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Use timezone-aware objects to represent datetimes in UTC:;asctime(): illegal time tuple argument%s %s%3d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %d|O:ctimetimestamp out of range for platform time_tO:utcfromtimestampdatetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp() is deprecated and scheduled for removal in a future version. 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%UOOOOUUppp:make_encoderOn:_iterencode while encoding a JSON object_iterencode_list needs a sequence%S (%U, line %ld)%s(%R, %R)|s:isoformat<%s object at %p>|Cs:isoformat%s%s%sj%s0x%sp%c%d-0x%sp%c%d.%d)%U.%U<%U.%U object at %p>%s({%U})0x0.0p+0-0x0.0p+0%S.%s(b%S(){%U}'%U' codec can't decode bytes in position %zd-%zd: %UN(Os)auto(),)%s('%c', %R)%s(%R)isfilepositional%U() missing %i required %s argument%s: incrementaldecodersincrementalencoderisdirexists%U() takes %U positional argument%s but %zd%U %s givenwaswere%s%R%s(%R, %U)'%.200s' object is not callable%zdmaximum recursion depth exceeded%s.ON%U and %Ufrom %zd to %zdNOpartialfunctoolscrc_hqxbad argument type for built-in operationinsert%.200s expected %s%zd argument%s, got %zdpop index out of rangearray assignment index out of range'%.200s' object cannot be interpreted as an integercannot resize an array that is exporting buffersU;array item must be unicode characterOOpO:lru_cacheb;array item must be integerh;array item must be integeri;array item must be integerL;array item must be integerl;array item must be integerf;array item must be floatO(OCiN)OO(CO)Odictionary changed size during iteration%R is not in listsOnnscharmapcharacter maps to (Cn)Un;decoding error handler must return (str, int) tuplesy#nns(Nn)encoding__annotations__BuiltinImporter__loader__?CC?KKmarshal.dumpsbuiltins.ExceptionGroupmonitoringIOErrorWindowsErrorExceptionGroupEnvironmentErrorsOOdefault__main__objectfilterbytestupleFalserangesliceNonelistTruebooltypestrintsetmapzipcomplexEllipsisreversedpropertyfrozensetenumeratebytearraymemoryviewstaticmethodclassmethodNotImplementedmodules__stderr____classdict____import__builtinssys__class__ASCIIOnly base64 data is allowedIncorrect paddingInvalid base64-encoded string: number of data characters (%zd) cannot be 1 more than a multiple of 4Excess data after paddingNon-hexadecimal digit foundstring argument should contain only ASCII charactersLeading padding not allowedDiscontinuous padding not allowedOdd-length stringIllegal charTrailing garbage__debug____subclasses__nametimeoutblocking|pO:acquirestopstartcpython.PyInterpreterState_Newstart_new_thread_thread.start_new_threadOOOpath_importer_cachecpython.PyInterpreterState_Clear%c sys.%s = %A closed' %A, (not set) in print_exception_recursive sys.path = [ stdlib dir = PYTHONPATH = PYTHONHOME = isolated = %i safe_path = %i user site = %i program name = import site = %i environment = %i is in build tree = %i Python path configuration: Fatal Python error: Fatal Python error: Current thread 0x (most recent call first): core initializedPython runtime state: -mPYTHONINSPECT-ccpython.run_module_run_module_as_mainurunpycpython.run_commandsys.excepthookOOOOinvalid partial statepop from an empty set__match_args__ elements must be strings (got %s)%s() accepts %d positional sub-pattern%s (%d given)%s() got multiple sub-patterns for attribute %RParamSpecKwargsParamSpecArgsTypeAliasTypeGeneric%s.__match_args__ must be a tuple (got %s)unicode_literalsabsolute_importwith_statementprint_functionbarry_as_FLUFLgenerator_stopnested_scopesannotationsdivisionDeleteAssignImportGlobalModuleReturnAssertBoolOpLambdaboolopLShiftRShiftBitXorBitAndInvertaliasStoreWhileMatchRaiseBreakBinOpIfExpAwaitYieldTupleSliceBitOrcmpopNotEqIsNotNotInLoadWithstmtExprPassexprDictCallNameListMultUAddUSubmodDelForTrySetAndAddSubDivModPowNotLtEGtEASTIfOrEqLtGtIsInPyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAITPyCF_TYPE_COMMENTSAsyncFunctionDefFormattedValueMatchSingletonExceptHandlercomprehensionexcepthandlerMatchSequencePyCF_ONLY_ASTTypeVarTupleFunctionTypeGeneratorExpexpr_contextMatchMappingFunctionDefInteractivetype_ignorematch_caseImportFromExpressionMatchValueMatchClassTypeIgnoretype_paramargumentsParamSpecAsyncWithTypeAliasAugAssignAnnAssignNamedExprYieldFromJoinedStrAttributeSubscriptMatchStarClassDefAsyncForNonlocalContinueListCompDictCompConstantoperatorFloorDivwithitemMatchOrMatchAskeywordunaryopMatMultStarredCompareSetCompUnaryOpTryStarTypeVarvalueslinenomoduleasnameorelsesimpletargetvararglowerupperitemsvalueboundcasesnameslevelbasescauseguardkwargrightfuncargsiterstepkeysbodyattreltskindleftresttest(s)keymsgargastclsctxeltexcifsopstagidopdecorator_listend_col_offset__match_args__optional_varscontext_exprkwd_patternstype_commenttype_ignorestype_paramscomparatorsformat_speckw_defaultsposonlyargs_attributesend_linenogeneratorsannotationcol_offsetconversionkwonlyargsfinalbodykwd_attrskeywords__dict__argtypesdefaultshandlersis_asyncpatternssubjectreturnsoperand_fieldstargetspattern(O(Ns)N)latin-1(O(y#)N)(OO)sys._getframemodulenameisys._getframeos.chdir(O)chdir//\\__name____qualname____module____doc__object.__setattr__OsO_reduce_ex(ONN)cannot pickle '%.200s' objectsys.unraisablehook_call_with_frames_removedcannot pickle %.200s objectscalling %R should have returned an instance of BaseException, not %scannot delete __dict__O|$O:ContextVarcannot re-enter the tee iteratorStrings must be encoded before hashinglength is too largesep must be ASCII.type %.100s doesn't define __trunc__ methodread-write bytes-like objectreadintoindex out of rangeescape_encodeheappushheapreplacemethodcallerargument 1_teeteepairwisecyclestarmapdropwhiletakewhilefilterfalse%.200s() takes no keyword argumentsat most at least crc32n must be >= 0list changed size during iterationattrgetterheappopheapifyargument%.200s() %.200s must be %.50s, not %.50snon-hexadecimal number found in fromhex() arg at position %zdfromhexperm|iiiiO$i:replace|iiiiO$iiiiiOremovesuffixlatin_1_encodebad tzinfo state argattribute name must be a stringmaketrans %.256sargument %zd%.200s() doubleIEEE, little-endianargument 3argument 2centerempty separatorrjustljusta byte string of length 1big5hkscsbig5hkscs_bmpbig5hkscs_nonbmpksx1001cp949extjohabcp949euc_krcp950extbig5cp950(On)unicodedata._ucnhash_CAPI__map_gbcommonunknown clock__map_gb2312__map_big5_codecs_tw_codecs_cn_codecs_kr__create_codec_multibytecodecmultibytecodec.codec_codecs_jpmultibytecodec.map__map_jisx0208__map_jisxcommonpop from empty list__map_jisx0213_emp__map_jisx0213_bmp__map_jisx0213_pair__map_jisx0213_2_emp__map_jisx0213_1_emp__map_jisx0213_2_bmp__map_jisx0213_1_bmp__map_jisx0212__map_cp949__map_ksx1001monotonics:get_clock_infoadjustableresolutionimplementationperf_counterprocess_timeMAXYEARMINYEARthread_timedatetime_CAPIdatetime.datetime_CAPIutcGetThreadTimes()'%.200s' object does not support item assignmentbytearray index out of rangevalue not found in bytearraycannot convert Infinity to integer ratiocannot convert NaN to integer ratioldexpfmodpowExpected an int as second argument to ldexp.copysignremainderatan2math range errormath domain errorddtolerances must be non-negativeabsolute value too largesequence item %zd: expected a bytes-like object, %.80s foundcan only concatenate list (not "%.200s") to listboth points must have the same number of dimensionsdistinfjnanjwinreg.QueryInfoKeyO(O)(OO)nO(N)(OO)read() didn't return enough bytes__ceil____trunc____floor__epiinfnaninityinvalid hexadecimal floating-point stringhexadecimal value too large to represent as a floattaumemoryview: underlying buffer is not writablememoryview: underlying buffer is not C-contiguousImemoryview: invalid slice keyoperation forbidden on released memoryview objectmemoryview: invalid type for format '%s'cannot modify read-only memoryindex out of bounds on dimension %dcannot delete memorymemoryview assignment: lvalue and rvalue have different structuresHmemoryview slice assignments are currently restricted to ndim = 1bcannot hash writable memoryview objectcfN?dQqLlhmapping pattern keys may only match literals and attribute lookupsattribute name repeated in class pattern: %UcountOfargument of type '%.200s' is not iterableindexOfpatterns may only match literals and attribute lookupsmultiple starred names in sequence patternalternative patterns bind different namessequence.index(x): x not in sequencemapping pattern checks duplicate key (%R)O(OiiOii)Uuuirb(iOO)(iO)multiple assignments to name %R in patternwildcard makes remaining patterns unreachablename capture %R makes remaining patterns unreachablecpython.run_fileorigin%.20s_%.200spython%d%d.dllpythonpython3.dllccPEPyInitPyInitU__file____cached__SourceFileLoader.pyc_bootstrap_external_RAW_MAGIC_NUMBERcpython.run_stdinPYTHONSTARTUPcpython.run_interactivehook%s first arg must be bytes or a tuple of bytes, not %smap() must have at least two arguments.|$OO:AttributeErrorInputs are not the same lengthsumprod|$p:zipunicode_escape_encodeutf_7_encodetoo many values to unpack (expected 2)need more than 1 value to unpackupdate() takes at most 1 positional argument (%zd given)expected at most 1 arguments, got %zdOrderedDict mutated during iterationdictionary is emptymaximum person length is %d bytesmaximum salt length is %d bytesmaximum key length is %d bytesnode_offset is too largeinner_size must be between 0 and is %dnode_depth must be between 0 and 255fanout must be between 0 and 255digest_size must be between 1 and %d bytesvalue must be positivedepth must be between 1 and 255PYTHONMALLOCSTATS) -- ord() expected a character, but string of length %zd found striprstriplstripwritetypecodesArrayTypecollections.abcMutableSequenceincomplete multibyte sequencereadillegal multibyte sequence|s:IncrementalEncoder|s:IncrementalDecodercodecO|s:StreamReaderO|s:StreamWriter(OOO)cannot iteratively unpack with a struct of length 0iterative unpacking requires a buffer of a multiple of %zd bytesinvalid templateodd number of items for DICTmappingproxy() argument must be a mapping, not %sPickler.__init__() was not called by %s.__init__()bad operand type for unary ~: '%.200s'N(N)N(())N(OO)N(N)ON(ON)N(O)ns(O){OOOOOOOs}singlestring, bytes or ASTexec:%d: Exception ignored in: Traceback (most recent call last): tracebacklimit File "%U", line %d, in %U EOF when reading a lineioos.chmodos.mkdirOiimkdirchmodutimeos.utimeOOOios.removeunlinkwinreg.OpenKeystat(iOOiO)nun while traversing 'Module' node while traversing 'expr' node while traversing 'stmt' node while traversing 'Name' node while traversing 'Assign' node while traversing 'Constant' node while traversing 'FormattedValue' node while traversing 'BinOp' node while traversing 'Subscript' node while traversing 'JoinedStr' node while traversing 'Call' node while traversing 'Expr' nodetranslation table must be 256 characters longOOOiiiiiicode.__new__O|n:repeatweakly-referenced object no longer exists__new__cannot create weak reference to '%s' objectsearchbad char in struct formatrepeat count given without format specifierembedded null charactertotal struct size too longExpected int as rr must be non-negativeunsupported pickle protocol: %dType statement isAsync with statements arelist.remove(x): x not in list%U argument after * must be an iterable, not %.200ssetattr__bases__a number is requiredunpack_from requires a buffer of at least %zu bytes for unpacking %zd bytes at offset %zd (actual buffer size is %zd)w*pack_into requires a buffer of at least %zu bytes for packing %zd bytes at offset %zd (actual buffer size is %zd)no space to pack %zd bytes at offset %zdoffset %zd out of range for %zd-byte buffernot enough data to unpack %zd bytes at offset %zdExpecting ',' delimiter_pylongint_to_decimal_stringint_from_string_pylong.int_from_string did not return an int_pylong.int_to_decimal_string did not return a strraw_unicode_escape_encodeitemgetter%s() takes no keyword argumentsError %d %s: %.200swhile decompressing dataincorrect header checkargument 'groupindex'ST_SIZEST_MODES_IXOTHS_IWOTHS_IROTHS_IRWXOS_IXGRPS_IWGRPS_IRGRPS_IRWXGS_IXUSRS_IWUSRS_IRUSRS_IRWXUS_IEXECS_IREADS_ENFMTS_ISVTXS_ISGIDS_ISUIDS_IFWHTS_IFLNKS_IFIFOS_IFREGS_IFBLKS_IFCHRS_IFDIRST_CTIMEST_MTIMEST_ATIMEST_NLINKS_IWRITES_IFPORTS_IFDOORS_IFSOCKSF_APPENDUF_HIDDENUF_OPAQUEUF_APPENDUF_NODUMPSF_SNAPSHOTSF_NOUNLINKSF_ARCHIVEDUF_NOUNLINKSF_IMMUTABLEUF_IMMUTABLEUF_COMPRESSEDFILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEMFILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMALFILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDENFILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICEIO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINKFILE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUALFILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINEFILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVEFILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLYFILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARYFILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTEDFILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORYFILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSEDIO_REPARSE_TAG_APPEXECLINKIO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINTFILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILEFILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINTFILE_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SCRUB_DATAFILE_ATTRIBUTE_INTEGRITY_STREAMFILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXEDST_GIDST_UIDST_DEVST_INOscandir*.*os.scandirREG_LINKREG_NONEKEY_READHKEYTypeREG_QWORDREG_DWORDKEY_WRITEREG_BINARYKEY_NOTIFYHKEY_USERSKEY_EXECUTEREG_MULTI_SZREG_EXPAND_SZKEY_SET_VALUEHKEY_DYN_DATAKEY_ALL_ACCESSKEY_WOW64_32KEYKEY_WOW64_64KEYKEY_CREATE_LINKKEY_QUERY_VALUEREG_REFRESH_HIVEREG_LEGAL_OPTIONREG_RESOURCE_LISTREG_NO_LAZY_FLUSHHKEY_CURRENT_USERHKEY_CLASSES_ROOTKEY_CREATE_SUB_KEYHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEREG_CREATED_NEW_KEYREG_OPTION_VOLATILEREG_OPTION_RESERVEDHKEY_CURRENT_CONFIGREG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIANREG_OPTION_OPEN_LINKHKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATAREG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAMEREG_OPTION_CREATE_LINKKEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYSREG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIANREG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIANREG_LEGAL_CHANGE_FILTERREG_WHOLE_HIVE_VOLATILEREG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEYREG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILEREG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTOREREG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITYREG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SETREG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTORREG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTESREG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LISTREG_SZ*O:Kraw stream has been detachedO|O:getsizeoflen() of unsized object|$OOO:ImportError'%c' format requires %zd <= number <= %zditerablemaxlen|OO:deque__future____init__Nniutf_16_ex_decodeO_TRUNCO_CREATTMP_MAXP_DETACHP_NOWAITO_RANDOMO_BINARYO_APPENDO_WRONLYO_RDONLYP_OVERLAYP_NOWAITOO_TEMPORARYO_NOINHERITO_SEQUENTIALO_SHORT_LIVED_LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32_LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_USER_DIRS_LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DLL_LOAD_DIR_LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEFAULT_DIRS_LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_APPLICATION_DIRX_OKW_OKR_OKF_OKEX_OKP_WAITO_TEXTO_EXCLO_RDWRchainI/O operation on closed file.cannot import name %R from %R (%S)%.200s() takes no positional arguments_module_repr|n:productrepeatkik:OpenProcess_winapi.OpenProcessIIO&OOOikOO&O:CreateProcessdwFlagshStdErrorhStdInputhStdOutputwShowWindow_winapi.CreateProcessuuuNNkkOk:CreatePipe_winapi.CreatePipeKKKki|k:DuplicateHandleKk:WaitForSingleObjectlpAttributeListhandle_listhandle_list must be a sequence or NoneUnpickler.__init__() was not called by %s.__init__()getSIG_IGNSIG_DFLdefault_int_handlerSIGTERMSIGSEGVSIGABRTSIGBREAKCTRL_C_EVENTCTRL_BREAK_EVENTNSIGSIGFPESIGILLSIGINTECANCELEDEOWNERDEADENOTRECOVERABLEENOTSUPETXTBSYEDEADLKENOLINKEBADMSGENOTDIRENOEXECEISCONNEREMOTEENOBUFSENODATAWSAEINTRWSAEBADFWSAELOOPENOTSOCKENOTCONNENETDOWNEALREADYEMSGSIZEWSAEINVALWSAEDQUOTWSAEACCESWSAEUSERSWSAEFAULTWSAESTALEWSAEMFILEEDEADLOCKETIMEDOUTENETRESETESHUTDOWNEHOSTDOWNENOTEMPTYEOVERFLOWerrorcodeWSAEREMOTEWSAEISCONNWSAEDISCONWSAENOBUFSWSABASEERREOPNOTSUPPEADDRINUSEECONNRESETEPROTOTYPEWSAENOTCONNWSAEALREADYWSAEMSGSIZEWSAEPROCLIMWSAENOTSOCKWSAENETDOWNEINPROGRESSENETUNREACHEWOULDBLOCKENOPROTOOPTWSAENETRESETWSAETIMEDOUTWSAESHUTDOWNWSAENOTEMPTYWSAEHOSTDOWNETOOMANYREFSENAMETOOLONGECONNABORTEDEDESTADDRREQECONNREFUSEDEPFNOSUPPORTEAFNOSUPPORTEHOSTUNREACHWSAEOPNOTSUPPWSAEADDRINUSEWSAEPROTOTYPEWSAECONNRESETEADDRNOTAVAILWSAEINPROGRESSWSAEWOULDBLOCKWSASYSNOTREADYWSAENOPROTOOPTWSAENETUNREACHWSAECONNREFUSEDWSAEDESTADDRREQWSAEPFNOSUPPORTWSAETOOMANYREFSWSAEAFNOSUPPORTWSAENAMETOOLONGWSAECONNABORTEDWSAEHOSTUNREACHESOCKTNOSUPPORTEPROTONOSUPPORTWSAEADDRNOTAVAILWSANOTINITIALISEDWSAESOCKTNOSUPPORTWSAEPROTONOSUPPORTWSAVERNOTSUPPORTEDEIOEDOMENXIOETIMEENOSREFBIGEIDRMEROFSEPERMEBADFEBUSYESRCHE2BIGEXDEVELOOPEINTREPIPEEMFILEENOTTYEAGAINERANGEEMLINKENOMEMESTALEENOLCKEFAULTENOSTREDQUOTEEXISTENOENTESPIPEENFILEEISDIREILSEQEACCESENOSPCECHILDEPROTOEUSERSEINVALENOSYSENOMSGENODEVmaketrans arguments must have same lengthleupdateAt most 45 bytes at once(dd)%+.02dcomplex exponentiation0.0 to a negative or complex powercomplex modulosave_reduce%zd listdiros.listdirUOnnUutf_8_encodeUUtimestamp too large to convert to C _PyTime_texpect int, got %s_getfinalpathnameOOi'%.200s' object is not iterablesys.settracedecimalcomplex() arg is a malformed stringcould not convert string to float: '%.200s'%c%ld -=(Niiii)OOOO|OOa tzinfo subclass must implement %s()srcdst'%.100s' object has no attribute '%U'in _bisect.bisect_right&=__delattr__f-string: conversion type must come right after the exclamanation mark[Errno %S] %S: %Rno such group>>=mulproperty %R of %R object has no setterunexpected MARK foundunpickling stack underflowzip_longest() got an unexpected keyword argumentos.renameOOiiProxyTypeReferenceTypeCallableProxyTyperefSO!;setstate(): illegal state argument_compile_templatere_signalarray_buffer_getbuf: view==NULL argument is obsoletevars() argument must have __dict__ attribute^=type object '%s' has no attribute '__annotations__'popitem(): dictionary is emptymsvcrt.open_osfhandleKi(ii)unpack requires a buffer of %zd byteshexadecimaln must be at least one1.3.1Z_TREESZ_BLOCKZ_FIXEDZ_FINISHDEFLATEDMAX_WBITSZ_NO_FLUSHZ_FILTEREDzlib.error__version__ZLIB_VERSIONZ_FULL_FLUSHZ_SYNC_FLUSHZ_BEST_SPEEDDEF_BUF_SIZEDEF_MEM_LEVELZ_HUFFMAN_ONLYZ_PARTIAL_FLUSHZ_NO_COMPRESSION_ZlibDecompressorZ_DEFAULT_STRATEGYZ_BEST_COMPRESSIONZLIB_RUNTIME_VERSIONZ_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION1.0Z_RLEmust assign iterable to extended slice'%.200s' object has no attribute '%s'%s(%R%U)%U, %S=%R%U, %R][...1e%dPYTHONLEGACYWINDOWSFSENCODINGPYTHONMALLOCPYTHONCOERCECLOCALEPYTHONUTF8utf8ltignorestrictreplacesurrogatepasssurrogateescapebackslashreplaceiii:fromisocalendarInvalid week: %dYear is out of range: %dInvalid day: %d (range is [1, 7])ISO calendar component out of range!=/=UUnnUargument must be callableCODESIZEcopyrightMAGICMAXGROUPSMAXREPEATi:__reduce_ex__(ON) | %S.%SO:PickleBufferascii_decodeO:make_scannerparse_intparse_floatobject_hookparse_constantobject_pairs_hookO(ONO)ONOstruct.error_type_checkBound must be a type._GenericAlias_generic_class_getitem_generic_init_subclasstyping|Op:enablefloat too large to pack with f format while decoding a JSON object from a unicode stringgtstring index out of rangeIncompletebinascii.Errorbinascii.IncompleteLC_TIMECHAR_MAXLC_CTYPELC_NUMERICLC_COLLATELC_MONETARYlocale.ErrorErrorLC_ALLeqascii_encode_EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO_EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTIONmethod name must be a stringmethodcaller needs at least one argument, the method namecheck_hash_based_pycsfloat too large to pack with e formatO(OnNn)nO(Nn)nfilters_onceregistry_defaultactioncannot assign to %s here. Maybe you meant '==' instead of '='?assignment to yield expression not possible'%s' is an illegal expression for augmented assignmentyield expressiondays=%d; must have magnitude <= %d0Python int too large to convert to C ssize_t|$O:NameError14:18:48Apr 9 2024%s%s%s, %.20s, %.9s&#%d;O(OO)O(O)OO(NiO)O(NO)OrRsitegroupingn_sign_posnp_sign_posnfrac_digitsmon_groupingthousands_sepdecimal_pointn_cs_precedesp_cs_precedesnegative_signpositive_signn_sep_by_spacep_sep_by_spaceint_frac_digitscurrency_symbolint_curr_symbolmon_thousands_sepmon_decimal_pointstdlib_module_namesPYTHONINTMAXSTRDIGITSint_max_str_digits while decoding a JSON array from a unicode stringcan't concat %.100s to %.100sI00 I01 Python int too large to convert to C longcpython._PySys_ClearAuditHooksthe STRING opcode argument must be quotedtype object '%.100s' has no attribute '%U'except handlercan't convert negative value to unsigned intPYTHONWARNINGSPYTHONPERFSUPPORTperfsubunsupported format string passed to %.200s.__format__UU:strptime_strptime_strptime_timePYTHONTRACEMALLOCtracemallocO(O)utf8O()(O)O()(OO)OK;illegal decoder stateNK%U=%R%s(%S)namespaceO(OO)(OOO)NEWOBJ_EXNEWOBJ%s args argument must be a tuple, not %.200s%s class argument must be a type, not %.200s%s kwargs argument must be a dict, not %.200sPYTHONHASHSEEDInvalid isoformat string: %Rfromisoformat: argument must be str(OnnOOO)inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentationunindent does not match any outer indentation levelunexpected EOF in multi-line statementMax string recursion exceededneinvalid continuation byte{OO}On|p:scanstringinvalid literal for int() with base %d: %.200RasyncgeO(())(Oi)(O(OOO))O!O!|O:combineos.rmdirrmdirawaitL iiiiiiiii%s(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d)%s(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)%s(%d, %d, %d, %d)%s(%d, %d)%U, tzinfo=%R)%s(%d, %d, %d)%U, fold=%d)'%s' not supported between instances of '%.100s' and '%.100s'%pimaginary number required in complex literalinvalid start byteU:__format__make_encodermake_scannersha3_512sha3_384sha3_256sha3_224shake_256shake_128pickle stream refers to out-of-band data but no *buffers* argument was givennot enough out-of-band buffersinvalid escape sequence '\%c'pre_configglobal_configconfigunexpected character after line continuation character'%c' was never closedO(OO)liso_8859_1is_iso8859_1nnnnnnOnmust be %.50s, not %.50s%.100sunhashable type: '%.200s'%06dimaginarycannot use '_' as a targetLK_RLCKLK_LOCKLK_UNLCKLK_NBLCKLK_NBRLCK%d.%d.%d.%dCRT_ASSEMBLY_VERSIONSEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOXSEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOXSEM_FAILCRITICALERRORSSEM_NOALIGNMENTFAULTEXCEPT_cached_windows_versionkernel32.dll(kkk)%c%02d%s%02dfromutc: dt.tzinfo is not selffromutc: argument must be a datetimeVariable annotation syntax isPickleErrorPicklingErrorUnpicklingError_pickle.PickleError_pickle.PicklingError_pickle.UnpicklingErrorcopyregNAME_MAPPINGIMPORT_MAPPING_compat_pickledispatch_table_extension_cache_inverted_registry_extension_registryREVERSE_NAME_MAPPINGREVERSE_IMPORT_MAPPINGcodecsencodepersistent IDs in protocol 0 must be ASCII stringsSALT_SIZEPERSON_SIZEMAX_KEY_SIZEMAX_DIGEST_SIZEBLAKE2S_SALT_SIZEBLAKE2B_SALT_SIZEBLAKE2S_PERSON_SIZEBLAKE2B_PERSON_SIZEBLAKE2S_MAX_KEY_SIZEBLAKE2B_MAX_KEY_SIZEBLAKE2S_MAX_DIGEST_SIZEBLAKE2B_MAX_DIGEST_SIZEPattern matching isdelitemlstataddthread.local.%pislinkname_fromiiiiiiiii;mktime(): illegal time tuple argumentmktime argument out of range%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %04dpop from empty bytearrayMemo value not found at index %ldremoveOsssOrequired argument is not an integerthis function'%S' is an invalid keyword argument for %.200s%ssetitem_imphexversioniso2022_jpiso2022_kriso2022_jp_3iso2022_jp_2iso2022_jp_1iso2022_jp_extiso2022_jp_2004|iii:replacefunctioninvalid non-printable character U+%04X__index__ returned non-int (type %.200s)utf7<%s object; span=(%zd, %zd), match=%.50R>sha384sha512sha224sha256ordinal not in range(128)os.putenv%U=%Uordinal not in range(256)a bytes-like object is required, not '%.100s'integer division result too large for a float%d day%s, %d:%02d:%02d%d:%02d:%02d%d:%02d:%02d.%06d%d day%s, %d:%02d:%02d.%06dtruediv/fileno((iiiiiiiii))unexpected special characterERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCESERROR_NETNAME_DELETEDERROR_MORE_DATA%s(%R, maxlen=%zd)fromtimestampobject of type '%.200s' has no len()range object index out of rangemicroseconds%U takes exactly one argument (%zd given)+'%U' codec can't encode characters in position %zd-%zd: %U'%U' codec can't encode character '\u%04x' in position %zd: %Ucannot set %R attribute of immutable type '%s'readbuffer_encodePositional-only parameters are%U takes no arguments (%zd given)shift_jiseuc_jisx0213euc_jis_2004shift_jisx0213shift_jis_2004cp932euc_jp%s(%U, %U)cr_frameag_framegi_framecode point in surrogate code point range(0xd800, 0xe000)gbcommongb18030extgbkextgb18030hzgbkgb2312hours**=(d)__about__garbagecallbacksDEBUG_LEAKDEBUG_STATSDEBUG_SAVEALLDEBUG_COLLECTABLEDEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLEpickle data was truncatedPython int too large to convert to C unsigned longinteger division or modulo by zero %04d-%02d-%02dAsync functions areAssignment expressions areVPATHDLLs{sO}builtin_module_names__breakpointhook____unraisablehook__float_repr_style__displayhook___have_functions__excepthook__executable_dirversion_info__origname__OPTIMIZER_IDapi_versionthread_infoEXEC_PREFIXCOVERAGE_IDPROFILER_IDDEBUGGER_IDPYTHONPATHmaxunicodefloat_info_frameworkbyteordercache_tagdllhandlehash_info_installint_infoplatformmaxsize_vpatheventswinverPREFIX_gitunexpected end of data<_io.TextIOWrapperiter() returned non-iterator of type '%.100s'division by zerolshiftfloordiv%s(%R, %zd)expected str, got %smaximum recursion depth exceededmust be real number, not %.50stuple index out of rangeHACLAwait expressions areawait expressioncp932extjisx0212jisx0208jisxcommonjisx0213_empjisx0213_bmpjisx0213_pairjisx0213_2_empjisx0213_1_empjisx0213_2_bmpjisx0213_1_bmpdefaultPYTHONFAULTHANDLERPYTHONDUMPREFSFILEPYTHONPLATLIBDIRPYTHONLEGACYWINDOWSSTDIOPYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODEPYTHONPATHPYTHONUNBUFFEREDPYTHONNOUSERSITEPYTHONIOENCODINGPYTHONDUMPREFSPYTHONSAFEPATHPYTHONOPTIMIZEPYTHONVERBOSEPYTHONDEBUGCannot specify '%c' with '%c'.!x-sys-default-localeCOPY_FILE_ALLOW_DECRYPTED_DESTINATIONCOPY_FILE_REQUEST_SECURITY_PRIVILEGESCOPY_FILE_REQUEST_COMPRESSED_TRAFFICCOPYFILE2_CALLBACK_STREAM_FINISHEDCOPYFILE2_CALLBACK_CHUNK_FINISHEDCOPYFILE2_CALLBACK_STREAM_STARTEDCOPYFILE2_CALLBACK_POLL_CONTINUECOPYFILE2_CALLBACK_CHUNK_STARTEDCOPY_FILE_OPEN_SOURCE_FOR_WRITEFILE_FLAG_FIRST_PIPE_INSTANCECOPYFILE2_PROGRESS_CONTINUECOPY_FILE_RESUME_FROM_PAUSEBELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASSABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASSLOCALE_NAME_SYSTEM_DEFAULTLCMAP_TRADITIONAL_CHINESECOPYFILE2_PROGRESS_CANCELCREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOBCREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODECOPYFILE2_PROGRESS_PAUSECOPYFILE2_PROGRESS_QUIETLOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULTPIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCESLCMAP_SIMPLIFIED_CHINESEERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELDCREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUPCOPYFILE2_CALLBACK_ERRORCOPY_FILE_FAIL_IF_EXISTSREALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASSCOPYFILE2_PROGRESS_STOPERROR_OPERATION_ABORTEDLCMAP_LINGUISTIC_CASINGPAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPYCOPY_FILE_COPY_SYMLINKDUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCEPAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITECOPY_FILE_NO_BUFFERINGLOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTHPIPE_READMODE_MESSAGEDUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESSLOCALE_NAME_INVARIANTNORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASSCOPY_FILE_RESTARTABLEERROR_PIPE_CONNECTEDERROR_ALREADY_EXISTSSTARTF_USESTDHANDLESNMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVERFILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPEDCOPY_FILE_NO_OFFLOADSTARTF_USESHOWWINDOWINVALID_HANDLE_VALUEERROR_ACCESS_DENIEDIDLE_PRIORITY_CLASSPIPE_ACCESS_INBOUNDHIGH_PRIORITY_CLASSFILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESSFILE_GENERIC_WRITECREATE_NEW_CONSOLEPROCESS_DUP_HANDLEPIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEXPROCESS_ALL_ACCESSSTD_OUTPUT_HANDLEPAGE_EXECUTE_READFILE_TYPE_UNKNOWNFILE_GENERIC_READPIPE_TYPE_MESSAGEPAGE_WRITECOMBINEERROR_SEM_TIMEOUTERROR_BROKEN_PIPEFILE_MAP_EXECUTESTD_INPUT_HANDLEFILE_TYPE_REMOTEDETACHED_PROCESSSEC_WRITECOMBINECREATE_NO_WINDOWSTD_ERROR_HANDLEERROR_IO_PENDINGWAIT_ABANDONED_0LCMAP_UPPERCASEERROR_PIPE_BUSYLCMAP_FULLWIDTHLCMAP_LOWERCASELCMAP_HALFWIDTHSEC_LARGE_PAGESLCMAP_TITLECASEPAGE_READWRITELCMAP_KATAKANAFILE_TYPE_DISKFILE_TYPE_PIPEPAGE_WRITECOPYLCMAP_HIRAGANAFILE_MAP_WRITEFILE_TYPE_CHAROPEN_EXISTINGFILE_MAP_COPYERROR_NO_DATAFILE_MAP_READGENERIC_WRITEPAGE_READONLYPAGE_NOACCESSWAIT_OBJECT_0WAIT_TIMEOUTGENERIC_READPAGE_NOCACHEPAGE_EXECUTESTILL_ACTIVESYNCHRONIZEMEM_PRIVATEMEM_RESERVESEC_NOCACHESEC_RESERVEMEM_COMMITPAGE_GUARDMEM_MAPPEDSEC_COMMITSEC_IMAGEMEM_IMAGEPIPE_WAITMEM_FREEINFINITESW_HIDENULLK__stdout____stdin__PYTHONDEVMODExoror_and___complex__ returned non-complex (type %.200s)buffer_callback needs protocol >= 5bytes can only contain ASCII literal characterssha1md5%%%c format: a real number is required, not %.200scontains%.200s%s missing required argument '%U' (pos %d)%c%Uconcatcan't compare %s to %sapi-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-4[MSC v.1938 64 bit (ARM64)]GetFileInformationByName%.80s (%.80s) %.80s3.12.3%=at leastOn;encoding error handler must return (str/bytes, int) tuplearray.array%s with '%s' codec failedi|ii:set_thresholdsys.addaudithookblake2sblake2bis_notrange(%R, %R, %R)exactlyfailed to get the Python codec of the filesystem encodingint too large to convert to floatinit_fs_encodingVariable annotations syntax isunicodeescapematmul%.200s%s takes %s %d positional argument%s (%zd given)normalizeunicodedatacould not convert string to float: %R(O(nO))named expression__qualname__ must be set to a string objectcan't set attributecan't delete attributewarn_default_encodinggi_code__name__ must be set to a string object%.200s%s takes at most %d %sargument%s (%zd given)(y#)at mostbyte must be in range(0, 256)cannot create '%s' instances'%.200s' object can't be concatenatedgetitemdecoding%.150s%s takes %s %d argument%s (%zd given)%U argument after ** must be a mapping, not %.200s%.200s() takes no argumentsrawunicodeescapeCan't pickle local object %Rillegal encodingdate value out of rangeMD5TypeSHA1Typecannot access free variable '%s' where it is not associated with a value in enclosing scopecould not convert string to %s: %Rmalformed \N character escape<%s name=%R>octal ] xmlcharrefreplacearray.index(x): x not in array%s(%zd, %R)day is out of range for monthname '%.200s' is not definedno_debug_rangespycache_prefix%U takes no keyword argumentsfaulthandlershowrefcountimporttimedev%U() got an unexpected keyword argument '%S'O((OOO))mappingproxy(%R)Exceeds the limit (%d digits) for integer string conversion: value has %zd digits; use sys.set_int_max_str_digits() to increase the limitunknown error handler name '%.400s'expected %d argument%s, got %zddays=%d%c%02d%s%02d%s%02dcan only assign array (not "%.200s") to array slice%.200s%s missing required argument '%s' (pos %d)array.remove(x): x not in arrayarray index out of range@=The delegation of int() to __trunc__ is deprecated.unknown encoding: %smemoryview: a bytes-like object is required, not '%.200s'Python int too large to convert to C size_t%c%02d%s%02d%s%02d.%06df-string: expecting '}'Ran out of input%U%sseconds=%d_typevar_subst'%.400s' is not a text encoding; use %s to handle arbitrary codecstruncated dataint() base must be >= 2 and <= 36, or 0Invalid \uXXXX escapecould not find MARKoffset must be a timedelta strictly between -timedelta(hours=24) and timedelta(hours=24), not %R.partial character in shift sequence<<=//=offset must be a timedelta strictly between -timedelta(hours=24) and timedelta(hours=24).fourth element of the tuple returned by __reduce__ must be an iterator, not %sfifth element of the tuple returned by __reduce__ must be an iterator, not %sbuiltins.inputweeks(iii)'%U' is an invalid keyword argument for %.200s%san integer is requiredcan't multiply sequence by non-int of type '%.200s'__orig_bases__Can't pickle %R: attribute lookup %S on %S failedValue after * must be an iterable, not %.200s0.0 cannot be raised to a negative powerInvalid value NaN (not a number)millisecondstzinfo argument must be None or of a tzinfo subclass, not type '%s'cannot use a str to initialize an array with typecode '%c'sequence item %zd: expected str instance, %.80s foundcan only extend array with array (not "%.200s")can only append array (not "%.200s") to arraycan only extend with array of same kindbytes must be in range(0, 256)array indices must be integerspop from empty arrayarg must be listpopIndices for islice() must be None or an integer: 0 <= x <= sys.maxsize.cannot use a unicode array to initialize an array with typecode '%c'cannot fit '%.200s' into an index-sized integercan only concatenate str (not "%.200s") to strCan't pickle %R: import of module %R failedbytes length not a multiple of item sizemicrosecond must be in 0..999999second must be in 0..59minute must be in 0..59year %i is out of rangehour must be in 0..23negative shift counterrors without a string argumentthe (type, exc, tb) signature of throw() is deprecated, use the single-arg signature instead.cannot decode PYTHONIOENCODING environment variableExpecting property name enclosed in double quotes'%.200s' object is not subscriptableencoding without a string argumentunterminated shift sequenceencoding errordivmod()Exceeds the limit (%d digits) for integer string conversion; use sys.set_int_max_str_digits() to increase the limitint() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a real number, not '%.200s'Stop argument for islice() must be None or an integer: 0 <= x <= sys.maxsize.Single '}' encountered in format stringcannot convert '%.200s' object to bytesUnterminated string starting atillegal Unicode characterstmt = FunctionDef(identifier name, arguments args, stmt* body, expr* decorator_list, expr? returns, string? type_comment, type_param* type_params) | AsyncFunctionDef(identifier name, arguments args, stmt* body, expr* decorator_list, expr? returns, string? type_comment, type_param* type_params) | ClassDef(identifier name, expr* bases, keyword* keywords, stmt* body, expr* decorator_list, type_param* type_params) | Return(expr? value) | Delete(expr* targets) | Assign(expr* targets, expr value, string? type_comment) | TypeAlias(expr name, type_param* type_params, expr value) | AugAssign(expr target, operator op, expr value) | AnnAssign(expr target, expr annotation, expr? value, int simple) | For(expr target, expr iter, stmt* body, stmt* orelse, string? type_comment) | AsyncFor(expr target, expr iter, stmt* body, stmt* orelse, string? type_comment) | While(expr test, stmt* body, stmt* orelse) | If(expr test, stmt* body, stmt* orelse) | With(withitem* items, stmt* body, string? type_comment) | AsyncWith(withitem* items, stmt* body, string? type_comment) | Match(expr subject, match_case* cases) | Raise(expr? exc, expr? cause) | Try(stmt* body, excepthandler* handlers, stmt* orelse, stmt* finalbody) | TryStar(stmt* body, excepthandler* handlers, stmt* orelse, stmt* finalbody) | Assert(expr test, expr? msg) | Import(alias* names) | ImportFrom(identifier? module, alias* names, int? level) | Global(identifier* names) | Nonlocal(identifier* names) | Expr(expr value) | Pass | Break | Continueexpr = BoolOp(boolop op, expr* values) | NamedExpr(expr target, expr value) | BinOp(expr left, operator op, expr right) | UnaryOp(unaryop op, expr operand) | Lambda(arguments args, expr body) | IfExp(expr test, expr body, expr orelse) | Dict(expr* keys, expr* values) | Set(expr* elts) | ListComp(expr elt, comprehension* generators) | SetComp(expr elt, comprehension* generators) | DictComp(expr key, expr value, comprehension* generators) | GeneratorExp(expr elt, comprehension* generators) | Await(expr value) | Yield(expr? value) | YieldFrom(expr value) | Compare(expr left, cmpop* ops, expr* comparators) | Call(expr func, expr* args, keyword* keywords) | FormattedValue(expr value, int conversion, expr? format_spec) | JoinedStr(expr* values) | Constant(constant value, string? kind) | Attribute(expr value, identifier attr, expr_context ctx) | Subscript(expr value, expr slice, expr_context ctx) | Starred(expr value, expr_context ctx) | Name(identifier id, expr_context ctx) | List(expr* elts, expr_context ctx) | Tuple(expr* elts, expr_context ctx) | Slice(expr? lower, expr? upper, expr? step)pattern = MatchValue(expr value) | MatchSingleton(constant value) | MatchSequence(pattern* patterns) | MatchMapping(expr* keys, pattern* patterns, identifier? rest) | MatchClass(expr cls, pattern* patterns, identifier* kwd_attrs, pattern* kwd_patterns) | MatchStar(identifier? name) | MatchAs(pattern? pattern, identifier? name) | MatchOr(pattern* patterns)mod = Module(stmt* body, type_ignore* type_ignores) | Interactive(stmt* body) | Expression(expr body) | FunctionType(expr* argtypes, expr returns)AsyncFunctionDef(identifier name, arguments args, stmt* body, expr* decorator_list, expr? returns, string? type_comment, type_param* type_params)FunctionDef(identifier name, arguments args, stmt* body, expr* decorator_list, expr? returns, string? type_comment, type_param* type_params)type_param = TypeVar(identifier name, expr? bound) | ParamSpec(identifier name) | TypeVarTuple(identifier name)ClassDef(identifier name, expr* bases, keyword* keywords, stmt* body, expr* decorator_list, type_param* type_params)arguments(arg* posonlyargs, arg* args, arg? vararg, arg* kwonlyargs, expr* kw_defaults, arg? kwarg, expr* defaults)operator = Add | Sub | Mult | MatMult | Div | Mod | Pow | LShift | RShift | BitOr | BitXor | BitAnd | FloorDivMatchClass(expr cls, pattern* patterns, identifier* kwd_attrs, pattern* kwd_patterns)AsyncFor(expr target, expr iter, stmt* body, stmt* orelse, string? type_comment)For(expr target, expr iter, stmt* body, stmt* orelse, string? type_comment)TryStar(stmt* body, excepthandler* handlers, stmt* orelse, stmt* finalbody)Try(stmt* body, excepthandler* handlers, stmt* orelse, stmt* finalbody)excepthandler = ExceptHandler(expr? type, identifier? name, stmt* body)cmpop = Eq | NotEq | Lt | LtE | Gt | GtE | Is | IsNot | In | NotInAnnAssign(expr target, expr annotation, expr? value, int simple)comprehension(expr target, expr iter, expr* ifs, int is_async)MatchMapping(expr* keys, pattern* patterns, identifier? rest)FormattedValue(expr value, int conversion, expr? format_spec)AsyncWith(withitem* items, stmt* body, string? type_comment)arg(identifier arg, expr? annotation, string? type_comment)DictComp(expr key, expr value, comprehension* generators)TypeAlias(expr name, type_param* type_params, expr value)ImportFrom(identifier? module, alias* names, int? level)Attribute(expr value, identifier attr, expr_context ctx)Assign(expr* targets, expr value, string? type_comment)With(withitem* items, stmt* body, string? type_comment)ExceptHandler(expr? type, identifier? name, stmt* body)match_case(pattern pattern, expr? guard, stmt* body)Existing exports of data: object cannot be re-sizedSubscript(expr value, expr slice, expr_context ctx)Compare(expr left, cmpop* ops, expr* comparators)GeneratorExp(expr elt, comprehension* generators)type_ignore = TypeIgnore(int lineno, string tag)withitem(expr context_expr, expr? optional_vars)AugAssign(expr target, operator op, expr value)Call(expr func, expr* args, keyword* keywords)string indices must be integers, not '%.200s'__trunc__ returned non-Integral (type %.200s)Module(stmt* body, type_ignore* type_ignores)ListComp(expr elt, comprehension* generators)SetComp(expr elt, comprehension* generators)MatchAs(pattern? pattern, identifier? name)Slice(expr? lower, expr? upper, expr? step)alias(identifier name, identifier? asname)While(expr test, stmt* body, stmt* orelse)FunctionType(expr* argtypes, expr returns)BinOp(expr left, operator op, expr right)IfExp(expr test, expr body, expr orelse)cannot convert float infinity to integernon-zero padding bits in shift sequenceIf(expr test, stmt* body, stmt* orelse)Constant(constant value, string? kind)Match(expr subject, match_case* cases)Name(identifier id, expr_context ctx)Starred(expr value, expr_context ctx)TypeVar(identifier name, expr? bound)keyword(identifier? arg, expr value)unaryop = Invert | Not | UAdd | USubTuple(expr* elts, expr_context ctx)f-string: single '}' is not allowedunbound method %U needs an argumentList(expr* elts, expr_context ctx)NamedExpr(expr target, expr value)TypeIgnore(int lineno, string tag)UnaryOp(unaryop op, expr operand)expected '}' before end of stringexpr_context = Load | Store | Delset changed size during iterationLambda(arguments args, expr body)MatchSequence(pattern* patterns)BoolOp(boolop op, expr* values)MatchSingleton(constant value)Dict(expr* keys, expr* values)TypeVarTuple(identifier name)Raise(expr? exc, expr? cause)Assert(expr test, expr? msg)Nonlocal(identifier* names)MatchStar(identifier? name)fold must be either 0 or 1ParamSpec(identifier name)MatchOr(pattern* patterns)Global(identifier* names)Interactive(stmt* body)JoinedStr(expr* values)must be str, not %.100sMatchValue(expr value)month must be in 1..12Expression(expr body)Delete(expr* targets)YieldFrom(expr value)Import(alias* names)%U%smicroseconds=%dReturn(expr? value)Yield(expr? value)Await(expr value)boolop = And | OrExpr(expr value)Set(expr* elts)binary&list indices must be integers or slices, not %.200snot enough values to unpack (expected %d, got %d)%%%c format: an integer is required, not %.200sf-string: valid expression required before '}'Python int too large to convert to C intcharacter mapping must be in range(0x%x)list assignment index out of range\Uxxxxxxxx out of range%s(...)NFKCcan assign only bytes, buffers, or iterables of ints in range(0, 256)attempt to assign sequence of size %zd to extended slice of size %zdcomplex() first argument must be a string or a number, not '%.200s'%s(dt) argument must be a datetime instance or None, not %.200sReplacement index %zd out of range for positional args tupletzinfo.%s() must return None or timedelta, not '%.200s'Step for islice() must be a positive integer or None.argument should be integer or None, not '%.200s'f-string: valid expression required before '='__reduce__ must return a string or tupledivmod() returned a tuple of size %zdstring argument without an encodingCannot specify both ',' and '_'.repeated bytes are too longkeywords must be stringsType parameter lists areExpecting ':' delimiterstate is not a tupleill-formed sequencereadonly attributeInvalid \escape%.50s.__float__ returned non-float (type %.50s). The ability to return an instance of a strict subclass of float is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version of Python.closing parenthesis '%c' does not match opening parenthesis '%c'float() argument must be a string or a real number, not '%.200s'f-string: valid expression required before ':'Too many decimal digits in format stringtoo many values to unpack (expected %d)(unicode conversion error)complex division by zeroAsync for loops areThe '@' operator isbyte indices must be integers or slices, not %.200sattribute '%V' of '%.100s' objects is not writablecannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like objectunterminated string literal (detected at line %d)reduce() of empty iterable with no initial valueunsigned byte integer is greater than maximumsigned short integer is greater than maximum'%.100s' object attribute '%U' is read-only%s.__new__(X): X is not a type object (%s)unsigned byte integer is less than minimumsigned short integer is less than minimum'%.200s' object does not support indexingcannot unpack non-iterable %.200s objectf-string: expecting '}', or format specscan't have text and binary mode at onceSingle '{' encountered in format stringunsigned short is greater than maximumsigned char is greater than maximumunsigned short is less than minimumcannot convert float NaN to integerinvalid \x escape at position %zdsigned char is less than minimumArguments must be of month out of rangeday of year out of rangeillegal UTF-16 surrogatelo must be non-negativeinteger modulo by zerosep must be length 1.write to closed fileException groups areseconds out of rangeordinal must be >= 1minute out of rangemonth out of rangehour out of rangewarnings-%ldexceptions must be classes or instances deriving from BaseException, not %sunterminated triple-quoted f-string literal (detected at line %d)complex() second argument must be a number, not '%.200s'complex() can't take second arg if first is a stringdescriptor '%V' of '%.100s' object needs an argumentcannot use a bytes pattern on a string-like objectexpected string or bytes-like object, got '%.200s'int() can't convert non-string with explicit basef-string: expecting '=', or '!', or ':', or '}'file must have 'read' and 'readline' attributesFormat string contains positional fieldstzname.replace() did not return a stringf-string: invalid conversion characterf-string: missing conversion characterdivmod() returned a value out of rangenot enough arguments for format stringreduce() arg 2 must support iterationSet changed size during iterationEmpty attribute in format stringInvalid control character atunmatched '{' in format specf-string: unmatched '%c'Trailing \ in stringargument 'encoding'invalid mode: '%s'precision too bigyear out of rangecomb%i__index__ returned non-int (type %.200s). The ability to return an instance of a strict subclass of int is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version of Python.__int__ returned non-int (type %.200s). The ability to return an instance of a strict subclass of int is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version of Python.'%.400s' encoder returned '%.400s' instead of 'bytes'; use codecs.encode() to encode to arbitrary types'%.400s' decoder returned '%.400s' instead of 'str'; use codecs.decode() to decode to arbitrary typespartially initialized module '%U' has no attribute '%U' (most likely due to a circular import)Can't instantiate abstract class %s without an implementation for abstract method%s '%U'cannot switch from manual field specification to automatic field numberingcannot switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specificationdescriptor '%V' for '%.100s' objects doesn't apply to a '%.100s' objectPyBytes_FromFormatV(): %c format expects an integer in range [0; 255]startswith first arg must be str or a tuple of str, not %.100sendswith first arg must be str or a tuple of str, not %.100scan't send non-None value to a just-started async generatorbytearray indices must be integers or slices, not %.200sOnly '.' or '[' may follow ']' in format field specifiercan't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimestzinfo.tzname() must return None or a string, not '%s'can't send non-None value to a just-started generatorrange indices must be integers or slices, not %.200sthird argument must be a valid machine format code.unterminated f-string literal (detected at line %d)can't compare offset-naive and offset-aware times%.50s.__float__ returned non-float (type %.50s)pack expected %zd items for packing (got %zd)attribute name must be string, not '%.200s'factorial() not defined for negative valuesbyteorder must be either 'little' or 'big'__bytes__ returned non-bytes (type %.200s)__repr__ returned non-string (type %.200s)type 'partial' takes at least one argumentdivmod() returned non-tuple (type %.200s)cannot decode _Py_StandardStreamEncodingcannot decode _Py_StandardStreamErrorscomplex() second arg can't be a stringbad operand type for unary +: '%.200s'cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literalsbad operand type for unary -: '%.200s'strftime() requires year in [1; 9999]bad operand type for abs(): '%.200s'isqrt() argument must be nonnegativerounded value too large to representthe first argument must be callablestring argument expected, got '%s'other argument must be K instancecode point not in range(0x110000)k must be a non-negative integern must be a non-negative integerodd number of items for SETITEMSgenerator ignored GeneratorExitcould not convert string to intgenerator raised StopIterationint() missing string argumentargument list must be a tupleunexpected '{' in field namegenerator already executingunsupported locale settingGetSystemTimeAsFileTime()format requires a mappingtoo many nested f-stringsinvalid code page numberday of week out of rangenegative PUT argument-inf + inf in fsumEmpty module nameGetProcessTimes()argument 'errors'GetTickCount64()latin_1_decodenegative countwidth too bigremoveprefix* wants int0x%x', 'log%lu%zu__complex__ returned non-complex (type %.200s). The ability to return an instance of a strict subclass of complex is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version of Python.'memo' attribute must be an UnpicklerMemoProxy object or dict, not %.200s__abc_tpflags__ cannot be both Py_TPFLAGS_SEQUENCE and Py_TPFLAGS_MAPPINGfirst maketrans argument must be a string if there is a second argumentunsupported operand type(s) for %.100s: '%.100s', '%.100s', '%.100s'slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ methodError calling __set_name__ on '%.100s' instance %R in '%.100s'bad typecode (must be b, B, u, h, H, i, I, l, L, q, Q, f or d)'=' alignment flag is not allowed in complex format specifierargument for %.200s%s given by name ('%s') and position (%d)fromutc: tz.dst() gave inconsistent results; cannot convertthe first two maketrans arguments must have equal length positional argument%s (and %zd keyword-only argument%s)Zero padding is not allowed in complex format specifier__getformat__() argument 1 must be 'double' or 'float'tuple for startswith must only contain str, not %.100scan't compare offset-naive and offset-aware datetimesunsupported format character '%c' (0x%x) at index %zdtuple for endswith must only contain str, not %.100sbytearray_getbuffer: view==NULL argument is obsoletenot all arguments converted during string formattingkeys in translate table must be strings or integersstring keys in translate table must be of length 1throw() third argument must be a traceback objectfirst argument must be a type object, not %.200sinstance exception may not have a separate valuefromutc: non-None utcoffset() result required'%.200s' object doesn't support item deletiondecoder must return a tuple (object,integer)fourth argument should be bytes, not %.200scannot convert '%.200s' object to bytearrayfactorial() argument should not exceed %ldsecond argument must be a valid type codeexpected ':' after conversion specifierfromutc: non-None dst() result requiredf-string: expressions nested too deeplyTuple or struct_time argument requiredarray item must be unicode character__length_hint__() should return >= 0memo key must be positive integers.file must have a 'write' attributemin(n - k, k) must not exceed %lld%.200s is not a subtype of %.200scan't use starred expression hereUnknown conversion specifier %cf-string: expecting ':' or '}'unknown Unicode character nameintermediate overflow in fsumdecoding str is not supportedwhence value %d unsupportedtoo many nested parenthesesslice step cannot be zeroraw_unicode_escape_decodeQueryPerformanceCounter()'yield' outside function%.200s is not a sequenceObject is not writable.idx cannot be negativefloat division by zerok must not exceed %lldincomplete format keyunicode_escape_decode_array_reconstructora unicode characterincomplete formatutf_16_be_encodeutf_16_le_encodecharmap_decodecharmap_encodeutf_16_encode__getformat__mbcs_encodeoem_encodershiftarrayonce%x``c ejdxseZedk(sedk(re3ee2ZRe8e2ZSneSrd,Z!eSZgZ"d*ZUe:se$re-rejd6d,d,kDrX e3e$e>e3e$ed,Z&e3e$eZUeUr3edk(reUZVn eeUge ZVeVr e3eVdZ%n e3eUdZ%eseVZeseUZd'ed6<e-rdxZZnFereje\ZZWZeWseZd*Z%e9rLesJe8e9ZPer edk(ree3ePer ePZn eePeZe re reseQd7e Dr ePZe3ee Z%er9e4r7es5edk(ree3e4er e4Zn ee4eZere3ee Z%eXe%sd*Z%e re re4resee4ge Zer e%s e3ee Z%eYreseYZeQd8e DseOd9ese/dZeOd9e rAes?edk(reZes e4r ee4e eXZeseZreZZereXe3ee sedk(re&s eZ&neOd:eseZereseOd;e-re-jceed(<d'ed)<ne#sgZ"e!r/e r-e jceD]Z2e"je/e2edk(r&e9r e8e9ZPne4ZPe"je3ePen3eUre"je3eYene"je3eeedk(re!re\re\je\jfD]jZ_ e\je_eZD d,Za e\jeDe\jeDeaZdeeedefr e"jedjceead'z ZaReir.eijceD]Z2e"je3ee2e%s er e3ee Z%e&s er e3ee Z&edk(r>e&re"je&e%re"je%e4r<gZ"eRD]dZBeBjd?d,jZBeBs(eBd@k(rd'ed=<3eBjdAr eOdBMe"je3eSeBfe"ed(<d'ed)<eed<eed<eed<eed <eed!<eed"<exseed#<exseed$<eed<e%xsdedC<e&xsdedD<y*#e)$rY0wxYw#e@eAf$re>e3e=eZ?e=Z zsearch_up..sz9Could not find platform dependent libraries z8Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to [:]isolated site_import safe_path#z import sitezimport z'unsupported 'import' line in ._pth file stdlib_dirplatstdlib_dir)kconfigget PLATLIBDIRros_name BUILDDIR_TXTBUILD_LANDMARK VERSION_MAJORDEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME VERSION_MINOR STDLIB_SUBDIRSTDLIB_LANDMARKSPLATSTDLIB_LANDMARKBUILDSTDLIB_LANDMARKS VENV_LANDMARK ZIP_LANDMARKDELIMSEPVPATH PYDEBUGEXTPYWINVER WINREG_KEYr-rrrrrrr r!r"ENV_PYTHONPATHr$ pythonpathpythonpath_was_setreal_executable_dirr;r<boolprogram_name_was_set IndexError EXE_SUFFIX hassuffixisxfile py_setpathreal_executableabspathENV_PATHsplitr/rexecutable_dirENV_PYTHONEXECUTABLEENV___PYVENV_LAUNCHER__WITH_NEXT_FRAMEWORKrlibrary home_was_setENV_PYTHONHOME venv_prefix venv_prefix2 readlines pyvenvcfgFileNotFoundErrorPermissionErrorline partitionkeyhad_equvaluestriplowerrealpathOSErrorbasenamebase_exe candidateexwarnr.rpthpth_dir rpartition build_prefixbuild_stdlib_prefix had_delimisdirPREFIX EXEC_PREFIXappendwinregHKEY_CURRENT_USERHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEhk OpenKeyExi QueryValueEnumKeyv isinstancestrextendCloseKey PYTHONPATH startswithrrrs~ \ZZ % 3  gH,#L*N#M?3!l'--IM(/0]O72KL'L a l[(M M \ dKL E C _#Lw45N#M(/1m_H3MN'L)N MM?=/*:J9K4PL1(<HJ E C(.!zz.)  zz& ZZ % **./ H jj' jj' ::01()**.2 ZZ- . 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"--c48%a-&--aggen=OOC(FOOC((  s.b+cb7?c(=c4 d"d&=gg"e%6/g+b43b47cccc c%$c%(c10c14d9ddd#"d#&e"9%e"!e"%e-*g,e--Ag/gggg"!g"Heap queues [explanation by François Pinard] Heaps are arrays for which a[k] <= a[2*k+1] and a[k] <= a[2*k+2] for all k, counting elements from 0. For the sake of comparison, non-existing elements are considered to be infinite. The interesting property of a heap is that a[0] is always its smallest element. The strange invariant above is meant to be an efficient memory representation for a tournament. The numbers below are `k', not a[k]: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 In the tree above, each cell `k' is topping `2*k+1' and `2*k+2'. In a usual binary tournament we see in sports, each cell is the winner over the two cells it tops, and we can trace the winner down the tree to see all opponents s/he had. However, in many computer applications of such tournaments, we do not need to trace the history of a winner. To be more memory efficient, when a winner is promoted, we try to replace it by something else at a lower level, and the rule becomes that a cell and the two cells it tops contain three different items, but the top cell "wins" over the two topped cells. If this heap invariant is protected at all time, index 0 is clearly the overall winner. The simplest algorithmic way to remove it and find the "next" winner is to move some loser (let's say cell 30 in the diagram above) into the 0 position, and then percolate this new 0 down the tree, exchanging values, until the invariant is re-established. This is clearly logarithmic on the total number of items in the tree. By iterating over all items, you get an O(n ln n) sort. A nice feature of this sort is that you can efficiently insert new items while the sort is going on, provided that the inserted items are not "better" than the last 0'th element you extracted. This is especially useful in simulation contexts, where the tree holds all incoming events, and the "win" condition means the smallest scheduled time. When an event schedule other events for execution, they are scheduled into the future, so they can easily go into the heap. So, a heap is a good structure for implementing schedulers (this is what I used for my MIDI sequencer :-). Various structures for implementing schedulers have been extensively studied, and heaps are good for this, as they are reasonably speedy, the speed is almost constant, and the worst case is not much different than the average case. However, there are other representations which are more efficient overall, yet the worst cases might be terrible. Heaps are also very useful in big disk sorts. You most probably all know that a big sort implies producing "runs" (which are pre-sorted sequences, which size is usually related to the amount of CPU memory), followed by a merging passes for these runs, which merging is often very cleverly organised[1]. It is very important that the initial sort produces the longest runs possible. Tournaments are a good way to that. If, using all the memory available to hold a tournament, you replace and percolate items that happen to fit the current run, you'll produce runs which are twice the size of the memory for random input, and much better for input fuzzily ordered. Moreover, if you output the 0'th item on disk and get an input which may not fit in the current tournament (because the value "wins" over the last output value), it cannot fit in the heap, so the size of the heap decreases. The freed memory could be cleverly reused immediately for progressively building a second heap, which grows at exactly the same rate the first heap is melting. When the first heap completely vanishes, you switch heaps and start a new run. Clever and quite effective! In a word, heaps are useful memory structures to know. I use them in a few applications, and I think it is good to keep a `heap' module around. :-) -------------------- [1] The disk balancing algorithms which are current, nowadays, are more annoying than clever, and this is a consequence of the seeking capabilities of the disks. On devices which cannot seek, like big tape drives, the story was quite different, and one had to be very clever to ensure (far in advance) that each tape movement will be the most effective possible (that is, will best participate at "progressing" the merge). Some tapes were even able to read backwards, and this was also used to avoid the rewinding time. Believe me, real good tape sorts were quite spectacular to watch! From all times, sorting has always been a Great Art! :-) SRE 2.2.2 Copyright (c) 1997-2002 by Secret Labs AB xbPXBhcp(sphiHX_i`I-@l`&ȖL'n*NPXqQ(=8?0ChCefcdxP|$xb  7t+B  `(+u(  hFԨ+h 8 h1+H  H$+i ` 0+I   +l   1+Lx 8 +q  1+Qh  !+f x +d +PKQKSunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec̀+O]KT+K+p+T}+Pv+&+&\}+8!~<81|Զ8!~8!s68!v8!XR8!q8!i8$o8!~ڻ8!~8!~R8!~8!~ʾ8!~8!~B8!~8!~8!~v8!~28!~8!~8!~f8!~"8!~8!~8!~V8!~8!~8!~8!~F8!~8!~8!~z8!~68!~8!~8!~j8!~&8!~8!~8!~Z8!~8!~8!~8!~J8!~8!~8!yt8!~08!~8!~8!~d8!~ 8!~8!~8!~T8!~8!~8!~8!~D8!~8!~8!~x8!~48!~8!~8!~h8!~$8!~8!~8!~X8!~8!~8!~8!~H8!~8!~8!~|8!~88!~C8@nE8@F8@jH8@I8@fK8@L8@bN8@O8@^Q8@R8@ZT8@U8@VW8@X8@RZ8@[8@N]8@^8@J`8@a8@Fc8@d8@Bf8@g8@>i8@j8@:l8@m8@6o8@p8@2r8@s8s8s8s8@u8@u8@pv8@2w8@w8@x8@xy8@:z8@z8@{8@|8@B}8@~8@~8@8@J8@ 8@΁8@8@R8@8@ք8@8@Z8@8@އ8@8@b8@$8@8@8@j8@,8@8@8@r8@48@8@8@z8@<8@8@8@8@D8@8@ȗ8@8@L8@8@К8@8@T8@8@؝8@8@\8@8@8@8@d8@&8@8@8@l8@.8@8@8@t8@68@8@8@|8@>8@8@­8@8@F8@8@ʰ8@8@N8@8@ҳ8@8@V8@O@ 9@ 9@ 9@B 9@ 9@>9@9@:9 9XZ9999J99999D999x949P88888>>8Gs 88(88ss8NN8n8VV8__8788La"8#8G8w48l8l8l8l8l9l9l9l9l9d9R9 !9Q"9"9Q0#9;#9$9&&9(&9`&9l(9B(9*9)0+9 8,9,9.90929496989:9<9>9@9B9D9F9H9J9L9N9P9R9T9V9X9Z9\9^9`9b9d9f9h9j9l9n9p9r9t9v9x9z9|9~9Ȁ9Ȃ9Ȅ9Ȇ9Ȉ9Ȋ9Ȍ9Ȏ9Ȑ9Ȓ9Ȕ9Ȗ9Ș9Ț9Ȝ9Ȟ9Ƞ9Ȣ9Ȥ9Ȧ9Ȩ9Ȫ9Ȭ9Ȯ9Ȱ9Ȳ9ȴ9ȶ9ȸ9Ⱥ9ȼ9Ⱦ9999999999,9 )90kT9Z3 VB-w`!F8`H$ބ$P4(|X"BS4 @=H-: _DR, W+n &v2DGd@ H 0T0D5& @ + c($P`*h5O Ă(Q C57`zm =9" t0Р )߀@`v}Ӆ n /`Txh"pV%^,]lmC`6J`>b ">%\h JD54[ڐۇ-v:vb}W'[7 n!@ xn_?~=k꺺]s%K^*඙tO)&umRP`~oP#%u{R = (" P@0J$ :ʹ::Pr:Q:::ľ:`}:PpB:==D: :33::":11$:5:: ~:t:L:::0:: ::::t:d:<:+:::n:2:(:::0::0::::::::;;;|;l;f ; L ;<;; ; ;#N;;,z;H;; ;;!;@#;6%;'; );*;,;.;0;2;4;J6;>8;,:;;;=; r?;NA;,C;E; G;H;%J;>L;(N;P;Q;S; U;xW;lY;H[;pT\;L^;`;a; c;Qd;xf;\h;j;k;Ql;n;p;r;-@t;u;w;y;j{; R};N;|D;:; $;;;p;@y;@;@8;@;@2;@;@.;@;@(;@;@$;@;@ ;@;@;@;@;@;@;@;@;@;@ ;@;@;@;B;@;@>;;@;@;@ ;@;@ 9!9 9N9 49 9GV9v"9y9,N99l9 R9 <999699/R9<999w9 9 9 h9J9-c9D9*9F$::L:E:*:|:! :e : : :(::&:f:v:&:: T:t4:3:r::!:":$:v&: (:::"(:$(:(:ZN):c*:@+:-:5`/:1: 3:4: 6:H8:9:J;:=:>:@:B:ZD: E:G:;H: J:,J:+jL: M:M:N:1LP:0R:S:WT:V:TW:tX:Z: CZ:\:^:)_:`:Xa:5@c:nd:e:g:i:fj:@l:-Rl:rn:!o:"rq:"s:&t:lv: w:y:Rz:"{:t|:}:b:XD:$: ΃:::/p:MOv:.::.:ʎ:ԏ:::l:v:+Ɣ:3Z:6: ::4ʜ:|:~:yh: &::j: Ԥ::8:(M:&:s:>::#l:B: : :Q:4[::@:%:й;;;л;;;P;@<w{T<w~t<xxx<Df(>yH)>*>`s*>*>1+>Z->(/>1>2>J3>5>B7>.8>08>Y9>:9> :>V;>x=>'>>!H@>]tA>B>C>C>`D>NND>F>G>I>hJ>0K>K>?$M>O>'HP>$Q>R>T>T>$HV>zW>oXX>X>FFX>!zXY>00Z>fZ>hZ>H[>R[>G\>^>H_>S`>^b>`b>*d>Sd>d>vXe>Ze>gJf>g>i>k>1Hl>l>8l>3U~l>Wel>'m>Nn>r>o>@o>kpLo>p>)&r>-fr>\)D+T8+TH+TI+Y0+YL+YM+ZC+ZN+ZO+7+J+K+`+f+d+e+K0+$0K0w$M0-$0M0x$O0/$0O0y$Q01$0Q0z$S03$0S0{$0+%00w%0-%00x%0/%00y%01%00z%03%00{%0;%00|%0D%00}%0H%00~%1u&01x& =!~=!~=0z.=!s=!v=!X=!q=!@=!~=!~J=!~=!~=!~~=!~:=!~=!~=!~n=!~*=!~=!~=!~^>!~>!~>!~>!~N>!~ >!~>!~>!~>>!~>!~>!~r>!~. >!~ >!~ >!~b >!~ >!~ >!~ >!S >!~>!~t>!~0>!~>!~>!~d>!~ >!~>!~>!~T>!~>!~>!~>!~D>!~>!~>!~x>!~4>!~>!~>!~h>!~$>!~>!~>!~X >!~!>!~!>!~">!~H#>!~$>!~$>!~|%>!~8&>!~&>!~'>!~l(>!&;_h;@";@;@;@;@ ;@K;~;;P;;>?;ps;;;>;;#;;n;;4>;;2;1;\;;;R;a;;o4;n.;;|;;$;W&;9;;h;F;;;; ; ;;;;p;<w<<<<v <l <X <4<<< <<< t<p<T< <"<$< %<'<)<r+< `-<R/<J1<B3<:5<27<9< :<<<><@< B<rD<jF<bH<JJ<HL<:N<4P< R< T<U<W<Y<[<]<^<;0`<$b< d<f<g<i< k<m<o<q<s<tu<v<94x< z<|<~<<<<<rȆ<x<<<<ތ<Ȏ<<<<|<x<<:<j<EF< <\X<D<r<<_<;<<<<<o<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<t<h<h<h<h=`=`=\=X => =0 =0=,=(="= =====!= #=%='=(=*=,=2.=6/=1=3=5=7=9=;===?=A=C=E=F=7H=J=|L=zN=zP=zR=zT=vV=~W=w^X=Z=\=^=`=b=d=f=h=i=Fk=</}<!~j<+v<+H><9~ʱ<B~D<A|<!~x<!~4<!~<!~<!~h<!~$<!~<U~4<'~<!~<!~\<!~<!}һ<!~<!~J<!~<!~¾<!~~<!~=!y="wn=*u=%~=0l4="r=$}=#x6=*u=#`J=2d="{d=.z=!v=2}B="y=5sp=D~=!s=)z0=%~=!~=!qB="v=,pv=%v0;""2;B{;Tn;:rN;)`;ll;~~;)nN;]]P;3l;IQ;ffm= Dn=Fn=Hn=+o=JJo= q=((q=OOq=r=|2s=4s=:t=Etu=du=__u=w=(y=mn,y=.y=G z=Bz=z=z=VVz=-{=34{=}={{}=}=~=~=[x=z=|=F>=$N=P=Ѐ=r=J=Zƒ=8G= ʅ=$=====~~====)===MM=Vo(=*=,=(=JU@="Ȏ=L&=.~==q:=\=z=|=Kd==.(=#ڕ= =p̗=LLΗ=З=~6=8=T=Qn=2=)=@e=== 9=X=I̞=̟=RV=X=Z=======w== U=k>==Fr==^=6=Щ=2^====j=Pڬ=ܬ=rrެ====L=N=P=77R=T==/qF=a|~=B~=!PX=!w=!w=!~p=!~,=!~=!~=!~`=!~=!~ع=!~=!~P=!~ =!~ȼ=!~=!~@=!~=!~=!~t=!~0=!~=!~=!~d=!~ =!~=!~=!~T=!~=!~=!~=!~D=!~=!~=!~x=!~4=!~=!~=!~h=!~$=!~=!~=!~X=!~=!~=!~=!~H=!~=!~=!~|=!~8=!~=!~=!~l=!~(=!~=!~=!~\=!~=!~=!~=!~L=!~=!~=!~=!c<"~ʜ<!~<!~B<!}<!~<!~t<!~0<!~<!~<!~d<!~ <!~ܤ<!~<"~R<!~<!~ʧ<!~<!}@<#~<!~<!}n<"}&<"~<!~<!~X<!u?!~\?!g?!~?!~b?!x?!d?!o8?!~?!~?!sV?!v?!q?!~`?!~?!~?!~?!~P?!~ ?!~?!~?!~@?!~?!~?!~t?!~0?!~?!~?!~d?!~ ?!~?!~?!~T?!~?!~?!~?!~D?!~?!~?!~x?!~4?!~?!~?!~h?!~$?!~?!~?!~X?!~?!~?!~?!~H?!~?!~?!~|?!~8?!~?!~?!~l?!~(?!~?!~?!~\?!~?!~?!~?!~L?!~?!~?!~?!~t>gu>u>:v>Qv> x>y>z>z>`|>}>m~>v>12>2>>>چ>ֈ>Ҋ>Ҍ>>>>>~>z>\>.>>>>>>Ч>Ω>Ϋ>> >>>>d>d>X>*>> >>>>>> >x>p>n>T>H>>>>>>>> >6>>>|>v>j>H>B>@>2>>>J>7>> >??|? 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All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c) 2000 All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation for National Research Initiatives. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam. All Rights Reserved.The following implementation-specific options are available: -X dev : enable Python Development Mode; also PYTHONDEVMODE -X faulthandler: dump the Python traceback on fatal errors; also PYTHONFAULTHANDLER -X frozen_modules=[on|off]: whether to use frozen modules; the default is "on" for installed Python and "off" for a local build -X importtime: show how long each import takes; also PYTHONPROFILEIMPORTTIME -X int_max_str_digits=N: limit the size of int<->str conversions; 0 disables the limit; also PYTHONINTMAXSTRDIGITS -X no_debug_ranges: don't include extra location information in code objects; also PYTHONNODEBUGRANGES -X perf: support the Linux "perf" profiler; also PYTHONPERFSUPPORT=1 -X pycache_prefix=PATH: write .pyc files to a parallel tree instead of to the code tree; also PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX -X showrefcount: output the total reference count and number of used memory blocks when the program finishes or after each statement in the interactive interpreter; only works on debug builds -X tracemalloc[=N]: trace Python memory allocations; N sets a traceback limit of N frames (default: 1); also PYTHONTRACEMALLOC=N -X utf8[=0|1]: enable (1) or disable (0) UTF-8 mode; also PYTHONUTF8 -X warn_default_encoding: enable opt-in EncodingWarning for 'encoding=None'; also PYTHONWARNDEFAULTENCODINGEnvironment variables that change behavior: PYTHONSTARTUP : file executed on interactive startup (no default) PYTHONPATH : '%lc'-separated list of directories prefixed to the default module search path. The result is sys.path. PYTHONHOME : alternate directory (or %lc). The default module search path uses %s. PYTHONPLATLIBDIR: override sys.platlibdir PYTHONCASEOK : ignore case in 'import' statements (Windows) PYTHONIOENCODING: encoding[:errors] used for stdin/stdout/stderr PYTHONHASHSEED : if this variable is set to 'random', a random value is used to seed the hashes of str and bytes objects. It can also be set to an integer in the range [0,4294967295] to get hash values with a predictable seed. PYTHONMALLOC : set the Python memory allocators and/or install debug hooks on Python memory allocators. Use PYTHONMALLOC=debug to install debug hooks. PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE: if this variable is set to 0, it disables the locale coercion behavior. Use PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE=warn to request display of locale coercion and locale compatibility warnings on stderr. PYTHONBREAKPOINT: if this variable is set to 0, it disables the default debugger. It can be set to the callable of your debugger of choice. These variables have equivalent command-line options (see --help for details): PYTHONDEBUG : enable parser debug mode (-d) PYTHONDEVMODE : enable Python Development Mode (-X dev) PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE: don't write .pyc files (-B) PYTHONFAULTHANDLER: dump the Python traceback on fatal errors (-X faulthandler) PYTHONINSPECT : inspect interactively after running script (-i) PYTHONINTMAXSTRDIGITS: limit the size of int<->str conversions; 0 disables the limit (-X int_max_str_digits=N) PYTHONNODEBUGRANGES: don't include extra location information in code objects (-X no_debug_ranges) PYTHONNOUSERSITE: disable user site directory (-s) PYTHONOPTIMIZE : enable level 1 optimizations (-O) PYTHONPERFSUPPORT: support the Linux "perf" profiler (-X perf) PYTHONPROFILEIMPORTTIME: show how long each import takes (-X importtime) PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX: root directory for bytecode cache (pyc) files (-X pycache_prefix) PYTHONSAFEPATH : don't prepend a potentially unsafe path to sys.path. PYTHONTRACEMALLOC: trace Python memory allocations (-X tracemalloc) PYTHONUNBUFFERED: disable stdout/stderr buffering (-u) PYTHONUTF8 : control the UTF-8 mode (-X utf8) PYTHONVERBOSE : trace import statements (-v) PYTHONWARNDEFAULTENCODING: enable opt-in EncodingWarning for 'encoding=None' (-X warn_default_encoding) PYTHONWARNINGS : warning control (-W) ,K8#,4K(#,Q?Q@QAQBQCQDQEQFQGQHQIQJQKQLQMQNQOQPQQQRQSQTQUQVQWQXQYQZQ[Q\Q]Q^Q_Q`QaQbQcQdQeQfQgQhQiQjQkQlQmQnQoQpQqQrQsQtQuQvQwQxQyQzQ{Q|Q}Q~QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ Q Q Q Q QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ Q!Q"Q#Q$Q%Q&Q'Q(Q)Q*Q+Q,Q-Q.Q/Q0Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q:Q;Q<Q=Q>Q?Q@QAQBQCQDQEQFQGQHQIQJQKQLQMQNQOQPQQQRQSQTQUQVQWQXQYQZQ[Q\Q]Q^Q_Q`QaQbQcQdQeQfQgQhQiQjQkQlQmQnQoQpQqQrQsQtQuQvQwQxQyQzQ{Q|Q}Q~QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ@R @R @R@R @R@R 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__getitem__@R__getnewargs__@R__getnewargs_ex__@R __getstate__@R__gt__@R__hash__@R__iadd__@R__iand__@R __ifloordiv__@R __ilshift__@R __imatmul__@R__imod__@R __import__@R__imul__@R __index__@R__init__@R__init_subclass__@R__instancecheck__@R__int__@R __invert__@R__ior__@R__ipow__@R __irshift__@R__isabstractmethod__@R__isub__@R__iter__@R __itruediv__@R__ixor__@R__le__@R__len__@R__length_hint__@R __lltrace__@R __loader__@R __lshift__@R__lt__@R__main__@R __matmul__@R __missing__@R__mod__@R __module__@R__mro_entries__@R__mul__@R__name__@R__ne__@R__neg__@R__new__@R __newobj__@R __newobj_ex__@R__next__@R __notes__@R__or__@R__orig_class__@R __origin__@R __package__@R__parameters__@R__path__@R__pos__@R__pow__@R __prepare__@R __qualname__@R__radd__@R__rand__@R __rdivmod__@R __reduce__@R __reduce_ex__@R__release_buffer__@R__repr__@R __reversed__@R __rfloordiv__@R __rlshift__@R __rmatmul__@R__rmod__@R__rmul__@R__ror__@R __round__@R__rpow__@R __rrshift__@R __rshift__@R__rsub__@R __rtruediv__@R__rxor__@R__set__@R __set_name__@R __setattr__@R __setitem__@R __setstate__@R __sizeof__@R __slotnames__@R __slots__@R__spec__@R__str__@R__sub__@R__subclasscheck__@R__subclasshook__@R __truediv__@R __trunc__@R__type_params__@R#__typing_is_unpacked_typevartuple__@R__typing_prepare_subst__@R__typing_subst__@R__typing_unpacked_tuple_args__@R__warningregistry__@R__weaklistoffset__@R __weakref__@R__xor__@R _abc_impl@R _abstract_@R_active@R _annotation@R _anonymous_@R _argtypes_@R_as_parameter_@R_asyncio_future_blocking@R_blksize@R _bootstrap@R_check_retval_@R _dealloc_warn@R_feature_version@R_fields_@R _finalizing@R_find_and_load@R_fix_up_module@R_flags_@R_get_sourcefile@R_handle_fromlist@R _initializing@R_io@R_is_text_encoding@R_length_@R_limbo@R_lock_unlock_module@R_loop@R_needs_com_addref_@R_pack_@R _restype_@R _showwarnmsg@R _shutdown@R _slotnames@R_strptime_datetime@R_swappedbytes_@R_type_@R_uninitialized_submodules@R_warn_unawaited_coroutine@R _xoptions@Ra@Rabs_tol@Raccess@Radd@Radd_done_callback@Rafter_in_child@Rafter_in_parent@Raggregate_class@Ralias@Rappend@Rarg@Rargdefs@Rargs@R arguments@Rargv@Ras_integer_ratio@Rast@R attribute@Rauthorizer_callback@R autocommit@Rb@Rbacktick@Rbase@Rbefore@Rbig@R binary_form@Rblock@Rbound@Rbuffer@Rbuffer_callback@R buffer_size@R buffering@Rbuffers@Rbufsize@Rbuiltins@R byteorder@Rbytes@R bytes_per_sep@Rc@Rc_call@R c_exception@Rc_return@Rcached_statements@Rcadata@Rcafile@Rcall@Rcall_exception_handler@R call_soon@Rcancel@Rcapath@Rcategory@Rcb_type@Rcertfile@Rcheck_same_thread@Rclear@Rclose@Rclosed@Rclosefd@Rclosure@R co_argcount@R co_cellvars@Rco_code@R co_consts@Rco_exceptiontable@R co_filename@Rco_firstlineno@Rco_flags@R co_freevars@Rco_kwonlyargcount@R co_linetable@Rco_name@Rco_names@R co_nlocals@Rco_posonlyargcount@R co_qualname@R co_stacksize@R co_varnames@Rcode@Rcommand@Rcomment_factory@R compile_mode@Rconsts@Rcontext@R contravariant@Rcookie@Rcopy@Rcopyreg@Rcoro@Rcount@R covariant@Rcwd@Rd@Rdata@Rdatabase@Rdecode@Rdecoder@Rdefault@R defaultaction@Rdelete@Rdepth@R detect_types@R deterministic@Rdevice@Rdict@Rdictcomp@Rdifference_update@Rdigest@R digest_size@R digestmod@Rdir_fd@Rdiscard@Rdispatch_table@R displayhook@Rdklen@Rdoc@R dont_inherit@Rdst@R dst_dir_fd@Rduration@Re@R eager_start@R effective_ids@Relement_factory@Rencode@Rencoding@Rend@R end_lineno@R end_offset@Rendpos@R entrypoint@Renv@Rerrors@Revent@R eventmask@Rexc_type@R exc_value@R excepthook@R exception@Rexisting_file_name@Rexp@Rextend@R extra_tokens@Rfacility@Rfactory@Rfalse@Rfamily@Rfanout@Rfd@Rfd2@Rfdel@Rfget@Rfile@R file_actions@Rfilename@Rfileno@Rfilepath@R fillvalue@Rfilters@Rfinal@R find_class@R fix_imports@Rflags@Rflush@Rfollow_symlinks@Rformat@R frequency@R from_param@Rfromlist@R fromtimestamp@Rfromutc@Rfset@Rfunc@Rfuture@R generation@Rgenexpr@Rget@R get_debug@Rget_event_loop@Rget_loop@R get_source@Rgetattr@Rgetstate@Rgid@Rglobals@R groupindex@Rgroups@Rhandle@R hash_name@Rheader@Rheaders@Rhi@Rhook@Rid@Rident@Rignore@Rimag@R importlib@Rin_fd@Rincoming@R indexgroup@Rinf@Rinfer_variance@R inheritable@Rinitial@R initial_bytes@R initial_value@Rinitval@R inner_size@Rinput@Rinsert_comments@R insert_pis@R instructions@Rintern@R intersection@R is_running@Risatty@R isinstance@R isoformat@Risolation_level@Ristext@Ritem@Ritems@Riter@Riterable@R iterations@Rjoin@Rjump@Rkeepends@Rkey@Rkeyfile@Rkeys@Rkind@Rkw@Rkw1@Rkw2@Rlambda@Rlast@Rlast_exc@R last_node@Rlast_traceback@R last_type@R last_value@Rlatin1@R leaf_size@Rlen@Rlength@Rlevel@Rlimit@Rline@Rline_buffering@Rlineno@Rlistcomp@Rlittle@Rlo@Rlocale@Rlocals@R logoption@Rloop@Rmapping@Rmatch@R max_length@R maxdigits@R maxevents@Rmaxmem@Rmaxsplit@Rmaxvalue@RmemLevel@Rmemlimit@Rmessage@R metaclass@Rmetadata@Rmethod@Rmod@Rmode@Rmodule@Rmodule_globals@Rmodules@Rmro@Rmsg@Rmycmp@Rn@Rn_arg@Rn_fields@Rn_sequence_fields@Rn_unnamed_fields@Rname@R name_from@Rnamespace_separator@R namespaces@Rnarg@Rndigits@R new_file_name@R new_limit@Rnewline@Rnewlines@Rnext@Rnlocals@R node_depth@R node_offset@Rns@Rnstype@Rnt@Rnull@Rnumber@Robj@Robject@Roffset@R offset_dst@R offset_src@R on_type_read@R onceregistry@R only_keys@Roparg@Ropcode@Ropen@Ropener@R operation@Roptimize@Roptions@Rorder@Rorigin@Rout_fd@Routgoing@R overlapped@Rowner@Rp@Rpages@Rparent@Rpassword@Rpath@Rpattern@Rpeek@R persistent_id@Rpersistent_load@Rperson@R pi_factory@Rpid@Rpolicy@Rpos@Rpos1@Rpos2@Rposix@Rprint_file_and_line@Rpriority@Rprogress@Rprogress_handler@Rprogress_routine@Rproto@Rprotocol@Rps1@Rps2@Rquery@R quotetabs@Rr@Rraw@Rread@Rread1@Rreadable@Rreadall@Rreadinto@R readinto1@Rreadline@Rreadonly@Rreal@Rreducer_override@Rregistry@Rrel_tol@Rrelease@Rreload@Rrepl@Rreplace@Rreserved@Rreset@Rresetids@Rreturn@Rreverse@Rreversed@Rs@Rsalt@Rsched_priority@R scheduler@Rseek@Rseekable@R selectors@Rself@Rsend@Rsep@Rsequence@Rserver_hostname@R server_side@Rsession@Rsetcomp@R setpgroup@Rsetsid@R setsigdef@R setsigmask@Rsetstate@Rshape@Rshow_cmd@Rsigned@Rsize@Rsizehint@Rskip_file_prefixes@Rsleep@Rsock@Rsort@Rsound@Rsource@Rsource_traceback@Rsrc@R src_dir_fd@R stacklevel@Rstart@R statement@Rstatus@Rstderr@Rstdin@Rstdout@Rstep@Rsteps@R store_name@Rstrategy@Rstrftime@Rstrict@R strict_mode@Rstring@Rsub_key@Rsymmetric_difference_update@Rtabsize@Rtag@Rtarget@Rtarget_is_directory@Rtask@Rtb_frame@Rtb_lasti@R tb_lineno@Rtb_next@Rtell@Rtemplate@Rterm@Rtext@R threading@Rthrow@Rtimeout@Rtimes@R timetuple@Rtop@Rtrace_callback@R traceback@Rtrailers@R translate@Rtrue@Rtruncate@Rtwice@Rtxt@Rtype@R type_params@Rtz@Rtzname@Ruid@Runlink@Runraisablehook@Ruri@Rusedforsecurity@Rvalue@Rvalues@Rversion@Rvolume@Rwarnings@R warnoptions@Rwbits@Rweek@Rweekday@Rwhich@Rwho@Rwithdata@Rwritable@Rwrite@R write_through@Rx@Ryear@Rzdict@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R @R @R @R @R @R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R @R!@R"@R#@R$@R%@R&@R'@R(@R)@R*@R+@R,@R-@R.@R/@R0@R1@R2@R3@R4@R5@R6@R7@R8@R9@R:@R;@R<@R=@R>@R?@R@@RA@RB@RC@RD@RE@RF@RG@RH@RI@RJ@RK@RL@RM@RN@RO@RP@RQ@RR@RS@RT@RU@RV@RW@RX@RY@RZ@R[@R\@R]@R^@R_@R`@Ra@Rb@Rc@Rd@Re@Rf@Rg@Rh@Ri@Rj@Rk@Rl@Rm@Rn@Ro@Rp@Rq@Rr@Rs@Rt@Ru@Rv@Rw@Rx@Ry@Rz@R{@R|@R}@R~@R@RĸK@R̸K@RȸK@RԸK@RиK@RܸK@RظK@RK@RK@RK@RK@RK@RK@RK@RK@RK@RK@R K@RK@RK@RK@RK@RK@R$K@R K@R,K@R(K@R4K@R0K@R~A!aQ1q I)iY9yE%eU5u M-m]=}   S S  3 3  s s    K K  + +  k k     [ [  ; ;  { {     G G  ' '  g g     W W  7 7  w w     O O  / /  o o     _ _  ? ?     @ `P0pH(hX8xD$dT4tC#c50KregisteriiOiiread would overflow (invalid bytecode) while pickling an object%s class argument '%.200s' doesn't have __new__number of bits must be non-negative__abs__Buffer is NULLD:\a\1\s\Modules\arraymodule.cmemory allocation failedgc: %s <%s %p> D:\a\1\s\Modules\gcmodule.creadline__interactivehook__steps must be a non-negative integerseekcallfdfollow_symlinksnegative argument not allowedtruncatethe function must be called with the GIL held, after Python initialization and before Python finalization, but the GIL is released (the current Python thread state is NULL)I/O operation on closed fileFile not open for %sread1detach name=%R mode=%R%U encoding=%R>Console buffer does not support %s__length_hint__ must be an integer, not %.100sPyBuffer_FillInfo: view==NULL argument is obsoleteunsupported operand type(s) for %.100s: '%.100s' and '%.100s'. Did you mean "print(, file=)"?<<@__int__ returned non-int (type %.200s)PyNumber_ToBase: base must be 2, 8, 10 or 16count exceeds C integer sizeindex exceeds C integer size in __instancecheck__ in __subclasscheck__Negative size passed to PyByteArray_FromStringAndSizebyte string is too largeNegative size passed to PyBytes_FromStringAndSizeD:\a\1\s\Objects\bytesobject.cexpected bytes, %.200s foundembedded null byte%R returned NULL without setting an exception%s returned NULL without setting an exception%R returned a result with an exception set%s returned a result with an exception setD:\a\1\s\Objects\classobject.cwrapper %s() takes no keyword arguments%s() method: bad call flagsD:\a\1\s\Objects\dictobject.c'%.200s' object is not reversible__traceback__ may not be deleted__traceback__ must be a traceback or NoneOnnscan't send non-None value to a just-started coroutinecoroutine already executingasync generator already executingcannot reuse already awaited coroutineD:\a\1\s\Objects\listobject.cargument must be iterabletoo many digits in integerD:\a\1\s\Objects\longobject.cint_divmodmemoryview: invalid value for format '%s'attempting to create PyCMethod with a METH_METHOD flag but no classattempting to create PyCFunction with class but no METH_METHOD flagcannot access submodule '%U' of module '%U' (most likely due to a circular import)module has no attribute '%U'D:\a\1\s\Objects\object.cPyObject_CallFinalizerFromDeallocPyObject_CallFinalizerFromDealloc called on object with a non-zero refcount while getting the repr of an object while getting the str of an object in comparisonOut of memory_PyTrash_get_state_PyMem_DebugMalloc_PyMem_DebugCalloc_PyMem_DebugFree_PyMem_DebugReallocD:\a\1\s\Objects\tupleobject.cPyType_GetModuleByDef: No superclass of '%s' has the given moduletype '%s' does not have Py_TPFLAGS_ITEMS_AT_END_paramspec_subst_paramspec_prepare_substSubstitution of bare TypeVarTuple is not supported_typevartuple_prepare_substD:\a\1\s\Objects\unicodeobject.cinvalid maximum character passed to PyUnicode_NewNegative size passed to PyUnicode_NewNegative size passed to PyUnicode_FromStringAndSizeNULL string with positive size with NULL passed to PyUnicode_FromStringAndSizesize must be positiveinvalid kindchr() arg not in range(0x110000)must be str or None, not %.100s%c arg not in range(0x110000)%c requires int or charD:\a\1\s\Objects\weakrefobject.csource code cannot contain null bytestokenizer beginning of buffertok_backuptok_backup: wrong characterunicodedata.normalize() must return a string, not %.200sParser stack overflowed - Python source too complex to parsecodec search functions must return 4-tuplesencoder must return a tuple (object, integer)cannot assign to __debug__cannot delete __debug__inplace%s op %d should not be possibletraceback must be a Traceback or None_PyErr_WriteUnraisableMsgPrecision not allowed in integer format specifierSign not allowed with integer format specifier 'c'Negative zero coercion (z) not allowed in integer format specifierAlternate form (#) not allowed with integer format specifier 'c'new style getargs format but argument is not a tuplePY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN macro must be defined for '#' formatsUnmatched right paren in format stringUnmatched left paren in format stringimpossibleunpacked tuple should have %s%zd element%s, but has %zdPyEval_AcquireThreadPyEval_SaveThreadPyEval_RestoreThreadno current interpreterPy_HasFileSystemDefaultEncodingPy_FileSystemDefaultEncoding_Py_HasFileSystemDefaultEncodeErrorsPy_FileSystemDefaultEncodeErrorsPy_DebugFlagPy_UTF8ModePy_QuietFlagPy_VerboseFlagPy_InspectFlagPy_InteractiveFlagPy_NoSiteFlagPy_OptimizeFlagPy_FrozenFlagPy_BytesWarningFlagPy_DontWriteBytecodeFlagPy_IgnoreEnvironmentFlagPy_UnbufferedStdioFlagPy_NoUserSiteDirectoryPy_IsolatedFlagPy_HashRandomizationFlagPy_LegacyWindowsStdioFlagPy_LegacyWindowsFSEncodingFlagPyConfig_SetStringinvalid config value: %sinvalid config type: %s\python{major}{minor}EOF read where not expectedUnmatched paren in formatunmatched paren in formatcoerce_c_localeconfigure_localeutf8_modecoerce_c_locale_warnallocatorlegacy_windows_fs_encoding_PyInterpreterState_SetRunningMainPyInterpreterState_GetPyThreadState_Get_PyThreadState_DeleteCurrent_Py_GetConfigvalue too large to convert to float: '%.200s'field 'op' is required for BoolOpfield 'value' is required for Attributefield 'value' is required for Constantfield 'ctx' is required for Attributefield 'attr' is required for Attributefield 'id' is required for Namefield 'ctx' is required for Listfield 'ctx' is required for Namefield 'ctx' is required for Tuplefield 'arg' is required for argfield 'value' is required for MatchSingleton File "%S", line %zd sys_auditperf trampoline not availableD:\a\1\s\Python\traceback.cthe number of frames must be in range [1; %lu]@Q{+{+{+{+Nf9XXNX>NNf XN>NNf XN>NO|OO:0123456789ABCDEF __map_python3ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/renameu005cabspathbasenamedirnamehassuffixisabsisxfilejoinpathreadlinesrealpathwarn_abc_register_abc_instancecheck_abc_subclasscheck_abc._abc_data_destroyget_cache_token_abc_init_reset_registry_reset_caches_get_dump_abc_abc_register($module, self, subclass, /) -- Internal ABC helper for subclasss registration. Should be never used outside abc module._reset_caches($module, self, /) -- Internal ABC helper to reset both caches of a given class. Should be only used by refleak.py_abc_subclasscheck($module, self, subclass, /) -- Internal ABC helper for subclasss checks. Should be never used outside abc module._reset_registry($module, self, /) -- Internal ABC helper to reset registry of a given class. Should be only used by refleak.py_get_dump($module, self, /) -- Internal ABC helper for cache and registry debugging. Return shallow copies of registry, of both caches, and negative cache version. Don't call this function directly, instead use ABC._dump_registry() for a nice repr._abc_instancecheck($module, self, instance, /) -- Internal ABC helper for instance checks. Should be never used outside abc module.get_cache_token($module, /) -- Returns the current ABC cache token. The token is an opaque object (supporting equality testing) identifying the current version of the ABC cache for virtual subclasses. The token changes with every call to register() on any ABC._abc_init($module, self, /) -- Internal ABC helper for class set-up. Should be never used outside abc module.Internal state held by ABC machinery.Module contains faster C implementation of abc.ABCMetainsort_right($module, /, a, x, lo=0, hi=None, *, key=None) -- Insert item x in list a, and keep it sorted assuming a is sorted. If x is already in a, insert it to the right of the rightmost x. Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the slice of a to be searched. A custom key function can be supplied to customize the sort order.Bisection algorithms. This module provides support for maintaining a list in sorted order without having to sort the list after each insertion. For long lists of items with expensive comparison operations, this can be an improvement over the more common approach. KKKK+KKKK+bisect_left($module, /, a, x, lo=0, hi=None, *, key=None) -- Return the index where to insert item x in list a, assuming a is sorted. The return value i is such that all e in a[:i] have e < x, and all e in a[i:] have e >= x. So if x already appears in the list, a.insert(i, x) will insert just before the leftmost x already there. Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the slice of a to be searched. A custom key function can be supplied to customize the sort order.KKKK+insort_left($module, /, a, x, lo=0, hi=None, *, key=None) -- Insert item x in list a, and keep it sorted assuming a is sorted. If x is already in a, insert it to the left of the leftmost x. Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the slice of a to be searched. A custom key function can be supplied to customize the sort order.KKKK+bisect_right($module, /, a, x, lo=0, hi=None, *, key=None) -- Return the index where to insert item x in list a, assuming a is sorted. The return value i is such that all e in a[:i] have e <= x, and all e in a[i:] have e > x. So if x already appears in the list, a.insert(i, x) will insert just after the rightmost x already there. Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the slice of a to be searched. A custom key function can be supplied to customize the sort order._blake2b provides BLAKE2b for hashlib digest($self, /) -- Return the digest value as a bytes object.hexdigest($self, /) -- Return the digest value as a string of hexadecimal digits.ɼg j;ʄg+rn<6_:OтRQl>+hkAكy!~[copy($self, /) -- Return a copy of the hash object.update($self, data, /) -- Update this hash object's state with the provided bytes-like object.|+(K+4K<KDKLKXKhKxKKKK                                         blake2b(data=b'', /, *, digest_size=_blake2.blake2b.MAX_DIGEST_SIZE, key=b'', salt=b'', person=b'', fanout=1, depth=1, leaf_size=0, node_offset=0, node_depth=0, inner_size=0, last_node=False, usedforsecurity=True) -- Return a new BLAKE2b hash object.update($self, data, /) -- Update this hash object's state with the provided bytes-like object.                                   |+(K+4K<KDKLKXKhKxKKKKblake2s(data=b'', /, *, digest_size=_blake2.blake2s.MAX_DIGEST_SIZE, key=b'', salt=b'', person=b'', fanout=1, depth=1, leaf_size=0, node_offset=0, node_depth=0, inner_size=0, last_node=False, usedforsecurity=True) -- Return a new BLAKE2s hash object.digest($self, /) -- Return the digest value as a bytes object.g jgrn<:ORQhك[copy($self, /) -- Return a copy of the hash object.hexdigest($self, /) -- Return the digest value as a string of hexadecimal digits.utf_16_decode($module, data, errors=None, final=False, /) -- escape_decode($module, data, errors=None, /) -- unregister($module, search_function, /) -- Unregister a codec search function and clear the registry's cache. If the search function is not registered, do nothing.utf_16_le_encode($module, str, errors=None, /) -- encode($module, /, obj, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict') -- Encodes obj using the codec registered for encoding. The default encoding is 'utf-8'. errors may be given to set a different error handling scheme. Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise a ValueError. Other possible values are 'ignore', 'replace' and 'backslashreplace' as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that can handle ValueErrors.ascii_encode($module, str, errors=None, /) -- mbcs_encode($module, str, errors=None, /) -- escape_encode($module, data, errors=None, /) -- utf_32_be_decode($module, data, errors=None, final=False, /) -- ascii_decode($module, data, errors=None, /) -- register_error($module, errors, handler, /) -- Register the specified error handler under the name errors. handler must be a callable object, that will be called with an exception instance containing information about the location of the encoding/decoding error and must return a (replacement, new position) tuple.utf_8_encode($module, str, errors=None, /) -- unicode_escape_encode($module, str, errors=None, /) -- oem_decode($module, data, errors=None, final=False, /) -- utf_7_decode($module, data, errors=None, final=False, /) -- readbuffer_encode($module, data, errors=None, /) -- decode($module, /, obj, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict') -- Decodes obj using the codec registered for encoding. Default encoding is 'utf-8'. errors may be given to set a different error handling scheme. Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise a ValueError. Other possible values are 'ignore', 'replace' and 'backslashreplace' as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that can handle ValueErrors.unicode_escape_decode($module, data, errors=None, final=True, /) -- mbcs_decode($module, data, errors=None, final=False, /) -- raw_unicode_escape_encode($module, str, errors=None, /) -- utf_32_encode($module, str, errors=None, byteorder=0, /) -- utf_16_be_encode($module, str, errors=None, /) -- code_page_encode($module, code_page, str, errors=None, /) -- charmap_decode($module, data, errors=None, mapping=None, /) -- latin_1_decode($module, data, errors=None, /) -- latin_1_encode($module, str, errors=None, /) -- utf_32_be_encode($module, str, errors=None, /) -- raw_unicode_escape_decode($module, data, errors=None, final=True, /) -- lookup_error($module, name, /) -- lookup_error(errors) -> handler Return the error handler for the specified error handling name or raise a LookupError, if no handler exists under this name.utf_32_ex_decode($module, data, errors=None, byteorder=0, final=False, /) -- utf_32_le_encode($module, str, errors=None, /) -- utf_16_encode($module, str, errors=None, byteorder=0, /) -- K+Kregister($module, search_function, /) -- Register a codec search function. Search functions are expected to take one argument, the encoding name in all lower case letters, and either return None, or a tuple of functions (encoder, decoder, stream_reader, stream_writer) (or a CodecInfo object).K+Kutf_32_le_decode($module, data, errors=None, final=False, /) -- charmap_build($module, map, /) -- utf_16_le_decode($module, data, errors=None, final=False, /) -- utf_16_be_decode($module, data, errors=None, final=False, /) -- lookup($module, encoding, /) -- Looks up a codec tuple in the Python codec registry and returns a CodecInfo object.utf_8_decode($module, data, errors=None, final=False, /) -- charmap_encode($module, str, errors=None, mapping=None, /) -- utf_32_decode($module, data, errors=None, final=False, /) -- utf_16_ex_decode($module, data, errors=None, byteorder=0, final=False, /) -- utf_7_encode($module, str, errors=None, /) -- code_page_decode($module, codepage, data, errors=None, final=False, /) -- oem_encode($module, str, errors=None, /) -- defaultdict(default_factory=None, /, [...]) --> dict with default factory The default factory is called without arguments to produce a new value when a key is not present, in __getitem__ only. A defaultdict compares equal to a dict with the same items. All remaining arguments are treated the same as if they were passed to the dict constructor, including keyword arguments. Return a shallow copy of a deque.D.reverse() -- reverse *IN PLACE*Add an element to the left side of the deque.High performance data structures. - deque: ordered collection accessible from endpoints only - defaultdict: dict subclass with a default value factory D.index(value, [start, [stop]]) -- return first index of value. Raises ValueError if the value is not present.Extend the right side of the deque with elements from the iterableReturn state information for pickling.Remove and return the leftmost element.D.count(value) -- return number of occurrences of value_count_elements($module, mapping, iterable, /) -- Count elements in the iterable, updating the mappingAdd an element to the right side of the deque.Rotate the deque n steps to the right (default n=1). If n is negative, rotates left.deque([iterable[, maxlen]]) --> deque object A list-like sequence optimized for data accesses near its endpoints.Remove and return the rightmost element.Private method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).__missing__(key) # Called by __getitem__ for missing key; pseudo-code: if self.default_factory is None: raise KeyError((key,)) self[key] = value = self.default_factory() return value D.__reversed__() -- return a reverse iterator over the dequeD.copy() -> a shallow copy of D.Extend the left side of the deque with elements from the iterableD.remove(value) -- remove first occurrence of value.D.__sizeof__() -- size of D in memory, in bytesD.insert(index, object) -- insert object before indexRemove all elements from the deque.Context Variablescopy_context($module, /) -- cache_clear($self, /) -- Clear the cache and cache statisticscmp_to_key($module, /, mycmp) -- Convert a cmp= function into a key= function. mycmp Function that compares two objects.Create a cached callable that wraps another function. user_function: the function being cached maxsize: 0 for no caching None for unlimited cache size n for a bounded cache typed: False cache f(3) and f(3.0) as identical calls True cache f(3) and f(3.0) as distinct calls cache_info_type: namedtuple class with the fields: hits misses currsize maxsize partial(func, *args, **keywords) - new function with partial application of the given arguments and keywords. cache_info($self, /) -- Report cache statisticsreduce(function, iterable[, initial]) -> value Apply a function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of a sequence or iterable, from left to right, so as to reduce the iterable to a single value. For example, reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) calculates ((((1+2)+3)+4)+5). If initial is present, it is placed before the items of the iterable in the calculation, and serves as a default when the iterable is empty.KTools that operate on functions.xjVp $ν|*ƇGF0FؘiD[\"kqCy!Ib%@@QZ^&Ƕ]/SD!7Ç ZEogL*B9q"am 8D꾤K`Kp~('09|eVD")*C#9Y[e }]O~o,CN~S5:*ӆ#EgܺvT2#EgܺvT2؞]|6*)bp0ZY9Y/1 g&3gXhJd . ۤOHGɼg j;ʄg+rn<6_:OтRQl>+hkAكy!~[؞|6p09Y1 XhdO"(ט/Be#D7q/;Mۉ۵8H[V9YO?m^BؾopE[N1$} Uo{t]r;ހ5%ܛ&itJi%O8GՌƝew̡ $u+Yo,-ntJAܩ\SڈvfRQ>2-m1?!'Y= % GoQcpn g))/F '&&\8!.*Zm,M߳ 8ScTs ew< jvG.;5,rdL迢0BKfpK0TQlReU$* qW5ѻ2pjҸSAQl7LwH'Hᵼ4cZų 9ˊAJNscwOʜ[o.h]t`/CocxrxȄ9dnj(c#齂lPyƲ+SrxqƜa&>'!Ǹ}xnO}orgȢ}c ?G5 q}#w($@{2 ˾L*~e)Y:o_XGJDl/BD7q۵[V9Y?^[1$} Ut]rހܛtiGƝ̡ $o,-tJܩ\ڈvRQ>m1'Y GQcg)) '8!.m,M 8STs e jv.,r迢KfpK£Ql$օ5pjl7LwH'4 9JNOʜ[o.htocxxȄnjlPxqg jgrn<:ORQhك[       $-7)8+>'=,_heappop_max($module, heap, /) -- Maxheap variant of heappop.heappop($module, heap, /) -- Pop the smallest item off the heap, maintaining the heap invariant.Heap queue algorithm (a.k.a. priority queue). Heaps are arrays for which a[k] <= a[2*k+1] and a[k] <= a[2*k+2] for all k, counting elements from 0. For the sake of comparison, non-existing elements are considered to be infinite. The interesting property of a heap is that a[0] is always its smallest element. Usage: heap = [] # creates an empty heap heappush(heap, item) # pushes a new item on the heap item = heappop(heap) # pops the smallest item from the heap item = heap[0] # smallest item on the heap without popping it heapify(x) # transforms list into a heap, in-place, in linear time item = heapreplace(heap, item) # pops and returns smallest item, and adds # new item; the heap size is unchanged Our API differs from textbook heap algorithms as follows: - We use 0-based indexing. This makes the relationship between the index for a node and the indexes for its children slightly less obvious, but is more suitable since Python uses 0-based indexing. - Our heappop() method returns the smallest item, not the largest. These two make it possible to view the heap as a regular Python list without surprises: heap[0] is the smallest item, and heap.sort() maintains the heap invariant! heapify($module, heap, /) -- Transform list into a heap, in-place, in O(len(heap)) time.heappushpop($module, heap, item, /) -- Push item on the heap, then pop and return the smallest item from the heap. The combined action runs more efficiently than heappush() followed by a separate call to heappop().heapreplace($module, heap, item, /) -- Pop and return the current smallest value, and add the new item. This is more efficient than heappop() followed by heappush(), and can be more appropriate when using a fixed-size heap. Note that the value returned may be larger than item! That constrains reasonable uses of this routine unless written as part of a conditional replacement: if item > heap[0]: item = heapreplace(heap, item)_heapify_max($module, heap, /) -- Maxheap variant of heapify.heappush($module, heap, item, /) -- Push item onto heap, maintaining the heap invariant._heapreplace_max($module, heap, item, /) -- Maxheap variant of heapreplace.JSON scanner objectjson speedups encode_basestring(string) -> string Return a JSON representation of a Python stringencode_basestring_ascii(string) -> string Return an ASCII-only JSON representation of a Python stringscanstring(string, end, strict=True) -> (string, end) Scan the string s for a JSON string. End is the index of the character in s after the quote that started the JSON string. Unescapes all valid JSON string escape sequences and raises ValueError on attempt to decode an invalid string. If strict is False then literal control characters are allowed in the string. Returns a tuple of the decoded string and the index of the character in s after the end quote._iterencode(obj, _current_indent_level) -> iterablesetlocale($module, category, locale=, /) -- Activates/queries locale processing.strcoll($module, os1, os2, /) -- Compares two strings according to the locale.localeconv($module, /) -- Returns numeric and monetary locale-specific parameters.strxfrm($module, string, /) -- Return a string that can be used as a key for locale-aware comparisons.Support for POSIX locales.getencoding($module, /) -- Get the current locale encoding._getdefaultlocale($module, /) -- copy($self, /) -- Copy the memo to a new object.clear_memo($self, /) -- Clears the pickler's "memo". The memo is the data structure that remembers which objects the pickler has already seen, so that shared or recursive objects are pickled by reference and not by value. This method is useful when re-using picklers.__reduce__($self, /) -- Implement pickling support.loads($module, data, /, *, fix_imports=True, encoding='ASCII', errors='strict', buffers=()) -- Read and return an object from the given pickle data. The protocol version of the pickle is detected automatically, so no protocol argument is needed. Bytes past the pickled object's representation are ignored. Optional keyword arguments are *fix_imports*, *encoding* and *errors*, which are used to control compatibility support for pickle stream generated by Python 2. If *fix_imports* is True, pickle will try to map the old Python 2 names to the new names used in Python 3. The *encoding* and *errors* tell pickle how to decode 8-bit string instances pickled by Python 2; these default to 'ASCII' and 'strict', respectively. The *encoding* can be 'bytes' to read these 8-bit string instances as bytes objects.dump($self, obj, /) -- Write a pickled representation of the given object to the open file.Unpickler(file, *, fix_imports=True, encoding='ASCII', errors='strict', buffers=()) -- This takes a binary file for reading a pickle data stream. The protocol version of the pickle is detected automatically, so no protocol argument is needed. Bytes past the pickled object's representation are ignored. The argument *file* must have two methods, a read() method that takes an integer argument, and a readline() method that requires no arguments. Both methods should return bytes. Thus *file* can be a binary file object opened for reading, an io.BytesIO object, or any other custom object that meets this interface. Optional keyword arguments are *fix_imports*, *encoding* and *errors*, which are used to control compatibility support for pickle stream generated by Python 2. If *fix_imports* is True, pickle will try to map the old Python 2 names to the new names used in Python 3. The *encoding* and *errors* tell pickle how to decode 8-bit string instances pickled by Python 2; these default to 'ASCII' and 'strict', respectively. The *encoding* can be 'bytes' to read these 8-bit string instances as bytes objects.dumps($module, /, obj, protocol=None, *, fix_imports=True, buffer_callback=None) -- Return the pickled representation of the object as a bytes object. The optional *protocol* argument tells the pickler to use the given protocol; supported protocols are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The default protocol is 4. It was introduced in Python 3.4, and is incompatible with previous versions. Specifying a negative protocol version selects the highest protocol version supported. The higher the protocol used, the more recent the version of Python needed to read the pickle produced. If *fix_imports* is True and *protocol* is less than 3, pickle will try to map the new Python 3 names to the old module names used in Python 2, so that the pickle data stream is readable with Python 2. If *buffer_callback* is None (the default), buffer views are serialized into *file* as part of the pickle stream. It is an error if *buffer_callback* is not None and *protocol* is None or smaller than 5.K!K!K !KPickler(file, protocol=None, fix_imports=True, buffer_callback=None) -- This takes a binary file for writing a pickle data stream. The optional *protocol* argument tells the pickler to use the given protocol; supported protocols are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The default protocol is 4. It was introduced in Python 3.4, and is incompatible with previous versions. Specifying a negative protocol version selects the highest protocol version supported. The higher the protocol used, the more recent the version of Python needed to read the pickle produced. The *file* argument must have a write() method that accepts a single bytes argument. It can thus be a file object opened for binary writing, an io.BytesIO instance, or any other custom object that meets this interface. If *fix_imports* is True and protocol is less than 3, pickle will try to map the new Python 3 names to the old module names used in Python 2, so that the pickle data stream is readable with Python 2. If *buffer_callback* is None (the default), buffer views are serialized into *file* as part of the pickle stream. If *buffer_callback* is not None, then it can be called any number of times with a buffer view. If the callback returns a false value (such as None), the given buffer is out-of-band; otherwise the buffer is serialized in-band, i.e. inside the pickle stream. It is an error if *buffer_callback* is not None and *protocol* is None or smaller than 5. K!K!K !K__sizeof__($self, /) -- Returns size in memory, in bytes.load($self, /) -- Load a pickle. Read a pickled object representation from the open file object given in the constructor, and return the reconstituted object hierarchy specified therein.dump($module, /, obj, file, protocol=None, *, fix_imports=True, buffer_callback=None) -- Write a pickled representation of obj to the open file object file. This is equivalent to ``Pickler(file, protocol).dump(obj)``, but may be more efficient. The optional *protocol* argument tells the pickler to use the given protocol; supported protocols are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The default protocol is 4. It was introduced in Python 3.4, and is incompatible with previous versions. Specifying a negative protocol version selects the highest protocol version supported. The higher the protocol used, the more recent the version of Python needed to read the pickle produced. The *file* argument must have a write() method that accepts a single bytes argument. It can thus be a file object opened for binary writing, an io.BytesIO instance, or any other custom object that meets this interface. If *fix_imports* is True and protocol is less than 3, pickle will try to map the new Python 3 names to the old module names used in Python 2, so that the pickle data stream is readable with Python 2. If *buffer_callback* is None (the default), buffer views are serialized into *file* as part of the pickle stream. It is an error if *buffer_callback* is not None and *protocol* is None or smaller than 5. K!K+KH!K K!K+KH!K__sizeof__($self, /) -- Returns size in memory, in bytes.copy($self, /) -- Copy the memo to a new object.__reduce__($self, /) -- Implement pickle support.|+!K+KH!Kclear($self, /) -- Remove all items from memo.Optimized C implementation for the Python pickle module.load($module, /, file, *, fix_imports=True, encoding='ASCII', errors='strict', buffers=()) -- Read and return an object from the pickle data stored in a file. This is equivalent to ``Unpickler(file).load()``, but may be more efficient. The protocol version of the pickle is detected automatically, so no protocol argument is needed. Bytes past the pickled object's representation are ignored. The argument *file* must have two methods, a read() method that takes an integer argument, and a readline() method that requires no arguments. Both methods should return bytes. Thus *file* can be a binary file object opened for reading, an io.BytesIO object, or any other custom object that meets this interface. Optional keyword arguments are *fix_imports*, *encoding* and *errors*, which are used to control compatibility support for pickle stream generated by Python 2. If *fix_imports* is True, pickle will try to map the old Python 2 names to the new names used in Python 3. The *encoding* and *errors* tell pickle how to decode 8-bit string instances pickled by Python 2; these default to 'ASCII' and 'strict', respectively. The *encoding* can be 'bytes' to read these 8-bit string instances as bytes objects.K K!K!K !Kfind_class($self, module_name, global_name, /) -- Return an object from a specified module. If necessary, the module will be imported. Subclasses may override this method (e.g. to restrict unpickling of arbitrary classes and functions). This method is called whenever a class or a function object is needed. Both arguments passed are str objects.clear($self, /) -- Remove all items from memo.seed($self, n=None, /) -- seed([n]) -> None. Defaults to use urandom and falls back to a combination of the current time and the process identifier.getrandbits($self, k, /) -- getrandbits(k) -> x. Generates an int with k random bits.Module implements the Mersenne Twister random number generator.setstate($self, state, /) -- setstate(state) -> None. Restores generator state.߰getstate($self, /) -- getstate() -> tuple containing the current state.Random() -> create a random number generator with its own internal state.random($self, /) -- random() -> x in the interval [0, 1).unicode_tolower($module, character, /) -- groups($self, /, default=None) -- Return a tuple containing all the subgroups of the match, from 1. default Is used for groups that did not participate in the match.Compiled regular expression object.start($self, group=0, /) -- Return index of the start of the substring matched by group.template($module, pattern, template, /) -- template A list containing interleaved literal strings (str or bytes) and group indices (int), as returned by re._parser.parse_template(): [literal1, group1, ..., literalN, groupN]match($self, /) -- lK"K"Kascii_iscased($module, character, /) -- fullmatch($self, /, string, pos=0, endpos=sys.maxsize) -- Matches against all of the string.compile($module, /, pattern, flags, code, groups, groupindex, indexgroup) -- subn($self, /, repl, string, count=0) -- Return the tuple (new_string, number_of_subs_made) found by replacing the leftmost non-overlapping occurrences of pattern with the replacement repl.lK"K"KlK"K"Kunicode_iscased($module, character, /) -- lK"K"KlK(#KlK"K"KlK"K"Kfinditer($self, /, string, pos=0, endpos=sys.maxsize) -- Return an iterator over all non-overlapping matches for the RE pattern in string. For each match, the iterator returns a match object.__copy__($self, /) -- scanner($self, /, string, pos=0, endpos=sys.maxsize) -- The result of re.match() and Match objects always have a boolean value of True.sub($self, /, repl, string, count=0) -- Return the string obtained by replacing the leftmost non-overlapping occurrences of pattern in string by the replacement repl.__copy__($self, /) -- __deepcopy__($self, memo, /) -- split($self, /, string, maxsplit=0) -- Split string by the occurrences of pattern.span($self, group=0, /) -- For match object m, return the 2-tuple (m.start(group), m.end(group)).findall($self, /, string, pos=0, endpos=sys.maxsize) -- Return a list of all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string.groupdict($self, /, default=None) -- Return a dictionary containing all the named subgroups of the match, keyed by the subgroup name. default Is used for groups that did not participate in the match.getcodesize($module, /) -- `"Kp"K"K"K"K"K "K@"K"Ksearch($self, /, string, pos=0, endpos=sys.maxsize) -- Scan through string looking for a match, and return a corresponding match object instance. Return None if no position in the string[group1, ...]) -> str or tuple. Return subgroup(s) of the match by indices or names. For 0 returns the entire match.expand($self, /, template) -- Return the string obtained by doing backslash substitution on the string template, as done by the sub()$self, /) -- match($self, /, string, pos=0, endpos=sys.maxsize) -- Matches zero or more characters at the beginning of the string.__deepcopy__($self, memo, /) -- ascii_tolower($module, character, /) -- end($self, group=0, /) -- Return index of the end of the substring matched by group.S_ISDIR(mode) -> bool Return True if mode is from a directory.S_ISLNK(mode) -> bool Return True if mode is from a symbolic link.S_IFMT_: file type bits S_IFDIR: directory S_IFCHR: character device S_IFBLK: block device S_IFREG: regular file S_IFIFO: fifo (named pipe) S_IFLNK: symbolic link S_IFSOCK: socket file S_IFDOOR: door S_IFPORT: event port S_IFWHT: whiteout S_ISUID: set UID bit S_ISGID: set GID bit S_ENFMT: file locking enforcement S_ISVTX: sticky bit S_IREAD: Unix V7 synonym for S_IRUSR S_IWRITE: Unix V7 synonym for S_IWUSR S_IEXEC: Unix V7 synonym for S_IXUSR S_IRWXU: mask for owner permissions S_IRUSR: read by owner S_IWUSR: write by owner S_IXUSR: execute by owner S_IRWXG: mask for group permissions S_IRGRP: read by group S_IWGRP: write by group S_IXGRP: execute by group S_IRWXO: mask for others (not in group) permissions S_IROTH: read by others S_IWOTH: write by others S_IXOTH: execute by others UF_NODUMP: do not dump file UF_IMMUTABLE: file may not be changed UF_APPEND: file may only be appended to UF_OPAQUE: directory is opaque when viewed through a union stack UF_NOUNLINK: file may not be renamed or deleted UF_COMPRESSED: OS X: file is hfs-compressed UF_HIDDEN: OS X: file should not be displayed SF_ARCHIVED: file may be archived SF_IMMUTABLE: file may not be changed SF_APPEND: file may only be appended to SF_NOUNLINK: file may not be renamed or deleted SF_SNAPSHOT: file is a snapshot file ST_MODE ST_INO ST_DEV ST_NLINK ST_UID ST_GID ST_SIZE ST_ATIME ST_MTIME ST_CTIME FILE_ATTRIBUTE_*: Windows file attribute constants (only present on Windows) Return the portion of the file's mode that can be set by os.chmod().S_ISCHR(mode) -> bool Return True if mode is from a character special device file.S_ISSOCK(mode) -> bool Return True if mode is from a socket.S_ISPORT(mode) -> bool Return True if mode is from an event port.S_ISREG(mode) -> bool Return True if mode is from a regular file.Return the portion of the file's mode that describes the file type.S_ISFIFO(mode) -> bool Return True if mode is from a FIFO (named pipe).S_ISBLK(mode) -> bool Return True if mode is from a block special device file.S_ISDOOR(mode) -> bool Return True if mode is from a door.S_ISWHT(mode) -> bool Return True if mode is from a whiteout.Convert a file's mode to a string of the form '-rwxrwxrwx'Struct(fmt) --> compiled struct object calcsize($module, format, /) -- Return size in bytes of the struct described by the format string.unpack($module, format, buffer, /) -- Return a tuple containing values unpacked according to the format string. The buffer's size in bytes must be calcsize(format). See help(struct) for more on format strings.unpack_from($module, format, /, buffer, offset=0) -- Return a tuple containing values unpacked according to the format string. The buffer's size, minus offset, must be at least calcsize(format). See help(struct) for more on format strings.iter_unpack($self, buffer, /) -- Return an iterator yielding tuples. Tuples are unpacked from the given bytes source, like a repeated invocation of unpack_from(). Requires that the bytes length be a multiple of the struct size.Functions to convert between Python values and C structs. Python bytes objects are used to hold the data representing the C struct and also as format strings (explained below) to describe the layout of data in the C struct. The optional first format char indicates byte order, size and alignment: @: native order, size & alignment (default) =: native order, std. size & alignment <: little-endian, std. size & alignment >: big-endian, std. size & alignment !: same as > The remaining chars indicate types of args and must match exactly; these can be preceded by a decimal repeat count: x: pad byte (no data); c:char; b:signed byte; B:unsigned byte; ?: _Bool (requires C99; if not available, char is used instead) h:short; H:unsigned short; i:int; I:unsigned int; l:long; L:unsigned long; f:float; d:double; e:half-float. Special cases (preceding decimal count indicates length): s:string (array of char); p: pascal string (with count byte). Special cases (only available in native format): n:ssize_t; N:size_t; P:an integer type that is wide enough to hold a pointer. Special case (not in native mode unless 'long long' in platform C): q:long long; Q:unsigned long long Whitespace between formats is ignored. The variable struct.error is an exception raised on errors. pack_into(format, buffer, offset, v1, v2, ...) Pack the values v1, v2, ... according to the format string and write the packed bytes into the writable buffer buf starting at offset. Note that the offset is a required argument. See help(struct) for more on format strings.S.pack_into(buffer, offset, v1, v2, ...) Pack the values v1, v2, ... according to the format string S.format and write the packed bytes into the writable buffer buf starting at offset. Note that the offset is a required argument. See help(struct) for more on format strings.$'K,'Kiter_unpack($module, format, buffer, /) -- Return an iterator yielding tuples unpacked from the given bytes. The bytes are unpacked according to the format string, like a repeated invocation of unpack_from(). Requires that the bytes length be a multiple of the format struct size.unpack($self, buffer, /) -- Return a tuple containing unpacked values. Unpack according to the format string Struct.format. The buffer's size in bytes must be Struct.size. See help(struct) for more on format strings.pack(format, v1, v2, ...) -> bytes Return a bytes object containing the values v1, v2, ... packed according to the format string. See help(struct) for more on format strings.S.__sizeof__() -> size of S in memory, in bytes_clearcache($module, /) -- Clear the internal cache.unpack_from($self, /, buffer, offset=0) -- Return a tuple containing unpacked values. Values are unpacked according to the format string Struct.format. The buffer's size in bytes, starting at position offset, must be at least Struct.size. See help(struct) for more on format strings.S.pack(v1, v2, ...) -> bytes Return a bytes object containing values v1, v2, ... packed according to the format string S.format. See help(struct) for more on format strings.proxy($module, object, callback=None, /) -- Create a proxy object that weakly references 'object'. 'callback', if given, is called with a reference to the proxy when 'object' is about to be finalized._remove_dead_weakref($module, dct, key, /) -- Atomically remove key from dict if it points to a dead weakref.getweakrefs($module, object, /) -- Return a list of all weak reference objects pointing to 'object'.getweakrefcount($module, object, /) -- Return the number of weak references to 'object'.reverse($self, /) -- Reverse the order of the items in the array.extend($self, bb, /) -- Append items to the end of the array.append($self, v, /) -- Append new value v to the end of the array.__reduce__($self, /) -- Return state information for pickling.fromunicode($self, ustr, /) -- Extends this array with data from the unicode string ustr. The array must be a unicode type array; otherwise a ValueError is raised. Use array.frombytes(ustr.encode(...)) to append Unicode data to an array of some other type.__copy__($self, /) -- Return a copy of the array.|+This module defines an object type which can efficiently represent an array of basic values: characters, integers, floating point numbers. Arrays are sequence types and behave very much like lists, except that the type of objects stored in them is constrained. fromlist($self, list, /) -- Append items to array from list.__setstate__($self, state, /) -- Set state information for unpickling.tobytes($self, /) -- Convert the array to an array of machine values and return the bytes representation.__deepcopy__($self, unused, /) -- Return a copy of the array.buffer_info($self, /) -- Return a tuple (address, length) giving the current memory address and the length in items of the buffer used to hold array's contents. The length should be multiplied by the itemsize attribute to calculate the buffer length in bytes.tolist($self, /) -- Convert array to an ordinary list with the same items.count($self, v, /) -- Return number of occurrences of v in the array._array_reconstructor($module, arraytype, typecode, mformat_code, items, /) -- Internal. Used for pickling support.tounicode($self, /) -- Extends this array with data from the unicode string ustr. Convert the array to a unicode string. The array must be a unicode type array; otherwise a ValueError is raised. Use array.tobytes().decode() to obtain a unicode string from an array of some other type.index($self, v, start=0, stop=sys.maxsize, /) -- Return index of first occurrence of v in the array. Raise ValueError if the value is not present.array(typecode [, initializer]) -> array Return a new array whose items are restricted by typecode, and initialized from the optional initializer value, which must be a list, string or iterable over elements of the appropriate type. Arrays represent basic values and behave very much like lists, except the type of objects stored in them is constrained. The type is specified at object creation time by using a type code, which is a single character. The following type codes are defined: Type code C Type Minimum size in bytes 'b' signed integer 1 'B' unsigned integer 1 'u' Unicode character 2 (see note) 'h' signed integer 2 'H' unsigned integer 2 'i' signed integer 2 'I' unsigned integer 2 'l' signed integer 4 'L' unsigned integer 4 'q' signed integer 8 (see note) 'Q' unsigned integer 8 (see note) 'f' floating point 4 'd' floating point 8 NOTE: The 'u' typecode corresponds to Python's unicode character. On narrow builds this is 2-bytes on wide builds this is 4-bytes. NOTE: The 'q' and 'Q' type codes are only available if the platform C compiler used to build Python supports 'long long', or, on Windows, '__int64'. Methods: append() -- append a new item to the end of the array buffer_info() -- return information giving the current memory info byteswap() -- byteswap all the items of the array count() -- return number of occurrences of an object extend() -- extend array by appending multiple elements from an iterable fromfile() -- read items from a file object fromlist() -- append items from the list frombytes() -- append items from the string index() -- return index of first occurrence of an object insert() -- insert a new item into the array at a provided position pop() -- remove and return item (default last) remove() -- remove first occurrence of an object reverse() -- reverse the order of the items in the array tofile() -- write all items to a file object tolist() -- return the array converted to an ordinary list tobytes() -- return the array converted to a string Attributes: typecode -- the typecode character used to create the array itemsize -- the length in bytes of one array item __sizeof__($self, /) -- Size of the array in memory, in bytes.fromfile($self, f, n, /) -- Read n objects from the file object f and append them to the end of the array.remove($self, v, /) -- Remove the first occurrence of v in the array.insert($self, i, v, /) -- Insert a new item v into the array before position i.byteswap($self, /) -- Byteswap all items of the array. If the items in the array are not 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes in size, RuntimeError is raised.|+|+pop($self, i=-1, /) -- Return the i-th element and delete it from the array. i defaults to -1.__reduce_ex__($self, value, /) -- Return state information for pickling.tofile($self, f, /) -- Write all items (as machine values) to the file object f.|+frombytes($self, buffer, /) -- Appends items from the string, interpreting it as an array of machine values, as if it had been read from a file using the fromfile() method.register(func, *args, **kwargs) -> func Register a function to be executed upon normal program termination func - function to be called at exit args - optional arguments to pass to func kwargs - optional keyword arguments to pass to func func is returned to facilitate usage as a decorator._clear() -> None Clear the list of previously registered exit functions._run_exitfuncs() -> None Run all registered exit functions. If a callback raises an exception, it is logged with sys.unraisablehook.unregister(func) -> None Unregister an exit function which was previously registered using atexit.register func - function to be unregistered_ncallbacks() -> int Return the number of registered exit functions.allow programmer to define multiple exit functions to be executed upon normal program termination. Two public functions, register and unregister, are defined. hexlify($module, /, data, sep=, bytes_per_sep=1) -- Hexadecimal representation of binary data. sep An optional single character or byte to separate hex bytes. bytes_per_sep How many bytes between separators. Positive values count from the right, negative values count from the left. The return value is a bytes object. This function is also available as "b2a_hex()".b2a_qp($module, /, data, quotetabs=False, istext=True, header=False) -- Encode a string using quoted-printable encoding. On encoding, when istext is set, newlines are not encoded, and white space at end of lines is. When istext is not set, \r and \n (CR/LF) are both encoded. When quotetabs is set, space and tabs are encoded.a2b_qp($module, /, data, header=False) -- Decode a string of qp-encoded data.|+)Kb2a_base64($module, data, /, *, newline=True) -- Base64-code line of data.crc_hqx($module, data, crc, /) -- Compute CRC-CCITT incrementally.*K *K*K*K0*Kb2a_uu($module, data, /, *, backtick=False) -- Uuencode line of data.unhexlify($module, hexstr, /) -- Binary data of hexadecimal representation. hexstr must contain an even number of hex digits (upper or lower case).|+)K*K *K*Kcrc32($module, data, crc=0, /) -- Compute CRC-32 incrementally.a2b_hex($module, hexstr, /) -- Binary data of hexadecimal representation. hexstr must contain an even number of hex digits (upper or lower case). This function is also available as "unhexlify()".b2a_hex($module, /, data, sep=, bytes_per_sep=1) -- Hexadecimal representation of binary data. sep An optional single character or byte to separate hex bytes. bytes_per_sep How many bytes between separators. Positive values count from the right, negative values count from the left. The return value is a bytes object. This function is also available as "hexlify()". Example: >>> binascii.b2a_hex(b'\xb9\x01\xef') b'b901ef' >>> binascii.hexlify(b'\xb9\x01\xef', ':') b'b9:01:ef' >>> binascii.b2a_hex(b'\xb9\x01\xef', b'_', 2) b'b9_01ef'>?456789:;<=  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123a2b_base64($module, data, /, *, strict_mode=False) -- Decode a line of base64 data. strict_mode When set to True, bytes that are not part of the base64 standard are not allowed. The same applies to excess data after padding (= / ==).|+)Ka2b_uu($module, data, /) -- Decode a line of uuencoded data.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/*K@*KL*K0*K!B c0@P`p)Jk1s2R"RBrb9{ZӜb$C4 dtDTjK( ōS6r&0vfVF[z8׼HXhx@a(#8َHi +ZJzjqP 3:*˿yX;l|L\",<` A* hI~n^N>2.Qp:Yxʱ -No0 P%@Fpg`ڳ=^"25BRwbVr˥nO, 4$ftGd$TDۧ_~<&6WfvvF4VLm/ș鉊DXeHx'h8(}\?؛uJTZ7jz *:.lMͪɍ&|ld\EL<, >]|ߛُn6~UNt^.>Conversion between binary data and ASCIIsinh($module, z, /) -- Return the hyperbolic sine of z.acosh($module, z, /) -- Return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of z.atan($module, z, /) -- Return the arc tangent of z.polar($module, z, /) -- Convert a complex from rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates. r is the distance from 0 and phi the phase angle.isclose($module, /, a, b, *, rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0) -- Determine whether two complex numbers are close in value. rel_tol maximum difference for being considered "close", relative to the magnitude of the input values abs_tol maximum difference for being considered "close", regardless of the magnitude of the input values Return True if a is close in value to b, and False otherwise. For the values to be considered close, the difference between them must be smaller than at least one of the tolerances. -inf, inf and NaN behave similarly to the IEEE 754 Standard. That is, NaN is not close to anything, even itself. inf and -inf are only close to themselves.isinf($module, z, /) -- Checks if the real or imaginary part of z is infinite.sqrt($module, z, /) -- Return the square root of z.asinh($module, z, /) -- Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of z.This module provides access to mathematical functions for complex numbers.isfinite($module, z, /) -- Return True if both the real and imaginary parts of z are finite, else False.rect($module, r, phi, /) -- Convert from polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates.sin($module, z, /) -- Return the sine of z.asin($module, z, /) -- Return the arc sine of z.isnan($module, z, /) -- Checks if the real or imaginary part of z not a number (NaN).acos($module, z, /) -- Return the arc cosine of z.phase($module, z, /) -- Return argument, also known as the phase angle, of a complex.log($module, z, base=, /) -- log(z[, base]) -> the logarithm of z to the given base. If the base is not specified, returns the natural logarithm (base e) of z.tanh($module, z, /) -- Return the hyperbolic tangent of z.exp($module, z, /) -- Return the exponential value e**z.cosh($module, z, /) -- Return the hyperbolic cosine of z.tan($module, z, /) -- Return the tangent of z.cos($module, z, /) -- Return the cosine of z.atanh($module, z, /) -- Return the inverse hyperbolic tangent of z.Kt+*K*Klog10($module, z, /) -- Return the base-10 logarithm of z.+K+K+K+K+K+K+K+K+K+K+K+Kp+Kt+Kx+K|+K+K+K+K'd The result of date.isocalendar() or datetime.isocalendar() This object may be accessed either as a tuple of ((year, week, weekday) or via the object attributes as named in the above tuple.Fixed offset from UTC implementation of tzinfo.h,D3K(+P3K@+`3Kp3,p3K ,3Kdate(year, month, day) --> date objectAbstract base class for time zone info objects.datetime(year, month, day[, hour[, minute[, second[, microsecond[,tzinfo]]]]]) The year, month and day arguments are required. tzinfo may be None, or an instance of a tzinfo subclass. The remaining arguments may be ints. Difference between two datetime values. timedelta(days=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, weeks=0) All arguments are optional and default to 0. Arguments may be integers or floats, and may be positive or$type, /, tz=None) -- Returns new datetime object representing current time local to tz. tz Timezone object. If no tz is specified, uses local timezone. ;Zx0Ntime([hour[, minute[, second[, microsecond[, tzinfo]]]]]) --> a time object All arguments are optional. tzinfo may be None, or an instance of a tzinfo subclass. The remaining arguments may be ints. h,5K(+5K@+5Kp3,6K ,@6Kfromtimestamp($type, timestamp, /) -- Create a date from a POSIX timestamp. The timestamp is a number, e.g. created via time.time(), that is interpreted as local time.h+KThis module makes available standard errno system symbols. The value of each symbol is the corresponding integer value, e.g., on most systems, errno.ENOENT equals the integer 2. The dictionary errno.errorcode maps numeric codes to symbol names, e.g., errno.errorcode[2] could be the string 'ENOENT'. Symbols that are not relevant to the underlying system are not defined. To map error codes to error messages, use the function os.strerror(), e.g. os.strerror(2) could return 'No such file or directory'.faulthandler module.unfreeze($module, /) -- Unfreeze all objects in the permanent generation. Put all objects in the permanent generation back into oldest generation.get_stats($module, /) -- Return a list of dictionaries containing per-generation statistics.set_debug($module, flags, /) -- Set the garbage collection debugging flags. flags An integer that can have the following bits turned on: DEBUG_STATS - Print statistics during collection. DEBUG_COLLECTABLE - Print collectable objects found. DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE - Print unreachable but uncollectable objects found. DEBUG_SAVEALL - Save objects to gc.garbage rather than freeing them. DEBUG_LEAK - Debug leaking programs (everything but STATS). Debugging information is written to sys.stderr.This module provides access to the garbage collector for reference cycles. enable() -- Enable automatic garbage collection. disable() -- Disable automatic garbage collection. isenabled() -- Returns true if automatic collection is enabled. collect() -- Do a full collection right now. get_count() -- Return the current collection counts. get_stats() -- Return list of dictionaries containing per-generation stats. set_debug() -- Set debugging flags. get_debug() -- Get debugging flags. set_threshold() -- Set the collection thresholds. get_threshold() -- Return the current the collection thresholds. get_objects() -- Return a list of all objects tracked by the collector. is_tracked() -- Returns true if a given object is tracked. is_finalized() -- Returns true if a given object has been already finalized. get_referrers() -- Return the list of objects that refer to an object. get_referents() -- Return the list of objects that an object refers to. freeze() -- Freeze all tracked objects and ignore them for future collections. unfreeze() -- Unfreeze all objects in the permanent generation. get_freeze_count() -- Return the number of objects in the permanent generation. get_referrers(*objs) -> list Return the list of objects that directly refer to any of objs.enable($module, /) -- Enable automatic garbage collection.get_debug($module, /) -- Get the garbage collection debugging flags.isenabled($module, /) -- Returns true if automatic garbage collection is enabled.is_tracked($module, obj, /) -- Returns true if the object is tracked by the garbage collector. Simple atomic objects will return false.get_referents(*objs) -> list Return the list of objects that are directly referred to by objs.disable($module, /) -- Disable automatic garbage collection.get_objects($module, /, generation=None) -- Return a list of objects tracked by the collector (excluding the list returned). generation Generation to extract the objects from. If generation is not None, return only the objects tracked by the collector that are in that generation.get_count($module, /) -- Return a three-tuple of the current collection counts.freeze($module, /) -- Freeze all current tracked objects and ignore them for future collections. This can be used before a POSIX fork() call to make the gc copy-on-write friendly. Note: collection before a POSIX fork() call may free pages for future allocation which can cause copy-on-write.get_threshold($module, /) -- Return the current collection thresholds.set_threshold(threshold0, [threshold1, threshold2]) -> None Sets the collection thresholds. Setting threshold0 to zero disables collection. collect($module, /, generation=2) -- Run the garbage collector. With no arguments, run a full collection. The optional argument may be an integer specifying which generation to collect. A ValueError is raised if the generation number is invalid. The number of unreachable objects is returned.is_finalized($module, obj, /) -- Returns true if the object has been already finalized by the GC.get_freeze_count($module, /) -- Return the number of objects in the permanent generation.chain(*iterables) --> chain object Return a chain object whose .__next__() method returns elements from the first iterable until it is exhausted, then elements from the next iterable, until all of the iterables are exhausted.+Ȱ+permutations(iterable, r=None) -- Return successive r-length permutations of elements in the iterable. permutations(range(3), 2) --> (0,1), (0,2), (1,0), (1,2), (2,0), (2,1)Return state information for pickling.pairwise(iterable, /) -- Return an iterator of overlapping pairs taken from the input iterator. s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ...cycle(iterable, /) -- Return elements from the iterable until it is exhausted. Then repeat the sequence indefinitely.repeat(object [,times]) -> create an iterator which returns the object for the specified number of times. If not specified, returns the object endlessly.Functional tools for creating and using iterators. Infinite iterators: count(start=0, step=1) --> start, start+step, start+2*step, ... cycle(p) --> p0, p1, ... plast, p0, p1, ... repeat(elem [,n]) --> elem, elem, elem, ... endlessly or up to n times Iterators terminating on the shortest input sequence: accumulate(p[, func]) --> p0, p0+p1, p0+p1+p2 batched(p, n) --> [p0, p1, ..., p_n-1], [p_n, p_n+1, ..., p_2n-1], ... chain(p, q, ...) --> p0, p1, ... plast, q0, q1, ... chain.from_iterable([p, q, ...]) --> p0, p1, ... plast, q0, q1, ... compress(data, selectors) --> (d[0] if s[0]), (d[1] if s[1]), ... dropwhile(predicate, seq) --> seq[n], seq[n+1], starting when predicate fails groupby(iterable[, keyfunc]) --> sub-iterators grouped by value of keyfunc(v) filterfalse(predicate, seq) --> elements of seq where predicate(elem) is False islice(seq, [start,] stop [, step]) --> elements from seq[start:stop:step] pairwise(s) --> (s[0],s[1]), (s[1],s[2]), (s[2], s[3]), ... starmap(fun, seq) --> fun(*seq[0]), fun(*seq[1]), ... tee(it, n=2) --> (it1, it2 , ... itn) splits one iterator into n takewhile(predicate, seq) --> seq[0], seq[1], until predicate fails zip_longest(p, q, ...) --> (p[0], q[0]), (p[1], q[1]), ... Combinatoric generators: product(p, q, ... [repeat=1]) --> cartesian product permutations(p[, r]) combinations(p, r) combinations_with_replacement(p, r) filterfalse(function, iterable, /) -- Return those items of iterable for which function(item) is false. If function is None, return the items that are false.++AKReturns an independent iterator.product(*iterables, repeat=1) --> product object Cartesian product of input iterables. Equivalent to nested for-loops. For example, product(A, B) returns the same as: ((x,y) for x in A for y in B). The leftmost iterators are in the outermost for-loop, so the output tuples cycle in a manner similar to an odometer (with the rightmost element changing on every iteration). To compute the product of an iterable with itself, specify the number of repetitions with the optional repeat keyword argument. For example, product(A, repeat=4) means the same as product(A, A, A, A). product('ab', range(3)) --> ('a',0) ('a',1) ('a',2) ('b',0) ('b',1) ('b',2) product((0,1), (0,1), (0,1)) --> (0,0,0) (0,0,1) (0,1,0) (0,1,1) (1,0,0) ...compress(data, selectors) -- Return data elements corresponding to true selector elements. Forms a shorter iterator from selected data elements using the selectors to choose the data elements.groupby(iterable, key=None) -- make an iterator that returns consecutive keys and groups from the iterable iterable Elements to divide into groups according to the key function. key A function for computing the group category for each element. If the key function is not specified or is None, the element itself is used for grouping.+\+combinations_with_replacement(iterable, r) -- Return successive r-length combinations of elements in the iterable allowing individual elements to have successive repeats. combinations_with_replacement('ABC', 2) --> ('A','A'), ('A','B'), ('A','C'), ('B','B'), ('B','C'), ('C','C')tee($module, iterable, n=2, /) -- Returns a tuple of n independent iterators.*KBKcount(start=0, step=1) -- Return a count object whose .__next__() method returns consecutive values. Equivalent to: def count(firstval=0, step=1): x = firstval while 1: yield x x += step+\+batched(iterable, n) -- Batch data into tuples of length n. The last batch may be shorter than n. Loops over the input iterable and accumulates data into tuples up to size n. The input is consumed lazily, just enough to fill a batch. The result is yielded as soon as a batch is full or when the input iterable is exhausted. >>> for batch in batched('ABCDEFG', 3): ... print(batch) ... ('A', 'B', 'C') ('D', 'E', 'F') ('G',)Private method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).teedataobject(iterable, values, next, /) -- Data container common to multiple tee objects.+\+dropwhile(predicate, iterable, /) -- Drop items from the iterable while predicate(item) is true. Afterwards, return every element until the iterable is exhausted.++starmap(function, iterable, /) -- Return an iterator whose values are returned from the function evaluated with an argument tuple taken from the given sequence._tee(iterable, /) -- Iterator wrapped to make it copyable.takewhile(predicate, iterable, /) -- Return successive entries from an iterable as long as the predicate evaluates to true for each entry.accumulate(iterable, func=None, *, initial=None) -- Return series of accumulated sums (or other binary function results).++from_iterable($type, iterable, /) -- Alternative chain() constructor taking a single iterable argument that evaluates lazily.islice(iterable, stop) --> islice object islice(iterable, start, stop[, step]) --> islice object Return an iterator whose next() method returns selected values from an iterable. If start is specified, will skip all preceding elements; otherwise, start defaults to zero. Step defaults to one. If specified as another value, step determines how many values are skipped between successive calls. Works like a slice() on a list but returns an iterator.Returns size in memory, in bytes.zip_longest(iter1 [,iter2 [...]], [fillvalue=None]) --> zip_longest object Return a zip_longest object whose .__next__() method returns a tuple where the i-th element comes from the i-th iterable argument. The .__next__() method continues until the longest iterable in the argument sequence is exhausted and then it raises StopIteration. When the shorter iterables are exhausted, the fillvalue is substituted in their place. The fillvalue defaults to None or can be specified by a keyword argument. combinations(iterable, r) -- Return successive r-length combinations of elements in the iterable. combinations(range(4), 3) --> (0,1,2), (0,1,3), (0,2,3), (1,2,3)Set state information for unpickling.x_7alog(x, [base=math.e]) Return the logarithm of x to the given base. If the base is not specified, returns the natural logarithm (base e) of x.|++fsum($module, seq, /) -- Return an accurate floating point sum of values in the iterable seq. Assumes IEEE-754 floating point arithmetic.radians($module, x, /) -- Convert angle x from degrees to radians.isinf($module, x, /) -- Return True if x is a positive or negative infinity, and False otherwise.gcd($module, *integers) -- Greatest Common Divisor.fmod($module, x, y, /) -- Return fmod(x, y), according to platform C. x % y may differ.modf($module, x, /) -- Return the fractional and integer parts of x. Both results carry the sign of x and are floats.trunc($module, x, /) -- Truncates the Real x to the nearest Integral toward 0. Uses the __trunc__ magic method.floor($module, x, /) -- Return the floor of x as an Integral. This is the largest integer <= x.log10($module, x, /) -- Return the base 10 logarithm of x.asin($module, x, /) -- Return the arc sine (measured in radians) of x. The result is between -pi/2 and pi/2.atan2($module, y, x, /) -- Return the arc tangent (measured in radians) of y/x. Unlike atan(y/x), the signs of both x and y are considered.exp($module, x, /) -- Return e raised to the power of x.factorial($module, n, /) -- Find n!. Raise a ValueError if x is negative or non-integral.tanh($module, x, /) -- Return the hyperbolic tangent of x.asinh($module, x, /) -- Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.copysign($module, x, y, /) -- Return a float with the magnitude (absolute value) of x but the sign of y. On platforms that support signed zeros, copysign(1.0, -0.0) returns -1.0. 244sin($module, x, /) -- Return the sine of x (measured in radians).isclose($module, /, a, b, *, rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0) -- Determine whether two floating point numbers are close in value. rel_tol maximum difference for being considered "close", relative to the magnitude of the input values abs_tol maximum difference for being considered "close", regardless of the magnitude of the input values Return True if a is close in value to b, and False otherwise. For the values to be considered close, the difference between them must be smaller than at least one of the tolerances. -inf, inf and NaN behave similarly to the IEEE 754 Standard. That is, NaN is not close to anything, even itself. inf and -inf are only close to themselves.perm($module, n, k=None, /) -- Number of ways to choose k items from n items without repetition and with order. Evaluates to n! / (n - k)! when k <= n and evaluates to zero when k > n. If k is not specified or is None, then k defaults to n and the function returns n!. Raises TypeError if either of the arguments are not integers. Raises ValueError if either of the arguments are negative.|+|+lDKcos($module, x, /) -- Return the cosine of x (measured in radians).This module provides access to the mathematical functions defined by the C standard.  ""##&&''))**..//112255668899??@@BBCCFFGGIIJJNNOOQQRRUUVVXXYY^^__aabbeeffhhiimmnnppqqttuuwwxxdist($module, p, q, /) -- Return the Euclidean distance between two points p and q. The points should be specified as sequences (or iterables) of coordinates. Both inputs must have the same dimension. Roughly equivalent to: sqrt(sum((px - qx) ** 2.0 for px, qx in zip(p, q)))frexp($module, x, /) -- Return the mantissa and exponent of x, as pair (m, e). m is a float and e is an int, such that x = m * 2.**e. If x is 0, m and e are both 0. Else 0.5 <= abs(m) < 1.0.erfc($module, x, /) -- Complementary error function at x.log1p($module, x, /) -- Return the natural logarithm of 1+x (base e). The result is computed in a way which is accurate for x near zero.ulp($module, x, /) -- Return the value of the least significant bit of the float x.cbrt($module, x, /) -- Return the cube root of x.atan($module, x, /) -- Return the arc tangent (measured in radians) of x. The result is between -pi/2 and pi/2.hypot(*coordinates) -> value Multidimensional Euclidean distance from the origin to a point. Roughly equivalent to: sqrt(sum(x**2 for x in coordinates)) For a two dimensional point (x, y), gives the hypotenuse using the Pythagorean theorem: sqrt(x*x + y*y). For example, the hypotenuse of a 3/4/5 right triangle is: >>> hypot(3.0, 4.0) 5.0 atanh($module, x, /) -- Return the inverse hyperbolic tangent of$module, iterable, /, *, start=1) -- Calculate the product of all the elements in the input iterable. The default start value for the product is 1. When the iterable is empty, return the start value. This function is intended specifically for use with numeric values and may reject non-numeric types.acosh($module, x, /) -- Return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.ceil($module, x, /) -- Return the ceiling of x as an Integral. This is the smallest integer >= x.??@@8@^@@@@&AKAAA2A(;L4BuwsBuwB7Bs6Ch0{CZAC Ƶ;(DlYaRwNDisnan($module, x, /) -- Return True if x is a NaN (not a number), and False otherwise.expm1($module, x, /) -- Return exp(x)-1. This function avoids the loss of precision involved in the direct evaluation of exp(x)-1 for small x.nextafter($module, x, y, /, *, steps=None) -- Return the floating-point value the given number of steps after x towards y. If steps is not specified or is None, it defaults to 1. Raises a TypeError, if x or y is not a double, or if steps is not an integer. Raises ValueError if steps is negative.remainder($module, x, y, /) -- Difference between x and the closest integer multiple of y. Return x - n*y where n*y is the closest integer multiple of y. In the case where x is exactly halfway between two multiples of y, the nearest even value of n is used. The result is always exact.acos($module, x, /) -- Return the arc cosine (measured in radians) of x. The result is between 0 and pi.ldexp($module, x, i, /) -- Return x * (2**i). This is essentially the inverse of frexp().log2($module, x, /) -- Return the base 2 logarithm of x.fabs($module, x, /) -- Return the absolute value of the float x.exp2($module, x, /) -- Return 2 raised to the power of x.degrees($module, x, /) -- Convert angle x from radians to degrees.cosh($module, x, /) -- Return the hyperbolic cosine of x.Kt+*K*Kisqrt($module, n, /) -- Return the integer part of the square root of the input.tia[VRNLJHGFEDDCCCCisfinite($module, x, /) -- Return True if x is neither an infinity nor a NaN, and False otherwise.FQ([8X=-$-;; _7a?#3\e&&s+ p1MA|Vԝm&ů.GsOM A~R3#Yoԓ0fXg^j#ݒ[n O Uw}ÍKs1Xθ*Ks1Xθ*_^ҁ[]DqXϕ<JD?΃ޑAǿNȋQ7K9˕y? K_x**!9Ѷ{u$ϻ?GA&<7Qzgݓ;Ct˻^52!C粞P3}y9Y1TmMF$6qāIסr4l!o(NJ>\ [YwXU<.+8yF`275ͭ Ţy Ţy˂%TZP+,[AR1Q~Fմ1ˠ(Wֵa\d*`a5m_Fkڡx89US%۸UN0 tpO%:D2Џ\߀:!ܣ Ϳ{[ @&PuaŒm] -q`@IAcHpCyg_ڷNqӞܧ %cQ Xu\7,`%c`8,'>rv {uJ uEw!0l~y҇%ǥx2k+IB9')8N_k‰yESѷaZ6D{קrA{9ƶg\k׆&PzTa0iV@Q\{K̚I'!+)nqi䀤h9n9aVCY1ˡTpJ+~ӤV :Gerf($module, x, /) -- Error function at x.sumprod($module, p, q, /) -- Return the sum of products of values from two iterables p and q. Roughly equivalent to: sum(itertools.starmap(operator.mul, zip(p, q, strict=True))) For float and mixed int/float inputs, the intermediate products and sums are computed with extended precision.OOO//////wSnj'=)2LJTc@|mRGIQ&IQ&@)藺YiKO~Th%C_L;vye+<RO`.ͪJvʭc3Oc3O>M2)ں0Α0[GI{7U`VFQ-gq @rLX Judf!1Z+J$# ~l6I]f j@{(Pu\ p't:;x,Loۯ,(ՕJ۹D2h5ƢefgUrukFV[J0VE@m #;Uç9 7M039*ݥ;rlˣ T TRI&8?22=gf]}y߂x̑M cG桏֧D^%e~C.py2q]i[Z;m=߷a.!Y m3U2cJMlw} xO/%_p +;88n; 8h(8}6KUF6wqn|7B][P-a#leo"sqrt($module, x, /) -- Return the square root of x.gamma($module, x, /) -- Gamma function at x.lcm($module, *integers) -- Least Common Multiple.comb($module, n, k, /) -- Number of ways to choose k items from n items without repetition and without order. Evaluates to n! / (k! * (n - k)!) when k <= n and evaluates to zero when k > n. Also called the binomial coefficient because it is equivalent to the coefficient of k-th term in polynomial expansion of the expression (1 + x)**n. Raises TypeError if either of the arguments are not integers. Raises ValueError if either of the arguments are negative.sinh($module, x, /) -- Return the hyperbolic sine of x.CQBWLup#B2 B&"B补A?tA*_{ A]v}ALPEA뇇BAX@R;{`Zj@' @lgamma($module, x, /) -- Natural logarithm of absolute value of Gamma function at x.tan($module, x, /) -- Return the tangent of x (measured in radians).pow($module, x, y, /) -- Return x**y (x to the power of y).AiAApqAAqqiA{DAA@@P@?update($self, obj, /) -- Update this hash object's state with the provided string.md5($module, /, string=b'', *, usedforsecurity=True) -- Return a new MD5 hash object; optionally initialized with a string.digest($self, /) -- Return the digest value as a bytes object.copy($self, /) -- Return a copy of the hash object.hexdigest($self, /) -- Return the digest value as a string of hexadecimal digits.lKKget_specialization_stats($module, /) -- Return the specialization statsstack_effect($module, opcode, oparg=None, /, *, jump=None) -- Compute the stack effect of the opcode.imod($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a %= b.mul($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a * b.invert($module, a, /) -- Same as ~a.and_($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a & b.ifloordiv($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a //= b.matmul($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a @ b.getitem($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a[b].methodcaller(name, /, *args, **kwargs) -- Return a callable object that calls the given method on its operand. After f = methodcaller('name'), the call f(r) returns After g = methodcaller('name', 'date', foo=1), the call g(r) returns'date', foo=1).or_($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a | b._compare_digest($module, a, b, /) -- Return 'a == b'. This function uses an approach designed to prevent timing analysis, making it appropriate for cryptography. a and b must both be of the same type: either str (ASCII only), or any bytes-like object. Note: If a and b are of different lengths, or if an error occurs, a timing attack could theoretically reveal information about the types and lengths of a and b--but not their values.le($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a <= b.add($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a + b.Return state information for picklingpos($module, a, /) -- Same as +a.contains($module, a, b, /) -- Same as b in a (note reversed operands).indexOf($module, a, b, /) -- Return the first index of b in a.countOf($module, a, b, /) -- Return the number of items in a which are, or which equal,$module, a, b, /) -- Same as a >= b.Operator interface. This module exports a set of functions implemented in C corresponding to the intrinsic operators of Python. For example, operator.add(x, y) is equivalent to the expression x+y. The function names are those used for special methods; variants without leading and trailing '__' are also provided for convenience.floordiv($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a // b.imul($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a *= b.iand($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a &= b.inv($module, a, /) -- Same as ~a.mod($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a % b.delitem($module, a, b, /) -- Same as del a[b].truth($module, a, /) -- Return True if a is true, False otherwise.eq($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a == b.ipow($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a **=$module, a, b, /) -- Same as a != b.xor($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a ^ b.itemgetter(item, /, *items) -- Return a callable object that fetches the given item(s) from its operand. After f = itemgetter(2), the call f(r) returns r[2]. After g = itemgetter(2, 5, 3), the call g(r) returns (r[2], r[5], r[3])setitem($module, a, b, c, /) -- Same as a[b] = c.rshift($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a >> b.itruediv($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a /=$module, a, b, /) -- Same as a > b.ixor($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a ^= b.pow($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a ** b.length_hint($module, obj, default=0, /) -- Return an estimate of the number of items in obj. This is useful for presizing containers when building from an iterable. If the object supports len(), the result will be exact. Otherwise, it may over- or under-estimate by an arbitrary amount. The result will be an integer >= 0.irshift($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a >>= b.isub($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a -= b.attrgetter(attr, /, *attrs) -- Return a callable object that fetches the given attribute(s) from its operand. After f = attrgetter('name'), the call f(r) returns After g = attrgetter('name', 'date'), the call g(r) returns (, After h = attrgetter('name.first', 'name.last'), the call h(r) returns (,$module, a, b, /) -- Same as a /$module, a, b, /) -- Same as a < b.ilshift($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a <<= b.ior($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a |= b.neg($module, a, /) -- Same as -a.iconcat($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a += b, for a and b sequences.sub($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a -$module, obj, /, *args, **kwargs) -- Same as obj(*args, **kwargs).is_($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a is b.abs($module, a, /) -- Same as abs(a).concat($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a + b, for a and b sequences.imatmul($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a @= b.lshift($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a << b.index($module, a, /) -- Same as a.__index__()iadd($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a += b.not_($module, a, /) -- Same as not a.is_not($module, a, b, /) -- Same as a is not b.+MK$GK5kill($module, pid, signal, /) -- Kill a process with a signal._path_exists($module, /, path) -- Test whether a path exists. Returns False for broken symbolic linksset_blocking($module, fd, blocking, /) -- Set the blocking mode of the specified file descriptor. Set the O_NONBLOCK flag if blocking is False, clear the O_NONBLOCK flag otherwise._exit($module, /, status) -- Exit to the system with specified status, without normal exit processing.statvfs_result: Result from statvfs or fstatvfs. This object may be accessed either as a tuple of (bsize, frsize, blocks, bfree, bavail, files, ffree, favail, flag, namemax), or via the attributes f_bsize, f_frsize, f_blocks, f_bfree, and so on. See os.statvfs for more information.closerange($module, fd_low, fd_high, /) -- Closes all file descriptors in [fd_low, fd_high), ignoring errors.times_result: Result from os.times(). This object may be accessed either as a tuple of (user, system, children_user, children_system, elapsed), or via the attributes user, system, children_user, children_system, and elapsed. See os.times for more information.readlink($module, /, path, *, dir_fd=None) -- Return a string representing the path to which the symbolic link points. If dir_fd is not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and path should be relative; path will then be relative to that directory. dir_fd may not be implemented on your platform. If it is unavailable, using it will raise a NotImplementedError.stat_result: Result from stat, fstat, or lstat. This object may be accessed either as a tuple of (mode, ino, dev, nlink, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime, ctime) or via the attributes st_mode, st_ino, st_dev, st_nlink, st_uid, and so on. Posix/windows: If your platform supports st_blksize, st_blocks, st_rdev, or st_flags, they are available as attributes only. See os.stat for more information._getfinalpathname($module, path, /) -- A helper function for samepath on windows.write($module, fd, data, /) -- Write a bytes object to a file$module, fd, length, /) -- Read from a file descriptor. Returns a bytes object.umask($module, mask, /) -- Set the current numeric umask and return the previous umask.fsync($module, /, fd) -- Force write of fd to disk.truncate($module, /, path, length) -- Truncate a file, specified by path, to a specific length. On some platforms, path may also be specified as an open file descriptor. If this functionality is unavailable, using it raises an exception.getpid($module, /) -- Return the current process id.5listvolumes($module, /) -- Return a list containing the volumes in the system. Volumes are typically represented as a GUID path._remove_dll_directory($module, /, cookie) -- Removes a path from the DLL search path. The parameter is an opaque value that was returned from os.add_dll_directory. You can only remove directories that you added yourself.get_handle_inheritable($module, handle, /) -- Get the close-on-exe flag of the specified file descriptor.This module provides access to operating system functionality that is standardized by the C Standard and the POSIX standard (a thinly disguised Unix interface). Refer to the library manual and corresponding Unix manual entries for more information on calls.__fspath__($self, /) -- Returns the path for the entry.execv($module, path, argv, /) -- Execute an executable path with arguments, replacing current process. path Path of executable file. argv Tuple or list of strings.urandom($module, size, /) -- Return a bytes object containing random bytes suitable for cryptographic use.fstat($module, /, fd) -- Perform a stat system call on the given file descriptor. Like stat(), but for an open file descriptor. Equivalent to os.stat(fd).getlogin($module, /) -- Return the actual login name.dup($module, fd, /) -- Return a duplicate of a file descriptor.A tuple of (columns, lines) for holding terminal window size_getdiskusage($module, /, path) -- Return disk usage statistics about the given path as a (total, free) tuple.uname_result: Result from os.uname(). This object may be accessed either as a tuple of (sysname, nodename, release, version, machine), or via the attributes sysname, nodename, release, version, and machine. See os.uname for more information.strerror($module, code, /) -- Translate an error code to a message string.times($module, /) -- Return a collection containing process timing information. The object returned behaves like a named tuple with these fields: (utime, stime, cutime, cstime, elapsed_time) All fields are floating point numbers.unsetenv($module, name, /) -- Delete an environment variable.listdrives($module, /) -- Return a list containing the names of drives in the system. A drive name typically looks like 'C:\\'._add_dll_directory($module, /, path) -- Add a path to the DLL search path. This search path is used when resolving dependencies for imported extension modules (the module itself is resolved through sys.path), and also by ctypes. Returns an opaque value that may be passed to os.remove_dll_directory to remove this directory from the search path.listdir($module, /, path=None) -- Return a list containing the names of the files in the directory. path can be specified as either str, bytes, or a path-like object. If path is bytes, the filenames returned will also be bytes; in all other circumstances the filenames returned will be str. If path is None, uses the path='.'. On some platforms, path may also be specified as an open file descriptor;\ the file descriptor must refer to a directory. If this functionality is unavailable, using it raises NotImplementedError. The list is in arbitrary order. It does not include the special entries '.' and '..' even if they are present in the directory.stat($self, /, *, follow_symlinks=True) -- Return stat_result object for the entry; cached per entry.cpu_count($module, /) -- Return the number of CPUs in the system; return None if indeterminable. This number is not equivalent to the number of CPUs the current process can use. The number of usable CPUs can be obtained with ``len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))``abort($module, /) -- Abort the interpreter immediately. This function 'dumps core' or otherwise fails in the hardest way possible on the hosting operating system. This function never$module, /, path, flags, mode=511, *, dir_fd=None) -- Open a file for low level IO. Returns a file descriptor (integer). If dir_fd is not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and path should be relative; path will then be relative to that directory. dir_fd may not be implemented on your platform. If it is unavailable, using it will raise a NotImplementedError.waitstatus_to_exitcode($module, /, status) -- Convert a wait status to an exit code. On Unix: * If WIFEXITED(status) is true, return WEXITSTATUS(status). * If WIFSIGNALED(status) is true, return -WTERMSIG(status). * Otherwise, raise a ValueError. On Windows, return status shifted right by 8 bits. On Unix, if the process is being traced or if waitpid() was called with WUNTRACED option, the caller must first check if WIFSTOPPED(status) is true. This function must not be called if WIFSTOPPED(status) is true.isatty($module, fd, /) -- Return True if the fd is connected to a terminal. Return True if the file descriptor is an open file descriptor connected to the slave end of a terminal.get_terminal_size($module, fd=, /) -- Return the size of the terminal window as (columns, lines). The optional argument fd (default standard output) specifies which file descriptor should be queried. If the file descriptor is not connected to a terminal, an OSError is thrown. This function will only be defined if an implementation is available for this system. shutil.get_terminal_size is the high-level function which should normally be used, os.get_terminal_size is the low-level implementation.rmdir($module, /, path, *, dir_fd=None) -- Remove a directory. If dir_fd is not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and path should be relative; path will then be relative to that directory. dir_fd may not be implemented on your platform. If it is unavailable, using it will raise a NotImplementedError.close($module, /, fd) -- Close a file descriptor.is_dir($self, /, *, follow_symlinks=True) -- Return True if the entry is a directory; cached per entry.pipe($module, /) -- Create a pipe. Returns a tuple of two file descriptors: (read_fd, write_fd)get_blocking($module, fd, /) -- Get the blocking mode of the file descriptor. Return False if the O_NONBLOCK flag is set, True if the flag is cleared.is_file($self, /, *, follow_symlinks=True) -- Return True if the entry is a file; cached per entry.ftruncate($module, fd, length, /) -- Truncate a file, specified by file descriptor, to a specific length._getfullpathname($module, path, /) -- +DKPNK$GK5scandir($module, /, path=None) -- Return an iterator of DirEntry objects for given path. path can be specified as either str, bytes, or a path-like object. If path is bytes, the names of yielded DirEntry objects will also be bytes; in all other circumstances they will be str. If path is None, uses the path='.'.is_symlink($self, /) -- Return True if the entry is a symbolic link; cached per entry.chmod($module, /, path, mode, *, dir_fd=None, follow_symlinks=True) -- Change the access permissions of a file. path Path to be modified. May always be specified as a str, bytes, or a path-like object. On some platforms, path may also be specified as an open file descriptor. If this functionality is unavailable, using it raises an exception. mode Operating-system mode bitfield. Be careful when using number literals for *mode*. The conventional UNIX notation for numeric modes uses an octal base, which needs to be indicated with a ``0o`` prefix in Python. dir_fd If not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and path should be relative; path will then be relative to that directory. follow_symlinks If False, and the last element of the path is a symbolic link, chmod will modify the symbolic link itself instead of the file the link points to. It is an error to use dir_fd or follow_symlinks when specifying path as an open file descriptor. dir_fd and follow_symlinks may not be implemented on your platform. If they are unavailable, using them will raise a NotImplementedError._path_splitroot($module, /, path) -- Removes everything after the root on Win32.mkdir($module, /, path, mode=511, *, dir_fd=None) -- Create a directory. If dir_fd is not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and path should be relative; path will then be relative to that directory. dir_fd may not be implemented on your platform. If it is unavailable, using it will raise a NotImplementedError. The mode argument is ignored on Windows. Where it is used, the current umask value is first masked out.getppid($module, /) -- Return the parent's process id. If the parent process has already exited, Windows machines will still return its id; others systems will return the id of the 'init' process (1).replace($module, /, src, dst, *, src_dir_fd=None, dst_dir_fd=None) -- Rename a file or directory, overwriting the destination. If either src_dir_fd or dst_dir_fd is not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and the respective path string (src or dst) should be relative; the path will then be relative to that directory. src_dir_fd and dst_dir_fd, may not be implemented on your platform. If they are unavailable, using them will raise a NotImplementedError.utime($module, /, path, times=None, *, ns=, dir_fd=None, follow_symlinks=True) -- Set the access and modified time of path. path may always be specified as a string. On some platforms, path may also be specified as an open file descriptor. If this functionality is unavailable, using it raises an exception. If times is not None, it must be a tuple (atime, mtime); atime and mtime should be expressed as float seconds since the epoch. If ns is specified, it must be a tuple (atime_ns, mtime_ns); atime_ns and mtime_ns should be expressed as integer nanoseconds since the epoch. If times is None and ns is unspecified, utime uses the current time. Specifying tuples for both times and ns is an error. If dir_fd is not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and path should be relative; path will then be relative to that directory. If follow_symlinks is False, and the last element of the path is a symbolic link, utime will modify the symbolic link itself instead of the file the link points to. It is an error to use dir_fd or follow_symlinks when specifying path as an open file descriptor. dir_fd and follow_symlinks may not be available on your platform. If they are unavailable, using them will raise a NotImplementedError.chdir($module, /, path) -- Change the current working directory to the specified path. path may always be specified as a string. On some platforms, path may also be specified as an open file descriptor. If this functionality is unavailable, using it raises an exception.lseek($module, fd, position, whence, /) -- Set the position of a file descriptor. Return the new position. fd An open file descriptor, as returned by position Position, interpreted relative to 'whence'. whence The relative position to seek from. Valid values are: - SEEK_SET: seek from the start of the file. - SEEK_CUR: seek from the current file position. - SEEK_END: seek from the end of the file. The return value is the number of bytes relative to the beginning of the file.