Resque Lock Timeout =================== A [Resque][rq] plugin. Requires Resque >= v1.8.0. resque-lock-timeout adds locking, with optional timeout/deadlock handling to resque jobs. Using a `lock_timeout` allows you to re-acquire the lock should your worker fail, crash, or is otherwise unable to relase the lock. **i.e.** Your server unexpectedly looses power. Very handy for jobs that are recurring or may be retried. Usage / Examples ---------------- ### Single Job Instance require 'resque-lock-timeout' class UpdateNetworkGraph extend Resque::Plugins::LockTimeout @queue = :network_graph def self.perform(repo_id) heavy_lifting end end Locking is achieved by storing a identifyer/lock key in Redis. Default behaviour... * Only one instance of a job may execute at once. * The lock is held until the job completes or fails. * If another job is executing with the same arguments the job will abort. Please see below for more information about the identifer/lock key. ### Enqueued Exclusivity (Loner Option) Setting the `@loner` boolean to `true` will ensure the job is not enqueued if the job (identified by the `identifier` method) is already running/enqueued. class LonelyJob extend Resque::Plugins::LockTimeout @queue = :loners @loner = true def self.perform(repo_id) heavy_lifting end end ### Lock Expiry/Timeout The locking algorithm used can be found in the [Redis SETNX][redis-setnx] documentation. Simply set the lock timeout in seconds, e.g. class UpdateNetworkGraph extend Resque::Plugins::LockTimeout @queue = :network_graph # Lock may be held for upto an hour. @lock_timeout = 3600 def self.perform(repo_id) heavy_lifting end end Customise & Extend ================== ### Job Identifier/Lock Key By default the key uses this format: `lock::`. The default identifier is just your job arguments joined with a dash `-`. If you have a lot of arguments or really long ones, you should consider overriding `identifier` to define a more precise or loose custom identifier: class UpdateNetworkGraph extend Resque::Plugins::LockTimeout @queue = :network_graph # Run only one at a time, regardless of repo_id. def self.identifier(repo_id) nil end def self.perform(repo_id) heavy_lifting end end The above modification will ensure only one job of class UpdateNetworkGraph is running at a time, regardless of the repo_id. Its lock key would be: `lock:UpdateNetworkGraph` (the `:` part is left out if the identifier is `nil`). You can define the entire key by overriding `redis_lock_key`: class UpdateNetworkGraph extend Resque::Plugins::LockTimeout @queue = :network_graph def self.redis_lock_key(repo_id) "lock:updates" end def self.perform(repo_id) heavy_lifting end end That would use the key `lock:updates`. ### Redis Connection Used for Locking By default all locks are stored via Resque's redis connection. If you wish to change this you may override `lock_redis`. class UpdateNetworkGraph extend Resque::Plugins::LockTimeout @queue = :network_graph def self.lock_redis @lock_redis ||= end def self.perform(repo_id) heavy_lifting end end ### Setting Timeout At Runtime You may define the `lock_timeout` method to adjust the timeout at runtime using job arguments. e.g. class UpdateNetworkGraph extend Resque::Plugins::LockTimeout @queue = :network_graph def self.lock_timeout(repo_id, timeout_minutes) 60 * timeout_minutes end def self.perform(repo_id, timeout_minutes = 1) heavy_lifting end end ### Helper Methods * `locked?` - checks if the lock is currently held. * `refresh_lock!` - Refresh the lock, useful for jobs that are taking longer then usual but your okay with them holding on to the lock a little longer. ### Callbacks Several callbacks are available to override and implement your own logic, e.g. class UpdateNetworkGraph extend Resque::Plugins::Lock @queue = :network_graph # Lock may be held for upto an hour. @lock_timeout = 3600 # No same job get enqueued if one already running/enqueued @loner = true # Job failed to acquire lock. You may implement retry or other logic. def self.lock_failed(repo_id) raise LockFailed end # Unable to enqueue job because its running or already enqueued. def self.loner_enqueue_failed(repo_id) raise EnqueueFailed end # Job has complete; but the lock expired before we could relase it. # The lock wasn't released; as its *possible* the lock is now held # by another job. def self.lock_expired_before_release(repo_id) handle_if_needed end def self.perform(repo_id) heavy_lifting end end Install ======= $ gem install resque-lock-timeout Acknowledgements ================ Forked from Chris Wanstrath' [resque-lock][resque-lock] plugin. Lock timeout from Ryan Carvar' [resque-lock-retry][resque-lock-retry] plugin. And a little tinkering from Luke Antins. [rq]: [redis-setnx]: [resque-lock]: [resque-lock-retry]: