem
]]>I'd like to announce that 3.2.11, 3.1.10, 3.0.19, and 2.3.15 have been released. These releases contain two extremely critical security fixes so please update IMMEDIATELY.
You can read about the security fixes by following these links:
In order to ease upgrading, the only major changes in each gem are the security fixes. To see the detailed changes for each version, follow the links below:
Thanks to the people who responsibly reported these security issues.
Here are the SHA-1 checksums for each gem:
[aaron@higgins dist]$ shasum *3.2.11*
933cd2821b30cdff4a2e0b5cc63f4d2c6b29affe actionmailer-3.2.11.gem
54731c51b55bf0215392971b982139775c0bfa2b actionpack-3.2.11.gem
5ccde66568d8051405c01063f1afaed13bd01082 activemodel-3.2.11.gem
f360c17968486479b0a4207e7eccbe379186a9d2 activerecord-3.2.11.gem
c61ff513be8a8aef898d2e5c4c9508d60727c556 activeresource-3.2.11.gem
41a4e8c382594283026d977554c1e18233198ca8 activesupport-3.2.11.gem
8fa6d19a0daea910e39a0911b2240c2a7b630fb1 rails-3.2.11.gem
ffaec7c3e5211283108cf5afab8e79be76090a0d railties-3.2.11.gem
[aaron@higgins dist]$ shasum *3.1.10*
e3dce983ebd0ee8970c5ddab46b05ac432c8b029 actionmailer-3.1.10.gem
84e536e732255e5dfd3d8053c10ed98dcb45ac80 actionpack-3.1.10.gem
db1a3ac836d988dc1fc7c64d29ded7a277047419 activemodel-3.1.10.gem
ea3ad8514265516033009d97efc1fe7b3d2b09ed activerecord-3.1.10.gem
0843646278b42d9ca796e157295851fd9938fe96 activeresource-3.1.10.gem
b55ef7f66de0bb79fcfa480e8df3696bffbff7f8 activesupport-3.1.10.gem
4ed7d159191faa1a469cd9efdf9e6a4cdc907195 rails-3.1.10.gem
f288986df0fabd2035569199ea3d5f1f46a56db7 railties-3.1.10.gem
[aaron@higgins dist]$ shasum *3.0.19*
f8376f907b2230ac75882e1a3cfa8d5cdd6df800 actionmailer-3.0.19.gem
68b319d86530a5d4291e13d6ab5f357a1e52c05b actionpack-3.0.19.gem
f0fb577ea7446ff229752bc799ca86dd53aa9cda activemodel-3.0.19.gem
c12324d78b22697d426148010901f79b366c0502 activerecord-3.0.19.gem
8dbc7c8c80f5baeec823966aa225b23f4c2a799c activeresource-3.0.19.gem
b525b778f82f844a56ff993211825b9811bf82bd activesupport-3.0.19.gem
c2beb0711d28a07cb2747c83962c7d453951e2d6 rails-3.0.19.gem
de286ada16b3fc76129767dc612926e0b4f71dda railties-3.0.19.gem
[aaron@higgins dist]$ shasum *2.3.15*
5ce45c70851dd534a72814620a6e57b42d360b88 actionmailer-2.3.15.gem
fa174c40f17fa5db952ba3a7c95a4ab0b5467594 actionpack-2.3.15.gem
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4644b7a27993f7860d9e176f51dfa52d8f029ec9 activeresource-2.3.15.gem
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