+$GK5listmounts($module, /, volume) -- Return a list containing mount points for a particular volume. 'volume' should be a GUID path as returned from$module, /, src, dst, *, src_dir_fd=None, dst_dir_fd=None, follow_symlinks=True) -- Create a hard link to a file. If either src_dir_fd or dst_dir_fd is not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and the respective path string (src or dst) should be relative; the path will then be relative to that directory. If follow_symlinks is False, and the last element of src is a symbolic link, link will create a link to the symbolic link itself instead of the file the link points to. src_dir_fd, dst_dir_fd, and follow_symlinks may not be implemented on your platform. If they are unavailable, using them will raise a NotImplementedError.startfile($module, /, filepath, operation=, arguments=, cwd=None, show_cmd=1) -- Start a file with its associated application. When "operation" is not specified or "open", this acts like double-clicking the file in Explorer, or giving the file name as an argument to the DOS "start" command: the file is opened with whatever application (if any) its extension is associated. When another "operation" is given, it specifies what should be done with the file. A typical operation is "print". "arguments" is passed to the application, but should be omitted if the file is a document. "cwd" is the working directory for the operation. If "filepath" is relative, it will be resolved against this directory. This argument should usually be an absolute path. "show_cmd" can be used to override the recommended visibility option. See the Windows ShellExecute documentation for values. startfile returns as soon as the associated application is launched. There is no option to wait for the application to close, and no way to retrieve the application's exit status. The filepath is relative to the current directory. If you want to use an absolute path, make sure the first character is not a slash ("/"); the underlying Win32 ShellExecute function doesn't work if it is.execve($module, /, path, argv, env) -- Execute an executable path with arguments, replacing current process. path Path of executable file. argv Tuple or list of strings. env Dictionary of strings mapping to strings.fspath($module, /, path) -- Return the file system path representation of the object. If the object is str or bytes, then allow it to pass through as-is. If the object defines __fspath__(), then return the result of that method. All other types raise a TypeError._path_isdir($module, /, s) -- Return true if the pathname refers to an existing directory._path_normpath($module, /, path) -- Basic path normalization.spawnv($module, mode, path, argv, /) -- Execute the program specified by path in a new process. mode Mode of process creation. path Path of executable file. argv Tuple or list of strings.inode($self, /) -- Return inode of the entry; cached per entry.remove($module, /, path, *, dir_fd=None) -- Remove a file (same as unlink()). If dir_fd is not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and path should be relative; path will then be relative to that directory. dir_fd may not be implemented on your platform. If it is unavailable, using it will raise a NotImplementedError.access($module, /, path, mode, *, dir_fd=None, effective_ids=False, follow_symlinks=True) -- Use the real uid/gid to test for access to a path. path Path to be tested; can be string, bytes, or a path-like object. mode Operating-system mode bitfield. Can be F_OK to test existence, or the inclusive-OR of R_OK, W_OK, and X_OK. dir_fd If not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and path should be relative; path will then be relative to that directory. effective_ids If True, access will use the effective uid/gid instead of the real uid/gid. follow_symlinks If False, and the last element of the path is a symbolic link, access will examine the symbolic link itself instead of the file the link points to. dir_fd, effective_ids, and follow_symlinks may not be implemented on your platform. If they are unavailable, using them will raise a NotImplementedError. Note that most operations will use the effective uid/gid, therefore this routine can be used in a suid/sgid environment to test if the invoking user has the specified access to the path.stat($module, /, path, *, dir_fd=None, follow_symlinks=True) -- Perform a stat system call on the given path. path Path to be examined; can be string, bytes, a path-like object or open-file-descriptor int. dir_fd If not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and path should be a relative string; path will then be relative to that directory. follow_symlinks If False, and the last element of the path is a symbolic link, stat will examine the symbolic link itself instead of the file the link points to. dir_fd and follow_symlinks may not be implemented on your platform. If they are unavailable, using them will raise a NotImplementedError. It's an error to use dir_fd or follow_symlinks when specifying path as an open file descriptor.system($module, /, command) -- Execute the command in a subshell.set_inheritable($module, fd, inheritable, /) -- Set the inheritable flag of the specified file descriptor.putenv($module, name, value, /) -- Change or add an environment variable.rename($module, /, src, dst, *, src_dir_fd=None, dst_dir_fd=None) -- Rename a file or directory. If either src_dir_fd or dst_dir_fd is not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and the respective path string (src or dst) should be relative; the path will then be relative to that directory. src_dir_fd and dst_dir_fd, may not be implemented on your platform. If they are unavailable, using them will raise a NotImplementedError.spawnve($module, mode, path, argv, env, /) -- Execute the program specified by path in a new process. mode Mode of process creation. path Path of executable file. argv Tuple or list of strings. env Dictionary of strings mapping to strings._getvolumepathname($module, /, path) -- A helper function for ismount on Win32.device_encoding($module, /, fd) -- Return a string describing the encoding of a terminal's file descriptor. The file descriptor must be attached to a terminal. If the device is not a terminal, return None.dup2($module, /, fd, fd2, inheritable=True) -- Duplicate file descriptor.set_handle_inheritable($module, handle, inheritable, /) -- Set the inheritable flag of the specified handle.getcwd($module, /) -- Return a unicode string representing the current working directory.is_junction($self, /) -- Return True if the entry is a junction; cached per entry._path_islink($module, /, path) -- Test whether a path is a symbolic linkget_inheritable($module, fd, /) -- Get the close-on-exe flag of the specified file descriptor.getcwdb($module, /) -- Return a bytes string representing the current working directory.lstat($module, /, path, *, dir_fd=None) -- Perform a stat system call on the given path, without following symbolic links. Like stat(), but do not follow symbolic links. Equivalent to stat(path, follow_symlinks=False)._path_isdevdrive($module, /, path) -- Determines whether the specified path is on a Windows Dev Drive._path_isfile($module, /, path) -- Test whether a path is a regular fileunlink($module, /, path, *, dir_fd=None) -- Remove a file (same as remove()). If dir_fd is not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and path should be relative; path will then be relative to that directory. dir_fd may not be implemented on your platform. If it is unavailable, using it will raise a NotImplementedError.waitpid($module, pid, options, /) -- Wait for completion of a given process. Returns a tuple of information regarding the process: (pid, status << 8) The options argument is ignored on Windows.symlink($module, /, src, dst, target_is_directory=False, *, dir_fd=None) -- Create a symbolic link pointing to src named dst. target_is_directory is required on Windows if the target is to be interpreted as a directory. (On Windows, symlink requires Windows 6.0 or greater, and raises a NotImplementedError otherwise.) target_is_directory is ignored on non-Windows platforms. If dir_fd is not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and path should be relative; path will then be relative to that directory. dir_fd may not be implemented on your platform. If it is unavailable, using it will raise a NotImplementedError.sha1($module, /, string=b'', *, usedforsecurity=True) -- Return a new SHA1 hash object; optionally initialized with a string.hexdigest($self, /) -- Return the digest value as a string of hexadecimal digits.lKKdigest($self, /) -- Return the digest value as a bytes object.copy($self, /) -- Return a copy of the hash object.update($self, obj, /) -- Update this hash object's state with the provided string.hexdigest($self, /) -- Return the digest value as a string of hexadecimal digits.digest($self, /) -- Return the digest value as a bytes object.sha256($module, /, string=b'', *, usedforsecurity=True) -- Return a new SHA-256 hash object; optionally initialized with a string.lKKlKKlKKdigest($self, /) -- Return the digest value as a bytes object.sha384($module, /, string=b'', *, usedforsecurity=True) -- Return a new SHA-384 hash object; optionally initialized with a string.copy($self, /) -- Return a copy of the hash object.update($self, obj, /) -- Update this hash object's state with the provided string.lKKsha224($module, /, string=b'', *, usedforsecurity=True) -- Return a new SHA-224 hash object; optionally initialized with a string.copy($self, /) -- Return a copy of the hash object.update($self, obj, /) -- Update this hash object's state with the provided string.sha512($module, /, string=b'', *, usedforsecurity=True) -- Return a new SHA-512 hash object; optionally initialized with a string.hexdigest($self, /) -- Return the digest value as a string of hexadecimal digits.sha3_224([data], *, usedforsecurity=True) -> SHA3 object Return a new SHA3 hash object with a hashbit length of 28 bytes.digest($self, /) -- Return the digest value as a bytes object.sha3_384([data], *, usedforsecurity=True) -> SHA3 object Return a new SHA3 hash object with a hashbit length of 48 bytes.sha3_256([data], *, usedforsecurity=True) -> SHA3 object Return a new SHA3 hash object with a hashbit length of 32 bytes.shake_128([data], *, usedforsecurity=True) -> SHAKE object Return a new SHAKE hash object.shake_256([data], *, usedforsecurity=True) -> SHAKE object Return a new SHAKE hash object.hexdigest($self, /) -- Return the digest value as a string of hexadecimal digits.hexdigest($self, length, /) -- Return the digest value as a string of hexadecimal digits.update($self, data, /) -- Update this hash object's state with the provided bytes-like object.sha3_512([data], *, usedforsecurity=True) -> SHA3 object Return a new SHA3 hash object with a hashbit length of 64 bytes.copy($self, /) -- Return a copy of the hash object.|+Kdigest($self, length, /) -- Return the digest value as a bytes object.signal($module, signalnum, handler, /) -- Set the action for the given signal. The action can be SIG_DFL, SIG_IGN, or a callable Python object. The previous action is returned. See getsignal() for possible return values. *** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** A signal handler function is called with two arguments: the first is the signal number, the second is the interrupted stack frame.default_int_handler($module, signalnum, frame, /) -- The default handler for SIGINT installed by Python. It raises KeyboardInterrupt.This module provides mechanisms to use signal handlers in Python. Functions: alarm() -- cause SIGALRM after a specified time [Unix only] setitimer() -- cause a signal (described below) after a specified float time and the timer may restart then [Unix only] getitimer() -- get current value of timer [Unix only] signal() -- set the action for a given signal getsignal() -- get the signal action for a given signal pause() -- wait until a signal arrives [Unix only] default_int_handler() -- default SIGINT handler signal constants: SIG_DFL -- used to refer to the system default handler SIG_IGN -- used to ignore the signal NSIG -- number of defined signals SIGINT, SIGTERM, etc. -- signal numbers itimer constants: ITIMER_REAL -- decrements in real time, and delivers SIGALRM upon expiration ITIMER_VIRTUAL -- decrements only when the process is executing, and delivers SIGVTALRM upon expiration ITIMER_PROF -- decrements both when the process is executing and when the system is executing on behalf of the process. Coupled with ITIMER_VIRTUAL, this timer is usually used to profile the time spent by the application in user and kernel space. SIGPROF is delivered upon expiration. *** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** A signal handler function is called with two arguments: the first is the signal number, the second is the interrupted stack frame.valid_signals($module, /) -- Return a set of valid signal numbers on this platform. The signal numbers returned by this function can be safely passed to functions like `pthread_sigmask`.strsignal($module, signalnum, /) -- Return the system description of the given signal. Returns the description of signal *signalnum*, such as "Interrupt" for :const:`SIGINT`. Returns :const:`None` if *signalnum* has no description. Raises :exc:`ValueError` if *signalnum* is invalid.getsignal($module, signalnum, /) -- Return the current action for the given signal. The return value can be: SIG_IGN -- if the signal is being ignored SIG_DFL -- if the default action for the signal is in effect None -- if an unknown handler is in effect anything else -- the callable Python object used as a handlerraise_signal($module, signalnum, /) -- Send a signal to the executing process.set_wakeup_fd(fd, *, warn_on_full_buffer=True) -> fd Sets the fd to be written to (with the signal number) when a signal comes in. A library can use this to wakeup select or poll. The previous fd or -1 is returned. The fd must be non-blocking._normal_dist_inv_cdf($module, p, mu, sigma, /) -- Accelerators for the statistics module. acquire(blocking=True, timeout=-1) -> bool (acquire_lock() is an obsolete synonym) Lock the lock. Without argument, this blocks if the lock is already locked (even by the same thread), waiting for another thread to release the lock, and return True once the lock is acquired. With an argument, this will only block if the argument is true, and the return value reflects whether the lock is acquired. The blocking operation is interruptible.stack_size([size]) -> size Return the thread stack size used when creating new threads. The optional size argument specifies the stack size (in bytes) to be used for subsequently created threads, and must be 0 (use platform or configured default) or a positive integer value of at least 32,768 (32k). If changing the thread stack size is unsupported, a ThreadError exception is raised. If the specified size is invalid, a ValueError exception is raised, and the stack size is unmodified. 32k bytes currently the minimum supported stack size value to guarantee sufficient stack space for the interpreter itself. Note that some platforms may have particular restrictions on values for the stack size, such as requiring a minimum stack size larger than 32 KiB or requiring allocation in multiples of the system memory page size - platform documentation should be referred to for more information (4 KiB pages are common; using multiples of 4096 for the stack size is the suggested approach in the absence of more specific information).exit() (exit_thread() is an obsolete synonym) This is synonymous to ``raise SystemExit''. It will cause the current thread to exit silently unless the exception is caught.excepthook(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, thread) Handle uncaught exception.A lock object is a synchronization primitive. To create a lock, call threading.Lock(). Methods are: acquire() -- lock the lock, possibly blocking until it can be obtained release() -- unlock of the lock locked() -- test whether the lock is currently locked A lock is not owned by the thread that locked it; another thread may unlock it. A thread attempting to lock a lock that it has already locked will block until another thread unlocks it. Deadlocks may ensue.release() (release_lock() is an obsolete synonym) Release the lock, allowing another thread that is blocked waiting for the lock to acquire the lock. The lock must be in the locked state, but it needn't be locked by the same thread that unlocks it._recursion_count() -> int For internal use by reentrancy checks.get_ident() -> integer Return a non-zero integer that uniquely identifies the current thread amongst other threads that exist simultaneously. This may be used to identify per-thread resources. Even though on some platforms threads identities may appear to be allocated consecutive numbers starting at 1, this behavior should not be relied upon, and the number should be seen purely as a magic cookie. A thread's identity may be reused for another thread after it exits._acquire_restore(state) -> None For internal use by `threading.Condition`.release() Release the lock, allowing another thread that is blocked waiting for the lock to acquire the lock. The lock must be in the locked state, and must be locked by the same thread that unlocks it; otherwise a `RuntimeError` is raised. Do note that if the lock was acquire()d several times in a row by the current thread, release() needs to be called as many times for the lock to be available for other threads._is_main_interpreter() Return True if the current interpreter is the main Python interpreter.get_native_id() -> integer Return a non-negative integer identifying the thread as reported by the OS (kernel). This may be used to uniquely identify a particular thread within a system.locked() -> bool (locked_lock() is an obsolete synonym) Return whether the lock is in the locked state.allocate_lock() -> lock object (allocate() is an obsolete synonym) Create a new lock object. See help(type(threading.Lock())) for information about locks._release_save() -> tuple For internal use by `threading.Condition`._count() -> integer Return the number of currently running Python threads, excluding the main thread. The returned number comprises all threads created through `start_new_thread()` as well as `threading.Thread`, and not yet finished. This function is meant for internal and specialized purposes only. In most applications `threading.enumerate()` should be used instead.daemon_threads_allowed() Return True if daemon threads are allowed in the current interpreter, and False otherwise. acquire(blocking=True) -> bool Lock the lock. `blocking` indicates whether we should wait for the lock to be available or not. If `blocking` is False and another thread holds the lock, the method will return False immediately. If `blocking` is True and another thread holds the lock, the method will wait for the lock to be released, take it and then return True. (note: the blocking operation is interruptible.) In all other cases, the method will return True immediately. Precisely, if the current thread already holds the lock, its internal counter is simply incremented. If nobody holds the lock, the lock is taken and its internal counter initialized to 1.interrupt_main(signum=signal.SIGINT, /) Simulate the arrival of the given signal in the main thread, where the corresponding signal handler will be executed. If *signum* is omitted, SIGINT is assumed. A subthread can use this function to interrupt the main thread. Note: the default signal handler for SIGINT raises ``KeyboardInterrupt``.ExceptHookArgs Type used to pass arguments to threading.excepthook._is_owned() -> bool For internal use by `threading.Condition`.This module provides primitive operations to write multi-threaded programs. The 'threading' module provides a more convenient interface._set_sentinel() -> lock Set a sentinel lock that will be released when the current thread state is finalized (after it is untied from the interpreter). This is a private API for the threading module.start_new_thread(function, args[, kwargs]) (start_new() is an obsolete synonym) Start a new thread and return its identifier. The thread will call the function with positional arguments from the tuple args and keyword arguments taken from the optional dictionary kwargs. The thread exits when the function returns; the return value is ignored. The thread will also exit when the function raises an unhandled exception; a stack trace will be printed unless the exception is SystemExit. _get_object_traceback($module, obj, /) -- Get the traceback where the Python object obj was allocated. Return a tuple of (filename: str, lineno: int) tuples. Return None if the tracemalloc module is disabled or did not trace the allocation of the object.stop($module, /) -- Stop tracing Python memory allocations. Also clear traces of memory blocks allocated by Python.Debug module to trace memory blocks allocated by Python.is_tracing($module, /) -- Return True if the tracemalloc module is tracing Python memory allocations.get_tracemalloc_memory($module, /) -- Get the memory usage in bytes of the tracemalloc module. This memory is used internally to trace memory allocations.get_traceback_limit($module, /) -- Get the maximum number of frames stored in the traceback of a trace. By default, a trace of an allocated memory block only stores the most recent frame: the limit is 1.start($module, nframe=1, /) -- Start tracing Python memory allocations. Also set the maximum number of frames stored in the traceback of a trace to nframe.get_traced_memory($module, /) -- Get the current size and peak size of memory blocks traced by tracemalloc. Returns a tuple: (current: int, peak: int).reset_peak($module, /) -- Set the peak size of memory blocks traced by tracemalloc to the current size. Do nothing if the tracemalloc module is not tracing memory allocations._get_traces($module, /) -- Get traces of all memory blocks allocated by Python. Return a list of (size: int, traceback: tuple) tuples. traceback is a tuple of (filename: str, lineno: int) tuples. Return an empty list if the tracemalloc module is disabled.clear_traces($module, /) -- Clear traces of memory blocks allocated by Python._idfunc($module, x, /) -- Accelerators for the typing module. ctime(seconds) -> string Convert a time in seconds since the Epoch to a string in local time. This is equivalent to asctime(localtime(seconds)). When the time tuple is not present, current time as returned by localtime() is used.process_time() -> int Process time for profiling as nanoseconds: sum of the kernel and user-space CPU time.time_ns() -> int Return the current time in nanoseconds since the Epoch.This module provides various functions to manipulate time values. There are two standard representations of time. One is the number of seconds since the Epoch, in UTC (a.k.a. GMT). It may be an integer or a floating point number (to represent fractions of seconds). The Epoch is system-defined; on Unix, it is generally January 1st, 1970. The actual value can be retrieved by calling gmtime(0). The other representation is a tuple of 9 integers giving local time. The tuple items are: year (including century, e.g. 1998) month (1-12) day (1-31) hours (0-23) minutes (0-59) seconds (0-59) weekday (0-6, Monday is 0) Julian day (day in the year, 1-366) DST (Daylight Savings Time) flag (-1, 0 or 1) If the DST flag is 0, the time is given in the regular time zone; if it is 1, the time is given in the DST time zone; if it is -1, mktime() should guess based on the date and time. gmtime([seconds]) -> (tm_year, tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec, tm_wday, tm_yday, tm_isdst) Convert seconds since the Epoch to a time tuple expressing UTC (a.k.a. GMT). When 'seconds' is not passed in, convert the current time instead. If the platform supports the tm_gmtoff and tm_zone, they are available as attributes only.thread_time() -> int Thread time for profiling as nanoseconds: sum of the kernel and user-space CPU time.monotonic_ns() -> int Monotonic clock, cannot go backward, as nanoseconds.process_time() -> float Process time for profiling: sum of the kernel and user-space CPU time.sleep(seconds) Delay execution for a given number of seconds. The argument may be a floating point number for subsecond precision.asctime([tuple]) -> string Convert a time tuple to a string, e.g. 'Sat Jun 06 16:26:11 1998'. When the time tuple is not present, current time as returned by localtime() is used.localtime([seconds]) -> (tm_year,tm_mon,tm_mday,tm_hour,tm_min, tm_sec,tm_wday,tm_yday,tm_isdst) Convert seconds since the Epoch to a time tuple expressing local time. When 'seconds' is not passed in, convert the current time instead.get_clock_info(name: str) -> dict Get information of the specified clock.perf_counter_ns() -> int Performance counter for benchmarking as nanoseconds.perf_counter() -> float Performance counter for benchmarking.monotonic() -> float Monotonic clock, cannot go backward.strptime(string, format) -> struct_time Parse a string to a time tuple according to a format specification. See the library reference manual for formatting codes (same as strftime()). Commonly used format codes: %Y Year with century as a decimal number. %m Month as a decimal number [01,12]. %d Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31]. %H Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23]. %M Minute as a decimal number [00,59]. %S Second as a decimal number [00,61]. %z Time zone offset from UTC. %a Locale's abbreviated weekday name. %A Locale's full weekday name. %b Locale's abbreviated month name. %B Locale's full month name. %c Locale's appropriate date and time representation. %I Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01,12]. %p Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM. Other codes may be available on your platform. See documentation for the C library strftime function. thread_time() -> float Thread time for profiling: sum of the kernel and user-space CPU time.mktime(tuple) -> floating point number Convert a time tuple in local time to seconds since the Epoch. Note that mktime(gmtime(0)) will not generally return zero for most time zones; instead the returned value will either be equal to that of the timezone or altzone attributes on the time module.strftime(format[, tuple]) -> string Convert a time tuple to a string according to a format specification. See the library reference manual for formatting codes. When the time tuple is not present, current time as returned by localtime() is used. Commonly used format codes: %Y Year with century as a decimal number. %m Month as a decimal number [01,12]. %d Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31]. %H Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23]. %M Minute as a decimal number [00,59]. %S Second as a decimal number [00,61]. %z Time zone offset from UTC. %a Locale's abbreviated weekday name. %A Locale's full weekday name. %b Locale's abbreviated month name. %B Locale's full month name. %c Locale's appropriate date and time representation. %I Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01,12]. %p Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM. Other codes may be available on your platform. See documentation for the C library strftime function. time() -> floating point number Return the current time in seconds since the Epoch. Fractions of a second may be present if the system clock provides them.truncate($self, size=None, /) -- Truncate the file to at most size bytes and return the truncated size. Size defaults to the current file position, as returned by tell(). The current file position is changed to the value of size.readall($self, /) -- Read all data from the file, returned as bytes. In non-blocking mode, returns as much as is immediately available, or None if no data is available. Return an empty bytes object at EOF.seekable($self, /) -- True if file supports$self, pos, whence=0, /) -- Move to new file position and return the file position. Argument offset is a byte count. Optional argument whence defaults to SEEK_SET or 0 (offset from start of file, offset should be >= 0); other values are SEEK_CUR or 1 (move relative to current position, positive or negative), and SEEK_END or 2 (move relative to end of file, usually negative, although many platforms allow seeking beyond the end of a file). Note that not all file objects are seekable.writable($self, /) -- True if file was opened in a write mode.close($self, /) -- Close the file. A closed file cannot be used for further I/O operations. close() may be called more than once without error.write($self, b, /) -- Write buffer b to file, return number of bytes written. Only makes one system call, so not all of the data may be written. The number of bytes actually written is returned. In non-blocking mode, returns None if the write would block.tell($self, /) -- Current file position. Can raise OSError for non seekable files.isatty($self, /) -- True if the file is connected to a TTY device.FileIO(file, mode='r', closefd=True, opener=None) -- Open a file. The mode can be 'r' (default), 'w', 'x' or 'a' for reading, writing, exclusive creation or appending. The file will be created if it doesn't exist when opened for writing or appending; it will be truncated when opened for writing. A FileExistsError will be raised if it already exists when opened for creating. Opening a file for creating implies writing so this mode behaves in a similar way to 'w'.Add a '+' to the mode to allow simultaneous reading and writing. A custom opener can be used by passing a callable as *opener*. The underlying file descriptor for the file object is then obtained by calling opener with (*name*, *flags*). *opener* must return an open file descriptor (passing as *opener* results in functionality similar to passing None).fileno($self, /) -- Return the underlying file descriptor (an integer).read($self, size=-1, /) -- Read at most size bytes, returned as bytes. Only makes one system call, so less data may be returned than requested. In non-blocking mode, returns None if no data is available. Return an empty bytes object at EOF.readinto($self, buffer, /) -- Same as RawIOBase.readinto().readable($self, /) -- True if file was opened in a read$self, pos, whence=0, /) -- Change stream position. Seek to byte offset pos relative to position indicated by whence: 0 Start of stream (the default). pos should be >= 0; 1 Current position - pos may be negative; 2 End of stream - pos usually negative. Returns the new absolute position.writelines($self, lines, /) -- Write lines to the file. Note that newlines are not added. lines can be any iterable object producing bytes-like objects. This is equivalent to calling write() for each element.getbuffer($self, /) -- Get a read-write view over the contents of the BytesIO object.readinto($self, buffer, /) -- Read bytes into buffer. Returns number of bytes read (0 for EOF), or None if the object is set not to block and has no data to read.write($self, b, /) -- Write bytes to file. Return the number of bytes$self, size=-1, /) -- Read at most size bytes, returned as a bytes object. If the size argument is negative, read until EOF is reached. Return an empty bytes object at EOF.close($self, /) -- Disable all I/O operations.readable($self, /) -- Returns True if the IO object can be read.writable($self, /) -- Returns True if the IO object can be written.read1($self, size=-1, /) -- Read at most size bytes, returned as a bytes object. If the size argument is negative or omitted, read until EOF is reached. Return an empty bytes object at EOF.truncate($self, size=None, /) -- Truncate the file to at most size bytes. Size defaults to the current file position, as returned by tell(). The current file position is unchanged. Returns the new size.isatty($self, /) -- Always returns False. BytesIO objects are not connected to a TTY-like device.readlines($self, size=None, /) -- List of bytes objects, each a line from the file. Call readline() repeatedly and return a list of the lines so read. The optional size argument, if given, is an approximate bound on the total number of bytes in the lines returned.readline($self, size=-1, /) -- Next line from the file, as a bytes object. Retain newline. A non-negative size argument limits the maximum number of bytes to return (an incomplete line may be returned then). Return an empty bytes object at EOF.BytesIO(initial_bytes=b'') -- Buffered I/O implementation using an in-memory bytes buffer.getvalue($self, /) -- Retrieve the entire contents of the BytesIO object.flush($self, /) -- Does nothing.seekable($self, /) -- Returns True if the IO object can be seeked.tell($self, /) -- Current file position, an integer.readable($self, /) -- Returns True if the IO object can be read.writable($self, /) -- Returns True if the IO object can be written.readline($self, size=-1, /) -- Read until newline or EOF. Returns an empty string if EOF is hit immediately.getvalue($self, /) -- Retrieve the entire contents of the object.seekable($self, /) -- Returns True if the IO object can be$self, pos, whence=0, /) -- Change stream position. Seek to character offset pos relative to position indicated by whence: 0 Start of stream (the default). pos should be >= 0; 1 Current position - pos must be 0; 2 End of stream - pos must be 0. Returns the new absolute position.tell($self, /) -- Tell the current file position.StringIO(initial_value='', newline='\n') -- Text I/O implementation using an in-memory buffer. The initial_value argument sets the value of object. The newline argument is like the one of TextIOWrapper's constructor.truncate($self, pos=None, /) -- Truncate size to pos. The pos argument defaults to the current file position, as returned by tell(). The current file position is unchanged. Returns the new absolute position.write($self, s, /) -- Write string to file. Returns the number of characters written, which is always equal to the length of the string.close($self, /) -- Close the IO object. Attempting any further operation after the object is closed will raise a ValueError. This method has no effect if the file is already$self, size=-1, /) -- Read at most size characters, returned as a string. If the argument is negative or omitted, read until EOF is reached. Return an empty string at EOF.flush($self, /) -- close($self, /) -- writable($self, /) -- BufferedWriter(raw, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) -- A buffer for a writeable sequential RawIO object. The constructor creates a BufferedWriter for the given writeable raw stream. If the buffer_size is not given, it defaults to DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE.flush($self, /) -- read1($self, size=-1, /) -- Read and return up to size bytes, with at most one read() call to the underlying raw stream. Return an empty bytes object on EOF. A short result does not imply that EOF is imminent.BufferedRWPair(reader, writer, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, /) -- A buffered reader and writer object together. A buffered reader object and buffered writer object put together to form a sequential IO object that can read and write. This is typically used with a socket or two-way pipe. reader and writer are RawIOBase objects that are readable and writeable respectively. If the buffer_size is omitted it defaults to DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE._dealloc_warn($self, source, /) -- T\KX\Kreadinto1($self, buffer, /) -- isatty($self, /) -- readable($self, /) -- __sizeof__($self, /) -- detach($self, /) -- write($self, b, /) -- Write buffer b to the IO stream. Return the number of bytes written, which is always the length of b in bytes. Raise BlockingIOError if the buffer is full and the underlying raw stream cannot accept more data at the moment.readinto($self, buffer, /) -- seekable($self, /) -- read($self, size=-1, /) -- read1($self, size=-1, /) -- fileno($self, /) -- tell($self, /) -- BufferedReader(raw, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) -- Create a new buffered reader using the given readable raw IO object.Base class for buffered IO objects. The main difference with RawIOBase is that the read() method supports omitting the size argument, and does not have a default implementation that defers to readinto(). In addition, read(), readinto() and write() may raise BlockingIOError if the underlying raw stream is in non-blocking mode and not ready; unlike their raw counterparts, they will never return None. A typical implementation should not inherit from a RawIOBase implementation, but wrap one. readline($self, size=-1, /) -- seek($self, target, whence=0, /) -- peek($self, size=0, /) -- truncate($self, pos=None, /) -- BufferedRandom(raw, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) -- A buffered interface to random access streams. The constructor creates a reader and writer for a seekable stream, raw, given in the first argument. If the buffer_size is omitted it defaults to DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE.readinto1($self, buffer, /) -- write($self, buffer, /) -- read($self, size=-1, /) -- Read and return up to n bytes. If the size argument is omitted, None, or negative, read and return all data until EOF. If the size argument is positive, and the underlying raw stream is not 'interactive', multiple raw reads may be issued to satisfy the byte count (unless EOF is reached first). However, for interactive raw streams (as well as sockets and pipes), at most one raw read will be issued, and a short result does not imply that EOF is imminent. Return an empty bytes object on EOF. Return None if the underlying raw stream was open in non-blocking mode and no data is available at the moment.detach($self, /) -- Disconnect this buffer from its underlying raw stream and return it. After the raw stream has been detached, the buffer is in an unusable state.readinto($self, buffer, /) -- flush($self, /) -- Flush write buffers, if applicable. This is not implemented for read-only and non-blocking$self, offset, whence=os.SEEK_SET, /) -- Change the stream position to the given byte offset. offset The stream position, relative to 'whence'. whence The relative position to seek from. The offset is interpreted relative to the position indicated by whence. Values for whence are: * os.SEEK_SET or 0 -- start of stream (the default); offset should be zero or positive * os.SEEK_CUR or 1 -- current stream position; offset may be negative * os.SEEK_END or 2 -- end of stream; offset is usually negative Return the new absolute position.Base class for raw binary I/O.readlines($self, hint=-1, /) -- Return a list of lines from the stream. hint can be specified to control the number of lines read: no more lines will be read if the total size (in bytes/characters) of all lines so far exceeds hint.readable($self, /) -- Return whether object was opened for reading. If False, read() will raise OSError.isatty($self, /) -- Return whether this is an 'interactive' stream. Return False if it can't be$self, size=-1, /) -- readall($self, /) -- Read until EOF, using multiple read() call.seekable($self, /) -- Return whether object supports random access. If False, seek(), tell() and truncate() will raise OSError. This method may need to do a test seek().readline($self, size=-1, /) -- Read and return a line from the stream. If size is specified, at most size bytes will be read. The line terminator is always b'\n' for binary files; for text files, the newlines argument to open can be used to select the line terminator(s) recognized.tell($self, /) -- Return current stream position.truncate($self, size=None, /) -- Truncate file to size bytes. File pointer is left unchanged. Size defaults to the current IO position as reported by tell(). Return the new size.fileno($self, /) -- Return underlying file descriptor if one exists. Raise OSError if the IO object does not use a file descriptor.close($self, /) -- Flush and close the IO object. This method has no effect if the file is already closed.The abstract base class for all I/O classes. This class provides dummy implementations for many methods that derived classes can override selectively; the default implementations represent a file that cannot be read, written or seeked. Even though IOBase does not declare read, readinto, or write because their signatures will vary, implementations and clients should consider those methods part of the interface. Also, implementations may raise UnsupportedOperation when operations they do not support are called. The basic type used for binary data read from or written to a file is bytes. Other bytes-like objects are accepted as method arguments too. In some cases (such as readinto), a writable object is required. Text I/O classes work with str data. Note that calling any method (except additional calls to close(), which are ignored) on a closed stream should raise a ValueError. IOBase (and its subclasses) support the iterator protocol, meaning that an IOBase object can be iterated over yielding the lines in a stream. IOBase also supports the :keyword:`with` statement. In this example, fp is closed after the suite of the with statement is complete: with open('spam.txt', 'r') as fp: fp.write('Spam and eggs!') writable($self, /) -- Return whether object was opened for writing. If False, write() will raise OSError.writelines($self, lines, /) -- Write a list of lines to stream. Line separators are not added, so it is usual for each of the lines provided to have a line separator at the end.+K)K \Kh]KTextIOWrapper(buffer, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, line_buffering=False, write_through=False) -- Character and line based layer over a BufferedIOBase object, buffer. encoding gives the name of the encoding that the stream will be decoded or encoded with. It defaults to locale.getencoding(). errors determines the strictness of encoding and decoding (see help(codecs.Codec) or the documentation for codecs.register) and defaults to "strict". newline controls how line endings are handled. It can be None, '', '\n', '\r', and '\r\n'. It works as follows: * On input, if newline is None, universal newlines mode is enabled. Lines in the input can end in '\n', '\r', or '\r\n', and these are translated into '\n' before being returned to the caller. If it is '', universal newline mode is enabled, but line endings are returned to the caller untranslated. If it has any of the other legal values, input lines are only terminated by the given string, and the line ending is returned to the caller untranslated. * On output, if newline is None, any '\n' characters written are translated to the system default line separator, os.linesep. If newline is '' or '\n', no translation takes place. If newline is any of the other legal values, any '\n' characters written are translated to the given string. If line_buffering is True, a call to flush is implied when a call to write contains a newline$self, size=-1, /) -- Read at most size characters from stream. Read from underlying buffer until we have size characters or we hit EOF. If size is negative or omitted, read until EOF.truncate($self, pos=None, /) -- readable($self, /) -- setstate($self, state, /) -- seekable($self, /) -- readline($self, size=-1, /) -- seek($self, cookie, whence=os.SEEK_SET, /) -- Set the stream position, and return the new stream position. cookie Zero or an opaque number returned by tell(). whence The relative position to seek from. Four operations are supported, given by the following argument combinations: - seek(0, SEEK_SET): Rewind to the start of the stream. - seek(cookie, SEEK_SET): Restore a previous position; 'cookie' must be a number returned by tell(). - seek(0, SEEK_END): Fast-forward to the end of the stream. - seek(0, SEEK_CUR): Leave the current stream position unchanged. Any other argument combinations are invalid, and may raise exceptions.isatty($self, /) -- write($self, s, /) -- Write string s to stream. Return the number of characters written (which is always equal to the length of the string).detach($self, /) -- getstate($self, /) -- reset($self, /) -- flush($self, /) -- write($self, text, /) -- writable($self, /) -- read($self, size=-1, /) -- reconfigure($self, /, *, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, line_buffering=None, write_through=None) -- Reconfigure the text stream with new parameters. This also does an implicit stream flush.Line endings translated so far. Only line endings translated during reading are considered. Subclasses should override. fileno($self, /) -- decode($self, /, input, final=False) -- close($self, /) -- detach($self, /) -- Separate the underlying buffer from the TextIOBase and return it. After the underlying buffer has been detached, the TextIO is in an unusable state.IncrementalNewlineDecoder(decoder, translate, errors='strict') -- Codec used when reading a file in universal newlines mode. It wraps another incremental decoder, translating \r\n and \r into \n. It also records the types of newlines encountered. When used with translate=False, it ensures that the newline sequence is returned in one piece. When used with decoder=None, it expects unicode strings as decode input and translates newlines without first invoking an external decoder.$'K+K)K \Kh]KEncoding of the text stream. Subclasses should override. readline($self, size=-1, /) -- Read until newline or EOF. Return an empty string if EOF is hit immediately. If size is specified, at most size characters will be read.Base class for text I/O. This class provides a character and line based interface to stream I/O. There is no readinto method because Python's character strings are immutable. The error setting of the decoder or encoder. Subclasses should override. tell($self, /) -- Return the stream position as an opaque number. The return value of tell() can be given as input to seek(), to restore a previous stream position.readall($self, /) -- Read all data from the console, returned as bytes. Return an empty bytes object at EOF.readable($self, /) -- True if console is an input$self, size=-1, /) -- Read at most size bytes, returned as bytes. Only makes one system call when size is a positive integer, so less data may be returned than requested. Return an empty bytes object at EOF._WindowsConsoleIO(file, mode='r', closefd=True, opener=None) -- Open a console buffer by file descriptor. The mode can be 'rb' (default), or 'wb' for reading or writing bytes. All other mode characters will be ignored. Mode 'b' will be assumed if it is omitted. The *opener* parameter is always ignored.isatty($self, /) -- Always True.writable($self, /) -- True if console is an output buffer.write($self, b, /) -- Write buffer b to file, return number of bytes written. Only makes one system call, so not all of the data may be written. The number of bytes actually written is returned.readinto($self, buffer, /) -- Same as RawIOBase.readinto().close($self, /) -- Close the console object. A closed console object cannot be used for further I/O operations. close() may be called more than once without error.fileno($self, /) -- Return the underlying file descriptor (an integer).open_code($module, /, path) -- Opens the provided file with the intent to import the contents. This may perform extra validation beyond open(), but is otherwise interchangeable with calling open(path, 'rb').text_encoding($module, encoding, stacklevel=2, /) -- A helper function to choose the text encoding. When encoding is not None, this function returns it. Otherwise, this function returns the default text encoding (i.e. "locale" or "utf-8" depends on UTF-8 mode). This function emits an EncodingWarning if encoding is None and sys.flags.warn_default_encoding is true. This can be used in APIs with an encoding=None parameter. However, please consider using encoding="utf-8" for new APIs.The io module provides the Python interfaces to stream handling. The builtin open function is defined in this module. At the top of the I/O hierarchy is the abstract base class IOBase. It defines the basic interface to a stream. Note, however, that there is no separation between reading and writing to streams; implementations are allowed to raise an OSError if they do not support a given operation. Extending IOBase is RawIOBase which deals simply with the reading and writing of raw bytes to a stream. FileIO subclasses RawIOBase to provide an interface to OS files. BufferedIOBase deals with buffering on a raw byte stream (RawIOBase). Its subclasses, BufferedWriter, BufferedReader, and BufferedRWPair buffer streams that are readable, writable, and both respectively. BufferedRandom provides a buffered interface to random access streams. BytesIO is a simple stream of in-memory bytes. Another IOBase subclass, TextIOBase, deals with the encoding and decoding of streams into text. TextIOWrapper, which extends it, is a buffered text interface to a buffered raw stream (`BufferedIOBase`). Finally, StringIO is an in-memory stream for text. Argument names are not part of the specification, and only the arguments of open() are intended to be used as keyword arguments. data: DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE An int containing the default buffer size used by the module's buffered I/O classes. open() uses the file's blksize (as obtained by os.stat) if possible. open($module, /, file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None) -- Open file and return a stream. Raise OSError upon failure. file is either a text or byte string giving the name (and the path if the file isn't in the current working directory) of the file to be opened or an integer file descriptor of the file to be wrapped. (If a file descriptor is given, it is closed when the returned I/O object is closed, unless closefd is set to False.) mode is an optional string that specifies the mode in which the file is opened. It defaults to 'r' which means open for reading in text mode. Other common values are 'w' for writing (truncating the file if it already exists), 'x' for creating and writing to a new file, and 'a' for appending (which on some Unix systems, means that all writes append to the end of the file regardless of the current seek position). In text mode, if encoding is not specified the encoding used is platform dependent: locale.getencoding() is called to get the current locale encoding. (For reading and writing raw bytes use binary mode and leave encoding unspecified.) The available modes are: ========= =============================================================== Character Meaning --------- --------------------------------------------------------------- 'r' open for reading (default) 'w' open for writing, truncating the file first 'x' create a new file and open it for writing 'a' open for writing, appending to the end of the file if it exists 'b' binary mode 't' text mode (default) '+' open a disk file for updating (reading and writing) ========= =============================================================== The default mode is 'rt' (open for reading text). For binary random access, the mode 'w+b' opens and truncates the file to 0 bytes, while 'r+b' opens the file without truncation. The 'x' mode implies 'w' and raises an `FileExistsError` if the file already exists. Python distinguishes between files opened in binary and text modes, even when the underlying operating system doesn't. Files opened in binary mode (appending 'b' to the mode argument) return contents as bytes objects without any decoding. In text mode (the default, or when 't' is appended to the mode argument), the contents of the file are returned as strings, the bytes having been first decoded using a platform-dependent encoding or using the specified encoding if given. buffering is an optional integer used to set the buffering policy. Pass 0 to switch buffering off (only allowed in binary mode), 1 to select line buffering (only usable in text mode), and an integer > 1 to indicate the size of a fixed-size chunk buffer. When no buffering argument is given, the default buffering policy works as follows: * Binary files are buffered in fixed-size chunks; the size of the buffer is chosen using a heuristic trying to determine the underlying device's "block size" and falling back on `io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE`. On many systems, the buffer will typically be 4096 or 8192 bytes long. * "Interactive" text files (files for which isatty() returns True) use line buffering. Other text files use the policy described above for binary files. encoding is the name of the encoding used to decode or encode the file. This should only be used in text mode. The default encoding is platform dependent, but any encoding supported by Python can be passed. See the codecs module for the list of supported encodings. errors is an optional string that specifies how encoding errors are to be handled---this argument should not be used in binary mode. Pass 'strict' to raise a ValueError exception if there is an encoding error (the default of None has the same effect), or pass 'ignore' to ignore errors. (Note that ignoring encoding errors can lead to data loss.) See the documentation for codecs.register or run 'help(codecs.Codec)' for a list of the permitted encoding error strings. newline controls how universal newlines works (it only applies to text mode). It can be None, '', '\n', '\r', and '\r\n'. It works as follows: * On input, if newline is None, universal newlines mode is enabled. Lines in the input can end in '\n', '\r', or '\r\n', and these are translated into '\n' before being returned to the caller. If it is '', universal newline mode is enabled, but line endings are returned to the caller untranslated. If it has any of the other legal values, input lines are only terminated by the given string, and the line ending is returned to the caller untranslated. * On output, if newline is None, any '\n' characters written are translated to the system default line separator, os.linesep. If newline is '' or '\n', no translation takes place. If newline is any of the other legal values, any '\n' characters written are translated to the given string. If closefd is False, the underlying file descriptor will be kept open when the file is closed. This does not work when a file name is given and must be True in that case. A custom opener can be used by passing a callable as *opener*. The underlying file descriptor for the file object is then obtained by calling *opener* with (*file*, *flags*). *opener* must return an open file descriptor (passing as *opener* results in functionality similar to passing None). open() returns a file object whose type depends on the mode, and through which the standard file operations such as reading and writing are performed. When open() is used to open a file in a text mode ('w', 'r', 'wt', 'rt', etc.), it returns a TextIOWrapper. When used to open a file in a binary mode, the returned class varies: in read binary mode, it returns a BufferedReader; in write binary and append binary modes, it returns a BufferedWriter, and in read/write mode, it returns a BufferedRandom. It is also possible to use a string or bytearray as a file for both reading and writing. For strings StringIO can be used like a file opened in a text mode, and for bytes a BytesIO can be used like a file opened in a binary mode. 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'errors' may be given to set a different error handling scheme. Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise a UnicodeDecodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore' and 'replace' as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that is able to handle UnicodeDecodeErrors."read($self, sizeobj=None, /) -- readlines($self, sizehintobj=None, /) -- reset($self, /) -- readline($self, sizeobj=None, /) -- encode($self, /, input, errors=None) -- Return an encoded string version of `input'. 'errors' may be given to set a different error handling scheme. Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise a UnicodeEncodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore', 'replace' and 'xmlcharrefreplace' as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that can handle UnicodeEncodeErrors.\]KK__create_codec($module, arg, /) -- decode($self, /, input, final=False) -- encode($self, /, input, final=False) -- write($self, strobj, /) -- setstate($self, state, /) -- reset($self, /) -- getstate($self, /) -- getstate($self, /) -- reset($self, /) -- reset($self, /) -- WriteFile($module, /, handle, buffer, overlapped=False) -- MapViewOfFile($module, file_map, desired_access, file_offset_high, file_offset_low, number_bytes, /) -- CreatePipe($module, pipe_attrs, size, /) -- Create an anonymous pipe. pipe_attrs Ignored internally, can be None. Returns a 2-tuple of handles, to the read and write ends of the pipe.GetFileType($module, /, handle) -- UnmapViewOfFile($module, address, /) -- GetOverlappedResult($self, wait, /) -- LCMapStringEx($module, /, locale, flags, src) -- DuplicateHandle($module, source_process_handle, source_handle, target_process_handle, desired_access, inherit_handle, options=0, /) -- Return a duplicate handle object. The duplicate handle refers to the same object as the original handle. Therefore, any changes to the object are reflected through both handles.CreateNamedPipe($module, name, open_mode, pipe_mode, max_instances, out_buffer_size, in_buffer_size, default_timeout, security_attributes, /) -- PeekNamedPipe($module, handle, size=0, /) -- GetStdHandle($module, std_handle, /) -- Return a handle to the specified standard device. std_handle One of STD_INPUT_HANDLE, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, or STD_ERROR_HANDLE. The integer associated with the handle object is returned.getbuffer($self, /) -- CloseHandle($module, handle, /) -- Close handle.WaitNamedPipe($module, name, timeout, /) -- _mimetypes_read_windows_registry($module, /, on_type_read) -- Optimized function for reading all known MIME types from the registry. *on_type_read* is a callable taking *type* and *ext* arguments, as for MimeTypes.add_type.SetNamedPipeHandleState($module, named_pipe, mode, max_collection_count, collect_data_timeout, /) -- GetModuleFileName($module, module_handle, /) -- Return the fully-qualified path for the file that contains module. The module must have been loaded by the current process. The module parameter should be a handle to the loaded module whose path is being requested. If this parameter is 0, GetModuleFileName retrieves the path of the executable file of the current process.TerminateProcess($module, handle, exit_code, /) -- Terminate the specified process and all of its threads.CreateFileMapping($module, file_handle, security_attributes, protect, max_size_high, max_size_low, name, /) -- WaitForSingleObject($module, handle, milliseconds, /) -- Wait for a single object. Wait until the specified object is in the signaled state or the time-out interval elapses. The timeout value is specified in milliseconds.ExitProcess($module, ExitCode, /) -- OpenProcess($module, desired_access, inherit_handle, process_id, /) -- ReadFile($module, /, handle, size, overlapped=False) -- cancel($self, /) -- GetExitCodeProcess($module, process, /) -- Return the termination status of the specified process.GetACP($module, /) -- Get the current Windows ANSI code page identifier.GetLastError($module, /) -- NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePath($module, exe_name, /) -- CreateFile($module, file_name, desired_access, share_mode, security_attributes, creation_disposition, flags_and_attributes, template_file, /) -- VirtualQuerySize($module, address, /) -- CreateJunction($module, src_path, dst_path, /) -- GetCurrentProcess($module, /) -- Return a handle object for the current process.++ +CreateProcess($module, application_name, command_line, proc_attrs, thread_attrs, inherit_handles, creation_flags, env_mapping, current_directory, startup_info, /) -- Create a new process and its primary thread. command_line Can be str or None proc_attrs Ignored internally, can be None. thread_attrs Ignored internally, can be None. The return value is a tuple of the process handle, thread handle, process ID, and thread ID.CopyFile2($module, /, existing_file_name, new_file_name, flags, progress_routine=None) -- Copies a file from one name to a new name. This is implemented using the CopyFile2 API, which preserves all stat and metadata information apart from security attributes. progress_routine is reserved for future use, but is currently not implemented. Its value is ignored.ConnectNamedPipe($module, /, handle, overlapped=False) -- GetVersion($module, /) -- Return the version number of the current operating system.OpenFileMapping($module, desired_access, inherit_handle, name, /) -- WaitForMultipleObjects($module, handle_seq, wait_flag, milliseconds=_winapi.INFINITE, /) -- bool(x) -> bool Returns True when the argument x is true, False otherwise. The builtins True and False are the only two instances of the class bool. The class bool is a subclass of the class int, and cannot be subclassed. *K(#K+Kextend($self, iterable_of_ints, /) -- Append all the items from the iterator or sequence to the end of the bytearray. iterable_of_ints The iterable of items to append.insert($self, index, item, /) -- Insert a single item into the bytearray before the given index. index The index where the value is to be inserted. item The item to be inserted.hex($self, /, sep=, bytes_per_sep=1) -- Create a string of hexadecimal numbers from a bytearray object. sep An optional single character or byte to separate hex bytes. bytes_per_sep How many bytes between separators. Positive values count from the right, negative values count from the left. Example: >>> value = bytearray([0xb9, 0x01, 0xef]) >>> value.hex() 'b901ef' >>> value.hex(':') 'b9:01:ef' >>> value.hex(':', 2) 'b9:01ef' >>> value.hex(':', -2) 'b901:ef'splitlines($self, /, keepends=False) -- Return a list of the lines in the bytearray, breaking at line boundaries. Line breaks are not included in the resulting list unless keepends is given and true.clear($self, /) -- Remove all items from the bytearray.pop($self, index=-1, /) -- Remove and return a single item from B. index The index from where to remove the item. -1 (the default value) means remove the last item. If no index argument is given, will pop the last item.B.__alloc__() -> int Return the number of bytes actually allocated.__sizeof__($self, /) -- Returns the size of the bytearray object in memory, in bytes.rpartition($self, sep, /) -- Partition the bytearray into three parts using the given separator. This will search for the separator sep in the bytearray, starting at the end. If the separator is found, returns a 3-tuple containing the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after it as new bytearray objects. If the separator is not found, returns a 3-tuple containing two empty bytearray objects and the copy of the original bytearray object.partition($self, sep, /) -- Partition the bytearray into three parts using the given separator. This will search for the separator sep in the bytearray. If the separator is found, returns a 3-tuple containing the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after it as new bytearray objects. If the separator is not found, returns a 3-tuple containing the copy of the original bytearray object and two empty bytearray objects.translate($self, table, /, delete=b'') -- Return a copy with each character mapped by the given translation table. table Translation table, which must be a bytes object of length 256. All characters occurring in the optional argument delete are removed. The remaining characters are mapped through the given translation table.append($self, item, /) -- Append a single item to the end of the bytearray. item The item to be appended.expandtabs($self, /, tabsize=8) -- Return a copy where all tab characters are expanded using spaces. If tabsize is not given, a tab size of 8 characters is assumed.split($self, /, sep=None, maxsplit=-1) -- Return a list of the sections in the bytearray, using sep as the delimiter. sep The delimiter according which to split the bytearray. None (the default value) means split on ASCII whitespace characters (space, tab, return, newline, formfeed, vertical tab). maxsplit Maximum number of splits to do. -1 (the default value) means no$self, width, fillchar=b' ', /) -- Return a centered string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character.rsplit($self, /, sep=None, maxsplit=-1) -- Return a list of the sections in the bytearray, using sep as the delimiter. sep The delimiter according which to split the bytearray. None (the default value) means split on ASCII whitespace characters (space, tab, return, newline, formfeed, vertical tab). maxsplit Maximum number of splits to do. -1 (the default value) means no limit. Splitting is done starting at the end of the bytearray and working to the front.lstrip($self, bytes=None, /) -- Strip leading bytes contained in the argument. If the argument is omitted or None, strip leading ASCII whitespace.bKremoveprefix($self, prefix, /) -- Return a bytearray with the given prefix string removed if present. If the bytearray starts with the prefix string, return bytearray[len(prefix):]. Otherwise, return a copy of the original bytearray.bK+KcKfromhex($type, string, /) -- Create a bytearray object from a string of hexadecimal numbers. Spaces between two numbers are accepted. Example: bytearray.fromhex('B9 01EF') -> bytearray(b'\\xb9\\x01\\xef')reverse($self, /) -- Reverse the order of the values in B in place.copy($self, /) -- Return a copy of B. *K(#KPrivate method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).rstrip($self, bytes=None, /) -- Strip trailing bytes contained in the argument. If the argument is omitted or None, strip trailing ASCII whitespace.join($self, iterable_of_bytes, /) -- Concatenate any number of bytes/bytearray objects. The bytearray whose method is called is inserted in between each pair. The result is returned as a new bytearray object.removesuffix($self, suffix, /) -- Return a bytearray with the given suffix string removed if present. If the bytearray ends with the suffix string and that suffix is not empty, return bytearray[:-len(suffix)]. Otherwise, return a copy of the original bytearray.__reduce_ex__($self, proto=0, /) -- Return state information for pickling.__reduce__($self, /) -- Return state information for pickling.zfill($self, width, /) -- Pad a numeric string with zeros on the left, to fill a field of the given width. The original string is never truncated.replace($self, old, new, count=-1, /) -- Return a copy with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. count Maximum number of occurrences to replace. -1 (the default value) means replace all occurrences. If the optional argument count is given, only the first count occurrences are replaced.decode($self, /, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict') -- Decode the bytearray using the codec registered for encoding. encoding The encoding with which to decode the bytearray. errors The error handling scheme to use for the handling of decoding errors. The default is 'strict' meaning that decoding errors raise a UnicodeDecodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore' and 'replace' as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that can handle UnicodeDecodeErrors.rjust($self, width, fillchar=b' ', /) -- Return a right-justified string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character.bytearray(iterable_of_ints) -> bytearray bytearray(string, encoding[, errors]) -> bytearray bytearray(bytes_or_buffer) -> mutable copy of bytes_or_buffer bytearray(int) -> bytes array of size given by the parameter initialized with null bytes bytearray() -> empty bytes array Construct a mutable bytearray object from: - an iterable yielding integers in range(256) - a text string encoded using the specified encoding - a bytes or a buffer object - any object implementing the buffer API. - an integermaketrans(frm, to, /) -- Return a translation table useable for the bytes or bytearray translate method. The returned table will be one where each byte in frm is mapped to the byte at the same position in to. The bytes objects frm and to must be of the same length.ljust($self, width, fillchar=b' ', /) -- Return a left-justified string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character.strip($self, bytes=None, /) -- Strip leading and trailing bytes contained in the argument. If the argument is omitted or None, strip leading and trailing ASCII whitespace.|+bKremove($self, value, /) -- Remove the first occurrence of a value in the bytearray. value The value to remove.Set state information for unpickling.B.index(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the lowest index in B where subsection sub is found, such that sub is contained within B[start,end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Raises ValueError when the subsection is not found.B.rfind(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the highest index in B where subsection sub is found, such that sub is contained within B[start,end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Return -1 on failure.B.isspace() -> bool Return True if all characters in B are whitespace and there is at least one character in B, False otherwise.B.isalnum() -> bool Return True if all characters in B are alphanumeric and there is at least one character in B, False otherwise.B.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) -> bool Return True if B starts with the specified prefix, False otherwise. With optional start, test B beginning at that position. With optional end, stop comparing B at that position. prefix can also be a tuple of bytes to try.B.isalpha() -> bool Return True if all characters in B are alphabetic and there is at least one character in B, False otherwise.B.count(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the number of non-overlapping occurrences of subsection sub in bytes B[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.B.isdigit() -> bool Return True if all characters in B are digits and there is at least one character in B, False otherwise.B.lower() -> copy of B Return a copy of B with all ASCII characters converted to lowercase.B.upper() -> copy of B Return a copy of B with all ASCII characters converted to uppercase.B.isascii() -> bool Return True if B is empty or all characters in B are ASCII, False otherwise.B.isupper() -> bool Return True if all cased characters in B are uppercase and there is at least one cased character in B, False otherwise.B.capitalize() -> copy of B Return a copy of B with only its first character capitalized (ASCII) and the rest lower-cased.B.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]) -> bool Return True if B ends with the specified suffix, False otherwise. With optional start, test B beginning at that position. With optional end, stop comparing B at that position. suffix can also be a tuple of bytes to try.B.title() -> copy of B Return a titlecased version of B, i.e. ASCII words start with uppercase characters, all remaining cased characters have lowercase.B.istitle() -> bool Return True if B is a titlecased string and there is at least one character in B, i.e. uppercase characters may only follow uncased characters and lowercase characters only cased ones. Return False otherwise.B.rindex(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the highest index in B where subsection sub is found, such that sub is contained within B[start,end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Raise ValueError when the subsection is not found.B.find(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the lowest index in B where subsection sub is found, such that sub is contained within B[start,end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Return -1 on failure.B.swapcase() -> copy of B Return a copy of B with uppercase ASCII characters converted to lowercase ASCII and vice versa.B.islower() -> bool Return True if all cased characters in B are lowercase and there is at least one cased character in B, False otherwise.replace($self, old, new, count=-1, /) -- Return a copy with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. count Maximum number of occurrences to replace. -1 (the default value) means replace all occurrences. If the optional argument count is given, only the first count occurrences are replaced.bKrpartition($self, sep, /) -- Partition the bytes into three parts using the given separator. This will search for the separator sep in the bytes, starting at the end. If the separator is found, returns a 3-tuple containing the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after it. If the separator is not found, returns a 3-tuple containing two empty bytes objects and the original bytes object.__bytes__($self, /) -- Convert this value to exact type bytes.translate($self, table, /, delete=b'') -- Return a copy with each character mapped by the given translation table. table Translation table, which must be a bytes object of length 256. All characters occurring in the optional argument delete are removed. The remaining characters are mapped through the given translation table.removesuffix($self, suffix, /) -- Return a bytes object with the given suffix string removed if present. If the bytes ends with the suffix string and that suffix is not empty, return bytes[:-len(prefix)]. Otherwise, return a copy of the original bytes. *K(#KReturn state information for pickling.join($self, iterable_of_bytes, /) -- Concatenate any number of bytes objects. The bytes whose method is called is inserted in between each pair. The result is returned as a new bytes object. Example: b'.'.join([b'ab', b'pq', b'rs']) -> b''.expandtabs($self, /, tabsize=8) -- Return a copy where all tab characters are expanded using spaces. If tabsize is not given, a tab size of 8 characters is assumed.fromhex($type, string, /) -- Create a bytes object from a string of hexadecimal numbers. Spaces between two numbers are accepted. Example: bytes.fromhex('B9 01EF') -> b'\\xb9\\x01\\xef'.|+bKsplit($self, /, sep=None, maxsplit=-1) -- Return a list of the sections in the bytes, using sep as the delimiter. sep The delimiter according which to split the bytes. None (the default value) means split on ASCII whitespace characters (space, tab, return, newline, formfeed, vertical tab). maxsplit Maximum number of splits to do. -1 (the default value) means no$self, width, fillchar=b' ', /) -- Return a centered string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character.decode($self, /, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict') -- Decode the bytes using the codec registered for encoding. encoding The encoding with which to decode the bytes. errors The error handling scheme to use for the handling of decoding errors. The default is 'strict' meaning that decoding errors raise a UnicodeDecodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore' and 'replace' as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that can handle UnicodeDecodeErrors. *K(#Kremoveprefix($self, prefix, /) -- Return a bytes object with the given prefix string removed if present. If the bytes starts with the prefix string, return bytes[len(prefix):]. Otherwise, return a copy of the original bytes.cKlstrip($self, bytes=None, /) -- Strip leading bytes contained in the argument. If the argument is omitted or None, strip leading ASCII whitespace.bK+Kbytes(iterable_of_ints) -> bytes bytes(string, encoding[, errors]) -> bytes bytes(bytes_or_buffer) -> immutable copy of bytes_or_buffer bytes(int) -> bytes object of size given by the parameter initialized with null bytes bytes() -> empty bytes object Construct an immutable array of bytes from: - an iterable yielding integers in range(256) - a text string encoded using the specified encoding - any object implementing the buffer API. - an integerrstrip($self, bytes=None, /) -- Strip trailing bytes contained in the argument. If the argument is omitted or None, strip trailing ASCII whitespace.maketrans(frm, to, /) -- Return a translation table useable for the bytes or bytearray translate method. The returned table will be one where each byte in frm is mapped to the byte at the same position in to. The bytes objects frm and to must be of the same length.Private method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).splitlines($self, /, keepends=False) -- Return a list of the lines in the bytes, breaking at line boundaries. Line breaks are not included in the resulting list unless keepends is given and true.rsplit($self, /, sep=None, maxsplit=-1) -- Return a list of the sections in the bytes, using sep as the delimiter. sep The delimiter according which to split the bytes. None (the default value) means split on ASCII whitespace characters (space, tab, return, newline, formfeed, vertical tab). maxsplit Maximum number of splits to do. -1 (the default value) means no limit. Splitting is done starting at the end of the bytes and working to the front.zfill($self, width, /) -- Pad a numeric string with zeros on the left, to fill a field of the given width. The original string is never truncated.+Kpartition($self, sep, /) -- Partition the bytes into three parts using the given separator. This will search for the separator sep in the bytes. If the separator is found, returns a 3-tuple containing the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after it. If the separator is not found, returns a 3-tuple containing the original bytes object and two empty bytes objects.hex($self, /, sep=, bytes_per_sep=1) -- Create a string of hexadecimal numbers from a bytes object. sep An optional single character or byte to separate hex bytes. bytes_per_sep How many bytes between separators. Positive values count from the right, negative values count from the left. Example: >>> value = b'\xb9\x01\xef' >>> value.hex() 'b901ef' >>> value.hex(':') 'b9:01:ef' >>> value.hex(':', 2) 'b9:01ef' >>> value.hex(':', -2) 'b901:ef'rjust($self, width, fillchar=b' ', /) -- Return a right-justified string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character.ljust($self, width, fillchar=b' ', /) -- Return a left-justified string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character.strip($self, bytes=None, /) -- Strip leading and trailing bytes contained in the argument. If the argument is omitted or None, strip leading and trailing ASCII whitespace.Set state information for unpickling.Capsule objects let you wrap a C "void *" pointer in a Python object. They're a way of passing data through the Python interpreter without creating your own custom type. Capsules are used for communication between extension modules. They provide a way for an extension module to export a C interface to other extension modules, so that extension modules can use the Python import mechanism to link to one another. cell([contents]) -- Create a new cell object. contents the contents of the cell. If not specified, the cell will be empty, and further attempts to access its cell_contents attribute will raise a ValueError.method(function, instance, /) -- Create a bound instance method object.instancemethod(function, /) -- Bind a function to a class.__reduce__($self, /) -- replace($self, /, **changes) -- Return a copy of the code object with new values for the specified fields.code(argcount, posonlyargcount, kwonlyargcount, nlocals, stacksize, flags, codestring, constants, names, varnames, filename, name, qualname, firstlineno, linetable, exceptiontable, freevars=(), cellvars=(), /) -- Create a code object. Not for the faint of heart._varname_from_oparg($self, /, oparg) -- (internal-only) Return the local variable name for the given oparg. WARNING: this method is for internal use only and may change or go away.dKdKdKeK eK0eK@eKPeKXeKheKxeKeKeKeKeKeKeKeKconjugate($self, /) -- Return the complex conjugate of its argument. (3-4j).conjugate() == 3+4j.fKfK__complex__($self, /) -- Convert this value to exact type complex.?__format__($self, format_spec, /) -- Convert to a string according to format_spec.complex(real=0, imag=0) -- Create a complex number from a real part and an optional imaginary part. This is equivalent to (real + imag*1j) where imag defaults to 0.__getnewargs__($self, /) -- Method to set name of a property.Descriptor to obtain a copy of the property with a different, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None) -- Property attribute. fget function to be used for getting an attribute value fset function to be used for setting an attribute value fdel function to be used for del'ing an attribute doc docstring Typical use is to define a managed attribute x: class C(object): def getx(self): return self._x def setx(self, value): self._x = value def delx(self): del self._x x = property(getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' property.") Decorators make defining new properties or modifying existing ones easy: class C(object): @property def x(self): "I am the 'x' property." return self._x @x.setter def x(self, value): self._x = value @x.deleter def x(self): del self._xDescriptor to obtain a copy of the property with a different setter.Descriptor to obtain a copy of the property with a different getter.Return a reverse iterator over the dict keys.__getitem__($self, key, /) -- Return self[key].Return True if the view and the given iterable have a null intersection.D.__sizeof__() -> size of D in memory, in bytesReturn state information for pickling.D.clear() -> None. Remove all items from D.Return a reverse iterator over the dict items.dict() -> new empty dictionary dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's (key, value) pairs dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via: d = {} for k, v in iterable: d[k] = v dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)D.copy() -> a shallow copy of DD.items() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items__contains__($self, key, /) -- True if the dictionary has the specified key, else False.D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's valuesPrivate method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).pop($self, key, default=, /) -- D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If the key is not found, return the default if given; otherwise, raise a KeyError.setdefault($self, key, default=None, /) -- Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary. Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.popitem($self, /) -- Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple. Pairs are returned in LIFO (last-in, first-out) order. Raises KeyError if the dict is empty.D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keysget($self, key, default=None, /) -- Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.Return a reverse iterator over the dict values.D.update([E, ]**F) -> None. Update D from dict/iterable E and F. If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]fromkeys($type, iterable, value=None, /) -- Create a new dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value.__reversed__($self, /) -- Return a reverse iterator over the dict keys.Return state information for pickling.reversed(sequence, /) -- Return a reverse iterator over the values of the given sequence.Private method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).enumerate(iterable, start=0) -- Return an enumerate object. iterable an object supporting iteration The enumerate object yields pairs containing a count (from start, which defaults to zero) and a value yielded by the iterable argument. enumerate is useful for obtaining an indexed list: (0, seq[0]), (1, seq[1]), (2, seq[2]), ...Set state information for unpickling.Exception.with_traceback(tb) -- set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.Exception.add_note(note) -- add a note to the exception__round__($self, ndigits=None, /) -- Return the Integral closest to x, rounding half toward even. When an argument is passed, work like built-in round(x, ndigits).__format__($self, format_spec, /) -- Formats the float according to format_spec.__getformat__($type, typestr, /) -- You probably don't want to use this function. typestr Must be 'double' or 'float'. It exists mainly to be used in Python's test suite. This function returns whichever of 'unknown', 'IEEE, big-endian' or 'IEEE, little-endian' best describes the format of floating point numbers used by the C type named by typestr.conjugate($self, /) -- Return self, the complex conjugate of any float.__ceil__($self, /) -- Return the ceiling as an Integral.as_integer_ratio($self, /) -- Return a pair of integers, whose ratio is exactly equal to the original float. The ratio is in lowest terms and has a positive denominator. Raise OverflowError on infinities and a ValueError on NaNs. >>> (10.0).as_integer_ratio() (10, 1) >>> (0.0).as_integer_ratio() (0, 1) >>> (-.25).as_integer_ratio() (-1, 4)sys.float_info A named tuple holding information about the float type. It contains low level information about the precision and internal representation. Please study your system's :file:`float.h` for more information.float(x=0, /) -- Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.fromhex($type, string, /) -- Create a floating-point number from a hexadecimal string. >>> float.fromhex('0x1.ffffp10') 2047.984375 >>> float.fromhex('-0x1p-1074') -5e-324__getnewargs__($self, /) -- hex($self, /) -- Return a hexadecimal representation of a floating-point number. >>> (-0.1).hex() '-0x1.999999999999ap-4' >>> 3.14159.hex() '0x1.921f9f01b866ep+1'is_integer($self, /) -- Return True if the float is an integer.__floor__($self, /) -- Return the floor as an Integral.__trunc__($self, /) -- Return the Integral closest to x between 0 and x.F.__sizeof__() -> size of F in memory, in bytesF.clear(): clear most references held by the framestaticmethod(function) -> method Convert a function to be a static method. A static method does not receive an implicit first argument. To declare a static method, use this idiom: class C: @staticmethod def f(arg1, arg2, argN): ... It can be called either on the class (e.g. C.f()) or on an instance (e.g. C().f()). Both the class and the instance are ignored, and neither is passed implicitly as the first argument to the method. Static methods in Python are similar to those found in Java or C++. For a more advanced concept, see the classmethod builtin.function(code, globals, name=None, argdefs=None, closure=None) -- Create a function object. code a code object globals the globals dictionary name a string that overrides the name from the code object argdefs a tuple that specifies the default argument values closure a tuple that supplies the bindings for free variablesclassmethod(function) -> method Convert a function to be a class method. A class method receives the class as implicit first argument, just like an instance method receives the instance. To declare a class method, use this idiom: class C: @classmethod def f(cls, arg1, arg2, argN): ... It can be called either on the class (e.g. C.f()) or on an instance (e.g. C().f()). The instance is ignored except for its class. If a class method is called for a derived class, the derived class object is passed as the implied first argument. Class methods are different than C++ or Java static methods. If you want those, see the staticmethod builtin.Represent a PEP 585 generic type E.g. for t = list[int], t.__origin__ is list and t.__args__ is (int,).send(arg) -> send 'arg' into generator, return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.close() -> raise GeneratorExit inside generator.gen.__sizeof__() -> size of gen in memory, in bytesclose() -> raise GeneratorExit inside coroutine.asend(v) -> send 'v' in generator.throw(value) throw(type[,value[,traceback]]) Raise exception in coroutine, return next iterated value or raise StopIteration. the (type, val, tb) signature is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version of Python.athrow(value) athrow(type[,value[,tb]]) raise exception in generator. the (type, val, tb) signature is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version of Python.aclose() -> raise GeneratorExit inside generator.send(arg) -> send 'arg' into coroutine, return next iterated value or raise StopIteration.throw(value) throw(type[,value[,tb]]) Raise exception in generator, return next yielded value or raise StopIteration. the (type, val, tb) signature is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version of Python.A interpreter ID identifies a interpreter and may be used as an int.send(arg) -> send 'arg' into the wrapped iterator, return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.close() -> raise GeneratorExit inside generator.Return state information for pickling.throw(value) throw(typ[,val[,tb]]) raise exception in the wrapped iterator, return next yielded value or raise StopIteration. the (type, val, tb) signature is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version of Python.Private method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).Set state information for unpickling.list(iterable=(), /) -- Built-in mutable sequence. If no argument is given, the constructor creates a new empty list. The argument must be an iterable if specified.count($self, value, /) -- Return number of occurrences of value.Return state information for pickling.extend($self, iterable, /) -- Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.__reversed__($self, /) -- Return a reverse iterator over the list.copy($self, /) -- Return a shallow copy of the list.clear($self, /) -- Remove all items from list.__sizeof__($self, /) -- Return the size of the list in memory, in bytes.Private method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).index($self, value, start=0, stop=sys.maxsize, /) -- Return first index of value. Raises ValueError if the value is not present.+xKreverse($self, /) -- Reverse *IN PLACE*.remove($self, value, /) -- Remove first occurrence of value. Raises ValueError if the value is not present.sort($self, /, *, key=None, reverse=False) -- Sort the list in ascending order and return None. The sort is in-place (i.e. the list itself is modified) and stable (i.e. the order of two equal elements is maintained). If a key function is given, apply it once to each list item and sort them, ascending or descending, according to their function values. The reverse flag can be set to sort in descending order.insert($self, index, object, /) -- Insert object before index.pop($self, index=-1, /) -- Remove and return item at index (default last). Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.append($self, object, /) -- Append object to the end of the list.Set state information for unpickling.as_integer_ratio($self, /) -- Return a pair of integers, whose ratio is equal to the original int. The ratio is in lowest terms and has a positive denominator. >>> (10).as_integer_ratio() (10, 1) >>> (-10).as_integer_ratio() (-10, 1) >>> (0).as_integer_ratio() (0, 1)$+,PKto_bytes($self, /, length=1, byteorder='big', *, signed=False) -- Return an array of bytes representing an integer. length Length of bytes object to use. An OverflowError is raised if the integer is not representable with the given number of bytes. Default is length 1. byteorder The byte order used to represent the integer. If byteorder is 'big', the most significant byte is at the beginning of the byte array. If byteorder is 'little', the most significant byte is at the end of the byte array. To request the native byte order of the host system, use `sys.byteorder' as the byte order value. Default is to use 'big'. signed Determines whether two's complement is used to represent the integer. If signed is False and a negative integer is given, an OverflowError is raised.is_integer($self, /) -- Returns True. Exists for duck type compatibility with float.is_integer.__sizeof__($self, /) -- Returns size in memory, in bytes.EK,PK__format__($self, format_spec, /) -- Convert to a string according to format_spec.bit_length($self, /) -- Number of bits necessary to represent self in binary. >>> bin(37) '0b100101' >>> (37).bit_length() 6|+HKint([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments are given. If x is a number, return x.__int__(). For floating point numbers, this truncates towards zero. If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string, bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the given base. The literal can be preceded by '+' or '-' and be surrounded by whitespace. The base defaults to 10. Valid bases are 0 and 2-36. Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal. >>> int('0b100', base=0) 4bit_count($self, /) -- Number of ones in the binary representation of the absolute value of self. Also known as the population count. >>> bin(13) '0b1101' >>> (13).bit_count() 3__getnewargs__($self, /) -- __round__($self, ndigits=, /) -- Rounding an Integral returns itself. Rounding with an ndigits argument also returns an integer.sys.int_info A named tuple that holds information about Python's internal representation of integers. The attributes are read only.from_bytes($type, /, bytes, byteorder='big', *, signed=False) -- Return the integer represented by the given array of bytes. bytes Holds the array of bytes to convert. The argument must either support the buffer protocol or be an iterable object producing bytes. Bytes and bytearray are examples of built-in objects that support the buffer protocol. byteorder The byte order used to represent the integer. If byteorder is 'big', the most significant byte is at the beginning of the byte array. If byteorder is 'little', the most significant byte is at the end of the byte array. To request the native byte order of the host system, use `sys.byteorder' as the byte order value. Default is to use 'big'. signed Indicates whether two's complement is used to represent the integer.tolist($self, /) -- Return the data in the buffer as a list of elements.A tuple of ndim integers giving the shape of the memory as an N-dimensional array.A tuple of integers used internally for PIL-style arrays.A bool indicating whether the memory is Fortran contiguous.The underlying object of the memoryview.A tuple of ndim integers giving the size in bytes to access each element for each dimension of the array.cast($self, /, format, shape=) -- Cast a memoryview to a new format or shape.tobytes($self, /, order='C') -- Return the data in the buffer as a byte string. Order can be {'C', 'F', 'A'}. When order is 'C' or 'F', the data of the original array is converted to C or Fortran order. For contiguous views, 'A' returns an exact copy of the physical memory. In particular, in-memory Fortran order is preserved. For non-contiguous views, the data is converted to C first. order=None is the same as order='C'.The size in bytes of each element of the memoryview.The amount of space in bytes that the array would use in a contiguous representation.A string containing the format (in struct module style) for each element in the view.A bool indicating whether the memory is contiguous.memoryview(object) -- Create a new memoryview object which references the given object.An integer indicating how many dimensions of a multi-dimensional array the memory represents.A bool indicating whether the memory is read only.A bool indicating whether the memory is C contiguous.release($self, /) -- Release the underlying buffer exposed by the memoryview object.toreadonly($self, /) -- Return a readonly version of the memoryview.+_from_flags($type, /, object, flags) -- Create a new memoryview object which references the given object.hex($self, /, sep=, bytes_per_sep=1) -- Return the data in the buffer as a str of hexadecimal numbers. sep An optional single character or byte to separate hex bytes. bytes_per_sep How many bytes between separators. Positive values count from the right, negative values count from the left. Example: >>> value = memoryview(b'\xb9\x01\xef') >>> value.hex() 'b901ef' >>> value.hex(':') 'b9:01:ef' >>> value.hex(':', 2) 'b9:01ef' >>> value.hex(':', -2) 'b901:ef'module(name, doc=None) -- Create a module object. The name must be a string; the optional doc argument can have any type.A simple attribute-based namespace. SimpleNamespace(**kwargs)Return state information for pickling0K4K8KL+ a shallow copy of odReturn state information for picklingReturn state information for picklingpopitem($self, /, last=True) -- Remove and return a (key, value) pair from the dictionary. Pairs are returned in LIFO order if last is true or FIFO order if false.Dictionary that remembers insertion orderfromkeys($type, /, iterable, value=None) -- Create a new ordered dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value.od.clear() -> None. Remove all items from od.tK++pop($self, /, key, default=) -- od.pop(key[,default]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If the key is not found, return the default if given; otherwise, raise a KeyError.od.__reversed__() <==> reversed(od)+tKrelease($self, /) -- Release the underlying buffer exposed by the PickleBuffer object.raw($self, /) -- Return a memoryview of the raw memory underlying this buffer. Will raise BufferError is the buffer isn't contiguous.Return a reverse iterator.rangeobject.index(value) -> integer -- return index of value. Raise ValueError if the value is not present.Return state information for pickling.rangeobject.count(value) -> integer -- return number of occurrences of valuerange(stop) -> range object range(start, stop[, step]) -> range object Return an object that produces a sequence of integers from start (inclusive) to stop (exclusive) by step. range(i, j) produces i, i+1, i+2, ..., j-1. start defaults to 0, and stop is omitted! range(4) produces 0, 1, 2, 3. These are exactly the valid indices for a list of 4 elements. When step is given, it specifies the increment (or decrement).Private method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).Set state information for unpickling.Return the difference of two or more sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in this set but not the others.)Return a shallow copy of a set.Update a set with the union of itself and others.issubset($self, other, /) -- Test whether every element in the set is in other.Add an element to a set. This has no effect if the element is already present.Return True if two sets have a null intersection.Return state information for pickling.x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x.Return the intersection of two sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in both sets.)set() -> new empty set object set(iterable) -> new set object Build an unordered collection of unique elements.Remove all elements of another set from this set.frozenset() -> empty frozenset object frozenset(iterable) -> frozenset object Build an immutable unordered collection of unique elements.Update a set with the symmetric difference of itself and another.Remove and return an arbitrary set element. Raises KeyError if the set is empty.Private method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in exactly one of the sets.)issuperset($self, other, /) -- Test whether every element in other is in the set.Update a set with the intersection of itself and another.Remove an element from a set; it must be a member. If the element is not a member, raise a KeyError.S.__sizeof__() -> size of S in memory, in bytesRemove all elements from this set.Return the union of sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in either set.)Remove an element from a set if it is a member. Unlike set.remove(), the discard() method does not raise an exception when an element is missing from the set.Return state information for pickling.slice(stop) slice(start, stop[, step]) Create a slice object. This is used for extended slicing (e.g. a[0:10:2]).S.indices(len) -> (start, stop, stride) Assuming a sequence of length len, calculate the start and stop indices, and the stride length of the extended slice described by S. Out of bounds indices are clipped in a manner consistent with the handling of normal slices.Return state information for pickling.__getnewargs__($self, /) -- index($self, value, start=0, stop=sys.maxsize, /) -- Return first index of value. Raises ValueError if the value is not present.count($self, value, /) -- Return number of occurrences of value.Private method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).tuple(iterable=(), /) -- Built-in immutable sequence. If no argument is given, the constructor returns an empty tuple. If iterable is specified the tuple is initialized from iterable's items. If the argument is a tuple, the return value is the same object.Set state information for unpickling.__format__($self, format_spec, /) -- Default object formatter. Return str(self) if format_spec is empty. Raise TypeError otherwise.__reduce__($self, /) -- Helper for pickle.__instancecheck__($self, instance, /) -- Check if an object is an instance.__dir__($self, /) -- Default dir() implementation.Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass(). This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached). __dir__($self, /) -- Specialized __dir__ implementation for types.__subclasses__($self, /) -- Return a list of immediate subclasses.__reduce_ex__($self, protocol, /) -- Helper for pickle.tepsejeve0ne8lemro($self, /) -- Return a type's method resolution order.type(object) -> the object's type type(name, bases, dict, **kwds) -> a new type__sizeof__($self, /) -- Return memory consumption of the type object.This method is called when a class is subclassed. The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses. __sizeof__($self, /) -- Size of object in memory, in bytes.ppp@``h`H` `````````````````P`X``0`x`8`(``````p`(hh8h@hHhhhh0P0x@x(H8XH@``PPPPobject() -- The base class of the class hierarchy. When called, it accepts no arguments and returns a new featureless instance that has no instance attributes and cannot be given any. super() -> same as super(__class__, ) super(type) -> unbound super object super(type, obj) -> bound super object; requires isinstance(obj, type) super(type, type2) -> bound super object; requires issubclass(type2, type) Typical use to call a cooperative superclass method: class C(B): def meth(self, arg): super().meth(arg) This works for class methods too: class C(B): @classmethod def cmeth(cls, arg): super().cmeth(arg) __getstate__($self, /) -- Helper for pickle.__subclasscheck__($self, subclass, /) -- Check if a class is a subclass.Parameter specification variable. The preferred way to construct a parameter specification is via the dedicated syntax for generic functions, classes, and type aliases, where the use of '**' creates a parameter specification:: type IntFunc[**P] = Callable[P, int] For compatibility with Python 3.11 and earlier, ParamSpec objects can also be created as follows:: P = ParamSpec('P') Parameter specification variables exist primarily for the benefit of static type checkers. They are used to forward the parameter types of one callable to another callable, a pattern commonly found in higher-order functions and decorators. They are only valid when used in ``Concatenate``, or as the first argument to ``Callable``, or as parameters for user-defined Generics. See class Generic for more information on generic types. An example for annotating a decorator:: def add_logging[**P, T](f: Callable[P, T]) -> Callable[P, T]: '''A type-safe decorator to add logging to a function.''' def inner(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:'{f.__name__} was called') return f(*args, **kwargs) return inner @add_logging def add_two(x: float, y: float) -> float: '''Add two numbers together.''' return x + y Parameter specification variables can be introspected. e.g.:: >>> P = ParamSpec("P") >>> P.__name__ 'P' Note that only parameter specification variables defined in the global scope can be pickled. __typing_subst__($self, /, arg) -- __reduce__($self, /) -- Type variable tuple. A specialized form of type variable that enables variadic generics. The preferred way to construct a type variable tuple is via the dedicated syntax for generic functions, classes, and type aliases, where a single '*' indicates a type variable tuple:: def move_first_element_to_last[T, *Ts](tup: tuple[T, *Ts]) -> tuple[*Ts, T]: return (*tup[1:], tup[0]) For compatibility with Python 3.11 and earlier, TypeVarTuple objects can also be created as follows:: Ts = TypeVarTuple('Ts') # Can be given any name Just as a TypeVar (type variable) is a placeholder for a single type, a TypeVarTuple is a placeholder for an *arbitrary* number of types. For example, if we define a generic class using a TypeVarTuple:: class C[*Ts]: ... Then we can parameterize that class with an arbitrary number of type arguments:: C[int] # Fine C[int, str] # Also fine C[()] # Even this is fine For more details, see PEP 646. Note that only TypeVarTuples defined in the global scope can be pickled. Type variable. The preferred way to construct a type variable is via the dedicated syntax for generic functions, classes, and type aliases:: class Sequence[T]: # T is a TypeVar ... This syntax can also be used to create bound and constrained type variables:: # S is a TypeVar bound to str class StrSequence[S: str]: ... # A is a TypeVar constrained to str or bytes class StrOrBytesSequence[A: (str, bytes)]: ... However, if desired, reusable type variables can also be constructed manually, like so:: T = TypeVar('T') # Can be anything S = TypeVar('S', bound=str) # Can be any subtype of str A = TypeVar('A', str, bytes) # Must be exactly str or bytes Type variables exist primarily for the benefit of static type checkers. They serve as the parameters for generic types as well as for generic function and type alias definitions. The variance of type variables is inferred by type checkers when they are created through the type parameter syntax and when ``infer_variance=True`` is passed. Manually created type variables may be explicitly marked covariant or contravariant by passing ``covariant=True`` or ``contravariant=True``. By default, manually created type variables are invariant. See PEP 484 and PEP 695 for more details. x+h+K(K8K__typing_subst__($self, /, arg) -- __typing_prepare_subst__($self, /, alias, args) -- Parameterizes a generic class. At least, parameterizing a generic class is the *main* thing this method does. For example, for some generic class `Foo`, this is called when we do `Foo[int]` - there, with `cls=Foo` and `params=int`. However, note that this method is also called when defining generic classes in the first place with `class Foo[T]: ...`. __typing_prepare_subst__($self, /, alias, args) -- __reduce__($self, /) -- __typing_subst__($self, /, arg) -- __reduce__($self, /) -- The kwargs for a ParamSpec object. Given a ParamSpec object P, P.kwargs is an instance of ParamSpecKwargs. ParamSpecKwargs objects have a reference back to their ParamSpec:: >>> P = ParamSpec("P") >>> P.kwargs.__origin__ is P True This type is meant for runtime introspection and has no special meaning to static type checkers. The args for a ParamSpec object. Given a ParamSpec object P, P.args is an instance of ParamSpecArgs. ParamSpecArgs objects have a reference back to their ParamSpec:: >>> P = ParamSpec("P") >>> P.args.__origin__ is P True This type is meant for runtime introspection and has no special meaning to static type checkers. Type alias. Type aliases are created through the type statement:: type Alias = int In this example, Alias and int will be treated equivalently by static type checkers. At runtime, Alias is an instance of TypeAliasType. The __name__ attribute holds the name of the type alias. The value of the type alias is stored in the __value__ attribute. It is evaluated lazily, so the value is computed only if the attribute is accessed. Type aliases can also be generic:: type ListOrSet[T] = list[T] | set[T] In this case, the type parameters of the alias are stored in the __type_params__ attribute. See PEP 695 for more information. Abstract base class for generic types. On Python 3.12 and newer, generic classes implicitly inherit from Generic when they declare a parameter list after the class's name:: class Mapping[KT, VT]: def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc. On older versions of Python, however, generic classes have to explicitly inherit from Generic. After a class has been declared to be generic, it can then be used as follows:: def lookup_name[KT, VT](mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default __reduce__($self, /) --   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J Ee5R5pqrstuvwxyz{|}~24>A!B"B"J*cbKJh1H1tTw W y Y aAa`ssPRTVBB           (!)"*#+$,%-&.'/ (!)"*#+$,%-&.'/`haibjckdlemfngo`haibjckdlemfngopEEBBBBBEtEEBBBBBEBBBBBBBB|EEBBBBBEpqrstuvwxyz{|}~ffFFFffiFIFiflFLFlffiFFIFfifflFFLFflstSTStstSTSttvDFDvteD5DetkD;Dk~vNFNvtmD=Dm__format__($self, format_spec, /) -- Return a formatted version of the string as described by format_spec.lstrip($self, chars=None, /) -- Return a copy of the string with leading whitespace removed. If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.removeprefix($self, prefix, /) -- Return a str with the given prefix string removed if present. If the string starts with the prefix string, return string[len(prefix):]. Otherwise, return a copy of the original string.isspace($self, /) -- Return True if the string is a whitespace string, False otherwise. A string is whitespace if all characters in the string are whitespace and there is at least one character in the string.S.find(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found, such that sub is contained within S[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Return -1 on failure.S.format_map(mapping) -> str Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from mapping. The substitutions are identified by braces ('{' and '}').isupper($self, /) -- Return True if the string is an uppercase string, False otherwise. A string is uppercase if all cased characters in the string are uppercase and there is at least one cased character in the string.S.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) -> bool Return True if S starts with the specified prefix, False otherwise. With optional start, test S beginning at that position. With optional end, stop comparing S at that position. prefix can also be a tuple of strings to try.encode($self, /, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict') -- Encode the string using the codec registered for encoding. encoding The encoding in which to encode the string. errors The error handling scheme to use for encoding errors. The default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise a UnicodeEncodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore', 'replace' and 'xmlcharrefreplace' as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that can handle UnicodeEncodeErrors.S.rindex(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the highest index in S where substring sub is found, such that sub is contained within S[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Raises ValueError when the substring is not found.isnumeric($self, /) -- Return True if the string is a numeric string, False otherwise. A string is numeric if all characters in the string are numeric and there is at least one character in the string. *K(#Kzfill($self, width, /) -- Pad a numeric string with zeros on the left, to fill a field of the given width. The string is never truncated.ljust($self, width, fillchar=' ', /) -- Return a left-justified string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character (default is a space). *K(#Kisascii($self, /) -- Return True if all characters in the string are ASCII, False otherwise. ASCII characters have code points in the range U+0000-U+007F. Empty string is ASCII too.join($self, iterable, /) -- Concatenate any number of strings. The string whose method is called is inserted in between each given string. The result is returned as a new string. Example: '.'.join(['ab', 'pq', 'rs']) -> ''rstrip($self, chars=None, /) -- Return a copy of the string with trailing whitespace removed. If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.isalpha($self, /) -- Return True if the string is an alphabetic string, False otherwise. A string is alphabetic if all characters in the string are alphabetic and there is at least one character in the string.upper($self, /) -- Return a copy of the string converted to uppercase.title($self, /) -- Return a version of the string where each word is titlecased. More specifically, words start with uppercased characters and all remaining cased characters have lower case.Return state information for pickling.expandtabs($self, /, tabsize=8) -- Return a copy where all tab characters are expanded using spaces. If tabsize is not given, a tab size of 8 characters is$self, width, fillchar=' ', /) -- Return a centered string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character (default is a space).rsplit($self, /, sep=None, maxsplit=-1) -- Return a list of the substrings in the string, using sep as the separator string. sep The separator used to split the string. When set to None (the default value), will split on any whitespace character (including \n \r \t \f and spaces) and will discard empty strings from the result. maxsplit Maximum number of splits. -1 (the default value) means no limit. Splitting starts at the end of the string and works to the front.S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces ('{' and '}').isidentifier($self, /) -- Return True if the string is a valid Python identifier, False otherwise. Call keyword.iskeyword(s) to test whether string s is a reserved identifier, such as "def" or "class".split($self, /, sep=None, maxsplit=-1) -- Return a list of the substrings in the string, using sep as the separator string. sep The separator used to split the string. When set to None (the default value), will split on any whitespace character (including \n \r \t \f and spaces) and will discard empty strings from the result. maxsplit Maximum number of splits. -1 (the default value) means no limit. Splitting starts at the front of the string and works to the end. Note, str.split() is mainly useful for data that has been intentionally delimited. With natural text that includes punctuation, consider using the regular expression module.}+P{,KT{,KKislower($self, /) -- Return True if the string is a lowercase string, False otherwise. A string is lowercase if all cased characters in the string are lowercase and there is at least one cased character in the string.size($self, /) -- Return the size (in bytes) of this object.S.rfind(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the highest index in S where substring sub is found, such that sub is contained within S[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Return -1 on failure.X+h,|ZK+K K+Kswapcase($self, /) -- Convert uppercase characters to lowercase and lowercase characters to uppercase.partition($self, sep, /) -- Partition the string into three parts using the given separator. This will search for the separator in the string. If the separator is found, returns a 3-tuple containing the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after it. If the separator is not found, returns a 3-tuple containing the original string and two empty strings.isprintable($self, /) -- Return True if the string is printable, False otherwise. A string is printable if all of its characters are considered printable in repr() or if it is empty.rpartition($self, sep, /) -- Partition the string into three parts using the given separator. This will search for the separator in the string, starting at the end. If the separator is found, returns a 3-tuple containing the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after it. If the separator is not found, returns a 3-tuple containing two empty strings and the original string.S.index(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found, such that sub is contained within S[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Raises ValueError when the substring is not found.bKremovesuffix($self, suffix, /) -- Return a str with the given suffix string removed if present. If the string ends with the suffix string and that suffix is not empty, return string[:-len(suffix)]. Otherwise, return a copy of the original string.lower($self, /) -- Return a copy of the string converted to lowercase.rjust($self, width, fillchar=' ', /) -- Return a right-justified string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character (default is a space).isdigit($self, /) -- Return True if the string is a digit string, False otherwise. A string is a digit string if all characters in the string are digits and there is at least one character in the string.8K bool Return True if S ends with the specified suffix, False otherwise. With optional start, test S beginning at that position. With optional end, stop comparing S at that position. suffix can also be a tuple of strings to try.isdecimal($self, /) -- Return True if the string is a decimal string, False otherwise. A string is a decimal string if all characters in the string are decimal and there is at least one character in the string.maketrans(x, y=, z=, /) -- Return a translation table usable for str.translate(). If there is only one argument, it must be a dictionary mapping Unicode ordinals (integers) or characters to Unicode ordinals, strings or None. Character keys will be then converted to ordinals. If there are two arguments, they must be strings of equal length, and in the resulting dictionary, each character in x will be mapped to the character at the same position in y. If there is a third argument, it must be a string, whose characters will be mapped to None in the result.Private method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).S.count(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring sub in string S[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.casefold($self, /) -- Return a version of the string suitable for caseless comparisons.capitalize($self, /) -- Return a capitalized version of the string. More specifically, make the first character have upper case and the rest lower case.cKreplace($self, old, new, count=-1, /) -- Return a copy with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. count Maximum number of occurrences to replace. -1 (the default value) means replace all occurrences. If the optional argument count is given, only the first count occurrences are replaced.++Ktranslate($self, table, /) -- Replace each character in the string using the given translation table. table Translation table, which must be a mapping of Unicode ordinals to Unicode ordinals, strings, or None. The table must implement lookup/indexing via __getitem__, for instance a dictionary or list. If this operation raises LookupError, the character is left untouched. Characters mapped to None are deleted.strip($self, chars=None, /) -- Return a copy of the string with leading and trailing whitespace removed. If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.D, K$K,K0K4Ksplitlines($self, /, keepends=False) -- Return a list of the lines in the string, breaking at line boundaries. Line breaks are not included in the resulting list unless keepends is given and true.istitle($self, /) -- Return True if the string is a title-cased string, False otherwise. In a title-cased string, upper- and title-case characters may only follow uncased characters and lowercase characters only cased ones.isalnum($self, /) -- Return True if the string is an alpha-numeric string, False otherwise. A string is alpha-numeric if all characters in the string are alpha-numeric and there is at least one character in the string.__sizeof__($self, /) -- Return the size of the string in memory, in bytes.str(object='') -> str str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler. Otherwise, returns the result of object.__str__() (if defined) or repr(object). encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding(). errors defaults to 'strict'.Set state information for unpickling.CloseKey($module, hkey, /) -- Closes a previously opened registry key. hkey A previously opened key. Note that if the key is not closed using this method, it will be closed when the hkey object is destroyed by Python.Detach($self, /) -- Detaches the Windows handle from the handle object. The result is the value of the handle before it is detached. If the handle is already detached, this will return zero. After calling this function, the handle is effectively invalidated, but the handle is not closed. You would call this function when you need the underlying win32 handle to exist beyond the lifetime of the handle object.LoadKey($module, key, sub_key, file_name, /) -- Insert data into the registry from a file. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. sub_key A string that identifies the sub-key to load. file_name The name of the file to load registry data from. This file must have been created with the SaveKey() function. Under the file allocation table (FAT) file system, the filename may not have an extension. Creates a subkey under the specified key and stores registration information from a specified file into that subkey. A call to LoadKey() fails if the calling process does not have the SE_RESTORE_PRIVILEGE privilege. If key is a handle returned by ConnectRegistry(), then the path specified in fileName is relative to the remote computer. The MSDN docs imply key must be in the HKEY_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE tree.QueryValue($module, key, sub_key, /) -- Retrieves the unnamed value for a key. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. sub_key A string that holds the name of the subkey with which the value is associated. If this parameter is None or empty, the function retrieves the value set by the SetValue() method for the key identified by key. Values in the registry have name, type, and data components. This method retrieves the data for a key's first value that has a NULL name. But since the underlying API call doesn't return the type, you'll probably be happier using QueryValueEx; this function is just here for completeness.DisableReflectionKey($module, key, /) -- Disables registry reflection for 32bit processes running on a 64bit OS. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. Will generally raise NotImplementedError if executed on a 32bit OS. If the key is not on the reflection list, the function succeeds but has no effect. Disabling reflection for a key does not affect reflection of any subkeys.OpenKey($module, /, key, sub_key, reserved=0, access=winreg.KEY_READ) -- Opens the specified key. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. sub_key A string that identifies the sub_key to open. reserved A reserved integer that must be zero. Default is zero. access An integer that specifies an access mask that describes the desired security access for the key. Default is KEY_READ. The result is a new handle to the specified key. If the function fails, an OSError exception is raised.QueryReflectionKey($module, key, /) -- Returns the reflection state for the specified key as a bool. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. Will generally raise NotImplementedError if executed on a 32bit OS.QueryValueEx($module, key, name, /) -- Retrieves the type and value of a specified sub-key. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. name A string indicating the value to query. Behaves mostly like QueryValue(), but also returns the type of the specified value name associated with the given open registry key. The return value is a tuple of the value and the type_id.ExpandEnvironmentStrings($module, string, /) -- Expand environment vars.EnumValue($module, key, index, /) -- Enumerates values of an open registry key. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. index An integer that identifies the index of the value to retrieve. The function retrieves the name of one subkey each time it is called. It is typically called repeatedly, until an OSError exception is raised, indicating no more values. The result is a tuple of 3 items: value_name A string that identifies the value. value_data An object that holds the value data, and whose type depends on the underlying registry type. data_type An integer that identifies the type of the value data.This module provides access to the Windows registry API. Functions: CloseKey() - Closes a registry key. ConnectRegistry() - Establishes a connection to a predefined registry handle on another computer. CreateKey() - Creates the specified key, or opens it if it already exists. DeleteKey() - Deletes the specified key. DeleteValue() - Removes a named value from the specified registry key. EnumKey() - Enumerates subkeys of the specified open registry key. EnumValue() - Enumerates values of the specified open registry key. ExpandEnvironmentStrings() - Expand the env strings in a REG_EXPAND_SZ string. FlushKey() - Writes all the attributes of the specified key to the registry. LoadKey() - Creates a subkey under HKEY_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and stores registration information from a specified file into that subkey. OpenKey() - Opens the specified key. OpenKeyEx() - Alias of OpenKey(). QueryValue() - Retrieves the value associated with the unnamed value for a specified key in the registry. QueryValueEx() - Retrieves the type and data for a specified value name associated with an open registry key. QueryInfoKey() - Returns information about the specified key. SaveKey() - Saves the specified key, and all its subkeys a file. SetValue() - Associates a value with a specified key. SetValueEx() - Stores data in the value field of an open registry key. Special objects: HKEYType -- type object for HKEY objects error -- exception raised for Win32 errors Integer constants: Many constants are defined - see the documentation for each function to see what constants are used, and where.DeleteKey($module, key, sub_key, /) -- Deletes the specified key. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. sub_key A string that must be the name of a subkey of the key identified by the key parameter. This value must not be None, and the key may not have subkeys. This method can not delete keys with subkeys. If the function succeeds, the entire key, including all of its values, is removed. If the function fails, an OSError exception is raised.OpenKeyEx($module, /, key, sub_key, reserved=0, access=winreg.KEY_READ) -- Opens the specified key. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. sub_key A string that identifies the sub_key to open. reserved A reserved integer that must be zero. Default is zero. access An integer that specifies an access mask that describes the desired security access for the key. Default is KEY_READ. The result is a new handle to the specified key. If the function fails, an OSError exception is raised.QueryInfoKey($module, key, /) -- Returns information about a key. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. The result is a tuple of 3 items: An integer that identifies the number of sub keys this key has. An integer that identifies the number of values this key has. An integer that identifies when the key was last modified (if available) as 100's of nanoseconds since Jan 1, 1600.PyHKEY Object - A Python object, representing a win32 registry key. This object wraps a Windows HKEY object, automatically closing it when the object is destroyed. To guarantee cleanup, you can call either the Close() method on the PyHKEY, or the CloseKey() method. All functions which accept a handle object also accept an integer -- however, use of the handle object is encouraged. Functions: Close() - Closes the underlying handle. Detach() - Returns the integer Win32 handle, detaching it from the object Properties: handle - The integer Win32 handle. Operations: __bool__ - Handles with an open object return true, otherwise false. __int__ - Converting a handle to an integer returns the Win32 handle. rich comparison - Handle objects are compared using the handle value.DeleteValue($module, key, value, /) -- Removes a named value from a registry key. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. value A string that identifies the value to remove.SaveKey($module, key, file_name, /) -- Saves the specified key, and all its subkeys to the specified file. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. file_name The name of the file to save registry data to. This file cannot already exist. If this filename includes an extension, it cannot be used on file allocation table (FAT) file systems by the LoadKey(), ReplaceKey() or RestoreKey() methods. If key represents a key on a remote computer, the path described by file_name is relative to the remote computer. The caller of this method must possess the SeBackupPrivilege security privilege. This function passes NULL for security_attributes to the API.__enter__($self, /) -- SetValueEx($module, key, value_name, reserved, type, value, /) -- Stores data in the value field of an open registry key. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. value_name A string containing the name of the value to set, or None. reserved Can be anything - zero is always passed to the API. type An integer that specifies the type of the data, one of: REG_BINARY -- Binary data in any form. REG_DWORD -- A 32-bit number. REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN -- A 32-bit number in little-endian format. Equivalent to REG_DWORD REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN -- A 32-bit number in big-endian format. REG_EXPAND_SZ -- A null-terminated string that contains unexpanded references to environment variables (for example, %PATH%). REG_LINK -- A Unicode symbolic link. REG_MULTI_SZ -- A sequence of null-terminated strings, terminated by two null characters. Note that Python handles this termination automatically. REG_NONE -- No defined value type. REG_QWORD -- A 64-bit number. REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN -- A 64-bit number in little-endian format. Equivalent to REG_QWORD. REG_RESOURCE_LIST -- A device-driver resource list. REG_SZ -- A null-terminated string. value A string that specifies the new value. This method can also set additional value and type information for the specified key. The key identified by the key parameter must have been opened with KEY_SET_VALUE access. To open the key, use the CreateKeyEx() or OpenKeyEx() methods. Value lengths are limited by available memory. Long values (more than 2048 bytes) should be stored as files with the filenames stored in the configuration registry to help the registry perform efficiently.FlushKey($module, key, /) -- Writes all the attributes of a key to the registry. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. It is not necessary to call FlushKey to change a key. Registry changes are flushed to disk by the registry using its lazy flusher. Registry changes are also flushed to disk at system shutdown. Unlike CloseKey(), the FlushKey() method returns only when all the data has been written to the registry. An application should only call FlushKey() if it requires absolute certainty that registry changes are on disk. If you don't know whether a FlushKey() call is required, it probably isn't.SetValue($module, key, sub_key, type, value, /) -- Associates a value with a specified key. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. sub_key A string that names the subkey with which the value is associated. type An integer that specifies the type of the data. Currently this must be REG_SZ, meaning only strings are supported. value A string that specifies the new value. If the key specified by the sub_key parameter does not exist, the SetValue function creates it. Value lengths are limited by available memory. Long values (more than 2048 bytes) should be stored as files with the filenames stored in the configuration registry to help the registry perform efficiently. The key identified by the key parameter must have been opened with KEY_SET_VALUE access.CreateKey($module, key, sub_key, /) -- Creates or opens the specified key. key An already open key, or one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. sub_key The name of the key this method opens or creates. If key is one of the predefined keys, sub_key may be None. In that case, the handle returned is the same key handle passed in to the function. If the key already exists, this function opens the existing key. The return value is the handle of the opened key. If the function fails, an OSError exception is raised.ConnectRegistry($module, computer_name, key, /) -- Establishes a connection to the registry on another computer. computer_name The name of the remote computer, of the form r"\\computername". If None, the local computer is used. key The predefined key to connect to. The return value is the handle of the opened key. If the function fails, an OSError exception is raised.__exit__($self, /, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -- Close($self, /) -- Closes the underlying Windows handle. If the handle is already closed, no error is raised.CreateKeyEx($module, /, key, sub_key, reserved=0, access=winreg.KEY_WRITE) -- Creates or opens the specified key. key An already open key, or one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. sub_key The name of the key this method opens or creates. reserved A reserved integer, and must be zero. Default is zero. access An integer that specifies an access mask that describes the desired security access for the key. Default is KEY_WRITE. If key is one of the predefined keys, sub_key may be None. In that case, the handle returned is the same key handle passed in to the function. If the key already exists, this function opens the existing key The return value is the handle of the opened key. If the function fails, an OSError exception is raised.EnableReflectionKey($module, key, /) -- Restores registry reflection for the specified disabled key. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. Will generally raise NotImplementedError if executed on a 32bit OS. Restoring reflection for a key does not affect reflection of any subkeys.DeleteKeyEx($module, /, key, sub_key, access=winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY, reserved=0) -- Deletes the specified key (intended for 64-bit OS). key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. sub_key A string that must be the name of a subkey of the key identified by the key parameter. This value must not be None, and the key may not have subkeys. access An integer that specifies an access mask that describes the desired security access for the key. Default is KEY_WOW64_64KEY. reserved A reserved integer, and must be zero. Default is zero. While this function is intended to be used for 64-bit OS, it is also available on 32-bit systems. This method can not delete keys with subkeys. If the function succeeds, the entire key, including all of its values, is removed. If the function fails, an OSError exception is raised. On unsupported Windows versions, NotImplementedError is raised.EnumKey($module, key, index, /) -- Enumerates subkeys of an open registry key. key An already open key, or any one of the predefined HKEY_* constants. index An integer that identifies the index of the key to retrieve. The function retrieves the name of one subkey each time it is called. It is typically called repeatedly until an OSError exception is raised, indicating no more values are available.get_osfhandle($module, fd, /) -- Return the file handle for the file descriptor fd. Raises OSError if fd is not recognized.SetErrorMode($module, mode, /) -- Wrapper around SetErrorMode.heapmin($module, /) -- Minimize the malloc() heap. Force the malloc() heap to clean itself up and return unused blocks to the operating system. On failure, this raises OSError.setmode($module, fd, mode, /) -- Set the line-end translation mode for the file descriptor fd. To set it to text mode, flags should be os.O_TEXT; for binary, it should be os.O_BINARY. Return value is the previous mode.GetErrorMode($module, /) -- Wrapper around GetErrorMode.putch($module, char, /) -- Print the byte string char to the console without buffering.ungetwch($module, unicode_char, /) -- Wide char variant of ungetch(), accepting a Unicode value.getch($module, /) -- Read a keypress and return the resulting character as a byte string. Nothing is echoed to the console. This call will block if a keypress is not already available, but will not wait for Enter to be pressed. If the pressed key was a special function key, this will return '\000' or '\xe0'; the next call will return the keycode. The Control-C keypress cannot be read with this function.getwch($module, /) -- Wide char variant of getch(), returning a Unicode value.open_osfhandle($module, handle, flags, /) -- Create a C runtime file descriptor from the file handle handle. The flags parameter should be a bitwise OR of os.O_APPEND, os.O_RDONLY, and os.O_TEXT. The returned file descriptor may be used as a parameter to os.fdopen() to create a file object.kbhit($module, /) -- Return true if a keypress is waiting to be read.ungetch($module, char, /) -- Opposite of getch. Cause the byte string char to be "pushed back" into the console buffer; it will be the next character read by getch() or getche().getwche($module, /) -- Wide char variant of getche(), returning a Unicode value.getche($module, /) -- Similar to getch(), but the keypress will be echoed if possible.putwch($module, unicode_char, /) -- Wide char variant of putch(), accepting a Unicode value.locking($module, fd, mode, nbytes, /) -- Lock part of a file based on file descriptor fd from the C runtime. Raises OSError on failure. The locked region of the file extends from the current file position for nbytes bytes, and may continue beyond the end of the file. mode must be one of the LK_* constants listed below. Multiple regions in a file may be locked at the same time, but may not overlap. Adjacent regions are not merged; they must be unlocked individually._warnings provides basic warning filtering support. It is a helper module to speed up interpreter start-up.warn_explicit($module, /, message, category, filename, lineno, module=, registry=None, module_globals=None, source=None) -- Issue a warning, or maybe ignore it or raise an exception.mKKKbK Kwarn($module, /, message, category=None, stacklevel=1, source=None, *, skip_file_prefixes=) -- Issue a warning, or maybe ignore it or raise an exception. message Text of the warning message. category The Warning category subclass. Defaults to UserWarning. stacklevel How far up the call stack to make this warning appear. A value of 2 for example attributes the warning to the caller of the code calling warn(). source If supplied, the destroyed object which emitted a ResourceWarning skip_file_prefixes An optional tuple of module filename prefixes indicating frames to skip during stacklevel computations for stack frame attribution._filters_mutated($module, /) -- L+\+4+XSP rgetattr($module, object, name, default=, /) -- Get a named attribute from an object. getattr(x, 'y') is equivalent to x.y When a default argument is given, it is returned when the attribute doesn't exist; without it, an exception is raised in that case.setattr($module, obj, name, value, /) -- Sets the named attribute on the given object to the specified value. setattr(x, 'y', v) is equivalent to ``x.y = v``map(func, *iterables) --> map object Make an iterator that computes the function using arguments from each of the iterables. Stops when the shortest iterable is exhausted.sum($module, iterable, /, start=0) -- Return the sum of a 'start' value (default: 0) plus an iterable of numbers When the iterable is empty, return the start value. This function is intended specifically for use with numeric values and may reject non-numeric types.ascii($module, obj, /) -- Return an ASCII-only representation of an object. As repr(), return a string containing a printable representation of an object, but escape the non-ASCII characters in the string returned by repr() using \\x, \\u or \\U escapes. This generates a string similar to that returned by repr() in Python 2.ord($module, c, /) -- Return the Unicode code point for a one-character string.bKnKMK+hKxKKeval($module, source, globals=None, locals=None, /) -- Evaluate the given source in the context of globals and locals. The source may be a string representing a Python expression or a code object as returned by compile(). The globals must be a dictionary and locals can be any mapping, defaulting to the current globals and locals. If only globals is given, locals defaults to it.sorted($module, iterable, /, *, key=None, reverse=False) -- Return a new list containing all items from the iterable in ascending order. A custom key function can be supplied to customize the sort order, and the reverse flag can be set to request the result in descending order.len($module, obj, /) -- Return the number of items in a container.__import__($module, /, name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=(), level=0) -- Import a module. Because this function is meant for use by the Python interpreter and not for general use, it is better to use importlib.import_module() to programmatically import a module. The globals argument is only used to determine the context; they are not modified. The locals argument is unused. The fromlist should be a list of names to emulate ``from name import ...``, or an empty list to emulate ``import name``. When importing a module from a package, note that __import__('A.B', ...) returns package A when fromlist is empty, but its submodule B when fromlist is not empty. The level argument is used to determine whether to perform absolute or relative imports: 0 is absolute, while a positive number is the number of parent directories to search relative to the current module.Return state information for pickling.print($module, /, *args, sep=' ', end='\n', file=None, flush=False) -- Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default. sep string inserted between values, default a space. end string appended after the last value, default a newline. file a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout. flush whether to forcibly flush the stream.pow($module, /, base, exp, mod=None) -- Equivalent to base**exp with 2 arguments or base**exp % mod with 3 arguments Some types, such as ints, are able to use a more efficient algorithm when invoked using the three argument form.__build_class__(func, name, /, *bases, [metaclass], **kwds) -> class Internal helper function used by the class$module, obj, /) -- Return the identity of an object. This is guaranteed to be unique among simultaneously existing objects. (CPython uses the object's memory address.)delattr($module, obj, name, /) -- Deletes the named attribute from the given object. delattr(x, 'y') is equivalent to ``del x.y``bin($module, number, /) -- Return the binary representation of an integer. >>> bin(2796202) '0b1010101010101010101010'chr($module, i, /) -- Return a Unicode string of one character with ordinal i; 0 <= i <= 0x10ffff.oct($module, number, /) -- Return the octal representation of an integer. >>> oct(342391) '0o1234567'abs($module, x, /) -- Return the absolute value of the argument.exec($module, source, globals=None, locals=None, /, *, closure=None) -- Execute the given source in the context of globals and locals. The source may be a string representing one or more Python statements or a code object as returned by compile(). The globals must be a dictionary and locals can be any mapping, defaulting to the current globals and locals. If only globals is given, locals defaults to it. The closure must be a tuple of cellvars, and can only be used when source is a code object requiring exactly that many cellvars.x+ЁK\K8)K+vars($module, object=, /) -- Show vars. Without arguments, equivalent to locals(). With an argument, equivalent to object.__dict__.min(iterable, *[, default=obj, key=func]) -> value min(arg1, arg2, *args, *[, key=func]) -> value With a single iterable argument, return its smallest item. The default keyword-only argument specifies an object to return if the provided iterable is empty. With two or more arguments, return the smallest$module, iterator, default=, /) -- Return the next item from the iterator. If default is given and the iterator is exhausted, it is returned instead of raising StopIteration.iter($module, object, sentinel=, /) -- Get an iterator from an object. In the first form, the argument must supply its own iterator, or be a sequence. In the second form, the callable is called until it returns the sentinel.breakpoint(*args, **kws) Call sys.breakpointhook(*args, **kws). sys.breakpointhook() must accept whatever arguments are passed. By default, this drops you into the pdb debugger.isinstance($module, obj, class_or_tuple, /) -- Return whether an object is an instance of a class or of a subclass thereof. A tuple, as in ``isinstance(x, (A, B, ...))``, may be given as the target to check against. This is equivalent to ``isinstance(x, A) or isinstance(x, B) or ...`` etc.all($module, iterable, /) -- Return True if bool(x) is True for all values x in the iterable. If the iterable is empty, return True.globals($module, /) -- Return the dictionary containing the current scope's global variables. NOTE: Updates to this dictionary *will* affect name lookups in the current global scope and vice-versa.issubclass($module, cls, class_or_tuple, /) -- Return whether 'cls' is derived from another class or is the same class. A tuple, as in ``issubclass(x, (A, B, ...))``, may be given as the target to check against. This is equivalent to ``issubclass(x, A) or issubclass(x, B) or ...``.hash($module, obj, /) -- Return the hash value for the given object. Two objects that compare equal must also have the same hash value, but the reverse is not necessarily true.repr($module, obj, /) -- Return the canonical string representation of the object. For many object types, including most builtins, eval(repr(obj)) == obj.filter(function or None, iterable) --> filter object Return an iterator yielding those items of iterable for which function(item) is true. If function is None, return the items that are true.callable($module, obj, /) -- Return whether the object is callable (i.e., some kind of function). Note that classes are callable, as are instances of classes with a __call__() method. *K#K KlEKЮKخKhex($module, number, /) -- Return the hexadecimal representation of an integer. >>> hex(12648430) '0xc0ffee'dir($module, arg=, /) -- Show attributes of an object. If called without an argument, return the names in the current scope. Else, return an alphabetized list of names comprising (some of) the attributes of the given object, and of attributes reachable from it. If the object supplies a method named __dir__, it will be used; otherwise the default dir() logic is used and returns: for a module object: the module's attributes. for a class object: its attributes, and recursively the attributes of its bases. for any other object: its attributes, its class's attributes, and recursively the attributes of its class's base classes.any($module, iterable, /) -- Return True if bool(x) is True for any x in the iterable. If the iterable is empty, return False.Built-in functions, types, exceptions, and other objects. This module provides direct access to all 'built-in' identifiers of Python; for example, builtins.len is the full name for the built-in function len(). This module is not normally accessed explicitly by most applications, but can be useful in modules that provide objects with the same name as a built-in value, but in which the built-in of that name is also needed.locals($module, /) -- Return a dictionary containing the current scope's local variables. NOTE: Whether or not updates to this dictionary will affect name lookups in the local scope and vice-versa is *implementation dependent* and not covered by any backwards compatibility guarantees.format($module, value, format_spec='', /) -- Return type(value).__format__(value, format_spec) Many built-in types implement format_spec according to the Format Specification Mini-language. See help('FORMATTING'). If type(value) does not supply a method named __format__ and format_spec is empty, then str(value) is returned. See also help('SPECIALMETHODS').divmod($module, x, y, /) -- Return the tuple (x//y, x%y). Invariant: div*y + mod == x.anext($module, aiterator, default=, /) -- async anext(aiterator[, default]) Return the next item from the async iterator. If default is given and the async iterator is exhausted, it is returned instead of raising StopAsyncIteration.input($module, prompt='', /) -- Read a string from standard input. The trailing newline is stripped. The prompt string, if given, is printed to standard output without a trailing newline before reading input. If the user hits EOF (*nix: Ctrl-D, Windows: Ctrl-Z+Return), raise EOFError. On *nix systems, readline is used if*iterables, strict=False) --> Yield tuples until an input is exhausted. >>> list(zip('abcdefg', range(3), range(4))) [('a', 0, 0), ('b', 1, 1), ('c', 2, 2)] The zip object yields n-length tuples, where n is the number of iterables passed as positional arguments to zip(). The i-th element in every tuple comes from the i-th iterable argument to zip(). This continues until the shortest argument is exhausted. If strict is true and one of the arguments is exhausted before the others, raise a ValueError.aiter($module, async_iterable, /) -- Return an AsyncIterator for an AsyncIterable object.compile($module, /, source, filename, mode, flags=0, dont_inherit=False, optimize=-1, *, _feature_version=-1) -- Compile source into a code object that can be executed by exec() or eval(). The source code may represent a Python module, statement or expression. The filename will be used for run-time error messages. The mode must be 'exec' to compile a module, 'single' to compile a single (interactive) statement, or 'eval' to compile an expression. The flags argument, if present, controls which future statements influence the compilation of the code. The dont_inherit argument, if true, stops the compilation inheriting the effects of any future statements in effect in the code calling compile; if absent or false these statements do influence the compilation, in addition to any features explicitly specified.hasattr($module, obj, name, /) -- Return whether the object has an attribute with the given name. This is done by calling getattr(obj, name) and catching AttributeError.round($module, /, number, ndigits=None) -- Round a number to a given precision in decimal digits. The return value is an integer if ndigits is omitted or None. Otherwise the return value has the same type as the number. ndigits may be negative.max(iterable, *[, default=obj, key=func]) -> value max(arg1, arg2, *args, *[, key=func]) -> value With a single iterable argument, return its biggest item. The default keyword-only argument specifies an object to return if the provided iterable is empty. With two or more arguments, return the largest argument.Set state information for unpickling.H-l0)xh (- p   W@p+@0pX1  1.3.1 zzz z zzzz !#$%1234567kkk<=]]]]DEjGjjJKjjjjjjjSdU|W|YZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmntt_rstuvwxyz{|}~__}}<<\\\{values($self, /) -- Return a list of all variables' values in the context object.copy($self, /) -- Return a shallow copy of the context object.items($self, /) -- Return all variables and their values in the context object. The result is returned as a list of 2-tuples (variable, value).keys($self, /) -- Return a list of all variables in the context object.set($self, value, /) -- Call to set a new value for the context variable in the current context. The required value argument is the new value for the context variable. Returns a Token object that can be used to restore the variable to its previous value via the `ContextVar.reset()` method.get($self, key, default=None, /) -- Return the value for `key` if `key` has the value in the context object. If `key` does not exist, return `default`. If `default` is not given, return None.get($self, default=, /) -- Return a value for the context variable for the current context. If there is no value for the variable in the current context, the method will: * return the value of the default argument of the method, if provided; or * return the default value for the context variable, if it was created with one; or * raise a LookupError.reset($self, token, /) -- Reset the context variable. The variable is reset to the value it had before the `ContextVar.set()` that created the token was used.HK`KUnraisableHookArgs Type used to pass arguments to sys.unraisablehook.KIY,pFx+G HسKp+I:K(FzKPF`KjFi0KEQF;(KEQF;$K8Eh+ J7m@+IQ0K`;F-0)PK4Exب+ГH8)+XDxqKGzq(+H}_`qc dZdZdZdZdZdadZdZGddeZ GddZ iZ da Gd d Z Gd d eZd ZGddZGddZGddZdZdZdZdddZdZdZdZdZGddZddd d!ZdBd"Zd#d$d%Zd&Z d'Z!d(Z"d)Z#d*Z$d+Z%Gd,d-Z&Gd.d/Z'Gd0d1Z(d2Z)dCd3Z*d4Z+d5Z,e,d6zZ-d7Z.e/Z0d8Z1dDd9Z2d#d:d;Z3d<Z4dEd=Z5d>Z6d?Z7d@Z8dAZ9y)FaSCore implementation of import. This module is NOT meant to be directly imported! It has been designed such that it can be bootstrapped into Python as the implementation of import. As such it requires the injection of specific modules and attributes in order to work. One should use importlib as the public-facing version of this module. cd |jS#t$rt|jcYSwxYwN) __qualname__AttributeErrortype)objs  _object_namers2& &Cy%%%&s //Nc dD]&}t||st||t||(|jj |jy)z/Simple substitute for functools.update_wrapper.) __module____name__r__doc__N)hasattrsetattrgetattr__dict__update)newoldreplaces r_wrapr(sFH9 3 C'#w"7 89LL %c,tt|Sr)rsysnames r _new_moduler0s 49T?rc eZdZy)_ListNr r rrrrr7rrc.eZdZdZdZdZddZddZy)_WeakValueDictionaryctj|Gfddtj}||_|jy)NcBeZdZdZfdZfdZefdZxZS)/_WeakValueDictionary.__init__..KeyedRef)keycLt||||j}||_|Sr)super__new__remover&)robr&self __class__s rr)z7_WeakValueDictionary.__init__..KeyedRef.__new__Js%wtR= rc:t|||jyr)r(__init__r*)r,r+r&r-s rr/z8_WeakValueDictionary.__init__..KeyedRef.__init__Os T[[1rc}|]|jr&|jj|jytj |j |jyyr) _iterating_pending_removalsappendr&_weakref_remove_dead_weakrefdata)wrr, self_weakrefs rr*z6_WeakValueDictionary.__init__..KeyedRef.removeRsN$~#..55bff= 55diiH $r) r r r __slots__r)r/ staticmethodr* __classcell__)r-r8s@rKeyedRefr%Fs(I   2 I Irr<)r4ref _KeyedRefclear)r,r<r8s @rr/z_WeakValueDictionary.__init__@s5||D)  Ix|| I." rc>g|_t|_i|_yr)r2setr1r6r,s rr?z_WeakValueDictionary.clear`s!#% rc|jj}|j} |}tj ||#t$rYywxYwr)r2popr6 IndexErrorr4r5)r,rDdr&s r_commit_removalsz%_WeakValueDictionary._commit_removalsesV$$(( II e  ) )!S 1   sA AANc|jr|j |j|}|x}|S|S#t$r|cYSwxYwr)r2rGr6KeyError)r,r&defaultr7os rgetz_WeakValueDictionary.getosW  ! !  ! ! # 3BT "  N s: AAc |j|}|=|jr|j|j |||j|<|S|S#t$rd}YNwxYwr)r6rIr2rGr>)r,r&rJrKs r setdefaultz_WeakValueDictionary.setdefault|sm  # A 9%%%%'!^^GS9DIIcNNH A sA A%$A%r)r r rr/r?rGrLrNrrrr"r">s@ 2  rr"c"eZdZdZdZdZdZy)_BlockingOnManagerz;A context manager responsible to updating ``_blocking_on``.c ||_||_yr) thread_idlock)r,rRrSs rr/z_BlockingOnManager.__init__s" rctj|jt|_|jj |j y)zCMark the running thread as waiting for self.lock. via _blocking_on.N) _blocking_onrNrRr blocked_onr3rSrBs r __enter__z_BlockingOnManager.__enter__s4'11$..%'J tyy)rcN|jj|jy)z6Remove self.lock from this thread's _blocking_on list.N)rVr*rSr,argskwargss r__exit__z_BlockingOnManager.__exit__s tyy)rN)r r rr r/rWr\rrrrPrPsE **rrPc eZdZy)_DeadlockErrorNrrrrr^r^r rr^c||vry|D]W}|j|x}s||vry|j||Dcgc]}|j}}t||||sWyycc}w)aCheck if 'target_id' is holding the same lock as another thread(s). The search within 'blocking_on' starts with the threads listed in 'candidate_ids'. 'seen_ids' contains any threads that are considered already traversed in the search. Keyword arguments: target_id -- The thread id to try to reach. seen_ids -- A set of threads that have already been visited. candidate_ids -- The thread ids from which to begin. blocking_on -- A dict representing the thread/blocking-on graph. This may be the same object as the global '_blocking_on' but it is a parameter to reduce the impact that global mutable state has on the result of this function. TF)seen_ids candidate_ids blocking_on)rLaddowner_has_deadlocked) target_idr`rarbtidcandidate_blocking_onrSedgess rreres M!)4)==%=  H_  S)>>>> 9xu' )!$  ?sA#c.eZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZy) _ModuleLockzA recursive lock implementation which is able to detect deadlocks (e.g. thread 1 trying to take locks A then B, and thread 2 trying to take locks B then A). ctj|_tj|_||_d|_g|_g|_yr) _threadRLockrS allocate_lockwakeuprrdcountwaitersr,rs rr/z_ModuleLock.__init__sE*MMO ++-     rcrttjt|jgt S)N)rfr`rarb)rerm get_identrArdrUrBs r has_deadlockz_ModuleLock.has_deadlock s0 '')U ::,$  rcVtj}t||5 |j5|jgk(s|j |k(r4||_|jj d ddddddy|jrtd||jjdr|jj dddd|jj|jj#1swY>xYw#1swYyxYw)z Acquire the module lock. If a potential deadlock is detected, a _DeadlockError is raised. Otherwise, the lock is always acquired and True is returned. TNzdeadlock detected by F) rmrurPrSrqrdr3rvr^rpacquirerrreleaser,rgs rrxz_ModuleLock.acquire0s ! T *; &YY,2zzR'4::+<&)  ))$/#,2 ; &; &D((*,/DTH-MNN{{**51 ++D1Y,2b ##%  ##%u,2,2 ; &; &s0DAD1DAD=DD DD(ctj}|j5|j|k7r t dt |j dkDsJ|j jt |j sSd|_t |jdkDr4|jj|jjdddy#1swYyxYw)Ncannot release un-acquired lock) rmrurSrd RuntimeErrorlenrqrDrrrpryrzs rryz_ModuleLock.releasets! YY *zzS "#DEEtzz?Q& && JJNN tzz?! t||$q(LL$$&KK'') * * *s B7C!!C*c8d|jdt|S)Nz _ModuleLock() at ridrBs r__repr__z_ModuleLock.__repr__sdii]%4z::rN) r r rr r/rvrxryrrrrrkrks# 6p B&H *;rrkc(eZdZdZdZdZdZdZy)_DummyModuleLockzVA simple _ModuleLock equivalent for Python builds without multi-threading support.c ||_d|_yNr})rrqrss rr/z_DummyModuleLock.__init__s  rc.|xjdz c_y)NT)rqrBs rrxz_DummyModuleLock.acquires a rcb|jdk(r td|xjdzc_y)Nr}r|r)rqr~rBs rryz_DummyModuleLock.releases& ::?@A A a rc8d|jdt|S)Nz_DummyModuleLock(rrrBs rrz_DummyModuleLock.__repr__s"499-uRXJ??rN)r r rr r/rxryrrrrrrs  @rrceZdZdZdZdZy)_ModuleLockManagerc ||_d|_yr)_name_lockrss rr/z_ModuleLockManager.__init__s  rclt|j|_|jjyr)_get_module_lockrrrxrBs rrWz_ModuleLockManager.__enter__s"%djj1  rc8|jjyr)rryrYs rr\z_ModuleLockManager.__exit__s rN)r r rr/rWr\rrrrrsrrcJtj t|}|?t t |}n t |}|fd}tj||t|<tj|S#t$rd}YdwxYw#tjwxYw)zGet or create the module lock for a given module name. Acquire/release internally the global import lock to protect _module_locks.Nctj tj||urt|=tj y#tj wxYwr)_imp acquire_lock _module_locksrL release_lock)r=rs rcbz_get_module_lock..cbsI!!#(%((.#5)$/%%'D%%'s A A) rrrrIrmrrkr4r=r)rrSrs rrrs    &(D <'-"4(! (#+,,tR"8M$   K1 D , s) A;AB ; B B B  B B"czt|} |j|jy#t$rYywxYw)zAcquires then releases the module lock for a given module name. This is used to ensure a module is completely initialized, in the event it is being imported by another thread. N)rrxryr^)rrSs r_lock_unlock_modulers= D !D      s . ::c||i|S)a.remove_importlib_frames in import.c will always remove sequences of importlib frames that end with a call to this function Use it instead of a normal call in places where including the importlib frames introduces unwanted noise into the traceback (e.g. when executing module code) r)frZkwdss r_call_with_frames_removedrs d d rr) verbosityctjj|k\r?|jdsd|z}t |j |tj yy)z=Print the message to stderr if -v/PYTHONVERBOSE is turned on.)#zimport z# )fileN)rflagsverbose startswithprintformatstderr)messagerrZs r_verbose_messagersJ yyI%!!"23WnG ngnnd##**5&rc*fd}t||S)z1Decorator to verify the named module is built-in.cZ|tjvrt|d|||S)N is not a built-in moduler)rbuiltin_module_names ImportErrorr,fullnamefxns r_requires_builtin_wrapperz4_requires_builtin.._requires_builtin_wrappers8 333 3 ,EF#+- -4""rr)rrs` r_requires_builtinrs#  #S) $$rc*fd}t||S)z/Decorator to verify the named module is frozen.c`tj|st|d|||S)Nz is not a frozen moduler)r is_frozenrrs r_requires_frozen_wrapperz2_requires_frozen.._requires_frozen_wrappers6~~h' ,CD#+- -4""rr)rrs` r_requires_frozenrs#  "C( ##rcd}tj|tt||}|tj vr2tj |}t ||tj |St|S)zLoad the specified module into sys.modules and return it. This method is deprecated. Use loader.exec_module() instead. zgthe load_module() method is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12; use exec_module() instead) _warningswarnDeprecationWarningspec_from_loaderrmodules_exec_load)r,rmsgspecmodules r_load_module_shimr sa  3C NN3*+ Hd +D3;;X& dF{{8$$T{rct|dd}t|ddx}r t|S |j} |j}d|d|dS#t$rd}Y#wxYw#t$r|d|dcYSd|d|d cYSwxYw) z,The implementation of ModuleType.__repr__(). __loader__N__spec__? ()>)r_module_repr_from_specr r__file__)rloaderrrfilenames r _module_reprrs V\4 0Fvz400t0%d++6??$|155  5 >dXQ' 'dXRz4 4 5s( A A AAA;/ A;:A;ceZdZdZdddddZdZdZedZejdZed Z ed Z e jd Z y) ModuleSpecaThe specification for a module, used for loading. A module's spec is the source for information about the module. For data associated with the module, including source, use the spec's loader. `name` is the absolute name of the module. `loader` is the loader to use when loading the module. `parent` is the name of the package the module is in. The parent is derived from the name. `is_package` determines if the module is considered a package or not. On modules this is reflected by the `__path__` attribute. `origin` is the specific location used by the loader from which to load the module, if that information is available. When filename is set, origin will match. `has_location` indicates that a spec's "origin" reflects a location. When this is True, `__file__` attribute of the module is set. `cached` is the location of the cached bytecode file, if any. It corresponds to the `__cached__` attribute. `submodule_search_locations` is the sequence of path entries to search when importing submodules. If set, is_package should be True--and False otherwise. Packages are simply modules that (may) have submodules. If a spec has a non-None value in `submodule_search_locations`, the import system will consider modules loaded from the spec as packages. Only finders (see and should modify ModuleSpec instances. N)origin loader_state is_packagec|||_||_||_||_|rgnd|_g|_d|_d|_yNF)rrrrsubmodule_search_locations_uninitialized_submodules _set_fileattr_cached)r,rrrrrs rr/zModuleSpec.__init__WsD   (0:"')+&# rc<d|jd|jg}|j|jd|j|j|jd|j|j j ddj|dS)Nzname=zloader=zorigin=zsubmodule_search_locations=(z, ))rrrr3rr-r join)r,rZs rrzModuleSpec.__repr__ds }%'@A ;; " KK'$++1 2  * * 6 KK5d6U6U5VW X..))*!DIIdO+>rcr|j} |j|jk(xr{|j|jk(xr`|j|jk(xrE||jk(xr4|j|jk(xr|j |j k(S#t $r tcYSwxYwr)rrrrcached has_locationrNotImplemented)r,othersmsls r__eq__zModuleSpec.__eq__ls.. "II+<KK5<</<KK5<</<E<<<<KK5<</ < %%););;  =  "! ! "sBB$$B65B6c|jH|j<|jr0tttj |j|_|jSr)rrr_bootstrap_externalNotImplementedError _get_cachedrBs rrzModuleSpec.cachedxsJ << {{&4+=+=&.--2>>t{{K ||rc||_yr)r)r,rs rrzModuleSpec.cacheds  rcn|j|jjddS|jS)z The name of the module's parent..r})rr rpartitionrBs rparentzModuleSpec.parents4  * * 299'',Q/ /99 rc|jSr)rrBs rrzModuleSpec.has_locations!!!rc$t||_yr)boolr)r,values rrzModuleSpec.has_locations!%[r) r r rr r/rrpropertyrsetterrrrrrrr2s"H04$  ? " ]]""))rrrrc4| t|dd}|sEt|dr9tttj}| |||S|rgnd}||||S|!t|dr |j |}nd}t||||S#t $rd}YwxYw) z5Return a module spec based on various loader methods.N_ORIGIN get_filename)r)rrrFr)rr rrspec_from_file_locationrrr)rrrrrsearchs rrrs ~D1 gfn5  &% %"5"M"M  *4? ?!t&tFBHJ J 6< ( "#..t4 J dF6j II  "!  "s&B BBc |j}||S|j}| |j} |j}|| t |dd}|s||} |j } t|j}t|||}|dn||k(|_ ||_ ||_ |S#t$rYwxYw#t$rYwxYw#t$rd}YwxYw#t$rd}Y~wxYw#t$rd}YywxYw)NrrF) rrr rrr __cached__list__path__rrrr)rrrrrlocationrrs r_spec_from_moduler s5  K ??D ~ &&F??~  VY5F(.F""*%)&//%:" dF6 2D"*"289KDDK&@D# KG          *%)"*sW B B/ B> CC B,+B,/ B;:B;> C  C  CC C.-C.Foverridec||s t|dd |j|_|s t|ddn|j}|X|j Lt tt j}|j|}|j |_ ||_d|_ ||_ |s t|dd |j|_ ||_|s t|dd|j  |j |_|j"rP|s t|dd |j$|_ |s t|dd |j& |j&|_|S|S#t$rY=wxYw#t$rYwxYw#t$rYwxYw#t$rYwxYw#t$rYwxYw#t$rYwxYw#t$rY|SwxYw)Nr r __package__rrr)rrr rrrrrNamespaceLoaderr)_pathrrrr rrrrrr)rrr rrs r_init_module_attrsrs GFJ5= "iiFO76<6> >..:&.--"5"E"E(00A#>> $ #'  &F 76=$7? !%F  76:t4<  * * 6 "&"A"A  wvz48@ "&++ wv|T:B{{&(, F% M6M   8           "  "  & Ms}EE#/E2F$FF>F. E E # E/.E/2 E>=E> F  F  FF F+*F+. F;:F;cd}t|jdr|jj|}n!t|jdr td|t |j }t |||S)z+Create a module based on the provided spec.N create_module exec_modulezBloaders that define exec_module() must also define create_module())r rrrrrrrrs rmodule_from_specr&soFt{{O,**40 m ,=> > ~TYY'tV$ Mrcx|jdn |j}|jY|j}|d|dSt6t |tj rd|dt |jdSd|d|dS|jrd|d|jdSd|jd|jdS)z&Return the repr to use for the module.rrrz (namespace) from rrr) rrrr isinstancerrrr)rrrs rrr7s))#3D {{ >dXQ' '  +6#6#F#FGdX%7V\\8J7K1M MdXRz4 4   dXVDKK?!< <dii]"T[[M< q%A"vz4(0 "FO M6M; 99 #[[__TYY/F%+CKK "           M sC%C3;EAE*(E93A%E E'&E'* E65E69 FFc|jSt|jds=t|jd}tj |t t |St|}d|_ |tj|j< |j#|j2td|j|jj|tjj!|j}|tj|j<t#d|j|jd|_|S# tj|j=#t$rYwxYwxYw#d|_wxYw)NrrTrrzimport {!r} # {!r}F)rr rrrrrr _initializingrrrrrrrIrDr)rrrs r_load_unlockedr!sH {{t{{M2"4;;/0144C NN3 .,T2 2 d #F D#!' DII {{"22:%&6TYYGG ''/+!' DII-tyy$++F" M!  