# Copyright 2017 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "time" require "google/cloud/debugger/breakpoint/evaluator" require "google/cloud/debugger/breakpoint/source_location" require "google/cloud/debugger/breakpoint/stack_frame" require "google/cloud/debugger/breakpoint/status_message" require "google/cloud/debugger/breakpoint/validator" require "google/cloud/debugger/breakpoint/variable" require "google/cloud/debugger/breakpoint/variable_table" module Google module Cloud module Debugger ## # # Breakpoint # # Abstract class that represents a breakpoint, which can be set and # triggered in a debuggee application. Maps to gRPC struct # {Google::Devtools::Clouddebugger::V2::Breakpoint}. # class Breakpoint include MonitorMixin ## # Breakpoint identifier, unique in the scope of the debuggee. attr_accessor :id ## # Action to take when a breakpoint is hit. Either :CAPTURE or :LOG. # @return [Symbol] attr_accessor :action ## # Absolute path to the debuggee Ruby application root directory. # @return [String] attr_accessor :app_root ## # Only relevant when action is LOG. Defines the message to log when the # breakpoint hits. The message may include parameter placeholders $0, # $1, etc. These placeholders are replaced with the evaluated value of # the appropriate expression. Expressions not referenced in # logMessageFormat are not logged. attr_accessor :log_message_format ## # Indicates the severity of the log. Only relevant when action is LOG. attr_accessor :log_level ## # The evaluated log message when action is LOG. attr_accessor :evaluated_log_message ## # Breakpoint source location. # @return [Google::Cloud::Debugger::Breakpoint::SourceLocation] attr_accessor :location ## # Condition that triggers the breakpoint. The condition is a compound # boolean expression composed using expressions in a programming # language at the source location. attr_accessor :condition ## # When true, indicates that this is a final result and the breakpoint # state will not change from here on. # @return [Boolean] attr_accessor :is_final_state ## # List of read-only expressions to evaluate at the breakpoint location. # The expressions are composed using expressions in the programming # language at the source location. If the breakpoint action is LOG, the # evaluated expressions are included in log statements. # @return [Array] attr_accessor :expressions ## # Values of evaluated expressions at breakpoint time. The evaluated # expressions appear in exactly the same order they are listed in the # expressions field. The name field holds the original expression text, # the value or members field holds the result of the evaluated # expression. If the expression cannot be evaluated, the status inside # the Variable will indicate an error and contain the error text. # @return [Array] attr_accessor :evaluated_expressions ## # Time this breakpoint was created by the server in seconds resolution. # @return [Time] attr_accessor :create_time ## # Time this breakpoint was finalized as seen by the server in seconds # resolution. # @return [Time] attr_accessor :final_time ## # E-mail address of the user that created this breakpoint attr_accessor :user_email ## # Breakpoint status. # # The status includes an error flag and a human readable message. This # field is usually unset. The message can be either informational or an # error message. Regardless, clients should always display the text # message back to the user. # # Error status indicates complete failure of the breakpoint. attr_accessor :status ## # The variable_table exists to aid with computation, memory and network # traffic optimization. It enables storing a variable once and reference # it from multiple variables, including variables stored in the # variable_table itself. For example, the same this object, which may # appear at many levels of the stack, can have all of its data stored # once in this table. The stack frame variables then would hold only a # reference to it. # # The variable var_table_index field is an index into this repeated # field. The stored objects are nameless and get their name from the # referencing variable. The effective variable is a merge of the # referencing variable and the referenced variable. attr_accessor :variable_table ## # A set of custom breakpoint properties, populated by the agent, to be # displayed to the user. # @return [Hash] attr_accessor :labels ## # The stack at breakpoint time. # @return [Array] attr_accessor :stack_frames ## # @private Construct a new instance of Breakpoint. def initialize id = nil, path = nil, line = nil super() @id = id @action = :CAPTURE # Use relative path for SourceLocation, because that's how the server # side canonical breakpoints are defined. @location = SourceLocation.new.tap do |sl| sl.path = path sl.line = line.to_i end @expressions = [] @evaluated_expressions = [] @stack_frames = [] @labels = {} @variable_table = VariableTable.new end ## # @private New Google::Cloud::Debugger::Breakpoint # from a Google::Devtools::Clouddebugger::V2::Breakpoint object. def self.from_grpc grpc return new if grpc.nil? breakpoint = grpc.action == :LOG ? Logpoint.new : Snappoint.new breakpoint.tap do |b| b.id = grpc.id b.action = grpc.action b.condition = grpc.condition b.expressions = grpc.expressions.to_a b.labels = hashify_labels grpc.labels b.log_message_format = grpc.log_message_format b.log_level = grpc.log_level b.is_final_state = grpc.is_final_state b.user_email = grpc.user_email assign_complex_grpc_fields grpc, b end end ## # @private Helper method that helps extracting complex fields from # grpc struct into a breakpoint. def self.assign_complex_grpc_fields grpc, breakpoint breakpoint.create_time = timestamp_from_grpc grpc.create_time breakpoint.evaluated_expressions = Breakpoint::Variable.from_grpc_list grpc.evaluated_expressions breakpoint.final_time = timestamp_from_grpc grpc.final_time breakpoint.location = Breakpoint::SourceLocation.from_grpc grpc.location