--- en: activemodel: attributes: answer: description: Description image: Image proposals: Related proposals title: Title election: description: Description end_time: Voting ends at start_time: Voting start at title: Title question: max_selections: Maximum number of selections min_selections: None of the above option title: Title voting: end_time: Voting ends start_time: Voting begins errors: models: answer: attributes: attachment: needs_to_be_reattached: Needs to be reattached election: attributes: attachment: needs_to_be_reattached: Needs to be reattached trustee: attributes: name: cant_be_changed: can't be changed public_key: cant_be_changed: can't be changed activerecord: errors: models: decidim/votings/polling_officer: attributes: presided_polling_station: president_and_manager: Polling officer already is a polling station president/manager voting: different_organization: The voting must be in the same organizatoin as the user decidim/votings/polling_station: attributes: polling_station_president: different_voting: The polling officer must be in the same voting as the polling station models: decidim/elections/answer: one: Answer other: Answers decidim/elections/election: one: Election other: Elections decidim/elections/question: one: Question other: Questions decidim/voting: one: Voting other: Votings decidim/votings/census/dataset: one: Dataset other: Datasets decidim/votings/census/datum: one: Datum other: Data decidim/votings/polling_officer: one: Polling officer other: Polling officers decidim/votings/polling_station: one: Polling station other: Polling stations decidim/votings/voting: one: Voting other: Votings decidim: admin: filters: officers_assigned_eq: label: Officers values: assigned: Assigned unassigned: Not assigned role_eq: label: Role values: manager: Manager president: President unassigned: Unassigned search_placeholder: name_or_email_or_nickname_or_presided_station_title_or_managed_station_title_cont: Search %{collection} by name/email/nickname or polling station. ? title_or_address_or_manager_name_or_manager_email_or_manager_nickname_or_president_name_or_president_email_or_president_nickname_cont : Search %{collection} by title, address or officer name/email/nickname. signed_eq: label: Signed values: 'false': Signed 'true': Not signed validated_eq: label: Validated values: 'false': Validated 'true': Not validated components: elections: actions: vote: Vote name: Elections settings: global: announcement: Announcement step: announcement: Announcement elections: actions: confirm_destroy: Are you sure? destroy: Destroy edit: Edit feedback: Voter feedback import: Import proposals to answers manage_answers: Manage answers manage_questions: Manage questions manage_steps: Manage steps new: New %{name} preview: Preview publish: Publish title: Actions unpublish: Unpublish admin: answers: create: invalid: There was a problem creating this answer success: Answer successfully created destroy: invalid: There was a problem deleting this answer success: Answer successfully deleted edit: title: Edit answer update: Update answer index: invalid_max_selections: You need %{missing_answers} more answer/s to match max selections title: Answers new: create: Create answer title: New answer not_selected: Not selected select: disable: Unselect answer enable: Mark answer as selected invalid: There was a problem selecting this answer success: Answer successfully selected selected: Selected unselect: invalid: There was a problem unselecting this answer success: Answer successfully unselected update: invalid: There was a problem updating this answer success: Answer successfully updated elections: create: invalid: There was a problem creating this election success: Election successfully created destroy: invalid: There was a problem deleting this election success: Election successfully deleted edit: title: Edit election update: Update election index: no_bulletin_board: There is no Bulletin Board server configured, which is needed to use this module. This task should be done by the System Administrator. title: Elections new: create: Create election title: New election publish: success: The election has been successfully published. unpublish: success: The election has been successfully unpublished. update: invalid: There was a problem updating this election success: Election successfully updated exports: elections: Elections feedback_form_answers: Feedback form answers mailers: trustee_mailer: body: "
Hi %{user_name},
You've been added as a trustee to %{resource_name}.