KK *    #sJ3E<A E A'E< E9E*)E9* E63E95E66E99E<< Fcnt|j5t|cdddS#1swYyxYw)zReturn a new module object, loaded by the spec's loader. The module is not added to its parent. If a module is already in sys.modules, that existing module gets clobbered. N)rrr!rs rrrs- DII &$d#$$$s +4ceZdZdZdZed dZedZedZ ee dZ ee dZ ee d Z eeZy) BuiltinImporterzMeta path import for built-in modules. All methods are either class or static methods to avoid the need to instantiate the class. zbuilt-inNc^tj|rt|||jSy)Nr)r is_builtinrr)clsrpathtargets r find_speczBuiltinImporter.find_specs$ ??8 $#Hc#++F Frc|jtjvr$t|jd|jt t j |S)zCreate a built-in modulerr)rrrrrrcreate_builtinr#s rrzBuiltinImporter.create_modulesK 99C44 4 -FG#'99. .()<)>499eL6~~1MENNH3MM1#x/C(F1CC/#e>HH>~~-=u~~=-%BT:DHD:vz222(2OV__h4OO2"6:6GG6vz222(2OV__h4OO2"6:6GG6$$$$$K&sK99 LLNc|rttddsy |j}||k7r |j dr |dd}|s|d}nd }|j d |}|r!tj||}||d }||fSd}tj||d }||fS#t$r!tjdk(rdndx}|_YwxYw) N _stdlib_dirr7win32\/r}) rr find_frozenrrrBrrrCrrrD) r(rr)r*info_rHr?rrrIs rr+zFrozenImporter.find_spechs()9)98D <"5(#'*{{+02008UK&4D!3!34    + + 2 21f = rct|j} |jj}|r||_|S#t $rY|SwxYw)zSet __file__, if able.)rrrrrr)rrrs rrzFrozenImporter.create_modulesTTYY' +((11H"*     s8 AAc|j}|j}ttj|}t ||j yr)rrrrget_frozen_objectexecr)rrrcodes rrzFrozenImporter.exec_modules4yy()?)?F T6??#rct||}tj|}|J|\}}}||_t |j dd|rg|_|j||S)z_Load a frozen module. This method is deprecated. Use exec_module() instead. Nr)rrrWr=r@rDrrJ)r(rrrXrYrHr?s rrzFrozenImporter.load_modulesq#31)!5(& V T*  FO 6" rc,tj|S)z-Return the code object for the frozen module.)rr\r1s rr2zFrozenImporter.get_code%%h//rcy)z6Return None as frozen modules do not have source code.Nrr1s rr5zFrozenImporter.get_sourcer3rc,tj|S)z.Return True if the frozen module is a package.)rrAr1s rrzFrozenImporter.is_packagerarrr7)r r rr rr8rJrBr+r:rrrrr2r5rrrrr:r:sGB%B%H  0:  $$ $0000rr:ceZdZdZdZdZy)_ImportLockContextz$Context manager for the import lock.c,tjy)zAcquire the import lock.N)rrrBs rrWz_ImportLockContext.__enter__ rc,tjy)z>#uqy )D 4y5NOO 7D#dV1TF --rctj}| td|stj dt |tj v}|D]q}t5 |j}||||} ddd1|s<|tj vr*tj |} |j} | |cS| cS|cSy#t$r YdddwxYw#1swYgxYw#t$r|cYcSwxYw)zFind a module's spec.Nz5sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting downzsys.meta_path is empty) r meta_pathrrrrrrer+rr) rr)r*rt is_reloadfinderr+rrrs r _find_specrws I*+ + /?  #I  ! 5 5",, !tV4  5  !4T* (%H '# ' 36/"   5 5  5 5&  K  sBC C) C' C& C CCCC# & C65C6ct|tstdt||dkr t d|dkDr(t|ts td|s t d|s|dk(r t dyy)zVerify arguments are "sane".zmodule name must be str, not r}zlevel must be >= 0z__package__ not set to a stringz6attempted relative import with no known parent packagezEmpty module nameN)rstr TypeErrorr ValueErrorrrrnros r _sanity_checkr}s dC 7T |DEE qy-.. qy'3'=> >() ) EQJ,--4rzNo module named z{!r}cVd}|jdd}d}|r|tjvr t|||tjvrtj|Stj|} |j}|j}|jdd}t||}|tt |||r|jj t|} |r|jj |r#tj|} t|| | S| S#t $rt |d|d}t||dwxYw#|r|jjwwxYw#t $r&d|d}tj!|t"Y| SwxYw) Nrr}z; z is not a packagerzCannot set an attribute on z for child module )rrrrrr_ERR_MSG_PREFIXModuleNotFoundErrorrrwrr3r!rDrrrr) rimport_r)r parent_spec parent_modulerchildrrs r_find_and_load_unlockedrs D __S !! $FK  $ %gv 6 3;; ;;t$ $ F+  @ ))D$,, $Q' dD !D |!_$5dX">TJJ   1 1 8 8 ? <#D)F5599;  F+  / M5& 1 M6M5 @$%dXRz9JKC%c54 ? @ 5599; //z9KE9UC NN3 . M /s*2 D. E E9.&EE69+F('F(ctjj|t}|tust t |ddddrat |5tjj|t}|turt ||cdddS dddt||d|d}t|||S#1swY+xYw)zFind and load the module.rNr Fz import of z halted; None in sys.modulesr) rrrL_NEEDS_LOADINGrrrrr)rrrrs r_find_and_loadrEs [[__T> 2F.  D1?EJ  % >[[__T>:F'.tW= > >' > D! ~tf$@A!'55 M > >s 8B==Cc`t||||dkDr t|||}t|tS)a2Import and return the module based on its name, the package the call is being made from, and the level adjustment. This function represents the greatest common denominator of functionality between import_module and __import__. This includes setting __package__ if the loader did not. r})r}rrr _gcd_importr|s rrr_s2$' qyT7E2 $ ,,r recursivec |D]}t|ts8|r|jdz}nd}td|dt |j|dk(r*|rSt |ds`t ||j|dzt ||r|jd |} t|||S#t$r>}|j|k(r)tjj|tYd }~d }~wwxYw) zFigure out what __import__ should return. The import_ parameter is a callable which takes the name of module to import. It is required to decouple the function from assuming importlib's import implementation is desired. z.__all__z ``from list''zItem in z must be str, not *__all__TrrN)rryr rzrr _handle_fromlistrrrrrrrLr)rfromlistrrxwhere from_nameexcs rrrns!S!*4'hug.##'7#3#3"467 7 #X!; +/1#!??+1QC0I )'9=0 M' HH )KKOOI~>J s B,, C353C.-C..C3c\|jd}|jd}|@|<||jk7r-tjd|d|jdtd|S| |jStjdt d|d }d |vr|j d d }|S) zCalculate what __package__ should be. __package__ is not guaranteed to be defined or could be set to None to represent that its proper value is unknown. r rz __package__ != __spec__.parent (z != r) stacklevelzYcan't resolve package from __spec__ or __package__, falling back on __name__ and __path__r rrr})rLrrrrrr)globalsrnrs r_calc___package__rskk-(G ;;z "D  4;; 6 NN&kdkk_A?-!  = {{?$  4*% W $((-a0G Nrc|dk(r t|}n||ni}t|}t|||}|s|dk(rt|jddS|s|St|t|jddz }tj |j dt|j |z St|drt||tS|S)aImport a module. The 'globals' argument is used to infer where the import is occurring from to handle relative imports. The 'locals' argument is ignored. The 'fromlist' argument specifies what should exist as attributes on the module being imported (e.g. ``from module import ``). The 'level' argument represents the package location to import from in a relative import (e.g. ``from ..pkg import mod`` would have a 'level' of 2). r}Nrr) rr partitionrrrr r r) rrlocalsrrorglobals_rncut_offs r __import__rs zT"%17r#H-T7E2  A:t~~c2156 6M$i#dnnS&9!&<"==G;;v/LFOO0DW0LMN N  $+>> rcbtj|}|td|zt|S)Nzno built-in module named )r%r+rr!)rrs r_builtin_from_namers3  $ $T *D |5<== $ rc,|a|att}tjj D]z\}}t ||s|tj vrt}ntj|rt}nIt||}t|||tusj|j||tjt}dD]@}|tjvr t|} ntj|} t||| Bt!ay)zSetup importlib by importing needed built-in modules and injecting them into the global namespace. As sys is needed for sys.modules access and _imp is needed to load built-in modules, those two modules must be explicitly passed in. )rmrr4N)rrrritemsrrr%rr:r rrJr rrr"rU) sys_module _imp_module module_typerrrr self_module builtin_namebuiltin_modules r_setuprs D Cs)K ))+ . f fk *s///(%'$VV4D tV ,'%%f- .++h'K<; s{{ */ =N [[6N \>: ;()Lrct||tjjttjjt y)z0Install importers for builtin and frozen modulesN)rrrtr3r%r:)rrs r_installrs0 :{#MM)MM(rc\ddl}|a|jtjt y)z9Install importers that require external filesystem accessr}N)_frozen_importlib_externalrrrrr )rs r_install_external_importersr s$&4'' H(=>rr7rr)NNrr}):r rrmrr4rrrrrr"rrUrPr~r^rerkrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrr!rr%r:rerrrwr}r_ERR_MSGrobjectrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs,&   & D II\  **, \ (V`;`;F@@*   "J"016%$&6*a)a)H.2dJ:'T27FR"=,<"H)Z $1111h~0~0F  .*Z . % V #'T4 ->C"J6"J %*P)?r@K`JH+K`JH+hK`JH+K`JH+K@iFJh+ȴK@iFJh+K@4Eh(+K@4Eh(+KGm+ KHOH+KI+cy)NrzrsrcdZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZmZmZm Z m Z ddlm Z ddlm Z ddlm Z dd lmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZd Zy)z9The machinery of importlib: finders, loaders, hooks, etc.) ModuleSpec)BuiltinImporter)FrozenImporter)SOURCE_SUFFIXESDEBUG_BYTECODE_SUFFIXESOPTIMIZED_BYTECODE_SUFFIXESBYTECODE_SUFFIXESEXTENSION_SUFFIXES)WindowsRegistryFinder) PathFinder) FileFinder)SourceFileLoader)SourcelessFileLoader)ExtensionFileLoader)NamespaceLoaderc*ttztzS)zAReturns a list of all recognized module suffixes for this process)rrr  all_suffixesrs . .1C CCrN)__doc__ _bootstraprrr_bootstrap_externalrrrrr r r r r rrrrrrrrs8?"'&))7++1540Drc dZddlZddlZddlZddlmZeee Z ejZ gdZ dZdZde vrIdZdZdd l dd lmZe j)d ddlZ dd lmZddlZe j3ee[nUd e vrId ZdZdd l dd lmZe j)d ddlZddlZe j3ee[ dd lmZnedeej8d<ddlmZmZm Z m!Z!m"Z"m#Z#m$Z$m%Z%[ edre&Z'dZ(e)Z*e(dde(dde(dde(dde(dde(dde(d d!e(d"d#e(d$d%e(d&d'e(d(d)e(d*d+e(d,d-e(d.d/e(d.d0e(d1de*Z+e)Z*e(dde*Z,e)Z*e(d2d3e(d4de(d5de(d6d7e(d6d8e(d9d:e*j[ee(d;d<e(d=de(d>de(d?d@edAredBr e(dCdAe*Z.e)Z*e(dde(dde(dde(dDdEe(dFdedGr e(dHde(dde(dIde(dJde(dde(d1de(dKde*Z/[*[['[(dZ0dLZ1dMZ2ddOZ3dPZ4dQZ5e j3gdRddSZ6e j)dTe7ehe+kr#e8ehe.krddNddUdVZ9dWZ:e j)dXdYZ;dZZd]Z?d^Z@e j3gd_dd`ZAddaZBddblmCZCmDZDGdcddeCZEdeZFeFZG[FddfZHed k7ZIe j3dgeIr/dhZJeEeGjeJeLeJeLZM[JddiZNe j3djdkZOeO\ZPZQ[OedlrKedmsCednr;dZRdLxZSZTe j3gdodpZUdqZVdrZWdsZXdtZYe j3gduedmrdvZZdwZ[e j3dxdygedzrd{Z\d|Z]e j3d}d~gejdk7rddZ_GddZ`e j)dddZadZbeds ebZcdec_dGddejZfed k(rGddZgdZhyy#e$rYwxYw#e$rYwxYw#e$rYJwxYw#e$rY&wxYw)aNOS routines for NT or Posix depending on what system we're on. This exports: - all functions from posix or nt, e.g. unlink, stat, etc. - os.path is either posixpath or ntpath - is either 'posix' or 'nt' - os.curdir is a string representing the current directory (always '.') - os.pardir is a string representing the parent directory (always '..') - os.sep is the (or a most common) pathname separator ('/' or '\\') - os.extsep is the extension separator (always '.') - os.altsep is the alternate pathname separator (None or '/') - os.pathsep is the component separator used in $PATH etc - os.linesep is the line separator in text files ('\r' or '\n' or '\r\n') - os.defpath is the default search path for executables - os.devnull is the file path of the null device ('/dev/null', etc.) Programs that import and use 'os' stand a better chance of being portable between different platforms. Of course, they must then only use functions that are defined by all platforms (e.g., unlink and opendir), and leave all pathname manipulation to os.path (e.g., split and join). N)_check_methods)altsepcurdirpardirseppathseplinesepdefpathnamepathdevnullSEEK_SETSEEK_CURSEEK_ENDfsencodefsdecode get_exec_pathfdopenextsepc|tvSN)globals)r s _existsr)s 79 c t|jS#t$r+t|Dcgc] }|ddk7s |ncc}wc}cYSwxYw)Nr_)list__all__AttributeErrordir)modulens r_get_exports_listr#,sG7FNN## 7v;6a!A$#+6667sA  AA A  A posix )*)_exitr')_have_functionsntz zno os specific module foundzos.path)rrrrr rrr r(c`|tvr&|tvrtjt|yyyr)_globalsr(_setadd)strfns r_addr0hs' (N!7 HHXb\ ""8NrHAVE_FACCESSATaccess HAVE_FCHMODATchmod HAVE_FCHOWNATchown HAVE_FSTATATstatHAVE_FUTIMESATutime HAVE_LINKATlink HAVE_MKDIRATmkdir HAVE_MKFIFOATmkfifo HAVE_MKNODATmknod HAVE_OPENATopenHAVE_READLINKATreadlink HAVE_RENAMEATrenameHAVE_SYMLINKATsymlink HAVE_UNLINKATunlinkrmdirHAVE_UTIMENSAT HAVE_FCHDIRchdir HAVE_FCHMOD HAVE_FCHOWNHAVE_FDOPENDIRlistdirscandir HAVE_FEXECVEexecveHAVE_FTRUNCATEtruncate HAVE_FUTIMENS HAVE_FUTIMESHAVE_FPATHCONFpathconfstatvfsfstatvfs HAVE_FSTATVFS HAVE_LCHFLAGSchflags HAVE_LCHMODlchown HAVE_LCHOWN HAVE_LUTIMES HAVE_LSTAT MS_WINDOWSFctj|\}}|stj|\}}|rQ|rOtj|s: t||t }t |trtt d}||k(ry t||y#t$rYEwxYw#t$r|rtj|sYywxYw)amakedirs(name [, mode=0o777][, exist_ok=False]) Super-mkdir; create a leaf directory and all intermediate ones. Works like mkdir, except that any intermediate path segment (not just the rightmost) will be created if it does not exist. If the target directory already exists, raise an OSError if exist_ok is False. Otherwise no exception is raised. This is recursive. )exist_okASCIIN) r splitexistsmakedirsFileExistsErrorr isinstancebytesr>OSErrorisdir)r moderlheadtailcdirs rrprpsD!JD$ ZZ% d T[[.  TH - dE ")D 4<  dD    tzz$/  0s$ B B# B B #!CCct|tj|\}}|stj|\}}|r.|r+ t|tj|\}}|r|r)yyyy#t$rYywxYw)aremovedirs(name) Super-rmdir; remove a leaf directory and all empty intermediate ones. Works like rmdir except that, if the leaf directory is successfully removed, directories corresponding to rightmost path segments will be pruned away until either the whole path is consumed or an error occurs. Errors during this latter phase are ignored -- they generally mean that a directory was not empty. N)rMr rnrt)r rwrxs r removedirsr{sx $KD!JD$ ZZ% d 4  $KZZ% d 4$4$   s A// A;:A;ctj|\}}|r"|r tj|s t|t ||tj|\}}|r|r t |yyy#t $rYywxYw)a<renames(old, new) Super-rename; create directories as necessary and delete any left empty. Works like rename, except creation of any intermediate directories needed to make the new pathname good is attempted first. After the rename, directories corresponding to rightmost path segments of the old name will be pruned until either the whole path is consumed or a nonempty directory is found. Note: this function can fail with the new directory structure made if you lack permissions needed to unlink the leaf directory or file. N)r rnrorprHr{rt)oldnewrwrxs rrenamesrstCJD$ T[[. 3CJD$   t t   s& A44 B?B)rpr{rc#HKtjd||||t|g}tjtj }}|r|j }t|tr|'g}g}g} t|} d} | 5 t| } | j}|r|j| jn|j| j|s8|r6|rd}n | j!}| }|r| j| jyy#t$r} ||| Yd} ~ d} ~ wwxYw#t$rYnHwxYw#t$r} ||| d} Yd} ~ n*d} ~ wwxYw#t$rd}YwxYw#t$rd}YwxYwdddn #1swYnxYw| r`|r=|||ft#|D]'}|||}|s ||r|j|)n5|j|||ft#| D]}|j||r֐w)a& Directory tree generator. For each directory in the directory tree rooted at top (including top itself, but excluding '.' and '..'), yields a 3-tuple dirpath, dirnames, filenames dirpath is a string, the path to the directory. dirnames is a list of the names of the subdirectories in dirpath (including symlinks to directories, and excluding '.' and '..'). filenames is a list of the names of the non-directory files in dirpath. Note that the names in the lists are just names, with no path components. To get a full path (which begins with top) to a file or directory in dirpath, do os.path.join(dirpath, name). If optional arg 'topdown' is true or not specified, the triple for a directory is generated before the triples for any of its subdirectories (directories are generated top down). If topdown is false, the triple for a directory is generated after the triples for all of its subdirectories (directories are generated bottom up). When topdown is true, the caller can modify the dirnames list in-place (e.g., via del or slice assignment), and walk will only recurse into the subdirectories whose names remain in dirnames; this can be used to prune the search, or to impose a specific order of visiting. Modifying dirnames when topdown is false has no effect on the behavior of os.walk(), since the directories in dirnames have already been generated by the time dirnames itself is generated. No matter the value of topdown, the list of subdirectories is retrieved before the tuples for the directory and its subdirectories are generated. By default errors from the os.scandir() call are ignored. If optional arg 'onerror' is specified, it should be a function; it will be called with one argument, an OSError instance. It can report the error to continue with the walk, or raise the exception to abort the walk. Note that the filename is available as the filename attribute of the exception object. By default, os.walk does not follow symbolic links to subdirectories on systems that support them. In order to get this functionality, set the optional argument 'followlinks' to true. Caution: if you pass a relative pathname for top, don't change the current working directory between resumptions of walk. walk never changes the current directory, and assumes that the client doesn't either. Example: import os from os.path import join, getsize for root, dirs, files in os.walk('python/Lib/email'): print(root, "consumes ") print(sum(getsize(join(root, name)) for name in files), end=" ") print("bytes in", len(files), "non-directory files") if 'CVS' in dirs: dirs.remove('CVS') # don't visit CVS directories zos.walkNFT)sysauditfspathr islinkjoinpoprrtuplerUrtnext StopIterationis_dirappendr is_symlinkreversed)toptopdownonerror followlinksstackrrdirsnondirs walk_dirs scandir_iterrorcontentryr walk_intordirnamenew_paths rwalkrs@xIIigw < C[ME;; DF iik c5 !I    J  ) 5  $Z 0#"\\^F KK +NN5::.6#$( /).)9)9);J )3N  !((4Q1 " "  )*D ##F#$ '/*/J /C) 5) 5) 5T   tW$ $#D> +W- fX&6LL* + LL#tW- .$Y/ ' X& 'i sA3H"6 DH"F D<FE-&AF)E>9!FH" D9% D4/H"4D99H"< EE FEE  E* E% F%E**F- E;8F:E;;F> F  F F  F H"F!5H"A H"rfollow_symlinksdir_fdc#Ktjd|||||t|}|st|d|}t |t t z|} |s>tjjrEtj|t|r&t||t|t|||Ed{t|y7#t|wxYww)aDirectory tree generator. This behaves exactly like walk(), except that it yields a 4-tuple dirpath, dirnames, filenames, dirfd `dirpath`, `dirnames` and `filenames` are identical to walk() output, and `dirfd` is a file descriptor referring to the directory `dirpath`. The advantage of fwalk() over walk() is that it's safe against symlink races (when follow_symlinks is False). If dir_fd is not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and top should be relative; top will then be relative to that directory. (dir_fd is always supported for fwalk.) Caution: Since fwalk() yields file descriptors, those are only valid until the next iteration step, so you should dup() them if you want to keep them for a longer period. Example: import os for root, dirs, files, rootfd in os.fwalk('python/Lib/email'): print(root, "consumes", end="") print(sum(os.stat(name, dir_fd=rootfd).st_size for name in files), end="") print("bytes in", len(files), "non-directory files") if 'CVS' in dirs: dirs.remove('CVS') # don't visit CVS directories zos.fwalkFrrN)rrrr8rDO_RDONLY O_NONBLOCKstS_ISDIRst_moder samestat_fwalkrrrsclose)rrrrrorig_sttopfds rfwalkrsB *c7G_fMSk3fEGS(Z/? BJJw$?$(MM'4;$G!%je.D")7OEEE %LE %Ls1ACA!C3C4C8 CC CCc #Kt|}g}g}|s|rdng} |D]b} | j} |r t| } | jr%|j | | #| j | n|j | d|r||||f| |n t|| D]} |s,|rt| |d} n| J| \} } | jd} t| ttz|} |stj t||| }t| |||||Ed{t!| |s ||||fyy#t $r6 | j r|j | n#t $rYnwxYwYqwxYw#t $r}|||Yd}~d}~wwxYw7#t!| wxYww)NF)rr)rr)rUr rrrrtrzipr8rDrrr rrrr)rtoppathisbytesrrrrrrentriesrr rdirfderrdirpaths rrrs U^ !_$" E::D~ <<>KK%*u-NN4( & 4%/ /#ODT71C D &"&tE5"Q&222&* e"'**U*"CT8j#8G  "dmmGT%[&I"ii6G%eWg&-w IIIe ) ,4%/ /C '')t,  * &CL Ie s6GAE?GAF'A F41F22F46G F!E;:F; FFFF G FG F/ F*$G*F//G2F44 GGrct||y)zpexecl(file, *args) Execute the executable file with argument list args, replacing the current process. N)execvfileargss rexeclrs  $rc.|d}t||dd|y)zexecle(file, *args, env) Execute the executable file with argument list args and environment env, replacing the current process. N)rWrrenvs rexecler&s r(C 4crC rct||y)zexeclp(file, *args) Execute the executable file (which is searched for along $PATH) with argument list args, replacing the current process. N)execvprs rexeclpr.s  4rc.|d}t||dd|y)zexeclpe(file, *args, env) Execute the executable file (which is searched for along $PATH) with argument list args and environment env, replacing the current process. rN)execvpers rexeclper5s r(C D$s)S!rct||y)zexecvp(file, args) Execute the executable file (which is searched for along $PATH) with argument list args, replacing the current process. args may be a list or tuple of strings. N_execvpers rrr>s  T4rct|||y)zexecvpe(file, args, env) Execute the executable file (which is searched for along $PATH) with argument list args and environment env, replacing the current process. args may be a list or tuple of strings. Nrrs rrrFs T4r)rrrrrrc| t}||f}nt}|f}t}tj|r ||g|yd}t |}t dk7rt|}tt|}|D]"}tj||} ||g|$|| #ttf$r } | } Yd} ~ Ad} ~ wt$r} | } || }Yd} ~ Xd} ~ wwxYw)Nr)) rWrenvironr rrr rmaprFileNotFoundErrorNotADirectoryErrorrt) rrr exec_funcargrest saved_exc path_listr fullnameelast_excs rrrQs  + ' ||D$!!Ic"I t|~),  99S$'  h ) )  N"#56 H H   s$ BC )B00 C <CC cddl}|t}|j5|jdt |j d}tr2 |d}| td|}|t|tr t|}dddt}|jtS#t $rd}YjwxYw#tt f$rYdwxYw#1swYLxYw)zReturns the sequence of directories that will be searched for the named executable (similar to a shell) when launching a process. *env* must be an environment variable dict or None. If *env* is None, os.environ will be used. rNignorePATHsPATHz*env cannot contain 'PATH' and b'PATH' keys)warningsrcatch_warnings simplefilter BytesWarningget TypeErrorsupports_bytes_environ ValueErrorKeyErrorrrrsrr rnr)rrr path_listbs rrrqs {  "0h 5 I " ' \ ($DFF& $Iu)E$Y/ )0, ??7 ##' I  i(  00sRC B#C  B4,C # B1.C 0B11C 4CC CC  C)MutableMappingMappingcTeZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zy )_EnvironcJ||_||_||_||_||_yr) encodekey decodekey encodevalue decodevalue_data)selfdatarrrrs r__init__z_Environ.__init__s'""&& rc |j|j|}|j|S#t$r t|dwxYwr)rrrrrkeyvalues r __getitem__z_Environ.__getitem__sN *JJt~~c23E&& *3-T ) *s 1Ac~|j|}|j|}t||||j|<yr)rrputenvrrs r __setitem__z_Environ.__setitem__s7nnS!  'sE 3rc|j|}t| |j|=y#t$r t|dwxYwr)runsetenvrr)rr encodedkeys r __delitem__z_Environ.__delitem__sD^^C(  * :& *3-T ) *s ,Ac#jKt|j}|D]}|j|ywr)rrr)rkeysrs r__iter__z_Environ.__iter__s2DJJ &C..% % &s13c,t|jSr)lenrrs r__len__z_Environ.__len__s4::rctdjfdjjD}d|dS)Nz, c3nK|],\}}j|dj|.yw)z: N)rr).0rrrs r z$_Environ.__repr__..s>$ U~~c"%R(8(8(?'B C$ s25z environ({z}))rritems)rformatted_itemss` r__repr__z_Environ.__repr__s=))$ "jj..0$  O,C00rct|Sr)dictrs rcopyz _Environ.copys Dzrc||vr|||<||Srrs r setdefaultz_Environ.setdefaults d?DICyrc(|j||Sr)update)rothers r__ior__z_Environ.__ior__s E rcjt|tstSt|}|j ||SrrrrNotImplementedr rrrr~s r__or__z_Environ.__or__s,%)! !4j 5 rcjt|tstSt|}|j ||Srrrs r__ror__z_Environ.__ror__s,%)! !5k 4 rN)__name__ __module__ __qualname__rrrrrrr r rrrrrrrrrs>' *& 1 rrctdk(r:d}|t}fd}i}tjD]\}}||||<n&t j fdfd}}t}t ||||S)Nr)cht|ts!tdt|jz|S)Nstr expected, not %s)rrr.rtyperrs r check_strz!_createenviron..check_strs,eS) 6e9M9M MNNLrc0|jSr)upper)rencodes rrz!_createenviron..encodekeys#;$$& &rct|ts!tdt|jz|j dS)Nr!surrogateescape)rrr.rr"rr'rencodings rr'z_createenviron..encodes:eS) 6e9M9M MNN<<*;< .decodes<<*;< .fsencode,s/ (# h $??8V4 4Orcbt|}t|tr|jS|S)aDecode filename (an os.PathLike, bytes, or str) from the filesystem encoding with 'surrogateescape' error handler, return str unchanged. On Windows, use 'strict' error handler if the file system encoding is 'mbcs' (which is the default encoding). )rrrrsr-r;s rrz_fscodec..fsdecode8s/ (# h &??8V4 4Or)rr.getfilesystemencodeerrors)rrr+r=s @@r_fscodecr@(s6((*H  * * ,F   X rforkspawnvr)P_WAITP_NOWAIT P_NOWAITOc:t|ttfs td|r|ds t dt }|s | |||n ||||yy|tk(r|S t|d\}}t|rt|S#t dYyxYw)Nzargv must be a tuple or a listrz"argv first element cannot be empty) rrrrrrrAr'rDwaitpid WIFSTOPPEDwaitstatus_to_exitcode)rvrrrfuncpidwpidstss r _spawnvefrOUs$ .<= =47AB Bf ;t$tS)%x #CO cc?-c22 c s B Bc(t|||dtS)aspawnv(mode, file, args) -> integer Execute file with arguments from args in a subprocess. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. N)rOrrvrrs rrBrBpstT477rc(t||||tS)a:spawnve(mode, file, args, env) -> integer Execute file with arguments from args in a subprocess with the specified environment. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. )rOrWrvrrrs rspawnverTystT377rc(t|||dtS)a8spawnvp(mode, file, args) -> integer Execute file (which is looked for along $PATH) with arguments from args in a subprocess. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. N)rOrrQs rspawnvprVstT488rc(t||||tS)a\spawnvpe(mode, file, args, env) -> integer Execute file (which is looked for along $PATH) with arguments from args in a subprocess with the supplied environment. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. )rOrrSs rspawnvperXstT388r)rBrTrVrXct|||S)aspawnl(mode, file, *args) -> integer Execute file with arguments from args in a subprocess. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. )rBrQs rspawnlrZsdD$''rc.|d}t|||dd|S)a:spawnle(mode, file, *args, env) -> integer Execute file with arguments from args in a subprocess with the supplied environment. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. rN)rTrSs rspawnler\s$2htT49c22rrZr\rVct|||S)aWspawnlp(mode, file, *args) -> integer Execute file (which is looked for along $PATH) with arguments from args in a subprocess with the supplied environment. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. )rVrQs rspawnlpr^stT4((rc.|d}t|||dd|S)a]spawnlpe(mode, file, *args, env) -> integer Execute file (which is looked for along $PATH) with arguments from args in a subprocess with the supplied environment. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. rN)rXrSs rspawnlper`s$2hdD"Is33rr^r`vxworksct|tstdt|z|dvrt d|z|dk(s| t dddl}|dk(r6|j |dd|j|}t|j|S|j |dd|j| }t|j|S) Nz&invalid cmd type (%s, expected string))rwzinvalid mode %rrz+popen() does not support unbuffered streamsrcT)shelltextstdoutbufsize)rerfstdinrh) rrr.rr"r subprocessPopenPIPE _wrap_closergri)cmdrv bufferingrjprocs rpopenrqs#s#DtCyPQ Q z !.56 6 >Y.JK K 3;##C*.T+5??,5$7Dt{{D1 1##C*.T*4//,5$7Dtzz40 0rc0eZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZy)rmc ||_||_yr)_stream_proc)rstreamrps rrz_wrap_close.__init__s!DLDJrc|jj|jj}|dk(rytdk(r|S|dzS)Nrr))rtrruwaitr )r returncodes rrz_wrap_close.closesC LL   *JQt|!!!Q&rc|Srrrs r __enter__z_wrap_close.__enter__Krc$|jyrrrrs r__exit__z_wrap_close.__exit__ JJLrc.t|j|Sr)getattrrt)rr s r __getattr__z_wrap_close.__getattr__s4<<. .rc,t|jSr)iterrtrs rrz_wrap_close.__iter__s % %rN) rrrrrr|rrrrrrrmrms   '   / &rrmrqct|tstdt|zddl}d|vr|j |}|j ||||g|i|S)Nz&invalid fd type (%s, expected integer)rb)rrintrr"io text_encodingrD)fdrvror+rkwargsrs rrrs\ b# @48KLL  $##H- 2772tY B4 B6 BBrcpt|ttfr|St|} |j |}t|ttfr|Stdj|jt|j#t $r&t |drtd|jzwxYw)aaReturn the path representation of a path-like object. If str or bytes is passed in, it is returned unchanged. Otherwise the os.PathLike interface is used to get the path representation. If the path representation is not str or bytes, TypeError is raised. If the provided path is not str, bytes, or os.PathLike, TypeError is raised. __fspath__z/expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not z7expected {}.__fspath__() to return str or bytes, not {}) rrr.rsr"rrhasattrrrformat)r path_type path_reprs r_fspathrs$e % T I9((. )c5\*!!' (:(:(,Y(@(@"BC C 9 9l + #%.%7%789 9 9s B/B5rcTeZdZdZej dZedZee Z y)PathLikezCAbstract base class for implementing the file system path protocol.ct)z9Return the file system path representation of the object.)NotImplementedErrorrs rrzPathLike.__fspath__:s "!rc6|tur t|dStS)Nr)rrr)clssubclasss r__subclasshook__zPathLike.__subclasshook__?s (?!(L9 9rN) rrr__doc__abcabstractmethodr classmethodr GenericAlias__class_getitem__rrrrr6s>M"" $L1rrc*eZdZdZdZdZdZdZy)_AddedDllDirectoryc.||_||_||_yr)r _cookie_remove_dll_directory)rr cookieremove_dll_directorys rrz_AddedDllDirectory.__init__JsDI!DL)=D &rcH|j|jd|_yr)rrr rs rrz_AddedDllDirectory.closeNs  & &t|| 4DIrc|Srrrs rr|z_AddedDllDirectory.__enter__Qr}rc$|jyrrrs rrz_AddedDllDirectory.__exit__SrrcR|jrdj|jSy)Nzz)r rrs rr z_AddedDllDirectory.__repr__Us!yy299$))DD*rN)rrrrrr|rr rrrrrIs >    +rrc\ddl}|j|}t|||jS)aOAdd a path to the DLL search path. This search path is used when resolving dependencies for imported extension modules (the module itself is resolved through sys.path), and also by ctypes. Remove the directory by calling close() on the returned object or using it in a with statement. rN)r)_add_dll_directoryrr)r r)rs radd_dll_directoryrZs5 &&&t,!    $ $  r)iF)TNF).TNr)rcr)rcrN)irrrr8r_collections_abcrr"rrrbuiltin_module_names_namesrrr#r rr$r'r ImportError posixpathr r(extendr)ntpathmodulesos.pathrrrrr rrr rr+r0setr,supports_dir_fdsupports_effective_idsr- supports_fdsupports_follow_symlinksr rrrpr{rrrDrUrrrrrrrrrrrrrr/rr3rr5rrsr7r8r@rrrCrDrErOrBrTrVrXrZr\r^r`platformrqrmrrrrABCrrrrrrrs0 +DI ! !  7 f DG w ) NN$U+,  V^ DG w  NN$R()  & 3 44 I     yH# 5D H%G$G$F# G$F#G$H%G$F# J'H% I&H%G$ G$O 5D H%! 5DG$G$G$ I& I&H%HHTN J'G$G$ J'ygj1 _i(K 5D H%, G$F#I&G$x ]G$F#G$F#F# G$F##     @&,445U'nv$x FFO2sww2$4<++" %[               sHS SS* S6SSS'&S'*S32S36S?>S?cfdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl Z dd l gd Z d Zd Zd ZdZdZdZe j(je_dZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdadadZ ddl m!Z!dZ"dZ$ddd Z%d!Z&e jNd"k(Z(d%d#Z)d$Z*y#e#$rdZ"Y-wxYw)&aCommon operations on Posix pathnames. Instead of importing this module directly, import os and refer to this module as os.path. The "os.path" name is an alias for this module on Posix systems; on other systems (e.g. Windows), os.path provides the same operations in a manner specific to that platform, and is an alias to another module (e.g. ntpath). Some of this can actually be useful on non-Posix systems too, e.g. for manipulation of the pathname component of URLs. .../:z /bin:/usr/binNz /dev/null)*)(normcaseisabsjoin splitdrive splitrootsplitsplitextbasenamedirname commonprefixgetsizegetmtimegetatimegetctimeislinkexistslexistsisdirisfileismount expanduser expandvarsnormpathabspathsamefile sameopenfilesamestatcurdirpardirseppathsepdefpathaltsepextsepdevnullrealpathsupports_unicode_filenamesrelpath commonpath isjunctionc&t|tryy)N/r) isinstancebytespaths _get_sepr6)s$c,tj|S)z6Normalize case of pathname. Has no effect under Posixosfspath)ss r5rr4s 99Q<r7cdtj|}t|}|j|S)zTest whether a path is absolute)r:r;r6 startswith)r<r$s r5rr<s' ! A 1+C << r7cjtj|}t|}|} |s|dd|zttj|D]7}|j |r|}|r|j |r||z }0|||zz }9 |S#t ttf$rtjd|g|wxYw)zJoin two or more pathname components, inserting '/' as needed. If any component is an absolute path, all previous path components will be discarded. An empty last part will result in a path that ends with a separator.Nrr ) r:r;r6mapr>endswith TypeErrorAttributeError BytesWarning genericpath_check_arg_types)apr$r4bs r5r r Gs ! A 1+C D  !HsNRYY" A||C T]]3/ a   K ~| 4$$VQ33 s AB-B2ctj|}t|}|j|dz}|d|||d}}|r"||t |zk7r|j |}||fS)zSplit a pathname. Returns tuple "(head, tail)" where "tail" is everything after the final slash. Either part may be empty.Nr:r;r6rfindlenrstrip)rHr$iheadtails r5r r dsk ! A 1+C  qA2A!"$D CI %{{3 :r7ctj|}t|trd}d}nd}d}t j ||d|S)Nr0.rr)r:r;r1r2rE _splitext)rHr$r(s r5r r usD ! A!U  Cv 66r7c:tj|}|dd|fS)zJSplit a pathname into drive and path. On Posix, drive is always empty.Nrr9)rHs r5r r s  ! A Ra5!8Or7ctj|}t|trd}d}nd}d}|dd|k7r|||fS|dd|k7s|dd|k(r|||ddfS||dd|ddfS) aSplit a pathname into drive, root and tail. On Posix, drive is always empty; the root may be empty, a single slash, or two slashes. The tail contains anything after the root. For example: splitroot('foo/bar') == ('', '', 'foo/bar') splitroot('/foo/bar') == ('', '/', 'foo/bar') splitroot('//foo/bar') == ('', '//', 'foo/bar') splitroot('///foo/bar') == ('', '/', '//foo/bar') r0r7rNrK)r:r;r1r2)rHr$emptys r5r r s ! A!U!u|eQ 1Q3!Aa&C-c1QR5  aeQqrU""r7cttj|}t|}|j|dz}||dS)z)Returns the final component of a pathnamerKN)r:r;r6rM)rHr$rPs r5rrs5 ! A 1+C  qA QR5Lr7ctj|}t|}|j|dz}|d|}|r"||t |zk7r|j |}|S)z-Returns the directory component of a pathnamerKNrL)rHr$rPrQs r5rrsZ ! A 1+C  qA Ra5D CI %{{3|y)zQTest whether a path is a junction Junctions are not a part of posix semanticsFr9r3s r5r.r.sIIdO r7cZ tj|y#ttf$rYywxYw)zCTest whether a path exists. Returns True for broken symbolic linksFT)r:lstatOSError ValueErrorr3s r5rrs0   Z s **c tj|}tj|jrytj|}t|tr t|d}n t|d}t|} tj|}|j}|j}||k7ry|j}|j}||k(ryy#t t f$rYywxYw#t t f$rYywxYw)z$Test whether a path is a mount pointF..rT)r:r`statS_ISLNKst_moderarbr;r1r2r r*st_devst_ino)r4s1parents2dev1dev2ino1ino2s r5rrs XXd^ << # 99T?D$dE"dD! f F XXf  99D 99D t| 99D 99D t| 7 Z  Z s#CC(C%$C%(C:9C:c`tj|}t|trd}nd}|j |s|St |}|j |d}|dkr t|}|dk(rZdtjvr4 ddl } |jtjj}nXtjd}nD ddl }|d|}t|tr t|d} |j!|}|j}|t"j$dk(r|St|trtj&|}d }nd }|j)|}|||dzxs|S#t$r|cYSwxYw#t$r|cYSwxYw#t$r|cYSwxYw#t$r|cYSwxYw) zOExpand ~ and ~user constructions. If user or $HOME is unknown, do nothing.~~rKrHOMENASCIIvxworksr0r)r:r;r1r2r>r6findrNenvironpwd ImportErrorgetpwuidgetuidpw_dirKeyErrorstrgetpwnamsysplatformfsencoderO) r4tilder$rPryuserhomenamepwentroots r5rrs 99T?D$ ??5 ! 4.C #qA1u IAv  #  << 4;; zz&)H  Aay dE "tW%D LL&E <<CLLI5 $;;x(t$H tABx  (D(I        K  K sHE,-E= F1F, E:9E:= F  F  FF F-,F-c,tj|}t|trRd|vr|Sts ddl}|j d|jatj}d}d}ttdd}nPd|vr|Sts ddl}|j d |ja tj}d }d }tj}d} |||}|s |S|jd\}}|jd } | j|r| j|r| d d } |:tj tjtj"| } n|| } ||d} |d|| z}t%|}|| z }#t&$r|}YwxYw)zZExpand shell variables of form $var and ${var}. Unknown variables are left unchanged.$rNs\$(\w+|\{[^}]*\}){}environb$z\$(\w+|\{[^}]*\}){}rK)r:r;r1r2 _varprogbrecompilerusearchgetattr_varprogrxspangroupr>rArfsdecoderNr~) r4rrstartendrxrPmjrvaluerRs r5rr@s 99T?D$ t K  #8"((CI!!"j$/ d?K zz"6AH** A  4O " K!vvay1wwqz ??5 !dmmC&8":D  BJJr{{4/@$AB 8D8e#DD A DLD'  A s&AF FF)_path_normpathctj|}t|tr5tjt tj |xsdSt |xsdS)0Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc.rTr)r:r;r1r2rrrr3s r5rrsKyy dE ";;~bkk$.?@AIT Id#*s*r7ctj|}t|tr d}d}d}d}nd}d}d}d}||k(r|St |\}}}|j |}g}|D]A} | ||fvr | |k7s|s|r |r|d |k(r|j | /|s2|jC|}||j|z}|xs|S) rr0r7rTrdrrXrrr) r:r;r1r2r r appendpopr ) r4r$r[dotdotdot_initial_slashescomps new_compscomps r5rrysyy dE "CECFCECF 5=J#,T? ?D 3  Ds|#y "  7  &  %0{sr7ctj|}t|sEt|trtj }ntj }t||}t|S)zReturn an absolute path.) r:r;rr1r2getcwdbgetcwdr r)r4cwds r5rrsK 99T?D ; dE "**,C))+CC D>r7F)strictcjtj|}t|dd||i\}}t|S)zlReturn the canonical path of the specified filename, eliminating any symbolic links encountered in the path.Nr)r:r; _joinrealpathr)filenamerr4oks r5r*r*s6yy"HXbq\8VR@HD" 4=r7ct|trd}d}d}nd}d}d}t|r|dd}|}|r|j|\}}}|r||k(r ||k(r&|r!t |\}}||k(rt |||}n|}Kt ||} t j| } tj| j} | s| }| |vr.|| }||rt j| nt | |dfSd|| <t|t j| ||\}} | st ||dfS||| <|r|d fS#t$r|rd} YwxYw) Nr0rTrdrrrrKFT)r1r2r partitionr r r:r`rerfrgrarreadlink) r4restrseenr$r"r#rrnewpathstis_linkrs r5rrs$ T{ABx s+ atv~  6>"4[ d6>ff5D tT" /'"B ll2::.GD  d?=D GT*E11W  r{{7';VTJbd#U* *W Y \ :; G sD99E  E darwincP|s tdtj|}t|trd}d}d}nd}d}d}||}ntj|} t |j |Dcgc]}|s| }}t |j |Dcgc]}|s| }}tt||g}|gt||z z||dz} | s|St| Scc}wcc}w#ttttf$rtjd ||wxYw) z#Return a relative version of a pathzno path specifiedrTr0rdrrrNr,)rbr:r;r1r2rr rNrr rBrCrDDeprecationWarningrErF) r4rr"r$r#x start_list path_listrPrel_lists r5r,r,s, ,-- 99T?D$ } %  !(!5!5c!:@Aaa@ @ ' 3 3C 8>1AQ> >  j)45 68s:q01IabMAMXA> ~|5G H$$Ye< s<C37C)?C)C3!C.)C.-3C3!C3) C332D%c  |s tdtttj|}t |dt rd d}nd d} |Dcgc]}|j }} t fd|D\}|Dcgc]}|Dcgc] }|s||k7s |c}}}}t|}t|}|} t|D]\} }||| k7s|d | } n|r n d d} | j| zScc}w#t$r tdd wxYwcc}wcc}}w#ttf$rtj d g|wxYw) zDGiven a sequence of path names, returns the longest common sub-path.z%commonpath() arg is an empty sequencerr0rTrrc3.K|] }|ddk(yw)NrK).0rHr$s r5 zcommonpath..4s5!2A#5sz%Can't mix absolute and relative pathsNr-)rbtupler@r:r;r1r2r setminmax enumerater rBrCrErF) pathsr"r4 split_pathsrr<crjrlcommonrPprefixr$s @r5r-r-"st @AA #bii' (E%(E"3894tzz#9 9 P5u55FEEPPq1:aa6k:P P    bM DAqBqEzBQ  3r7(((#: PDE4 O P;P ~ &$$\:E: slD,D+D,.DD, D&D! D! D! $D&)4D,$D,D,DD,!D&&D,,'E)N)+__doc__r"r#r(r$r%r&r'r)r:rrerE__all__r6rrr r r rUr r rrr.rrrrrrposixrrrzrr*rrr+r,r-rr7r5rs           ': "7((00 #>V6)z   .j(+$D+ "'<~"llh6!R#Us9B%%B0/B0cRdZddlZGddeZGddeZGddeZy) z= The objects used by the site module to add custom builtins. Nc eZdZdZdZddZy)Quitterc ||_||_yNnameeof)selfrrs __init__zQuitter.__init__s c<d|jd|jdS)NzUse z() or z to exitrr s r __repr__zQuitter.__repr__s+/99dhh??r Ncx tjjt|#Yt|xYwr)sysstdinclose SystemExit)r codes r __call__zQuitter.__call__s7  IIOO   s+9r)__name__ __module__ __qualname__r rrr r rr s@r rc.eZdZdZdZddZdZdZdZy) _Printerzninteractive prompt objects for printing the license text, a list of contributors and the copyright notice.c ddl}||_||_d|_|Dcgc]%}|D]}|jj || 'c}}|_ycc}}wNr)os_Printer__name_Printer__data_Printer__linespathjoin_Printer__filenames)r rdatafilesdirsr dirfilenames r r z_Printer.__init__#s\   '+3 #,13 (GGLLh73733s*AcF|jryd}|jD]*} t|d5}|j}dddn|s |j }|j d|_t|j|_y#1swYKxYw#t$rYwxYw)Nzutf-8)encoding ) r#r&openreadOSErrorr"splitlen_Printer__linecnt)r r'r+fps r __setupz_Printer.__setup,s << (( H (W5%779D%  ;;Dzz$' T\\*%%  s' BBBB B B B c|jt|j|jkrdj |jSd|j fdzzS)Nr.z!Type %s() to see the full %s text)_Printer__setupr3r#MAXLINESr%r!rs r rz_Printer.__repr__<sI  t||  -99T\\* *64;;.:JK Kr c|jd}d} t|||jzD]}t|j| ||jz }d}|t |}|dvrd}||dk(ryf#t $rYywxYw)Nz0Hit Return for more, or q (and Return) to quit: r)qr=)r9ranger:printr#input IndexError)r promptlinenoikeys r rz_Printer.__call__Cs C vv '=>+A$,,q/*+ $--'k-C)+"k#:  s6A<< BBN)rr) rrr__doc__r:r r9rrrr r rrs#.H3+ Lr rceZdZdZdZdZy)_Helpera3Define the builtin 'help'. This is a wrapper around that provides a helpful message when 'help' is typed at the Python interactive prompt. Calling help() at the Python prompt starts an interactive help session. Calling help(thing) prints help for the python object 'thing'. cy)NzHType help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object.rrs r rz_Helper.__repr__bs8r c.ddl}|j|i|Sr)pydochelp)r argskwdsrKs r rz_Helper.__call__esuzz4(4((r N)rrrrFrrrr r rHrHXs8)r rH)rFrobjectrrrHrr r rPs4  f  8v8v)f)r cdZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlm Z ddlm Z dd lm Z dd lm Z dd lm Z dd lmZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZdZdZddZddZGddZGddej0ZGddeZy)z-Utility code for constructing importers, etc.)Loader)module_from_spec) _resolve_name)spec_from_loader) _find_spec) MAGIC_NUMBER)_RAW_MAGIC_NUMBER)cache_from_source) decode_source)source_from_cache)spec_from_file_locationNc6tjt|S)zBReturn the hash of *source_bytes* as used in hash-based pyc files.)_imp source_hashr) source_bytess rrs   -| <<c|jds|S|stdt|dd}|D]}|dk7rn|dz }t||d||S)z2Resolve a relative module name to an absolute one..zno package specified for z% (required for relative module names)r rN) startswith ImportErrorreprr)namepackagelevel characters r resolve_namers| ??3  5d4j\BAAB B E      efw 66rc|tjvr t||Stj|}|y |j}|t |d|S#t $rt |ddwxYw)aReturn the spec for the specified module. First, sys.modules is checked to see if the module was already imported. If so, then sys.modules[name].__spec__ is returned. If that happens to be set to None, then ValueError is raised. If the module is not in sys.modules, then sys.meta_path is searched for a suitable spec with the value of 'path' given to the finders. None is returned if no spec could be found. Dotted names do not have their parent packages implicitly imported. You will most likely need to explicitly import all parent packages in the proper order for a submodule to get the correct spec. N.__spec__ is None.__spec__ is not set)sysmodulesr__spec__ ValueErrorAttributeError)rpathmodulespecs r_find_spec_from_pathr)(s 3;;$%%T" > ??D| D6):!;<<K  Fv%9:; E Fs AA-c|jdr t||n|}|tjvr@|j dd}|rt |dg} |j }nd}t||Stj|}|y |j}|t|d |S#t$r}td|d|||d}~wwxYw#t$rt|d dwxYw) aReturn the spec for the specified module. First, sys.modules is checked to see if the module was already imported. If so, then sys.modules[name].__spec__ is returned. If that happens to be set to None, then ValueError is raised. If the module is not in sys.modules, then sys.meta_path is searched for a suitable spec with the value of 'path' given to the finders. None is returned if no spec could be found. If the name is for submodule (contains a dot), the parent module is automatically imported. The name and package arguments work the same as importlib.import_module(). In other words, relative module names (with leading dots) work. rr __path__)fromlistz __path__ attribute not found on z while trying to find )rNrr ) rrr!r" rpartition __import__r+r%ModuleNotFoundErrorrr#r$) rrfullname parent_nameparent parent_pather'r(s r find_specr5Gs"/3ooc.B|D'*Hs{{"))#.q1  zlCF P$oo K(K00X& > ??D| D6):!;<<K%" P)6{oF,,4<9?GINOP P Fv%9:; E Fs$ B' C ' C 0CC  C%c2eZdZdZdZdZdZedZy)+_incompatible_extension_module_restrictionsagA context manager that can temporarily skip the compatibility check. NOTE: This function is meant to accommodate an unusual case; one which is likely to eventually go away. There's is a pretty good chance this is not what you were looking for. WARNING: Using this function to disable the check can lead to unexpected behavior and even crashes. It should only be used during extension module development. If "disable_check" is True then the compatibility check will not happen while the context manager is active. Otherwise the check *will* happen. Normally, extensions that do not support multiple interpreters may not be imported in a subinterpreter. That implies modules that do not implement multi-phase init or that explicitly of out. Likewise for modules import in a subinterpeter with its own GIL when the extension does not support a per-interpreter GIL. This implies the module does not have a Py_mod_multiple_interpreters slot set to Py_MOD_PER_INTERPRETER_GIL_SUPPORTED. In both cases, this context manager may be used to temporarily disable the check for compatible extension modules. You can get the same effect as this function by implementing the basic interface of multi-phase init (PEP 489) and lying about support for multiple interpreters (or per-interpreter GIL). c$t||_yN)bool disable_check)selfr;s r__init__z4_incompatible_extension_module_restrictions.__init__s!-0rcNtj|j|_|Sr9)r'_override_multi_interp_extensions_checkoverrideoldr<s r __enter__z5_incompatible_extension_module_restrictions.__enter__s?? N rcJ|j}|`tj|yr9)rArr?)r<argsrAs r__exit__z4_incompatible_extension_module_restrictions.__exit__shh H 44S9rc"|jrdSdS)Nr)r;rBs rr@z4_incompatible_extension_module_restrictions.overrides''r.Q.rN) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__r=rCrFpropertyr@rrr7r7xs*>1: //rr7ceZdZdZdZdZy) _LazyModulezKA subclass of the module type which triggers loading upon attribute access.ctj|d}|j}|d5tj|dtur#|drtj||cdddSd|d<tj|d}|j}|d}|}i}|j D]2\} } | |vr| || <t || t || k7s.| || <4|jj||tjvr7t |t tj|k7rtd|d |j|tj|_dddt!||S#1swYxYw) z8Trigger the load of the module and return the attribute.r#lock __class__ is_loadingNT__dict__zmodule object for z. substituted in sys.modules during a lazy load)object__getattribute__ loader_staterPritemsidloader exec_moduler!r"r$updatetypes ModuleTyperSgetattr) r<attrr#rXrU original_name attrs_then attrs_now attrs_updatedkeyvalues rrWz_LazyModule.__getattribute__s**4<,, & !+ 2&&t[9[H  -!224>+ 2+ 2.2 \*!224D !) **5 $ " "+//"33JC*,-2 c*IcN+r*S//BB-2 c* 3++D1!CKK/$x2ckk-&@#AA(+=m=NO1*122  .!&!1!1W+ 2ZtT""[+ 2+ 2s8E=*A-E=BE==Fc>|j|t||y)z/Trigger the load and then perform the deletion.N)rWdelattr)r<ras r __delattr__z_LazyModule.__delattr__s d#drN)rIrJrKrLrWrjrNrrrPrPsU1#frrPcBeZdZdZedZedZdZdZ dZ y) LazyLoaderzKA loader that creates a module which defers loading until attribute access.c2t|ds tdy)Nr\z loader must define exec_module())hasattr TypeError)r[s r__check_eager_loaderzLazyLoader.__check_eager_loadersv}->? ?.rc4jfdS)z>Construct a callable which returns the eager loader made lazy.c |i|Sr9rN)rEkwargsclsr[s rz$LazyLoader.factory..ss64+B6+B'Cr)_LazyLoader__check_eager_loader)rtr[s``rfactoryzLazyLoader.factorys   (CCrc4|j|||_yr9)rvr[)r<r[s rr=zLazyLoader.__init__s !!&) rc8|jj|Sr9)r[ create_module)r<r(s rrzzLazyLoader.create_modules{{((..rc(|j|j_|j|_i}|jj |d<|j |d<t j|d<d|d<||j_t|_y)zMake the module load lazily.rUrSrRFrTN) r[r# __loader__rUcopyrS threadingRLockrXrP)r<r'rXs rr\zLazyLoader.exec_modules{!% KK  #)??#7#7#9 Z $*$4$4 [!(0 V%* \"'3$&rN) rIrJrKrL staticmethodrv classmethodrwr=rzr\rNrrrlrls>U@@DD /'rrlr9)rL_abcr _bootstraprrrr_bootstrap_externalrrr r r r rr!r~r^rrr)r5r7r_rPrlrNrrrst3(%("-22.28  = 7>*b././b<%""<~$'$'rc(dZdZedk(reyy)Tctdy)Nz Hello world!)printmainrs  .r__main__N) initializedr__name__rrrr s#  zFrcdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdd l Z dd l Z dd l Z dd l Z dd l gd Z d Z dd lmZmZmZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZe j<je_dZdZ e!e jDdrdZ#ndZ#dZ$ ddl%m&Z&dZ'dZ(dZ) dd l%m*Z*d!Z+d#Z, dd$l%m-Z-d%Z. dd&l%m/Z/m0Z1d'Z2d(Z3d)d*d+Z4d,Z5d6d-Z6d.Z7 dd/l%m8Z9dd0l%m:Z;dd1l%mZ? dd3l%m@Z@d4ZAy #e$rdZYwxYw#e$rd Z&YywxYw#e$rd"Z+YtwxYw#e$re,Z.YtwxYw#e$re.Z4YlwxYw#e$rYUwxYw#e$rd5ZAYy wxYw)7zCommon pathname manipulations, WindowsNT/95 version. Instead of importing this module directly, import os and refer to this module as os.path. ...\;/z.;C:\binnulN)*)(normcaseisabsjoin splitdrive splitrootsplitsplitextbasenamedirname commonprefixgetsizegetmtimegetatimegetctimeislinkexistslexistsisdirisfileismount expanduser expandvarsnormpathabspathcurdirpardirseppathsepdefpathaltsepextsepdevnullrealpathsupports_unicode_filenamesrelpathsamefile sameopenfilesamestat commonpath isjunctionc&t|tryy)N\/\/) isinstancebytespaths  _get_bothsepsr9#s$) LCMapStringExLOCALE_NAME_INVARIANTLCMAP_LOWERCASEcXtj|}|s|St|tr]t j }|j |djdd}ttt|}|j|dSttt|jddS)nNormalize case of pathname. Makes all characters lowercase and all slashes into backslashes. surrogateescaperr) osfspathr4r5sysgetfilesystemencodingdecodereplace_LCMapStringEx_LOCALE_NAME_INVARIANT_LCMAP_LOWERCASEencode)sencodings r8r r 3s IIaLH a 002H#45==c4HA5/4A88H&78 8!"8"2"#))C"68 8r:ctj|}t|trFtjtj |j ddjS|j ddjS)r?rr)rArBr4r5fsencodefsdecoderFlower)rKs r8r r Fsb IIaL a ;;r{{1~55c4@FFHI Iyyd#))++r:ctj|}t|trd}d}d}nd}d}d}|ddj ||}|j |s|j |d ry y ) zTest whether a path is absolute\/s:\rrz:\NTF)rArBr4r5rF startswith)rKr#r& colon_seps r8r r Wsn ! A!U   "1 fc"A ||CALLA6 r:c8tj|}t|trd}d}d}nd}d}d} |s|dd|zt |\}}}t tj|D]b}t |\} } } | r | s|s| }| }| }| r/| |k7r*| j |j k7r| }| }| }N| }|r |d|vr||z}|| z}d|r|s|r|dd||zvr||z|zS||z|zS#tttf$rtjd |g|wxYw) NrRr2:rr3:rr ) rArBr4r5r maprP TypeErrorAttributeError BytesWarning genericpath_check_arg_types) r7pathsr#sepscolon result_drive result_root result_pathpp_drivep_rootp_paths r8r r ksd 99T?D$! !HsN1:4. k;RYY& /A&/l #GVV,#*L$ $ W 4==?l&8&8&::#*L"(K"(K& {2d:)C/ %.K+ /.  \"#.edlB#% 3 3k)K77 ~| 4$$VT:E: sB/C,$C,,-Dc.t|\}}}|||zfS)aSplit a pathname into drive/UNC sharepoint and relative path specifiers. Returns a 2-tuple (drive_or_unc, path); either part may be empty. If you assign result = splitdrive(p) It is always true that: result[0] + result[1] == p If the path contained a drive letter, drive_or_unc will contain everything up to and including the colon. e.g. splitdrive("c:/dir") returns ("c:", "/dir") If the path contained a UNC path, the drive_or_unc will contain the host name and share up to but not including the fourth directory separator character. e.g. splitdrive("//host/computer/dir") returns ("//host/computer", "/dir") Paths cannot contain both a drive letter and a UNC path. )r )rhdriveroottails r8r r s#&"! E4 $+ r:ctj|}t|tr d}d}d}d}d}n d}d}d}d }d }|j ||}|d d |k(r||d d |k(ri|d dj |k(rdnd }|j ||}|dk(r|||fS|j ||d z} | dk(r|||fS|d | || | d z|| d zd fS||d d |d d fS|d d |k(r!|d d|k(r|d d |d d|dd fS|d d ||d d fS|||fS)aSplit a pathname into drive, root and tail. The drive is defined exactly as in splitdrive(). On Windows, the root may be a single path separator or an empty string. The tail contains anything after the root. For example: splitroot('//server/share/') == ('//server/share', '/', '') splitroot('C:/Users/Barney') == ('C:', '/', 'Users/Barney') splitroot('C:///spam///ham') == ('C:', '/', '//spam///ham') splitroot('Windows/notepad') == ('', '', 'Windows/notepad') rRrSrY\\?\UNC\r:rrrZ\\?\UNC\NrUr[rT)rArBr4r5rFupperfind) rhr#r&rd unc_prefixemptynormpstartindexindex2s r8r r s ! A!U$ #  IIfc "E RayC 1: r*j8AaEJJsE*E{%&ZZUQY/F|%&Wf:q 3Qvz{^C C!BQ%12& & qu  1: Ra5!Aa&!AB%' 'Ra5%12& &eQr:ctj|}t|}t|\}}}t |}|r||dz |vr|dz}|r ||dz |vr|d|||d}}||z|j |z|fS)z~Split a pathname. Return tuple (head, tail) where tail is everything after the final slash. Either part may be empty.rUN)rArBr9r lenrstrip)rhrcdriheadros r8rrs ! A  DlGAq! AA !A#d" Q !A#d"2A!"$D q54;;t$ $d **r:ctj|}t|trt j |dddSt j |dddS)NrRrS.rrr)rArBr4r5r` _splitextrhs r8rrsG ! A!U$$QtT::$$Qc377r:ct|dS)z)Returns the final component of a pathnamerUrrs r8rr  8A;r:ct|dS)z-Returns the directory component of a pathnamerrrs r8rrrr:st_reparse_tagc tj|}t |j tjk(S#tttf$rYywxYwz!Test whether a path is a junctionF) rAlstatOSError ValueErrorr^boolrstatIO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINTr7sts r8r0r0sM $BB%%)H)HHII^4|yr)rArBr6s r8r0r0#s $r:cZ tj|}y#ttf$rYywxYw)zCTest whether a path exists. Returns True for broken symbolic linksFT)rArrrrs r8rr+s2 XXd^  Z s **)_getvolumepathnamec>tj|}t|}t|}t |\}}}|r |d|vr| S|r|syt rL|j |}t |j |}|j|jk(Sy)zaTest whether a path is a mount point (a drive root, the root of a share, or a mounted volume)rTF)rArBr9r r rrcasefold)r7rcrmrnrestxys r8rrAs 99T?D  D 4=D!$E4 qT!x D KK  d # * *4 0zz|qzz|++r:c8tj|}t|trd}nd}|j |s|Sdt |}}||kr+||t |vr|dz }||kr||t |vrdtjvrtjd}nEdtjvr|S tjd}t|tjd}|dk7rs|d|}t|trtj|}tjjd}||k7r%|t|k7r|Stt||}t|trtj|}|||d zS#t$rd}YwxYw) zLExpand ~ and ~user constructs. If user or $HOME is unknown, do nothing.~~rU USERPROFILEHOMEPATH HOMEDRIVErsUSERNAMEN)rArBr4r5rVrr9environKeyErrorr rOgetrrrN)r7tildernuserhomerm target_user current_users r8rr^s{ 99T?D$ ??5 ! c$iqA a%DG=#66 Q a%DG=#66 "::m, 2:: %  JJ{+Erzz*56Av1Qi k5 )++k2Kzz~~j1 , & x11 GH-{;H$;;x( d12h / E s6F FFctj|}t|trPd|vrd|vr|Sddl}t|j |j zdzd}d}d}d}d }d}ttd d}nDd |vrd |vr|Sddl}|j |j zdz}d }d }d}d}d }tj}|dd} d} t|} | | kr|| | dz} | |k(r5|| dzd}t|} |j| } | | |d| dzzz } n| |k(r|| dz| dz|k(r | | z } | dz } n|| dzd}t|} |j|} |d| } |:tjtjtj| }n|| }| |z } n%| |k(r|| dz| dz|k(r | | z } | dz } n|| dz| dz|k(rr|| dzd}t|} |j|} |d| } |:tjtjtj| }n|| }| |z } n|dd} | dz } || | dz} | r| |vr| | z } | dz } || | dz} | r| |vr |:tjtjtj| }n|| }| |z } | r | dz} n| | z } | dz } | | kr| S#t$r| | |zz } | dz } Y&wxYw#t$r || z|z}YjwxYw#t$r| ||zz } | dz } YZwxYw#t$r||z| z|z}YwxYw#t$r| ||z|zz } | dz } YwxYw#t$r|| z}YwxYw)zfExpand shell variables of the forms $var, ${var} and %var%. Unknown variables are left unchanged.$%rNz_-ascii'{}environb$%'{}rUrt)rArBr4r5string ascii_lettersdigitsgetattrrrr|rrNrOr)r7rvarcharsquotepercentbracerbracedollarrresr|pathlencvarvalues r8rrsH 99T?D$ t D 0K-- =DgN"j$/ d?s$K''&--7$>** r(C E$iG '/ uQw  : #D$iG $ 1 q4 +++'\EAIeai(G3q E!GH~d)! JJw/E v,C8"?$&KK 2;;s;K0L$ME$+CLE5LC &[EAIeai(F2q eai *e3E!GH~d)! JJv.E v,C>"?$&KK 2;;s;K0L$ME$+CLE5LC2Ah uqy)AM1HCQJEU519-AAM) " BJJr{{37G,H I ' u QJE 1HC  W '/X JI $q4x!  $,$8 '#  78"(7T>)C#aKE(@$> & 4v =>"(6E>D00C#aKE(4 )"SLE)so3KL AK5(M?AL)8AM"K21K25L  L  L&%L&)M?MMM"M32M3)_path_normpathctj|}t|tr5tjt tj |xsdSt |xsdS)0Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc.rr)rArBr4r5rNrrOr6s r8rr4sKyy dE ";;~bkk$.?@AIT Id#*s*r:c tj|}t|tr d}d}d}d}nd}d}d}d}|j ||}t |\}}}||z}|j |}d } | t|kr_|| r|| |k(r|| =n?|| |k(r2| d kDr|| d z |k7r|| d z | d z=| d z} n| d k(r|r|| =n | d z } n| d z } | t|kr_|s|s|j|||j|zS) rrRrSr..rrrrrrU) rArBr4r5rFr rrappendr ) r7r#r&r!r"rmrnprefixcompsrs r8rrs3yy dE "CFFFCFFF||FC(%dOtT 3 #e*n8uQx61!HqV#q5U1Q3Z61ac!A#gFA!VaFAQ#e*ne LL ''r:ctj|}t|sEt|trtj }ntj }t||}t|S)zReturn the absolute version of a path as a fallback function in case `nt._getfullpathname` is not available or raises OSError. See bpo-31047 for more. ) rArBr r4r5getcwdbgetcwdr r)r7cwds r8_abspath_fallbackr<sM 99T?D ; dE "**,C))+CC D>r:)_getfullpathnamecl tt|S#ttf$rt |cYSwxYw)z&Return the absolute version of a path.)rrrrrr6s r8r r Ts5 +#HTN3 3$ +$T* * +s 33)_getfinalpathnamereadlinkcxd}t}t||vro|jt| |}t|}t |s.t |s|} |St tt||}t||vro|S#t$r}|j|vrYd}~|Sd}~wt$rY|SwxYw)N) rUrtrT 2CWi&i(i)) setr add _nt_readlinkr rrr rrwinerrorr)r7allowed_winerrorseenold_pathexs r8_readlink_deeprasLutnD( HHXd^ $ #D)T{"(+' $D):D$ABDtnD(,  ;;"22     s)%B B B9B)(B)) B98B9cfd}|dd}|r t|}|r t||S|S|S#t$r{}|j|vr t |}||k7r|r t||n|cYd}~Sn#t$rYnwxYwt |\}}|r |s ||zcYd}~S|r t||n|}Yd}~nd}~wwxYw|r)N)rUrtrTrrrr5Arr{iir)rr rrrr)r7rrornew_pathnames r8_getfinalpathname_nonstrictrs$XBQx :(.+/tD$'9T9* ) :;;&66  .d3H4'7;tHd3I(#4[ d$;&+/tD$'T' : sN(( B,B'A' B,&B'' A30B'2A33B' B,B''B,F)strictct|}t|trId}d}d}tj}t |t tj tk(r7yd}d}d}tj}t |t tk(ry|j|}|st|s t||} t|}d }|sU|j|rD|j|r||t%|dz} n|t%|d} t| |k(r| }|S|S#t$r,}|rtt|dt|}Yd}~d}~wt$r$}|r|j }t#|}Yd}~d}~wwxYw#t$r }Yd}~|Sd}~wt$r}|j k(r| }Yd}~|Sd}~wwxYw) Ns\\?\rqs\\s\\.\NULz\\?\rrz\\z\\.\NULr)rr4r5rArr rNr(rrVr r rrrstrrrr) r7rrrxnew_unc_prefixr had_prefixinitial_winerrorrspaths r8r)r)s~ dE "F(J$N**,C~"++g*>!??$F'J#N))+C~'!22#__V, %+T?D 5$T*D "doof5z*&c*o.>)??S[\* !$U+t3 D t I " c"g&D0D>D 5!{{ .t4D  5&    !;;"22 D  !sB D,F, F 5"E F (FF  G G*GGTcLtj|}t|trd}d}d}nd}d}d}||}|s t dtj|} t t |}t t |}t|\}}} t|\} }} t|t| k7rt d | d || j|D cgc]} | s|  } } | j|D cgc]} | s|  }} d }t| |D]#\}}t|t|k7rn|d z }%|gt| |z z||dz}|s|St|Scc} wcc} w#ttttt f$rt#j$d ||wxYw)z#Return a relative version of a pathrRrrrrrNzno path specifiedzpath is on mount z, start on mount rrUr+)rArBr4r5rr rr r rziprr r]r^r_DeprecationWarningr`ra)r7r{r#r!r" start_abspath_abs start_drive_ start_rest path_drive path_restr start_list path_listre1e2rel_lists r8r+r+s 99T?D$ } ,-- IIe EHUO, 8D>*%.y%9" Q #,X#6 Ay K HZ$8 8K)* *",!1!1#!6BE,E"#E"'E,<E'E'AE,E," E,,7F#c `|s tdtttj|}t |dt rd}d}d}nd}d}d} |Dcgc]+}t|j||j-}}|Dcgc]\}}}|j|}}}}t|Dchc]\}}}| c}}}d k7r td t|Dchc]\}}}| c}}}d k7r td t|dj||\} } } | j|} | D cgc] } | s| |k7s | } } |D cgc]}|D cgc] } | s| |k7s | c} }}} t|}t|}t|D]\}} | ||k7s| d |} n| d t|} | | z|j| zScc}wcc}}}wcc}}}wcc}}}wcc} wcc} wcc} }w#t t"f$rt%j&d g|wxYw)zDGiven a sequence of path names, returns the longest common sub-path.z%commonpath() arg is an empty sequencerrRrSrrrrrUz%Can't mix absolute and relative pathszPaths don't have the same driveNr/)rtupler\rArBr4r5r rFrPrrminmax enumerater r]r^r`ra)rbr#r&r!rh drivesplitsrr split_pathsrmrnr7commonrrKs1s2rs r8r/r/6s+ @AA #bii' (E%(E"JOPQy63!7!=!=!?@P P3>??1aqwws|? ? --gaA- .! 3DE E --gaA- .! 3>? ?%eAh&6&6vs&CDtTC#9qQ&[!99DOPq1:aa6k:P P    bM &DAqBqEz & HSW%Ft|chhv...5Q?- . ::P ~ &$$\:E: sH0GHG!*H9 G( "H( G/ 5AHG6 G6G6H H%G; -G; 3G; 7H<2H/,HH;HH'H-) _path_isdir) _path_isfile) _path_islink) _path_exists)_path_isdevdrivecJ tt|S#t$rYywxYwz@Determines whether the specified path is on a Windows Dev Drive.F)rr rr6s r8 isdevdriver|s( #GDM2 2  s  ""cyrr6s r8rrwsr:)N)B__doc__r!r"r'r#r$r&r%r(rArCrr`__all__r9_winapir;rGr<rHr=rIr ImportErrorr r r r rrrrrhasattr stat_resultr0rntrrrrrrrrr rrrrrr)r*r+r/rrrrrrrrrrrr:r8r%s          O!,-- 8H(+b.1r +*8 ((00  2>>+,J$%:-zj`.+!P+" +# +]> (T/b"'<@"+p.b  ())) #o ,, ,t^#("(#(D G Hd  s} C6DD+D5D,D9,E6DDD DDDD)(D),D65D69EEEEctdZddlZddlZgdZdZdZdZdZdZd Z d Z d Z d Z d Z dZdZdZdZy)z Path operations common to more than one OS Do not use directly. The OS specific modules import the appropriate functions from this module themselves. N) commonprefixexistsgetatimegetctimegetmtimegetsizeisdirisfileislinksamefile sameopenfilesamestatcZ tj|y#ttf$rYywxYw)zDTest whether a path exists. Returns False for broken symbolic linksFT)osstatOSError ValueError)paths rrs0    Z s **c tj|}tj|j S#ttf$rYywxYw)z%Test whether a path is a regular fileF)rrrrS_ISREGst_modersts rr r sB WWT] << ## Z 6AAc tj|}tj|j S#ttf$rYywxYw)zras`   $$$% & & & $$. Tr&cdZddlZddlZ ddlgdZdZdxZ Z dxZ Z d Z d Zejd k(re xZZe Zne xZZeZe Ze Ze ZeZGd d eZGddZGddeZGddeZGddeZGddeZGddeZGddeZ GddZ!GddZ"d2d!Z#d3d"Z$d#Z%d$Z&d%Z'd&Z(d'Z)d(Z*d4d)Z+d4d*Z,d+Z-d,Z. e/d Z0e/d-Z1e/d.Z2e/d/Z3e/d0Z4e/d1Z5dZ7e7rddl8Z8yy#e$rZedezdZ[wwxYw#e6$rdZ0dZ1dZ2dZ3dZ4dZ5Y5wxYw)5z codecs -- Python Codec Registry, API and helpers. Written by Marc-Andre Lemburg ( (c) Copyright CNRI, All Rights Reserved. NO WARRANTY. N)*z%Failed to load the builtin codecs: %s),registerlookupopen EncodedFileBOMBOM_BEBOM_LEBOM32_BEBOM32_LEBOM64_BEBOM64_LEBOM_UTF8 BOM_UTF16 BOM_UTF16_LE BOM_UTF16_BE BOM_UTF32 BOM_UTF32_LE BOM_UTF32_BE CodecInfoCodecIncrementalEncoderIncrementalDecoder StreamReader StreamWriterStreamReaderWriter StreamRecoder getencoder getdecodergetincrementalencodergetincrementaldecoder getreader getwriterencodedecode iterencode iterdecode strict_errors ignore_errorsreplace_errorsxmlcharrefreplace_errorsbackslashreplace_errorsnamereplace_errorsregister_error lookup_errorssssslittlec,eZdZdZdZ ddddZdZy)rz0Codec details when looking up the codec registryTN)_is_text_encodingctj|||||f} || _|| _|| _|| _|| _|| _|| _||| _ | SN) tuple__new__namer#r$incrementalencoderincrementaldecoder streamwriter streamreaderr1) clsr#r$r:r9r7r8r6r1selfs r5zCodecInfo.__new__^se}}S66<"NO   "4"4((  (%6D " cd|jj|jj|jt |fzS)Nz%<%s.%s object for encoding %s at %#x>) __class__ __module__ __qualname__r6idr<s r=__repr__zCodecInfo.__repr__ms:6**DNN,G,GBtH&& &r>)NNNNN)__name__rArB__doc__r1r5rEr>r=rrSs%:EI?C ! &r>rc eZdZdZddZddZy)ra9 Defines the interface for stateless encoders/decoders. The .encode()/.decode() methods may use different error handling schemes by providing the errors argument. These string values are predefined: 'strict' - raise a ValueError error (or a subclass) 'ignore' - ignore the character and continue with the next 'replace' - replace with a suitable replacement character; Python will use the official U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER for the builtin Unicode codecs on decoding and '?' on encoding. 'surrogateescape' - replace with private code points U+DCnn. 'xmlcharrefreplace' - Replace with the appropriate XML character reference (only for encoding). 'backslashreplace' - Replace with backslashed escape sequences. 'namereplace' - Replace with \N{...} escape sequences (only for encoding). The set of allowed values can be extended via register_error. ct)a# Encodes the object input and returns a tuple (output object, length consumed). errors defines the error handling to apply. It defaults to 'strict' handling. The method may not store state in the Codec instance. Use StreamWriter for codecs which have to keep state in order to make encoding efficient. The encoder must be able to handle zero length input and return an empty object of the output object type in this situation. NotImplementedErrorr<inputerrorss r=r#z Codec.encodes ""!r>ct)a Decodes the object input and returns a tuple (output object, length consumed). input must be an object which provides the bf_getreadbuf buffer slot. Python strings, buffer objects and memory mapped files are examples of objects providing this slot. errors defines the error handling to apply. It defaults to 'strict' handling. The method may not store state in the Codec instance. Use StreamReader for codecs which have to keep state in order to make decoding efficient. The decoder must be able to handle zero length input and return an empty object of the output object type in this situation. rKrMs r=r$z Codec.decodes *"!r>Nstrict)rFrArBrGr#r$rHr>r=rrrs,"&"r>rc2eZdZdZddZd dZdZdZdZy) rz An IncrementalEncoder encodes an input in multiple steps. The input can be passed piece by piece to the encode() method. The IncrementalEncoder remembers the state of the encoding process between calls to encode(). c ||_d|_y)z Creates an IncrementalEncoder instance. The IncrementalEncoder may use different error handling schemes by providing the errors keyword argument. See the module docstring for a list of possible values. N)rObufferr<rOs r=__init__zIncrementalEncoder.__init__s  r>ct)zA Encodes input and returns the resulting object. rKr<rNfinals r=r#zIncrementalEncoder.encode "!r>cy)z: Resets the encoder to the initial state. NrHrDs r=resetzIncrementalEncoder.resetr>cy)z: Return the current state of the encoder. rrHrDs r=getstatezIncrementalEncoder.getstatesr>cy)zl Set the current state of the encoder. state must have been returned by getstate(). NrHr<states r=setstatezIncrementalEncoder.setstater_r>NrQF) rFrArBrGrXr#r^rarerHr>r=rrs  "    r>rc8eZdZdZd dZdZd dZdZdZdZ y) BufferedIncrementalEncoderz This subclass of IncrementalEncoder can be used as the baseclass for an incremental encoder if the encoder must keep some of the output in a buffer between calls to encode(). c>tj||d|_yNrU)rrXrVrWs r=rXz#BufferedIncrementalEncoder.__init__s##D&1 r>ctr3rKr<rNrOr[s r=_buffer_encodez)BufferedIncrementalEncoder._buffer_encode "!r>cx|j|z}|j||j|\}}||d|_|Sr3)rVrmrOr<rNr[dataresultconsumeds r=r#z!BufferedIncrementalEncoder.encode?{{U"!00t{{EJ89o  r>c<tj|d|_yrj)rr^rVrDs r=r^z BufferedIncrementalEncoder.resets  & r>c"|jxsdSNrrVrDs r=raz#BufferedIncrementalEncoder.getstates{{ar>c|xsd|_yrjrxrcs r=rez#BufferedIncrementalEncoder.setstates kr r>NrQrf) rFrArBrGrXrmr#r^rarerHr>r=rhrhs%  "  "r>rhc2eZdZdZddZd dZdZdZdZy) rz An IncrementalDecoder decodes an input in multiple steps. The input can be passed piece by piece to the decode() method. The IncrementalDecoder remembers the state of the decoding process between calls to decode(). c||_y)z Create an IncrementalDecoder instance. The IncrementalDecoder may use different error handling schemes by providing the errors keyword argument. See the module docstring for a list of possible values. N)rOrWs r=rXzIncrementalDecoder.__init__s  r>ct)z@ Decode input and returns the resulting object. rKrZs r=r$zIncrementalDecoder.decoder\r>cy)z9 Reset the decoder to the initial state. NrHrDs r=r^zIncrementalDecoder.resetr_r>cy)a  Return the current state of the decoder. This must be a (buffered_input, additional_state_info) tuple. buffered_input must be a bytes object containing bytes that were passed to decode() that have not yet been converted. additional_state_info must be a non-negative integer representing the state of the decoder WITHOUT yet having processed the contents of buffered_input. In the initial state and after reset(), getstate() must return (b"", 0). )r>rrHrDs r=razIncrementalDecoder.getstatesr>cy)z Set the current state of the decoder. state must have been returned by getstate(). The effect of setstate((b"", 0)) must be equivalent to reset(). NrHrcs r=rezIncrementalDecoder.setstate'r_r>NrQrf) rFrArBrGrXr$r^rarerHr>r=rrs  "   r>rc8eZdZdZd dZdZd dZdZdZdZ y) BufferedIncrementalDecoderz This subclass of IncrementalDecoder can be used as the baseclass for an incremental decoder if the decoder must be able to handle incomplete byte sequences. c>tj||d|_yNr>)rrXrVrWs r=rXz#BufferedIncrementalDecoder.__init__5s##D&1 r>ctr3rKrls r=_buffer_decodez)BufferedIncrementalDecoder._buffer_decode:rnr>cx|j|z}|j||j|\}}||d|_|Sr3)rVrrOrps r=r$z!BufferedIncrementalDecoder.decode?rtr>c<tj|d|_yr)rr^rVrDs r=r^z BufferedIncrementalDecoder.resetGs  & r>c|jdfSrwrxrDs r=raz#BufferedIncrementalDecoder.getstateKs Qr>c|d|_yrwrxrcs r=rez#BufferedIncrementalDecoder.setstateOs Ah r>NrQrf) rFrArBrGrXrr$r^rarerHr>r=rr/s%  "  r>rcJeZdZd dZdZdZdZd dZefdZ dZ dZ d Z y ) rc ||_||_y)aw Creates a StreamWriter instance. stream must be a file-like object open for writing. The StreamWriter may use different error handling schemes by providing the errors keyword argument. These parameters are predefined: 'strict' - raise a ValueError (or a subclass) 'ignore' - ignore the character and continue with the next 'replace'- replace with a suitable replacement character 'xmlcharrefreplace' - Replace with the appropriate XML character reference. 'backslashreplace' - Replace with backslashed escape sequences. 'namereplace' - Replace with \N{...} escape sequences. The set of allowed parameter values can be extended via register_error. N)streamrOr<rrOs r=rXzStreamWriter.__init__\s,  r>cx|j||j\}}|jj|y)z> Writes the object's contents encoded to N)r#rOrwrite)r<objectrqrss r=rzStreamWriter.writeus.VT[[9h $r>cD|jdj|y)z[ Writes the concatenated list of strings to the stream using .write(). rUN)rjoinr<lists r= writelineszStreamWriter.writelines|s 2774=!r>cy)a2 Resets the codec buffers used for keeping internal state. Calling this method should ensure that the data on the output is put into a clean state, that allows appending of new fresh data without having to rescan the whole stream to recover state. NrHrDs r=r^zStreamWriter.resets r>ct|jj|||dk(r|dk(r|jyyyrwrseekr^r<offsetwhences r=rzStreamWriter.seeks3 ( Q;6Q; JJL';r>c(||j|Sz? Inherit all other methods from the underlying stream. rr<r6getattrs r= __getattr__zStreamWriter.__getattr__ t{{D))r>c|Sr3rHrDs r= __enter__zStreamWriter.__enter__ r>c8|jjyr3rcloser<typevaluetbs r=__exit__zStreamWriter.__exit__ r>cFtd|jjzNzcan't serialize %s TypeErrorr@rFr<protos r= __reduce_ex__zStreamWriter.__reduce_ex__,t~~/F/FFGGr>NrQr) rFrArBrXrrr^rrrrrrrHr>r=rrZs52 "   $*Hr>rcneZdZeZddZddZddZddZddZ dZ ddZ d Z d Z efd Zd Zd ZdZy)rc||_||_d|_|j|_|j|_d|_y)a Creates a StreamReader instance. stream must be a file-like object open for reading. The StreamReader may use different error handling schemes by providing the errors keyword argument. These parameters are predefined: 'strict' - raise a ValueError (or a subclass) 'ignore' - ignore the character and continue with the next 'replace'- replace with a suitable replacement character 'backslashreplace' - Replace with backslashed escape sequences; The set of allowed parameter values can be extended via register_error. r>N)rrO bytebuffercharbuffertype_empty_charbuffer charbuffer linebufferrs r=rXzStreamReader.__init__s>$  !%!4!4!600r>ctr3rKrMs r=r$zStreamReader.decodes!!r>cF|jr1|jj|j|_d|_|dkr|} |dk\rt |j|k\rn|dkr|j j }n|j j |}|j|z}|snC |j||j\}}||d|_|xj|z c_|sn|dkr|j} |j|_| S|jd|} |j|d|_| S#t$rZ}|rM|j|d|j|j\}}|jd} t | dkrYd}~d}~wwxYw)a Decodes data from the stream and returns the resulting object. chars indicates the number of decoded code points or bytes to return. read() will never return more data than requested, but it might return less, if there is not enough available. size indicates the approximate maximum number of decoded bytes or code points to read for decoding. The decoder can modify this setting as appropriate. The default value -1 indicates to read and decode as much as possible. size is intended to prevent having to decode huge files in one step. If firstline is true, and a UnicodeDecodeError happens after the first line terminator in the input only the first line will be returned, the rest of the input will be kept until the next call to read(). The method should use a greedy read strategy, meaning that it should read as much data as is allowed within the definition of the encoding and the given size, e.g. if optional encoding endings or state markers are available on the stream, these should be read too. NrTkeepends) rrrrlenrreadrr$rOUnicodeDecodeErrorstart splitlines) r<sizechars firstlinenewdatarqnewchars decodedbytesexclinesrrs r=rzStreamReader.reads8 ??"4499$//JDO"DO 19Ezt'50ax++**,++**40??W,D )-T4;;)G&,#<=1DO OOx 'O?@ 19__F"44DO  __Ve,F"ooef5DO 1&  D#))$4dkkB+Hl$///>E5z1}%  s2D== F AFF Nc&|jrh|jd}|jd=t|jdk(r|jd|_d|_|s|jdd}|S|xsd}|j} |j |d}|rXt |tr|jd s!t |tr'|jd r||j dd z }||z }|jd}|rt|dkDrm|d}|d=t|dkDr&|d xx|jz cc<||_d|_n|d|jz|_|s|jdd} |S|d}|djdd}||k7r<|jj|dd|jz|_|r|} |S|} |S|r||r|s|jdd} |S|d kr|dz})z Read one line from the input stream and return the decoded data. size, if given, is passed as size argument to the read() method. rrNFrHT)r  )rri@) rrrrrr isinstancestrendswithbytesr) r<rrlinereadsizerqr line0withendline0withoutends r=readlinezStreamReader.readlines; ????1%D"4??#q(#'//!"4"&6q9K:2%%99X96DtS)dmmD.AtU+ e0DDII1AI66D DLDOOTO2Eu:>!8Da5zA~b T__4 */*.+0(T__*D##>qA& % %Qx "'("5"5u"5"Ea"H?2&*&<&<&A&A%)&L&*oo'6DO+  / 4+??E?:1=D $A ]r>cD|j}|j|S)aS Read all lines available on the input stream and return them as a list. Line breaks are implemented using the codec's decoder method and are included in the list entries. sizehint, if given, is ignored since there is no efficient way to finding the true end-of-line. )rr)r<sizehintrrqs r= readlineszStreamReader.readlinesasyy{x((r>cBd|_|j|_d|_y)z Resets the codec buffers used for keeping internal state. Note that no stream repositioning should take place. This method is primarily intended to be able to recover from decoding errors. r>N)rrrrrDs r=r^zStreamReader.resetps00r>c\|jj|||jy)zp Set the input stream's current position. Resets the codec buffers used for keeping state. Nrrs}s! ( r>c6|j}|r|Stz4 Return the next decoded line from the input stream.)r StopIteration)r<rs r=__next__zStreamReader.__next__s}} Kr>c|Sr3rHrDs r=__iter__zStreamReader.__iter__rr>c(||j|Srrrs r=rzStreamReader.__getattr__rr>c|Sr3rHrDs r=rzStreamReader.__enter__rr>c8|jjyr3rrs r=rzStreamReader.__exit__rr>cFtd|jjzrrrs r=rzStreamReader.__reduce_ex__rr>rQ)rrF)NTr)rFrArBrrrXr$rrrr^rrrrrrrrrHr>r=rrsRN2"N`IV ) $*Hr>rcveZdZdZdZddZddZddZddZdZ d Z d Z d Z d Z dd ZefdZdZdZdZy)ra StreamReaderWriter instances allow wrapping streams which work in both read and write modes. The design is such that one can use the factory functions returned by the codec.lookup() function to construct the instance. unknowncX||_||||_||||_||_y)aR Creates a StreamReaderWriter instance. stream must be a Stream-like object. Reader, Writer must be factory functions or classes providing the StreamReader, StreamWriter interface resp. Error handling is done in the same way as defined for the StreamWriter/Readers. N)rreaderwriterrO)r<rReaderWriterrOs r=rXzStreamReaderWriter.__init__s. VV, VV,  r>c8|jj|Sr3)rrr<rs r=rzStreamReaderWriter.reads{{%%r>Nc8|jj|Sr3)rrrs r=rzStreamReaderWriter.readlines{{##D))r>c8|jj|Sr3)rr)r<rs r=rzStreamReaderWriter.readliness{{$$X..r>c,t|jSr)nextrrDs r=rzStreamReaderWriter.__next__sDKK  r>c|Sr3rHrDs r=rzStreamReaderWriter.__iter__rr>c8|jj|Sr3)rr)r<rqs r=rzStreamReaderWriter.writes{{  &&r>c8|jj|Sr3)rrrs r=rzStreamReaderWriter.writeliness{{%%d++r>cl|jj|jjyr3rr^rrDs r=r^zStreamReaderWriter.reset"  r>c|jj|||jj|dk(r!|dk(r|jjyyyrw)rrrr^rrs r=rzStreamReaderWriter.seeksJ (  Q;6Q; KK   ';r>c(||j|Srrrs r=rzStreamReaderWriter.__getattr__rr>c|Sr3rHrDs r=rzStreamReaderWriter.__enter__rr>c8|jjyr3rrs r=rzStreamReaderWriter.__exit__rr>cFtd|jjzrrrs r=rz StreamReaderWriter.__reduce_ex__rr>rQrr3r)rFrArBrGencodingrXrrrrrrrr^rrrrrrrHr>r=rrsZH$&*/! ',  $*Hr>rc|eZdZdZdZdZ ddZddZddZddZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zdd ZefdZdZdZdZy)raB StreamRecoder instances translate data from one encoding to another. They use the complete set of APIs returned by the codecs.lookup() function to implement their task. Data written to the StreamRecoder is first decoded into an intermediate format (depending on the "decode" codec) and then written to the underlying stream using an instance of the provided Writer class. In the other direction, data is read from the underlying stream using a Reader instance and then encoded and returned to the caller. rct||_||_||_||||_||||_||_y)a Creates a StreamRecoder instance which implements a two-way conversion: encode and decode work on the frontend (the data visible to .read() and .write()) while Reader and Writer work on the backend (the data in stream). You can use these objects to do transparent transcodings from e.g. latin-1 to utf-8 and back. stream must be a file-like object. encode and decode must adhere to the Codec interface; Reader and Writer must be factory functions or classes providing the StreamReader and StreamWriter interfaces resp. Error handling is done in the same way as defined for the StreamWriter/Readers. N)rr#r$rrrO)r<rr#r$rrrOs r=rXzStreamRecoder.__init__s<*   VV, VV,  r>cz|jj|}|j||j\}}|Sr3)rrr#rOr<rrq bytesencodeds,s4{{%![[t{{;l r>Nc||jj}n|jj|}|j||j\}}|Sr3)rrr#rOr s r=rzStreamRecoder.readline2sK <;;'')D;;''-D![[t{{;l r>c|jj}|j||j\}}|j dS)NTr)rrr#rOr)r<rrqrs r=rzStreamRecoder.readlines;s>{{!![[t{{;l--r>cnt|j}|j||j\}}|Sr)rrr#rO)r<rqrs r=rzStreamRecoder.__next__As0DKK ![[t{{;l r>c|Sr3rHrDs r=rzStreamRecoder.__iter__Hrr>cv|j||j\}}|jj|Sr3)r$rOrr)r<rq bytesdecodeds r=rzStreamRecoder.writeKs0![[t{{;l{{  &&r>cdj|}|j||j\}}|jj |Sr)rr$rOrr)r<rrqrs r=rzStreamRecoder.writelinesPs=xx~![[t{{;l{{  &&r>cl|jj|jjyr3rrDs r=r^zStreamRecoder.resetVrr>ct|jj|||jj||yr3)rrrrs[s, ( (r>c(||j|Srrrs r=rzStreamRecoder.__getattr__arr>c|Sr3rHrDs r=rzStreamRecoder.__enter__hrr>c8|jjyr3rrs r=rzStreamRecoder.__exit__krr>cFtd|jjzrrrs r=rzStreamRecoder.__reduce_ex__nrr>rQrr3r)rFrArBrG data_encoding file_encodingrXrrrrrrrr^rrrrrrrHr>r=rrsd MM!8 . ' '  )$*Hr>rrRc| d|vr|dz}tj|||}||S t|}t||j|j |}||_|S#|jxYw)a Open an encoded file using the given mode and return a wrapped version providing transparent encoding/decoding. Note: The wrapped version will only accept the object format defined by the codecs, i.e. Unicode objects for most builtin codecs. Output is also codec dependent and will usually be Unicode as well. If encoding is not None, then the underlying encoded files are always opened in binary mode. The default file mode is 'r', meaning to open the file in read mode. encoding specifies the encoding which is to be used for the file. errors may be given to define the error handling. It defaults to 'strict' which causes ValueErrors to be raised in case an encoding error occurs. buffering has the same meaning as for the builtin open() API. It defaults to -1 which means that the default buffer size will be used. The returned wrapped file object provides an extra attribute .encoding which allows querying the used encoding. This attribute is only available if an encoding was specified as parameter. b)builtinsrrrr:r9r r)filenamemoder rO bufferingfileinfosrws r=rrss> $cz ==4 3D h t'8'8$:K:KVT    s 5AA1c||}t|}t|}t||j|j|j|j |}||_||_|S)a Return a wrapped version of file which provides transparent encoding translation. Data written to the wrapped file is decoded according to the given data_encoding and then encoded to the underlying file using file_encoding. The intermediate data type will usually be Unicode but depends on the specified codecs. Bytes read from the file are decoded using file_encoding and then passed back to the caller encoded using data_encoding. If file_encoding is not given, it defaults to data_encoding. errors may be given to define the error handling. It defaults to 'strict' which causes ValueErrors to be raised in case an encoding error occurs. The returned wrapped file object provides two extra attributes .data_encoding and .file_encoding which reflect the given parameters of the same name. The attributes can be used for introspection by Python programs. )rrr#r$r:r9rr)r$rrrO data_info file_infosrs r=rrsj2% }%I}%I tY--y/?/? --y/E/Ev OB%B$B Ir>c,t|jS)z Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its encoder function. Raises a LookupError in case the encoding cannot be found. )rr#r s r=rr (  " ""r>c,t|jS)z Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its decoder function. Raises a LookupError in case the encoding cannot be found. )rr$r,s r=rrr-r>cJt|j}| t||S)z Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its IncrementalEncoder class or factory function. Raises a LookupError in case the encoding cannot be found or the codecs doesn't provide an incremental encoder. )rr7 LookupError)r encoders r=rr)X11G(## Nr>cJt|j}| t||S)z Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its IncrementalDecoder class or factory function. Raises a LookupError in case the encoding cannot be found or the codecs doesn't provide an incremental decoder. )rr8r0)r decoders r=r r r2r>c,t|jS)z Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its StreamReader class or factory function. Raises a LookupError in case the encoding cannot be found. )rr:r,s r=r!r! (  ( ((r>c,t|jS)z Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its StreamWriter class or factory function. Raises a LookupError in case the encoding cannot be found. )rr9r,s r=r"r"r6r>c+Kt||fi|}|D]}|j|}|s||jdd}|r|yyw)z Encoding iterator. Encodes the input strings from the iterator using an IncrementalEncoder. errors and kwargs are passed through to the IncrementalEncoder constructor. rUTN)rr#)iteratorr rOkwargsr1rNoutputs r=r%r%sc.#H-f??G& L^^B %F   +A Ac+Kt||fi|}|D]}|j|}|s||jdd}|r|yyw)z Decoding iterator. Decodes the input strings from the iterator using an IncrementalDecoder. errors and kwargs are passed through to the IncrementalDecoder constructor. r>TN)r r$)r9r rOr:r4rNr;s r=r&r& sc.#H-f??G& L^^C &F  r<c.|Dcic]}||c}Scc}w)z make_identity_dict(rng) -> dict Return a dictionary where elements of the rng sequence are mapped to themselves. rH)rngis r=make_identity_dictrA4s AAaC  s cXi}|jD]\}}||vr|||<d||<|S)a Creates an encoding map from a decoding map. If a target mapping in the decoding map occurs multiple times, then that target is mapped to None (undefined mapping), causing an exception when encountered by the charmap codec during translation. One example where this happens is which decodes multiple character to \u001a. N)items) decoding_mapmkvs r=make_encoding_maprH>sE A!!#!AvAaDAaD  Hr>ignorereplacexmlcharrefreplacebackslashreplace namereplace)rNrRr)NrRrQ)9rGr sys_codecs ImportErrorwhy SystemError__all__rr rrrrr byteorderrrrr r r r r4rrrrrhrrrrrrrrrrrr r!r"r%r&rArHr.r'r(r)r*r+r,r0_false encodingsrHr>r=rXs E -0 $#$## # ==H#"C)I #"C)I     &&>@"@"D& & P "!3 "D/ / b"!3"VHH5HHXxH5xHxVHVHtsHsHn/b"L##  ))$( . *M *M!),N+,?@*+=>%m4   o"E =C DDEV"MMN#"s)D0D-D* D%%D*-EEcy)Nrzrsrc dZdZgdZddlZddlZddlmZmZmZmZm Z m Z m Z m Z m Z mZmZmZmZmZmZde_dZdZdZGd d ej0ej2 ZGd d ej6eZGddej:eZGddej>eZ ejCe e e eeefD]Z"ejCe"e efD]Z"e jCe"[" ddlm#Z#ejCe#y#e$$rYywxYw)aThe io module provides the Python interfaces to stream handling. The builtin open function is defined in this module. At the top of the I/O hierarchy is the abstract base class IOBase. It defines the basic interface to a stream. Note, however, that there is no separation between reading and writing to streams; implementations are allowed to raise an OSError if they do not support a given operation. Extending IOBase is RawIOBase which deals simply with the reading and writing of raw bytes to a stream. FileIO subclasses RawIOBase to provide an interface to OS files. BufferedIOBase deals with buffering on a raw byte stream (RawIOBase). Its subclasses, BufferedWriter, BufferedReader, and BufferedRWPair buffer streams that are readable, writable, and both respectively. BufferedRandom provides a buffered interface to random access streams. BytesIO is a simple stream of in-memory bytes. Another IOBase subclass, TextIOBase, deals with the encoding and decoding of streams into text. TextIOWrapper, which extends it, is a buffered text interface to a buffered raw stream (`BufferedIOBase`). Finally, StringIO is an in-memory stream for text. Argument names are not part of the specification, and only the arguments of open() are intended to be used as keyword arguments. data: DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE An int containing the default buffer size used by the module's buffered I/O classes. open() uses the file's blksize (as obtained by os.stat) if possible. zGuido van Rossum , Mike Verdone , Mark Russell , Antoine Pitrou , Amaury Forgeot d'Arc , Benjamin Peterson )BlockingIOErroropen open_codeIOBase RawIOBaseFileIOBytesIOStringIOBufferedIOBaseBufferedReaderBufferedWriterBufferedRWPairBufferedRandom TextIOBase TextIOWrapperUnsupportedOperationSEEK_SETSEEK_CURSEEK_ENDDEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE text_encodingIncrementalNewlineDecoderN)rrrrrrrrr r r r rrrioc8eZdZejj Zy)rN)__name__ __module__ __qualname___io_IOBase__doc__ rrHskk!!Gr#r) metaclassc8eZdZejj Zy)rN)rrrr _RawIOBaser!r"r#r$rrKsnn$$Gr#rc8eZdZejj Zy)r N)rrrr_BufferedIOBaser!r"r#r$r r Ns!!))Gr#r c8eZdZejj Zy)rN)rrrr _TextIOBaser!r"r#r$rrQsoo%%Gr#r)_WindowsConsoleIO)%r! __author____all__rabcrrrrrrrrr r r r rrrrrrrr ABCMetarr'rr)r r+rregisterklassr, ImportErrorr"r#r$r4s9!H8  P JJJJJ#'    "S[[CKK"%%*S((&*&&& 6~~~#EE"# &E *%()  s-DD  D cdZdaddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZejdk(Zer ddl Z ddl Z nddl Z erddgZ ndgZ ede DsJe dZee Zdj%e Z e Dchc]}d| c}Zd Zd ZeezZd ZeZd Zd ZdZerdZndZdZdZdZdZ dZ!erdZ"ndZ"dZ#dNdZ$e%e$jLZ'djQdddzZ)e*jWe)dZ,dZ-dZ.d gZ/ere/jad!ejbZ2d"gZ3e3xZ4Z5dOdd#d$Z6d%Z7d&Z8d'Z9d(Z:d)Z;d*ZdPd-Z?dQd.Z@dRd/ZAd0ZBeCZDdOdeDd1d2ZEd3ZFGd4d5ZGGd6d7ZHGd8d9eHZIGd:d;ZJGd<d=eJeIZKGd>d?eJeHZLGd@dAeJeHZMGdBdCZNGdDdEZOeOZPGdFdGZQGdHdIZRdOdJZSdKZTdLZUdMZVycc}w)Sa^Core implementation of path-based import. This module is NOT meant to be directly imported! It has been designed such that it can be bootstrapped into Python as the implementation of import. As such it requires the injection of specific modules and attributes in order to work. One should use importlib as the public-facing version of this module. Nwin32\/c#8K|]}t|dk(yw)N)len).0seps & r .s 4S3s8q= 4s:)win)cygwindarwinctjjtr/tjjtrdndfd}|Sd}|S)N PYTHONCASEOKs PYTHONCASEOKcbtjj xrtjvS)z^True if filenames must be checked case-insensitively and ignore environment flags are not set.)sysflagsignore_environment_osenvironkeysr _relax_casez%_make_relax_case.._relax_caseCs$yy333Js{{8J Jcy)z5True if filenames must be checked case-insensitively.Frrr rz%_make_relax_case.._relax_caseGsr)rplatform startswith_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PLATFORMS#_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PLATFORMS_STR_KEY)rrs @r _make_relax_caser#<sN ||:; << " "#F G C!C K   rc>t|dzjddS)z*Convert a 32-bit integer to little-endian.little)intto_bytes)xs r _pack_uint32r+Os FZ  ) )!X 66rcNt|dk(sJtj|dS)z/Convert 4 bytes in little-endian to an integer.r&r'rr( from_bytesdatas r _unpack_uint32r1T# t9>> >>$ ))rcNt|dk(sJtj|dS)z/Convert 2 bytes in little-endian to an integer.r'r-r/s r _unpack_uint16r5Yr2rc|syt|dk(r|dSd}g}ttj|D]\}}|j t s|j t r$|jtxs|}t|zg}T|j dr9|j|jk7r|}|g}|j||xs|}|j||Dcgc]}|s|jt}}t|dk(r|ds |tzS|tj|zScc}w)Replacement for os.path.join().r rrr ) rmapr_path_splitrootr path_sep_tupleendswithrstrippath_separatorspath_sepcasefoldappendjoin) path_partsrootpathnew_roottailps r _path_joinrH`s+ z?a a= !#"5"5zB "NHd"">2h6G6G6W7?4 4(""3'==?h&7&7&99$D 6DKK%'4 D! "48=a1)== t9>$q'(? "hmmD))) >s 0E8Ec|tj|Dcgc]}|r|jtc}Scc}w)r7)r>rAr<r=)rBparts r rHrH~s9}}*4>"&#kk/:>? ?>s9c`tfdtD}|dkrdfSd||dzdfS)z Replacement for os.path.split().c3@K|]}j|ywN)rfind)rrGrDs r r z_path_split..s 3aDJJqM 3srr Nr)maxr=)rDis` r _path_splitrQs> 3? 33A1u4x 8T!a%&\ !!rc,tj|S)z~Stat the path. Made a separate function to make it easier to override in experiments (e.g. cache stat results). )rstatrDs r _path_statrUs 88D>rc\ t|}|jdz|k(S#t$rYywxYw)z1Test whether the path is the specified mode type.Fi)rUOSErrorst_mode)rDmode stat_infos r _path_is_mode_typer[s=t$     (T 11 s  ++ct|dS)zReplacement for os.path.isfile.i)r[rTs r _path_isfiler]s dH --rcF|stj}t|dS)zReplacement for os.path.isdir.i@)rgetcwdr[rTs r _path_isdirr`s zz| dH --rc|sytj|djdd}t|dkDxr$|j dxs|j dS)Replacement for os.path.isabs.Frrrrz\\)rr9replacerr r;)rDrCs r _path_isabsrdsT""4(+33C>4y1}Q$//&"9"PT]]4=PQrc,|jtS)rb)r r=rTs r rdrds//rct|s=tD]}|jd|}tt j |S|S)z Replacement for os.path.abspath..)rdr= removeprefixrHrr_)rDr s r _path_abspathrisG t " 0C$$qY/D 0#**,-- rc|dt|}tj|tjtjztj z|dz} t j|d5}|j|dddtj||y#1swY xYw#t$r' tj|#t$rYwxYwwxYw)zBest-effort function to write data to a path atomically. Be prepared to handle a FileExistsError if concurrent writing of the temporary file is attempted.rgwbN) idropenO_EXCLO_CREATO_WRONLY_ioFileIOwritercrWunlink)rDr0rYpath_tmpfdfiles r _write_atomicrys qD #H (**s{{*S\\94%< IB ZZD ! T JJt   Hd#     JJx      sHB/2B#B/#B,(B// C9CC CCCCi r4r's __pycache__zopt-z.pyz.pywz.pyc) optimizationc<|/tjdt| d}t||rdnd}t j |}t |\}}|jd\}}}tjj} | tddj|r|n||| g} |:tjjdk(rd}ntjj}t|}|dk7r+|j!st#|d | dt$|} | t&dz} tj(Qt+|}|dd k(r|dt,vr|d d}t/tj(|j1t,| St/|t2| S) aGiven the path to a .py file, return the path to its .pyc file. The .py file does not need to exist; this simply returns the path to the .pyc file calculated as if the .py file were imported. The 'optimization' parameter controls the presumed optimization level of the bytecode file. If 'optimization' is not None, the string representation of the argument is taken and verified to be alphanumeric (else ValueError is raised). The debug_override parameter is deprecated. If debug_override is not None, a True value is the same as setting 'optimization' to the empty string while a False value is equivalent to setting 'optimization' to '1'. If sys.implementation.cache_tag is None then NotImplementedError is raised. NzFthe debug_override parameter is deprecated; use 'optimization' insteadz2debug_override or optimization must be set to Noner rrg$sys.implementation.cache_tag is Nonerz is not alphanumericr r4) _warningswarnDeprecationWarning TypeErrorrfspathrQ rpartitionrimplementation cache_tagNotImplementedErrorrAroptimizestrisalnum ValueError_OPTBYTECODE_SUFFIXESpycache_prefixrir=rHlstrip_PYCACHE) rDdebug_overrider{messageheadrFbaser resttagalmost_filenamefilenames r cache_from_sourcers$!01C E  #JGG$ $+r ::d DT"JD$ooc*OD#t   & &C {!"HIIgg$cBCO 99   "L99--L|$Lr##% //CDE E,-Qtf\NC!21!55H %T" 7c>d1g_<8D    KK (   dHh //rc$tjj tdt j |}t |\}}d}tjKtjjt}|j|tzr|t|d}d}|s+t |\}}|tk7rttd||jd}|dvrtd||d k(rm|j!dd d }|jt"std t"|tt"d}|j%std |d|j'dd} t)|| t*dzS)anGiven the path to a .pyc. file, return the path to its .py file. The .pyc file does not need to exist; this simply returns the path to the .py file calculated to correspond to the .pyc file. If path does not conform to PEP 3147/488 format, ValueError will be raised. If sys.implementation.cache_tag is None then NotImplementedError is raised. Nr}FTz not bottom-level directory in rg>r4zexpected only 2 or 3 dots in rr4z5optimization portion of filename does not start with zoptimization level z is not an alphanumeric valuer)rrrrrrrQrr<r=r r>rrrcountrsplitrr partitionrHSOURCE_SUFFIXES) rDrpycache_filenamefound_in_pycache_prefix stripped_pathpycache dot_countr{ opt_level base_filenames r source_from_cacher(s ##+!"HII ::d D(.D # %**11/B ??=83 4M*+,D&* # "#D) g h z)H $x)* * &&s+I89I8LMNN a'..sA6r: &&t,%%)H./ / T,   "2<2BC223 3$..s3A6M dMOA,>> ??rct|dk(ry|jd\}}}|r|jdddk7r|S t|}t |r|S|S#tt f$r|dd}Y%wxYw)zConvert a bytecode file path to a source path (if possible). This function exists purely for backwards-compatibility for PyImport_ExecCodeModuleWithFilenames() in the C API. rNrgpy)rrlowerrrrr]) bytecode_pathr_ extension source_paths r _get_sourcefilerPs =Q&11#6D!Y 9??$R+t3)' 6 '{3;FF  ,)#CR( )s AA10A1c|jttr t|S|jtt r|Sy#t$rYywxYwrM)r;tuplerrrr)rs r _get_cachedrcsW/0 $X. .   5!23 4 #   s A AAc^ t|j}|dz}|S#t$rd}YwxYw)z3Calculate the mode permissions for a bytecode file.rk)rUrXrW)rDrYs r _calc_moderos=$''  EMD K s  ,,cZdfd }ttj}nd}|||S)zDecorator to verify that the module being requested matches the one the loader can handle. The first argument (self) must define _name which the second argument is compared against. If the comparison fails then ImportError is raised. c| |j}n,|j|k7rtd|jd||||g|i|S)Nz loader for z cannot handle name)r ImportError)selfrargskwargsmethods r _check_name_wrapperz(_check_name.._check_name_wrappersR <99D YY$ !%D28<> >dD242622rc dD]&}t||st||t||(|jj |jy)N) __module____name__ __qualname____doc__)hasattrsetattrgetattr__dict__update)newoldrcs r _wrapz_check_name.._wrapsHP A3(C'#w*?@ A LL   -rrM) _bootstrapr)rrrs` r _check_namer{s33   .  v& rc,|dd}|tk7r*d|d|}tjd|t|fi|t |dkr&d|}tjd|t |t |dd}|d zrd |d |}t|fi||S) aTPerform basic validity checking of a pyc header and return the flags field, which determines how the pyc should be further validated against the source. *data* is the contents of the pyc file. (Only the first 16 bytes are required, though.) *name* is the name of the module being imported. It is used for logging. *exc_details* is a dictionary passed to ImportError if it raised for improved debugging. ImportError is raised when the magic number is incorrect or when the flags field is invalid. EOFError is raised when the data is found to be truncated. Nr&zbad magic number in z: {}z(reached EOF while reading pyc header of zinvalid flags z in ) MAGIC_NUMBERr_verbose_messagerrEOFErrorr1)r0r exc_detailsmagicrrs r _classify_pycrs !HE (5)<##D'2'1[11 4y2~>''(=>H33D$?O  ! !,"5"5hqk"B CCrloadersubmodule_search_locationsc|!d}t|dr4 |j|}n!tj|} t |}tj|||}d|_ |?tD]1\}}|jt|s!|||}||_ ny|tur(t|dr# |j|}|rg|_n||_|j gk(r+|r)t#|d}|j j%||S#t$rYwxYw#t $rYwxYw#t$rYewxYw)a=Return a module spec based on a file location. To indicate that the module is a package, set submodule_search_locations to a list of directory paths. An empty list is sufficient, though its not otherwise useful to the import system. The loader must take a spec as its only __init__() arg. Nz get_filenameoriginT is_packager)rrrrrrirWr ModuleSpec _set_fileattr_get_supported_file_loadersr;rr _POPULATEr rrQr@) rlocationrrspec loader_classsuffixesr dirnames r spec_from_file_locationr"sm 6> * !..t4::h' $X.H  vh ?DD~&A&C  "L(  x1%dH5$    "Y. 6< ( 9#..t4 68D3*D' &&", !(+A.G  + + 2 27 ; K]      8  s4D D':D6 D$#D$' D32D36 EEct|tsyt}|jdd}|jd|}|||ury| t dt |d|}||dfvr6|||urt nt}|dtjdt|}|J|!||k7rtjdt|S|S)zCHelper function for _warnings.c See GH#97850 for details. N __loader____spec__z+Module globals is missing a __spec__.loaderrz-Module globals; __loader__ != __spec__.loader) rdictobjectgetrrAttributeErrorr~rr)module_globalsmissingrr spec_loaderexcs r _bless_my_loaderr hs nd +hG    d 3F   j' 2D ~ 7? \JK K$'2Kwo% >$/7$:. CCD D 9    "" " f 3 ;   rcZeZdZdZdZdZexrdevZe dZ e dZ e d dZ y) WindowsRegistryFinderz>Meta path finder for modules declared in the Windows registry.z;Software\Python\PythonCore\{sys_version}\Modules\{fullname}zASoftware\Python\PythonCore\{sys_version}\Modules\{fullname}\Debugz_d.pydc tjtj|S#t$r'tjtj|cYSwxYwrM)winregOpenKeyHKEY_CURRENT_USERrWHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINErs r _open_registryz$WindowsRegistryFinder._open_registrysG B>>&":":C@ @ B>>&";";SA A Bs#&-AAc8|jr |j}n |j}|j|dtj ddz} |j |5}tj|d}ddd|S#1swYSxYw#t$rYywxYw)Nz%d.%dr4)fullname sys_versionr ) DEBUG_BUILDREGISTRY_KEY_DEBUG REGISTRY_KEYformatr version_infor(r$ QueryValuerW)clsr* registry_keyrhkeyfilepaths r _search_registryz&WindowsRegistryFinder._search_registrys ??11L++L!!8.58H8H!8L.L"N ##C( 7D!,,T26 7  7  s0B B6B B B B BBNc|j|}|y t|tD]B\}}|j t |s!t j|||||}|cSy#t$rYywxYw)Nr)r6rUrWr r;rrspec_from_loader)r2r*rDtargetr5rrrs r find_speczWindowsRegistryFinder.find_specs''1    x !< =  FH  x1!22839(H3M:B3D    s A11 A=<A=NN)rrrrr.r- _MS_WINDOWSEXTENSION_SUFFIXESr, staticmethodr( classmethodr6r:rrr r"r"sgH  'A8/A#AKBB     rr"c(eZdZdZdZdZdZdZy) _LoaderBasicszSBase class of common code needed by both SourceLoader and SourcelessFileLoader.ct|j|d}|jddd}|jdd}|dk(xr|dk7S)zConcrete implementation of InspectLoader.is_package by checking if the path returned by get_filename has a filename of ''.rrgrr4__init__)rQrrr)rr*r filename_base tail_names r r z_LoaderBasics.is_packages]t00:;A> Q/2 '',Q/  *FyJ/FFrcyz*Use default semantics for module creation.Nrrrs r create_modulez_LoaderBasics.create_modulerc|j|j}|td|jdtj t ||j y)zExecute the module.Nzcannot load module z when get_code() returns None)get_coderrr_call_with_frames_removedexecr)rmodulers r exec_modulez_LoaderBasics.exec_modulesS}}V__- < 3FOO3FG889 9,,||S)zThis method is deprecated.)r_load_module_shimrr*s r load_modulez_LoaderBasics.load_modules++D(;;rN)rrrrr rIrPrTrrr rArAsG9J.>$5$0/" !34h3>!@4 $ , "6 ( + #33O]4?A0(?L=H JJ (2?    # ! M !d  ==5L)), D ##$9;G''M,E(&"&"2"23D3?#AK(k<P-k<.1,.?A $$[-F'  sY EE D< B!D''D98D9< EE EE E('E(=H HHN) rrrrYr[r_r]rcrhrLrrr rVrVs, 0/ +79OSrrVcdeZdZdZdZdZdZefdZedZ dZ edZ xZ S) FileLoaderzgBase file loader class which implements the loader protocol methods that require file system usage.c ||_||_y)zKCache the module name and the path to the file found by the finder.Nr)rr*rDs r rCzFileLoader.__init__s  rcj|j|jk(xr|j|jk(SrM __class__rrothers r __eq__zFileLoader.__eq__,%//10 / 1rcXt|jt|jz SrMhashrrDrs r __hash__zFileLoader.__hash__DIIdii00rc*tt| |S)zdLoad a module from a file. This method is deprecated. Use exec_module() instead. )superrwrT)rr*r{s r rTzFileLoader.load_modulesZ28<? @s4y) #Tyy{ # #D#& #$yy{ # # # # # #sA?%B ?B Bcddlm}||S)Nr) FileReader)importlib.readersr)rrOrs r get_resource_readerzFileLoader.get_resource_readers0$r) rrrrrCr~rrrTrrbr __classcell__)r{s@r rwrw|sX" 11 = =#  rrwc(eZdZdZdZdZdddZy)SourceFileLoaderz>Concrete implementation of SourceLoader using the file system.cJt|}|j|jdS)z!Return the metadata for the path.)rrl)rUst_mtimest_size)rrDrss r r[zSourceFileLoader.path_statss  bjj99rc@t|}|j|||S)N_mode)rr])rrrr0rYs r r_z SourceFileLoader._cache_bytecodes!+&}}]D}==rrkrct|\}}g}|r8t|s-t|\}}|j||r t|s-t|D]$}t ||} t j |& t|||tjd|y#t$rYWt$r"}tjd||Yd}~yd}~wwxYw#t$r!}tjd||Yd}~yd}~wwxYw)zWrite bytes data to a file.zcould not create {!r}: {!r}Nz created {!r}) rQr`r@reversedrHrmkdirFileExistsErrorrWrrry) rrDr0rparentrrBrJrs r r]zSourceFileLoader.set_datas&t, [0&v.LFD   d #[0Z( D-F  &!  - $e ,  ' ' =#  ++,I,2C9   -  ' '(Et(+ - - -s6&B">#C" C-C5CC D#C??DN)rrrrr[r_r]rrr rrsH: > -2-rrceZdZdZdZdZy)SourcelessFileLoaderz-Loader which handles sourceless file imports.c|j|}|j|}||d}t|||tt |dd||S)Nrr)rr)rrbrrrm)rr*rDr0rs r rLzSourcelessFileLoader.get_codes_  *}}T"  dHk2 t RS !  rcy)z'Return None as there is no source code.NrrSs r rczSourcelessFileLoader.get_sourcerN)rrrrrLrcrrr rrs7 rrcPeZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ d Z e d Z y ) rz]Loader for extension modules. The constructor is designed to work with FileFinder. c ||_||_yrMr)rrrDs r rCzExtensionFileLoader.__init__s  rcj|j|jk(xr|j|jk(SrMrzr|s r r~zExtensionFileLoader.__eq__rrcXt|jt|jz SrMrrs r rzExtensionFileLoader.__hash__rrctjtj|}tj d|j |j |S)z(Create an uninitialized extension modulez&extension module {!r} loaded from {!r})rrMrcreate_dynamicrrrD)rrrOs r rIz!ExtensionFileLoader.create_modules@55   '##$LDII / rctjtj|tj d|j |j y)zInitialize an extension modulez(extension module {!r} executed from {!r}N)rrMr exec_dynamicrrrDrrOs r rPzExtensionFileLoader.exec_modules6,,T->->G##$NDII /rcdt|jdtfdtDS)z1Return True if the extension module is a package.rc3.K|] }d|zk(yw)rCNr)rsuffix file_names r r z1ExtensionFileLoader.is_package..s#5 V 335s)rQrDanyr=)rr*rs @r r zExtensionFileLoader.is_packages0 *1- 5!355 5rcy)z?Return None as an extension module cannot create a code object.NrrSs r rLzExtensionFileLoader.get_coderrcy)z5Return None as extension modules have no source code.NrrSs r rczExtensionFileLoader.get_sourcerrc|jSrrTrSs r rz ExtensionFileLoader.get_filename#rrN)rrrrrCr~rrIrPr rLrcrrrrr rrsC 11/ 5 rrcVeZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd Zy)_NamespacePatha&Represents a namespace package's path. It uses the module name to find its parent module, and from there it looks up the parent's __path__. When this changes, the module's own path is recomputed, using path_finder. For top-level modules, the parent module's path is sys.path.rc||_||_t|j|_|j |_||_yrM)_name_pathr_get_parent_path_last_parent_path_epoch _last_epoch _path_finderrrrD path_finders r rCz_NamespacePath.__init__4s:  !&t'<'<'>!?;;'rcT|jjd\}}}|dk(ry|dfS)z>Returns a tuple of (parent-module-name, parent-path-attr-name)rgr )rrD__path__)rr)rrdotmes r _find_parent_path_namesz&_NamespacePath._find_parent_path_names;s3**//4R "9 z!!rcb|j\}}ttj||SrM)rrrmodules)rparent_module_namepath_attr_names r rz_NamespacePath._get_parent_pathEs--1-I-I-K*Ns{{#56GGrcZt|j}||jk7s|j|jk7r_|j |j |}|)|j|jr|j|_ ||_|j|_|jSrM) rrrrrrrrrr)r parent_pathrs r _recalculatez_NamespacePath._recalculateIsD1134 $00 0DKK4CSCS4S$$TZZ=DDKK$722!%!@!@DJ%0D "#{{D zzrc4t|jSrM)iterrrs r __iter__z_NamespacePath.__iter__WsD%%'((rc(|j|SrMr)rindexs r __getitem__z_NamespacePath.__getitem__Zs  "5))rc"||j|<yrMr)rrrDs r __setitem__z_NamespacePath.__setitem__]s  5rc4t|jSrM)rrrs r __len__z_NamespacePath.__len__`s4$$&''rc"d|jdS)Nz_NamespacePath()rrs r __repr__z_NamespacePath.__repr__cs a00rc&||jvSrMrritems r __contains__z_NamespacePath.__contains__fst((***rc:|jj|yrM)rr@rs r r@z_NamespacePath.appendis $rN)rrrrrrCrrrrrrrrrr@rrr rr)sFF("H )*!(1+ rrc<eZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ y ) NamespaceLoaderc(t||||_yrM)rrrs r rCzNamespaceLoader.__init__qs#D$ < rcy)NTrrSs r r zNamespaceLoader.is_packagetsrcy)Nr rrSs r rczNamespaceLoader.get_sourcewsrc tddddS)Nr zrNT)rf)rgrSs r rLzNamespaceLoader.get_codezsr:vDAArcyrGrrHs r rIzNamespaceLoader.create_module}rJrcyrMrrs r rPzNamespaceLoader.exec_modules rcntjd|jtj||S)zbLoad a namespace module. This method is deprecated. Use exec_module() instead. z&namespace module loaded with path {!r})rrrrRrSs r rTzNamespaceLoader.load_modules1 ##$L$(JJ 0++D(;;rc2ddlm}||jS)Nr)NamespaceReader)rrr)rrOrs r rz#NamespaceLoader.get_resource_readers5tzz**rN) rrrrCr rcrLrIrPrTrrrr rrps+=B9  <+rrcteZdZdZedZedZedZed dZ ed dZ edZ y) PathFinderz>Meta path finder for sys.path and package __path__ attributes.c8ttjjD]A\}}| t |stj|=%t |ds2|j Ctxjdz c_ddl m }|j y)z}Call the invalidate_caches() method on all path entry finders stored in sys.path_importer_caches (where implemented).Ninvalidate_cachesrrMetadataPathFinder) listrpath_importer_cacheitemsrdrrrrimportlib.metadatar)rfinderrs r rzPathFinder.invalidate_cachess!!8!8!>!>!@A +LD&~[%6++D1!45((*  + "9,,.rctj*tjstjdttjD] } ||cSy#t $rYwxYw)z.Search sys.path_hooks for a finder for 'path'.Nzsys.path_hooks is empty)r path_hooksr~r ImportWarningr)rDhooks r _path_hookszPathFinder._path_hookss^ >> %cnn NN4m DNN D Dz!    sA A'&A'c|dk(r tj} tj|}|S#t$rYywxYw#t $r(|j |}|tj|<Y|SwxYw)zGet the finder for the path entry from sys.path_importer_cache. If the path entry is not in the cache, find the appropriate finder and cache it. If no finder is available, store None. r N)rr_FileNotFoundErrorrrKeyErrorr)r2rDrs r _path_importer_cachezPathFinder._path_importer_caches 2: zz|  3,,T2F %    3__T*F,2C # #D )  3s1A ==-A10A1Nc:g}|D]v}t|ts|j|}|(|j||}|=|j|cS|j }| t d|j|xtj|d}||_|S)z?Find the loader or namespace_path for this module/package name.Nzspec missing loader) rrrr:rrrrrr ) r2r*rDr9namespace_pathentryrrportionss r _get_speczPathFinder._get_specs  EeS)--e4F!''&9<;;*K::#%&;<< %%h/# &((48D.[^[h[h2i/ Krc2ddlm}|j|i|S)a  Find distributions. Return an iterable of all Distribution instances capable of loading the metadata for packages matching ```` (or all names if ``None`` indicated) along the paths in the list of directories ``context.path``. rr)rrfind_distributions)rrrs r r zPathFinder.find_distributionss  :4!44dEfEErrMr;) rrrrr>rrr?rrr:r rrr rrs}H//"  *8. F FrrcFeZdZdZdZdZdZd dZdZe dZ d Z y) FileFinderzFile-based finder. Interactions with the file system are cached for performance, being refreshed when the directory the finder is handling has been modified. c g}|D]\}|jfd|D!||_|r|dk(rtj|_nt ||_d|_t|_t|_ y)zInitialize with the path to search on and a variable number of 2-tuples containing the loader and the file suffixes the loader recognizes.c3&K|]}|f ywrMr)rrrs r r z&FileFinder.__init__..%sCFF+CsrgrN) r_loadersrr_rDri _path_mtimeset _path_cache_relaxed_path_cache)rrDloader_detailsloadersrrs @r rCzFileFinder.__init__sw . D FH NNC(C C D ts{ DI%d+DI5#&5 rcd|_y)zInvalidate the directory mtime.rN)rrs r rzFileFinder.invalidate_caches0s rc2|||}t||||S)Nr)r)rrr*rDsmslr9rs r rzFileFinder._get_spec4s&h-&xfBFH HrNcd}|jdd} t|jxstjj }||jk7r|j||_tr|j}|j}n|j}|}||vrit|j|}|jD]9\} } d| z} t|| } t| s#|j!| || |g|cSt#|}|jD]a\} } t|j|| z} t&j)d| d|| z|vs@t| sL|j!| || d|cS|r6t&j)d t&j+|d} |g| _| Sy#t $rd}YwxYw#t$$rYywxYw) zoTry to find a spec for the specified module. Returns the matching spec, or None if not found. Frgr4rrCNz trying {}) verbosityzpossible namespace for {})rrUrDrr_rrWr _fill_cacherrrrrHrr]rr`rrrr r)rr*r9 is_namespace tail_modulercache cache_module base_pathrr init_filename full_pathrs r r:zFileFinder.find_spec9s  ))#.q1  tyy8CJJL9BBE D$$ $    $D  =,,E&,,.L$$E&L 5 "499k:I(,  6$ *V 3 &y-@  *>>,)i[Z`aa  6 +95 $(MM 8 FL &tyy+2FG   ' ' Y! ' Lf$- *>>,)*.88 8   ' '(CY O((48D/8kD +KQ E 8  s#5F>(G> G  G  GGcT|j} tj|xstj}tjjdst||_ nXt}|D]B}|jd\}}}|r|d|j}n|}|j|D||_ tjjtr$|D chc]} | jc} |_yy#tt t f$rg}YwxYwcc} w)zDFill the cache of potential modules and packages for this directory.rrgN)rDrlistdirr_rPermissionErrorNotADirectoryErrorrrr rrrraddr!r) rrDcontentslower_suffix_contentsrrrrnew_namefns r rzFileFinder._fill_cachelsyy {{4#73::<8H||&&u-"8}D %(E !  4$(NN3$7!c6"&q(89H#H%))(3  4 5D  << " "#> ?=E'Fr 'FD $ @/"?4FG H 0(Gs+D (D% D"!D"cfd}|S)aA class method which returns a closure to use on sys.path_hook which will return an instance using the specified loaders and the path called on the closure. If the path called on the closure is not a directory, ImportError is raised. cFt|s td||gS)z-Path hook for importlib.machinery.FileFinder.zonly directories are supportedrT)r`r)rDr2rs r path_hook_for_FileFinderz6FileFinder.path_hook..path_hook_for_FileFinders)t$!"BNNt-n- -rr)r2rr.s`` r path_hookzFileFinder.path_hooks . ('rc"d|jdS)Nz FileFinder(rrTrs r rzFileFinder.__repr__sTYYM++rrM) rrrrrCrrr:rr?r/rrrr r r s<)"H 1fG>((",rr c2|jd}|jd}|s-|r |j}n||k(r t||}n t||}|s t |||}|rt ||_ ||d<||d<||d<||d<y#t$rYywxYw)Nrr)r__file__ __cached__)rrrrrricached Exception)nsrpathname cpathnamerrs r _fix_up_moduler9s VVL !F 66* D  [[F  ")$9F%dH5F &tXfE ' 2DK :!<!:$<    s5B BBcpttjf}ttf}t t f}|||gS)z_Returns a list of file-based module loaders. Each item is a tuple (loader, suffixes). )rrextension_suffixesrrrr) extensionssourcebytecodes r r r s9 %d&=&=&??J  .F#%66H  ))rc|ayrM)r)_bootstrap_modules r _set_bootstrap_modulerAs"Jrct|t}tjj t j |gtjjty)z)Install the path-based import components.N) rAr rrrr r/ meta_pathr@r)r@supported_loaderss r _installrEsG+,35NN://1BCDEMM$r)rkrM)NNN)rr)T)Wrrrrrrr~rrr<ntrr$posixr=allr>rr:rA_pathseps_with_colonr"%_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PLATFORMS_BYTES_KEYr!r#rr+r1r5rHrQrUr[r]r`rdrirytype__code__rr)rr(r.rorrrr@r;r=rDEBUG_BYTECODE_SUFFIXESOPTIMIZED_BYTECODE_SUFFIXESrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r"rArVrwrrrrr_NamespaceLoaderrr r9r rArE)ss0r rQs,  ||w& SkOeO 4O 4444 1 '''/*)89A!A39'-#(:% E"E!F  7 * * *<? "2. .R0 ,-(( ) pq(+g5 NN<:  '6",T,,.H8II5C0C0L%@PG&  >BL8 0 9 D H C47@CL-d00f<<mainrs  .r__main__N) initializedr__name__rrrr s#  zFrcdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddgZeeZ Gdde Z Gdde Z dd Z dd Zefd ZGd d eZddZ ddZefdZdZddZedk(rMeej4dkredej8yej4d=eej4dyy) - locating and running Python code using the module namespace Provides support for locating and running Python scripts using the Python module namespace instead of the native filesystem. This allows Python code to play nicely with non-filesystem based PEP 302 importers when locating support scripts as well as when importing modules. N run_modulerun_pathc"eZdZdZdZdZdZy) _TempModulezCTemporarily replace a module in sys.modules with an empty namespacec@||_t||_g|_yN)mod_name ModuleTypemodule _saved_moduleselfrs __init__z_TempModule.__init__s   * c|j} |jjtj||j tj|<|S#t $rY*wxYwr)rr appendsysmodulesKeyErrorr r s r __enter__z_TempModule.__enter__!sZ==     % %ckk(&; <!%  H    s,A A%$A%c|jr2|jdtj|j<g|_ytj|j=g|_yNr)r rrrr argss r__exit__z_TempModule.__exit__*sL   )-););A)>CKK &  DMM*rN)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rrrrrrrsM  rrceZdZdZdZdZy)_ModifiedArgv0c>||_tx|_|_yr)valueobject _saved_value _sentinel)r r$s rrz_ModifiedArgv0.__init__2s -3X5DNrc|j|jur tdtjd|_|j tjd<y)NzAlready preserving saved valuer)r&r' RuntimeErrorrargvr$)r s rrz_ModifiedArgv0.__enter__6sA   DNN 2?@ @HHQKjj rc`|j|_|jtjd<yr)r'r$r&rr*rs rrz_ModifiedArgv0.__exit__<s ^^ '' rN)rrrrrrr rrr"r"1s6! (rr"c ||j||d}|}d} n2|j}|j}|j} | |j}|j||| d|||t |||S)z)Helper to run code in nominated namespaceN)r__file__ __cached__r __loader__ __package____spec__)updateloaderorigincachedparentexec) code run_globals init_globalsrmod_specpkg_name script_namer3fnamer5s r _run_coder?As<(  H("'$*!%$*%-"* , { rc .||n |j}t|5}t|5|jj}t |||||||ddddddj S#1swY!xYw#1swYj SxYw)z5Helper to run code in new namespace with sys modifiedN)r4rr"r __dict__r?copy) r8r:rr;r<r=r> temp_module mod_globalss r_run_module_coderE[s$+KE X =+~e/D=!((11 $ \Hh  ===     ===    s" A<(A0A<0A9 5A<<Bc |jdr|d|jd\}}}|rc t|t j j|}|6t|ds*ddl m }dj||}|t| tjj|}| |d|z|j,0|dk(s|j'dr|d |dz} t/| |S|j0} | |d|z | j3|} | |d|z||| fS#t$rE}|j-|j|k7r|j|jdzsYd}~Fd}~wwxYw#tt t"t$f$rT} d}|j'd r|d |dd d |d z }||j|t)| j*| | d} ~ wwxYw#|$r&}|t j vr||d|dd}~wwxYw#t$r}|t||d}~wwxYw)N.z#Relative module names not supported__path__r)warnz{mod_name!r} found in sys.modules after import of package {pkg_name!r}, but prior to execution of {mod_name!r}; this may result in unpredictable behaviour)rr<z:Error while finding module specification for {!r} ({}: {})z.pyz . Try using 'z' instead of 'z' as the module name.zNo module named %s__main__z .__main__z%Cannot use package as __main__ modulez; z- is a package and cannot be directly executedz0%r is a namespace package and cannot be executedzNo code object available for %s) startswith rpartition __import__ ImportErrornamerrgethasattrwarningsrIformatRuntimeWarning importlibutil find_specAttributeError TypeError ValueErrorendswithtypersubmodule_search_locations_get_module_detailsr3get_code) rerrorr<_eexistingrImsgspecex pkg_main_namer3r8s rr_r_is39::((-NHa  x ;;??8,  *(E %#FHxFH  $ % I~~''1 |(8344 &&2 z !X%6%6{%C?@ @ G${2M&}e< < [[F ~FCKLM M&x( |5@AA T4 g vv~!&&H"4 ++AFFSL9  & J ?IK   U # mHSbM?3 z!68 9CCJJxb):):B?@bHI" Gs{{*9:HFG G G &F1IA%&s` D:F ,G;H): F:FF G8$AG33G8;H&!H!!H&) I 2II ceZdZdZy)_ErrorzBError that _run_module_as_main() should report without a tracebackN)rrrrr rrrjrjsLrrjcx |s|dk7rt|t\}}}ntt\}}}tj dj}|rjtjd<t|ddS#t$r4}tjd|}tj |Yd}~d}~wwxYw)aRuns the designated module in the __main__ namespace Note that the executed module will have full access to the __main__ namespace. If this is not desirable, the run_module() function should be used to run the module code in a fresh namespace. At the very least, these variables in __main__ will be overwritten: __name__ __file__ __cached__ __loader__ __package__ rKz: Nr) r_rj_get_main_module_detailsr executableexitrrAr4r*r?)r alter_argvr;r8excre main_globalss r_run_module_as_mainrrs Z/':8V'L $Hh'?'G $Hh;;z*33Loo T< ++ ..#.  s/A<< B9*B44B9cft|\}}}||}|rt||||St|i|||S)u"Execute a module's code without importing it. mod_name -- an absolute module name or package name. Optional arguments: init_globals -- dictionary used to pre-populate the module’s globals dictionary before the code is executed. run_name -- if not None, this will be used for setting __name__; otherwise, __name__ will be set to mod_name + '__main__' if the named module is a package and to just mod_name otherwise. alter_sys -- if True, sys.argv[0] is updated with the value of __file__ and sys.modules[__name__] is updated with a temporary module object for the module being executed. Both are restored to their original values before the function returns. Returns the resulting module globals dictionary. )r_rEr?)rr:run_name alter_sysr;r8s rrrsI* 38<HhlHhGGr<8DDrc:d}tj|}tj|= t||tj|<S#t$r3}|t |vr |d|dtj d|d}~wwxYw#|tj|<wxYw)NrKz can't find z module in r)rrr_rOstrpath)ra main_name saved_mainrps rrlrls IY'J I,"9-", I  C (#((1+78=@ A  ", Is# A B.A==BBBczddlm}tjj tj |}t j|5}||}ddd=t j|5}t|j|d}ddd||fS||fS#1swYLxYw#1swY||fSxYw)Nr) read_coder7) pkgutilr|osrxabspathfsdecodeio open_codecompileread)rtr>r| decoded_pathfr8s r_get_code_from_filers!77??2;;u#56L l #q| | \\, ' 411668UF3D 4 ;4;  4 ;s B"6B."B+.B:c 8|d}|jdd}ddlm}||}t|t drt ||\}}t |||||Stjjd| t\}} }t|5} t|5| jj} t|| ||| |j!cdddcddd tjj#|S#t$$rYSwxYw#1swYnxYwdddn #1swYnxYw tjj#|y#t$$rYywxYw# tjj#|w#t$$rYwwxYwxYw)uExecute code located at the specified filesystem location. path_name -- filesystem location of a Python script, zipfile, or directory containing a top level script. Optional arguments: init_globals -- dictionary used to pre-populate the module’s globals dictionary before the code is executed. run_name -- if not None, this will be used to set __name__; otherwise, '' will be used for __name__. Returns the resulting module globals dictionary. Nz rGr) get_importer)r<r=)rMr}r isinstancer]rrErrxinsertrlrr"r rAr?rBremover[) path_namer:rtr<rimporterr8r>rr;rCrDs rrrs""3'*H$I&H(DJ'*(I> elH)1uF F 9% (@'A $HhX& I+ * I)0099  {L$,hBBF$&  I I I   *   I I I I I   *    *  s<E( D,!4D D, E((D DDD D,# E(,D51E(9E E%$E%(F*F  F FFFFrKz!No module specified for execution)file)NNNNN)T)NNF)NN)rrimportlib.machineryrVimportlib.utilrr~__all__r]r r%rr"r?rErOr_ Exceptionrjrrrrlrrrlenr*printstderrr rrrs  *  #Y  & . (V ( /3&*)-4)-,0/3 )4; zMYM+8'+(-E<$/,& /d z 388}q 1 C HHQKCHHQK( rcdZddlZddlmZmZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddgZ ejZejddZGddeZiZee ZdZd Zd ZGd dej2Zed zd d fedzdd fddfZdZdZdZdZdZ da!dZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%ee%jLZ'dZ(dZ)dZ*dZ+dZ,d Z-y)!aPzipimport provides support for importing Python modules from Zip archives. This module exports three objects: - zipimporter: a class; its constructor takes a path to a Zip archive. - ZipImportError: exception raised by zipimporter objects. It's a subclass of ImportError, so it can be caught as ImportError, too. - _zip_directory_cache: a dict, mapping archive paths to zip directory info dicts, as used in zipimporter._files. It is usually not needed to use the zipimport module explicitly; it is used by the builtin import mechanism for sys.path items that are paths to Zip archives. N)_unpack_uint16_unpack_uint32ZipImportError zipimporterc eZdZy)rN)__name__ __module__ __qualname__rr"sr sPKicTeZdZdZdZddZdZdZdZdZ d Z d Z d Z d Z d Zy)razipimporter(archivepath) -> zipimporter object Create a new zipimporter instance. 'archivepath' must be a path to a zipfile, or to a specific path inside a zipfile. For example, it can be '/tmp/', or '/tmp/', if mydirectory is a valid directory inside the archive. 'ZipImportError is raised if 'archivepath' doesn't point to a valid Zip archive. The 'archive' attribute of zipimporter objects contains the name of the zipfile targeted. ct|tstdt||s t d|t r|j t t}g} tj|}|jdzdk7r t d| t|}||_||_tj(|ddd|_|j*r|xj*tz c_yy#ttf$r@tj|\}}||k(r t d||}|j|YnwxYw#t $rt#|}|t|<YwxYw)Nzexpected str, not zarchive path is emptypathiiznot a Zip file) isinstancestr TypeErrortyper alt_path_sepreplacepath_sep_bootstrap_external _path_statst_modeOSError ValueError _path_splitappend_zip_directory_cacheKeyError_read_directory_filesarchive _path_joinprefix)selfrr(stdirnamebasenamefiless r __init__zzipimporter.__init__@sY$$0d?@ @ !8tD D << h7D (33D9JJ)h6()9EE /(.E  )44fTrTlC ;; KK8 #K 1Z( (%8$C$CD$I!d?()9EE h' (( /#D)E).  & /s%C, D?,A D;:D;?EENct||}|tj|||St||}t ||rK|j t |}tj|dd}|jj||Sy)zkCreate a ModuleSpec for the specified module. Returns None if the module cannot be found. N) is_packageT)nameloaderr0) _get_module_info _bootstrapspec_from_loader_get_module_path_is_dirr&r ModuleSpecsubmodule_search_locationsr!)r)fullnametarget module_infomodpathrspecs r find_speczzipimporter.find_spechs 'tX6  "..x+V V'tX6GtW%,,z';!,,(48<>//66t< r c&t||\}}}|S)zget_code(fullname) -> code object. Return the code object for the specified module. Raise ZipImportError if the module couldn't be imported. _get_module_coder)r:code ispackager=s r get_codezzipimporter.get_codes $4D(#C i r cHtr|jtt}|}|j|jtzr|t |jtzd} |j |}t|j|S#t$rtdd|wxYw)zget_data(pathname) -> string with file data. Return the data associated with 'pathname'. Raise OSError if the file wasn't found. Nr) rrr startswithr&lenr%r#r _get_data)r)pathnamekey toc_entrys r get_datazzipimporter.get_datas '' h?H   t||h6 73t||h6789C & C(Iy11 &!R% % &s %B B!c&t||\}}}|S)zget_filename(fullname) -> filename string. Return the filename for the specified module or raise ZipImportError if it couldn't be imported. rArCs r get_filenamezzipimporter.get_filenames$4D(#C ir ct||}|td||t||}|rtj|d}n|d} |j |}t|j|jS#t $rYywxYw)zget_source(fullname) -> source string. Return the source code for the specified module. Raise ZipImportError if the module couldn't be found, return None if the archive does contain the module, but has no source for it. Ncan't find module r1 r3rr6rr'r%r#rKr&decode)r)r:mirfullpathrNs r get_sourcezzipimporter.get_sourcesdH - : #5h\!BR Rh/ *55dMJHs|H  H-Iy188::  s A== B B cBt||}|td|||S)zis_package(fullname) -> bool. Return True if the module specified by fullname is a package. Raise ZipImportError if the module couldn't be found. rSrT)r3r)r)r:rXs r r0zzipimporter.is_packages/ dH - : #5h\!BR R r cd}tj|tt||\}}}tj j |}|t|tst|}|tj |<||_ |r4t||}tj|j|}|g|_t|ds t |_tj"|j$||t'||j$ tj |}t-j.d|||S#tj |=xYw#t($rt+d|dwxYw)a@load_module(fullname) -> module. Load the module specified by 'fullname'. 'fullname' must be the fully qualified (dotted) module name. It returns the imported module, or raises ZipImportError if it could not be imported. Deprecated since Python 3.10. Use exec_module() instead. zrzipimport.zipimporter.load_module() is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12; use exec_module() instead __builtins__zLoaded module z not found in sys.moduleszimport {} # loaded from Zip {}) _warningswarnDeprecationWarningrBsysmodulesgetr _module_type __loader__r6rr'r&__path__hasattrr]_fix_up_module__dict__execr# ImportErrorr4_verbose_message) r)r:msgrDrEr=modrrYs r load_modulezzipimporter.load_modulesBCs./#3D(#C ikkooh' ;jl;x(C$'CKK ! (h7.99$,,M (z 3/#/  . .s||Xw O s|| $  V++h'C ##$DhPWX   H%  Vxl:STU U VsBD5 E 5E  E%cf |j|sy ddlm}|||S#t$rYywxYw)zReturn the ResourceReader for a package in a zip file. If 'fullname' is a package within the zip file, return the 'ResourceReader' object for the package. Otherwise return None. Nr) ZipReader)r0rimportlib.readersrq)r)r:rqs r get_resource_readerzzipimporter.get_resource_readersA  ??8,- 0x((  s $ 00c t|j|_|jt|j<y#t$r*tj |jdi|_YywxYw)z)Reload the file data of the archive path.N)r$r&r%r"rpopr)s r invalidate_cacheszzipimporter.invalidate_cachessT )$,,7DK15  .  $ $T\\4 8DK s7:0A-,A-cFd|jt|jdS)Nz)r&rr(rvs r __repr__zzipimporter.__repr__s!&t||nXJt{{m2NNr N)rr r __doc__r.r?rFrOrQrZr0rorsrwryr r r rr.sA "%$P62* ;4 (V )Or z __init__.pycTrUF)z.pycTF)rVFFcD|j|jddzS)N.)r( rpartition)r)r:s r r6r6+s! ;;,,S1!4 44r c0|tz}||jvSrz)rr%)r)rdirpaths r r7r7/sXoG dkk !!r cht||}tD]\}}}||z}||jvs|cSyrz)r6_zip_searchorderr%)r)r:rsuffix isbytecoderErYs r r3r38sD D( +D)9% I&= t{{ "  r c  tj|}|5|j } |j t d|j }|jt }t|t k7rtd|||ddtk7r |j dd|j }t|tz t z d} |j ||j}|jt}|dkrtd|||||t z}t|t k7rtd|||t|z |z}t|d d } t|d d } || krtd |||| krtd |||| z}|| z } | dkrtd||i} d} |j | |jd}t|dkr td|dddk7rnt|dk7r tdt|dd}t|dd }t|d d}t|dd }t|d d }t|d d}t|dd}t|dd}t|dd}t|dd}t|dd}||z|z} || kDrtd|||| z } |j|}t||k7rtd|| t|j| |z | |z k7rtd|| |dzr|j!}n |j!d}|j)dt*}t-j.||}||||||||f}|| |<| d z }  |j | dddt1j2d! | S#t$rtd||wxYw#t$rtd||wxYw#t$rtd||wxYw#t$rtd||wxYw#t$rtd||wxYw#t$rtd||wxYw#t$rtd||wxYw#t"$r(|j!dj%t&}YqwxYw#|j |wxYw#1swY8xYw)"Nzcan't open Zip file: rr~can't read Zip file: rznot a Zip file: zcorrupt Zip file: zbad central directory size: zbad central directory offset: z&bad central directory size or offset: .EOF read where not expectedsPK  "*zbad local header offset: iasciilatin1/rz!zipimport: found {} names in {!r})_io open_coderrtellseekEND_CENTRAL_DIR_SIZEreadrJSTRING_END_ARCHIVEmaxMAX_COMMENT_LENrfindrEOFErrorrrWUnicodeDecodeError translate cp437_tablerrrr'r4rl)r&fp start_offsetheader_positionbuffer file_sizemax_comment_startdatapos header_size header_offset arc_offsetr-countflagscompresstimedatecrc data_size name_size extra_size comment_size file_offsetr1rts r r$r$WsP ]]7 # s"wwy n " X--q1"$'')!566{22$'?%A!7GG-.779Djj!347(+;G;)G.577c#&:":;v;"66(+=g[)I.577"+c$i"7#"=(27K*6"R=9M,$'CG;%OV]^^.$'Eg[%QX_`` { *O(=8JA~$'Mg[%Y`ghhEE X(v;?"#@AA"1:.v;"$"#@AA&va|4)&B-8%fRm4%fRm4$VBr]3*6"R=9 *6"R=9 *6"R=9 +F2bM: -fRm< ,VBr]; '*4|C .(+DWK)PW^__z) \779-Dt9 )(+@ )LSZ[[\277;#:;< i@WW,/DWK-PW^__X 5=;;=DL#{{73||C2*55gtD8Y ;dTWXd  m d GGL !gs"h CUGT Lq P4WK@wOOP X$'>{KL GGL !gs"s"sO&S;?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ÇüéâäàåçêëèïîìÄÅÉæÆôöòûùÿÖÜ¢£¥₧ƒáíóúñѪº¿⌐¬½¼¡«»░▒▓│┤╡╢╖╕╣║╗╝╜╛┐└┴┬├─┼╞╟╚╔╩╦╠═╬╧╨╤╥╙╘╒╓╫╪┘┌█▄▌▐▀αßΓπΣσµτΦΘΩδ∞φε∩≡±≥≤⌠⌡÷≈°∙·√ⁿ²■ ctr tjdtdda ddlm} datjd|S#t $r!tjdtdwxYw#dawxYw)Nzzipimport: zlib UNAVAILABLE)can't decompress data; zlib not availableTr decompressFzzipimport: zlib available)_importing_zlibr4rlrzlibr Exceptionrs r _get_decompress_funcrs ##$ABHIIO #   ;<  J##$ABHIIJ sA *A44A77A;c|\}}}}}}}} |dkr tdtj|5} | j|| j d} t | dk7r td| dddk7rtd ||t| d d } t| d d} d| z| z}||z } | j|| j |}t ||k7r t d  ddd|dk(rS t}|dS#t$rtd||wxYw#t$rtd||wxYw#1swY^xYw#t$r td wxYw)Nrznegative data sizerrrrrsPKzbad local file header: rzzipimport: can't read datari) rrrrrrrJrrrr)r&rNdatapathrrrrrrrrrrrrraw_datars r rKrKsMVJHh 9k4s1}122 w 82 T GGK  v;" 89 9 "1: & #:7+!FWU U"6"R=1 #F2bM2 9nz1 {"  T GGK 779% x=I %67 7 &/841}J)+  h $$? 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Unit tests are in test_collections. )ABCMetaabstractmethodN.cyNr_fr (sr) Awaitable Coroutine AsyncIterable AsyncIteratorAsyncGeneratorHashableIterableIterator Generator ReversibleSized ContainerCallable CollectionSet MutableSetMappingMutableMapping MappingViewKeysView ItemsView ValuesViewSequenceMutableSequence ByteStringBufferzcollections.abcrirc#KdSrrrrrr'Xs5rc Kywrrrrr_coror)ZscKdywrrrrr_agr,`s c|j}|D]9}|D]+}||jvs|j| tccS2tcSy)NT)__mro____dict__NotImplemented)CmethodsmromethodBs r_check_methodsr7hsZ ))C" "A#::f%-))  " " !" rc0eZdZdZedZedZy)rrcyNrrselfs r__hash__zHashable.__hash__xrc6|tur t|dStS)Nr=)rr7r1clsr2s r__subclasshook__zHashable.__subclasshook__| (?!!Z0 0rN)__name__ __module__ __qualname__ __slots__rr= classmethodrBrrrrrt-Irr) metaclassc@eZdZdZedZedZeeZ y)r rc#Kdywrrr;s r __await__zAwaitable.__await__s  sc6|tur t|dStS)NrM)r r7r1r@s rrBzAwaitable.__subclasshook__s ) !![1 1rN) rDrErFrGrrMrHrB GenericAlias__class_getitem__rrrr r s:I $L1rr cHeZdZdZedZeddZdZedZ y)r rct)zcSend a value into the coroutine. Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.  StopIterationr<values rsendzCoroutine.send rNcF| |||}||j|}|)zgRaise an exception in the coroutine. Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration. with_tracebackr<typvaltbs rthrowzCoroutine.throw4 ;z %C >$$R(C rcn |jttd#ttf$rYywxYw).Raise GeneratorExit inside coroutine. zcoroutine ignored GeneratorExitNr` GeneratorExit RuntimeErrorrTr;s rclosezCoroutine.close; B JJ} %@A A}-    "44c<|turt|ddddStS)NrMrWr`rg)r r7r1r@s rrBzCoroutine.__subclasshook__s# ) !![&'7K KrNN) rDrErFrGrrWr`rgrHrBrrrr r sGI   Brr c@eZdZdZedZedZeeZ y)r rctSr)r r;s r __aiter__zAsyncIterable.__aiter__s rc6|tur t|dStS)Nrn)r r7r1r@s rrBzAsyncIterable.__subclasshook__s - !![1 1rN) rDrErFrGrrnrHrBrOrPrrrr r s:I $L1rr c6eZdZdZedZdZedZy)r rcKtw)z@Return the next item or raise StopAsyncIteration when exhausted.StopAsyncIterationr;s r __anext__zAsyncIterator.__anext__s! r-c|Srrr;s rrnzAsyncIterator.__aiter__ rc8|tur t|ddStS)Nrtrn)r r7r1r@s rrBzAsyncIterator.__subclasshook__s - !![+> >rN) rDrErFrGrrtrnrHrBrrrr r s2I!!rr cNeZdZdZdZedZeddZdZe dZ y) rrc@K|jdd{S7w)zpReturn the next item from the asynchronous generator. When exhausted, raise StopAsyncIteration. N)asendr;s rrtzAsyncGenerator.__anext__sZZ%%%%s cKtw)zuSend a value into the asynchronous generator. Return next yielded value or raise StopAsyncIteration. rrrUs rrzzAsyncGenerator.asends ! r-NcNK| |||}||j|}|w)zyRaise an exception in the asynchronous generator. Return next yielded value or raise StopAsyncIteration. rZr\s rathrowzAsyncGenerator.athrows8 ;z %C >$$R(C s#%cK |jtd{td7#ttf$rYywxYww)rcNz,asynchronous generator ignored GeneratorExit)r}rerfrsr;s raclosezAsyncGenerator.aclosesH O++m, , ,MN N -12   s/A.,. A.AAAAc>|turt|dddddStS)Nrnrtrzr}r)rr7r1r@s rrBzAsyncGenerator.__subclasshook__ s* . !![+")8X? ?rrk) rDrErFrGrtrrzr}rrHrBrrrrrsNI& !!   Orrc@eZdZdZedZedZeeZ y)rrc# Kywrrr;s r__iter__zIterable.__iter__ r*c6|tur t|dStS)Nr)rr7r1r@s rrBzIterable.__subclasshook__ rCrN) rDrErFrGrrrHrBrOrPrrrrrs:I $L1rrc6eZdZdZedZdZedZy)rrct)zKReturn the next item from the iterator. When exhausted, raise StopIterationrSr;s r__next__zIterator.__next__-s rc|Srrr;s rrzIterator.__iter__2rvrc8|tur t|ddStS)Nrr)rr7r1r@s rrBzIterator.__subclasshook__5s (?!!Z< <rN) rDrErFrGrrrrHrBrrrrr)s2Irrc0eZdZdZedZedZy)rrc# Kywrrr;s r __reversed__zReversible.__reversed__Prr*c8|tur t|ddStS)Nrr)rr7r1r@s rrBzReversible.__subclasshook__Us * !!^Z@ @rN)rDrErFrGrrrHrBrrrrrLs-IrrcNeZdZdZdZedZeddZdZe dZ y) rrc$|jdS)z^Return the next item from the generator. When exhausted, raise StopIteration. N)rWr;s rrzGenerator.__next__`syyrct)zcSend a value into the generator. Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration. rSrUs rrWzGenerator.sendfrXrNcF| |||}||j|}|)zgRaise an exception in the generator. Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration. rZr\s rr`zGenerator.throwmrarcn |jttd#ttf$rYywxYw)z.Raise GeneratorExit inside generator. zgenerator ignored GeneratorExitNrdr;s rrgzGenerator.closezrhric>|turt|dddddStS)NrrrWr`rg)rr7r1r@s rrBzGenerator.__subclasshook__s* ) !!Z"('7< <rrk) rDrErFrGrrrWr`rgrHrBrrrrr\sNI    Brrc0eZdZdZedZedZy)rrcyr:rr;s r__len__z Sized.__len__r>rc6|tur t|dStS)Nr)rr7r1r@s rrBzSized.__subclasshook__s %<!!Y/ /rN)rDrErFrGrrrHrBrrrrrrIrrc@eZdZdZedZedZeeZ y)rrcyNFr)r<xs r __contains__zContainer.__contains__rc6|tur t|dStS)Nr)rr7r1r@s rrBzContainer.__subclasshook__s ) !!^4 4rN) rDrErFrGrrrHrBrOrPrrrrrs:I $L1rrc eZdZdZedZy)rrc:|turt|dddStS)Nrrr)rr7r1r@s rrBzCollection.__subclasshook__s! * !!i^L LrN)rDrErFrGrHrBrrrrrsIrrc:eZdZdZededefdZedZ y)r#rflagsreturnctrNotImplementedError)r<rs r __buffer__zBuffer.__buffer__s!!rc6|tur t|dStS)Nr)r#r7r1r@s rrBzBuffer.__subclasshook__s &=!!\2 2rN) rDrErFrGrint memoryviewrrHrBrrrr#r#s;I"":""rr#c@eZdZdZdZfdZfdZdZfdZxZ S)_CallableGenericAliasz Represent `Callable[argtypes, resulttype]`. This sets ``__args__`` to a tuple containing the flattened ``argtypes`` followed by ``resulttype``. Example: ``Callable[[int, str], float]`` sets ``__args__`` to ``(int, str, float)``. rct|trt|dk(s td|\}}t|ttfrg||}nt |std|t ||||S)Nz6Callable must be used as Callable[[arg, ...], result].zFExpected a list of types, an ellipsis, ParamSpec, or Concatenate. Got ) isinstancetuplelen TypeErrorlist_is_param_exprsuper__new__)rAoriginargst_argst_result __class__s rrz_CallableGenericAlias.__new__s4'CINHJ J fudm ,&V&X&D'>>DXGH HwsFD11rc .t|jdk(r&t|jdrt|Sddj |jddDcgc] }t |c}dt |jddScc}w)[[z, z], ])r__args__rr__repr__join _type_repr)r<ars rrz_CallableGenericAlias.__repr__s t}}  "~dmmA6F'G7#% %YYt}}Sb7IJ! 1 JKLCdmmB/014 5JsB c|j}t|dk(rt|dst|dd|df}tt |ffS)Nrrr)rrrrrr)r<rs r __reduce__z _CallableGenericAlias.__reduce__sI}}D Q>$q'#:Sb ?DH,D$x&666rct|ts|f}t| |j}t|dtt fs|d}|dd}||f}t tt|S)Nrr)rrr __getitem__rrrr)r<itemnew_argsrrrs rrz!_CallableGenericAlias.__getitem__sn $&7D7&t,55(1+t}5|Hcr]F)H$XuX??r) rDrErF__doc__rGrrrr __classcell__rs@rrrs*I 257 @@rrcturyttrytd}jdk(xrt fd|DS)z|Checks if obj matches either a list of types, ``...``, ``ParamSpec`` or ``_ConcatenateGenericAlias`` from T) ParamSpec_ConcatenateGenericAliastypingc3<K|]}j|k(ywr)rD).0nameobjs r z!_is_param_expr.. s-Utclld.B-Us)EllipsisrrtyperEany)rnamess` rrrsI h#t s)C 5E >>X % U#-Uu-U*UUrct|tr6|jdk(r |jS|jd|jS|turyt|t r |j St|S)zReturn the repr() of an object, special-casing types (internal helper). Copied from :mod:`typing` since shouldn't depend on that module. (Keep this roughly in sync with the typing version.) builtins.z...)rrrErFr FunctionTyperDrepr)rs rrr sk#t >>Z '## #..!3#3#3"455 h#|$|| 9rc@eZdZdZedZedZeeZ y)rrcyrr)r<rkwdss r__call__zCallable.__call__!rrc6|tur t|dStS)Nr)rr7r1r@s rrBzCallable.__subclasshook__%rCrN) rDrErFrGrrrHrBrrPrrrrrs;I $$9:rrcxeZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ e dZ d Z e Z d Zd ZeZd Zd ZdZeZdZy)raZA set is a finite, iterable container. This class provides concrete generic implementations of all methods except for __contains__, __iter__ and __len__. To override the comparisons (presumably for speed, as the semantics are fixed), redefine __le__ and __ge__, then the other operations will automatically follow suit. rczt|tstSt|t|kDry|D]}||vsyyNFTrrr1rr<otherelems r__le__z Set.__le__>sD%%! ! t9s5z ! D5  rct|tstSt|t|kxr|j |Srrrr1rrr<rs r__lt__z Set.__lt__H3%%! !4y3u:%<$++e*<.ms"MUu}5"Ms rrr1rrs` r__and__z Set.__and__js*%*! !"""Me"MMMrc|D]}||vsyy)z1Return True if two sets have a null intersection.FTr)r<rrVs r isdisjointzSet.isdisjointqs  E} rcft|tstSd||fD}|j|S)Nc3.K|] }|D]}|ywrr)rses rrzSet.__or__..{s5q15a55sr)r<rchains r__or__z Set.__or__xs1%*! !5T5M5""5))rctts'ttstS|j |j fd|DS)Nc3*K|] }|vr| ywrr)rrVrs rrzSet.__sub__..s #:U&+5&8$)#:rrrr1rrs `r__sub__z Set.__sub__sL%%eX.%%''.E""#:d#:: :rct|ts't|tstSj |}j fd|DS)Nc3*K|] }|vr| ywrrrs rrzSet.__rsub__..s #9U&+4&7$)#9r r rs` r__rsub__z Set.__rsub__sL%%eX.%%''.E""#9e#99 9rct|ts't|tstS|j |}||z ||z zSrr rs r__xor__z Set.__xor__s?%%eX.%%''.Eu ..rctj}d|zdz}t|}d|dzz}||z}|D]#}t|}|||dzz dz dzz}||z}%||dz |dz z z}|d zd z}||z}||kDr||dzz}|d k(rd }|S) a+Compute the hash value of a set. Note that we don't define __hash__: not all sets are hashable. But if you define a hashable set type, its __hash__ should call this function. This must be compatible __eq__. All sets ought to compare equal if they contain the same elements, regardless of how they are implemented, and regardless of the order of the elements; so there's not much freedom for __eq__ or __hash__. We match the algorithm used by the built-in frozenset type. rr$iMriM[l4~2 i i6ri8#)sysmaxsizerhash)r<MAXMASKnhrhxs r_hashz Set._hashskk3w{ I !a%  T  AaB "b/H,; ;A IA  a2g!r' "" I ! T  s7 MA 7ArN)rDrErFrrGrrrrrrHrr__rand__rr__ror__r rr__rxor__rrrrrr1stI= = > N H* G:9/Hrrc^eZdZdZdZedZedZdZdZ dZ dZ d Z d Z d Zy ) raA mutable set is a finite, iterable container. This class provides concrete generic implementations of all methods except for __contains__, __iter__, __len__, add(), and discard(). To override the comparisons (presumably for speed, as the semantics are fixed), all you have to do is redefine __le__ and then the other operations will automatically follow suit. rct)zAdd an element.rrUs raddzMutableSet.add "!rct)z8Remove an element. Do not raise an exception if absent.rrUs rdiscardzMutableSet.discardr&rcD||vr t||j|y)z5Remove an element. If not a member, raise a KeyError.N)KeyErrorr(rUs rremovezMutableSet.removes  5/ ! Urc~t|} t|}|j ||S#t$rtdwxYw)z2Return the popped value. Raise KeyError if empty.N)iternextrTr*r(r<rrVs rpopzMutableSet.popsE $Z %HE U  % $ %s +<cF |j#t$rYywxYw)z6This is slow (creates N new iterators!) but effective.N)r0r*r;s rclearzMutableSet.clears*        c6|D]}|j||Sr)r%r/s r__ior__zMutableSet.__ior__s! E HHUO  rc<||z D]}|j||Sr)r(r/s r__iand__zMutableSet.__iand__s&Ri E LL   rc||ur|j|St|ts|j|}|D])}||vr|j ||j |+|Sr)r2rrrr(r%r/s r__ixor__zMutableSet.__ixor__si : JJL b#&((, $D=LL'HHUO  $  rcb||ur|j|S|D]}|j||Sr)r2r(r/s r__isub__zMutableSet.__isub__s; : JJL  $ U# $ rN)rDrErFrrGrr%r(r+r0r2r5r7r9r;rrrrrsW I""""   rrcReZdZdZdZdZedZd dZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z dZy) rzA Mapping is a generic container for associating key/value pairs. This class provides concrete generic implementations of all methods except for __getitem__, __iter__, and __len__. r@ctrr*r<keys rrzMapping.__getitem__ rNc0 ||S#t$r|cYSwxYw)z D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.r?r<rAdefaults rgetz Mapping.get$s% 9  N s  c. ||y#t$rYywxYwNTFr?r@s rrzMapping.__contains__+s'  I  s  ct|S)z:D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys)rr;s rkeysz Mapping.keys3s ~rct|S)z a set-like object providing a view on D's items)rr;s ritemsz Mapping.items7s rct|S)z6D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's values)rr;s rvalueszMapping.values;s $rct|tstSt|j t|j k(Sr)rrr1dictrLrs rrzMapping.__eq__?s3%)! !DJJL!T%++-%888rr)rDrErFrrG__abc_tpflags__rrrFrrJrLrNrrrrrrrsLIO 9 Lrrc2eZdZdZdZdZdZeeZ y)r_mappingc||_yrrS)r<mappings r__init__zMappingView.__init__Ms  rc,t|jSr)rrTr;s rrzMappingView.__len__Ps4==!!rc$dj|S)Nz&{0.__class__.__name__}({0._mapping!r}))formatr;s rrzMappingView.__repr__Ss7>>tDDrN) rDrErFrGrWrrrHrOrPrrrrrIs$I "E$L1rrc,eZdZdZedZdZdZy)rrct|Srsetrs rrzKeysView._from_iterable] 2wrc||jvSrrSr@s rrzKeysView.__contains__asdmm##rc#8K|jEd{y7wrrSr;s rrzKeysView.__iter__ds==  s NrDrErFrGrHrrrrrrrrYs#I$!rrc,eZdZdZedZdZdZy)rrct|Srr]rs rrzItemsView._from_iterableor_rc`|\}} |j|}||uxs||k(S#t$rYywxYwr)rTr*)r<rrArVvs rrzItemsView.__contains__ssG U , c"A:+e +  s ! --c#TK|jD]}||j|fywrrSr@s rrzItemsView.__iter__|s-== ,C c*+ + ,s&(Nrbrrrrrks#I,,rrceZdZdZdZdZy)rrcZ|jD]}|j|}||us||k(syyrHrS)r<rVrArfs rrzValuesView.__contains__s8== C c"AEzQ%Z rc#PK|jD]}|j|ywrrSr@s rrzValuesView.__iter__s(== %C--$ $ %s$&N)rDrErFrGrrrrrrrsI%rrcheZdZdZdZedZedZeZ e fdZ dZ dZ d dZ d d Zy ) rzA MutableMapping is a generic container for associating key/value pairs. This class provides concrete generic implementations of all methods except for __getitem__, __setitem__, __delitem__, __iter__, and __len__. rctrr?r<rArVs r __setitem__zMutableMapping.__setitem__rBrctrr?r@s r __delitem__zMutableMapping.__delitem__rBrcX ||}||=|S#t$r||jur|cYSwxYw)zD.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. )r*_MutableMapping__marker)r<rArErVs rr0zMutableMapping.popsC IE S L  $--'N s  ))cl tt|}||}||=||fS#t$rtdwxYw)zD.popitem() -> (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty. N)r.r-rTr*rms rpopitemzMutableMapping.popitemsJ %tDz"CS  IEz  % $ %s"3cF |j#t$rYywxYw)z,D.clear() -> None. Remove all items from D.N)rtr*r;s rr2zMutableMapping.clears*     r3c t|tr|D] }||||< n9t|dr|jD] }||||< n|D] \}}|||< |j D] \}}|||< y)aK D.update([E, ]**F) -> None. Update D from mapping/iterable E and F. If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v rJN)rrhasattrrJrL)r<rrrArVs rupdatezMutableMapping.updates eW % '!#JS  ' UF #zz| '!#JS  '$ " U!S  "**, JCDI rNc8 ||S#t$r |||<Y|SwxYw)z@D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in Dr?rDs r setdefaultzMutableMapping.setdefaults. 9  DI s )rr)rDrErFrrGrrnrpobjectrrr0rtr2rxrzrrrrrsYIxH'  $rrcHeZdZdZdZdZedZdZdZ dZ d d Z d Z y) r zAll the operations on a read-only sequence. Concrete subclasses must override __new__ or __init__, __getitem__, and __len__. r ctr IndexErrorr<indexs rrzSequence.__getitem__rc#NKd} ||}||dz }#t$rYywxYww)Nrr$r)r<irfs rrzSequence.__iter__sB  GQ   s% "%"%c(|D] }||us||k(s yyrHr)r<rVrfs rrzSequence.__contains__s& AEzQ%Z rc#^Kttt|D] }|| ywr)reversedranger)r<rs rrzSequence.__reversed__s,%D *+ Aq'M s+-Nc||dkrtt||zd}||dkr|t|z }|}|||kr ||}||us||k(r|S|dz }|||krt#t$rYtwxYw)zS.index(value, [start, [stop]]) -> integer -- return first index of value. Raises ValueError if the value is not present. Supporting start and stop arguments is optional, but recommended. rr$)maxrr ValueError)r<rVstartstoprrfs rrzSequence.indexs  D E)1-E  q CI D la$h GEzQ%Z FAla$h    sA## A43A4c,tfd|DS)zBS.count(value) -> integer -- return number of occurrences of valuec36K|]}|us|k(s dyw)r$Nr)rrfrVs rrz!Sequence.count..+s?a5jAJ1?s)sumrUs `rcountzSequence.count)s?d???r)rN) rDrErFrrGrQrrrrrrrrrrr r sA IO .@rr c(eZdZfdZfdZxZS)_DeprecateByteStringMetac b|dk7rddl}|jddt| ||||fi|S)Nr" _deprecatedrr)rArbases namespacekwargsrrs rrz _DeprecateByteStringMeta.__new__3sC <    , ! wsD%EfEErcPddl}|jddt| |S)Nrrrr)rrr__instancecheck__)rAinstancerrs rrz*_DeprecateByteStringMeta.__instancecheck__=s1 (  w(22r)rDrErFrrrrs@rrr2sF33rrceZdZdZdZy)r"zMThis unifies bytes and bytearray. XXX Should add all their methods. rN)rDrErFrrGrrrr"r"Fs Irr"cpeZdZdZdZedZedZedZdZ dZ dZ d Z dd Z d Zd Zy )r!zAll the operations on a read-write sequence. Concrete subclasses must provide __new__ or __init__, __getitem__, __setitem__, __delitem__, __len__, and insert(). rctrrr<rrVs rrnzMutableSequence.__setitem__[rrctrrrs rrpzMutableSequence.__delitem___rrct)z3S.insert(index, value) -- insert value before indexrrs rinsertzMutableSequence.insertcs rc:|jt||y)z:S.append(value) -- append value to the end of the sequenceN)rrrUs rappendzMutableSequence.appendhs CIu%rcF |j#t$rYywxYw)z,S.clear() -> None -- remove all items from SN)r0rr;s rr2zMutableSequence.clearls*     r3czt|}t|dzD]}|||z dz ||c||<|||z dz <!y)z!S.reverse() -- reverse *IN PLACE*rr$N)rr)r<rrs rreversezMutableSequence.reversetsN Iq!t 8A#'!A;Q DGT!A#a%[ 8rcR||ur t|}|D]}|j|y)zMS.extend(iterable) -- extend sequence by appending elements from the iterableN)rr)r<rNrfs rextendzMutableSequence.extendzs, T>&\F A KKN rc||}||=|S)zS.pop([index]) -> item -- remove and return item at index (default last). Raise IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range. r)r<rrfs rr0zMutableSequence.pops K Krc(||j|=y)zvS.remove(value) -- remove first occurrence of value. Raise ValueError if the value is not present. N)rrUs rr+zMutableSequence.removes E" #rc(|j||Sr)r)r<rNs r__iadd__zMutableSequence.__iadd__s F rN)r)rDrErFrrGrrnrprrr2rrr0r+rrrrr!r!Rsk I&8 $ rr!)UrabcrrrrrrrO EllipsisTyper r__all__rDr-bytes_iterator bytearraybytearray_iteratorrJdict_keyiteratorrNdict_valueiteratorrLdict_itemiterator list_iteratorrlist_reverseiteratorrrange_iteratorlongrange_iteratorr^ set_iterator str_iteratortuple_iteratorzip zip_iterator dict_keys dict_values dict_itemsr0 mappingproxy generatorr) coroutinergr,async_generatorr7rr r registerr r rrrrrrrrr#rrrrr frozensetrrrrrrrrPr rstrrrr"bytesr!rrrrs>( DI Cy Bx   d3i$y{+,RWWY($ryy{+,bhhj)*T"X D"./d58n%$uQ$Y/01DK DH~ d2hDK O 299; "((*  DMM" /$ %   K    es)   2'2"& &R 92g2"M&-]-`(22$x& .!$%"#$%#$- &'.!$%,,.!,   --` 9 g 2'2") w 4@L4@l V$;;(G*GT YMM` C 1j1f 2% 2 !{C ! ), S,, : %j %  K OWOd =@z:=@~ %#%*3w3(%= E I?h?D#rc 6dZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZd Z d Z d Z d Z d Z dZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"e"Z#d Z$d!Z%d"Z&d#Z'd$Z(d!Z)d"Z*d#Z+d%Z,d&Z-d'Z.d Z/dZ0dZ1dZ2dZ3dZ4dZ5dZ6d Z7d'Z8d&Z9dZ:d(Z;d)Zd,Z?ed-fed.fed/fed0fe d1fed2fed3ffe)d4ffe*d5ffe+e!zd.fe!d6fe+d7ffe-d4ffe.d5ffe/e"zd.fe"d6fe/d7ffe1d4ffe2d5ffe3e$zd8fe$d9fe3d7fff Z@d:ZAd&ZBdZCd#ZDd'ZEd ZFdZGdZHd"ZIdZJd)ZKdZLdZMdZNd ZOdZPd!ZQd(ZR dd;lSy<#eT$rYyS_IMODErs &=c |dzS)zLReturn the portion of the file's mode that describes the file type. ir r s rS_IFMTrs (?ri@i i`iiiic&t|tk(S)z(Return True if mode is from a directory.)rS_IFDIRr s rS_ISDIRr2 $<7 ""rc&t|tk(S)zrrc&t|tk(S)z0Return True if mode is from a FIFO (named pipe).)rS_IFIFOr s rS_ISFIFOr#Brrc&t|tk(S)z,Return True if mode is from a symbolic link.)rS_IFLNKr s rS_ISLNKr&Frrc&t|tk(S)z%Return True if mode is from a socket.)rS_IFSOCKr s rS_ISSOCKr)Js $<8 ##rcy)z#Return True if mode is from a door.Fr r s rS_ISDOORr+N rcy)z*Return True if mode is from an event port.Fr r s rS_ISPORTr.Rr,rcy)z'Return True if mode is from a whiteout.Fr r s rS_ISWHTr0Vr,riii@i8 iiiii ls-bdcprwSxtTcg}tD]8}|D] \}}||z|k(s|j|'|jd:dj|S)z;Convert a file's mode to a string of the form '-rwxrwxrwx'.r9)_filemode_tableappendjoin)rpermtablebitchars rfilemoderMsb D  ICczS  D!  KK   774=r)*N)U__doc__ST_MODEST_INOST_DEVST_NLINKST_UIDST_GIDST_SIZEST_ATIMEST_MTIMEST_CTIMErrrrrrr"r%r(S_IFDOORS_IFPORTS_IFWHTrrrr r#r&r)r+r.r0S_ISUIDS_ISGIDS_ENFMTS_ISVTXS_IREADS_IWRITES_IEXECS_IRWXUS_IRUSRS_IWUSRS_IXUSRS_IRWXGS_IRGRPS_IWGRPS_IXGRPS_IRWXOS_IROTHS_IWOTHS_IXOTH UF_NODUMP UF_IMMUTABLE UF_APPEND UF_OPAQUE UF_NOUNLINK UF_COMPRESSED UF_HIDDEN SF_ARCHIVED SF_IMMUTABLE SF_APPEND SF_NOUNLINK SF_SNAPSHOTrFrMFILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVEFILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSEDFILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICEFILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORYFILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTEDFILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDENFILE_ATTRIBUTE_INTEGRITY_STREAMFILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL"FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXEDFILE_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SCRUB_DATAFILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINEFILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLYFILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINTFILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILEFILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEMFILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARYFILE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL_stat ImportErrorr rrrs                     ######$                               ss s s s s s s s gos s ss s gos s ss s gos s s/8    "'%)"%#    s DDDcdZedy)Tz Hello world!N) initializedprintzrs nrcdZdZGddeZGddeZGddeZ dd lm Z m Z m Z m Z m Z mZmZmZGd d eZdZGddeZy#e$rdd lmZm Z d e_Y&wxYw)z3Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) according to PEP|_|S)aIA decorator indicating abstract methods. Requires that the metaclass is ABCMeta or derived from it. A class that has a metaclass derived from ABCMeta cannot be instantiated unless all of its abstract methods are overridden. The abstract methods can be called using any of the normal 'super' call mechanisms. abstractmethod() may be used to declare abstract methods for properties and descriptors. Usage: class C(metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def my_abstract_method(self, arg1, arg2, argN): ... T)__isabstractmethod__)funcobjs abstractmethodrs"$(G Nc&eZdZdZdZfdZxZS)abstractclassmethodaA decorator indicating abstract classmethods. Deprecated, use 'classmethod' with 'abstractmethod' instead: class C(ABC): @classmethod @abstractmethod def my_abstract_classmethod(cls, ...): ... Tc2d|_t| |yNTrsuper__init__selfcallable __class__s rr zabstractclassmethod.__init__+(,% "r__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rr __classcell__rs@rrr  ##rrc&eZdZdZdZfdZxZS)abstractstaticmethodaA decorator indicating abstract staticmethods. Deprecated, use 'staticmethod' with 'abstractmethod' instead: class C(ABC): @staticmethod @abstractmethod def my_abstract_staticmethod(...): ... Tc2d|_t| |yr r rs rr zabstractstaticmethod.__init__?rrrrs@rrr0rrrceZdZdZdZy)abstractpropertyzA decorator indicating abstract properties. Deprecated, use 'property' with 'abstractmethod' instead: class C(ABC): @property @abstractmethod def my_abstract_property(self): ... TN)rrrrrrrrrDs  rr)get_cache_token _abc_init _abc_register_abc_instancecheck_abc_subclasscheck _get_dump_reset_registry _reset_cachescHeZdZdZfdZdZdZdZd dZdZ dZ xZ S) ABCMetaaMetaclass for defining Abstract Base Classes (ABCs). Use this metaclass to create an ABC. An ABC can be subclassed directly, and then acts as a mix-in class. You can also register unrelated concrete classes (even built-in classes) and unrelated ABCs as 'virtual subclasses' -- these and their descendants will be considered subclasses of the registering ABC by the built-in issubclass() function, but the registering ABC won't show up in their MRO (Method Resolution Order) nor will method implementations defined by the registering ABC be callable (not even via super()). c Dt|||||fi|}t||SN)r __new__r#)mclsnamebases namespacekwargsclsrs rr.zABCMeta.__new__is('/$eYI&IC cNJrct||S)z{Register a virtual subclass of an ABC. Returns the subclass, to allow usage as a class decorator. )r$r4subclasss rregisterzABCMeta.registerns !h/ /rct||S)z'Override for isinstance(instance, cls).)r%)r4instances r__instancecheck__zABCMeta.__instancecheck__u%c84 4rct||S)z'Override for issubclass(subclass, cls).)r&r6s r__subclasscheck__zABCMeta.__subclasscheck__yr<rc"td|jd|j|tdt|t |\}}}}td||td||td||td||y ) z'Debug helper to print the ABC registry.zClass: .)filezInv. counter: z_abc_registry: z _abc_cache: z_abc_negative_cache: z_abc_negative_cache_version: N)printrrr"r')r4rA _abc_registry _abc_cache_abc_negative_cache_abc_negative_cache_versions r_dump_registryzABCMeta._dump_registry}s GCNN+1S-=-=,>?d K N?#4"56T B,5cN *]J(; ( OM#45D A L/d ; )*=)@A M 12M1PQ rct|y)z.Clear the registry (for debugging or testing).N)r(r4s r_abc_registry_clearzABCMeta._abc_registry_clears C rct|y)z,Clear the caches (for debugging or testing).N)r)rIs r_abc_caches_clearzABCMeta._abc_caches_clears # rr-) rrrrr.r8r;r>rGrJrLrrs@rr+r+\s+    0 5 5  ! rr+)r+r"abccvt|ds|St}|jD]@}t|ddD].}t||d}t|dds|j |0B|j j D]$\}}t|dds|j |&t||_|S)aRecalculate the set of abstract methods of an abstract class. If a class has had one of its abstract methods implemented after the class was created, the method will not be considered implemented until this function is called. Alternatively, if a new abstract method has been added to the class, it will only be considered an abstract method of the class after this function is called. This function should be called before any use is made of the class, usually in class decorators that add methods to the subject class. Returns cls, to allow usage as a class decorator. If cls is not an instance of ABCMeta, does nothing. __abstractmethods__r NrF) hasattrset __bases__getattradd__dict__items frozensetrO)r4 abstractssclsr0values rupdate_abstractmethodsr[s 3- . I $D"7< $DCt,Eu4e< d# $$ ||))+ e 50% 8 MM$  ( 2C JrceZdZdZdZy)ABCzVHelper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance. r N)rrrr __slots__r rrr]r]sIrr]) metaclassN)rr classmethodr staticmethodrpropertyr_abcr"r#r$r%r&r'r(r)typer+ ImportError_py_abcrr[r]r rrrgs:*#+#(#<#(  x  ;6663$3l#LGA0GsAA.-A.c^dZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZejejga da da da dZ dZdZdZdZdZdd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZddZddZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#ejHjJse#dZ&e'dk(re&yy)a Append module search paths for third-party packages to sys.path. **************************************************************** * This module is automatically imported during initialization. * **************************************************************** This will append site-specific paths to the module search path. On Unix (including Mac OSX), it starts with sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix (if different) and appends lib/python/site-packages. On other platforms (such as Windows), it tries each of the prefixes directly, as well as with lib/site-packages appended. The resulting directories, if they exist, are appended to sys.path, and also inspected for path configuration files. If a file named "pyvenv.cfg" exists one directory above sys.executable, sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix are set to that directory and it is also checked for site-packages (sys.base_prefix and sys.base_exec_prefix will always be the "real" prefixes of the Python installation). If "pyvenv.cfg" (a bootstrap configuration file) contains the key "include-system-site-packages" set to anything other than "false" (case-insensitive), the system-level prefixes will still also be searched for site-packages; otherwise they won't. All of the resulting site-specific directories, if they exist, are appended to sys.path, and also inspected for path configuration files. A path configuration file is a file whose name has the form .pth; its contents are additional directories (one per line) to be added to sys.path. Non-existing directories (or non-directories) are never added to sys.path; no directory is added to sys.path more than once. Blank lines and lines beginning with '#' are skipped. Lines starting with 'import' are executed. For example, suppose sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix are set to /usr/local and there is a directory /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages with three subdirectories, foo, bar and spam, and two path configuration files, foo.pth and bar.pth. Assume foo.pth contains the following: # foo package configuration foo bar bletch and bar.pth contains: # bar package configuration bar Then the following directories are added to sys.path, in this order: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bar /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/foo Note that bletch is omitted because it doesn't exist; bar precedes foo because bar.pth comes alphabetically before foo.pth; and spam is omitted because it is not mentioned in either path configuration file. The readline module is also automatically configured to enable completion for systems that support it. This can be overridden in sitecustomize, usercustomize or PYTHONSTARTUP. Starting Python in isolated mode (-I) disables automatic readline configuration. After these operations, an attempt is made to import a module named sitecustomize, which can perform arbitrary additional site-specific customizations. If this import fails with an ImportError exception, it is silently ignored. Ncptjjrt|tjyy)Nfile)sysflagsverboseprintstderr)messages _tracer \s" yy gCJJ'ctjj|} tjj|}|tjj |fS#t$rY,wxYwN)ospathjoinabspathOSErrornormcase)pathsdirs r makepathras[ '',, C ggooc"   % %%    sA A*)A*c<ttjjD]~}d} |jj }|dvr! tjj|j|_ tjj|j|_y#t $r4 |jjj }n#t $rYnwxYwYwxYw#t ttf$rYwxYw#t ttf$rYwxYw)zESet all module __file__ and __cached__ attributes to an absolute pathN>_frozen_importlib_frozen_importlib_external)setrmodulesvalues __loader__ __module__AttributeError__spec__loaderrrr__file__r TypeError __cached__)m loader_modules r abs_pathsr)js ##% &  LL33M  S S  4AJ 77??1<<8AL!   ! 1 1 < < !   3   3   sYB* .C*9.D* C'4 CC' C!C' C!!C'&C'*DDDDcg}t}tjD]7}t|\}}||vs|j ||j |9|tjdd|S)zK Remove duplicate entries from sys.path along with making them absoluteN)rrrrappendadd)L known_pathsrdircases r removeduppathsr0sf A%Kxx% } W + % HHSM OOG $%CHHQK r ct}tjD]A} tjj |rt |\}}|j |C|S#t$rYQwxYw)zEReturn a set containing all existing file system items from sys.path.)rrrrexistsrr,r%)ditem_itemcases r _init_pathinfor7se A ww~~d#&tn 8h  H   s>A!! A-,A-c | t}d}nd}tjj||} tj|}t |ddtjzst |ddtjzrtd|ytd| tjtj|d }|5t|D]\}}|jd r|j!d k(r, |jd r t#|J|j%}t'||\} } | |vrOtjj)| r0t*jj-| |j/| ddd|rd}|S#t $rYywxYw#t $rYywxYw#t0$r} t3dj5|dz|t*j6ddl} | j;| D]5} | j=D] }t3d|zt*j6"7t3dt*j6Yd} ~ d} ~ wwxYw#1swYxYw)zProcess a .pth file within the site-packages directory: For each line in the file, either combine it with sitedir to a path and add that to known_paths, or execute it if it starts with 'import '. NTFst_flagsrst_file_attributeszSkipping hidden .pth file: zProcessing .pth file: localeencoding#)zimport zimport z"Error processing line {:d} of {}: rz z Remainder of file ignored)r7rrrlstatrgetattrstat UF_HIDDENFILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDENr io TextIOWrapper open_code enumerate startswithstripexecrstriprr2rr+r, Exceptionrformatr tracebackformat_exception splitlines)sitedirnamer.resetfullnamestfnlinerr/excrPrecords r addpackager]s: $& ww||GT*H XXh  Z #dnn 4 )1 -0J0J J,XL9: #H< 01   R\\(3h G  | GAts#zz|r! ??#:;J{{}'6 W+-"''..2EHHOOC(OOG, 0  O  " ;BB1Q3Q::' '88=:F & 1 1 3:d4icjj9::3#**E sgF&"*F58I1G#I1$A2GI1& F21F25 GG I. BI)#I1)I..I11I:ctd|| t}d}nd}t|\}}||vr0tjj ||j | tj|}|Dcgc]&}|jdr|jds|(}}t|D]}t||||rd}|S#t$rYywxYwcc}w)zTAdd 'sitedir' argument to sys.path if missing and handle .pth files in 'sitedir'zAdding directory: NTFz.pth.)r r7rrrr+r,rlistdirrendswithrJsortedr])rSr.rU sitedircasenamesrTs r addsitedirres { +,$& #G,G[ + %   $ 7#$ Dd f%dooc.B DE Du /7D+./    Ds#C <+C CCcbtjjryttdr:ttdr*t j t j k7ryttdr:ttdr*t jt jk7ryy)a,Check if user site directory is safe for inclusion The function tests for the command line flag (including environment var), process uid/gid equal to effective uid/gid. None: Disabled for security reasons False: Disabled by user (command line option) True: Safe and enabled FgetuidgeteuidNgetgidgetegidT) rr no_user_sitehasattrrrhrgrjrir r check_enableusersiternsk yyr8Y!7 ::<299; &r8Y!7 ::<299; & r c tjjdd}|r|Stjdvryd}tj dk(r,tjjdxsd}||dStjdk(r=tj r-|dd tj d tjdd zS|dd S) NPYTHONUSERBASE>wasivxworks emscriptencttjjtjj|Sr)rr expanduserr)argss r joinuserz_getuserbase..joinusers$ww!!"'',,"566r ntAPPDATA~PythondarwinLibraryz%d.%dz.local)renvirongetrplatformrT _framework version_info)env_baserwbases r _getuserbaserszz~~.5H ||887 ww$zz~~i(/Ch'' ||xCNNY#"2"22A"668 8 C ""r c tj}tjdk(r(tjj dd}|d|dStj dk(rtjr|dS|d|d d|d d S) Nrxr_r?z\Pythonz\site-packagesr|z/lib/python/site-packagesz /lib/pythonrr@z/site-packages)rrrrTwinverreplacerr)userbaseversion ver_nodots r _get_pathr*sG ww$JJ&&sB/ 8I;o>> ||xCNN455Z{71:,a |> JJr c.t tatS)zReturns the `user base` directory path. The `user base` directory can be used to store data. If the global variable ``USER_BASE`` is not initialized yet, this function will also set it. ) USER_BASErrmr r getuserbaser7s N r cXt}t|datSt|atS)zReturns the user-specific site-packages directory path. If the global variable ``USER_SITE`` is not initialized yet, this function will also set it. F)r USER_SITEENABLE_USER_SITEr)rs r getusersitepackagesrDs7}H  $  "(+I r ctdt}tr+tjj |r t |||S)zAdd a per user site-package to sys.path Each user has its own python directory with site-packages in the home directory. zProcessing user site-packages)r rrrrisdirre)r. user_sites r addusersitepackagesrUs7 *+#%IBGGMM)49k* r c g}t}|t}|D]}|r||vr |j|tjdk(rt j g}t j dk7r|jd|D]I}tjj||dt jddzd}|j|K|j||jtjj|dd|S)aReturns a list containing all global site-packages directories. For each directory present in ``prefixes`` (or the global ``PREFIXES``), this function will find its `site-packages` subdirectory depending on the system environment, and will return a list of full paths. N/libz python%d.%dr~z site-packagesLib) rPREFIXESr,rsepr platlibdirr+rrr)prefixes sitepackagesseenprefixlibdirslibdirrs r getsitepackagesrdsL 5DN4   66S=~~&G~~&u%! *ww||FF$1C4D4DRa4H$H$35##D)  *    '    VUO L M#N$ r ctdt|D].}tjj |s#t ||0|S)zAdd site-packages to sys.pathzProcessing global site-packages)r rrrrre)r.rrSs r addsitepackagesrsA ,-"8,- 77== ! w ,- r ctjdk(rd}nd}tjd|t_tjd|t_y)zDefine new builtins 'quit' and 'exit'. These are objects which make the interpreter exit when called. The repr of each object contains a hint at how it works. \zCtrl-Z plus ReturnzCtrl-D (i.e. EOF)quitexitN)rr _sitebuiltinsQuitterbuiltinsrr)eofs r setquitrsA vv~"!!))&#6HM!))&#6HMr cLtjdtjt_tjddt_gg}}t tdd}|s=ttdr-tjjtj}|ra|jddg|jtjj|tj|tjgtjd d ||t_y) z)Set 'copyright' and 'credits' in builtins copyrightcreditsz Thanks to CWI, CNRI,, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands for supporting Python development. See for more information. _stdlib_dirNr$z LICENSE.txtLICENSElicensez'See$extendrpardircurdirr)filesdirsheres r setcopyrightrs&// S]]KH$--i:TUHb4E 3 t ,D GB +wwr{{+  mY/0 RWW\\$ 2D"))DE$--1 tHr c>tjt_yr)r_Helperrhelprmr r sethelperrs!))+HMr c d}|t_y)ajEnable default readline configuration on interactive prompts, by registering a sys.__interactivehook__. If the readline module can be imported, the hook will set the Tab key as completion key and register ~/.python_history as history file. This can be overridden in the sitecustomize or usercustomize module, or in a PYTHONSTARTUP file. cddl} ddlddl}t dd}|d|vrj dnj d j jdk(rgtjjtjjdd jfd }|j|yy#t$rYywxYw#t$rYwxYw#t$rYBwxYw) Nr__doc__r?libeditzbind ^I rl_completez tab: completerzz.python_historycH jy#t$rYywxYwr)write_history_filer)historyreadlinesr write_historyzCenablerlcompleter..register_readline..write_historys*//8s  !!)atexitr rlcompleter ImportErrorrBparse_and_bindread_init_filerget_current_history_lengthrrrruread_history_fileregister)rr readline_docrrrs @@r register_readlinez,enablerlcompleter..register_readlines    xB7  # \(A  # #$9 :  # #O 4   # # %  . . 0A 5 ggll277#5#5c#:#46G **73  OOM *+ 6)       "  s5CC!(C0 CC! C-,C-0 C<;C<N)r__interactivehook__)rs r enablerlcompleterrs.+`0Cr cBtj}tjdk(r#d|vrtjdx}t_ntj }tj jtj j|}tj j|}dt_ d}tdtj j||tj j||fDd}|r|}d}t|d5} | D]q} d| vs| jd\} } } | jj} | j} | d k(r| j}a| d k(sg| t_ s ddd|xt_t_t%|tj g|dk(r&t&j)d tj |Stj gad a|S#1swYzxYw) Nr|__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__z pyvenv.cfgc3^K|]%}tjj|r|'ywr)rrisfile).0conffiles r zvenv..s* !ww~~h'  s+-truezutf-8r<=zinclude-system-site-packageshomerF)rrrr_base_executable executablerrr_homenextropen partitionrKlowerr exec_prefixrrinsertr)r.envrexe_dir site_prefix conf_basenamecandidate_conf virtual_conf system_siterXrZkeyr5values r venvrs **C ||x$9S$@,.JJ7L,MM S)^^ ggoobggooj9:G''//'*KCI M  Wm4 [-8&   N%  , 1 *Q *$;$(NN3$7MCE))+++-C!KKME<<&+kkm $)  * *(32 S_  cjj\2 & OOAszz *  |H$  1 * *s$ H/AH HHc ddl}y#t$r}|jdk(rnYd}~yd}~wwxYw#t$r}tj j r%t jt jn?tjjd|jjd|dYd}~yYd}~yd}~wwxYw)z,Run custom site specific code, if available.rN sitecustomizez9Error in sitecustomize; set PYTHONVERBOSE for traceback: :  ) rrrTrNrrr excepthookexc_infor write __class____name__)rr[errs r execsitecustomizer(/   xx?*  / 99   NNCLLN + JJ  ''. / / ,/) ,'/,/ CA9B;;Cc ddl}y#t$r}|jdk(rnYd}~yd}~wwxYw#t$r}tj j r%t jt jn?tjjd|jjd|dYd}~yYd}~yd}~wwxYw)z,Run custom user specific code, if available.rN usercustomizez9Error in usercustomize; set PYTHONVERBOSE for traceback: rr) rrrTrNrrrrrr rrr)rr[rs r execusercustomizer<rrctjdd}t}|tjk7r tt |}t t at|}t|}ttttjjs ttt r t!yy)zAdd standard site-specific directories to the module search path. This function is called automatically when this module is imported, unless the python interpreter was started with the -S flag. N)rrr0r)rrrnrrrrrrisolatedrrr) orig_pathr.s r mainr Ps I "KCHH  {#K/1%k2K!+.K IN K 99  r cd}tjdd}|st}t}t dtj D]}t d|dt dd}t d|d ||d t d |d ||d t d t tjd g}d|vr|jtd|vr|jt|rt tjj|t rtjd yt durtjdyt tjdytjdyd dl}t |j|tjd tjfztjdy)Na %s [--user-base] [--user-site] Without arguments print some useful information With arguments print the value of USER_BASE and/or USER_SITE separated by '%s'. Exit codes with --user-base or --user-site: 0 - user site directory is enabled 1 - user site directory is disabled by user 2 - user site directory is disabled by super user or for security reasons >2 - unknown error r@z sys.path = [z ,]cH| tjj|ryy)Nr2z doesn't exist)rrr)rs r r2z_script..existssBGGMM$$7&r z USER_BASE: z ()z USER_SITE: zENABLE_USER_SITE: rz --user-basez --user-siteFr~ )rargvrrrrrrr+rrrpathseprtextwrapdedent)rrv user_baserrr2bufferrs r _scriptrrsn D 88AB>?@  r __main__r)(rrrrrrFrCrrrrrrr rr)r0r7r]rernrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rno_siterrrmr r rsEN   JJ (   ( &.&  4n4@#0 K " B 7 *,90v4n/(/(> yyF4l z Ir cddZGddZGddZGddZdZedk(rey y ) TceZdZdZy)TestFrozenUtf8_1¶N__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rrr rceZdZdZy)TestFrozenUtf8_2uπNrr r r rrr r rceZdZdZy)TestFrozenUtf8_4u😀Nrr r r rr sr rctdy)Nz Hello world!)printr r r mainr s  .r __main__N) initializedrrrrrr r r rsA  zFr _override_frozen_modules_for_tests($module, override, /) -- (internal-only) Override PyConfig.use_frozen_modules. (-1: "off", 1: "on", 0: no override) See frozen_modules() in Lib/test/support/$module, spec, /) -- Create an extension module.lock_held($module, /) -- Return True if the import lock is currently held, else False. On platforms without threads, return False.find_frozen($module, name, /, *, withdata=False) -- Return info about the corresponding frozen module (if there is one) or None. The returned info (a 2-tuple): * data the raw marshalled bytes * is_package whether or not it is a package * origname the originally frozen module's name, or None if not a stdlib module (this will usually be the same as the module's current name)release_lock($module, /) -- Release the interpreter's import lock. On platforms without threads, this function does nothing.is_builtin($module, name, /) -- Returns True if the module name corresponds to a built-in module.source_hash($module, /, key, source) -- init_frozen($module, name, /) -- Initializes a frozen module.exec_dynamic($module, mod, /) -- Initialize an extension module.get_frozen_object($module, name, data=None, /) -- Create a code object for a frozen module.create_dynamic($module, spec, file=, /) -- Create an extension module.is_frozen($module, name, /) -- Returns True if the module name corresponds to a frozen module.acquire_lock($module, /) -- Acquires the interpreter's import lock for the current thread. This lock should be used by import hooks to ensure thread-safety when importing modules. On platforms without threads, this function does nothing.extension_suffixes($module, /) -- Returns the list of file suffixes used to identify extension modules.exec_builtin($module, mod, /) -- Initialize a built-in module.is_frozen_package($module, name, /) -- Returns True if the module name is of a frozen package.(Extremely) low-level import machinery bits as used by importlib._fix_co_filename($module, code, path, /) -- Changes code.co_filename to specify the passed-in file path. code Code object to change. path File path to use._override_multi_interp_extensions_check($module, override, /) -- (internal-only) Override PyInterpreterConfig.check_multi_interp_extensions. (-1: "never", 1: "always", 0: no override)_frozen_module_names($module, /) -- Returns the list of available frozen modules. *HI$Ў !'`HXء''C *` */set_local_events($module, tool_id, code, event_set, /) --  get_events($module, tool_id, /) -- free_tool_id($module, tool_id, /) -- set_events($module, tool_id, event_set, /) -- register_callback($module, tool_id, event, func, /) -- _all_events($module, /) -- get_local_events($module, tool_id, code, /) -- HKhKXKKtKKKKKKKKзKKKKKSny]rsrestart_events($module, /) -- get_tool($module, tool_id, /) -- use_tool_id($module, tool_id, name, /) -- dumps($module, value, version=version, /) -- Return the bytes object that would be written to a file by dump(value, file). value Must be a supported type. version Indicates the data format that dumps should use. Raise a ValueError exception if value has (or contains an object that has) an unsupported type.dump($module, value, file, version=version, /) -- Write the value on the open file. value Must be a supported type. file Must be a writeable binary file. version Indicates the data format that dump should use. If the value has (or contains an object that has) an unsupported type, a ValueError exception is raised - but garbage data will also be written to the file. The object will not be properly read back by load().load($module, file, /) -- Read one value from the open file and return it. file Must be readable binary file. If no valid value is read (e.g. because the data has a different Python version's incompatible marshal format), raise EOFError, ValueError or TypeError. Note: If an object containing an unsupported type was marshalled with dump(), load() will substitute None for the unmarshallable type.This module contains functions that can read and write Python values in a binary format. The format is specific to Python, but independent of machine architecture issues. Not all Python object types are supported; in general, only objects whose value is independent from a particular invocation of Python can be written and read by this module. The following types are supported: None, integers, floating point numbers, strings, bytes, bytearrays, tuples, lists, sets, dictionaries, and code objects, where it should be understood that tuples, lists and dictionaries are only supported as long as the values contained therein are themselves supported; and recursive lists and dictionaries should not be written (they will cause infinite loops). Variables: version -- indicates the format that the module uses. Version 0 is the historical format, version 1 shares interned strings and version 2 uses a binary format for floating point numbers. Version 3 shares common object references (New in version 3.4). Functions: dump() -- write value to a file load() -- read value from a file dumps() -- marshal value as a bytes object loads() -- read value from a bytes-like objectloads($module, bytes, /) -- Convert the bytes-like object to a value. If no valid value is found, raise EOFError, ValueError or TypeError. Extra bytes in the input are ignored.  UUUU?3333*$I$qtEUUU;$I8^Cy 0 ,d! p= ^B{ I$ B|uPq  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~}7yACnF?O8M20HwZ int Return the size of object in bytes.exit($module, status=None, /) -- Exit the interpreter by raising SystemExit(status). If the status is omitted or None, it defaults to zero (i.e., success). If the status is an integer, it will be used as the system exit status. If it is another kind of object, it will be printed and the system exit status will be one (i.e., failure).getfilesystemencodeerrors($module, /) -- Return the error mode used Unicode to OS filename conversion.get_int_max_str_digits($module, /) -- Return the maximum string digits limit for non-binary int<->str conversions.set_asyncgen_hooks([firstiter] [, finalizer]) Set a finalizer for async generators objects.exc_info($module, /) -- Return current exception information: (type, value, traceback). Return information about the most recent exception caught by an except clause in the current stack frame or in an older stack frame.+\5KKKK KKK+`^Kp^K+++KسK,KKлKKȻKKػK ;KKKK+KKK(KK ,+ Kh K K K@K\EK4K+`KEKGKPKK"KxKKKȼKKܼK+ԼKX"KK$QKQK RK0+K0RKKx&KK 'KRKK+'KRKXUKK0KKVKVK$K8K8(KPKbK@KKlK`KK4, +xK)K)KKK*KKh+Kx KKKKKD+K̽Kp K,ĽK@KKнKKK KKK,0K,K@K8KXKHKpK+hKKxKK+KK\;K+KKKؾKȾKK+AKKKKK KKKK(K K8K0KHK@KXKPKxK++hKHDK`K+KxK+KKKK0KDEKKEKKKKпKKKK+KKKK+0K$K K@Kstr conversions.getunicodeinternedsize($module, /) -- Return the number of elements of the unicode interned dictionarydeactivate_stack_trampoline($module, /) -- Deactivate the current stack profiler trampoline backend. If no stack profiler is activated, this function has no effect.sys.thread_info A named tuple holding information about the thread implementation.TracebackType(tb_next, tb_frame, tb_lasti, tb_lineno) -- Create a new traceback object.__deepcopy__($self, memo, /) -- @compress($self, data, /) -- Returns a bytes object containing compressed data. data Binary data to be compressed. After calling this function, some of the input data may still be stored in internal buffers for later processing. Call the flush() method to clear these buffers.compressobj($module, /, level=Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, method=DEFLATED, wbits=MAX_WBITS, memLevel=DEF_MEM_LEVEL, strategy=Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, zdict=None) -- Return a compressor object. level The compression level (an integer in the range 0-9 or -1; default is currently equivalent to 6). Higher compression levels are slower, but produce smaller results. method The compression algorithm. If given, this must be DEFLATED. wbits +9 to +15: The base-two logarithm of the window size. Include a zlib container. -9 to -15: Generate a raw stream. +25 to +31: Include a gzip container. memLevel Controls the amount of memory used for internal compression state. Valid values range from 1 to 9. Higher values result in higher memory usage, faster compression, and smaller output. strategy Used to tune the compression algorithm. Possible values are Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, Z_FILTERED, and Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY. zdict The predefined compression dictionary - a sequence of bytes containing subsequences that are likely to occur in the input data.decompressobj($module, /, wbits=MAX_WBITS, zdict=b'') -- Return a decompressor object. wbits The window buffer size and container format. zdict The predefined compression dictionary. This must be the same dictionary as used by the compressor that produced the input data._ZlibDecompressor(wbits=15, zdict=b'') -- Create a decompressor object for decompressing data incrementally. wbits = 15 zdict The predefined compression dictionary. This is a sequence of bytes (such as a bytes object) containing subsequences that are expected to occur frequently in the data that is to be compressed. Those subsequences that are expected to be most common should come at the end of the dictionary. This must be the same dictionary as used by the compressor that produced the input data. decompress($self, /, data, max_length=-1) -- Decompress *data*, returning uncompressed data as bytes. If *max_length* is nonnegative, returns at most *max_length* bytes of decompressed data. If this limit is reached and further output can be produced, *self.needs_input* will be set to ``False``. In this case, the next call to *decompress()* may provide *data* as b'' to obtain more of the output. If all of the input data was decompressed and returned (either because this was less than *max_length* bytes, or because *max_length* was negative), *self.needs_input* will be set to True. Attempting to decompress data after the end of stream is reached raises an EOFError. Any data found after the end of the stream is ignored and saved in the unused_data attribute.__deepcopy__($self, memo, /) -- Data found after the end of the compressed stream.compress($module, data, /, level=Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, wbits=MAX_WBITS) -- Returns a bytes object containing compressed data. data Binary data to be compressed. level Compression level, in 0-9 or -1. wbits The window buffer size and container format.__copy__($self, /) -- flush($self, length=zlib.DEF_BUF_SIZE, /) -- Return a bytes object containing any remaining decompressed data. length the initial size of the output buffer.copy($self, /) -- Return a copy of the compression object.True if more input is needed before more decompressed data can be produced.flush($self, mode=zlib.Z_FINISH, /) -- Return a bytes object containing any remaining compressed data. mode One of the constants Z_SYNC_FLUSH, Z_FULL_FLUSH, Z_FINISH. If mode == Z_FINISH, the compressor object can no longer be used after calling the flush() method. Otherwise, more data can still be compressed.__copy__($self, /) -- The functions in this module allow compression and decompression using the zlib library, which is based on GNU zip. adler32(string[, start]) -- Compute an Adler-32 checksum. compress(data[, level]) -- Compress data, with compression level 0-9 or -1. compressobj([level[, ...]]) -- Return a compressor object. crc32(string[, start]) -- Compute a CRC-32 checksum. decompress(string,[wbits],[bufsize]) -- Decompresses a compressed string. decompressobj([wbits[, zdict]]) -- Return a decompressor object. 'wbits' is window buffer size and container format. Compressor objects support compress() and flush() methods; decompressor objects support decompress() and flush().decompress($module, data, /, wbits=MAX_WBITS, bufsize=DEF_BUF_SIZE) -- Returns a bytes object containing the uncompressed data. data Compressed data. wbits The window buffer size and container format. bufsize The initial output buffer size.crc32($module, data, value=0, /) -- Compute a CRC-32 checksum of data. value Starting value of the checksum. The returned checksum is an integer.True if the end-of-stream marker has been reached.decompress($self, data, /, max_length=0) -- Return a bytes object containing the decompressed version of the data. data The binary data to decompress. max_length The maximum allowable length of the decompressed data. Unconsumed input data will be stored in the unconsumed_tail attribute. After calling this function, some of the input data may still be stored in internal buffers for later processing. Call the flush() method to clear these buffers.copy($self, /) -- Return a copy of the decompression object.adler32($module, data, value=1, /) -- Compute an Adler-32 checksum of data. value Starting value of the checksum. The returned checksum is an integer.F;gevMYNЊ+՝#D۝>Wxr2=6ӭQgK!p|%c*oO|@+:{L6d }}Fz ӷ]0Ζ3VB>Y PMk&2URTv1ߞ'@5Msˎ(mɦVl* cf.:h]0䶓Uw״1+f~]~-g[/V`H )kLI5PP6QOK{ pr=۱Ԥv#MD(bn;滦q,7gI3 >u0Y}Fzjӛ,۴Qz4H- +KL6 ocT@{/[cJ׽Da m'V@ί&߲#Pxekv2Uz6[P&kA&pm Vwi<z B'e3#T: ^|n;ǔc %0u}*کFM6 @ B{{l?X]G"KϾYpۓ=tfF"E:_#sF!gнvmMx7>;P1Dw!;\h[ .`o-f.]II+vڍ×V ]j83R TmnV M ˹ wE9\*&lA&wbsP˽5kXtV h麍> ܝK>J ݝCt},g?+7}ΖC ;BR=g6*-0A|Y&צ~ Wn&m+5i$-?ĭPv&Lfp0R҅{Ϯ}X_lk%/`m[8ssfM+`eM5F$KrAː@ܤL FUPg<ЅjVH21y]![Yv(Mpl9j^`as;cg6DqK\0wO|#zuz"J^zW*Q"Z`1ܖi\tWJ V_#LEǃGai7AҸ(8 Nׯ5xc F]] 2ˈvq:b )Oq؃;Hx4 2ѲOt9q>¹k?J3')ޥZ / T}$7G2"dCr[* ۉ g3-ȂaY9eͯN^n$Mp&PćlB4&D)ROIAl'ɣ_=5kAt Uur-d~<bʟJ(HiYov@Rkb݆ר a䅼|d . 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This is the inverse of the date.isocalendar() functiontodayCurrent date or datetime: same as self.__class__.fromtimestamp(time.time()).ctimeReturn ctime() style string.format -> strftime() style string.__format__Formats self with strftime.timetupleReturn time tuple, compatible with time.localtime().isocalendarReturn a named tuple containing ISO year, week number, and weekday.isoformatReturn string in ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD.isoweekdayReturn the day of the week represented by the date. Monday == 1 ... Sunday == 7toordinalReturn proleptic Gregorian ordinal. January 1 of year 1 is day 1.Return the day of the week represented by the date. Monday == 0 ... Sunday == 6Return date with new specified fields.datetime.datedatetime -> string name of time zone.datetime -> timedelta showing offset from UTC, negative values indicating West of UTCdatetime -> DST offset as timedelta positive east of UTC.fromutcdatetime in UTC -> datetime in local time.-> (cls, state)datetime.tzinfoIf name is specified when timezone is created, returns the name. Otherwise returns offset as 'UTC(+|-)HH:MM'.Return fixed offset.Return None.__getinitargs__pickle supportdatetime.timezonehourminutesecondmicrosecondtzinfofoldtimespec%02d%02d:%02d%02d:%02d:%02d%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d%02d:%02d:%02d.%06dReturn string in ISO 8601 format, [HH[:MM[:SS[.mmm[uuu]]]]][+HH:MM]. The optional argument timespec specifies the number of additional terms of the time to include. Valid options are 'auto', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'milliseconds' and 'microseconds'. Return self.tzinfo.utcoffset(self).Return self.tzinfo.tzname(self).Return self.tzinfo.dst(self).Return time with new specified fields.string -> time from a string in ISO 8601 format__reduce_ex__(proto) -> (cls, state)datetime.timetimestampdate%04d-%02d-%02d%c%02d%04d-%02d-%02d%c%02d:%02d%04d-%02d-%02d%c%02d:%02d:%02d%04d-%02d-%02d%c%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d%04d-%02d-%02d%c%02d:%02d:%02d.