describe Mellon::Keychain do subject(:keychain) do end specify "#name" do eq "temporary_keychain" end specify "#path" do keychain.path.should eq keychain_path end specify "keychain can be stored in hash" do hash = {} hash[keychain] = "some value" hash[].should eq "some value" end describe "#==" do it "is equal to another keychain with same path" do keychain.should eq end it "is not equal to any other object" do keychain.should_not eq({}) end end describe "#initialize" do it "raises an error if keychain does not exist" do expect {"missing.keychain") }.to raise_error(Mellon::Error, /missing.keychain/) end end describe "#keys" do it "lists all keys available in the keychain" do keychain.keys.should =~ ["simple", "existing", "encoded", "plist", "empty", "doomed", "json store", "yaml store"] end end describe "#fetch" do it "delegates (and as such, behaves equally) to #[]" do keychain.should_receive(:[]).with("simple").and_call_original keychain.fetch("simple").should eq "Simple note" end describe "behaves like Hash#fetch" do specify "when key exists" do keychain.fetch("simple", nil).should eq "Simple note" keychain.fetch("simple", "default value").should eq "Simple note" keychain.fetch("simple", "default value") { "block value" }.should eq "Simple note" keychain.fetch("simple") { "block value" }.should eq "Simple note" keychain.fetch("simple").should eq "Simple note" end specify "when key does not exist" do keychain.fetch("missing", nil).should eq nil keychain.fetch("missing", "default value").should eq "default value" keychain.fetch("missing", "default value") { "block value" }.should eq "block value" keychain.fetch("missing") { "block value" }.should eq "block value" expect { keychain.fetch("missing") }.to raise_error(KeyError) end end end describe "#[key]" do it "reads simple entries" do keychain["simple"].should eq "Simple note" end it "reads encoded entries" do keychain["encoded"].should eq "Encoded\nnote" end it "reads plist entries" do keychain["plist"].should eq "Plist note." end it "reads empty entries" do keychain["empty"].should eq "" end it "returns nil when there is no entry with the given name" do keychain["nonexisting note"].should be_nil end end describe "#[]=" do it "can create a new note" do keychain["new note"].should be_nil keychain["new note"] = "This is new data" keychain["new note"].should eq "This is new data" end it "can write data to an existing note" do keychain["existing"].should eq "Existing note." keychain["existing"] = "This is new" keychain["existing"].should eq "This is new" end it "can delete an existing note" do keychain["doomed"].should_not be_nil keychain["doomed"] = nil keychain["doomed"].should be_nil end end end