breakpoint.stack_frames = stack_frames_from_grpc grpc breakpoint.status = Breakpoint::StatusMessage.from_grpc grpc.status breakpoint.variable_table = Breakpoint::VariableTable.from_grpc grpc.variable_table end ## # @private Extract array of stack_frame from grpc def self.stack_frames_from_grpc grpc return nil if grpc.stack_frames.nil? grpc.stack_frames.map { |sf| Breakpoint::StackFrame.from_grpc sf } end ## # @private Get a Time object from a Google::Protobuf::Timestamp object. def self.timestamp_from_grpc grpc_timestamp return nil if grpc_timestamp.nil? Time.at grpc_timestamp.seconds, Rational(grpc_timestamp.nanos, 1000) end ## # @private Helper method to convert a gRPC map to Ruby Hash def self.hashify_labels grpc_labels if grpc_labels.respond_to? :to_h grpc_labels.to_h else # Enumerable doesn't have to_h on ruby 2.0... Hash[grpc_labels.to_a] end end private_class_method :stack_frames_from_grpc, :timestamp_from_grpc, :hashify_labels, :assign_complex_grpc_fields ## # Marks a breakpoint as complete if this breakpoint isn't completed # already. Set @is_final_state to true and set @final_time. def complete synchronize do return if complete? @is_final_state = true @final_time = Time.now end end ## # Check if the breakpoint has been evaluated or set to a final error # state. def complete? is_final_state ? true : false end ## # Check if the breakpoint is valid or not. Invoke validation function # if breakpoint hasn't been finallized yet. def valid? Validator.validate self unless complete? status && status.is_error ? false : true end ## # Get the file path of this breakpoint # @example # breakpoint = # Google::Cloud::Debugger::Breakpoint.new nil, "path/to/file.rb" # breakpoint.path #=> "path/to/file.rb" # @return [String] The file path for this breakpoint def path location.nil? ? nil : location.path end ## # Get the line number of this breakpoint # @example # breakpoint = # Google::Cloud::Debugger::Breakpoint.new nil, "path/to/file.rb", 11 # breakpoint.line #=> 11 # @return [Integer] The line number for this breakpoint def line location.nil? ? nil : location.line end ## # Evaluate the breakpoint's condition expression against a given binding # object. Returns true if the condition expression evalutes to true or # there isn't a condition; otherwise false. Set breakpoint to error # state if exception happens. # # @param [Binding] binding A Ruby Binding object # @return [Boolean] True if condition evalutes to true or there isn't a # condition. False if condition evaluates to false or error raised # during evaluation. def check_condition binding return true if condition.nil? || condition.empty? condition_result = Evaluator.readonly_eval_expression binding, condition if condition_result.is_a?(Exception) && condition_result.instance_variable_get(:@mutation_cause) set_error_state "Error: #{condition_result.message}", refers_to: StatusMessage::BREAKPOINT_CONDITION return false end condition_result ? true : false rescue StandardError => e set_error_state "Error: #{e.message}", refers_to: StatusMessage::BREAKPOINT_CONDITION false end ## # Check if two breakpoints are equal to each other def eql? other id == other.id && path == other.path && line == other.line end ## # @private Override default hashing function def hash id.hash ^ path.hash ^ line.hash end ## # @private Exports the Breakpoint to a # Google::Devtools::Clouddebugger::V2::Breakpoint object. def to_grpc Google::Devtools::Clouddebugger::V2::Breakpoint.new( id: id.to_s, location: location.to_grpc, condition: condition.to_s, expressions: expressions || [], is_final_state: is_final_state, create_time: timestamp_to_grpc(create_time), final_time: timestamp_to_grpc(final_time), user_email: user_email.to_s, stack_frames: stack_frames_to_grpc, evaluated_expressions: evaluated_expressions_to_grpc, status: status_to_grpc, labels: labels_to_grpc, variable_table: variable_table.to_grpc ) end ## # Set breakpoint to an error state, which initializes the @status # instance variable with the error message. Also mark this breakpoint as # completed if is_final is true. # # @param [String] message The error message # @param [Symbol] refers_to Enum that specifies what the error refers # to. Defaults :UNSPECIFIED. See {Breakpoint::StatusMessage} class for # list of possible values # @param [Boolean] is_final Marks the breakpoint as final if true. # Defaults true. # # @return [Google::Cloud::Debugger::Breakpoint::StatusMessage] The grpc # StatusMessage object, which describes the breakpoint's error state. def set_error_state message, refers_to: StatusMessage::UNSPECIFIED, is_final: true @status = StatusMessage.new.tap do |s| s.is_error = true s.refers_to = refers_to s.description = message end complete if is_final @status end ## # Get full absolute file path by combining the relative file path # with application root directory path. def full_path if app_root.nil? || app_root.empty? path else File.join app_root, path end end private ## # @private Formats the labels so they can be saved to a # Google::Devtools::Clouddebugger::V2::Breakpoint object. def labels_to_grpc # Coerce symbols to strings Hash[labels.map do |k, v| [String(k), String(v)] end] end ## # @private Exports the Breakpoint stack_frames to an array of # Google::Devtools::Clouddebugger::V2::StackFrame objects. def stack_frames_to_grpc stack_frames.nil? ? [] : stack_frames.map(&:to_grpc) end ## # @private Exports the Breakpoint stack_frames to an array of # Google::Devtools::Clouddebugger::V2::Variable objects. def evaluated_expressions_to_grpc evaluated_expressions.nil? ? [] : evaluated_expressions.map(&:to_grpc) end ## # @private Exports Breakpoint status to # Google::Devtools::Clouddebugger::V2::StatusMessage object def status_to_grpc status.nil? ? nil : status.to_grpc end ## # @private Formats the timestamp as a Google::Protobuf::Timestamp # object. def timestamp_to_grpc time return nil if time.nil? Google::Protobuf::Timestamp.new( seconds: time.to_i, nanos: time.nsec ) end end end end end