RSpec::Matchers.define :match_payload do |attribute, expected| match do |actual| actual == expected end failure_message do |actual| "Expected JSON payload to have key '#{attribute}' == #{expected.inspect} but was #{actual.inspect}" end end RSpec::Matchers.define :match_type do |attribute, type| match do |actual| actual.is_a?(type) end failure_message do |actual| "Expected JSON payload key '#{attribute}' to have type #{type} but was #{actual.class}" end end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_payload_key do |expected, allow_nil| match do |json| @has_key = json.has_key?(expected.to_s) @has_value = !json[expected.to_s].nil? if allow_nil @has_key else @has_key && @has_value end end failure_message do |actual| msg = !allow_nil && @has_key ? "nil. Use 'key(:foo, allow_nil: true)' to allow nils" : "not present" "Expected JSON payload to have key '#{expected}' but was #{msg}" end failure_message_when_negated do |actual| "Expected JSON payload to NOT have key '#{expected}' but was present" end end RSpec::Matchers.define :be_not_in_payload do |expected| match do |json| false end failure_message do |actual| "JSON payload contained unexpected key '#{actual}'" end end