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To test a query you create a simple RSpec file and extend it with `RSpec::Hive::WithHiveConnection`. We have prepared a few simple rake tasks that will let you create sample config file, download correct docker image and run docker container with proper parameters. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'rspec-hive' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install rspec-hive ### Configuring tests #### Config file To run tests on docker you will need a configurtion file that will let you put up a docker container and maintain your connection to this container from tests. You can do this manually and provide just a path to file, but we have also prepared special rake tasks to help you out. Try running: $ rake spec:hive:config:generate_default It will create `rspec-hive.yml` in your current directory. You can of course pass some parameters to this rake task doing something like: $ rake spec:hive:config:generate_default HOST= PORT=5032 You can specify following arguments: * HOST - ip of docker container * PORT - port to connect to docker * HOST_SHARED_DIR - directory on your local machine that docker will share * DOCKER_SHARED_DIR - directory on your docker container that will be shared with your local machine * HIVE_VERSION - version of hive * CONFIG_FILE_DIR - directory where to put generated config file * CONFIG_FILE_NAME - name of the config file that will be generated Watch out: in some cases Rspec hive may look for config files in e.g. you're current/root directory, not in config/ folder. Make sure you've got correct config in the directory used by the gem. #### Installing Docker Detailed instruction may be found on https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation. Once docker is sucessfully installed on your machine you can verify if it works by using `docker` command. In case of error such as `Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?` make sure you added your user to the docker group, you can do this using `sudo usermod -aG docker username` on Linux or `eval "$(docker-machine env default)"` on OSX. On Linux you can run the docker daemon by using: `sudo docker daemon -D -g /mnt` #### Docker image Once you have generated a config file you should download to your local machine proper docker image. You can create your own docker image. However if you would like to use ours just run: $ rake spec:hive:docker:download_image It will download `nielsensocial/hive` from [dockerhub](https://hub.docker.com/r/nielsensocial/hive/). You can change Docker's storage base directory (where container and images go) using the -goption when starting the Docker daemon. If you have another image you can also use this rake task and provide special argument: * DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME - image name that should be pulled #### Running docker container You should now be ready to run your docker container. To do this run: $ rake spec:hive:docker:run This command will run docker container using default config `rspec-hive.yml` and default docker image `nielsensocial/hive`. You can pass arguments like: * CONFIG_FILE - name of config file to use * DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME - docker image to use You are ready now to run your tests. #### Docker utils To check container id `$ docker ps` To attach to output of hive `$ docker attach ` To run bash terminal on docker `$ docker exec -it bash` #### Hive utils When you are on hive and you have set up `JAVA_HOME` and `HADOOP_HOME` directories you might find usefull the tool named beeline. It should be present in your hive directory in `bin` folder (if you are using ours `nielsensocial/hive` when you run bash terminal on docker container this directory could be entered by calling `cd $HIVE_HOME/bin`). There you can run: $ ./beeline And in the presented console connect by jdbc to hive: beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000 org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver ## Usage In `examples/` directory we have prepared a simple query. It is available in `query_spec.rb` file. Notice how we configure `rspec-hive` by using: require_relative 'config_helper' Where we invoke: RSpec::Hive.configure(File.join(__dir__, '/config.yml')) ### Loading udfs `bundle exec rake "spec:hive:docker:load_udfs[path_to_udf_on_s3]"` By default udfs will be loaded to `docker_shared_directory_path`. ## Note Please remember docker does not remove containers automatically, use `docker ps -a` to list all unused containers. ## Changelog 0.5.0: > Updated dockerfile to build container with hive 2.1.1 on Hadoop 2.7.3. > Moved hive config to config file, default hive config is no longer provided, except for default config file generated using rake task. ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/rspec-hive/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request