%06dutcnowReturn a new datetime representing UTC day and time.timestamp[, tz] -> tz's local time from POSIX timestamp.utcfromtimestampConstruct a naive UTC datetime from a POSIX timestamp.strptimestring, format -> new datetime parsed from a string (like time.strptime()).combinedate, time -> datetime with same date and time fieldsstring -> datetime from a string in most ISO 8601 formatsReturn date object with same year, month and day.Return time object with same time but with tzinfo=None.timetzReturn time object with same time and tzinfo.Return POSIX timestamp as float.utctimetupleReturn UTC time tuple, compatible with time.localtime().[sep] -> string in ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DDT[HH[:MM[:SS[.mmm[uuu]]]]][+HH:MM]. sep is used to separate the year from the time, and defaults to 'T'. The optional argument timespec specifies the number of additional terms of the time to include. Valid options are 'auto', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'milliseconds' and 'microseconds'. Return datetime with new specified fields.astimezonetz -> convert to local time in new timezone tz datetime.datetime_datetimeFast implementation of the datetime type.errnoIllegal instructionFloating point exceptionAbortedSegmentation faultall_threadsexitenable(file=sys.stderr, all_threads=True): enable the fault handlerdisable(): disable the fault handleris_enabledis_enabled()->bool: check if the handler is enableddump_tracebackdump_traceback(file=sys.stderr, all_threads=True): dump the traceback of the current thread, or of all threads if all_threads is True, into filedump_traceback_laterdump_traceback_later(timeout, repeat=False, file=sys.stderr, exit=False): dump the traceback of all threads in timeout seconds, or each timeout seconds if repeat is True. If exit is True, call _exit(1) which is not safe.cancel_dump_traceback_latercancel_dump_traceback_later(): cancel the previous call to dump_traceback_later()._read_null_read_null(): read from NULL, raise a SIGSEGV or SIGBUS signal depending on the platform_sigsegv_sigsegv(release_gil=False): raise a SIGSEGV signal_fatal_error_c_threadfatal_error_c_thread(): call Py_FatalError() in a new C thread._sigabrt_sigabrt(): raise a SIGABRT signal_sigfpe_sigfpe(): raise a SIGFPE signal_raise_exceptionraise_exception(code, flags=0): Call RaiseException(code, flags).collectget_objectscollectionsisenabledset_debugget_debugget_countset_thresholdget_thresholdget_statsis_trackedis_finalizedget_referrersget_referentsfreezeunfreezeget_freeze_countgcbatchedgroupbycombinationscombinations_with_replacementpermutationsinitialaccumulateselectorscompressitertools.batcheditertools.pairwiseitertools.groupbyitertools._grouperitertools._tee_dataobjectitertools._teeitertools.cycleitertools.dropwhileitertools.takewhileitertools.isliceitertools.starmapfrom_iterableitertools.chainitertools.productitertools.combinationsitertools.combinations_with_replacementitertools.permutationsitertools.accumulateitertools.compressitertools.filterfalseitertools.counttimesitertools.repeatitertools.zip_longestitertoolsrlcompleterprodstepsnextaftercbrtceildegreeserferfcexp2expm1fabsfactorialfloorfrexpfsumgammagcdhypotisqrtlcmlgammalog1plog2modfradianstrunculpmath_md5.md5_md5closeflushtell__enter____exit__lengthaccessmmapstack_effectget_specialization_stats_opcodeOpcode support module.iaddisubimulimatmulifloordivitruedivimodilshiftirshiftiandixorioriconcatipowlength_hint_compare_digesttruthnegabsinvinvertnot_operator.itemgetteroperator.attrgetteroperator.methodcaller_operatordir_fdprotection bitsst_inoinodest_devdevicest_nlinknumber of hard linksst_uiduser ID of ownerst_gidgroup ID of ownerst_sizetotal size, in bytesinteger time of last accessinteger time of last modificationinteger time of last changest_atimetime of last accessst_mtimetime of last modificationst_ctimetime of last changest_atime_nstime of last access in nanosecondsst_mtime_nstime of last modification in nanosecondsst_ctime_nstime of last change in nanosecondsst_birthtimetime of creationst_birthtime_nstime of creation in nanosecondsst_file_attributesWindows file attribute bitsst_reparse_tagWindows reparse tagf_bsizef_frsizef_blocksf_bfreef_bavailf_filesf_ffreef_favailf_flagf_namemaxf_fsidlink_getvolumepathnamesysnameoperating system namenodenamename of machine on network (implementation-defined)releaseoperating system releaseoperating system versionmachinehardware identifiernt.uname_resultinuseruser timesystemsystem timechildren_useruser time of childrenchildren_systemsystem time of childrenelapsedelapsed time since an arbitrary point in the paststartfilecolumnswidth of the terminal window in characterslinesheight of the terminal window in charactersos.terminal_sizethe entry's base filename, relative to scandir() "path" argumentthe entry's full path name; equivalent to os.path.join(scandir_path, dummy_thread._localdummy_localdummy_destroyedThread-local data_thread._localexc_typeException typeexc_valueException valueexc_tracebackException tracebackthreadThread_thread._ExceptHookArgsstart_newdaemon_threads_allowedallocate_lockallocateexit_threadinterrupt_mainget_identget_native_id_countstack_size_set_sentinel_excepthook_is_main_interpreter_threadis_tracingclear_traces_get_traces_get_object_tracebackget_traceback_limitget_tracemalloc_memoryget_traced_memoryreset_peak_tracemalloc_idfunc_typingtm_yearyear, for example, 1993tm_monmonth of year, range [1, 12]tm_mdayday of month, range [1, 31]tm_hourhours, range [0, 23]tm_minminutes, range [0, 59]tm_secseconds, range [0, 61])tm_wdayday of week, range [0, 6], Monday is 0tm_ydayday of year, range [1, 366]tm_isdst1 if summer time is in effect, 0 if not, and -1 if unknowntm_zoneabbreviation of timezone nametm_gmtoffoffset from UTC in secondstime.struct_timeThe time value as returned by gmtime(), localtime(), and strptime(), and accepted by asctime(), mktime() and strftime(). May be considered as a sequence of 9 integers. Note that several fields' values are not the same as those defined by the C language standard for struct tm. For example, the value of the field tm_year is the actual year, not year - 1900. See individual fields' descriptions for details.time_nssleepgmtimelocaltimemktimemonotonic_nsprocess_time_nsthread_time_nsperf_counter_nsget_clock_infoxxsubtype_xxsubinterpreters_xxinterpchannelssend%lldclosefdopenerreadallseekablereadablewritable_dealloc_warnTrue if the file is closedTrue if the file descriptor will be closed by close().String giving the file mode_blksize_finalizing_io.FileIOTrue if the file is closed.writelinesgetbuffergetvalue__getstate___io.BytesIO_io._BytesIOBuffernewlinesline_buffering_io.StringIOreadinto1peekrawbuffer_sizeBufferedRandom_io._BufferedIOBase_io.BufferedReader_io.BufferedWriter_io.BufferedRWPair_io.BufferedRandom_checkClosed_checkSeekable_checkReadable_checkWritable_io._IOBase_io._RawIOBasetranslateinputwrite_throughTextIOWrapperreconfigure_io._TextIOBaseiso8859-1reset_io.IncrementalNewlineDecoder_CHUNK_SIZE_io.TextIOWrapper_io._WindowsConsoleIObufferingtext_encodingopen_codegetcodec_codecs_hk_codecs_iso2022streamhow to treat errors_multibytecodec.MultibyteCodec_multibytecodec.MultibyteIncrementalEncoder_multibytecodec.MultibyteIncrementalDecoder_multibytecodec.MultibyteStreamReader_multibytecodec.MultibyteStreamWriterhandleCreateJunctionO&kU:LCMapStringEx_mimetypes_read_windows_registryNeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathGetOverlappedResultcanceleventoverlapped event handleOVERLAPPED structure wrapper_winapi.OverlappeduusortenvironmentkeyCloseHandleConnectNamedPipeCreateFileCreateFileMappingCreateNamedPipeCreatePipeCreateProcessDuplicateHandleExitProcessGetCurrentProcessGetExitCodeProcessGetLastErrorGetModuleFileNameGetStdHandleGetVersionMapViewOfFileOpenFileMappingOpenProcessPeekNamedPipeLCMapStringExReadFileSetNamedPipeHandleStateTerminateProcessUnmapViewOfFileVirtualQuerySizeWaitNamedPipeWaitForMultipleObjectsWaitForSingleObjectWriteFileGetACPGetFileTypeCopyFile2_winapistructsourcedeletersplitkeependssplitlineshextabsizeexpandtabs__alloc__capitalizeisalnumisalphaisasciiisdigitislowerisspaceistitleisupperjoinpartitionrpartitionswapcasetitlezfillbytearray_iterator__getnewargs____bytes__bytes_iteratorPyCapsulecellcell_contentsmethodinstancemethod__func__the function (or other callable) implementing a method__self__the instance to which a method is boundco_argcountco_posonlyargcountco_kwonlyargcountco_nlocalsco_stacksizeco_flagsco_firstlinenoco_codeco_constsco_namesco_varnamesco_freevarsco_cellvarsco_filenameco_nameco_qualnameco_linetableco_exceptiontable_varname_from_opargline_iteratorpositions_iteratorco_lnotab_co_code_adaptiveco_linesco_positionsrealimagconjugate__complex__the real part of a complex numberthe imaginary part of a complex number__objclass____text_signature__method_descriptorclassmethod_descriptormember_descriptorgetset_descriptorwrapper_descriptorD.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keysD.values() -> an object providing a view on D's valuesD.items() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's itemsD.copy() -> a shallow copy of DD.__reversed__() -> reverse iteratormethod-wrapperfgetfsetfdelgettersetterdeleter__set_name____isabstractmethod__mappingmappingproxyfromkeyssetdefault__contains____getitem__popitemdict_keyiteratordict_valueiteratordict_itemiteratordict_reversekeyiteratordict_reverseitemiteratordict_reversevalueiteratordictionary that this view refers toisdisjointdict_keysdict_itemsdict_valueswith_tracebackadd_note__traceback____context__exception context__cause__exception cause__suppress_context__BaseExceptionCommon base class for all exceptionsExceptionCommon base class for all non-exit exceptions.TypeErrorInappropriate argument type.StopAsyncIterationSignal the end from iterator.__anext__().generator return valueStopIterationSignal the end from iterator.__next__().GeneratorExitRequest that a generator exit.exception codeSystemExitRequest to exit from the interpreter.derivesubgroupmessageexception messageexceptionsnested exceptionsBaseExceptionGroupA combination of multiple unrelated exceptions.KeyboardInterruptProgram interrupted by user.module namemodule pathname imported from moduleImportErrorImport can't find module, or can't find name in module.ModuleNotFoundErrorModule not found.characters_writtenPOSIX exception codeexception strerrorfilenameexception filenamefilename2second exception filenamewinerrorWin32 exception codeBase class for I/O related errors.I/O operation would block.ConnectionErrorConnection error.ChildProcessErrorChild process error.BrokenPipeErrorBroken pipe.ConnectionAbortedErrorConnection aborted.ConnectionRefusedErrorConnection refused.ConnectionResetErrorConnection reset.FileExistsErrorFile already exists.FileNotFoundErrorFile not found.IsADirectoryErrorOperation doesn't work on directories.NotADirectoryErrorOperation only works on directories.InterruptedErrorInterrupted by signal.PermissionErrorNot enough permissions.ProcessLookupErrorProcess not found.TimeoutErrorTimeout expired.EOFErrorRead beyond end of file.RuntimeErrorUnspecified run-time error.RecursionErrorRecursion limit exceeded.NotImplementedErrorMethod or function hasn't been implemented yet.NameErrorName not found globally.UnboundLocalErrorLocal name referenced but not bound to a value.attribute nameAttributeErrorAttribute not found.exception msgexception linenoexception offsettextexception textexception end linenoend_offsetexception end offsetprint_file_and_lineexception print_file_and_lineSyntaxErrorInvalid syntax.IndentationErrorImproper indentation.TabErrorImproper mixture of spaces and tabs.LookupErrorBase class for lookup errors.IndexErrorSequence index out of range.KeyErrorMapping key not found.ValueErrorInappropriate argument value (of correct type).UnicodeErrorUnicode related error.reasonexception encodingexception objectexception startexception endexception reasonUnicodeEncodeErrorUnicode encoding error.UnicodeDecodeErrorUnicode decoding error.UnicodeTranslateErrorUnicode translation error.AssertionErrorAssertion failed.ArithmeticErrorBase class for arithmetic errors.FloatingPointErrorFloating point operation failed.OverflowErrorResult too large to be represented.ZeroDivisionErrorSecond argument to a division or modulo operation was zero.SystemErrorInternal error in the Python interpreter. Please report this to the Python maintainer, along with the traceback, the Python version, and the hardware/OS platform and version.ReferenceErrorWeak ref proxy used after referent went away.MemoryErrorOut of memory.BufferErrorBuffer error.WarningBase class for warning categories.UserWarningBase class for warnings generated by user code.DeprecationWarningBase class for warnings about deprecated features.PendingDeprecationWarningBase class for warnings about features which will be deprecated in the future.SyntaxWarningBase class for warnings about dubious syntax.RuntimeWarningBase class for warnings about dubious runtime behavior.FutureWarningBase class for warnings about constructs that will change semantically in the future.ImportWarningBase class for warnings about probable mistakes in module importsUnicodeWarningBase class for warnings about Unicode related problems, mostly related to conversion problems.BytesWarningBase class for warnings about bytes and buffer related problems, mostly related to conversion from str or comparing to str.EncodingWarningBase class for warnings about encodings.ResourceWarningBase class for warnings about resource usage.Encoding of the filestderrprinter__round__DBL_MAX -- maximum representable finite floatmax_expDBL_MAX_EXP -- maximum int e such that radix**(e-1) is representablemax_10_expDBL_MAX_10_EXP -- maximum int e such that 10**e is representableDBL_MIN -- Minimum positive normalized floatmin_expDBL_MIN_EXP -- minimum int e such that radix**(e-1) is a normalized floatmin_10_expDBL_MIN_10_EXP -- minimum int e such that 10**e is a normalized floatdigDBL_DIG -- maximum number of decimal digits that can be faithfully represented in a floatmant_digDBL_MANT_DIG -- mantissa digitsepsilonDBL_EPSILON -- Difference between 1 and the next representable floatradixFLT_RADIX -- radix of exponentroundsFLT_ROUNDS -- rounding mode used for arithmetic operationssys.float_infoas_integer_ratiois_integerf_trace_linesf_backf_localsf_linenof_tracef_lastif_globalsf_builtinsf_trace_opcodesframe__closure____globals____type_params__globals__wrapped____origin____args____unpacked____parameters____typing_unpacked_tuple_args____mro_entries____instancecheck____subclasscheck____dir__Type variables in the GenericAlias.generic_alias_iteratortypes.GenericAliasthrowname of the generatorqualified name of the generatorgi_yieldfromobject being iterated by yield from, or Nonegi_runninggi_suspendedgeneratorcr_codename of the coroutinequalified name of the coroutinecr_awaitobject being awaited on, or Nonecr_runningcr_suspendedcr_origincoroutinecoroutine_wrapperA wrapper object implementing __await__ for coroutines.ag_codename of the async generatorqualified name of the async generatorag_awaitag_suspendedag_runningasendathrowacloseasync_generatorasync_generator_asendasync_generator_wrapped_valueasync_generator_athrowInterpreterIDiteratorcallable_iteratoranext_awaitablesort__getitem__($self, index, /) -- Return self[index].list_iteratorlist_reverseiteratorbasesignedto_bytesfrom_bytesReturns self, the complex conjugate of any int.bit_lengthbit_countTruncating an Integral returns itself.Flooring an Integral returns itself.Ceiling of an Integral returns itself.numeratorthe numerator of a rational number in lowest termsdenominatorthe denominator of a rational number in lowest termsbits_per_digitsize of a digit in bitssizeof_digitsize in bytes of the C type used to represent a digitdefault_max_str_digitsmaximum string conversion digits limitationstr_digits_check_thresholdminimum positive value for int_max_str_digitssys.int_info_from_flagsshapecastmanagedbuffernbytesreadonlyndimstridessuboffsetsc_contiguousf_contiguouscontiguoustoreadonlymemory_iteratorbuiltin_function_or_methodbuiltin_methodmoduledef__dir__() -> list specialized dir() implementationtypes.SimpleNamespace<<===>>=delNoneTypeNotImplementedTypedebuglastmove_to_endcollections.OrderedDictodict_iteratorodict_keysodict_itemsodict_valuespickle.PickleBufferWrapper for potentially out-of-band buffersrange_iteratorlongrange_iteratorset_iteratordiscarddifferencedifference_updateintersectionintersection_updateissubsetissupersetsymmetric_differencesymmetric_difference_updateunion typeellipsisindicestuple_iterator__basicsize____itemsize____flags____weakrefoffset____base____mro____abstractmethods__dictionary for instance variables__weakref__list of weak references to the objectmro__prepare____prepare__() -> dict used to create the namespace for the class statementthe object's class__subclasshook____init_subclass____new__($type, *args, **kwargs) -- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature._buffer_wrapper__getattribute____getattr____repr____repr__($self, /) -- Return repr(self).__hash____hash__($self, /) -- Return hash(self).__call____call__($self, /, *args, **kwargs) -- Call self as a function.__str____str__($self, /) -- Return str(self).__getattribute__($self, name, /) -- Return getattr(self, name).__setattr__($self, name, value, /) -- Implement setattr(self, name, value).__delattr__($self, name, /) -- Implement delattr(self, name).__lt____lt__($self, value, /) -- Return selfvalue.__ge____ge__($self, value, /) -- Return self>=value.__iter____iter__($self, /) -- Implement iter(self).__next____next__($self, /) -- Implement next(self).__get____get__($self, instance, owner=None, /) -- Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.__set____set__($self, instance, value, /) -- Set an attribute of instance to value.__delete____delete__($self, instance, /) -- Delete an attribute of instance.__init__($self, /, *args, **kwargs) -- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.__new__(type, /, *args, **kwargs) -- Create and return new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.__del____buffer____buffer__($self, flags, /) -- Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.__release_buffer____release_buffer__($self, buffer, /) -- Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.__await____await__($self, /) -- Return an iterator to be used in await expression.__aiter____aiter__($self, /) -- Return an awaitable, that resolves in asynchronous iterator.__anext____anext__($self, /) -- Return a value or raise StopAsyncIteration.__add____add__($self, value, /) -- Return self+value.__radd____radd__($self, value, /) -- Return value+self.__sub____sub__($self, value, /) -- Return self-value.__rsub____rsub__($self, value, /) -- Return value-self.__mul____mul__($self, value, /) -- Return self*value.__rmul____rmul__($self, value, /) -- Return value*self.__mod____mod__($self, value, /) -- Return self%value.__rmod____rmod__($self, value, /) -- Return value%self.__divmod____divmod__($self, value, /) -- Return divmod(self, value).__rdivmod____rdivmod__($self, value, /) -- Return divmod(value, self).__pow____pow__($self, value, mod=None, /) -- Return pow(self, value, mod).__rpow____rpow__($self, value, mod=None, /) -- Return pow(value, self, mod).__neg____neg__($self, /) -- -self__pos____pos__($self, /) -- +self__abs__($self, /) -- abs(self)__bool____bool__($self, /) -- True if self else False__invert____invert__($self, /) -- ~self__lshift____lshift__($self, value, /) -- Return self<>value.__rrshift____rrshift__($self, value, /) -- Return value>>self.__and____and__($self, value, /) -- Return self&value.__rand____rand__($self, value, /) -- Return value&self.__xor____xor__($self, value, /) -- Return self^value.__rxor____rxor__($self, value, /) -- Return value^self.__or____or__($self, value, /) -- Return self|value.__ror____ror__($self, value, /) -- Return value|self.__int____int__($self, /) -- int(self)__float____float__($self, /) -- float(self)__iadd____iadd__($self, value, /) -- Return self+=value.__isub____isub__($self, value, /) -- Return self-=value.__imul____imul__($self, value, /) -- Return self*=value.__imod____imod__($self, value, /) -- Return self%=value.__ipow____ipow__($self, value, /) -- Return self**=value.__ilshift____ilshift__($self, value, /) -- Return self<<=value.__irshift____irshift__($self, value, /) -- Return self>>=value.__iand____iand__($self, value, /) -- Return self&=value.__ixor____ixor__($self, value, /) -- Return self^=value.__ior____ior__($self, value, /) -- Return self|=value.__floordiv____floordiv__($self, value, /) -- Return self//value.__rfloordiv____rfloordiv__($self, value, /) -- Return value//self.__truediv____truediv__($self, value, /) -- Return self/value.__rtruediv____rtruediv__($self, value, /) -- Return value/self.__ifloordiv____ifloordiv__($self, value, /) -- Return self//=value.__itruediv____itruediv__($self, value, /) -- Return self/=value.__index____index__($self, /) -- Return self converted to an integer, if self is suitable for use as an index into a list.__matmul____matmul__($self, value, /) -- Return self@value.__rmatmul____rmatmul__($self, value, /) -- Return value@self.__imatmul____imatmul__($self, value, /) -- Return self@=value.__len____len__($self, /) -- Return len(self).__getitem__($self, key, /) -- Return self[key].__setitem____setitem__($self, key, value, /) -- Set self[key] to value.__delitem____delitem__($self, key, /) -- Delete self[key].__contains__($self, key, /) -- Return bool(key in self).__iadd__($self, value, /) -- Implement self+=value.__imul__($self, value, /) -- Implement self*=value.__thisclass__the class invoking super()the instance invoking super(); may be None__self_class__the type of the instance invoking super(); may be Nonecovariantcontravariantinfer_variancetypevar__typing_subst____typing_prepare_subst____covariant____contravariant____infer_variance____bound____constraints__typing.TypeVartyping.ParamSpecArgstyping.ParamSpecKwargsRepresents positional arguments.kwargsRepresents keyword arguments.typing.ParamSpectyping.TypeVarTuple__value__typing.TypeAliasTypeFunction to initialize subclasses.typing.Generic%td%jd%llu%tu%ju%lx%llx%zx%tx%jx%X%lX%llX%zX%tX%jXEncodingMapformatteriteratorfieldnameiteratorcasefoldisdecimalisnumericisidentifierisprintableformat_mapstr_iteratorstr_ascii_iteratorformatter_field_name_splitsplit the argument as a field nameformatter_parserparse the argument as a format string_stringstring helper moduleType variables in the types.UnionType.types.UnionTypeRepresent a PEP 604 union type E.g. for int | strweakref__callback__weakref.ReferenceTypeweakref.ProxyTypeweakref.CallableProxyTypeordeflambdaifasfortryandnotfrompasswithelifelseraiseyieldbreakclasswhilereturnassertglobalexceptfinallycontinuenonlocaltracebackConnectRegistryCreateKeyCreateKeyExDeleteKeyDeleteKeyExDeleteValueEnumKeyEnumValueExpandEnvironmentStringsLoadKeyOpenKeyOpenKeyExQueryValueQueryValueExSaveKeySetValueSetValueExCloseDetachwinreg.PyHKEYCloseKeyDisableReflectionKeyEnableReflectionKeyFlushKeyQueryInfoKeyQueryReflectionKey_ast_tokenizemsvcrtzlibmarshal_warningslockingsetmodeopen_osfhandleputchputwchungetchungetwchheapminget_osfhandlekbhitgetchgetcheGetErrorModeSetErrorModegetwchgetwchesiphash13categorystacklevelskip_file_prefixeswarn_explicit_filters_mutatedlocalsdont_inheritoptimize_feature_versiondirdivmodgetattrhasattrnextdelattranextnumberndigitsroundvarssumisinstanceissubclass__build_class__allanybreakpointcallablechrhashaiterlenoctordrepr0123456789abcdefstrict_errorsignore_errorsImplements the 'strict' error handling, which raises a UnicodeError on coding errors.replace_errorsImplements the 'ignore' error handling, which ignores malformed data and continues.xmlcharrefreplace_errorsImplements the 'replace' error handling, which replaces malformed data with a replacement marker.backslashreplace_errorsImplements the 'xmlcharrefreplace' error handling, which replaces an unencodable character with the appropriate XML character reference.namereplaceImplements the 'backslashreplace' error handling, which replaces malformed data with a backslashed escape sequence.Implements the 'namereplace' error handling, which replaces an unencodable character with a \N{...} escape sequence.namereplace_errorsvarnamesrun_contextvars.Context_contextvars.ContextVarold_valuevar_contextvars.TokenToken.MISSING.cp312-win_arm64.pyd.pydError messageerr_msgUnraisableHookArgsObject causing the exception_frozen_importlib_external_collections_abcabcgenericpath_sitebuiltinsposixpathntpathosos.pathimportlib.util__hello__importlib.machinery__phello_alias____hello_alias____phello____phello_alias__.spam__phello__.ham__phello__.__init____phello__.ham.eggs__phello__.ham.__init____hello_only____phello__.spamimportlib._bootstrap_externalimportlib._bootstrap<__phello__.ham<__phello__hamthamt_bitmap_nodehamt_array_nodehamt_collision_nodeinit_frozen_fix_co_filenamefind_frozenis_frozen_packageget_frozen_objectis_frozenis_builtinsource_hashcreate_dynamicimportlibextension_suffixescreate_builtinlock_held_override_frozen_modules_for_tests_frozen_module_namesexec_dynamic_override_multi_interp_extensions_checkexec_builtinPY_STARTPY_RETURNPY_RESUMECALLPY_YIELDINSTRUCTIONLINEBRANCHJUMPRAISESTOP_ITERATIONPY_UNWINDEXCEPTION_HANDLEDRERAISEPY_THROWC_RAISEC_RETURNget_local_eventsset_local_eventsget_toolrestart_eventsget_eventssys.monitoring_all_eventssys.legacy_event_handler€‚„ƒ†…ˆ‡Š‰Œ‹Ž’‘”“–•˜—š™œ›ž Ÿ¢¡¤£¦¥¨§ª©¬«®­°¯²±´³¶µ¸·º¹¼»¾½À¿ÂÁÄÃÆÅÈÇÊÉÌËÎÍÐÏÒÑÔÓÖÕØ×ÚÙÜÛÞÝàßâáäãæåèçêéìëîíðïòñôóöõø÷úùüûþýÿps2ps1last_typelast_exclast_tracebacklast_valuestdinstdoutstderrINFENANast.ASTextra_tokenstokenizeriter_tokenize.TokenizerIter_asyncio_aix_support_compression_bz2_ctypes_crypt_curses_panel_curses_decimal_dbm_gdbm_elementtree_lzma_hashlib_msi_markupbase_osx_support_multiprocessing_posixshmem_overlapped_py_abc_posixsubprocess_pydecimal_pydatetime_queue_pyio_sqlite3_scproxy_threading_local_ssl_uuid_tkinter_zoneinfo_weakrefsetantigravityaifcasyncioargparsebdbbase64bz2bisectcgicalendarchunkcgitbcodeopcmdcompileallcolorsysconfigparserconcurrentcontextvarscontextlibcsvcryptcursesctypesdatetimedataclassesdifflibdbmdoctestdisensurepipemailfcntlenumfileinputfilecmpfractionsfnmatchgetoptftplibgettextgetpassgraphlibglobgzipgrpheapqhashlibhtmlhmacidlelibhttpimghdrimaplibjsonipaddresslinecachelib2to3lzmaloggingmailcapmailboxmodulefindermimetypesmultiprocessingmsilibnisnetrcnturl2pathnntplibopcodenumbersossaudiodevoptparsepdbpathlibpickletoolspicklepkgutilpipesplistlibposixpoplibprofilepprintptypstatspy_compilepwdpydocpyclbrpyexpatpydoc_dataquopriqueueresourcereprlibsecretsschedshelveselectshutilshlexsndhdrsmtplibsocketserversocketsqlite3spwdsre_constantssre_compilesslsre_parsestringprepstatisticssunausubprocesssyslogsysconfigtarfiletabnannytempfiletelnetlibtextwraptermiosthreadingthistkintertimeittokenizetokentracetomllibturtlettytypesturtledemourllibunittestvenvuuidwebbrowserwavewsgirefwinsoundxmlxdrlibzipappxmlrpczoneinfozipfilechildrensymbolssymtable entrynestedaddaudithookset_coroutine_origin_tracking_depthinternset_int_max_str_digitscall_tracing_getframe_getframemodulenameactivate_stack_trampolineHook to intercept first iterationfirstiterHook to intercept finalizationfinalizerasyncgen_hookswidth of the type used for hashing, in bitswidthprime number giving the modulus on which the hash function is basedmodulusvalue to be used for hash of a nanvalue to be used for hash of a positive infinityalgorithmmultiplier used for the imaginary part of a complex numberhash_bitsname of the algorithm for hashing of str, bytes and memoryviewsseed_bitsinternal output size of hash algorithmcutoffseed size of hash algorithmsys.hash_infosmall string optimization cutoffMajor version numbermajorMinor version numberminorBuild numberbuildservice_packOperating system platformservice_pack_majorLatest Service Pack installed on the systemservice_pack_minorService Pack major version numbersuite_maskService Pack minor version numberproduct_typeBit mask identifying available product suitesplatform_versionSystem product typesys.getwindowsversionDiagnostic version numberaudit_current_frames_clear_type_cache_current_exceptionsexc_infoexceptiongetallocatedblocksgetdefaultencodinggetfilesystemencodinggetunicodeinternedsizegetrefcountgetfilesystemencodeerrorsgetsizeofgetrecursionlimit_enablelegacywindowsfsencodinggetwindowsversionsetswitchintervalis_finalizingsetprofilegetswitchintervalgetprofile_setprofileallthreadssettracesetrecursionlimitgettrace_settraceallthreadsget_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth_debugmallocstatsget_asyncgen_hooksset_asyncgen_hooksis_stack_trampoline_activedeactivate_stack_trampolineget_int_max_str_digits-i-d-O or -OOno_user_site-Bno_site-signore_environment-S-v-E-q-b-Rhash_randomization-X dev-I-X warn_default_encoding-X utf8-X int_max_str_digits-PMajor release numbersys.flagsmicroMinor release numberreleaselevelPatch release numberserial'alpha', 'beta', 'candidate', or 'final'sys.version_infoSerial release numberlockname of the thread implementationname and version of the thread libraryname of the lock implementationsys.thread_infotb_frametb_nexttb_linenotb_lastiExecute a module's code without importing it. mod_name -- an absolute module name or package name. Optional arguments: init_globals -- dictionary used to pre-populate the module’s globals dictionary before the code is executed. run_name -- if not None, this will be used for setting __name__; otherwise, __name__ will be set to mod_name + '__main__' if the named module is a package and to just mod_name otherwise. alter_sys -- if True, sys.argv[0] is updated with the value of __file__ and sys.modules[__name__] is updated with a temporary module object for the module being executed. Both are restored to their original values before the function returns. Returns the resulting module globals dictionary.   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ÇüéâäàåçêëèïîìÄÅÉæÆôöòûùÿÖÜ¢£¥₧ƒáíóúñѪº¿⌐¬½¼¡«»░▒▓│┤╡╢╖╕╣║╗╝╜╛┐└┴┬├─┼╞╟╚╔╩╦╠═╬╧╨╤╥╙╘╒╓╫╪┘┌█▄▌▐▀αßΓπΣσµτΦΘΩδ∞φε∩≡±≥≤⌠⌡÷≈°∙·√ⁿ²■ πExecute code located at the specified filesystem location. path_name -- filesystem location of a Python script, zipfile, or directory containing a top level script. Optional arguments: init_globals -- dictionary used to pre-populate the module’s globals dictionary before the code is executed. run_name -- if not None, this will be used to set __name__; otherwise, '' will be used for __name__. Returns the resulting module globals dictionary. 😀decompresscompressobjdecompressobjadler32unconsumed_tailunused_dataneeds_inputeofzlib.Decompresszlib.Compresszlib._ZlibDecompressor\N\N`{+@Missing parentheses in call to '%U'. Did you mean %U(...)?eval must be given globals and locals when called without a framekeyword-only'%.200s' object is not callable; perhaps you missed a comma?| _grouper@B@I@H@b@c@finit_set_builtins_opencan't initialize only supported in Python 3.%i and greaterlibrary version mismatchinvalid window sizecannot import name %R from partially initialized module %R (most likely due to a circular import) (%S)PyGILState_Releasethread state %p must be current when releasingassignment expression cannot rebind comprehension iteration variable '%U'property %R of %R object has no deletermbcs'%U' codec can't encode character '\U%08x' in position %zd: %Uframe does not existkeyword async generator ignored GeneratorExit@h@Q@i@l@n@d@e@q@L@?@Nfailed to make path absoluterequires tuple of argumentsall arguments to joinpath() must be str or Nonefailed to join pathscannot read file larger than 32KB during initialization%s cannot calculate path configuration without GILerror reading frozen getpath.pyerror importing winreg moduleerror evaluating initial valueserror evaluating pathreading getpath resultserror getting getpath results_abc_impl is set to a wrong typeNNNKitems() returned item which size is not 2__bases__ is not tupleCan only register classesRefusing to create an inheritance cycleissubclass() arg 1 must be a class__subclasshook__ must return either False, True, or NotImplemented__subclasses__() must return a listcontiguous bufferargument 'key'argument 'salt'argument 'person'error initializing hash stateobject supporting the buffer API requiredBuffer must be single dimensionstr or Nonestring is too large to encode_tuplegetterpop from an empty deque%.200s() must return a deque, not %.200scan only concatenate deque (not "%.200s") to dequedeque.rotatedeque mutated during iterationO|O&O&:index%R is not in dequenO:insertdeque already at its maximum sizedeque index out of rangeO()NNO(()n)NN[...]maxlen must be non-negativeO!|nfirst argument must be callable or Nonedescriptor for index '%zd' for tuple subclasses doesn't apply to '%s' objectunregister_dialectget_dialectnew_limitfield_size_limitQUOTE_MINIMALQUOTE_ALLQUOTE_NONNUMERICQUOTE_NONEQUOTE_STRINGSQUOTE_NOTNULLunknown dialect"%s" must be an integer"%s" must be string or None, not %.200s"%s" must be a 1-character string"%s" must be string, not %.200s"%s" must be a stringbad "quoting" valueskipinitialspacedoublequotedelimiterescapecharlineterminatorquotecharquotingdialect%s: No _csv module state found|OOOOOOOOOdialect_new"delimiter" must be a 1-character stringquotechar must be set if quoting enabledlineterminator must be setcannot pickle '%.100s' instances_csv.Dialectfield larger than field limit (%ld)'%c' expected after '%c'new-line character seen in unquoted field - do you need to open the file with newline=''?Reader.__next__iterator should return strings, not %.200s (the file should be opened in text mode)line_num_csv.readerneed to escape, but no escapechar setempty field must be quoted if delimiter is a space and skipinitialspace is trueiterable expected, not %.200ssingle empty field record must be quotedwriterowwriterows_csv.writerargument 1 must have a "write" methoddialect name must be a stringlimit must be an integer_csv.Errorreaderwriterregister_dialectlist_dialectsDialectReaderWriter_dialects-Wwriterows(iterable of iterables) Construct and write a series of iterables to a csv file. Non-string elements will be converted to string.unregister_dialect($module, /, name) -- Delete the name/dialect mapping associated with a string name. csv.unregister_dialect(name) csv_reader = reader(iterable [, dialect='excel'] [optional keyword args]) for row in csv_reader: process(row) The "iterable" argument can be any object that returns a line of input for each iteration, such as a file object or a list. The optional "dialect" parameter is discussed below. The function also accepts optional keyword arguments which override settings provided by the dialect. The returned object is an iterator. Each iteration returns a row of the CSV file (which can span multiple input lines). writerow(iterable) Construct and write a CSV record from an iterable of fields. Non-string elements will be converted to string.x+CSV reader Reader objects are responsible for reading and parsing tabular data in CSV format. field_size_limit($module, /, new_limit=) -- Sets an upper limit on parsed fields. csv.field_size_limit([limit]) Returns old limit. If limit is not given, no new limit is set and the old limit is returnedCSV dialect The Dialect type records CSV parsing and generation options. K0K@KXKhKxKCSV writer Writer objects are responsible for generating tabular data in CSV format from sequence input. csv_writer = csv.writer(fileobj [, dialect='excel'] [optional keyword args]) for row in sequence: csv_writer.writerow(row) [or] csv_writer = csv.writer(fileobj [, dialect='excel'] [optional keyword args]) csv_writer.writerows(rows) The "fileobj" argument can be any object that supports the file API. list_dialects($module, /) -- Return a list of all known dialect names. names = csv.list_dialects()Kx+get_dialect($module, /, name) -- Return the dialect instance associated with name. dialect = csv.get_dialect(name)Create a mapping from a string name to a dialect class. dialect = csv.register_dialect(name[, dialect[, **fmtparams]])raises an exception to avoid picklingCSV parsing and writing. This module provides classes that assist in the reading and writing of Comma Separated Value (CSV) files, and implements the interface described by PEP 305. Although many CSV files are simple to parse, the format is not formally defined by a stable specification and is subtle enough that parsing lines of a CSV file with something like line.split(",") is bound to fail. The module supports three basic APIs: reading, writing, and registration of dialects. DIALECT REGISTRATION: Readers and writers support a dialect argument, which is a convenient handle on a group of settings. When the dialect argument is a string, it identifies one of the dialects previously registered with the module. If it is a class or instance, the attributes of the argument are used as the settings for the reader or writer: class excel: delimiter = ',' quotechar = '"' escapechar = None doublequote = True skipinitialspace = False lineterminator = '\r\n' quoting = QUOTE_MINIMAL SETTINGS: * quotechar - specifies a one-character string to use as the quoting character. It defaults to '"'. * delimiter - specifies a one-character string to use as the field separator. It defaults to ','. * skipinitialspace - specifies how to interpret spaces which immediately follow a delimiter. It defaults to False, which means that spaces immediately following a delimiter is part of the following field. * lineterminator - specifies the character sequence which should terminate rows. * quoting - controls when quotes should be generated by the writer. It can take on any of the following module constants: csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL means only when required, for example, when a field contains either the quotechar or the delimiter csv.QUOTE_ALL means that quotes are always placed around fields. csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC means that quotes are always placed around fields which do not parse as integers or floating point numbers. csv.QUOTE_STRINGS means that quotes are always placed around fields which are strings. Note that the Python value None is not a string. csv.QUOTE_NOTNULL means that quotes are only placed around fields that are not the Python value None. csv.QUOTE_NONE means that quotes are never placed around fields. * escapechar - specifies a one-character string used to escape the delimiter when quoting is set to QUOTE_NONE. * doublequote - controls the handling of quotes inside fields. When True, two consecutive quotes are interpreted as one during read, and when writing, each quote character embedded in the data is written as two quotes @disable() Stop collecting profiling information. Profiler(timer=None, timeunit=None, subcalls=True, builtins=True) Builds a profiler object using the specified timer function. The default timer is a fast built-in one based on real time. For custom timer functions returning integers, timeunit can be a float specifying a scale (i.e. how long each integer unit is, in seconds). enable(subcalls=True, builtins=True) Start collecting profiling information. If 'subcalls' is True, also records for each function statistics separated according to its current caller. If 'builtins' is True, records the time spent in built-in functions separately from their caller. getstats($self, /) -- list of profiler_entry objects. getstats() -> list of profiler_entry objects Return all information collected by the profiler. Each profiler_entry is a tuple-like object with the following attributes: code code object callcount how many times this was called reccallcount how many times called recursively totaltime total time in this entry inlinetime inline time in this entry (not in subcalls) calls details of the calls The calls attribute is either None or a list of profiler_subentry objects: code called code object callcount how many times this is called reccallcount how many times this is called recursively totaltime total time spent in this call inlinetime inline time (not in further subcalls)`L`L `LxLxL xLLLLclear() Clear all profiling information collected so far. |+|+|+LlK+`#K+LlK++@++p KD#KP#KL|+$'K,'K'K|+|+lin2adpcm($module, fragment, width, state, /) -- Convert samples to 4 bit Intel/DVI ADPCM encoding.getsample($module, fragment, width, index, /) -- Return the value of sample index from the fragment.rms($module, fragment, width, /) -- Return the root-mean-square of the fragment, i.e. sqrt(sum(S_i^2)/n).byteswap($module, fragment, width, /) -- Convert big-endian samples to little-endian and vice versa.cross($module, fragment, width, /) -- Return the number of zero crossings in the fragment passed as an argument.max($module, fragment, width, /) -- Return the maximum of the absolute value of all samples in a fragment.minmax($module, fragment, width, /) -- Return the minimum and maximum values of all samples in the sound fragment.maxpp($module, fragment, width, /) -- Return the maximum peak-peak value in the sound fragment.tomono($module, fragment, width, lfactor, rfactor, /) -- Convert a stereo fragment to a mono fragment.bias($module, fragment, width, bias, /) -- Return a fragment that is the original fragment with a bias added to each sample.ratecv($module, fragment, width, nchannels, inrate, outrate, state, weightA=1, weightB=0, /) -- Convert the frame rate of the input fragment.add($module, fragment1, fragment2, width, /) -- Return a fragment which is the addition of the two samples passed as parameters.lin2ulaw($module, fragment, width, /) -- Convert samples in the audio fragment to u-LAW encoding.adpcm2lin($module, fragment, width, state, /) -- Decode an Intel/DVI ADPCM coded fragment to a linear fragment.avgpp($module, fragment, width, /) -- Return the average peak-peak value over all samples in the fragment.reverse($module, fragment, width, /) -- Reverse the samples in a fragment and returns the modified fragment.?tostereo($module, fragment, width, lfactor, rfactor, /) -- Generate a stereo fragment from a mono fragment.avg($module, fragment, width, /) -- Return the average over all samples in the fragment.ÄńDŽɄ˄̈́τфӄՄׄلۄ݄DDDDDDDD$d$d$d$d4Tt4Tt ,|<|:|8|6|4|2|0|.|,|*|(|&|$|"| << < < < < < <\\\\lL, lL, tdTD4$xph`XPH@80( lin2lin($module, fragment, width, newwidth, /) -- Convert samples between 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-byte formats.findfactor($module, fragment, reference, /) -- Return a factor F such that rms(add(fragment, mul(reference, -F))) is minimal.alaw2lin($module, fragment, width, /) -- Convert sound fragments in a-LAW encoding to linearly encoded sound fragments.ulaw2lin($module, fragment, width, /) -- Convert sound fragments in u-LAW encoding to linearly encoded sound fragments.lin2alaw($module, fragment, width, /) -- Convert samples in the audio fragment to a-LAW encoding.?findfit($module, fragment, reference, /) -- Try to match reference as well as possible to a portion of fragment.mul($module, fragment, width, factor, /) -- Return a fragment that has all samples in the original fragment multiplied by the floating-point value factor.@@@@@@@@˨(8hxHX(8hxHX ` ` ` `Pp0Pp0 @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ VR^ZFBNJvr~zfbnj+)/-#!'%;9?=3175XHxh8(XHxh8(` ` ` ` 0pP0pPfindmax($module, fragment, length, /) -- Search fragment for a slice of specified number of samples with maximum energy. "%)-27<BIPXakv3Qs Vl$V LLT!%(,[1K6;ADH~OqW/`ibtHwL+KT+K`+KQPLPLE@-DT! @E@cܥL@9RFߑ?HP?Windows: mmap(fileno, length[, tagname[, access[, offset]]]) Maps length bytes from the file specified by the file handle fileno, and returns a mmap object. If length is larger than the current size of the file, the file is extended to contain length bytes. If length is 0, the maximum length of the map is the current size of the file, except that if the file is empty Windows raises an exception (you cannot create an empty mapping on Windows). Unix: mmap(fileno, length[, flags[, prot[, access[, offset]]]]) Maps length bytes from the file specified by the file descriptor fileno, and returns a mmap object. If length is 0, the maximum length of the map will be the current size of the file when mmap is called. flags specifies the nature of the mapping. MAP_PRIVATE creates a private copy-on-write mapping, so changes to the contents of the mmap object will be private to this process, and MAP_SHARED creates a mapping that's shared with all other processes mapping the same areas of the file. The default value is MAP_SHARED. To map anonymous memory, pass -1 as the fileno (both versions).|+|+xL̺L++MK$GKxL5 +$+XLhL+MK$GK++L+5+$GKLLP+LL+EK++$GK++++5ԹLعL +$+XLhL +$+L$GK5+$GK+5+++$GKL5LtL+$GK+5++8+L +$+XLhL55++MK$GKsymtable($module, source, filename, startstr, /) -- Return symbol and scope dictionaries used internally by compiler.xxsubtype is an example module showing how to subtype builtin types from C. in the standard test suite requires it in order to complete. If you don't care about the examples, and don't intend to run the Python test suite, you can recompile Python without Modules/xxsubtype.c.list_all() -> [ID] Return a list containing the ID of every existing interpreter.get_main() -> ID Return the ID of main interpreter.This module provides primitive operations to manage Python interpreters. The 'interpreters' module provides a more convenient interface.is_shareable(obj) -> bool Return True if the object's data may be shared between interpreters and False otherwise.run_string(id, script, shared) Execute the provided string in the identified interpreter. See PyRun_SimpleStrings.destroy(id) Destroy the identified interpreter. Attempting to destroy the current interpreter results in a RuntimeError. So does an unrecognized ID.is_running(id) -> bool Return whether or not the identified interpreter is running.get_current() -> ID Return the ID of current interpreter.create() -> ID Create a new interpreter and return a unique generated ID.channel_create() -> cid Create a new cross-interpreter channel and return a unique generated ID.channel_recv(cid, [default]) -> obj Return a new object from the data at the front of the channel's queue. If there is nothing to receive then raise ChannelEmptyError, unless a default value is provided. In that case return it.channel_release(cid, *, send=None, recv=None, force=True) Close the channel for the current interpreter. 'send' and 'recv' (bool) may be used to indicate the ends to close. By default both ends are closed. Closing an already closed end is a noop.channel_list_all() -> [cid] Return the list of all IDs for active channels.This module provides primitive operations to manage Python interpreters. The 'interpreters' module provides a more convenient interface.channel_send(cid, obj) Add the object's data to the channel's queue.channel_close(cid, *, send=None, recv=None, force=False) Close the channel for all interpreters. If the channel is empty then the keyword args are ignored and both ends are immediately closed. Otherwise, if 'force' is True then all queued items are released and both ends are immediately closed. If the channel is not empty *and* 'force' is False then following happens: * recv is True (regardless of send): - raise ChannelNotEmptyError * recv is None and send is None: - raise ChannelNotEmptyError * send is True and recv is not True: - fully close the 'send' end - close the 'recv' end to interpreters not already receiving - fully close it once empty Closing an already closed channel results in a ChannelClosedError. Once the channel's ID has no more ref counts in any interpreter the channel will be destroyed.A channel ID identifies a channel and may be used as an int.channel_list_interpreters(cid, *, send) -> [id] Return the list of all interpreter IDs associated with an end of the channel. The 'send' argument should be a boolean indicating whether to use the send or receive end.channel_destroy(cid) Close and finalize the channel. Afterward attempts to use the channel will behave as though it never existed. KMKZKZK|+|+|+|+hLL)K|+|+T\KX\K|+|+T\KX\K|+|+|+8LP]KK|+|+\]K+|+|+ KMKZKZK|+|++$&-2QY_`dghim~*,CEGILNjl23456789PUR`b !.%PP3R 4       $ ' / 1 1 4 4 6 : <  !~!!!! !!! !"!_!l!o!, z!!0 !!F !"H "" "" "" "" "" !""" $"$" &"&" ,"-" /"3" 8"<" >"G" I"K" M"Q" S"_" b"c" h"m" p"" """!""%!""0!"#I!#_$!j$s$"$$"L%O%V#t%%Z#%%g#%%j#%%t#%%#%%#%%#%%#%%#%&#&&# &?&#A&A&$C&.$..A,..C,..F,..H,..R,..a,..c,..f,..j,..l,..o,./},//-00-00-0 0-*0=0-?0@0-00-00-00-01-*12-*202.222.23F/330033<033>033`033i033k03F4m0H4r40t45 15 6326626929m95o99599_69r:m6t:M;7O;m<7o<<8<U@j9W@^A<`A6C=8CC?CC2@CC6@CDa@DKFYAMF`FBbF"GB$G(GC*G{GC}GGCGFI DHIyIE{I|IE~IIEIIEIIEIIFIIFIvL)FxLLHLMIMM~IMMJcJll̂͂%҂'*ق-0݂3:<BDSVce+-xՓz!< ""%&*/22ĘEHŘSSɘXXʘgg˘l̘_abd 12345679:;<=>?@ABDEFGHJKLMN124789ABCEFGHIJKLMNAADAFGAAAJKLMNOPAAATAAAAAAAAAAaAaAaAa   ԡOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abc |+\]K+\]K+|+p_K'KLp_KLLLL+Lp_Kp_K$'KL *K*K *K*KLhKhKiK0MHiK++p KЁKx+MM5K++'KK *K*K"Mx+0M;M+(++++x+`+ȱ++x+T++x+h+K(K8K+T++Р+XfM\`M``Md`Ml`Mp`Mt`MP%,Р+d+\+T+XlMoMoMpM pMpM pM(pM0pM8pM@pMHpMPpMXpM`pMhpMppMxpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMpMqMqM qM0qM@qMPqM`qMpqMqMqMqMqMqMqMqMqMrMrM$rM(rM0rM8rMHrMXrMdrMhrMprMxrMrMrMrMrMrMrMrMrMrMsM Ș`M+MMEK+MEKMSKTK`K+MMEK+MMEKmKKnK++8MHMbK|+|+|+M|++HK*KD+ P.MMMM+bK|+M++Options (and corresponding environment variables): -b : issue warnings about converting bytes/bytearray to str and comparing bytes/bytearray with str or bytes with int. (-bb: issue errors) -B : don't write .pyc files on import; also PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=x -c cmd : program passed in as string (terminates option list) -d : turn on parser debugging output (for experts only, only works on debug builds); also PYTHONDEBUG=x -E : ignore PYTHON* environment variables (such as PYTHONPATH) -h : print this help message and exit (also -? or --help) -i : inspect interactively after running script; forces a prompt even if stdin does not appear to be a terminal; also PYTHONINSPECT=x -I : isolate Python from the user's environment (implies -E and -s) -m mod : run library module as a script (terminates option list) -O : remove assert and __debug__-dependent statements; add .opt-1 before .pyc extension; also PYTHONOPTIMIZE=x -OO : do -O changes and also discard docstrings; add .opt-2 before .pyc extension -P : don't prepend a potentially unsafe path to sys.path; also PYTHONSAFEPATH -q : don't print version and copyright messages on interactive startup -s : don't add user site directory to sys.path; also PYTHONNOUSERSITE=x -S : don't imply 'import site' on initialization -u : force the stdout and stderr streams to be unbuffered; this option has no effect on stdin; also PYTHONUNBUFFERED=x -v : verbose (trace import statements); also PYTHONVERBOSE=x can be supplied multiple times to increase verbosity -V : print the Python version number and exit (also --version) when given twice, print more information about the build -W arg : warning control; arg is action:message:category:module:lineno also PYTHONWARNINGS=arg -x : skip first line of source, allowing use of non-Unix forms of #!cmd -X opt : set implementation-specific option --check-hash-based-pycs always|default|never: control how Python invalidates hash-based .pyc files --help-env: print help about Python environment variables and exit --help-xoptions: print help about implementation-specific -X options and exit --help-all: print complete help information and exit Arguments: file : program read from script file - : program read from stdin (default; interactive mode if a tty) arg ...: arguments passed to program in sys.argv[1:] usage: %ls [option] ... [-c cmd | -m mod | file | -] [arg] ... The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: +\5KKKK KKK+`^Kp^K+++KسK,KKлKKȻKKػK ;KKKK+KKK(KK ,+ Kh K K K@K\EK4K+`KEKGKPKK"KxKKKȼKKܼK+ԼKX"KK$QKQK RK0+K0RKKx&KK 'KRKK+'KRKXUKK0KKVKVK$K8K8(KPKbK@KKlK`KK4, +xK)K)KKK*KKh+Kx KKKKKD+K̽Kp K,ĽK@KKнKKK KKK,0K,K@K8KXKHKpK+hKKxKK+KK\;K+KKKؾKȾKK+AKKKKK KKKK(K K8K0KHK@KXKPKxK++hKHDK`K+KxK+KKKK0KDEKKEKKKKпKKKK+KKKK+0K$K K@Km DdYue.u76Av%}F$ۍgI,:oVuaӪ.2=}9i~]5 v1Nȳ}dO')&໻Z<ol!/9򫇾T`;@jhJH\G `XD/Z tތx+LxSpR]Feஷz3>p.NB;xr}V*j<)ojq^ ObbV!Jͱ7ʞ+lN 9F#Kj¬+xTx;#X_ 3\sWCM  pKSw+ESAɈWoC?_a[2gdds0^7.鼐"Ày{D&8JV*>i"v ma%66=*n[/lɄ'N"'d|\v:O5/2h3~|=R*{yRG uZYs 坍O.K kHWF8:Ŀck_a@/2Q@iǵ'`3NYr?}Ϧ&K!7CZ Rǃ~`oث,WB;vGwЌ$Jg$en/䲱R66tuf>}ZESʮ`le_3>۴P‰dB@XWႆ|*qER@rMt V!H7aw="$l僓5Wi K*x-·8E#{e_0%s6iNWU !ba)=pjn]+/yx;EC|\q?Mdp38Y \^0"T*y y8(JFkK m̆ 6NRkb a|. dQ ŏsny -h.\+w7%z% Y= ύV|9֠D<&t/v2Z%7Np]F0XӳeRVo6S:hTJbQP~ M2cV1t4f\нN >2Z`l8hH&:"̼#I*CN-((F,9:D1kQ4&ՑB:[E?0 kA9P`D;1JfZOE:HVhl#Sﲒ])jFXBȺo xjNg`md2~axˢtM}1Óscurv-^P52?VQ4T| .F\ᨛ>-'ZL8Rݎ2ܴHZi*7&կ9tcN,<߬%D & Yqw{.%Bģ + 2b`KNA*dȜ8 cSn1MY ˄h2:E|?z1޿49v|k-dF(vǒ&#hp:nI.Ѧ0LtER&B׭ZO6GܒT$^ݱ6<[%^w]UYWۺ :P J>K C}t,g7+?}CB; ĠRg=*6-ȶ0Y|A&nW ~&+m$i5?-Pݭ&vfLR0p{X}l_/%k[m`s8Mfs+`e5M$FArK˷ܮ@ LF U{( 8וNx5c F]2 ]vqŽ: bO)q;H4x 2tO>q9铹J?k'3޸) Z / }T7$2GCd"[r* g -3тYae9Nn^$pMP&ęBl&4)DROlAI'<_/߱Y[j@TR ƶSeTԢyf5=>kA tUru-~d<仟bH(JiYvo@eg;FvMNY+#DֲW>2rx6=QKg|p!ƫ%c*ݩOo+@|L{:d6 }}zFѷ Ҵ0]3V>BYP kM2&UTR1v'@M5(smଭVlfc *:.]h0UwѰ+1~f~]g-ڭ/[H`V) Lk°I5PP6֚Q{KOrp =Լ#vDMb(;nΝ,qIg7> 3Y0u}zFj,Q4zH݁-ǂ+ LK6co @T{/Jc[ʆaD 'm@V&׸xP#vke2U6zS<[8`~ -`k/aH'K.R7~̘@fy]:_]+k@,{j?6X %u@{3*M<YT}ݠFr Kn0 7 POA$P;vjsM=s"K7EpqX=fϠn(q 'j+afޤ]?~Z8.Iƕ&C_;-\h[@ `˻D[͎>b&P[Ak&p miwV< zB'3eT#^ :;n|ǖ cu0%*}MF6 @l{{B?XG]"KۨpYt=f"FE:_#Fs!gmvM7xP;>D1!w;ƽ\ [ho`.-䥱.fI]v+IÍ򤶜] V8j3T Rnm VM Ew9ͦ\&*Alw&bPsجk5w0a, Qmpjc5dۈ2yܸو L+~|-dj qHA}mԵQӅlVdkbze\Ocl=c ;n Li^`Agqr<KG k5Blۻ֬@2lE\u ϫ=Y&0Q:Qa!V#Ϻ(_ ٲ $/o|XhLaf-=vAq *q3xɢ4 j m=-dlc\kkQlabe0bNl{WeP|b-I|LeMaX:QΣtԻ0JߥA=ؕפmCij4ngF`D-s3 L_ |Pq<'A  Wh% of a^)ɘИ"רY=. \;l  tҚG9w&sc d; mj>zjZ '}DhibW]egl6qnkv+zZgJoC`֣ѓ~8ORѻgWg?H6K +گ L6JAz``ègU1nFiyaf%oҠRh6 w G"U&/ź; (+Z\j1,ٞ[ޮd°c&ujm 6?rgWJz{+ 8Ҏվ | !Bhݳڃn&[owGwZjpf; \ebiaklE x NT9§g&a`IiGM>nwۮjJZ@ f7;𩼮S޻G0齽ʺŠS0$6TW)#gfz.aJ]h*o+ 7 Z-@  풰%j}bgDшjDp~'dGMT -/60ÜZ{i1*lMNz_7ٺ^N.NrB*0Ц <,`Psp0  ` @ X ;x8 h( H T+t4  d$ D \ S|< l,  L R#r2  b" B Z Cz: j*  J V@3v6 f& F  ^ c~> n. N `Qq1  a! A Y ;y9 i)  I U+u5  e% E ] S}= m-  M S#s3  c# C [ C{; k+  K W@3w7 g' G  _ c? o/ O `Psp0  ` @ X ;x8 h( H T+t4  d$ D \ S|< l,  L R#r2  b" B Z Cz: j*  J V@3v6 f& F  ^ c~> n. N `Qq1  a! A Y ;y9 i)  I U+u5  e% E ] S}= m-  M S#s3  c# C [ C{; k+  K W@3w7 g' G  _ c? o/ O A@!  @a`10  @`Psp0  ` @ X ;x8 h( H T+t4  d$ D \ S|< l,  L R#r2  b" B Z Cz: j*  J V@3v6 f& F  ^ c~> n. N `Qq1  a! A Y ;y9 i)  I U+u5  e% E ] S}= m-  M S#s3  c# C [ C{; k+  K W@3w7 g' G  _ c? o/ O `Psp0  ` @ X ;x8 h( H T+t4  d$ D \ S|< l,  L R#r2  b" B Z Cz: j*  J V@3v6 f& F  ^ c~> n. N `Qq1  a! A Y ;y9 i)  I U+u5  e% E ] S}= m-  M S#s3  c# C [ C{; k+  K W@3w7 g' G  _ c? o/ O A@!  @a`10  @     @@ #+3;CScs !1Aa  0@`MWNWN|+WNWN XNXNHXN0XN|+x+maxsize should be integer or NoneD:\a\1\s\Modules\_hacl\Hacl_Hash_SHA3.cKaRaMeL incomplete match at %s:%d string is too long to escapeend is out of boundsfirst argument must be a string, not %.80sExpecting valuenot a constitems must return 2-tuplesinvalid locale categorylocale query failedgetstats() takes no arguments<%U.%s><%s>memory was exhausted while profilingcode object or built-in function namecallcounthow many times this was calledreccallcounthow many times called recursivelytotaltimetotal time in this entryinlinetimeinline time in this entry (not in subcalls)callsdetails of the callscalled code object or built-in function namehow many times this is calledhow many times this is called recursivelytotal time spent in this callinline time (not in further subcalls)_lsprof.profiler_entry_lsprof.profiler_subentry((Olldd))((OllddO))_pystart_callback_pyreturn_callback_ccall_callback_creturn_callbacksubcalls|pp:enableAnother profiling tool is already activeWhen destroying _lsprof profilertimertimeunit|Odpp:Profilergetstats_lsprof.ProfilerFast profilercopyreg.dispatch_table should be a dict, not %.200scopyreg._extension_registry should be a dict, not %.200scopyreg._inverted_registry should be a dict, not %.200scopyreg._extension_cache should be a dict, not %.200s_compat_pickle.NAME_MAPPING should be a dict, not %.200s_compat_pickle.IMPORT_MAPPING should be a dict, not %.200s_compat_pickle.REVERSE_NAME_MAPPING should be a dict, not %.200s_compat_pickle.REVERSE_IMPORT_MAPPING should be a dict, not %.200scodecs.encode should be a callable, not %.200sload() takes no argumentspickle protocol must be <= %dread() returned non-bytes object (%R)readinto() returned negative sizememo id too large for LONG_BINGETmemo id too large for LONG_BINPUTCan't pickle local attribute %R on %RCan't get attribute %R on %Runable to get sys.modulesfast mode: can't pickle cyclic objects including object type %.200s at %pint too large to pickleserializing a bytes object larger than 4 GiB requires pickle protocol 4 or higherPickleBuffer can not be pickled when pointing to a non-contiguous bufferserializing a string larger than 4 GiB requires pickle protocol 4 or higherdict items iterator must return 2-tuples_compat_pickle.REVERSE_NAME_MAPPING values should be 2-tuples, not %.200s_compat_pickle.REVERSE_NAME_MAPPING values should be pairs of str, not (%.200s, %.200s)_compat_pickle.REVERSE_IMPORT_MAPPING values should be strings, not %.200sCan't pickle %R: it's not the same object as %S.%SCan't pickle %R: extension code %R isn't an integerCan't pickle %R: extension code %ld is out of rangecan't pickle module identifier '%S' using pickle protocol %ican't pickle global identifier '%S' using pickle protocol %ituple returned by __reduce__ must contain 2 through 6 elementsfirst item of the tuple returned by __reduce__ must be callablesecond item of the tuple returned by __reduce__ must be a tuplesixth element of the tuple returned by __reduce__ must be a function, not %slength of the NEWOBJ_EX argument tuple must be exactly 3, not %zdfirst item from NEWOBJ_EX argument tuple must be a class, not %.200ssecond item from NEWOBJ_EX argument tuple must be a tuple, not %.200sthird item from NEWOBJ_EX argument tuple must be a dict, not %.200s__newobj__ arglist is emptyargs[0] from __newobj__ args is not a typeargs[0] from __newobj__ args has the wrong classcan't pickle '%.200s' object: %Rattribute deletion is not supported'memo' values must be 2-item tuples'memo' attribute must be a PicklerMemoProxy object or dict, not %.200spersistent_id must be a callable taking one argumentLONG pickle has negative byte countcould not convert string to floatBINSTRING exceeds system's maximum size of %zd bytesBINBYTES exceeds system's maximum size of %zd bytesBYTEARRAY8 exceeds system's maximum size of %zd bytesBINUNICODE exceeds system's maximum size of %zd bytesSTACK_GLOBAL requires strA load persistent id instruction was encountered, but no persistent_load function was specified.EXT specifies code <= 0unregistered extension code %ld_inverted_registry[%ld] isn't a 2-tuple of stringsnegative LONG_BINPUT argumentstate is not a dictionaryslot state is not a dictionaryFRAME length exceeds system's maximum of %zd bytesinvalid load key, '%c'.invalid load key, '\x%02x'._compat_pickle.NAME_MAPPING values should be 2-tuples, not %.200s_compat_pickle.NAME_MAPPING values should be pairs of str, not (%.200s, %.200s)_compat_pickle.IMPORT_MAPPING values should be strings, not %.200smemo key must be integerspersistent_load must be a callable taking one argumentstate vector must be a tuplestate vector is the wrong sizeinvalid stateRandomRandom() requires 0 or 1 argumentThe span of capturing group is wrong, please report a bug for the re module.maximum recursion limit exceededinternal error in regular expression enginethe result of compiling a replacement string is %.200sinvalid SRE coderegular expression scanner already executingreplindexgroupargument 'code'argument 'indexgroup'match() takes no argumentssearch() takes no argumentsmode out of rangeStructargument 'buffer'required argument is not a floatchar format requires a bytes object of length 1Struct() argument 1 must be a str or bytes object, not %.200sargument for 's' must be a bytes objectargument for 'p' must be a bytes objectint too large to convertpack_into expected buffer argumentpack_into expected offset argumentpack_into expected %zd items for packing (got %zd)missing format argumentnot a weakref__reduce__() takes no argumentsdon't know how to byteswap this array typeread() didn't return bytesa bytes-like object is requiredfromunicode() may only be called on unicode type arraystounicode() may only be called on unicode type arraysstring length not a multiple of item size__reduce_ex__ argument should be an integerattempt to assign array of size %zd to extended slice of size %zd_PyAtExit_Initin atexit callbackregister() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)Size should be 1, 2, 3 or 4not a whole number of framesIndex out of rangeStrings should be even-sizedFirst sample should be longer(nf)Samples should be same sizeInput sample should be longernot enough memory for output bufferLengths should be the same# of channels should be >= 1width * nchannels too big for a C intweightA should be >= 1, weightB should be >= 0sampling rate not > 0state must be a tuple or NoneiO!;ratecv(): illegal state argumentillegal state argumentratecv(): illegal state argumentii;ratecv(): illegal state argument(O(iO))ii;lin2adpcm(): illegal state argumentbad state(O(ii))ii;adpcm2lin(): illegal state argumentgetsampleminmaxavgrmsfindfitfindfactorfindmaxavgppmaxppcrosstomonotostereobiaslin2linratecvlin2ulawulaw2linlin2alawalaw2linlin2adpcmadpcm2linaudioop.error'audioop' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.13argument should be bytes, buffer or ASCII string, not '%.100s'argument should be a contiguous buffer, not '%.100s'argument 'data'Too much data for base64 lineIsoCalendarDateunsupported type for timedelta %s component: %sFailed to encode latin1 string when unpickling a date object. pickle.load(data, encoding='latin1') is assumed.%.200s(year=%S, week=%S, weekday=%S)Failed to encode latin1 string when unpickling a time object. pickle.load(data, encoding='latin1') is assumed.Failed to encode latin1 string when unpickling a datetime object. pickle.load(data, encoding='latin1') is assumed.%s(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)utcoffset() returned %.200s, expected timedelta or Noneunable to get sys.stderrsys.stderr is Nonefile is not a valid file descriptorfile.fileno() is not a valid file descriptorunable to get the current thread state|Op:dump_traceback Fatal Python error from unexpected signum: Windows fatal exception: access violationfloat divide by zerofloat overflowint divide by zerointeger overflowpage errorstack overflowcode 0xTimeout (%lu:%02lu:%02lu.%06u)! Timeout (%lu:%02lu:%02lu)! O|iOi:dump_traceback_latertimeout must be greater than 0timeout value is too largeunable to start watchdog thread|i:_sigsegvin new threadfaulthandler_fatal_error_threadunable to start the threadI|I:_raise_exception_PyFaulthandler_Initfailed to enable faulthandler_PyGC_Initin tp_clear of %zdgc: objects in each generation:%s gc: objects in permanent generation: %zd gc: collecting generation %d... collectableuncollectablegc: done, %zd unreachable, %zd uncollectable, %.4fs elapsed in garbage collectioncollectedgeneration{sisnsn}invalid generationgc.get_referrersgc.get_referentsgc.get_objectsgeneration parameter must be less than the number of available generations (%i)generation parameter cannot be negative{snsnsn}gc: %zd uncollectable objects at shutdowngc: %zd uncollectable objects at shutdown; use gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE) to list them %s PyObject_GC_Trackobject already tracked by the garbage collectorteedataobjectInvalid argumentsO()repeat argument cannot be negativerepeat argument too largeinvalid argumentsO(()n)Failed checking if argv[0] is an import path entry unable to get sys.pathPython %s on %s Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.Unable to decode the command from the command line: Could not import runpy module Could not access runpy._run_module_as_main Could not convert module name to unicode Could not create arguments for runpy._run_module_as_main %S: can't open file %R: [Errno %d] %s %S: %R is a directory, cannot continue cpython.run_startupCould not open PYTHONSTARTUP Failed calling sys.__interactivehook__ __main__math.fsum partialscopy() takes no argumentscannot close exported pointers existmmap closed or invalidread byte out of range|O&:ready*|nn:rfindy*|nn:findmmap can't modify a readonly memory map.mmap can't resize with extant buffers exported.mmap can't resize a readonly or copy-on-write memory map.y*:writedata out of rangeb:write_bytewrite byte out of rangen:resizenew size out of range|nn:flushflush values out of rangen|i:seekunknown seek typeseek out of rangennn:movesource, destination, or count out of range<%s closed=True>ACCESS_DEFAULTACCESS_READACCESS_WRITEACCESS_COPY<%s closed=False, access=%s, length=%zd, pos=%zd, offset=%lld>moveread_byteresizewrite_bytemmap index out of rangemmap indices must be integersmmap object doesn't support item deletionmmap assignment must be length-1 bytes()mmap doesn't support item deletionmmap item value must be an intmmap item value must be in range(0, 256)mmap object doesn't support slice deletionmmap slice assignment is wrong sizemmap indices must be integermmap.mmaptagnamein|OiLiniLmmap.__new__mmap invalid access parameter.memory mapped length must be positivememory mapped offset must be positivecannot mmap an empty filemmap offset is greater than file sizeexpected str or None for 'tagname', not %.200sPAGESIZEALLOCATIONGRANULARITYjumpstack_effect: opcode requires oparg but oparg was not specifiedstack_effect: opcode does not permit oparg but oparg was specifiedstack_effect: jump must be False, True or Noneinvalid opcode or opargcomparing strings with non-ASCII characters is not supportedunsupported operand types(s) or combination of types: '%.100s' and '%.100s'keywords dict changed size during iterationfd is greater than maximumfd is less than minimumargument should be integer or None, not %.200sexpected %.200s.__fspath__() to return str or bytes, not %.200s%s%s%s too long for Windows%s%sembedded null character in %sstring, bytes, os.PathLike, integer or Nonestring, bytes, os.PathLike or integerstring, bytes, os.PathLike or Nonestring, bytes or os.PathLike%s%s%s should be %s, not %.200s%s%s%s unavailable on this platform%s: can't specify dir_fd without matching path%s: can't specify both dir_fd and fd%s: cannot use fd and follow_symlinks togethereffective_idssrc_dir_fd and dst_dir_fdos.linkos.listdrivesos.listvolumesos.listmountspath too longexpected 'str', not '%.200s'(u)os.system%.200s.__divmod__() must return a 2-tuple, not %.200sutime: you may specify either 'times' or 'ns' but not bothutime: 'times' must be either a tuple of two ints or Noneutime: 'ns' must be a tuple of two intsenv.keys() or env.values() is not a listillegal environment variable nameexec not supported for isolated subinterpretersexecv() arg 2 must be a tuple or listexecv() arg 2 must not be emptyexecv() arg 2 first element cannot be emptyos.execexecve: argv must be a tuple or listexecve: argv must not be emptyexecve: environment must be a mapping objectexecve: argv first element cannot be emptyspawnv() arg 2 must be a tuple or listspawnv() arg 2 cannot be emptyspawnv() arg 2 must contain only stringsspawnv() arg 2 first element cannot be emptyiOOOos.spawnspawnve() arg 2 must be a tuple or listspawnve() arg 2 cannot be emptyspawnve() arg 3 must be a mapping objectos.killLKnot a symbolic link\??\\os.symlinkos.truncateOn%U=the environment variable is longer than %u charactersos.unsetenvstrerror() argument out of range(LL)SHELL32ShellExecuteWstartfile not available on this platformOuos.startfileOuuOios.startfile/2src_dir_fddst_dir_fdvolumecommandargument 'command'statusenvin:killLi:waitpidtarget_is_directoryfd2inheritablefilepathoperationcwdshow_cmdargument 'operation'argument 'arguments'L:get_handle_inheritableLp:set_handle_inheritableis_symlink() takes no argumentsis_junction() takes no argumentscookieunclosed scandir iterator %Rexpected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not %.200sos.add_dll_directoryDLL directory cookieProvided cookie was not returned from os.add_dll_directoryinvalid exit code: %lluD:\a\1\s\Modules\sha3module.cwhen trying to write to the signal wakeup fdwhen trying to send to the signal wakeup fdinvalid signal valuesignal only works in main thread of the main interpretersignal number out of rangesignal handler must be signal.SIG_IGN, signal.SIG_DFL, or a callable objectInterruptTerminatedwarn_on_full_bufferO|$p:set_wakeup_fdset_wakeup_fd only works in main thread of the main interpreterinvalid fd(iiiiiii)Signal %i ignored due to race condition_PyOS_InterruptOccurredinv_cdf undefined for these parametersstring or bytessymtable() arg 3 must be 'exec' or 'eval' or 'single'USEDEF_GLOBALDEF_NONLOCALDEF_LOCALDEF_PARAMDEF_FREEDEF_FREE_CLASSDEF_IMPORTDEF_BOUNDDEF_ANNOTTYPE_FUNCTIONTYPE_CLASSTYPE_MODULETYPE_ANNOTATIONTYPE_TYPE_VAR_BOUNDTYPE_TYPE_ALIASTYPE_TYPE_PARAMLOCALGLOBAL_EXPLICITGLOBAL_IMPLICITFREECELLSCOPE_OFFSCOPE_MASKcan't specify a timeout for a non-blocking calltimeout value must be positiverelease unlocked lockunlocked<%s %s object at %p>Internal lock count overflowedcannot release un-acquired lock(kk):_acquire_restorecouldn't acquire lockkkcan't allocate lock<%s %s object owner=%ld count=%lu at %p>Couldn't get thread-state dictionaryInitialization arguments are not supportedin thread started byfirst arg must be callable2nd arg must be a tupleoptional 3rd arg must be a dictionarythread is not supported for isolated subinterpreterscan't create new thread at interpreter shutdowncan't start new thread|i:signumno current thread ident|n:stack_sizesize must be 0 or a positive valuesize not valid: %zd bytesException in thread : _thread.excepthook argument type must be ExceptHookArgs_stderrformat %y requires year >= 1900 on Windows:getstatei:setstategetstate() -> statesetstate(state)classmethclassmeth(*args, **kw)staticmethstaticmeth(*args, **kw)statean int variable for demonstration purposesxxsubtype.spamlistxxsubtype.spamdictOU|ibenchspamlistspamdict%Sunable to format exception type nameout of memory copying exception type nameunable to encode and copy exception type nameunable to format exception messageout of memory copying exception messageunable to encode and copy exception message%s: %s_xxsubinterpreters.RunFailedErrorRunFailedError: script raised an uncaught exception (%s)interpreter already running|$i:createinterpreter creation failedO:destroycannot destroy the current interpreterinterpreter runningscriptsharedOU|O:run_stringsource code string cannot contain null bytesO:is_shareableO:is_runningcreatedestroylist_allget_currentget_mainis_runningrun_stringis_shareable_xxinterpchannels.ChannelError_xxinterpchannels.ChannelNotFoundError_xxinterpchannels.ChannelClosedError_xxinterpchannels.ChannelEmptyError_xxinterpchannels.ChannelNotEmptyErrorchannel %lld not foundchannel %lld is closedchannel %lld is already closedchannel %lld is emptychannel %lld may not be closed if not empty (try force=True)can't initialize mutex for new channelcan't initialize mutex for channel managementfailed to get a channel IDchannel ID must be a non-negative int, got %Rchannel ID must be an int, got %.100srecvforce_resolveO&|$pppp:ChannelID.__new__'send' and 'recv' cannot both be False%s(%lld, send=True)%s(%lld, recv=True)%s(%lld)'send', 'recv', or 'both'the 'send' end of the channelthe 'recv' end of the channel_xxinterpchannels.ChannelIDcidO&:channel_destroyO&$p:channel_list_interpretersO&O:channel_sendO&|O:channel_recvO&|$ppp:channel_closeO&|$ppp:channel_releaselist_interpreters_channel_idunclosed file %Rnegative file descriptorMust have exactly one of create/read/write/append mode and at most one plusinvalid mode: %.200sCannot use closefd=False with file nameexpected integer from openeropener returned %dreadingunbounded read returned more bytes than a Python bytes object can holdwritingxb+xbab+abrb+<_io.FileIO [closed]><_io.FileIO fd=%d mode='%s' closefd=%s><_io.FileIO name=%R mode='%s' closefd=%s>reentrant call inside %s.__repr__close() takes no argumentsFileIOargument 'mode'new buffer size too largeinteger argument expected, got '%s'negative size value %zdnegative seek value %zdnew position too largeinvalid whence (%i, should be 0, 1 or 2)(OnN)%.200s.__setstate__ argument should be 3-tuple, got %.200ssecond item of state must be an integer, not %.200sposition value cannot be negativethird item of state should be a dict, got a %.200sdeallocated BytesIO object has exported buffersgetbuffer() takes no argumentsinitial_bytesBytesIObytesiobuf_getbuffer: view==NULL argument is obsoleteI/O operation on uninitialized objectreadline() should have returned a str object, not '%.200s'Negative size value %zdInvalid whence (%i, should be 0, 1 or 2)Negative seek position %zdCan't do nonzero cur-relative seeksnewline must be str or None, not %.200sillegal newline value: %Rinitial_value must be str or None, not %.200s(OOnN)%.200s.__setstate__ argument should be 4-tuple, got %.200sthird item of state must be an integer, got %.200sfourth item of state should be a dict, got a %.200sinitial_valueStringIOread() should return bytesread() returned too much data: %zd bytes requested, %zd returnedreentrant call inside %Rcould not acquire lock for %s at interpreter shutdown, possibly due to daemon threads_enter_buffered_busyisnRaw stream returned invalid position %lldbuffer size must be strictly positivecan't allocate read lockflush of closed filepeek of closed fileread length must be non-negative or -1read of closed filereadinto of closed filereadline of closed fileseek of closed filetruncate of closed filereadline() should have returned a bytes object, not '%.200s'raw readinto() failedraw readinto() returned invalid length %zd (should have been between 0 and %zd)readall() should return bytesraw write() returned invalid length %zd (should have been between 0 and %zd)write could not complete without blockingthe BufferedRWPair object is being garbage-collecteddetach() takes no argumentsBufferedReaderBufferedWriterBufferedRWPairFile or stream is not seekable.File or stream is not readable.File or stream is not writable.peek() should have returned a bytes object, not '%.200s'read() should have returned a bytes object, not '%.200s'fileno() takes no argumentsdecoderIncrementalNewlineDecoderargument 'newline'decoder should return a string result, not '%.200s'IncrementalNewlineDecoder.__init__() not calledillegal decoder statestate argument must be a tupleOK;setstate(): illegal state argument((OK)) sssillegal newline value: %sembedded null character in errors'encoding' argument not specifiedTextIOWrapper() argument 'errors' must be str or None, not %.50scould not determine default encodingreconfigure() argument 'encoding' must be str or None, not %sreconfigure() argument 'errors' must be str or None, not %sreconfigure() argument 'newline' must be str or None, not %sIt is not possible to set the encoding or newline of stream after the first readnot writableencoder should return a bytes object, not '%.200s'not readableillegal decoder state: the first item should be a bytes object, not '%.200s'underlying %s() should have returned a bytes-like object, not '%.200s'((yi))underlying stream is not seekablecan't do nonzero cur-relative seekscan't do nonzero end-relative seeksinvalid whence (%d, should be %d, %d or %d)negative seek position %Runderlying read() should have returned a bytes object, not '%.200s'iNcan't restore logical file positioniytelling position disabled by next() calliOOi;illegal decoder statecan't reconstruct logical file positioncannot delete attributea strictly positive integer is requiredCannot open console input buffer for writingCannot open console output buffer for readingMust have exactly one of read or write modecannot read more than %d bytesBuffer had room for %zd bytes but %u bytes required<_io._WindowsConsoleIO [closed]><_io._WindowsConsoleIO mode='rb' closefd=%s><_io._WindowsConsoleIO mode='wb' closefd=%s>_WindowsConsoleIO has invalid mode_WindowsConsoleIOinvalid file: %Rmust have exactly one of create/read/write/append modebinary mode doesn't take an encoding argumentbinary mode doesn't take an errors argumentbinary mode doesn't take a newline argumentline buffering (buffering=1) isn't supported in binary mode, the default buffer size will be usedinvalid buffering sizecan't have unbuffered text I/Ounknown mode: '%s'cannot fit '%.200s' into an offset-sized integerargument 'path'encoding name must be a such codec is data must be a Capsule.argument 'input'reset() takes no argumentserrors must be a stringinternal codec errorunknown runtime errorencoding error handler must return (str, int) tupleposition %zd from error handler out of boundsdecoding error handler must return (str, int) tuplecouldn't convert the object to unicode.couldn't convert the object to str.pending buffer overflowpending buffer too largecodec is unexpected typestream function returned a non-bytes object (%.100s)arg 1 must be an integerarg must be a sequence objectargument type invalidI/O operations still in flight while destroying Overlapped object, the process may crashoverlappedK|p:ConnectNamedPipeO&kkKkkK:CreateFileKKkkkO&:CreateFileMappingskkkkkkK:CreateNamedPipeI:ExitProcessK:GetModuleFileNameKkkkO&:MapViewOfFileK:UnmapViewOfFilekiO&:OpenFileMappingK|i:PeekNamedPipeKk|p:ReadFileKOOO:SetNamedPipeHandleStateKI:TerminateProcessK:VirtualQuerySizesk:WaitNamedPipeOi|k:WaitForMultipleObjectsKO|p:WriteFileK:GetFileTypeon_type_readexisting_file_namenew_file_nameprogress_routineO&O&k|O:CopyFile2can't get read buffer before GetOverlappedResult() signals the operation completeduIIII_winapi.CreateFile_winapi.CreateJunctionSeRestorePrivilegeuII_winapi.CreateNamedPipeenvironment must be dictionary or Noneenvironment changed size during iterationenvironment can only contain stringsenvironment too long%s must be a mapping or NoneCreateProcess() argument 2 must be str or None, not %snegative sizeNIIunsupported flagsinput string is too longNInI_winapi.TerminateProcesssequence type expected, got '%s'need at most %zd handles, got a sequence of length %zdy*Content TypeuuI_winapi.CopyFile2null argument to internal routinesequence index must be integer, not '%.200s'type '%.200s' is not subscriptable'%.200s' object does not support item deletionexpected a writable bytes-like objectboth destination and source must be bytes-like objectsdestination is too small to receive data from sourceFormat specifier must be a string, not %.200sType %.100s doesn't define __format____format__ must return a str, not %.200s+=*='%.200s' object can't be repeated'%.200s' object is unsliceable'%.200s' object doesn't support slice assignment'%.200s' object doesn't support slice deletion%.200s is not a mapping%.200s.%U() returned a non-iterable (type %.200s) in __issubclass__isinstance() arg 2 must be a type, a tuple of types, or a unionissubclass() arg 2 must be a class, a tuple of classes, or a union'%.200s' object is not an async iterableaiter() returned not an async iterator of type '%.100s'Bitwise inversion '~' on bool is deprecated. This returns the bitwise inversion of the underlying int object and is usually not what you expect from negating a bool. Use the 'not' operator for boolean negation or ~int(x) if you really want the bitwise inversion of the underlying int.can't set bytearray slice from %.100sattempt to assign bytes of size %zd to extended slice of size %zdbytearray object is too large to make reprstr() on a bytearray instanceComparison between bytearray and stringdeallocated bytearray object has exported buffersjoin() result is too longsequence changed size during iterationresult too longreplace bytes is too longcannot add more objects to bytearraycan't extend bytearray with %.100s(O()N)D:\a\1\s\Objects\bytearrayobject.cargument should be integer or bytes-like object, not '%.200s'byte string is too longfloat argument required, not %.200san integera real number%%%c format: %s is required, not %.200s%c arg not in range(256)%c requires an integer in range(256) or a single byte%%b requires a bytes-like object, or an object that implements __bytes__, not '%.100s'prec too bignot all arguments converted during bytes formattingdecoding error; unknown error handling code: %.400sbytes object is too large to make reprstr() on a bytes instanceComparison between bytes and stringComparison between bytes and int'%.200s' object is not callable. Did you mean: '%U.%U(...)'?'%.200s' object does not support vectorcallkeyword list must be a dictionaryattribute of type '%.200s' is not callablePyCapsule_New called with null pointerPyCapsule_GetPointer called with incorrect namePyCapsule_GetName called with invalid PyCapsule objectPyCapsule_GetDestructor called with invalid PyCapsule objectPyCapsule_GetContext called with invalid PyCapsule objectPyCapsule_SetPointer called with null pointerPyCapsule_SetPointer called with invalid PyCapsule objectPyCapsule_SetName called with invalid PyCapsule objectPyCapsule_SetDestructor called with invalid PyCapsule objectPyCapsule_SetContext called with invalid PyCapsule objectPyCapsule_Import could not import module "%s"PyCapsule_Import "%s" is not valid"D:\a\1\s\Objects\cellobject.cCell is emptyfirst argument must be callableinstance must not be Noneargument 7argument 8argument 9argument 10argument 11argument 12argument 13argument 15argument 16argument 17argument 18argument 'co_code'argument 'co_consts'argument 'co_names'argument 'co_varnames'argument 'co_freevars'argument 'co_cellvars'argument 'co_filename'argument 'co_name'argument 'co_qualname'argument 'co_linetable'argument 'co_exceptiontable'opargPY_CODE_EVENT_CREATEPY_CODE_EVENT_DESTROY%s watcher callback for %Uno more code watcher IDs availableInvalid code watcher ID %dNo code watcher set for ID %dnon-string found in code slotname tuples must contain only strings, not '%.500s'D:\a\1\s\Objects\codeobject.ccode: co_code larger than INT_MAXcode: co_code is malformedcode: co_varnames is too smallcode: LOAD_FAST_AND_CLEAR oparg %d out of rangecode: co_nlocals != len(co_varnames)code: argcount must not be negativecode: posonlyargcount must not be negativecode: kwonlyargcount must not be negativecode: nlocals must not be negativeco_lnotab is deprecated, use co_lines instead.co_argcount must be a positive integerco_posonlyargcount must be a positive integerco_kwonlyargcount must be a positive integerco_nlocals must be a positive integerco_stacksize must be a positive integerco_flags must be a positive integerco_firstlineno must be a positive integercomplex() argument must be a string or a number, not '%.200s'descriptor '%V' for type '%.100s' needs either an object or a typedescriptor '%V' for type '%.100s' needs a type, not a '%.100s' as arg 2descriptor '%V' requires a subtype of '%.100s' but received '%.100s'descriptor '%V' needs a type, not '%s', as arg 2attribute '%V' of '%.100s' objects is not readabledescriptor '%V' requires a '%.100s' object but received a '%.100s'.__name__ is not a unicode object.__objclass__.