require 'json' require 'securerandom' require 'logger' module Veritrans module CLI # can't find order class OrderNotFound < Exception; end class AuthenticationError < Exception; end extend self def test_webhook(args) url = args.shift raise ArgumentError, "missing required parameter URL" unless url && url != "" options = { body: json_data, headers: { :Accept => "application/json", :"Content-Type" => "application/json", :"User-Agent" => "Veritrans gem #{Veritrans::VERSION} - webhook tester" }, read_timeout: 10, write_timeout: 10, connect_timeout: 10 } puts "Sending #{options[:body].length} bytes to:" puts " => #{cyan(url)}" # Print body if it's custom puts options[:body] + "\n\n" if CONFIG[:order] s_time = response =, options) response.body = response.body.to_s.encode('UTF-8', {:invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => '?'}) puts "Got response: (#{(( - s_time) * 1000).round}ms)" puts " status: #{response.status}" puts " body: #{response.body}" if response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300 puts green("Success!") else puts red("Failed!") puts "Response status is #{response.status} not 200" end #rescue Object => error # puts red("Failed!") # puts error.message end def load_local_config! if CONFIG[:config_path] if File.exists?(CONFIG[:config_path]) config_file = CONFIG[:config_path] else raise ArgumentError, "Can not find config at #{CONFIG[:config_path]}" unless config_file end end if File.exists?("./veritrans.yml") config_file = "./veritrans.yml" end if File.exists?("./config/veritrans.yml") config_file = "./config/veritrans.yml" end raise ArgumentError, "Can not find config at ./config/veritrans.yml or ./veritrans.yml" unless config_file puts "#{green('*')} Load config #{config_file}" ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'development' Veritrans.setup.load_yml("#{config_file}##{ENV['RAILS_ENV']}") if !Veritrans.config.client_key || Veritrans.config.client_key == "" puts red("Error") raise ArgumentError, "Can not find client_key in #{config_file}" end if !Veritrans.config.server_key || Veritrans.config.server_key == "" puts red("Error") raise ArgumentError, "Can not find server_key in #{config_file}" end end def get_order_info(order_id) puts "#{green('*')} Getting order #{order_id}" Veritrans.logger ="/dev/null") response = Veritrans.status(order_id) if response.success? return response else puts red("Error") if response.status_code == 401 raise AuthenticationError, "Can not find order with id=#{order_id} (#{response.status_message})" else raise OrderNotFound, "Can not find order with id=#{order_id} (#{response.status_message})" end end end def json_data data = { status_code: "200", status_message: "Veritrans payment notification", transaction_id: SecureRandom.uuid, order_id: "cli-testin-#{rand}", payment_type: "credit_card", transaction_time:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), transaction_status: "capture", fraud_status: "accept", masked_card: "411111-1111", gross_amount: "50000.0" } if CONFIG[:order] load_local_config! order_info = get_order_info(CONFIG[:order]) order_data =, :signature_key) data = data.except(:fraud_status, :masked_card).merge(order_data) end JSON.pretty_generate(data) end def colorize(str, color_code) "\e[#{color_code}m#{str}\e[0m" end def red(str) colorize(str, 31) end def green(str) colorize(str, 32) end def yellow(str) colorize(str, 33) end def blue(str) colorize(str, 34) end def pink(str) colorize(str, 35) end def cyan(str); colorize(str, 36) end end end