<% @tracks = [ {title: "Total Eclipse of the Heart", artist: "Bonnie Tyler"}, {title: "I Will Always Love You", artist: "Whitney Houston"}, {title: "I Wanna Dance with Somebody", artist: "Whitney Houston"}, {title: "I Will Survive", artist: "Gloria Gaynor"}, {title: "My Heart Will Go On", artist: "Celine Dion"}, ] %> <%= render_table do %> <%= table_head do %> <%= table_header "", class: "w-1" %> <%= table_header class: "" do %> Title <% end %> <%= table_header "Artist" %> <% end %> <%= table_body do %> <% @tracks.each.with_index do |track, i| %> <%= table_row do %> <%= table_column do %> <% end %> <%= table_column do %> <%= track[:title] %> <% end %> <%= table_column track[:artist] %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>