" subject: You've been added as a trustee to %{resource_name} trustee_zone: Take me to the trustee zone menu: trustees: Trustees models: answer: name: Answer election: name: Election question: name: Question trustee: name: Trustee proposals_imports: create: invalid: There was a problem importing the proposals into answers success: "%{number} proposals successfully imported into answers" new: create: Import proposals to answers no_components: There are no other proposal components in this participatory space to import the proposals into answers. select_component: Please select a component title: Import proposals questions: create: election_started: The election has already started invalid: There was a problem creating this question success: Question successfully created destroy: invalid: There was a problem deleting this question success: Question successfully deleted edit: title: Edit question update: Update question index: title: Questions new: create: Create question title: New question update: invalid: There was a problem updating this question success: Question successfully updated steps: create_election: census: Census errors: census_codes_generated: Election codes for the census are not generated. census_frozen: Election codes are not exported. census_uploaded: There is no census uploaded for this election. component_published: The election component is not published. max_selections: The questions do not have a correct value for amount of answers minimum_answers: Questions must have at least two answers. minimum_questions: The election must have at least one question. published: The election is not published. time_before: The start time is in less than %{hours} hours before the election starts. trustees_number: The participatory space must have at least %{number} trustees with public key. invalid: There was a problem setting up this election no_trustees: There are no Trustees configured for this participatory space not_used_trustee: "(not used)" public_key: 'false': does not have a public key 'true': has a public key requirements: census_codes_generated: Census codes are generated. census_frozen: Codes are exported and census is frozen. census_uploaded: Census is uploaded. component_published: The election component is published. max_selections: All the questions have a correct value for maximum of answers. minimum_answers: Each question has at least 2 answers. minimum_questions: The election has at least 1 question. published: The election is published. time_before: The setup is being done at least %{hours} hours before the election starts. trustees_number: The participatory space has at least %{number} trustees with public key. submit: Setup election success: Election successfully sent to the Bulletin Board title: Setup election trustees: Election Trustees created: invalid: There was a problem starting the key ceremony submit: Start the key ceremony success: Start key ceremony request was successfully sent to the Bulletin Board title: Election created trustees: Trustees key_ceremony: continue: Continue title: Key ceremony key_ceremony_ended: errors: time_before: The election is ready to start. You have to wait until %{hours} hours before the starting time (%{start_time}) to start the voting period. invalid: There was a problem starting the voting period requirements: time_before: The election will start soon. You can start the voting period manually, or it will be started automatically before the starting time, at %{start_time}. submit: Start voting period success: Start voting period request was successfully sent to the Bulletin Board title: Ready to start processing: Processing... results_published: answer: Answer not_selected: Not selected question: Question result: Result selected: Selected submit: Submit title: Results published tally: continue: Continue invalid: There was a problem reporting the missing trustee mark_as_missing: Mark as missing mark_as_missing_description: All the trustees should participate in this process, but if a trustee can't take part in the process, you can mark it as missing. success: Missing trustee report was successfully sent to the Bulletin Board tally_completion: The process will be completed when all the trustees are active or marked as missing. At least %{quorum} trustees are required to complete the process. title: Tally process undo_mark_as_missing: A trustee marked as missing by mistake will be able to participate before the completion of the process. They can proceed as usual and the missing mark will be ignored. tally_ended: answer: Answer not_selected: Not selected question: Question result: Result selected: Selected submit: Publish results success: Publish results request was successfully sent to the Bulletin Board title: Calculated results vote: errors: time_after: The election is still ongoing. You have to wait until the ending time (%{end_time}) to end the voting period. invalid: There was a problem ending the voting period requirements: time_after: The election has ended. You can end the voting period manually, or it will be ended automatically in a few minutes. submit: End voting period success: End voting period request was successfully sent to the Bulletin Board title: Vote period vote_ended: invalid: There was a problem starting the tally submit: Start tally success: Start tally request was successfully sent to the Bulletin Board text: Vote has ended. You can start the tally now. title: Vote period ended vote_stats: no_vote_statistics_yet: No vote statistics yet title: Vote Statistics voters: Voters votes: Votes trustees_participatory_spaces: actions: disable: Disable enable: Consider create: exists: Trustee exists for this participatory space invalid: There was a problem creating a trustee success: Trustee successfully created delete: invalid: There was a problem removing this trustee success: Trustee successfully removed form: select_user: Select user index: title: Trustees new: create: Create Trustee title: New Trustee update: invalid: There was a problem updating %{trustee} trustee success: Trustee %{trustee} successfully updated admin_log: election: create: "%{user_name} created the election %{resource_name} of %{space_name}" delete: "%{user_name} deleted the election %{resource_name} of %{space_name}" end_vote: "%{user_name} ended the voting period for the election %{resource_name} of %{space_name} on the Bulletin Board" publish: "%{user_name} published the election %{resource_name} of %{space_name}" publish_results: "%{user_name} published the results for the election %{resource_name} of %{space_name} on the Bulletin Board" report_missing_trustee: "%{user_name} reported %{trustee_name} as a missing trustee during the tally for the election %{resource_name} of %{space_name} on the Bulletin Board" setup: "%{user_name} created the election %{resource_name} of %{space_name} on the Bulletin Board" start_key_ceremony: "%{user_name} started the key ceremony for the election %{resource_name} of %{space_name} on the Bulletin Board" start_tally: "%{user_name} started the tally for the election %{resource_name} of %{space_name} on the Bulletin Board" start_vote: "%{user_name} started the voting period for the election %{resource_name} of %{space_name} on the Bulletin Board" unpublish: "%{user_name} unpublished the %{resource_name} of %{space_name} election" update: "%{user_name} updated the election %{resource_name} of %{space_name}" trustee: create: "%{user_name} assigned the user %{trustee_user} as Trustee" connection: failed: modal: close: Close communication_lost: Unfortunately, it looks like the communication with the voting server (Bulletin Board) is lost.A voting is a space that allows you to ask a clear question to all the people who form an organization, make a call to participate in the voting, spark and order the debate for or against a response. When the voting date arrives, you can vote and publish the results of the votes.
Examples: The votings can be about almost any aspect that affects an organization: some examples are changing the name or logo of the organization offering several alternatives, deciding Yes or No to become part of a larger organization, validating or rejecting a new strategic plan or the result of a working group, or defining whether the positions should remain a maximum of 1, 2 or 3 mandates.
\n" page: "A voting is a space that allows you to ask a clear question to all the people who form an organization, make a call to participate in the voting, spark and order the debate for or against a response. When the voting date arrives, you can vote and publish the results of the votes.
Examples: The votings can be about almost any aspect that affects an organization: some examples are changing the name or logo of the organization offering several alternatives, deciding Yes or No to become part of a larger organization, validating or rejecting a new strategic plan or the result of a working group, or defining whether the positions should remain a maximum of 1, 2 or 3 mandates.
\n" title: What are votings? menu: votings: Votings statistics: elections_count: Elections votings_count: Votings votings: admin: ballot_styles: create: error: There was a problem creating this ballot style success: Ballot style successfully created destroy: invalid: There was a problem deleting this ballot style success: Ballot style successfully deleted edit: title: Edit ballot style update: Update form: code_help: 'Hint: the code is the link between the census and a ballot style. When uploading the census data, every entry will be assigned a ballot style by matching the code' election: Election questions: Questions for this ballot style questions_help: 'Hint: select the questions from the election components to be presented to the voters assigned to this ballot style' index: actions: confirm_destroy: Are you sure? destroy: Delete edit: Edit new: New title: Actions associated_census_data: Associated census entries explanation_callout: A ballot style specifies what questions a voter will be presented in the booth. In a ballot style, you can choose what questions from this voting's election components belong to a ballot. The ballot style code is used to match a voter from the census with the ballot they will be presented in the booth. Don't create any ballot style if you always want to present all the questions. title: Ballot Styles new: create: Create title: Create ballot style update: invalid: There was a problem updating this ballot style success: Ballot style successfully updated content_blocks: highlighted_votings: max_results: Maximum amount of elements to show landing_page: attachments_and_folders: name: Voting attachments and folders description: name: Voting description elections: name: Voting elections header: name: Voting header html_block_1: name: Voting html block 1 html_block_2: name: Voting html block 2 html_block_3: name: Voting html block 3 metrics: name: Voting metrics polling_stations: name: Voting polling stations stats: name: Voting statistics timeline: name: Voting timeline index: not_published: Unpublished published: Published landing_page: content_blocks: edit: update: Update edit: active_content_blocks: Active content blocks inactive_content_blocks: Inactive content blocks menu: votings: Votings votings_submenu: attachment_collections: Folders attachment_files: Files attachments: Attachments ballot_styles: Ballot Styles census: Census components: Components info: Information landing_page: Landing Page monitoring_committee: Monitoring Committee monitoring_committee_election_results: Validate Results monitoring_committee_members: Members monitoring_committee_polling_station_closures: Validate Certificates monitoring_committee_verify_elections: Verify Elections polling_officers: Polling Officers polling_stations: Polling Stations models: ballot_style: fields: code: Code name: Ballot Style monitoring_committee_member: fields: email: Email name: Name name: Monitoring Committee Member polling_officer: fields: email: Email name: Name polling_station: Polling station (role) name: Polling Officer polling_station: fields: address: Address polling_station_managers: Managers polling_station_president: President title: Title name: Polling Station voting: fields: created_at: Created at promoted: Highlighted published: Published title: Title monitoring_committee_election_results: actions: title: Actions view: View index: title: Choose an election you want to see the results for results: bulletin_board: Bulletin Board election_totals: Election totals polling_stations: Polling stations result_types: blank_answers: Blank answers blank_ballots: Blank ballots null_ballots: Null ballots total_ballots: Total ballots valid_ballots: Valid ballots selected: Selected title: Results for the election %{election_title} totals: Totals show: change_election: Change election publish_results: Publish results publishing: Publishing results... update: invalid: There was a problem publishing the results rejected: The publication of the results was rejected by the Bulletin Board. Try again or contact the system administrator. success: The results were successfully published monitoring_committee_members: create: invalid: There was a problem creating this monitoring committee member