--- # Notes: # This is a fully tested project that demonstrates the use # of a timer ISR to blink the on board LED of an Arduino UNO :project: :use_exceptions: FALSE :use_test_preprocessor: TRUE :use_auxiliary_dependencies: TRUE :build_root: build :release_build: TRUE :test_file_prefix: test_ #You'll have to specify these :environment: - :mcu: atmega328p - :f_cpu: 16000000UL - :serial_port: COM8 #change this to the serial port you are using!!! - :objcopy: avr-objcopy # Uncomment these lines if you are using windows and don't have these tools in your path # - :path: # - C:\mingw\bin # - C:\WinAVR-20100110\bin # - C:\WinAVR-20100110\utils\bin # - #{ENV['PATH']} :extension: :executable: .bin :release_build: :output: blinky :paths: :test: - +:test/** - -:test/support :source: - src/** :support: - test/support :defines: # in order to add common defines: # 1) remove the trailing [] from the :common: section # 2) add entries to the :common: section (e.g. :test: has TEST defined) :commmon: &common_defines [] :test: - *common_defines - TEST :test_preprocess: - *common_defines - TEST :tools: :release_compiler: :executable: avr-gcc :arguments: - ${1} - -DTARGET - -DF_CPU=#{ENV['F_CPU']} - -mmcu=#{ENV['MCU']} - -Iinclude/ - -Wall - -Os - -c - -o ${2} :release_linker: :executable: avr-gcc :arguments: - -mmcu=#{ENV['MCU']} - ${1} - -o ${2}.bin :cmock: :mock_prefix: mock_ :when_no_prototypes: :warn :enforce_strict_ordering: TRUE :plugins: - :ignore :treat_as: uint8: HEX8 uint16: HEX16 uint32: UINT32 int8: INT8 bool: UINT8 #:tools: # Ceedling defaults to using gcc for compiling, linking, etc. # As [:tools] is blank, gcc will be used (so long as it's in your system path) # See documentation to configure a given toolchain for use :plugins: :load_paths: - vendor/ceedling/plugins :enabled: - stdout_pretty_tests_report - module_generator ...