# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Copyright (c) 2021 Aspose.Words for Cloud # # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require 'date' module AsposeWordsCloud # DTO container with a font element. class Font # Gets or sets the link to the document. attr_accessor :link # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as all capital letters. attr_accessor :all_caps # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contents of this run shall have right-to-left characteristics. attr_accessor :bidi # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as bold. attr_accessor :bold # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the right-to-left text is formatted as bold. attr_accessor :bold_bi # Gets or sets the border object, that specifies border for the font. attr_accessor :border # Gets or sets the color of the font. attr_accessor :color # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contents of this run shall be treated as complex script text regardless of their Unicode character values when determining the formatting for this run. attr_accessor :complex_script # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as double strikethrough text. attr_accessor :double_strike_through # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as embossed. attr_accessor :emboss # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as engraved. attr_accessor :engrave # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as hidden text. attr_accessor :hidden # Gets or sets the highlight (marker) color. attr_accessor :highlight_color # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as italic. attr_accessor :italic # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the right-to-left text is formatted as italic. attr_accessor :italic_bi # Gets or sets the font size at which kerning starts. attr_accessor :kerning # Gets or sets the locale identifier (language) of the formatted characters. attr_accessor :locale_id # Gets or sets the locale identifier (language) of the formatted right-to-left characters. attr_accessor :locale_id_bi # Gets or sets the locale identifier (language) of the formatted Asian characters. attr_accessor :locale_id_far_east # Gets or sets the name of the font. attr_accessor :name # Gets or sets the font used for Latin text (characters with character codes from 0 (zero) through 127). attr_accessor :name_ascii # Gets or sets the name of the font in a right-to-left language document. attr_accessor :name_bi # Gets or sets the East Asian font name. attr_accessor :name_far_east # Gets or sets the font used for characters with character codes from 128 through 255. attr_accessor :name_other # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the formatted characters are not to be spell checked. attr_accessor :no_proofing # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as outline. attr_accessor :outline # Gets or sets the position of text (in points) relative to the base line. # A positive number raises the text, and a negative number lowers it. attr_accessor :position # Gets or sets character width scaling in percent. attr_accessor :scaling # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as shadowed. attr_accessor :shadow # Gets or sets the font size in points. attr_accessor :size # Gets or sets the font size in points used in a right-to-left document. attr_accessor :size_bi # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as small capital letters. attr_accessor :small_caps # Gets or sets the spacing (in points) between characters. attr_accessor :spacing # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as strikethrough text. attr_accessor :strike_through # Gets or sets the locale independent style identifier of the character style applied to this formatting. attr_accessor :style_identifier # Gets or sets the name of the character style applied to this formatting. attr_accessor :style_name # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as subscript. attr_accessor :subscript # Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is formatted as superscript. attr_accessor :superscript # Gets or sets the font animation effect. attr_accessor :text_effect # Gets or sets the type of underline applied to the font. attr_accessor :underline # Gets or sets the color of the underline applied to the font. attr_accessor :underline_color class EnumAttributeValidator attr_reader :datatype attr_reader :allowable_values def initialize(datatype, allowable_values) @allowable_values = allowable_values.map do |value| case datatype.to_s when /Integer/i value.to_i when /Float/i value.to_f else value end end end def valid?(value) !value || allowable_values.include?(value) end end # Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key. def self.attribute_map { :'link' => :'Link', :'all_caps' => :'AllCaps', :'bidi' => :'Bidi', :'bold' => :'Bold', :'bold_bi' => :'BoldBi', :'border' => :'Border', :'color' => :'Color', :'complex_script' => :'ComplexScript', :'double_strike_through' => :'DoubleStrikeThrough', :'emboss' => :'Emboss', :'engrave' => :'Engrave', :'hidden' => :'Hidden', :'highlight_color' => :'HighlightColor', :'italic' => :'Italic', :'italic_bi' => :'ItalicBi', :'kerning' => :'Kerning', :'locale_id' => :'LocaleId', :'locale_id_bi' => :'LocaleIdBi', :'locale_id_far_east' => :'LocaleIdFarEast', :'name' => :'Name', :'name_ascii' => :'NameAscii', :'name_bi' => :'NameBi', :'name_far_east' => :'NameFarEast', :'name_other' => :'NameOther', :'no_proofing' => :'NoProofing', :'outline' => :'Outline', :'position' => :'Position', :'scaling' => :'Scaling', :'shadow' => :'Shadow', :'size' => :'Size', :'size_bi' => :'SizeBi', :'small_caps' => :'SmallCaps', :'spacing' => :'Spacing', :'strike_through' => :'StrikeThrough', :'style_identifier' => :'StyleIdentifier', :'style_name' => :'StyleName', :'subscript' => :'Subscript', :'superscript' => :'Superscript', :'text_effect' => :'TextEffect', :'underline' => :'Underline', :'underline_color' => :'UnderlineColor' } end # Attribute type mapping. def self.swagger_types { :'link' => :'WordsApiLink', :'all_caps' => :'BOOLEAN', :'bidi' => :'BOOLEAN', :'bold' => :'BOOLEAN', :'bold_bi' => :'BOOLEAN', :'border' => :'Border', :'color' => :'XmlColor', :'complex_script' => :'BOOLEAN', :'double_strike_through' => :'BOOLEAN', :'emboss' => :'BOOLEAN', :'engrave' => :'BOOLEAN', :'hidden' => :'BOOLEAN', :'highlight_color' => :'XmlColor', :'italic' => :'BOOLEAN', :'italic_bi' => :'BOOLEAN', :'kerning' => :'Float', :'locale_id' => :'Integer', :'locale_id_bi' => :'Integer', :'locale_id_far_east' => :'Integer', :'name' => :'String', :'name_ascii' => :'String', :'name_bi' => :'String', :'name_far_east' => :'String', :'name_other' => :'String', :'no_proofing' => :'BOOLEAN', :'outline' => :'BOOLEAN', :'position' => :'Float', :'scaling' => :'Integer', :'shadow' => :'BOOLEAN', :'size' => :'Float', :'size_bi' => :'Float', :'small_caps' => :'BOOLEAN', :'spacing' => :'Float', :'strike_through' => :'BOOLEAN', :'style_identifier' => :'String', :'style_name' => :'String', :'subscript' => :'BOOLEAN', :'superscript' => :'BOOLEAN', :'text_effect' => :'String', :'underline' => :'String', :'underline_color' => :'XmlColor' } end # Initializes the object # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash def initialize(attributes = {}) return unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) # convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| h[k.to_sym] = v } if attributes.key?(:'Link') self.link = attributes[:'Link'] end if attributes.key?(:'AllCaps') self.all_caps = attributes[:'AllCaps'] end if attributes.key?(:'Bidi') self.bidi = attributes[:'Bidi'] end if attributes.key?(:'Bold') self.bold = attributes[:'Bold'] end if attributes.key?(:'BoldBi') self.bold_bi = attributes[:'BoldBi'] end if attributes.key?(:'Border') self.border = attributes[:'Border'] end if attributes.key?(:'Color') self.color = attributes[:'Color'] end if attributes.key?(:'ComplexScript') self.complex_script = attributes[:'ComplexScript'] end if attributes.key?