import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { urlBuilder } from 'foremanReact/common/urlHelpers'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import ContentConfig from '../../../Content/ContentConfig'; import InactiveText from '../../components/InactiveText'; // type: [plural_name, singular_name, link] const repoLabels = { rpm: ['RPM packages', 'RPM package', 'packages'], module_stream: ['module streams', 'module stream', 'module_streams'], erratum: ['errata', 'erratum', 'errata'], // need to handle link, its $URL/errata?repositoryId=107 deb: ['deb packages', 'deb package', 'debs'], ansible_collection: ['Ansible collections', 'Ansible collection', 'ansible_collections'], docker_manifest: ['container manifests', 'container manifest', 'docker_manifests'], docker_manifest_list: ['container manifest lists', 'container manifest list', 'docker_manifest_lists'], docker_tag: ['container tags', 'container tag', 'docker_tags'], file: ['files', 'file', 'files'], package_group: ['package groups', 'package group', 'package_groups'], srpm: ['source RPMs', 'source RPM', 'source_rpms'], // no link? }; const appendCount = (type, count, info, productId, repoId) => { const [repoPlural, repoSingular, link] = info; const displayName = count > 1 ? repoPlural : repoSingular; let url = urlBuilder(`products/${productId}/repositories/${repoId}/content`, '', link); const displayInfo = `${count} ${displayName}`; if (type === 'source_rpm') return displayInfo; if (type === 'erratum') url = urlBuilder(`errata?repositoryId=${repoId}`); return (
); }; const ContentCounts = ({ productId, repoId, counts }) => { const allCounts = []; Object.keys(counts).forEach((type) => { const count = counts[type]; let info = repoLabels[type]; const config = ContentConfig.find(typeConfig => typeConfig.names.singularLabel === type); if (config) { const { pluralLowercase, singularLowercase, pluralLabel } = config.names; info = [pluralLowercase, singularLowercase, pluralLabel]; } else if (!info) { info = ['unknown units', 'unknown unit', '']; } // package and rpm are the same if (type !== 'package' && count > 0) allCounts.push(appendCount(type, count, info, productId, repoId)); }); if (!allCounts.length) return