Feature: Get Amee DataItem In order to gain access to data_item information so I can make loads of money from making In order carbon calculators As a amee developer I want to be able to get amee data items Scenario: Get Amee Date Item with path /data/transport/plane/generic/FFC7A05D54AD Given I have a valid amee session When I ask the session for: get_data_item with path: "/data/transport/plane/generic/FFC7A05D54AD" Then the data item should have: "path" with: "" And the data item should have: "name" with: "FFC7A05D54AD" And the data item should have: "uid" with: "FFC7A05D54AD" And the data item's item_values should not be nil And the data item's choices should not be nil And the data item's item_definition: drill_down should be "type,size" And the data item's item_definition: name should be "Plane Generic"