# # bitclust/libraryentry.rb # # Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Minero Aoki # # This program is free software. # You can distribute/modify this program under the Ruby License. # require 'bitclust/entry' require 'bitclust/exception' module BitClust # Entry for libraries ("_builtin", "yaml", etc.) class LibraryEntry < Entry include Enumerable def LibraryEntry.type_id :library end def initialize(db, id) super db @id = id if saved? @classmap = nil @methodmap = nil @link_checked = true else @classmap = {} @methodmap = {} @link_checked = false end init_properties end attr_reader :id def ==(other) @id == other.id end alias eql? == def hash @id.hash end def <=>(other) @id.casecmp(other.id) end def name libid2name(@id) end alias label name def labels [label()] end def name?(n) name() == n end persistent_properties { property :requires, '[LibraryEntry]' property :classes, '[ClassEntry]' # :defined classes property :methods, '[MethodEntry]' # :added/:redefined entries property :source, 'String' property :sublibraries, '[LibraryEntry]' property :is_sublibrary, 'bool' property :category, 'String' } def inspect "#" end def check_link(path = []) return if @link_checked if path.include?(name()) raise InvalidLink, "looped require: #{path_string(path)}" end path.push name() requires().each do |lib| lib.check_link path end path.pop @link_checked = true end def all_requires(libs = {}) requires.each{|l| next if libs[l.name] libs[l.name] = l l.all_requires(libs) } libs.values end def all_classes return @all_classes if @all_classes required_classes = (sublibraries & requires).map{|l| l.classes }.flatten @all_classes = (classes() + required_classes).uniq.sort end def error_classes @error_classes ||= classes.select{|c| c.error_class? } end def all_error_classes @all_error_classes ||= all_classes.select{|c| c.error_class? } end def all_modules @all_modules ||= all_classes.select{|c| c.module? }.sort end def all_objects @all_objects ||= all_classes.select{|c| c.object? }.sort end def require(lib) requires().push lib end def sublibrary(lib) unless sublibraries().include?(lib) sublibraries().push lib lib.is_sublibrary = true end end def fetch_class(name) get_class(name) or raise ClassNotFound, "no such class in the library #{name()}: #{name}" end def get_class(name) classes().detect {|c| c.name == name } end def classnames classes().map {|c| c.name } end def each_class(&block) classes().each(&block) end def classmap @classmap ||= begin h = {} classes().each do |c| h[c.name] = c end h end end private :classmap def fetch_methods(spec) ms = if c = get_class(spec.klass) then c.fetch_methods(spec) else [] end + methods().select {|m| spec.match?(m) } if ms.empty? raise MethodNotFound, "no such method in the library #{name()}: #{name}" end ms end def fetch_method(spec) classes().each do |c| m = c.get_method(spec) return m if m end methods().detect {|m| spec.match?(m) } or raise MethodNotFound, "no such method in the library #{name()}: #{name}" end def each_method(&block) methods().each(&block) end def methodmap @methodmap ||= begin h = {} methods().each do |m| h[m] = m end h end end private :methodmap def add_class(c) unless classmap()[c.name] classes().push c classmap()[c.name] = c @db.dirty_library self end end def add_method(m) unless methodmap()[m] methods().push m methodmap()[m] = m @db.dirty_library self end end end end