module Facades::Builders module FormBuilder module Base # Access the template object attr_accessor :template # Tracks the order in which fields are used in the form, this allows the easy rebuilding of the submitted form # data when submitted since normally the hash isn't ordered. attr_accessor :field_order # Tracks the field currently being "processed" attr_accessor :current_field_type # Overrides fields_for to make sure the form builder is set properly # def fields_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &block) #:nodoc: opts = args.extract_options! opts[:builder] ||= ActionView::Base.default_form_builder args.push(opts) with_custom_error_proc do super(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &block) end end protected ## # # Checks to see if a particular attribute is required, if so, a "required" attribute is added to the field. # # @param [Symbol] attribute The attribute to check against validators # @return [Boolean] # def attribute_required?(attribute) validates_presence?(attribute) || validates_inclusion?(attribute) end # Convenience method to use the +content_tag+ method from our template # def content_tag(tag, content, options = {}, escape = true, &block) #:nodoc: @template.content_tag(tag, content, options, escape, &block) end ## # Checks to see if there are errors for the particular method or attribute # # @param [Symbol] method The method/attribute to check # # @return [Boolean] # def errors_on_attribute?(method) return false if @object.nil? !(@object.errors.empty? || !@object.errors[method.to_sym].present? || [@object.errors[method.to_sym]].flatten.empty?) end ## # # Checks a passed validator to see if it is required # 'borrowed' from Formtastic by Justin French (see # # @param [Hash] options Validator options # def options_require_validation?(options) allow_blank = options[:allow_blank] return !allow_blank unless allow_blank.nil? if_condition = !options[:if].nil? condition = if_condition ? options[:if] : options[:unless] condition = if condition.respond_to?(:call) elsif condition.is_a?(::Symbol) && @object.respond_to?(condition) @object.send(condition) else condition end if_condition ? !!condition : !condition end ## # # Checks an options hash to determine if a required method/attribute was overridden manually # @param [Hash] options The options hash to check # # def required_by_option?(options) req = (options.is_a?(Hash) ? options.stringify_keys[:required] : options) !(req.to_s === 'false' || req.nil?) end ## # # Wrapper method used by all form fields to customize the output # # @param [Symbol] helper_method Original Rails helper method name # @param [Symbol] method Object method / symbol used for the element # @param [Array] args Array of original arguments passed to the helper # # @return [String] Rendered HTML tag for the element # def render_field_as_custom(helper_method, method, *args) @current_field_type = helper_method options = args.extract_options! (@field_order ||= []) << method # Add an error class to the field if it has errors # if errors_on_attribute?(method) klasses = (options.delete(:class) || "").split(" ") klasses << 'field-with-error' options[:class] = klasses.join(" ") end # Add a required attribute to the field if it is required # Skip if false was passed as the required option # options[:required] = "required" if attribute_required?(method) && options.delete(:required).to_s != 'false' options['data-validates-uniqueness'] = "true" if validates_uniqueness?(method) result = send(:"_super_#{helper_method}", method, *(args << options)) messages = @object.nil? ? [] : @object.errors[method] render_field_with_errors(method, result, messages) end ## # # Renders the passed +html_tag+ with the custom error_template # # @param [Symbol] method The method/attribute to check for errors # @param [Object, String] html_tag Instance of an input tag or a string # @param [Array] messages An array of all error messages to be added to the template # def render_field_with_errors(method, html_tag, messages) return html_tag unless errors_on_attribute?(method) error_template = %{ <%= html_tag %> <%= [messages].flatten.join(",") %> } render_binding = binding renderer = renderer.result(render_binding).to_s.html_safe end ## # # Compiles an array of all validators for a particular attribute # @param [Symbol] attribtue The attribute to check # def validators_for(attribute) return [] if @object.nil? return [] unless @object.class.respond_to?(:validators_on) attribute = attribute.to_s.sub(/_id$/, '').to_sym @object.class.validators_on(attribute).uniq end ## # # Convenience method to see if a particular attribute has validators # @param [Symbol] attribute The attribute to check # def validators_for?(attribute) !validators_for(attribute).empty? end ## # # Checks for a presence validation on a particular attribute # @param [Symbol] attribute The attribute to check # def validates_presence?(attribute) validator_of_type_exists?(validators_for(attribute), :presence) end ## # # Checks for a uniqueness validation on a particular attribute # @param [Symbol] attribute The attribute to check # def validates_uniqueness?(attribute) validator_of_type_exists?(validators_for(attribute), :uniqueness, false) end ## # # Checks for inclusion validation on a particular attribute # @param [Symbol] attribute The attribute to check # def validates_inclusion?(attribute) validator_of_type_exists?(validators_for(attribute), :inclusion) end private def validator_of_type_exists?(validators, kind, check_options = true) #:nodoc: @private validators.detect do |validator| exists = (validator.kind.to_s == kind.to_s) next exists unless (check_options && exists) && validator.options.present? options_require_validation?(validator.options) end end end end end