## Paying charges There are two ways of giving sequence to a charge. You can generate a banking billet so it is payable until its due date, or can use the customer's credit card to submit the payment. ### 1. Banking billets Setting banking billet as a charge's payment method is simple. You have to use `banking_billet` as the payment method and inform the `charge_id`. ```ruby require "gerencianet" require "date" tomorrow = Date.today + 1 params = { id: 2365 } body = { payment: { banking_billet: { expire_at: tomorrow.strftime, customer: { name: "Gorbadoc Oldbuck", email: "oldbuck@gerencianet.com.br", cpf: "04267484171", birth: "1977-01-15", phone_number: "5144916523" } } } } gerencianet = Gerencianet.new(options) gerencianet.pay_charge(params: params, body: body) ``` You'll receive the payment info in the callback, such as the barcode and the billet link: ```ruby { "code": 200, "data": { "charge_id": 242, "total": 1150, "payment": "banking_billet", "barcode": "00190.00009 01523.894002 00059.161182 9 64350000001150", "link": "https://visualizacao.gerencianet.com.br/emissao/28333_2139_RRABRA7/A4XB-28333-59161-BRANAE4", "expire_at": "2015-05-21" } } ``` If you want the banking billet to have extra instructions, it's possible to send a maximum of 4 different instructions with a maximum of 90 caracters, just as follows: ```ruby var body = { payment: { banking_billet: { expire_at: tomorrow.strftime, customer: { name: "Gorbadoc Oldbuck", email: "oldbuck@gerencianet.com.br", cpf: "04267484171", birth: "1977-01-15", phone_number: "5144916523" }, instructions: [ "Pay only with money", "Do not pay with gold" ] } } } ``` ### 2. Credit card The most common payment method is to use a credit card in order to make things happen faster. Paying a charge with a credit card in Gerencianet is as simples as generating a banking billet, as seen above. The difference here is that we need to provide some extra information, as a `billing_address` and a `payment_token`. The former is used to make an anti-fraud analyze before accepting/appoving the payment, the latter identifies a credit card at Gerencianet, so that you don't need to bother about keeping track of credit card numbers. The `installments` attribute is self-explanatory. We'll talk about getting payment tokens later. For now, let's take a look at the snipet that does the work we're aiming for: ```ruby body = { payment: { credit_card: { installments: 1, payment_token: "5739b06925244dd1ab8e0afa62389d5fb4ea2945", billing_address: { street: "Av. JK", number: 909, neighborhood: "Bauxita", zipcode: "35400000", city: "Ouro Preto", state: "MG" }, customer: { name: "Gorbadoc Oldbuck", email: "oldbuck@gerencianet.com.br", cpf: "04267484171", birth: "1977-01-15", phone_number: "5144916523" } } } } params = { id: 2366 } gerencianet = Gerencianet.new(options) gerencianet.pay_charge(params: params, body: body) ``` If everything went well, the response will come with the total value, installments number and the value of each installment: ```ruby { "code": 200, "data": { "charge_id": 223, "total": 1150, "payment": "credit_card", "installments": 1, "installment_value": 1150 } } ``` ##### Payment tokens A `payment_token` represents a credit card number at Gerencianet. For testing purposes, you can go to your application playground in your Gerencianet's account. At the payment endpoint you'll see a button that generates one token for you. This payment token will point to a random test credit card number. When in production, it will depend if your project is a web app or a mobile app. For web apps you should follow this [guide](https://api.gerencianet.com.br/checkout/card). It basically consists of copying/pasting a script tag in your checkout page. For mobile apps you should use this [SDK for Android](https://github.com/gerencianet/gn-api-sdk-android) or this [SDK for iOS](https://github.com/gerencianet/gn-api-sdk-ios).