class BuildCloud::NetworkInterface include ::BuildCloud::Component @@objects = [] def self.get_id_by_name( name ) interface = :name => name ).first unless interface raise "Couldn't get an NetworkInterface object for #{name} - is it defined?" end interface_fog = unless interface_fog raise "Couldn't get a NetworkInterface fog object for #{name} - is it created?" end interface_fog.network_interface_id end def initialize ( fog_interfaces, log, options = {} ) @compute = fog_interfaces[:compute] @log = log @options = options @log.debug( options.inspect ) required_options(:name, :private_ip_address) require_one_of(:subnet_id, :subnet_name) require_one_of(:security_groups, :security_group_names) end def create return if exists? "Creating network interface #{@options[:private_ip_address]}" ) options = @options.dup unless options[:subnet_id] options[:subnet_id] = BuildCloud::Subnet.get_id_by_name( options[:subnet_name] ) options.delete(:subnet_name) end unless options[:security_groups] options[:group_set] = [] options[:security_group_names].each do |sg| options[:group_set] << BuildCloud::SecurityGroup.get_id_by_name( sg ) end options.delete(:security_group_names) end options[:description] = options[:name] options.delete(:name) interface = wait_until_ready attributes = {} attributes[:resource_id] = interface.network_interface_id attributes[:key] = 'Name' attributes[:value] = options[:description] interface_tag = attributes ) if options[:assign_new_public_ip] and ! options[:existing_public_ip].nil? raise "Cannot specifiy both new and existing IP addresses" end if options[:assign_new_public_ip] ### Need to use the request here, in order to support older accounts which still have ### 'EC2 Classic' regions/azs assigned ip = @compute.allocate_address(domain='vpc') public_ip = ip.body['publicIp'] allocation_id = ip.body['allocationId'] @compute.associate_address(nil, public_ip, interface.network_interface_id, allocation_id ) "Assigned new public IP #{public_ip}" ) end unless options[:existing_public_ip].nil? ip = @compute.addresses.get(options[:existing_public_ip]) public_ip = ip.public_ip allocation_id = ip.allocation_id @compute.associate_address(nil, ip.public_ip, interface.network_interface_id, allocation_id ) end @log.debug( interface.inspect ) @log.debug( interface_tag.inspect ) @log.debug( ip.inspect ) unless ! options[:assign_new_public_ip] @log.debug( ip.inspect ) unless options[:existing_public_ip].nil? end def read { |ni| ni.private_ip_address == @options[:private_ip_address]}.first end alias_method :fog_object, :read def delete return unless exists? "Deleting network interface with IP address #{@options[:private_ip_address]}" ) fog_object.destroy end end