/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { assert } from './assert.js'; import { helper, debugError } from './helper.js'; import { EVALUATION_SCRIPT_URL } from './ExecutionContext.js'; /** * The Coverage class provides methods to gathers information about parts of * JavaScript and CSS that were used by the page. * * @remarks * To output coverage in a form consumable by {@link https://github.com/istanbuljs | Istanbul}, * see {@link https://github.com/istanbuljs/puppeteer-to-istanbul | puppeteer-to-istanbul}. * * @example * An example of using JavaScript and CSS coverage to get percentage of initially * executed code: * ```js * // Enable both JavaScript and CSS coverage * await Promise.all([ * page.coverage.startJSCoverage(), * page.coverage.startCSSCoverage() * ]); * // Navigate to page * await page.goto('https://example.com'); * // Disable both JavaScript and CSS coverage * const [jsCoverage, cssCoverage] = await Promise.all([ * page.coverage.stopJSCoverage(), * page.coverage.stopCSSCoverage(), * ]); * let totalBytes = 0; * let usedBytes = 0; * const coverage = [...jsCoverage, ...cssCoverage]; * for (const entry of coverage) { * totalBytes += entry.text.length; * for (const range of entry.ranges) * usedBytes += range.end - range.start - 1; * } * console.log(`Bytes used: ${usedBytes / totalBytes * 100}%`); * ``` * @public */ export class Coverage { constructor(client) { this._jsCoverage = new JSCoverage(client); this._cssCoverage = new CSSCoverage(client); } /** * @param options - Set of configurable options for coverage defaults to * `resetOnNavigation : true, reportAnonymousScripts : false` * @returns Promise that resolves when coverage is started. * * @remarks * Anonymous scripts are ones that don't have an associated url. These are * scripts that are dynamically created on the page using `eval` or * `new Function`. If `reportAnonymousScripts` is set to `true`, anonymous * scripts will have `__puppeteer_evaluation_script__` as their URL. */ async startJSCoverage(options = {}) { return await this._jsCoverage.start(options); } /** * @returns Promise that resolves to the array of coverage reports for * all scripts. * * @remarks * JavaScript Coverage doesn't include anonymous scripts by default. * However, scripts with sourceURLs are reported. */ async stopJSCoverage() { return await this._jsCoverage.stop(); } /** * @param options - Set of configurable options for coverage, defaults to * `resetOnNavigation : true` * @returns Promise that resolves when coverage is started. */ async startCSSCoverage(options = {}) { return await this._cssCoverage.start(options); } /** * @returns Promise that resolves to the array of coverage reports * for all stylesheets. * @remarks * CSS Coverage doesn't include dynamically injected style tags * without sourceURLs. */ async stopCSSCoverage() { return await this._cssCoverage.stop(); } } /** * @public */ export class JSCoverage { constructor(client) { this._enabled = false; this._scriptURLs = new Map(); this._scriptSources = new Map(); this._eventListeners = []; this._resetOnNavigation = false; this._reportAnonymousScripts = false; this._client = client; } async start(options = {}) { assert(!this._enabled, 'JSCoverage is already enabled'); const { resetOnNavigation = true, reportAnonymousScripts = false } = options; this._resetOnNavigation = resetOnNavigation; this._reportAnonymousScripts = reportAnonymousScripts; this._enabled = true; this._scriptURLs.clear(); this._scriptSources.clear(); this._eventListeners = [ helper.addEventListener(this._client, 'Debugger.scriptParsed', this._onScriptParsed.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._client, 'Runtime.executionContextsCleared', this._onExecutionContextsCleared.bind(this)), ]; await Promise.all([ this._client.send('Profiler.enable'), this._client.send('Profiler.startPreciseCoverage', { callCount: false, detailed: true, }), this._client.send('Debugger.enable'), this._client.send('Debugger.setSkipAllPauses', { skip: true }), ]); } _onExecutionContextsCleared() { if (!this._resetOnNavigation) return; this._scriptURLs.clear(); this._scriptSources.clear(); } async _onScriptParsed(event) { // Ignore puppeteer-injected scripts if (event.url === EVALUATION_SCRIPT_URL) return; // Ignore other anonymous scripts unless the reportAnonymousScripts option is true. if (!event.url && !this._reportAnonymousScripts) return; try { const response = await this._client.send('Debugger.getScriptSource', { scriptId: event.scriptId, }); this._scriptURLs.set(event.scriptId, event.url); this._scriptSources.set(event.scriptId, response.scriptSource); } catch (error) { // This might happen if the page has already navigated away. debugError(error); } } async stop() { assert(this._enabled, 'JSCoverage is not enabled'); this._enabled = false; const result = await Promise.all([ this._client.send('Profiler.takePreciseCoverage'), this._client.send('Profiler.stopPreciseCoverage'), this._client.send('Profiler.disable'), this._client.send('Debugger.disable'), ]); helper.removeEventListeners(this._eventListeners); const coverage = []; const profileResponse = result[0]; for (const entry of profileResponse.result) { let url = this._scriptURLs.get(entry.scriptId); if (!url && this._reportAnonymousScripts) url = 'debugger://VM' + entry.scriptId; const text = this._scriptSources.get(entry.scriptId); if (text === undefined || url === undefined) continue; const flattenRanges = []; for (const func of entry.functions) flattenRanges.push(...func.ranges); const ranges = convertToDisjointRanges(flattenRanges); coverage.push({ url, ranges, text }); } return coverage; } } /** * @public */ export class CSSCoverage { constructor(client) { this._enabled = false; this._stylesheetURLs = new Map(); this._stylesheetSources = new Map(); this._eventListeners = []; this._resetOnNavigation = false; this._reportAnonymousScripts = false; this._client = client; } async start(options = {}) { assert(!this._enabled, 'CSSCoverage is already enabled'); const { resetOnNavigation = true } = options; this._resetOnNavigation = resetOnNavigation; this._enabled = true; this._stylesheetURLs.clear(); this._stylesheetSources.clear(); this._eventListeners = [ helper.addEventListener(this._client, 'CSS.styleSheetAdded', this._onStyleSheet.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._client, 'Runtime.executionContextsCleared', this._onExecutionContextsCleared.bind(this)), ]; await Promise.all([ this._client.send('DOM.enable'), this._client.send('CSS.enable'), this._client.send('CSS.startRuleUsageTracking'), ]); } _onExecutionContextsCleared() { if (!this._resetOnNavigation) return; this._stylesheetURLs.clear(); this._stylesheetSources.clear(); } async _onStyleSheet(event) { const header = event.header; // Ignore anonymous scripts if (!header.sourceURL) return; try { const response = await this._client.send('CSS.getStyleSheetText', { styleSheetId: header.styleSheetId, }); this._stylesheetURLs.set(header.styleSheetId, header.sourceURL); this._stylesheetSources.set(header.styleSheetId, response.text); } catch (error) { // This might happen if the page has already navigated away. debugError(error); } } async stop() { assert(this._enabled, 'CSSCoverage is not enabled'); this._enabled = false; const ruleTrackingResponse = await this._client.send('CSS.stopRuleUsageTracking'); await Promise.all([ this._client.send('CSS.disable'), this._client.send('DOM.disable'), ]); helper.removeEventListeners(this._eventListeners); // aggregate by styleSheetId const styleSheetIdToCoverage = new Map(); for (const entry of ruleTrackingResponse.ruleUsage) { let ranges = styleSheetIdToCoverage.get(entry.styleSheetId); if (!ranges) { ranges = []; styleSheetIdToCoverage.set(entry.styleSheetId, ranges); } ranges.push({ startOffset: entry.startOffset, endOffset: entry.endOffset, count: entry.used ? 1 : 0, }); } const coverage = []; for (const styleSheetId of this._stylesheetURLs.keys()) { const url = this._stylesheetURLs.get(styleSheetId); const text = this._stylesheetSources.get(styleSheetId); const ranges = convertToDisjointRanges(styleSheetIdToCoverage.get(styleSheetId) || []); coverage.push({ url, ranges, text }); } return coverage; } } function convertToDisjointRanges(nestedRanges) { const points = []; for (const range of nestedRanges) { points.push({ offset: range.startOffset, type: 0, range }); points.push({ offset: range.endOffset, type: 1, range }); } // Sort points to form a valid parenthesis sequence. points.sort((a, b) => { // Sort with increasing offsets. if (a.offset !== b.offset) return a.offset - b.offset; // All "end" points should go before "start" points. if (a.type !== b.type) return b.type - a.type; const aLength = a.range.endOffset - a.range.startOffset; const bLength = b.range.endOffset - b.range.startOffset; // For two "start" points, the one with longer range goes first. if (a.type === 0) return bLength - aLength; // For two "end" points, the one with shorter range goes first. return aLength - bLength; }); const hitCountStack = []; const results = []; let lastOffset = 0; // Run scanning line to intersect all ranges. for (const point of points) { if (hitCountStack.length && lastOffset < point.offset && hitCountStack[hitCountStack.length - 1] > 0) { const lastResult = results.length ? results[results.length - 1] : null; if (lastResult && lastResult.end === lastOffset) lastResult.end = point.offset; else results.push({ start: lastOffset, end: point.offset }); } lastOffset = point.offset; if (point.type === 0) hitCountStack.push(point.range.count); else hitCountStack.pop(); } // Filter out empty ranges. return results.filter((range) => range.end - range.start > 1); } //# sourceMappingURL=Coverage.js.map