require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') class GraphTesting def self.create_connection(first_second,distance=10) doing_first = true probes = first_second.collect do |namer| if namer.kind_of?(Fixnum) probe = probe.sequence_index = namer if doing_first probe.side = :end doing_first = false else probe.side = :start end probe #'return' elsif matches = namer.match(/^(.+)([se])$/) probe = probe.sequence_index = matches[1].to_i probe.side = matches[2] == 's' ? :start : :end probe #'return' else raise namer end end conn = conn.probe1 = probes[0] conn.probe2 = probes[1] conn.distance = distance return conn end def self.create_connections(array_of_conn_strings) conns = array_of_conn_strings.collect{|a| create_connection a} seqs = {} conns.each_with_index do |conn, i| [conn.probe1, conn.probe2].each_with_index do |probe, j| seqs[probe.sequence_index] ||= (['A']*10).join end end return conns, seqs end end describe "ConnectionInterpreter" do it 'should find doubly_single_contig_connections hello world' do conns, seqs = GraphTesting.create_connections([ %w(1s 3e) ]) conns, seqs ).doubly_single_contig_connections.collect{|c| c.to_s}.should == [ '1s/3e:10' ] end it 'should find inter-contig connections in a loop' do conns, seqs = GraphTesting.create_connections([ [1,2], [2,3], [3,1], ]) conns, seqs.keys ).doubly_single_contig_connections.collect{|c| c.to_s}.sort.should == [ '1e/2s:10', '2e/3s:10', '3e/1s:10', ].sort end it 'should not include all connections in inter-contig connections' do conns, seqs = GraphTesting.create_connections([ [1,2], [2,3], [3,4], [3,5], ]) conns, seqs.keys ).doubly_single_contig_connections.collect{|c| c.to_s}.sort.should == [ '1e/2s:10', '2e/3s:10', ].sort end it 'should be able to handle loops where there is only one contig' do conns, seqs = GraphTesting.create_connections([ [1,1], ]) conns, seqs.keys ).doubly_single_contig_connections.collect{|c| c.to_s}.sort.should == [ '1e/1s:10', ].sort end it 'should scaffold hello world' do conns, seqs = GraphTesting.create_connections([ [1,2], ]) interpreter = conns, seqs.keys ) observed = interpreter.scaffolds(interpreter.doubly_single_contig_connections) observed.should be_kind_of(Array) observed.length.should == 1 o = observed[0] o.should be_kind_of(Bio::FinishM::ConnectionInterpreter::Scaffold) o.contigs.collect{|c| c.sequence_index}.should == [1,2] o.contigs.collect{|c| c.direction}.should == [true, true] o.gap_lengths.should === [10] o.sequence(seqs).should == 'AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAA' observed.collect{|o| o.circular?}.uniq.should == [false] end it 'should scaffold 3 contigs together' do conns, seqs = GraphTesting.create_connections([ [1,2], [2,3], ]) interpreter = conns, seqs.keys ) observed = interpreter.scaffolds(interpreter.doubly_single_contig_connections) observed.should be_kind_of(Array) observed.length.should == 1 o = observed[0] o.should be_kind_of(Bio::FinishM::ConnectionInterpreter::Scaffold) o.sequence(seqs).should == 'AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAA' o.contigs.collect{|c| c.sequence_index}.should == [1,2,3] o.contigs.collect{|c| c.direction}.should == [true, true, true] observed.collect{|o| o.circular?}.uniq.should == [false] end it 'should scaffold two separate scaffolds and a leftover' do conns, seqs = GraphTesting.create_connections([ [1,2], [3,4], ]) seqs[99] = 'ATGC' interpreter = conns, seqs.keys ) observed = interpreter.scaffolds(interpreter.doubly_single_contig_connections) observed.should be_kind_of(Array) observed.length.should == 3 o = observed[0] o.should be_kind_of(Bio::FinishM::ConnectionInterpreter::Scaffold) o.sequence(seqs).should == 'AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAA' o.contigs.collect{|c| c.sequence_index}.should == [1,2] o.contigs.collect{|c| c.direction}.should == [true, true] o = observed[1] o.should be_kind_of(Bio::FinishM::ConnectionInterpreter::Scaffold) o.sequence(seqs).should == 'AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAA' o.contigs.collect{|c| c.sequence_index}.should == [3,4] o.contigs.collect{|c| c.direction}.should == [true, true] o = observed[2] o.should be_kind_of(Bio::FinishM::ConnectionInterpreter::Scaffold) o.contigs[0].sequence_index.should == 99 o.sequence(seqs).should == 'ATGC' observed.collect{|o| o.circular?}.uniq.should == [false] end it 'should scaffold single contig circular scaffolds' do conns, seqs = GraphTesting.create_connections([ [1,1], ]) interpreter = conns, seqs.keys ) observed = interpreter.scaffolds(interpreter.doubly_single_contig_connections) observed.should be_kind_of(Array) observed.length.should == 1 o = observed[0] o.should be_kind_of(Bio::FinishM::ConnectionInterpreter::Scaffold) o.sequence(seqs).should == 'AAAAAAAAAA' o.contigs.collect{|c| c.sequence_index}.should == [1] o.contigs.collect{|c| c.direction}.should == [true] o.circular?.should == true end it 'should scaffold multi-contig circular scaffolds' do conns, seqs = GraphTesting.create_connections([ [1,2], [2,3], [3,1], [9,10], ]) seqs[87] = 'ATGC' interpreter = conns, seqs.keys ) observed = interpreter.scaffolds(interpreter.doubly_single_contig_connections) observed.length.should == 3 observed.collect{|o| o.circular?}.should == [true, false, false] observed[0].contigs.collect{|c| c.sequence_index}.should == [3,1,2] end it 'should respect the given distance given in the Connection' do conns, seqs = GraphTesting.create_connections([ %w(1s 3e) ]) conns[0].distance = 5 interpreter = conns, seqs.keys ) observed = interpreter.scaffolds(interpreter.doubly_single_contig_connections) observed.length.should == 1 observed[0].gap_lengths.should == [5] end it 'should be able to handle reverse scaffolding' do conns, seqs = GraphTesting.create_connections([ [1,2], ]) conns[0].probe1.side = :start #reverse both contigs conns[0].probe2.side = :end interpreter = conns, seqs.keys ) observed = interpreter.scaffolds(interpreter.doubly_single_contig_connections) observed.length.should == 1 observed[0].sequence(seqs).should == 'TTTTTTTTTTNNNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTT' end it 'should report unconnected probes' do conns, seqs = GraphTesting.create_connections([ [1,2], ]) interpreter = conns, [1,2] ) interpreter.unconnected_probes.collect{|pro| pro.to_settable}.should == [ [1, :start], [2, :end], ] interpreter = conns, [1,2,3] ) interpreter.unconnected_probes.collect{|pro| pro.to_settable}.should == [ [1, :start], [2, :end], [3, :start], [3, :end] ] interpreter = conns, [1,2,4] ) interpreter.unconnected_probes.collect{|pro| pro.to_settable}.should == [ [1, :start], [2, :end], [4, :start], [4, :end] ] end it 'should report unconnected sequences' do conns, seqs = GraphTesting.create_connections([ [1,2], ]) interpreter = conns, [1,2] ) interpreter.unconnected_sequences.should == [ ] interpreter = conns, [1,2,3] ) interpreter.unconnected_sequences.should == [ 3 ] interpreter = conns, [1,2,4,5,6] ) interpreter.unconnected_sequences.should == [ 4,5,6 ] end end