(:'DoubleStrikeThrough') self.double_strike_through = attributes[:'DoubleStrikeThrough'] end if attributes.key?(:'Emboss') self.emboss = attributes[:'Emboss'] end if attributes.key?(:'Engrave') self.engrave = attributes[:'Engrave'] end if attributes.key?(:'Hidden') self.hidden = attributes[:'Hidden'] end if attributes.key?(:'HighlightColor') self.highlight_color = attributes[:'HighlightColor'] end if attributes.key?(:'Italic') self.italic = attributes[:'Italic'] end if attributes.key?(:'ItalicBi') self.italic_bi = attributes[:'ItalicBi'] end if attributes.key?(:'Kerning') self.kerning = attributes[:'Kerning'] end if attributes.key?(:'LocaleId') self.locale_id = attributes[:'LocaleId'] end if attributes.key?(:'LocaleIdBi') self.locale_id_bi = attributes[:'LocaleIdBi'] end if attributes.key?(:'LocaleIdFarEast') self.locale_id_far_east = attributes[:'LocaleIdFarEast'] end if attributes.key?(:'Name') self.name = attributes[:'Name'] end if attributes.key?(:'NameAscii') self.name_ascii = attributes[:'NameAscii'] end if attributes.key?(:'NameBi') self.name_bi = attributes[:'NameBi'] end if attributes.key?(:'NameFarEast') self.name_far_east = attributes[:'NameFarEast'] end if attributes.key?(:'NameOther') self.name_other = attributes[:'NameOther'] end if attributes.key?(:'NoProofing') self.no_proofing = attributes[:'NoProofing'] end if attributes.key?(:'Outline') self.outline = attributes[:'Outline'] end if attributes.key?(:'Position') self.position = attributes[:'Position'] end if attributes.key?(:'Scaling') self.scaling = attributes[:'Scaling'] end if attributes.key?(:'Shadow') self.shadow = attributes[:'Shadow'] end if attributes.key?(:'Size') self.size = attributes[:'Size'] end if attributes.key?(:'SizeBi') self.size_bi = attributes[:'SizeBi'] end if attributes.key?(:'SmallCaps') self.small_caps = attributes[:'SmallCaps'] end if attributes.key?(:'Spacing') self.spacing = attributes[:'Spacing'] end if attributes.key?(:'StrikeThrough') self.strike_through = attributes[:'StrikeThrough'] end if attributes.key?(:'StyleIdentifier') self.style_identifier = attributes[:'StyleIdentifier'] end if attributes.key?(:'StyleName') self.style_name = attributes[:'StyleName'] end if attributes.key?(:'Subscript') self.subscript = attributes[:'Subscript'] end if attributes.key?(:'Superscript') self.superscript = attributes[:'Superscript'] end if attributes.key?(:'TextEffect') self.text_effect = attributes[:'TextEffect'] end if attributes.key?(:'Underline') self.underline = attributes[:'Underline'] end if attributes.key?(:'UnderlineColor') self.underline_color = attributes[:'UnderlineColor'] end end # Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid? # @return Array for valid properies with the reasons def list_invalid_properties invalid_properties = [] return invalid_properties end # Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid # @return true if the model is valid def valid? style_identifier_validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ["Normal", "Heading1", "Heading2", "Heading3", "Heading4", "Heading5", "Heading6", "Heading7", "Heading8", "Heading9", "Index1", "Index2", "Index3", "Index4", "Index5", "Index6", "Index7", "Index8", "Index9", "Toc1", "Toc2", "Toc3", "Toc4", "Toc5", "Toc6", "Toc7", "Toc8", "Toc9", "NormalIndent", "FootnoteText", "CommentText", "Header", "Footer", "IndexHeading", "Caption", "TableOfFigures", "EnvelopeAddress", "EnvelopeReturn", "FootnoteReference", "CommentReference", "LineNumber", "PageNumber", "EndnoteReference", "EndnoteText", "TableOfAuthorities", "Macro", "ToaHeading", "List", "ListBullet", "ListNumber", "List2", "List3", "List4", "List5", "ListBullet2", "ListBullet3", "ListBullet4", "ListBullet5", "ListNumber2", "ListNumber3", "ListNumber4", "ListNumber5", "Title", "Closing", "Signature", "DefaultParagraphFont", "BodyText", "BodyTextInd", "ListContinue", "ListContinue2", "ListContinue3", "ListContinue4", "ListContinue5", "MessageHeader", "Subtitle", "Salutation", "Date", "BodyText1I", "BodyText1I2", "NoteHeading", "BodyText2", "BodyText3", "BodyTextInd2", "BodyTextInd3", "BlockText", "Hyperlink", "FollowedHyperlink", "Strong", "Emphasis", "DocumentMap", "PlainText", "EmailSignature", "HtmlTopOfForm", "HtmlBottomOfForm", "NormalWeb", "HtmlAcronym", "HtmlAddress", "HtmlCite", "HtmlCode", "HtmlDefinition", "HtmlKeyboard", "HtmlPreformatted", "HtmlSample", "HtmlTypewriter", "HtmlVariable", "TableNormal", "CommentSubject", "NoList", "OutlineList1", "OutlineList2", "OutlineList3", "TableSimple1", "TableSimple2", "TableSimple3", "TableClassic1", "TableClassic2", "TableClassic3", "TableClassic4", "TableColorful1", "TableColorful2", "TableColorful3", "TableColumns1", "TableColumns2", "TableColumns3", "TableColumns4", "TableColumns5", "TableGrid1", "TableGrid2", "TableGrid3", "TableGrid4", "TableGrid5", "TableGrid6", "TableGrid7", "TableGrid8", "TableList1", "TableList2", "TableList3", "TableList4", "TableList5", "TableList6", "TableList7", "TableList8", "Table3DEffects1", "Table3DEffects2", "Table3DEffects3", "TableContemporary", "TableElegant", "TableProfessional", "TableSubtle1", "TableSubtle2", "TableWeb1", "TableWeb2", "TableWeb3", "BalloonText", "TableGrid", "TableTheme", "PlaceholderText", "NoSpacing", "LightShading", "LightList", "LightGrid", "MediumShading1", "MediumShading2", "MediumList1", "MediumList2", "MediumGrid1", "MediumGrid2", "MediumGrid3", "DarkList", "ColorfulShading", "ColorfulList", "ColorfulGrid", "LightShadingAccent1", "LightListAccent1", "LightGridAccent1", "MediumShading1Accent1", "MediumShading2Accent1", "MediumList1Accent1", "Revision", "ListParagraph", "Quote", "IntenseQuote", "MediumList2Accent1", "MediumGrid1Accent1", "MediumGrid2Accent1", "MediumGrid3Accent1", "DarkListAccent1", "ColorfulShadingAccent1", "ColorfulListAccent1", "ColorfulGridAccent1", "LightShadingAccent2", "LightListAccent2", "LightGridAccent2", "MediumShading1Accent2", "MediumShading2Accent2", "MediumList1Accent2", "MediumList2Accent2", "MediumGrid1Accent2", "MediumGrid2Accent2", "MediumGrid3Accent2", "DarkListAccent2", "ColorfulShadingAccent2", "ColorfulListAccent2", "ColorfulGridAccent2", "LightShadingAccent3", "LightListAccent3", "LightGridAccent3", "MediumShading1Accent3", "MediumShading2Accent3", "MediumList1Accent3", "MediumList2Accent3", "MediumGrid1Accent3", "MediumGrid2Accent3", "MediumGrid3Accent3", "DarkListAccent3", "ColorfulShadingAccent3", "ColorfulListAccent3", "ColorfulGridAccent3", "LightShadingAccent4", "LightListAccent4", "LightGridAccent4", "MediumShading1Accent4", "MediumShading2Accent4", "MediumList1Accent4", "MediumList2Accent4", "MediumGrid1Accent4", "MediumGrid2Accent4", "MediumGrid3Accent4", "DarkListAccent4", "ColorfulShadingAccent4", "ColorfulListAccent4", "ColorfulGridAccent4", "LightShadingAccent5", "LightListAccent5", "LightGridAccent5", "MediumShading1Accent5", "MediumShading2Accent5", "MediumList1Accent5", "MediumList2Accent5", "MediumGrid1Accent5", "MediumGrid2Accent5", "MediumGrid3Accent5", "DarkListAccent5", "ColorfulShadingAccent5", "ColorfulListAccent5", "ColorfulGridAccent5", "LightShadingAccent6", "LightListAccent6", "LightGridAccent6", "MediumShading1Accent6", "MediumShading2Accent6", "MediumList1Accent6", "MediumList2Accent6", "MediumGrid1Accent6", "MediumGrid2Accent6", "MediumGrid3Accent6", "DarkListAccent6", "ColorfulShadingAccent6", "ColorfulListAccent6", "ColorfulGridAccent6", "SubtleEmphasis", "IntenseEmphasis", "SubtleReference", "IntenseReference", "BookTitle", "Bibliography", "TocHeading", "PlainTable1", "PlainTable2", "PlainTable3", "PlainTable4", "PlainTable5", "TableGridLight", "GridTable1Light", "GridTable2", "GridTable3", "GridTable4", "GridTable5Dark", "GridTable6Colorful", "GridTable7Colorful", "GridTable1LightAccent1", "GridTable2Accent1", "GridTable3Accent1", "GridTable4Accent1", "GridTable5DarkAccent1", "GridTable6ColorfulAccent1", "GridTable7ColorfulAccent1", "GridTable1LightAccent2", "GridTable2Accent2", "GridTable3Accent2", "GridTable4Accent2", "GridTable5DarkAccent2", "GridTable6ColorfulAccent2", "GridTable7ColorfulAccent2", "GridTable1LightAccent3", "GridTable2Accent3", "GridTable3Accent3", "GridTable4Accent3", "GridTable5DarkAccent3", "GridTable6ColorfulAccent3", "GridTable7ColorfulAccent3", "GridTable1LightAccent4", "GridTable2Accent4", "GridTable3Accent4", "GridTable4Accent4", "GridTable5DarkAccent4", "GridTable6ColorfulAccent4", "GridTable7ColorfulAccent4", "GridTable1LightAccent5", "GridTable2Accent5", "GridTable3Accent5", "GridTable4Accent5", "GridTable5DarkAccent5", "GridTable6ColorfulAccent5", "GridTable7ColorfulAccent5", "GridTable1LightAccent6", "GridTable2Accent6", "GridTable3Accent6", "GridTable4Accent6", "GridTable5DarkAccent6", "GridTable6ColorfulAccent6", "GridTable7ColorfulAccent6", "ListTable1Light", "ListTable2", "ListTable3", "ListTable4", "ListTable5Dark", "ListTable6Colorful", "ListTable7Colorful", "ListTable1LightAccent1", "ListTable2Accent1", "ListTable3Accent1", "ListTable4Accent1", "ListTable5DarkAccent1", "ListTable6ColorfulAccent1", "ListTable7ColorfulAccent1", "ListTable1LightAccent2", "ListTable2Accent2", "ListTable3Accent2", "ListTable4Accent2", "ListTable5DarkAccent2", "ListTable6ColorfulAccent2", "ListTable7ColorfulAccent2", "ListTable1LightAccent3", "ListTable2Accent3", "ListTable3Accent3", "ListTable4Accent3", "ListTable5DarkAccent3", "ListTable6ColorfulAccent3", "ListTable7ColorfulAccent3", "ListTable1LightAccent4", "ListTable2Accent4", "ListTable3Accent4", "ListTable4Accent4", "ListTable5DarkAccent4", "ListTable6ColorfulAccent4", "ListTable7ColorfulAccent4", "ListTable1LightAccent5", "ListTable2Accent5", "ListTable3Accent5", "ListTable4Accent5", "ListTable5DarkAccent5", "ListTable6ColorfulAccent5", "ListTable7ColorfulAccent5", "ListTable1LightAccent6", "ListTable2Accent6", "ListTable3Accent6", "ListTable4Accent6", "ListTable5DarkAccent6", "ListTable6ColorfulAccent6", "ListTable7ColorfulAccent6", "User", "Nil"]) return false unless style_identifier_validator.valid?(@style_identifier) text_effect_validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ["None", "LasVegasLights", "BlinkingBackground", "SparkleText", "MarchingBlackAnts", "MarchingRedAnts", "Shimmer"]) return false unless text_effect_validator.valid?(@text_effect) underline_validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ["None", "Single", "Words", "Double", "Dotted", "Thick", "Dash", "DotDash", "DotDotDash", "Wavy", "DottedHeavy", "DashHeavy", "DotDashHeavy", "DotDotDashHeavy", "WavyHeavy", "DashLong", "WavyDouble", "DashLongHeavy"]) return false unless underline_validator.valid?(@underline) return true end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). # @param [Object] style_identifier Object to be assigned def style_identifier=(style_identifier) validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ["Normal", "Heading1", "Heading2", "Heading3", "Heading4", "Heading5", "Heading6", "Heading7", "Heading8", "Heading9", "Index1", "Index2", "Index3", "Index4", "Index5", "Index6", "Index7", "Index8", "Index9", "Toc1", "Toc2", "Toc3", "Toc4", "Toc5", "Toc6", "Toc7", "Toc8", "Toc9", "NormalIndent", "FootnoteText", "CommentText", "Header", "Footer", "IndexHeading", "Caption", "TableOfFigures", "EnvelopeAddress", "EnvelopeReturn", "FootnoteReference", "CommentReference", "LineNumber", "PageNumber", "EndnoteReference", "EndnoteText", "TableOfAuthorities", "Macro", "ToaHeading", "List", "ListBullet", "ListNumber", "List2", "List3", "List4", "List5", "ListBullet2", "ListBullet3", "ListBullet4", "ListBullet5", "ListNumber2", "ListNumber3", "ListNumber4", "ListNumber5", "Title", "Closing", "Signature", "DefaultParagraphFont", "BodyText", "BodyTextInd", "ListContinue", "ListContinue2", "ListContinue3", "ListContinue4", "ListContinue5", "MessageHeader", "Subtitle", "Salutation", "Date", "BodyText1I", "BodyText1I2", "NoteHeading", "BodyText2", "BodyText3", "BodyTextInd2", "BodyTextInd3", "BlockText", "Hyperlink", "FollowedHyperlink", "Strong", "Emphasis", "DocumentMap", "PlainText", "EmailSignature", "HtmlTopOfForm", "HtmlBottomOfForm", "NormalWeb", "HtmlAcronym", "HtmlAddress", "HtmlCite", "HtmlCode", "HtmlDefinition", "HtmlKeyboard", "HtmlPreformatted", "HtmlSample", "HtmlTypewriter", "HtmlVariable", "TableNormal", "CommentSubject", "NoList", "OutlineList1", "OutlineList2", "OutlineList3", "TableSimple1", "TableSimple2", "TableSimple3", "TableClassic1", "TableClassic2", "TableClassic3", "TableClassic4", "TableColorful1", "TableColorful2", "TableColorful3", "TableColumns1", "TableColumns2", "TableColumns3", "TableColumns4", "TableColumns5", "TableGrid1", "TableGrid2", "TableGrid3", "TableGrid4", "TableGrid5", "TableGrid6", "TableGrid7", "TableGrid8", "TableList1", "TableList2", "TableList3", "TableList4", "TableList5", "TableList6", "TableList7", "TableList8", "Table3DEffects1", "Table3DEffects2", "Table3DEffects3", "TableContemporary", "TableElegant", "TableProfessional", "TableSubtle1", "TableSubtle2", "TableWeb1", "TableWeb2", "TableWeb3", "BalloonText", "TableGrid", "TableTheme", "PlaceholderText", "NoSpacing", "LightShading", "LightList", "LightGrid", "MediumShading1", "MediumShading2", "MediumList1", "MediumList2", "MediumGrid1", "MediumGrid2", "MediumGrid3", "DarkList", "ColorfulShading", "ColorfulList", "ColorfulGrid", "LightShadingAccent1", "LightListAccent1", "LightGridAccent1", "MediumShading1Accent1", "MediumShading2Accent1", "MediumList1Accent1", "Revision", "ListParagraph", "Quote", "IntenseQuote", "MediumList2Accent1", "MediumGrid1Accent1", "MediumGrid2Accent1", "MediumGrid3Accent1", "DarkListAccent1", "ColorfulShadingAccent1", "ColorfulListAccent1", "ColorfulGridAccent1", "LightShadingAccent2", "LightListAccent2", "LightGridAccent2", "MediumShading1Accent2", "MediumShading2Accent2", "MediumList1Accent2", "MediumList2Accent2", "MediumGrid1Accent2", "MediumGrid2Accent2", "MediumGrid3Accent2", "DarkListAccent2", "ColorfulShadingAccent2", "ColorfulListAccent2", "ColorfulGridAccent2", "LightShadingAccent3", "LightListAccent3", "LightGridAccent3", "MediumShading1Accent3", "MediumShading2Accent3", "MediumList1Accent3", "MediumList2Accent3", "MediumGrid1Accent3", "MediumGrid2Accent3", "MediumGrid3Accent3", "DarkListAccent3", "ColorfulShadingAccent3", "ColorfulListAccent3", "ColorfulGridAccent3", "LightShadingAccent4", "LightListAccent4", "LightGridAccent4", "MediumShading1Accent4", "MediumShading2Accent4", "MediumList1Accent4", "MediumList2Accent4", "MediumGrid1Accent4", "MediumGrid2Accent4", "MediumGrid3Accent4", "DarkListAccent4", "ColorfulShadingAccent4", "ColorfulListAccent4", "ColorfulGridAccent4", "LightShadingAccent5", "LightListAccent5", "LightGridAccent5", "MediumShading1Accent5", "MediumShading2Accent5", "MediumList1Accent5", "MediumList2Accent5", "MediumGrid1Accent5", "MediumGrid2Accent5", "MediumGrid3Accent5", "DarkListAccent5", "ColorfulShadingAccent5", "ColorfulListAccent5", "ColorfulGridAccent5", "LightShadingAccent6", "LightListAccent6", "LightGridAccent6", "MediumShading1Accent6", "MediumShading2Accent6", "MediumList1Accent6", "MediumList2Accent6", "MediumGrid1Accent6", "MediumGrid2Accent6", "MediumGrid3Accent6", "DarkListAccent6", "ColorfulShadingAccent6", "ColorfulListAccent6", "ColorfulGridAccent6", "SubtleEmphasis", "IntenseEmphasis", "SubtleReference", "IntenseReference", "BookTitle", "Bibliography", "TocHeading", "PlainTable1", "PlainTable2", "PlainTable3", "PlainTable4", "PlainTable5", "TableGridLight", "GridTable1Light", "GridTable2", "GridTable3", "GridTable4", "GridTable5Dark", "GridTable6Colorful", "GridTable7Colorful", "GridTable1LightAccent1", "GridTable2Accent1", "GridTable3Accent1", "GridTable4Accent1", "GridTable5DarkAccent1", "GridTable6ColorfulAccent1", "GridTable7ColorfulAccent1", "GridTable1LightAccent2", "GridTable2Accent2", "GridTable3Accent2", "GridTable4Accent2", "GridTable5DarkAccent2", "GridTable6ColorfulAccent2", "GridTable7ColorfulAccent2", "GridTable1LightAccent3", "GridTable2Accent3", "GridTable3Accent3", "GridTable4Accent3", "GridTable5DarkAccent3", "GridTable6ColorfulAccent3", "GridTable7ColorfulAccent3", "GridTable1LightAccent4", "GridTable2Accent4", "GridTable3Accent4", "GridTable4Accent4", "GridTable5DarkAccent4", "GridTable6ColorfulAccent4", "GridTable7ColorfulAccent4", "GridTable1LightAccent5", "GridTable2Accent5", "GridTable3Accent5", "GridTable4Accent5", "GridTable5DarkAccent5", "GridTable6ColorfulAccent5", "GridTable7ColorfulAccent5", "GridTable1LightAccent6", "GridTable2Accent6", "GridTable3Accent6", "GridTable4Accent6", "GridTable5DarkAccent6", "GridTable6ColorfulAccent6", "GridTable7ColorfulAccent6", "ListTable1Light", "ListTable2", "ListTable3", "ListTable4", "ListTable5Dark", "ListTable6Colorful", "ListTable7Colorful", "ListTable1LightAccent1", "ListTable2Accent1", "ListTable3Accent1", "ListTable4Accent1", "ListTable5DarkAccent1", "ListTable6ColorfulAccent1", "ListTable7ColorfulAccent1", "ListTable1LightAccent2", "ListTable2Accent2", "ListTable3Accent2", "ListTable4Accent2", "ListTable5DarkAccent2", "ListTable6ColorfulAccent2", "ListTable7ColorfulAccent2", "ListTable1LightAccent3", "ListTable2Accent3", "ListTable3Accent3", "ListTable4Accent3", "ListTable5DarkAccent3", "ListTable6ColorfulAccent3", "ListTable7ColorfulAccent3", "ListTable1LightAccent4", "ListTable2Accent4", "ListTable3Accent4", "ListTable4Accent4", "ListTable5DarkAccent4", "ListTable6ColorfulAccent4", "ListTable7ColorfulAccent4", "ListTable1LightAccent5", "ListTable2Accent5", "ListTable3Accent5", "ListTable4Accent5", "ListTable5DarkAccent5", "ListTable6ColorfulAccent5", "ListTable7ColorfulAccent5", "ListTable1LightAccent6", "ListTable2Accent6", "ListTable3Accent6", "ListTable4Accent6", "ListTable5DarkAccent6", "ListTable6ColorfulAccent6", "ListTable7ColorfulAccent6", "User", "Nil"]) if style_identifier.to_i == 0 unless validator.valid?(style_identifier) raise ArgumentError, "invalid value for 'style_identifier', must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}." end @style_identifier = style_identifier else @style_identifier = validator.allowable_values[style_identifier.to_i] end end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). # @param [Object] text_effect Object to be assigned def text_effect=(text_effect) validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ["None", "LasVegasLights", "BlinkingBackground", "SparkleText", "MarchingBlackAnts", "MarchingRedAnts", "Shimmer"]) if text_effect.to_i == 0 unless validator.valid?(text_effect) raise ArgumentError, "invalid value for 'text_effect', must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}." end @text_effect = text_effect else @text_effect = validator.allowable_values[text_effect.to_i] end end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). # @param [Object] underline Object to be assigned def underline=(underline) validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ["None", "Single", "Words", "Double", "Dotted", "Thick", "Dash", "DotDash", "DotDotDash", "Wavy", "DottedHeavy", "DashHeavy", "DotDashHeavy", "DotDotDashHeavy", "WavyHeavy", "DashLong", "WavyDouble", "DashLongHeavy"]) if underline.to_i == 0 unless validator.valid?(underline) raise ArgumentError, "invalid value for 'underline', must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}." end @underline = underline else @underline = validator.allowable_values[underline.to_i] end end # Checks equality by comparing each attribute. # @param [Object] Object to be compared def ==(other) return true if self.equal?(other) self.class == other.class && link == other.link && all_caps == other.all_caps && bidi == other.bidi && bold == other.bold && bold_bi == other.bold_bi && border == other.border && color == other.color && complex_script == other.complex_script && double_strike_through == other.double_strike_through && emboss == other.emboss && engrave == other.engrave && hidden == other.hidden && highlight_color == other.highlight_color && italic == other.italic && italic_bi == other.italic_bi && kerning == other.kerning && locale_id == other.locale_id && locale_id_bi == other.locale_id_bi && locale_id_far_east == other.locale_id_far_east && name == other.name && name_ascii == other.name_ascii && name_bi == other.name_bi && name_far_east == other.name_far_east && name_other == other.name_other && no_proofing == other.no_proofing && outline == other.outline && position == other.position && scaling == other.scaling && shadow == other.shadow && size == other.size && size_bi == other.size_bi && small_caps == other.small_caps && spacing == other.spacing && strike_through == other.strike_through && style_identifier == other.style_identifier && style_name == other.style_name && subscript == other.subscript && superscript == other.superscript && text_effect == other.text_effect && underline == other.underline && underline_color == other.underline_color end # @see the `==` method # @param [Object] Object to be compared def eql?(other) self == other end # Calculates hash code according to all attributes. # @return [Fixnum] Hash code def hash [link, all_caps, bidi, bold, bold_bi, border, color, complex_script, double_strike_through, emboss, engrave, hidden, highlight_color, italic, italic_bi, kerning, locale_id, locale_id_bi, locale_id_far_east, name, name_ascii, name_bi, name_far_east, name_other, no_proofing, outline, position, scaling, shadow, size, size_bi, small_caps, spacing, strike_through, style_identifier, style_name, subscript, superscript, text_effect, underline, underline_color].hash end # Builds the object from hash # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @return [Object] Returns the model itself def build_from_hash(attributes) return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) self.class.swagger_types.each_pair do |key, type| if type =~ /\AArray<(.*)>/i # check to ensure the input is an array given that the the attribute # is documented as an array but the input is not if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].is_a?(Array) self.send("#{key}=", attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].map { |v| _deserialize($1, v) }) end elsif !attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? self.send("#{key}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]])) end # or else data not found in attributes(hash), not an issue as the data can be optional end self end # Deserializes the data based on type # @param string type Data type # @param string value Value to be deserialized # @return [Object] Deserialized data def _deserialize(type, value) case type.to_sym when :DateTime Time.at(/\d/.match(value)[0].to_f).to_datetime when :Date Time.at(/\d/.match(value)[0].to_f).to_date when :String value.to_s when :Integer value.to_i when :Float value.to_f when :BOOLEAN if value.to_s =~ /\A(true|t|yes|y|1)\z/i true else false end when :Object # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly value when /\AArray<(?.+)>\z/ inner_type = Regexp.last_match[:inner_type] value.map { |v| _deserialize(inner_type, v) } when /\AHash<(?.+?), (?.+)>\z/ k_type = Regexp.last_match[:k_type] v_type = Regexp.last_match[:v_type] {}.tap do |hash| value.each do |k, v| hash[_deserialize(k_type, k)] = _deserialize(v_type, v) end end else # model temp_model = AsposeWordsCloud.const_get(type).new temp_model.build_from_hash(value) end end # Returns the string representation of the object # @return [String] String presentation of the object def to_s to_hash.to_s end # to_body is an alias to to_hash (backward compatibility) # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_body to_hash end # Returns the object in the form of hash # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_hash hash = {} self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param| value = self.send(attr) next if value.nil? hash[param] = _to_hash(value) end hash end # Outputs non-array value in the form of hash # For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value # @param [Object] value Any valid value # @return [Hash] Returns the value in the form of hash def _to_hash(value) if value.is_a?(Array) value.compact.map { |v| _to_hash(v) } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) {}.tap do |hash| value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) } end elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash value.to_hash else value end end end end