success: Monitoring committee member successfully created destroy: invalid: There was a problem deleting this monitoring committee member success: Monitoring committee member successfully deleted form: existing_user: Existing participant non_user: Invite new participant select_user: Search by name, email or nickname user_type: Participant type index: title: Monitoring committee new: create: Create title: Create monitoring committee member monitoring_committee_polling_station_closures: actions: title: Actions validate: Validate view: View closures: change_election: Change election signed: Signed? title: Polling Stations for the election %{election_title} validated: Validated? edit: change_polling_station: Back to Polling Stations monitoring_committee_notes: Remarks monitoring_committee_notes_placeholder: Report any incident here title: Results for the election %{election_title} in the polling station %{polling_station_title} elections: title: Choose an election you want to validate show: change_polling_station: Back to Polling Stations monitoring_committee_notes: Remarks from the Monitoring Committee validate: error: There was a problem validating the closure success: The closure has been validated correctly monitoring_committee_verify_elections: index: download: Download how_to_checksum: 'To make sure the file you downloaded has not been corrupted or tampered with during the download process, run the following command in your console and check that the output matches the checksum reported above:' how_to_download: To verify an election, download its verifiable file from the table above. how_to_run_verifier: 'Once you downloaded the file and made sure it is ok, you can proceed to run the universal verifier. Clone this repository and, from the root folder, run the following command:' how_to_title: How to verify the validity of an election not_available: Not yet avaliable title: Elections polling_officers: create: invalid: There was a problem creating this polling officer success: Polling officer successfully created destroy: invalid: There was a problem deleting this polling officer success: Polling officer successfully deleted form: existing_user: Existing participant non_user: Invite new participant select_user: Search by name, email or nickname user_type: Participant type index: role_manager: manager role_president: president title: Polling officers new: create: Create title: Create polling officer polling_officers_picker: choose_polling_officers: Choose polling officers close: Close more_polling_officers: There are %{number} more polling officers. Refine your search to locate them. no_polling_officers: No polling officers match your search criteria or there isn't any polling officer. polling_stations: create: invalid: There was a problem creating this polling station success: Polling station successfully created destroy: invalid: There was a problem deleting this polling station success: Polling station successfully deleted edit: title: Edit polling station update: Update polling station form: address_help: 'Address: used by Geocoder to find the location' location_help: 'Location: message directed to the voters implying the exact place of the polling station' location_hints_help: 'Location hints: additional info. Example: the floor of the building where the polling station is located.' polling_station_managers_help: 'Polling station managers: the officers that will act as polling station managers. Make sure the officers have already been created in Polling Officers and that they are not already assigned to another polling station' polling_station_president_help: 'Polling station officer: the officer that will act as polling station president. Make sure the officer has already been created in Polling Officers and that (s)he is not already assigned to another polling station' select_president: Select a polling officer as president of the polling station index: title: Polling stations new: create: Create title: Create polling station update: invalid: There was a problem updating this polling station success: Polling station successfully updated titles: votings: Votings votings: actions: confirm_destroy: Are you sure? destroy: Destroy new_voting: New Voting Space publish: Publish unpublish: Unpublish create: invalid: There was a problem creating this voting success: Voting successfully created edit: add_election_component: You don't have any election configured for this voting. Please add it in the Components section assign_missing_officers: There are Polling Stations without President and/or Managers. Please assign them from the Polling stations section update: Update form: banner_image: Banner image census_contact_information: Census contact information census_contact_information_help: This contact information is for a participant who wants to report issues with the census. It can be an email address, a contact form on another site, a survey for visitors, etc. introductory_image: Introductory image promoted: Promoted select_a_voting_type: Please select a voting type slug: Slug slug_help: 'URL slugs are used to generate the URLs that point to this voting. Only accepts letters, numbers and dashes, and must start with a letter. Example: %{url}' title: Title voting_type: hybrid: Hybrid in_person: In person online: Online voting_type_label: Voting