module Braintree module Test # :nodoc: # The constants contained in the Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers module provide # credit card numbers that should be used when working in the sandbox environment. The sandbox # will not accept any credit card numbers other than the ones listed below. module CreditCardNumbers module CardTypeIndicators Prepaid = "4111111111111210" Commercial = "4111111111131010" Payroll = "4111111114101010" Healthcare = "4111111510101010" DurbinRegulated = "4111161010101010" Debit = "4117101010101010" Unknown = "4111111111112101" No = "4111111111310101" IssuingBank = "4111111141010101" CountryOfIssuance = "4111111111121102" end AmExes = %w[378282246310005 371449635398431 378734493671000] CarteBlanches = %w[30569309025904] # :nodoc: DinersClubs = %w[38520000023237] # :nodoc: Discovers = %w[6011111111111117 6011000990139424] JCBs = %w[3530111333300000 3566002020360505] # :nodoc: Maestro = "6304000000000000" # :nodoc: MasterCard = "5555555555554444" MasterCardInternational = "5105105105105100" # :nodoc: MasterCards = %w[5105105105105100 5555555555554444] Visa = "4012888888881881" VisaInternational = "4009348888881881" # :nodoc: VisaPrepaid = "4500600000000061" Fraud = "4000111111111511" Visas = %w[4009348888881881 4012888888881881 4111111111111111 4000111111111115 4500600000000061] Unknowns = %w[1000000000000008] module FailsSandboxVerification AmEx = "378734493671000" Discover = "6011000990139424" MasterCard = "5105105105105100" Visa = "4000111111111115" Numbers = [AmEx, Discover, MasterCard, Visa] end All = AmExes + Discovers + MasterCards + Visas end module CreditCardDefaults CountryOfIssuance = "USA" IssuingBank = "NETWORK ONLY" end end end