# frozen_string_literal: true lib = File.expand_path('lib', __dir__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) require 'dynamoid/version' Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.name = 'dynamoid' spec.version = Dynamoid::VERSION # Keep in sync with README spec.authors = [ 'Josh Symonds', 'Logan Bowers', 'Craig Heneveld', 'Anatha Kumaran', 'Jason Dew', 'Luis Arias', 'Stefan Neculai', 'Philip White', 'Peeyush Kumar', 'Sumanth Ravipati', 'Pascal Corpet', 'Brian Glusman', 'Peter Boling', 'Andrew Konchin' ] spec.email = ['peter.boling@gmail.com', 'brian@stellaservice.com'] spec.description = "Dynamoid is an ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB that supports offline development, associations, querying, and everything else you'd expect from an ActiveRecord-style replacement." spec.summary = "Dynamoid is an ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB" spec.extra_rdoc_files = [ 'LICENSE.txt', 'README.md' ] spec.files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").reject { |f| f.match(%r{^(bin|test|spec|features|.dev|Vagrantfile)/}) } spec.homepage = 'http://github.com/Dynamoid/Dynamoid' spec.licenses = ['MIT'] spec.bindir = 'exe' spec.executables = spec.files.grep(%r{^exe/}) { |f| File.basename(f) } spec.require_paths = ['lib'] spec.add_runtime_dependency 'activemodel', '>=4' spec.add_runtime_dependency 'aws-sdk-dynamodb', '~> 1' spec.add_runtime_dependency 'concurrent-ruby', '>= 1.0' spec.add_runtime_dependency 'null-logger' spec.add_development_dependency 'appraisal' spec.add_development_dependency 'bundler' spec.add_development_dependency 'coveralls' spec.add_development_dependency 'pry' spec.add_development_dependency 'rake' spec.add_development_dependency 'rspec' spec.add_development_dependency 'rubocop' spec.add_development_dependency 'wwtd' spec.add_development_dependency 'yard' end