type new: create: Create title: New Voting publish: success: Voting successfully published unpublish: success: Voting successfully unpublished update: invalid: There was a problem updating this voting success: Voting successfully updated admin_log: ballot_style: create: "%{user_name} created a ballot style with code %{ballot_style_code} in the space %{space_name}" delete: "%{user_name} deleted the ballot style with code %{ballot_style_code} in the space %{space_name}" update: "%{user_name} updated the ballot style with code %{ballot_style_code} in the space %{space_name}" census: create: "%{user_name} created the census for the space %{space_name}" delete: "%{user_name} deleted the census for the space %{space_name}" update: "%{user_name} updated the census for the space %{space_name}" monitoring_committee_member: create: "%{user_name} assigned the user %{monitoring_committee_member_user} as monitoring committee member in the space %{space_name}" delete: "%{user_name} unassigned the user %{monitoring_committee_member_user} as monitoring committee member in the space %{space_name}" polling_officer: create: "%{user_name} assigned the user %{polling_officer_user} as polling officer in the space %{space_name}" delete: "%{user_name} unassigned the user %{polling_officer_user} as polling officer in the space %{space_name}" polling_station: create: "%{user_name} created the polling station %{resource_name} in the space %{space_name}" delete: "%{user_name} deleted the polling station %{resource_name} in the space %{space_name}" update: "%{user_name} updated the polling station %{resource_name} in the space %{space_name}" voting: create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} voting" publish: "%{user_name} published the %{resource_name} voting" unpublish: "%{user_name} unpublished the %{resource_name} voting" census: admin: census: create: invalid: An error occurred uploading the census, please try again later. invalid_csv_header: The CSV headers are missing or not correct - please read the instructions carefully creating_data: info_message: "Please wait, processed %{processed_count} of %{raw_count} rows from %{file} file." delete: button: Delete all census data confirm: Deleting all the census data cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue? destroy: error: An error occurred deleting the census, please try again later. success: Census data deleted export_access_codes: button: Export voting Access Codes callout: You can now proceed to export the access codes. This can only be done once. Once you launch the exportation, you will receive an email with the instructions to %{email} confirm: You can only export the access codes once. Make sure you have access to the email account %{email}. file_not_exist: This file does not exist launch_error: Problem launching the access codes export launch_success: Access codes export launched. Shortly you will receive an email to %{email} exporting_access_codes: info_message: "Please wait, the export is being prepared, you will receive it shortly to %{email}" freeze: callout: The census is frozen and cannot be modified. generate_access_codes: button: Generate voting Access Codes callout: You can now proceed to generate the access codes. Mind that after generating the access codes you will not be able to modify the census anymore. confirm: If you continue, you will not be able to modify the census. info_message_all: "All rows imported successfully from %{file} file (%{raw_count} of %{data_count})." info_message_warn: Please check that no data is missing, because %{data_count} records were created and the uploaded file %{file} had %{raw_count} rows. launch_error: Problem launching the access codes generation launch_success: Codes generation launched. generating_access_codes: info_message: "Please wait, the voting access codes are being generated..." new: file_help: explanation: 'Guidance for file:' message_1: Only CSV (.csv) files are allowed. message_2: The separator between columns must be a semicolon (";"). has_ballot_styles_message: You set up Ballot Styles. Please make sure that the "%{ballot_style_code_header}" field in the CSV corresponds to the desired Ballot Style's code. info_message: "There is no census yet. Please use the form below to create it importing a CSV file." missing_ballot_styles_message: 'There is no Ballot Style for this voting yet. If you wish to have conditional questions (i.e.: present the voter with different questions depending on, e.g., the district/region of residence), you need to set up the Ballot Styles before importing the census. If you want to present all voters with the same questions, you can proceed with the census import procedure.' submit: Submit CSV title: Create the census show: heading: Voting space census upload_info: csv_example_with_ballot_style: 'An example of the file with ballot styles:' csv_example_without_ballot_style: 'An example of the file without ballot styles:' csv_header_after: Do not include the last field ("%{ballot_style_code_header}") if you do not need ballot styles/conditional questions csv_header_before: 'The census file must be a CSV file with the following header:' document_types: dni: DNI nie: NIE passport: Passport export_mailer: access_codes_export: click_button: 'Click the next link to download the access codes data.