require "spec_helper" describe Mongoid::Document do before do Person.delete_all end describe "#db" do it "returns the mongo database" do Person.db.should == Mongoid.master end end context "when document contains a hash field" do before do @map = { "first" => 10, "second" => "Blah" } @person = Person.create(:map => @map) end it "properly gets and sets the has attributes" do == @map @from_db = Person.find( == @map end end describe ".collection" do context "on a subclass of a root document" do it "returns the root document collection" do Browser.collection.should == Canvas.collection end end context "on a namespaced document" do == "medical_patients" end end describe "#new" do it "gets a new or current database connection" do person = person.collection.should be_a_kind_of(Mongoid::Collection) end end describe "#count" do before do 5.times do |n| Person.create(:title => "Sir", :ssn => "#{n}") end end it "returns the count" do Person.count.should == 5 end end describe "#create" do it "persists a new record to the database" do person = Person.create(:title => "Test") be_a_kind_of(String) person.attributes[:title].should == "Test" end context "when creating a has many" do before do @person = => "Esquire") @person.addresses.create(:street => "Nan Jing Dong Lu", :city => "Shanghai") end it "should create and save the entire graph" do person = Person.find( person.addresses.first.street.should == "Nan Jing Dong Lu" end end end context "chaining criteria scopes" do before do @one = Person.create(:title => "Mr", :age => 55, :terms => true, :ssn => "q") @two = Person.create(:title => "Sir", :age => 55, :terms => true, :ssn => "w") @three = Person.create(:title => "Sir", :age => 35, :terms => true, :ssn => "e") @four = Person.create(:title => "Sir", :age => 55, :terms => false, :ssn => "r") end it "finds by the merged criteria" do people = Person.old.accepted.knight people.count.should == 1 people.first.should == @two end end context "#destroy" do context "on a root document" do before do @person = Person.create(:title => "Sir") end it "deletes the document" do @person.destroy lambda { Person.find( }.should raise_error end end context "on an embedded document" do before do @person = Person.create(:title => "Lead") address = @person.addresses.create(:street => "1st Street") @person.create_name(:first_name => "Emmanuel") end it "deletes the document" do @person.addresses.first.destroy be_nil @person.addresses.first.should be_nil be_nil end end end context ".find_or_create_by" do before do @person = Person.create(:title => "Senior") end context "when the document is found" do it "returns the document" do Person.find_or_create_by(:title => "Senior").should == @person end end context "when the document is not found" do it "creates a new document" do person = Person.find_or_create_by(:title => "Senorita", :ssn => "1234567") person.title.should == "Senorita" person.should_not be_a_new_record end end end context ".find_or_initialize_by" do before do @person = Person.create(:title => "Senior") end context "when the document is found" do it "returns the document" do Person.find_or_initialize_by(:title => "Senior").should == @person end end context "when the document is not found" do it "returns a new document" do person = Person.find_or_initialize_by(:title => "Senorita") person.title.should == "Senorita" person.should be_a_new_record end end end describe "#find" do before do @person = Person.create(:title => "Test") end context "finding all documents" do it "returns an array of documents based on the selector provided" do documents = Person.find(:all, :conditions => { :title => "Test"}) documents.first.title.should == "Test" end end context "finding first document" do it "returns the first document based on the selector provided" do person = Person.find(:first, :conditions => { :title => "Test" }) person.title.should == "Test" end end context "finding by id" do it "finds the document by the supplied id" do person = Person.find( == end end context "limiting result fields" do it "adds the type field to the options" do people = Person.all(:fields => [ :title ]) people.first.title.should == "Test" end end end describe "#group" do before do 5.times do |num| Person.create(:title => "Sir", :age => num) end end it "returns grouped documents" do grouped = Person.only(:title).group people = grouped.first["group"] person = people.first person.should be_a_kind_of(Person) person.title.should == "Sir" end end context "when address is a has one" do before do @owner = PetOwner.create(:title => "AKC") @address = => "Fido Street") @owner.address = @address end after do PetOwner.delete_all end it "is a single object and not an array" do @from_db = PetOwner.find( @from_db.address.should == @address end end describe "#inspect" do before do @person = end it "returns a pretty string of class name and attributes" do attrs = { |name, field| "#{name}: #{@person.attributes[name] || 'nil'}" } * ", " @person.inspect.should == "#" end end describe "#paginate" do before do 10.times do |num| Person.create(:title => "Test-#{num}", :ssn => "55#{num}") end end it "returns paginated documents" do Person.paginate(:per_page => 5, :page => 2).length.should == 5 end it "returns a proper count" do @criteria = Mongoid::Criteria.translate(Person, { :per_page => 5, :page => 1 }) @criteria.count.should == 10 end end describe "#reload" do before do @person = => "Sir") @from_db = Person.find( @from_db.age = 35 end it "reloads the obejct attributes from the db" do @person.reload @person.age.should == 35 end end describe "#save" do context "on a has_one association" do before do @person = => "Sir") @name = => "Test") = @name end it "saves the parent document" do person = Person.find( == @name.first_name end end context "without validation" do before do @comment = end it "always persists" do be_true @from_db = Comment.find( @from_db.should == @comment end end context "with failing validation" do before do @comment = end it "returns false" do @comment.should_not be_valid end end end context ".store_in" do after do Canvas.store_in(:canvases) end it "switches the database collection" do == "canvases" Canvas.store_in(:browsers) == "browsers" end end context "when has many exists through a has one" do before do @owner = => "Sir") @pet = => "Fido") @visit = => @pet.vet_visits << @visit = @pet end it "can clear the association" do == 1 == 0 end end context "the lot" do before do @person = => "Sir") @name = => "Syd", :last_name => "Vicious") @home = => "Oxford Street") @business = => "Upper Street") = @name @person.addresses << @home @person.addresses << @business end it "allows adding multiples on a has_many in a row" do @person.addresses.length.should == 2 end context "when saving on a has_one" do before do end it "saves the entire graph up from the has_one" do person = Person.first(:conditions => { :title => "Sir" }) person.should == @person end end context "when saving on a has_many" do before do end it "saves the entire graph up from the has_many" do person = Person.first(:conditions => { :title => "Sir" }) person.should == @person end end end context "setting belongs_to" do before do @person = => "Mr") @address = => "Bloomsbury Ave")! end it "allows the parent reference to change" do @address.addressable = @person! @person.addresses.first.should == @address end end describe "#to_json" do before do @person = => "Sir", :age => 30) @address = => "Nan Jing Dong Lu") @person.addresses << @address end context "on a new document" do it "returns the json string" do @person.to_json.should == @person.attributes.to_json end end context "on a persisted document" do it "returns the json string" do from_db = Person.find( from_db.to_json.should == from_db.attributes.to_json end end end context "typecasting" do before do @date =, 7, 4) @person = => @date) end it "properly casts dates and times" do person = Person.first person.dob.should == @date end end context "versioning" do before do @comment = => "Testing") end after do Comment.collection.drop end context "first save" do it "creates a new version" do @from_db = Comment.find( @from_db.text = "New" @from_db.versions.size.should == 1 @from_db.version.should == 2 end end context "multiple saves" do before do 5.times do |n| end end it "creates new versions" do @from_db = Comment.find( @from_db.version.should == 6 @from_db.versions.size.should == 5 end end end context "executing criteria with date comparisons" do context "handling specific dates" do before do @person = Person.create(:dob =>, 10, 31)) end it "handles comparisons with todays date"do people = Person.where("this.dob < new Date()") people.first.should == @person end it "handles conparisons with a date range" do people = Person.where("new Date(1976, 10, 31) < this.dob && this.dob < new Date()") people.first.should == @person end it "handles false comparisons in a date range" do people = Person.where("new Date(2005, 10, 31) < this.dob && this.dob < new Date()") people.should be_empty end it "handles comparisons with date objects"do people = Person.where(:dob => { "$lt" => }) people.first.should == @person end end end end