__qualname__ is not a unicode objectPyDescr_NewMember used with Py_RELATIVE_OFFSET'|=' is not supported by %s; use '|' instead__set_name__() takes 2 positional arguments but %d were givenproperty %R of %R object has no getterproperty of %R object has no getterproperty has no getterproperty of %R object has no deleterproperty of %R object has no setterproperty has no deleterproperty has no setterdocfree PyDictObject_PyDict_CheckConsistencyPyType_HasFeature((Py_TYPE(((PyObject*)((op))))), ((1UL << 29)))0 <= mp->ma_used && mp->ma_used <= usable0 <= keys->dk_usable && keys->dk_usable <= usable0 <= keys->dk_nentries && keys->dk_nentries <= usablekeys->dk_usable + keys->dk_nentries <= usablekeys->dk_kind != DICT_KEYS_SPLITkeys->dk_refcnt == 1 || keys == &empty_keys_structkeys->dk_kind == DICT_KEYS_SPLITmp->ma_used <= 30(-2) <= ix && ix <= usableentry->me_hash != -1entry->me_value != ((void *)0)entry->me_hash == hashPy_IS_TYPE(((PyObject*)(((key)))), (&PyUnicode_Type))hash != -1entry->me_value == ((void *)0)(duplicate_check & (1<ma_values->values[index] != ((void *)0){...}cannot convert dictionary update sequence element #%zd to a sequencedictionary update sequence element #%zd has length %zd; 2 is requireddict mutated during updatedictionary keys changed during iteration%s() requires a dict argument, not '%s'This object has no __dict__Invalid dict watcher ID %dNo dict watcher set for ID %dCannot watch non-dictionaryno more dict watcher IDs availablePyDict_EVENT_ADDEDPyDict_EVENT_MODIFIEDPyDict_EVENT_DELETEDPyDict_EVENT_CLONEDPyDict_EVENT_CLEAREDPyDict_EVENT_DEALLOCATED%s watcher callback for '%S' is an invalid keyword argument for enumerate()enumerate() missing required argument 'iterable'enumerate() takes at most 2 arguments (%d given)note must be a str, not '%s'Cannot add note: __notes__ is not a listargs may not be deleted__context__ may not be deletedexception context must be None or derive from BaseException__cause__ may not be deletedexception cause must be None or derive from BaseExceptionUO:BaseExceptionGroup.__new__second argument (exceptions) must be a sequencesecond argument (exceptions) must be a non-empty sequenceItem %d of second argument (exceptions) is not an exceptionCannot nest BaseExceptions in an ExceptionGroupCannot nest BaseExceptions in '%.200s'%S (%zd sub-exception%s)derive must return an instance of BaseExceptionGroupexpected a function, exception type or tuple of exception types in exceptiongroup_split_recursive in collect_exception_group_leaf_idsorig must be an exception instanceexcs must be a list of exception instancesitem %d of excs is not an exceptionorig must be a raised exception[WinError %S] %S: %R -> %R[WinError %S] %S: %R[WinError %S] %S[Errno %S] %S: %R -> %R[Errno %S] %Send_offset must be provided when end_lineno is provided%S (%U)%S (line %ld)%.200s attribute not set%.200s attribute must be bytes%.200s attribute must be unicode'%U' codec can't encode character '\x%02x' in position %zd: %UUnnUcan't translate character '\x%02x' in position %zd: %Ucan't translate character '\u%04x' in position %zd: %Ucan't translate character '\U%08x' in position %zd: %Ucan't translate characters in position %zd-%zd: %UOut of memory and PyExc_MemoryError is not initialized yet_PyErr_NoMemory_PyExc_InitGlobalObjects_PyExc_InitStateerrmap insertion problem.exc must be an exception, not '%s'isisssOD:\a\1\s\Objects\fileobject.cobject.readline() returned non-stringwriteobject with NULL filenull file for PyFile_WriteStringfileno() returned a non-integerargument must be an int, or have a fileno() method.file descriptor cannot be a negative integer (%i)setopencodehookfailed to change existing open_code hook'path' must be 'str', not '%.200s'float modulofloat divmod()float floor division by zeropow() 3rd argument not allowed unless all arguments are integershexadecimal string too long to convertunknownIEEE, big-endianinsane float_format or double_format_PyFloat_InitTypescan't init float info typefree PyFloatObjectfrexp() result out of rangefloat too large to pack with d formatcan't unpack IEEE 754 special value on non-IEEE platformD:\a\1\s\Objects\frameobject.cattribute value type must be boolstack is too deep to analyzecan't jump into an exception handler, or code may be unreachablecan't jump into an 'except' block as there's no exceptioncan't jump into a re-raising block as there's no locationincompatible stackscan't jump into the body of a for looplineno must be an integerf_lineno can only be set in a trace functioncan't jump from the 'call' trace event of a new framecan't jump during a callcan only jump from a 'line' trace eventunexpected event typelineno out of rangeline %d comes before the current code blockline %d comes after the current code blockcannot find bytecode for specified linestack to deep to analyzecan't jump from unreachable codeassigning None to %d unbound local%sname must be str, not %svariable %R does not existassigning None to unbound local %RPyFunction_EVENT_CREATEPyFunction_EVENT_DESTROYPyFunction_EVENT_MODIFY_CODEPyFunction_EVENT_MODIFY_DEFAULTSPyFunction_EVENT_MODIFY_KWDEFAULTSno more func watcher IDs availableinvalid func watcher ID %dno func watcher set for ID %dD:\a\1\s\Objects\funcobject.cnon-tuple default argsnon-dict keyword only default argsexpected tuple for closure, got '%.100s'non-dict annotations__code__ must be set to a code object%U() requires a code object with %zd free vars, not %zd__defaults__ must be set to a tuple objectobject.__delattr____kwdefaults__ must be set to a dict object__annotations__ must be set to a dict object__type_params__ must be set to a tupleargdefsclosureargument 'globals'arg 3 (name) must be None or stringarg 4 (defaults) must be None or tuplearg 5 (closure) must be tuplearg 5 (closure) must be None or tuple%U requires closure of length %zd, not %zdarg 5 (closure) expected cell, found %sfunction.__new__uninitialized classmethod objectuninitialized staticmethod object%R is not a generic classmanyfewToo %s arguments for %R; actual %zd, expected %zdisinstance() argument 2 cannot be a parameterized genericissubclass() argument 2 cannot be a parameterized genericGenericAliasN(O)coroutine ignored GeneratorExit__await__() returned a coroutine__await__() returned non-iterator of type '%.100s'object %.100s can't be used in 'await' expressionOiOthe (type, exc, tb) signature of athrow() is deprecated, use the single-arg signature instead.cannot reuse already awaited __anext__()/asend()anext(): asynchronous generator is already runningcannot reuse already awaited aclose()/athrow()aclose(): asynchronous generator is already runningathrow(): asynchronous generator is already runninginterpreter ID must be a non-negative int, got %Rinterpreter ID must be an int, got %.100sO&|$p:InterpreterID.__init__D:\a\1\s\Objects\iterobject.citer index too large__await__ returned a non-iterablefree PyListObjectlist modified during sortargument 'byteorder'int has too many bits to express in a platform size_tbyte array too long to convert to intPython int too large for C unsigned shortint too large to formatint string too large to convertint() arg 2 must be >= 2 and <= 36huge integer: number of bits overflows a Py_ssize_ttuple is required from int_divmod()tuple of int is required from int_divmod()intermediate overflow during divisionbase is not invertible for the given moduluspow() 3rd argument cannot be 0non-integer arguments in divisionlength argument must be non-negative_PyLong_InitTypescan't init int info typeargument 'format'orderargument 'order'memoryview: number of dimensions must not exceed 64PyMemoryView_FromBuffer(): info->buf must not be NULLcannot create new view on restricted memoryviewunderlying buffer is not writablewritable contiguous buffer requested for a non-contiguous object.PyBuffer_ToContiguous: len != view->lenmemoryview has %zd exported buffer%s_memory_release(): negative export count@PPmemoryview: destination format must be a native single character format prefixed with an optional '@'memoryview: cannot cast between two non-byte formatsmemoryview: length is not a multiple of itemsizememoryview: internal errormemoryview.cast(): elements of shape must be integersmemoryview.cast(): elements of shape must be integers > 0memoryview.cast(): product(shape) > SSIZE_MAXmemoryview: product(shape) * itemsize != buffer sizememoryview: casts are restricted to C-contiguous viewsmemoryview: cannot cast view with zeros in shape or stridesshape must be a list or a tuplememoryview: cast must be 1D -> ND or ND -> 1Dmemoryview: underlying buffer is not Fortran contiguousmemoryview: underlying buffer is not contiguousmemoryview: underlying buffer requires suboffsetsmemoryview: cannot cast to unsigned bytes if the format flag is presentmemoryview: format %s not supportedmemoryview: unsupported format %sFACorder must be 'C', 'F' or 'A'cannot index %zd-dimension view with %zd-element tupleinvalid indexing of 0-dim memorymulti-dimensional sub-views are not implementedsub-views are not implementedmulti-dimensional slicing is not implemented0-dim memory has no lengthmemoryview: internal error in richcomparememoryview: hashing is restricted to formats 'B', 'b' or 'c'D:\a\1\s\Objects\memoryobject.cD:\a\1\s\Objects\methodobject.c.__class__.__qualname__ is not a unicode objectPython C API version mismatch for module %.100s: This Python has API version %d, module %.100s has version %d.module functions cannot set METH_CLASS or METH_STATICPython import machinery not initializedmodule %s: PyModule_Create is incompatible with m_slotsmodule %s: m_size may not be negative for multi-phase initializationmodule %s has multiple create slotsmodule %s has more than one 'multiple interpreters' slotsmodule %s uses unknown slot ID %icreation of module %s failed without setting an exceptioncreation of module %s raised unreported exceptionmodule %s is not a module object, but requests module statemodule %s specifies execution slots, but did not create a ModuleType instanceexecution of module %s failed without setting an exceptionexecution of module %s raised unreported exceptionmodule %s initialized with unknown slot %iD:\a\1\s\Objects\moduleobject.cnameless modulemodule filename missing# clear[1] %s # clear[2] %s argument 'name'# destroy %U Exception ignored in m_clear of module%s%V .__dict__ is not a dictionaryno positional arguments expected_PyObject_CheckConsistency!_PyObject_IsFreed(op)Py_REFCNT(((PyObject*)((op)))) >= 1 object address : %p object refcount : %zd object type : %p object type name: %s object repr : __str__ returned non-string (type %.200s)assign to'%.100s' object has no attributes (%s .%U)'%.100s' object has only read-only attributes (%s .%U)type object '%.50s' has no attribute '%U'__dict__ must be set to a dictionary, not a '%.200s'dir(): expected keys() of locals to be a list, not '%.200s'object does not provide __dir__NoneType takes no argumentsNotImplementedType takes no argumentsNotImplemented should not be used in a boolean context_PyTypes_InitTypesCan't initialize builtin typeCan't initialize generic types%s:%d: %s: Assertion "%s" failedAssertion failed: %s_PyObject_AssertFailedpymallocpymalloc_debugmallocmalloc_debugthe interpreter doesn't have its own allocator_PyInterpreterState_GetAllocatedBlocksPython memory allocator called without holding the GILbad ID: Allocated using API '%c', verified using API '%c'bad leading pad bytebad trailing pad byteDebug memory block at address p=%p: API '%c' %zu bytes originally requested The %d pad bytes at p-%d are FORBIDDENBYTE, as expected. not all FORBIDDENBYTE (0x%02x): at p-%d: 0x%02x *** OUCH Because memory is corrupted at the start, the count of bytes requested may be bogus, and checking the trailing pad bytes may segfault. The %d pad bytes at tail=%p are at tail+%d: 0x%02x Data at p: %02x ...%d %ss * %zd bytes each%48s Small block threshold = %d, in %u size classes. class size num pools blocks in use avail blocks ----- ---- --------- ------------- ------------ %5u %6u %11zu %15zu %13zu # arenas allocated total# arenas reclaimed# arenas highwater mark# arenas allocated current%zu arenas * %d bytes/arena# bytes in allocated blocks# bytes in available blocks%u unused pools * %d bytes# bytes lost to pool headers# bytes lost to quantization# bytes lost to arena alignmentTotal arena map counts # arena map mid nodes# arena map bot nodes# bytes lost to arena map root# bytes lost to arena map mid# bytes lost to arena map botOrderedDict changed size during iterationneed more than 0 values to unpackexpected PickleBuffer, %.200s foundoperation forbidden on released PickleBuffer objectcannot extract raw buffer from non-contiguous bufferrange() arg 3 must not be zerorange expected at least 1 argument, got 0range expected at most 3 arguments, got %zd%R is not in rangerange(%R, %R)D:\a\1\s\Objects\setobject.cdeallocating dummy_deallocEllipsisType takes no argumentsslice(%R, %R, %R)length should not be negative(NNN)O(OOO)Missed attribute '%U' of type %ssequencestructseq%.500s() takes a dict as second arg, if any%.500s() takes an at least %zd-sequence (%zd-sequence given)%.500s() takes an at most %zd-sequence (%zd-sequence given)%.500s() takes a %zd-sequence (%zd-sequence given)In structseq_repr(), member %zd name is NULL for type %.500sCan't initialize builtin type %sD:\a\1\s\Objects\structseq.ctuple assignment index out of range(...)can only concatenate tuple (not "%.200s") to tupletuple.index(x): x not in tupletuple indices must be integers or slices, not %.200sfree %d-sized PyTupleObject_PyType_CheckConsistencyD:\a\1\s\Objects\typeobject.c!_PyObject_IsFreed((PyObject *)type)Py_REFCNT(((PyObject*)((type)))) >= 1PyType_Check(((PyObject*)((type))))!is_readying(type)lookup_tp_dict(type) != ((void *)0)type->tp_traverse != ((void *)0)type->tp_new == ((void *)0)PyDict_Contains(lookup_tp_dict(type), &(_PyRuntime.static_objects.singletons.strings.identifiers._py___new__._ascii.ob_base)) == 0no more type watcher IDs availableInvalid type watcher ID %dNo type watcher set for ID %dCannot watch non-typecannot set '%s' attribute of immutable type '%s'cannot delete '%s' attribute of immutable type '%s'can only assign string to %s.__name__, not '%s'type name must not contain null characterscan only assign string to %s.__qualname__, not '%s'can only assign tuple to %s.__bases__, not %scan only assign non-empty tuple to %s.__bases__, not ()%s.__bases__ must be tuple of classes, not '%s'a __bases__ item causes an inheritance cyclecannot set '__annotations__' attribute of immutable type '%s'type() takes 1 or 3 argumentsduplicate base class %Uduplicate base classCannot create a consistent method resolution order (MRO) for bases %sCannot extend an incomplete type '%.100s'mro() returned a non-class ('%.500s')mro() returned base with unsuitable layout ('%.500s')type MRO must not be emptybases must be typestype '%.100s' is not an acceptable base typemultiple bases have instance lay-out conflictthis __dict__ descriptor does not support '%.200s' objectsThis object has no __weakref____slots__ items must be strings, not '%.200s'__slots__ must be identifierstype.__init__() takes no keyword argumentstype.__init__() takes 1 or 3 argumentsmetaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases__dict__ slot disallowed: we already got one__weakref__ slot disallowed: we already got one%R in __slots__ conflicts with class variablenonempty __slots__ not supported for subtype of '%s'type __qualname__ must be a str, not %s__classcell__ must be a nonlocal cell, not %.200R__classdictcell__ must be a nonlocal cell, not %.200Rtype() doesn't support MRO entry resolution; use types.new_class()Py_tp_bases is not a tupletp_basicsize for type '%s' (%d) is too small for base '%s' (%d)weaklist offset %d is out of bounds for type '%s' (tp_basicsize = %d)dict offset %d is out of bounds for type '%s' (tp_basicsize = %d)vectorcall offset %d is out of bounds for type '%s' (tp_basicsize = %d)invalid slot offsetMultiple Py_tp_members slots are not supported.With Py_RELATIVE_OFFSET, basicsize must be negative.Member offset out of range (0..-basicsize)Multiple Py_tp_doc slots are not supported.Type spec does not define the name field.Creating immutable type %s from mutable base %s is deprecated, and slated to be disallowed in Python 3.14.Metaclass '%R' is not a subclass of 'type'.Type %s uses PyType_Spec with a metaclass that has custom tp_new. This is deprecated and will no longer be allowed in Python 3.14.Metaclasses with custom tp_new are not supported.Cannot extend variable-size class without Py_TPFLAGS_ITEMS_AT_END.builtin type %.200s has no __module__ attributePyType_GetModule: Type '%s' is not a heap typePyType_GetModule: Type '%s' has no associated moduleOut of memory interning an attribute nametype_traverse() called on non-heap type '%.100s'type_traverseobject.__init__() takes exactly one argument (the instance to initialize)%.200s.__init__() takes exactly one argument (the instance to initialize)object.__new__() takes exactly one argument (the type to instantiate)%s assignment: '%s' deallocator differs from '%s'%s assignment: '%s' object layout differs from '%s'can't delete __class__ attribute__class__ must be set to a class, not '%s' object__class__ assignment only supported for mutable types or ModuleType subclasses%.200s.__slotnames__ should be a list or None, not %.200scopyreg._slotnames didn't return a list or None__slotsname__ changed size during iteration__getnewargs_ex__ should return a tuple, not '%.200s'__getnewargs_ex__ should return a tuple of length 2, not %zdfirst item of the tuple returned by __getnewargs_ex__ must be a tuple, not '%.200s'second item of the tuple returned by __getnewargs_ex__ must be a dict, not '%.200s'__getnewargs__ should return a tuple, not '%.200s'method cannot be both class and staticType does not define the tp_name field.type %s has the Py_TPFLAGS_MANAGED_DICT flag but tp_dictoffset is settype %s has the Py_TPFLAGS_MANAGED_WEAKREF flag but tp_weaklistoffset is settype '%.100s' is not dynamically allocated but its base type '%.100s' is dynamically allocatedtype '%.100s' participates in gc and is a base type but has inappropriate tp_free slottype %s has the Py_TPFLAGS_MANAGED_DICT flag but not Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE flagtype %s has the Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC flag but has no traverse functiontype %s has the Py_TPFLAGS_MANAGED_DICT flag but tp_dictoffset is set to incompatible valuetype %s has a tp_dictoffset that is too smallPyArg_UnpackTuple() argument list is not a tuplecan't apply this %s to %s object__get__(None, None) is invalidbuffer flags too largeexpected a memoryview objectmemoryview's buffer is not this objectmemoryview's buffer has already been released__new__() called with non-type 'self'%s.__new__(): not enough arguments%s.__new__(%s): %s is not a subtype of %s%s.__new__(%s) is not safe, use %s.__new__()__len__() should return >= 0'%.200s' object is not a container__bool__ should return bool, returned %s__hash__ method should return an integer__init__() should return None, not '%.200s'__buffer__ returned non-memoryview objectobject %.50s does not have __await__ methodobject %.50s does not have __aiter__ methodobject %.50s does not have __anext__ method, <%s object>>, NULL>super(type, obj): obj must be an instance or subtype of typesuper(): no argumentssuper(): arg[0] deletedsuper(): bad __class__ cellsuper(): empty __class__ cellsuper(): __class__ is not a type (%s)super(): __class__ cell not found|O!O:supersuper(): no current framesuper()super() argument 1 must be a type, not %.200sparamspecargsparamspeckwargsparamspectypevartupletypealias_make_unionUnpackBivariant types are not supported.Variance cannot be specified with infer_variance.constraints must be a tupleA single constraint is not allowedConstraints cannot be combined with bound=...Cannot subclass an instance of TypeVar%U.args%R.argsCannot subclass an instance of ParamSpecArgs%U.kwargs%R.kwargsCannot subclass an instance of ParamSpecKwargsCannot subclass an instance of ParamSpecCannot subclass an instance of TypeVarTupleOnly generic type aliases are subscriptabletype_params must be a tupleCannot find Generic typexmlcharrefreplace_PyUnicode_CheckConsistencyPyType_HasFeature((Py_TYPE(((PyObject*)((op))))), ((1UL << 28)))kind == PyUnicode_1BYTE_KINDkind == PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND || kind == PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND || kind == PyUnicode_4BYTE_KINDascii->state.ascii == 0compact->utf8 != datadata != ((void *)0)compact->utf8 == datacompact->utf8_length == ascii->lengthcompact->utf8_length == 0maxchar >= 128maxchar <= 255maxchar < 128maxchar >= 0x100maxchar <= 0xFFFFmaxchar >= 0x10000maxchar <= 0x10ffffPyUnicode_READ(((int)(kind)), ((const void*)(data)), (ascii->length)) == 0encoded result is too long for a Python stringlegacy asciilegacy latin1legacy UCS2legacy UCS4UCS2UCS4Cannot modify a string currently usedhow_many cannot be negativeCannot write %zi characters at %zi in a string of %zi charactersCannot copy %s characters into a string of %s characterscharacter U+%x is not in range [U+0000; U+%x]input too longstring is longer than the buffer%o%lo%llo%zo%to%jocharacter argument not in range(0x110000)invalid format string: %sPyUnicode_FromFormatV() expects an ASCII-encoded format string, got a non-ASCII byte: 0x%02xargument must be str, not %.50sargument must be str or None, not %.50sCan't convert '%.100s' object to str implicitlydecoding to str: need a bytes-like object, %.80s foundPyUnicode_AsDecodedObject() is deprecated; use PyCodec_Decode() to decode from strPyUnicode_AsDecodedUnicode() is deprecated; use PyCodec_Decode() to decode from str to strPyUnicode_AsEncodedObject() is deprecated; use PyUnicode_AsEncodedString() to encode from str to bytes or PyCodec_Encode() for generic encodingunsupported error handlerencoder %s returned bytearray instead of bytes; use codecs.encode() to encode to arbitrary typesPyUnicode_AsEncodedUnicode() is deprecated; use PyCodec_Encode() to encode from str to str'%.400s' encoder returned '%.400s' instead of 'str'; use codecs.encode() to encode to arbitrary typespath should be string, bytes, or os.PathLike, not %.200sPyUnicode_GetSize has been removed.character out of rangedecoded result is too long for a Python string\N escapes not supported (can't load unicodedata module)CP_UTF7unable to encode error handler result to ASCIIcharacter mapping must return integer, None or strcharacter mapping must be in range(256)character mapping must return integer, bytes or None, not %.400sUn;translating error handler must return (str, int) tuplestring is too longseparator: expected str instance, %.80s foundjoin() result is too long for a Python stringfill character is bigger than the string maximum characterpadded string is too longreplace string is too longThe fill character must be a unicode character, not %.100sThe fill character must be exactly one character longCan't compare %.100s and %.100s'in ' requires string as left operand, not %.100sstrings are too large to concatnew string is too long%s arg must be None or strrepeated string is too longstring is too long to generate reprif you give only one argument to maketrans it must be a dictMissing ']' in format stringend of string while looking for conversion specifierUnknown conversion specifier \x%xprecision too largestring too large in _PyUnicode_FormatLong_PyUnicode_InitGlobalObjectsfailed to create interned dict_PyUnicode_InitTypesCan't initialize unicode typescannot decode %sinit_stdio_encodingfailed to get the Python codec name of the stdio encodingunknown filesystem error handlercannot initialize filesystem codecweak object has gone awayWeakref proxy referenced a non-iterator '%.200s' object%sinput line too longcan't re-enter readline# type: utf-8-iso-8859-1iso-latin-1latin-1-iso-8859-1-iso-latin-1-encoding problem: %sencoding problem: %s with BOMisisOOONon-UTF-8 code starting with '\x%.2x' in file %U on line %i, but no encoding declared; see for detailsreadline() returned a non-bytes objectreadline() returned a non-string object%Undlseotinvalid %s literalinvalid character '%c' (U+%04X)invalid decimal literalinvalid hexadecimal literalinvalid digit '%c' in octal literalinvalid octal literalinvalid digit '%c' in binary literalinvalid binary literalleading zeros in decimal integer literals are not permitted; use an 0o prefix for octal integersunterminated triple-quoted string literal (detected at line %d)unmatched '%c'closing parenthesis '%c' does not match opening parenthesis '%c' on line %dENDMARKERNAMENUMBERSTRINGNEWLINEINDENTDEDENTLPARRPARLSQBRSQBCOLONCOMMASEMIPLUSMINUSSTARSLASHVBARAMPERLESSGREATEREQUALDOTPERCENTLBRACERBRACEEQEQUALNOTEQUALLESSEQUALGREATEREQUALTILDECIRCUMFLEXLEFTSHIFTRIGHTSHIFTDOUBLESTARPLUSEQUALMINEQUALSTAREQUALSLASHEQUALPERCENTEQUALAMPEREQUALVBAREQUALCIRCUMFLEXEQUALLEFTSHIFTEQUALRIGHTSHIFTEQUALDOUBLESTAREQUALDOUBLESLASHDOUBLESLASHEQUALATATEQUALRARROWELLIPSISCOLONEQUALEXCLAMATIONOPAWAITASYNCTYPE_IGNORETYPE_COMMENTSOFT_KEYWORDFSTRING_STARTFSTRING_MIDDLEFSTRING_ENDCOMMENTNLeast_asian_widthWexpected '%s'Underscores in numeric literals are only supported in Python 3.6 and greater%S - Consider hexadecimal for huge integer literals to avoid decimal conversion limits.incomplete inputmultiple statements found while compiling a single statement(OiiO)invalid tokenunexpected EOF while parsingtoo many levels of indentationParser column offset overflow - source line is too bigunknown parsing errorvalue error(%s) unknown errorerror at start before reading any inputunexpected indentunexpected unindent<>with Barry as BDFL, use '<>' instead of '!='attributesubscriptstarredfunction callexpressiongenerator expressionlist comprehensionset comprehensiondict comprehensiondict literalset displayf-string expressionliteralcomparisonconditional expressionunexpected expression in assignment %d (line %d)positional argument follows keyword argument unpackingpositional argument follows keyword argumentGenerator expression must be parenthesizedcannot assign to %scannot delete %scannot use constraints with TypeVarTuplecannot use bound with TypeVarTuplecannot use constraints with ParamSpeccannot use bound with ParamSpecAsync comprehensions areInvalid star expressioniterable argument unpacking follows keyword argument unpackinginvalid syntax. Maybe you meant '==' or ':=' instead of '='?expected argument value expressionexpression cannot contain assignment, perhaps you meant "=="?cannot assign to keyword argument unpackingexpected 'else' after 'if' expressioncannot use assignment expressions with %sonly single target (not %s) can be annotatedonly single target (not tuple) can be annotatedillegal target for annotationexpected an indented blockiterable unpacking cannot be used in comprehensiondid you forget parentheses around the comprehension target?dict unpacking cannot be used in dict comprehensionat least one argument must precede // may appear only onceparameter without a default follows parameter with a defaultFunction parameters cannot be parenthesized/ must be ahead of *expected comma between / and *expected default value expressionnamed arguments must follow bare *bare * has associated type commentvar-positional argument cannot have default value* argument may appear only oncevar-keyword argument cannot have default valuearguments cannot follow var-keyword argumentLambda expression parameters cannot be parenthesizedCannot have two type comments on defcannot use starred expression herecannot use double starred expression hereDid you mean to use 'from ... import ...' instead?trailing comma not allowed without surrounding parenthesesexpected ':'expected an indented block after 'with' statement on line %dexpected an indented block after 'try' statement on line %dexpected 'except' or 'finally' blockcannot have both 'except' and 'except*' on the same 'try'multiple exception types must be parenthesizedexpected one or more exception typesexpected an indented block after 'finally' statement on line %dexpected an indented block after 'except' statement on line %dexpected an indented block after 'except*' statement on line %dexpected an indented block after 'match' statement on line %dexpected an indented block after 'case' statement on line %dinvalid pattern targetpositional patterns follow keyword patternsexpected an indented block after 'if' statement on line %dexpected an indented block after 'elif' statement on line %dexpected an indented block after 'else' statement on line %dexpected an indented block after 'while' statement on line %dexpected an indented block after 'for' statement on line %dexpected an indented block after function definition on line %dexpected an indented block after class definition on line %dcannot use a starred expression in a dictionary valueexpression expected after dictionary key and ':'':' expected after dictionary keycannot assign to iterable argument unpackingf-string: expecting '!', or ':', or '}'D:\a\1\s\Parser\string_parser.cstring to parse is too longbad operand typesub_keyreservedargument 'sub_key'argument 4winreg.PyHKEY.DetachNone is not a valid HKEY in this contextThe object is not a PyHKEY objectObjects of type '%s' can not be used as binary registry valuesunwinreg.ConnectRegistrywinreg.CreateKeywinreg.OpenKey/resultwinreg.DeleteKeynuwinreg.DeleteValueniwinreg.EnumKeywinreg.EnumValueuOiwinreg.ExpandEnvironmentStringswinreg.LoadKeywinreg.SaveKeytype must be winreg.REG_SZvalue is too longnunu#winreg.SetValueCould not convert the data to the specified type.nunOwinreg.DisableReflectionKeyadvapi32.dllRegDisableReflectionKeynot implemented on this platformwinreg.EnableReflectionKeyRegEnableReflectionKeywinreg.QueryReflectionKeyRegQueryReflectionKeyiilmsvcrt.locking(i)msvcrt.get_osfhandleargument 'skip_file_prefixes'registrymodule_globalsargument 'filename'warnings_get_state: could not identify current interpreter_warnings.onceregistry must be a dict, not '%.200s'_warnings.defaultaction must be a string, not '%.200s'_warnings.filters must be a list_warnings.filters item %zd isn't a 5-tupleaction must be a string, not '%.200s'lost sys.stderr warnings._showwarnmsg() must be set to a callableunable to get warnings.WarningMessage'registry' must be a dict or NoneUnrecognized action (%R) in warnings.filters: %RFound non-str '%s' in skip_file_prefixes.category must be a Warning subclass, not '%s'module_globals must be a dict, not '%.200s'coroutine '%S' was never awaitedidentifier field can't represent '%s' constantcomprehension with no generatorsAST node line range (%d, %d) is not validAST node column range (%d, %d) for line range (%d, %d) is not validline %d, column %d-%d is not a valid rangemore positional defaults than args on argumentslength of kwonlyargs is not the same as kw_defaults on argumentsmaximum recursion depth exceeded during compilationgot an invalid type in Constant: %sexpression which can't be assigned to in %s contextexpression must have %s context but has %s insteadBoolOp with less than 2 valuesDict doesn't have the same number of keys as valuesCompare with no comparatorsCompare has a different number of comparators and operandsNamedExpr target must be a Nameunexpected expressionunexpected constant inside of a literal patterncan't capture name '_' in patternsMatchSingleton can only contain True, False and NoneMatchMapping doesn't have the same number of keys as patternsMatchClass doesn't have the same number of keyword attributes as patternsMatchClass cls field can only contain Name or Attribute nodes.can't use MatchStar hereMatchAs must specify a target name if a pattern is givenMatchOr requires at least 2 patternsunexpected patternempty %s on %sAnnAssign with simple non-Name targetTypeAlias with non-Name nameRaise with cause but no exceptionTry has neither except handlers nor finalbodyTry has orelse but no except handlersTryStar has neither except handlers nor finalbodyTryStar has orelse but no except handlersNegative ImportFrom levelunexpected statementNone disallowed in statement listNone disallowed in expression listimpossible module nodeAST validator recursion depth mismatch (before=%d, after=%d)AST optimizer recursion depth mismatch (before=%d, after=%d) and or + - * @ / % << >> ^ & // ** unknown binary operator~not unknown unary operator=, /**lambda if else {}, async for for in == != < <= > >= is is not not in unexpected comparison kindunknown expression kind inside f-string{ !a!r!sunknown f-value conversion kind .(yield)(yield (yield from await := unknown expression kind__mro_entries__ must return a tuple__build_class__: not enough arguments__build_class__: func must be a function__build_class__: name is not a string%.200s.__prepare__() must return a mapping, not %.200s__class__ not set defining %.200R as %.200R. Was __classcell__ propagated to type.__new__?__class__ set to %.200R defining %.200R as %.200Rlost sys.breakpointhookbuiltins.breakpointcompile(): unrecognised flagscompile(): invalid optimize valuefunc_typecompile() mode 'func_type' requires flag PyCF_ONLY_ASTcompile() mode must be 'exec', 'eval', 'single' or 'func_type'compile() mode must be 'exec', 'eval' or 'single'locals must be a mappingglobals must be a real dict; try eval(expr, {}, mapping)globals must be a dictcode object passed to eval() may not contain free variablesglobals and locals cannot be NULLexec() globals must be a dict, not %.100slocals must be a mapping or None, not %.100scannot use a closure with this code objectcode object requires a closure of exactly length %zdclosure can only be used when source is a code object'%.200s' object is not an iteratoriter(object, sentinel): object must be callable'%.200s' object is not an async iterator%s expected at least 1 argument, got 0Cannot specify a default for %s() with multiple positional arguments%s() iterable argument is emptyord() expected string of length 1, but %.200s foundlost sys.stdoutsep must be None or a string, not %.200send must be None or a string, not %.200sinput(): lost sys.stdininput(): lost sys.stdoutinput(): lost sys.stderrinput: input too longbuiltins.input/resulttype %.100s doesn't define __round__ methodsum() can't sum strings [use ''.join(seq) instead]sum() can't sum bytes [use b''.join(seq) instead]sum() can't sum bytearray [use b''.join(seq) instead]s 1-zip() argument %d is shorter than argument%s%dzip() argument %d is longer than argument%s%d_Py_HashRandomization_Initfailed to get random numbers to initialize PythonCannot recover from stack overflow._Py_CheckRecursiveCallcalled match pattern must be a classCannot recover from Python stack overflow._Py_CheckRecursiveCallPybad RAISE_VARARGS oparg'async for' received an object from __aiter__ that does not implement __anext__: %.100s'async for' requires an object with __aiter__ method, got %.100s'async for' received an invalid object from __anext__: %.100s'async for' requires an iterator with __anext__ method, got %.100slasti is not an intcoroutine is being awaited alreadyno locals found when storing %R__build_class__ not foundno locals when deleting %Rno locals foundbad BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP keys argumentno locals found when setting up annotationscannot 'yield from' a coroutine object in a non-coroutine generator'%.200s' object is not a mapping'%.200s' object does not support the asynchronous context manager protocol (missed __aexit__ method)'%.200s' object does not support the asynchronous context manager protocol'%.200s' object does not support the context manager protocol (missed __exit__ method)'%.200s' object does not support the context manager protocol%U:%d: unknown opcode %dunexpected conversion flag %derror return without exception setcannot access local variable '%s' where it is not associated with a value, %U, and %U%U() keywords must be strings%U() got some positional-only arguments passed as keyword arguments: '%U'%U() got multiple values for argument '%S'calling %R should have returned an instance of BaseException, not %RNo active exception to reraiseexception causes must derive from BaseExceptionexceptions must derive from BaseExceptionnot enough values to unpack (expected at least %d, got %d)in PyEval_SetProfilenot enough values to unpack (expected at least %d, got %zd)in PyEval_SetTracein PyEval_SetProfileAllThreadsdepth must be >= 0in PyEval_SetTraceAllThreadssys.set_asyncgen_hook_finalizersys.set_asyncgen_hook_firstiter object__import__ not foundslice indices must be integers or have an __index__ methodcannot import name %R from %R (unknown location)catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowedcatching ExceptionGroup with except* is not allowed. Use except instead.%U got multiple values for keyword argument '%S''async with' received an object from __aenter__ that does not implement __await__: %.100s'async with' received an object from __aexit__ that does not implement __await__: %.100s_Py_normalize_encoding() failedstring is too largeno codec search functions registered: can't find encodinghandler must be callablecodec must pass exception instancedon't know how to handle %.200s in error callbackno symtabletoo many statically nested blockson removing the last compiler stack itemmodule kind %d should not be possible'break', 'continue' and 'return' cannot appear in an except* block_PyST_GetScope(name=%R) failed: unknown scope in unit %S (%R); symbols: %R; locals: %R; globals: %Rcompiler_lookup_arg(name=%R) with reftype=%d failed in %S; freevars of code %S: %R"is not" with '%.200s' literal. Did you mean "!="?"is" with '%.200s' literal. Did you mean "=="?'return' outside function'async for' outside async function'break' outside loop'return' with value in async generatordefault 'except:' must be last'continue' not properly in loopassertion is always true, perhaps remove parentheses?from __future__ imports must occur at the beginning of the fileunary op %d should not be possibletoo many expressions in star-unpacking assignmentmultiple starred expressions in assignment%.200s indices must be integers or slices, not %.200s; perhaps you missed a comma?'%.200s' object is not subscriptable; perhaps you missed a comma?Unrecognized conversion character %dkeyword argument repeated: %Uunknown comprehension type %dasynchronous comprehension outside of an asynchronous function'async with' outside async function'await' outside function'yield from' inside async functionstarred assignment target must be in a list or tuple'await' outside async functioninvalid node type (%d) for augmented assignmentinvalid node type (%d) for annotated assignmenttoo many expressions in star-unpacking sequence patternmultiple starred expressions in sequence patterntoo many sub-patterns in class pattern %Rkwd_attrs (%d) / kwd_patterns (%d) length mismatch in class patterntoo many sub-patterns in mapping patternkeys (%d) / patterns (%d) length mismatch in mapping patterncan't use NULL keys in MatchMapping (set 'rest' parameter instead)expected a 6-tupleinvalid match pattern node in AST (kind=%d)(iiiiii)label out of rangequalnameexpected an ASTconstsfreevarscellvarsposonlyargcountargcountkwonlyargcountan instance of Context was expectedcannot exit context: %R has not been enteredcannot enter context: %R is already enteredan instance of ContextVar was expectedcannot exit context: thread state references a different context object%R has already been used oncean instance of Token was expected%R was created in a different Context%R was created by a different ContextVarContext() does not accept any argumentsa ContextVar key was expected, got %Rrun() missing 1 required positional argumentcontext variable name must be a str default=expected an instance of Token, got %R_PyContext_Initcan't init context typesDLLs\python3DLL load failed with error code %u while importing %sDLL load failed while importing %s: Module use of %.150s conflicts with this version of Python.Normalization failed: type=%s_PyErr_SetObject: exception %R is not a BaseException subclassNormalization failed: type=%s args=%SCannot recover from MemoryErrors while normalizing exceptions.maximum recursion depth exceeded while normalizing an exceptionCannot recover from the recursive normalization of an exception._PyErr_NormalizeException_PyErr_ChainExceptions: exception %R is not a BaseException subclassWindows Error 0x%xexpected a message argumentexpected a subclass of ImportErrorbad argument to internal function%s:%d: bad argument to internal functionPyErr_NewException: name must be module.classfailed to initialize UnraisableHookArgs type_PyErr_InitTypessys.unraisablehook argument type must be UnraisableHookArgsException ignored %sException ignored on building sys.unraisablehook argumentsException ignored in sys.unraisablehookException ignored in audit hookdecoding errorstr file path expected under Windows, got %Rmalformed control flow graph.jump with NULL targetcompiler PyCompile_OpcodeStackEffectWithJump(opcode=%d, arg=%i) failedtoo many constantsInternal error: failed to get value of a constantUnknown format code '\x%x' for object of type '%.200s'Cannot specify '%c' with '\x%x'.Format specifier missing precisionnon-ascii grouped digitInvalid format specifier '%U' for object of type '%.200s'Negative zero coercion (z) not allowed in string format specifierbracesfuture feature %.100s is not definednot a chancetoo many tuple nesting levels in argument format stringexcess ')' in getargs formatvgetargs1_impl%.200s%s takes no argumentsmissing ')' in getargs formatold style getargs format uses new features%.200s%s takes at least one argumentbad format string: %.200s, item %dmust be %d-item sequence, not %.50smust be sequence of length %d, not %zdis not retrievable(unknown parser marker combination)(encoding failed)(buffer is NULL)(buffer_len is NULL)str, bytes or bytearrayencoded string without null bytesencoded string too long (%zd, maximum length %zd)(invalid use of 'w' format character)(unspecified)read-only bytes-like object(impossible)D:\a\1\s\Python\getargs.cbytes-like objectEmpty keyword parameter nameinvalid keyword argument for %.200s%sInvalid format string ($ before |)Invalid format string (| specified twice)Empty parameter name after $Invalid format string ($ specified twice)%.200s%s takes no positional argumentsMore keyword list entries (%d) than format specifiers (%d)more argument specifiers than keyword list entries (remaining format:'%s')%s: '%s'argument for %.200s%s given by name ('%U') and position (%d)check-hash-based-pycshelp-envhelp-allhelp-xoptionsexpected long option Argument expected for the %ls options unknown option %ls -J is reserved for Jython Argument expected for the -%c option Unknown option: -%c create_gilPyCOND_INIT(gil->cond) failedPyCOND_FINI(gil->cond) failedPyCOND_INIT(gil->switch_cond) faileddestroy_gilPyCOND_FINI(gil->switch_cond) faileddrop_gildrop_gil: GIL is not lockedPyCOND_SIGNAL(gil->cond) failedPyCOND_WAIT(gil->switch_cond) failedPyCOND_WAIT(gil->cond) failedtake_gilPyEval_AcquireLockPyCOND_SIGNAL(gil->switch_cond) failedwrong thread statenon-NULL old thread statePyEval_ReleaseThreadD:\a\1\s\Python\ceval_gil.c_Py_HandlePendingtstate mix-uporphan tstatewithdatainterpreter has no modules dictionaryargument 'source'no import module dictionaryPyImport_GetModuleDictInterpreters module-list not accessible.invalid module index_modules_by_index_clear_oneModule index out of bounds.module definition is NULLPyState_AddModule called on module with slotsmodule %p already addedPyState_AddModulemodule %s does not support loading in subinterpretersPyState_RemoveModule called on module with slotsimport %U # previously loaded (%R) D:\a\1\s\Python\import.cPyImport_ExtendInittabPyImport_ExtendInittab() may not be called after Py_Initialize()PyImport_AppendInittabPyImport_AppendInittab() may not be called after Py_Initialize()PyImport_ExecCodeModuleWithPathnamesNo such frozen object named %RLoaded module %R not found in sys.modulesExcluded frozen object named %RFrozen modules are disabled and the frozen object named %R is not essentialfrozen object %R is not a code objectFrozen object named %R is invalid__path__import _frozen_importlib # frozen import _imp # builtin _bless_my_loadersys.path_hooks is not a listsys.path_importer_cache is not a dictlost sys.path_importer_cachelost sys.path_hookspackage must be a string'__name__' not in globals__spec__.parent must be a string__package__ != __spec__.parent__name__ must be a stringcan't resolve package from __spec__ or __package__, falling back on __name__ and __path__attempted relative import with no known parent packageattempted relative import beyond top-level packageimport time: %9ld | %10ld | %*s%s import time: self [us] | cumulative | imported package module name must be a string%R not in sys.modules as expectedlevel must be >= 0_PyImport_Init_PyImport_InitCoreglobal import state already initializedfailed to initialize importlib# installing zipimport hook unable to get sys.path_hooks# can't import zipimport.zipimporter _PyImport_InitExternal# installed zipimport hook initializing zipimport failedexternal importer setup failedname must be string, not %.200snot holding the import lock_imp._override_multi_interp_extensions_check() cannot be used in the main interpreterpunycodedynamic module does not define module export function (%s_%s) must be a stringinitialization of %s raised unreported exceptioninitialization of %s failed without raising an exceptioninitialization of %s did not return PyModuleDefinit function of %s returned uninitialized objectinitialization of %s did not return an extension module%s() expects an error PyStatus_PyErr_SetFromPyStatusPyWideStringList_Insert index must be >= 0PyWideStringList_Insertconfig_set_bytes_string_PyConfig_Copycannot decode stringmissing config key: %sdict expectedPYTHONHASHSEED must be "random" or an integer in range [0; 4294967295]config_init_hash_seedPYTHONTRACEMALLOC: invalid number of framesconfig_init_tracemalloc-X tracemalloc=NFRAME: invalid number of framesconfig_init_int_max_str_digits-X int_max_str_digits: invalid limit; must be >= 640 or 0 for unlimited.PYTHONINTMAXSTRDIGITS: invalid limit; must be >= 640 or 0 for unlimited.config_init_pycache_prefixconfig_get_locale_encodingconfig_init_stdio_encodingonbad value for option -X frozen_modules (expected "on" or "off")offTry `python -h' for more information. _PyConfig_Writeconfig_parse_cmdlineneveralwaysPython %s --check-hash-based-pycs must be one of 'default', 'always', or 'never' error::BytesWarning,config_update_argvdefault::BytesWarningconfig_run_filename_abspathcore_read_precmdline_PyConfig_ReadPyConfig_SetWideStringList\'\u%04x\x%02xlost sys.displayhookinvalid intrinsic functionmodule __name__ must be a string, not %.100sfrom-import-* object has no __dict__ and no __all__Key__all__%s in %U.%s must be str, not %.100sItemno locals found during 'import *'coroutine raised StopIterationasync generator raised StopIterationasync generator raised StopAsyncIterationtool %d is not in useCannot disable %s events. Callback removed.cannot instrument shim code object '%U'invalid tool %d (must be between 0 and 5)tool %d is already in usetool name must be a strinvalid event %dThe callback can only be set for one event at a timeinvalid event set 0x%xsys.monitoring.register_callbackcode must be a code objectcannot set C_RETURN or C_RAISE events independentlyinvalid local event set 0x%xMissing frame when calling trace function.Missing frame when calling profile function.sys.setprofiletoo many objectsmarshal data too shortbad marshal data (unnormalized long data)bad marshal data (long size out of range)bad marshal data (index list too large)bad marshal data (digit out of range in long)recursion limit exceededEOF read where object expectedbad marshal data (string size out of range)bad marshal data (bytes object size out of range)NULL object in marshal data for tuplebad marshal data (tuple size out of range)NULL object in marshal data for listbad marshal data (list size out of range)NULL object in marshal data for setbad marshal data (set size out of range)bad marshal data (invalid reference)NULL object in marshal data for code objectXXX readobject called with exception set bad marshal data (unknown type code)marshal.loadunmarshallable objectNULL object in marshal data for returned not bytes but %.100sobject too deeply nested to marshalstring too long for Python stringBad dict formatNULL object passed to Py_BuildValuestring too long for Python bytesPyModule_AddObjectRef() first argument must be a modulebad format char passed to Py_BuildValuemodule '%s' has no __dict__PyModule_AddObjectRef() must be called with an exception raised if value is NULLout of memory_PyPathConfig_UpdateGlobalPy_SetPythonHomePy_SetPath_Py_SetProgramFullPathPy_SetProgramNamecannot decode command line arguments_PyArgv_AsWstrListinvalid -X utf8 option valuepreconfig_init_utf8_modeinvalid PYTHONUTF8 environment variable value011preconfig_init_allocatorPYTHONMALLOC: unknown allocator_PyPreConfig_ReadEncoding changed twice while reading the configurationfailed to LC_CTYPE localeUnknown PYTHONMALLOC allocator_PyPreConfig_WriteC.UTF-8UTF-8C.utf8failed to read thread statepyinit_core_reconfigurepycore_init_runtimecan't make main interpreterinit_interp_settingsmain interpreter already initializedinit_interp_create_gilper-interpreter obmalloc does not support single-phase init extension modulespycore_create_interpreterinvalid interpreter config 'gil' valuepycore_init_typescan't make first threadfailed to initialize an exception typefailed to create interpreter trampoline.pycore_init_builtinscan't initialize builtins modulefailed to add exceptions to builtinsfailed to initialize deep-frozen modulespycore_interp_init_Py_PreInitializeFromPyArgvcan't initialize warningspyinit_main_reconfigurepreinitialization config is NULLinit_interp_mainfail to reconfigure Pythoncan't initialize signalsfailed to update the Python configcan't initialize sys.path[0]can't start tracemalloc'import warnings' failed; traceback: runtime core not initializedpyinit_maininitialization config is NULLPy_InitializeFromConfig# restore sys.%s # clear builtins._ # cleanup[3] wiping %U # cleanup[2] removing %U # cleanup[3] wiping builtins # cleanup[3] wiping sys Py_Initialize must be called firstnew_interpreterPy_EndInterpreterthread is not currentnot the last threadthread still has a framecan't create __main__ moduleadd_main_moduleFailed to test __main__.__builtins__Failed to initialize __main__.__annotations__Failed to initialize __main__.__builtins__Failed to retrieve builtins moduleFailed to retrieve BuiltinImporterFailed to test __main__.__loader__Failed to initialize __main__.__loader__init_import_siteFailed to import the site moduleinit_sys_streamscan't initialize sys standard streamsinitializedfinalizing (tstate=0xpreinitializedpreinitializing (total: Extension modules: %s: bug likely caused by a refcount error in a C extension???Py_ExitStatusException() must not be called on successQueryPerformanceFrequency is too largefailed to set current tstate (TSS)failed to clear current tstate (TSS)gilstate_tss_setruntime already initializedgilstate_tss_clear_PyRuntimeState_Initinit_runtimeCan't initialize threads for interpreter_PyInterpreterState_Enableinit_interpreterinterpreter already initializedfailed to get an interpreter IDNULL interpreterremaining threadsPyInterpreterState_Deleteremaining subinterpretersno interpreter providedcurrent tstate has wrong interpreterinterpreter not initializedfailed to create init interpreter ID mutexunrecognized interpreter ID %lldinit_threadstatethread state already initialized_PyThreadState_Init_PyThreadState_Init() is for internal use onlyPyThreadState_Clear: warning: thread still has a generator PyThreadState_Clear: warning: thread still has a frame tstate %p is still currenttstate_delete_commonPyThreadState_Deletezapthreads_PyThread_CurrentExceptionssys._current_framesCouldn't create thread-state for new threadsys._current_exceptionsauto-releasing thread-state, but no thread-state for this threadPyGILState_Ensuremissing new_object funcmissing interponly classes may be registered%S does not support cross-interpreter datatry sending as bytesmissing 'getdata' func_register_builtins_for_crossinterpreter_datacould not register None for cross-interpreter sharingcould not register bytes for cross-interpreter sharingcould not register int for cross-interpreter sharingcould not register str for cross-interpreter sharingsep must be str or bytes.D:\a\1\s\Python\pystrtod.c%.400s constructor takes at most %zd positional argument%sO()N%.400s got multiple values for argument '%U'AST string must be of type strAST identifier must be of type strinvalid integer value: %Rfield 'body' is required for Expressionfield 'name' is required for FunctionDeffield 'returns' is required for FunctionTypefield 'name' is required for AsyncFunctionDeffield 'args' is required for FunctionDeffield 'name' is required for ClassDeffield 'args' is required for AsyncFunctionDeffield 'name' is required for TypeAliasfield 'value' is required for Assignfield 'target' is required for AugAssignfield 'value' is required for TypeAliasfield 'value' is required for AugAssignfield 'op' is required for AugAssignfield 'annotation' is required for AnnAssignfield 'target' is required for AnnAssignfield 'iter' is required for Forfield 'target' is required for Forfield 'iter' is required for AsyncForfield 'target' is required for AsyncForfield 'test' is required for Iffield 'test' is required for Whilefield 'test' is required for Assertfield 'subject' is required for Matchfield 'value' is required for Exprfield 'value' is required for NamedExprfield 'target' is required for NamedExprfield 'op' is required for BinOpfield 'left' is required for BinOpfield 'op' is required for UnaryOpfield 'right' is required for BinOpfield 'args' is required for Lambdafield 'operand' is required for UnaryOpfield 'test' is required for IfExpfield 'body' is required for Lambdafield 'orelse' is required for IfExpfield 'body' is required for IfExpfield 'elt' is required for SetCompfield 'elt' is required for ListCompfield 'value' is required for DictCompfield 'key' is required for DictCompfield 'value' is required for Awaitfield 'elt' is required for GeneratorExpfield 'left' is required for Comparefield 'value' is required for YieldFromfield 'value' is required for FormattedValuefield 'func' is required for Callfield 'slice' is required for Subscriptfield 'value' is required for Subscriptfield 'value' is required for Starredfield 'ctx' is required for Subscriptfield 'ctx' is required for Starredfield 'target' is required for comprehensionfield 'iter' is required for comprehensionfield 'name' is required for aliasfield 'value' is required for keywordfield 'pattern' is required for match_casefield 'context_expr' is required for withitemfield 'value' is required for MatchValuefield 'tag' is required for TypeIgnorefield 'cls' is required for MatchClassfield 'name' is required for ParamSpecfield 'name' is required for TypeVarmaximum recursion depth exceeded during ast constructionfield 'name' is required for TypeVarTupleModule field "body" must be a list, not a %.200sModule field "type_ignores" must be a list, not a %.200sModule field "body" changed size during iterationInteractive field "body" must be a list, not a %.200sModule field "type_ignores" changed size during iterationInteractive field "body" changed size during iteration while traversing 'Interactive' node while traversing 'Expression' noderequired field "body" missing from Expression while traversing 'FunctionType' nodeFunctionType field "argtypes" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "returns" missing from FunctionTypeFunctionType field "argtypes" changed size during iterationrequired field "lineno" missing from stmtexpected some sort of mod, but got %Rrequired field "col_offset" missing from stmt while traversing 'FunctionDef' noderequired field "name" missing from FunctionDefFunctionDef field "body" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "args" missing from FunctionDefFunctionDef field "decorator_list" must be a list, not a %.200sFunctionDef field "body" changed size during iterationFunctionDef field "type_params" must be a list, not a %.200sFunctionDef field "decorator_list" changed size during iterationrequired field "name" missing from AsyncFunctionDefFunctionDef field "type_params" changed size during iterationrequired field "args" missing from AsyncFunctionDef while traversing 'AsyncFunctionDef' nodeAsyncFunctionDef field "body" changed size during iterationAsyncFunctionDef field "body" must be a list, not a %.200sAsyncFunctionDef field "decorator_list" changed size during iterationAsyncFunctionDef field "decorator_list" must be a list, not a %.200sAsyncFunctionDef field "type_params" changed size during iterationAsyncFunctionDef field "type_params" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'ClassDef' noderequired field "name" missing from ClassDefClassDef field "bases" changed size during iterationClassDef field "bases" must be a list, not a %.200sClassDef field "keywords" changed size during iterationClassDef field "keywords" must be a list, not a %.200sClassDef field "body" changed size during iterationClassDef field "body" must be a list, not a %.200sClassDef field "decorator_list" changed size during iterationClassDef field "decorator_list" must be a list, not a %.200sClassDef field "type_params" changed size during iterationClassDef field "type_params" must be a list, not a %.200sDelete field "targets" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'Return' nodeDelete field "targets" changed size during iteration while traversing 'Delete' nodeAssign field "targets" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "value" missing from AssignAssign field "targets" changed size during iteration while traversing 'TypeAlias' noderequired field "name" missing from TypeAliasTypeAlias field "type_params" changed size during iterationTypeAlias field "type_params" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "target" missing from AugAssignrequired field "value" missing from TypeAliasrequired field "op" missing from AugAssign while traversing 'AugAssign' noderequired field "target" missing from AnnAssignrequired field "value" missing from AugAssignrequired field "annotation" missing from AnnAssign while traversing 'AnnAssign' noderequired field "target" missing from Forrequired field "simple" missing from AnnAssignrequired field "iter" missing from For while traversing 'For' nodeFor field "body" changed size during iterationFor field "body" must be a list, not a %.200sFor field "orelse" changed size during iterationFor field "orelse" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'AsyncFor' noderequired field "target" missing from AsyncForAsyncFor field "body" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "iter" missing from AsyncForAsyncFor field "orelse" must be a list, not a %.200sAsyncFor field "body" changed size during iterationrequired field "test" missing from WhileAsyncFor field "orelse" changed size during iterationWhile field "body" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'While' nodeWhile field "orelse" must be a list, not a %.200sWhile field "body" changed size during iterationrequired field "test" missing from IfWhile field "orelse" changed size during iterationIf field "body" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'If' nodeIf field "orelse" must be a list, not a %.200sIf field "body" changed size during iterationWith field "items" must be a list, not a %.200sIf field "orelse" changed size during iterationWith field "items" changed size during iteration while traversing 'With' nodeWith field "body" changed size during iterationWith field "body" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'AsyncWith' nodeAsyncWith field "items" must be a list, not a %.200sAsyncWith field "body" must be a list, not a %.200sAsyncWith field "items" changed size during iterationrequired field "subject" missing from MatchAsyncWith field "body" changed size during iterationMatch field "cases" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'Match' node while traversing 'Raise' nodeMatch field "cases" changed size during iteration while traversing 'Try' nodeTry field "body" must be a list, not a %.200sTry field "handlers" must be a list, not a %.200sTry field "body" changed size during iterationTry field "orelse" must be a list, not a %.200sTry field "handlers" changed size during iterationTry field "finalbody" must be a list, not a %.200sTry field "orelse" changed size during iterationTryStar field "body" must be a list, not a %.200sTry field "finalbody" changed size during iterationTryStar field "body" changed size during iteration while traversing 'TryStar' nodeTryStar field "handlers" changed size during iterationTryStar field "handlers" must be a list, not a %.200sTryStar field "orelse" changed size during iterationTryStar field "orelse" must be a list, not a %.200sTryStar field "finalbody" changed size during iterationTryStar field "finalbody" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'Assert' noderequired field "test" missing from Assert while traversing 'Import' nodeImport field "names" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'ImportFrom' nodeImport field "names" changed size during iterationImportFrom field "names" changed size during iterationImportFrom field "names" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'Global' nodeGlobal field "names" must be a list, not a %.200sNonlocal field "names" must be a list, not a %.200sGlobal field "names" changed size during iterationNonlocal field "names" changed size during iteration while traversing 'Nonlocal' noderequired field "value" missing from Exprrequired field "lineno" missing from exprexpected some sort of stmt, but got %Rrequired field "col_offset" missing from expr while traversing 'BoolOp' noderequired field "op" missing from BoolOpBoolOp field "values" changed size during iterationBoolOp field "values" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'NamedExpr' noderequired field "target" missing from NamedExprrequired field "left" missing from BinOprequired field "value" missing from NamedExprrequired field "op" missing from BinOprequired field "op" missing from UnaryOprequired field "right" missing from BinOprequired field "operand" missing from UnaryOp while traversing 'UnaryOp' node while traversing 'Lambda' noderequired field "args" missing from Lambdarequired field "test" missing from IfExprequired field "body" missing from Lambdarequired field "body" missing from IfExp while traversing 'IfExp' nodeDict field "keys" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "orelse" missing from IfExpDict field "keys" changed size during iteration while traversing 'Dict' nodeDict field "values" changed size during iterationDict field "values" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'Set' nodeSet field "elts" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "elt" missing from ListCompSet field "elts" changed size during iterationListComp field "generators" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'ListComp' noderequired field "elt" missing from SetCompListComp field "generators" changed size during iterationSetComp field "generators" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'SetComp' noderequired field "key" missing from DictCompSetComp field "generators" changed size during iterationrequired field "value" missing from DictComp while traversing 'DictComp' nodeDictComp field "generators" changed size during iterationDictComp field "generators" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'GeneratorExp' noderequired field "elt" missing from GeneratorExpGeneratorExp field "generators" changed size during iterationGeneratorExp field "generators" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'Await' noderequired field "value" missing from Awaitrequired field "value" missing from YieldFrom while traversing 'Yield' noderequired field "left" missing from Compare while traversing 'YieldFrom' nodeCompare field "ops" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'Compare' nodeCompare field "comparators" must be a list, not a %.200sCompare field "ops" changed size during iterationrequired field "func" missing from CallCompare field "comparators" changed size during iterationCall field "args" must be a list, not a %.200sCall field "keywords" must be a list, not a %.200sCall field "args" changed size during iterationrequired field "value" missing from FormattedValueCall field "keywords" changed size during iterationrequired field "conversion" missing from FormattedValueJoinedStr field "values" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "value" missing from ConstantJoinedStr field "values" changed size during iterationrequired field "value" missing from Attributerequired field "attr" missing from Attribute while traversing 'Attribute' noderequired field "value" missing from Subscriptrequired field "ctx" missing from Attributerequired field "slice" missing from Subscriptrequired field "value" missing from Starredrequired field "ctx" missing from Subscriptrequired field "ctx" missing from Starred while traversing 'Starred' noderequired field "id" missing from NameList field "elts" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "ctx" missing from NameList field "elts" changed size during iteration while traversing 'List' nodeTuple field "elts" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "ctx" missing from ListTuple field "elts" changed size during iteration while traversing 'Tuple' node while traversing 'Slice' noderequired field "ctx" missing from Tupleexpected some sort of expr_context, but got %Rexpected some sort of expr, but got %Rexpected some sort of operator, but got %Rexpected some sort of boolop, but got %Rexpected some sort of cmpop, but got %Rexpected some sort of unaryop, but got %R while traversing 'comprehension' noderequired field "target" missing from comprehensioncomprehension field "ifs" must be a list, not a %.200srequired field "iter" missing from comprehensionrequired field "is_async" missing from comprehensioncomprehension field "ifs" changed size during iteration while traversing 'excepthandler' noderequired field "lineno" missing from excepthandler while traversing 'ExceptHandler' noderequired field "col_offset" missing from excepthandlerExceptHandler field "body" changed size during iterationExceptHandler field "body" must be a list, not a %.200sarguments field "posonlyargs" must be a list, not a %.200sexpected some sort of excepthandler, but got %Rarguments field "posonlyargs" changed size during iteration while traversing 'arguments' nodearguments field "args" changed size during iterationarguments field "args" must be a list, not a %.200sarguments field "kwonlyargs" changed size during iterationarguments field "kwonlyargs" must be a list, not a %.200sarguments field "kw_defaults" changed size during iterationarguments field "kw_defaults" must be a list, not a %.200sarguments field "defaults" changed size during iterationarguments field "defaults" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'arg' noderequired field "arg" missing from argrequired field "col_offset" missing from argrequired field "lineno" missing from argrequired field "value" missing from keyword while traversing 'keyword' noderequired field "col_offset" missing from keywordrequired field "lineno" missing from keyword while traversing 'alias' noderequired field "name" missing from aliasrequired field "col_offset" missing from aliasrequired field "lineno" missing from alias while traversing 'withitem' noderequired field "context_expr" missing from withitem while traversing 'match_case' noderequired field "pattern" missing from match_casematch_case field "body" changed size during iterationmatch_case field "body" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'pattern' noderequired field "lineno" missing from patternrequired field "end_lineno" missing from patternrequired field "col_offset" missing from patternrequired field "value" missing from MatchValuerequired field "end_col_offset" missing from patternrequired field "value" missing from MatchSingleton while traversing 'MatchValue' nodeMatchSequence field "patterns" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'MatchSingleton' nodeMatchSequence field "patterns" changed size during iteration while traversing 'MatchSequence' node while traversing 'MatchMapping' nodeMatchMapping field "keys" must be a list, not a %.200sMatchMapping field "patterns" must be a list, not a %.200sMatchMapping field "keys" changed size during iterationrequired field "cls" missing from MatchClassMatchMapping field "patterns" changed size during iterationMatchClass field "patterns" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'MatchClass' nodeMatchClass field "kwd_attrs" must be a list, not a %.200sMatchClass field "patterns" changed size during iterationMatchClass field "kwd_patterns" must be a list, not a %.200sMatchClass field "kwd_attrs" changed size during iteration while traversing 'MatchStar' nodeMatchClass field "kwd_patterns" changed size during iterationMatchOr field "patterns" must be a list, not a %.200s while traversing 'MatchAs' nodeMatchOr field "patterns" changed size during iteration while traversing 'MatchOr' noderequired field "lineno" missing from TypeIgnoreexpected some sort of pattern, but got %Rrequired field "tag" missing from TypeIgnore while traversing 'TypeIgnore' noderequired field "lineno" missing from type_paramexpected some sort of type_ignore, but got %Rrequired field "col_offset" missing from type_param while traversing 'type_param' noderequired field "end_col_offset" missing from type_paramrequired field "end_lineno" missing from type_param while traversing 'TypeVar' noderequired field "name" missing from TypeVar while traversing 'ParamSpec' noderequired field "name" missing from ParamSpec while traversing 'TypeVarTuple' noderequired field "name" missing from TypeVarTupleexpected some sort of type_param, but got %RAST constructor recursion depth mismatch (before=%d, after=%d)expected %s node, got %.400sunknown tokenization error... >>> SourcelessFileLoaderpython: Can't reopen .pyc file python: failed to set __main__.__loader__ Error in sys.excepthook: in audit hooksys.excepthook is missing Original exception was: TypeError: print_exception(): Exception expected for value, found + Exception Group Traceback (most recent call last): .<__notes__ repr() failed>: Ignored error getting __notes__: %R... (max_group_depth is %d) in print_chained +-%s+---------------- ... ---------------- %s+---------------- %zd ---------------- and %zd more exception%s in print_exception_group+------------------------------------ Bad code object in .pyc fileBad magic number in .pyc file%s() arg 1 must be a %s objectself.%U. Did you mean: %R?. Did you mean: %R? Or did you forget to import %R?. Did you forget to import %R?PyMember_GetOne used with Py_RELATIVE_OFFSETPyMember_SetOne used with Py_RELATIVE_OFFSETbad memberdescr typecan't delete numeric/char attributeTruncation of value to unsigned charTruncation of value to charTruncation of value to unsigned shortTruncation of value to shortWriting negative value into unsigned fieldbad memberdescr type for %ssymtable analysis recursion depth mismatch (before=%d, after=%d)this compiler does not handle FunctionTypesBUG: internal directive bookkeeping brokenunknown symbol table entrynonlocal declaration not allowed at module levelname '%U' is nonlocal and globalnonlocal binding not allowed for type parameter '%U'no binding for nonlocal '%U' foundduplicate type parameter '%U'duplicate argument '%U' in function definitioncomprehension inner loop cannot rebind assignment expression target '%U'annotated name '%U' can't be nonlocalannotated name '%U' can't be globalname '%U' is used prior to global declarationname '%U' is parameter and globalname '%U' is parameter and nonlocalname '%U' is assigned to before global declarationname '%U' is assigned to before nonlocal declarationname '%U' is used prior to nonlocal declarationassignment expression within a comprehension cannot be used in a class bodyassignment expression within a comprehension cannot be used in a type aliasassignment expression within a comprehension cannot be used within the definition of a genericassignment expression cannot be used in a comprehension iterable expressionassignment expression within a comprehension cannot be used in a TypeVar boundimport * only allowed at module levelCannot use lambda in annotation scope within class scope%s cannot be used within an annotationCannot use comprehension in annotation scope within class scope%s cannot be used within a type alias%s cannot be used within a TypeVar bound'yield' inside list comprehension%s cannot be used within the definition of a generic'yield' inside dict comprehension'yield' inside set comprehensionprivate identifier too large to be mangled'yield' inside generator expressionhookmaxdigits# clear sys.audit hooks # clear sys.%s audit() missing 1 required positional argument: 'event'expected str for argument 'event', not %.200sexpected str for argument 'event'pdb.set_tracePYTHONBREAKPOINTlost builtins moduleIgnoring unimportable $PYTHONBREAKPOINT: "%s"switch interval must be strictly positivecan't intern %.400scannot set the recursion limit to %i at the recursion depth %i: the limit is too lowrecursion limit must be greater or equal than 1|OOcallable firstiter expected, got %.50scallable finalizer expected, got %.50smaxdigits must be 0 or larger than %d__sizeof__() should return >= 0Type %.100s doesn't define __sizeof__call stack is not deep enoughfailed to initialize a type_PySys_InitCorecan't initialize sys modulelost sys.flagscan't set preliminary stderr_PySys_SetPreliminaryStderrfailed to create a module object_PySys_CreatePySys_SetPathcan't create sys.pathno mem for sys.argvcan't assign sys.pathcan't assign sys.argvPySys_SetArgvExcan't prepend path0 to sys.pathcan't compute path0 from argv... truncatedargument 'tb_frame'TracebackTypeexpected traceback object or None, got '%s'can't delete tb_next attribute[ssss]traceback loop detectedexpected traceback object, got '%s' [Previous line repeated %ld more time] [Previous line repeated %ld more times] \x\U\u, line File Stack (most recent call first): ... 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DII {{"22:%&6TYYGG ''/+!' DII-tyy$++F" M!  KK *    #Q<(  H("'$*!%$*%-"* , { @RReturns the `user base` directory path. The `user base` directory can be used to store data. If the global variable ``USER_BASE`` is not initialized yet, this function will also set it. Q Z/':8V'L $Hh'?'G $Hh;;z*33Loo T< ++ ..#.  @R_ModifiedArgv0.__init__@R @RW@texeye\e eheQ C vv '=>+A$,,q/*+ $--'k-C)+"k#:  Q $<8 ##@RValuesView.__contains__@RCAbstract base class for implementing the file system path protocol.@R\/Q a @R Create an IncrementalDecoder instance. The IncrementalDecoder may use different error handling schemes by providing the errors keyword argument. See the module docstring for a list of possible values. @Rargv must be a tuple or a listQx $KD!JD$ ZZ% d 4  $KZZ% d 4$4$   @Rhe@R!VpVSPOS@RIncrementalEncoder.encode@R.Search sys.path_hooks for a finder for 'path'.QW/0 $X. .   5!23 4 #   @R[WU}RWTV`WQ 3- . 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If not a member, raise a KeyError.@REReturn a set containing all existing file system items from sys.path.@Re(NRcS@RA recursive lock implementation which is able to detect deadlocks (e.g. thread 1 trying to take locks A then B, and thread 2 trying to take locks B then A). @RExtensionFileLoader.__hash__@RXveueyePjeVءUTQ* . !![+")8X? ?@RZ@R An IncrementalEncoder encodes an input in multiple steps. The input can be passed piece by piece to the encode() method. The IncrementalEncoder remembers the state of the encoding process between calls to encode(). @R trying {}{}{}@R _]e eW@RxeQ$I "E$L1@Re8e$SS@R @R8TSPOST@R8_WeakValueDictionary.__init__..KeyedRef.__init__@R ;S&f0mS0TW1U0S0.SxV]@R WRS_R(eSHf0RTSPw] eK[@Rzipimporter.get_data@RePef@RStreamRecoder.readline@RS&f VWT`T0RxV]Q+    0 5 5  ! @R+Module globals is missing a __spec__.loader@R_fscodec..fsencode@RReversible.__subclasshook__Q @R@RHTRVV@R<D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.@RXveueye0e0V@e@RVtRTQ "$"3"3V<@RfT]Th5R@R(]@Rcannot release un-acquired lock@Rp_x eW@ReXe@RVpUxS`3VsST}VSV@R  zF@R+Create a module based on the provided spec.@R can't find @RRecalculate the set of abstract methods of an abstract class. If a class has had one of its abstract methods implemented after the class was created, the method will not be considered implemented until this function is called. Alternatively, if a new abstract method has been added to the class, it will only be considered an abstract method of the class after this function is called. This function should be called before any use is made of the class, usually in class decorators that add methods to the subject class. Returns cls, to allow usage as a class decorator. If cls is not an instance of ABCMeta, does nothing. Q@RHVRP9R@R Mapping.keys@R H[UeTSpjSeh5RSSHUQ7}H  $  "(+I @R e@R_NamespacePath._recalculate@R5UPR@R^SRe8eSUZUe3TSPOSP7VUSS?R@TV!V V8RkS@Rx e@ReVȧe@Re VQ' BBBB B B B @R?Return None as an extension module cannot create a code object.Q+ 33GT459I4O O@R5True if filenames must be checked case-insensitively.@R%<%s.%s object for encoding %s at %#x>@RSet.__sub__..@Re8RSS@R/Decorator to verify the named module is frozen.@RWH[qV]E_@Rsys.path_hooks is emptyQ"499-uRXJ??@R1ExtensionFileLoader.is_package..@RCheck if 'target_id' is holding the same lock as another thread(s). The search within 'blocking_on' starts with the threads listed in 'candidate_ids'. 'seen_ids' contains any threads that are considered already traversed in the search. Keyword arguments: target_id -- The thread id to try to reach. seen_ids -- A set of threads that have already been visited. candidate_ids -- The thread ids from which to begin. blocking_on -- A dict representing the thread/blocking-on graph. This may be the same object as the global '_blocking_on' but it is a parameter to reduce the impact that global mutable state has on the result of this function. @R XveueyePje0eae0RHmerege{eUe@Rbad local file header: @R8eeeUQ##D&1 @RepeQ4$$&''@R_wrap_close.__iter__QgH  'A8/A#AKBB     QC%C3;EAE*(E93A%E E'&E'* E65E69 FF@RStreamReader.__reduce_ex__@R{!r}!U@R(eUV`T@RhUTT TU@R5U0VYUWSس_@R UVFV(NReeeXUCU8USIRe@RT@RA decorator indicating abstract classmethods. Deprecated, use 'classmethod' with 'abstractmethod' instead: class C(ABC): @classmethod @abstractmethod def my_abstract_classmethod(cls, ...): ... QQBB$$B65B6QG U , c"A:+e +  @R GTUmVaePeUSTheXSUHU(yUe@RS0OR@R_LoaderBasics.is_package@R(TXeȧeWVheXeHYVQ @RRUSsR@RTV0)TSPSPuSQ @R_BlockingOnManager.__exit__@Reعeae*U@R_get_module_lock..cb@Re@Rsys.meta_path is empty@RZT\eW@R Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its IncrementalEncoder class or factory function. Raises a LookupError in case the encoding cannot be found or the codecs doesn't provide an incremental encoder. Q$e % T I9((. )c5\*!!' (:(:(,Y(@(@"BC C 9 9l + #%.%7%789 9 9Q7>>tDD@Ris_package(fullname) -> bool. Return True if the module specified by fullname is a package. Raise ZipImportError if the module couldn't be found. @Rغe!SeQ-I@Rninteractive prompt objects for printing the license text, a list of contributors and the copyright notice.Q  T4@R Set.__xor__@Re0\R[R@RWV]`WPgZKZZW@RNamespaceLoader.load_module@RCommon pathname manipulations, WindowsNT/95 version. Instead of importing this module directly, import os and refer to this module as os.path. @RMutableMapping.setdefaultQ I*+ + /?  #I  ! 5 5",, !tV4  5  !4T* (%H '# ' 36/"   5 5  5 5&  K  @RePiS#UU@UeQ/   xx?*  / 99   NNCLLN + JJ  ''. / / ,/@RDefine new builtins 'quit' and 'exit'. These are objects which make the interpreter exit when called. The repr of each object contains a hint at how it works. @RW@V@R`VeT@R(Pje!V^SȓeTnUPRSRTSUT OS(oUfT RTpTTVPVsRRpR7TTyRpUUxTQSPTV0VSeQTVXve@R&f&fQK 99T?D ; dE "**,C))+CC D>@ReeQ  EeS)--e4F!''&9<;;*K::#%&;<< %%h/# &((48D..decode@R^SVSPSYRPRأTT@R0\WQ!!@RSHSoePOSe!Vee TeTxeVشeRSYRVPS8GSXeXveVT(yUTQ!!@ReVexUPUlVU@RSourceLoader.path_mtime@RW Z ew]xe@R_ModuleLockManager.__exit__@RX~UXHRPOS@Rh5R.VSرSV@R doesn't exist@R.Raise GeneratorExit inside coroutine. QU1#f@RW e ex e@RP^[@Rcorrupt Zip file: @ReVS#U@Rw Creates a StreamWriter instance. stream must be a file-like object open for writing. The StreamWriter may use different error handling schemes by providing the errors keyword argument. These parameters are predefined: 'strict' - raise a ValueError (or a subclass) 'ignore' - ignore the character and continue with the next 'replace'- replace with a suitable replacement character 'xmlcharrefreplace' - Replace with the appropriate XML character reference. 'backslashreplace' - Replace with backslashed escape sequences. 'namereplace' - Replace with \N{...} escape sequences. The set of allowed parameter values can be extended via register_error. Q @RSourcelessFileLoader.get_code@R e SHeXfS We8`V7TQ& ::?@A A a @Rpe@R eXbUxSRT@Te8e7TSU@RStreamReaderWriter.writeQ@RFigure out what __import__ should return. The import_ parameter is a callable which takes the name of module to import. It is required to decouple the function from assuming importlib's import implementation is desired. @R_Environ.__iter__@Rmissing loader@RkZ@RW SS@R_W@R LU&fYT7SW@vV`R SxV]@RH]VeȸRS8cVHU`AU)SRTVXTR(Tx`e0URRH/VTVTQG ! A!U$$QtT::$$Qc377QD^^C(  * :& *3-T ) *@Repe@RWPw] e7[]e@RLazyLoader.exec_moduleQ QQ   (CC@RSet __file__, if able.@RpTQPK@R0ZRSeCU@Rget_source(fullname) -> source string. Return the source code for the specified module. Raise ZipImportError if the module couldn't be found, return None if the archive does contain the module, but has no source for it. QW  ! !  ! ! # 3BT "  N Q$ H/AH HH@RWT@R Q$ B' C ' C 0CC  C%@R;() argument must be str, bytes, or os.PathLike object, not Q ) !![1 1QQ# A B.A==BBB@Repe(RVS#U`SQ#CC(C%$C%(C:9C:@R#BufferedIncrementalDecoder.setstate@RWP_ e@R`\W@Re(yUTUTTU7U8T@RAll the operations on a read-write sequence. Concrete subclasses must provide __new__ or __init__, __getitem__, __setitem__, __delitem__, __len__, and insert(). @R ee@e8RTxVSXSehe@R^SRe8eeSQ  ++@ReПe@R`_Q$+KE X =+~e/D=!((11 $ \Hh  ===     ===    @R^SRe8e8e`VTe3TeUPS8RSS@Rp]@R `G^AeHf e eHgUWpV[U2exe@RX~UT@RW(e@R xS`3VsST}VSVV(yUVpU@R !Ve U T^S}RUVT@RUW@R!V$UX$S@RV5URRpWkSSSTe`UPSe8SHVTHRHTU@Re8T@R@]heWeWZ^KZ@R SQ: AA@Ree@T&SeU(RR@RleU@R:Test whether two open file objects reference the same file@RSet.isdisjointQD D( +D)9% I&= t{{ "  QT""4(+33C>4y1}Q$//&"9"PT]]4=PQQ4yy()?)?F T6??#@R@^W@ReXeПeXS@RVe`TXeueRQ5tzz**@Re T@hT@RVT8TPOSXyU@R_Environ.__or__@R ee(yU@hTeW`TpUhT@RpTQRC B#C  B4,C # B1.C 0B11C 4CC CC  C@R)>Q3yy dE "CFFFCFFF||FC(%dOtT 3 #e*n8uQx61!HqV#q5U1Q3Z61ac!A#gFA!VaFAQ#e*ne LL ''Q4::Q,%)! !4j 5 @ReHeXfVS#U@RWez\ eQ:  !&t'<'<'>!?;;'@ReVelVplT@RpT^&fP WS S`V@ReVheXSeQD99E  E @R&{0.__class__.__name__}({0._mapping!r})@ReeHe V@RCallable.__subclasshook__@Rpexecl(file, *args) Execute the executable file with argument list args, replacing the current process. Q{{((..@R..@RW`TUTUR SS@R TeV VP Tee?R8GS8eغeQI h#t s)C 5E >>X % U#-Uu-U*UU@RS@R($SHeV@RXveueyePjep{efeQ  @RHashable.__hash__Q @RW{ere@R[@R*[ eWg]0[`SUee]])SZ(e\0\SЉ\pU VW@e`S8 W SPRhRPRGR(:S:ShTVT7TX:S( N H* G:9/HQ . ::@R(extension module {!r} executed from {!r}@RehSVПeQ nd +hG    d 3F   j' 2D ~ 7? \JK K$'2Kwo% >$/7$:. CCD D 9    "" " f 3 ;   @R8eȧeVeQ @RTxR@ReXffQA?%B ?B BQY  *[[__TYY 'F#CKK v|T*2  $ F v}d+3 "(F 6:.%)YY%9%9#%>q%A"vz4(0 "FO M6M; 99 #[[__TYY/F%+CKK "           M @RuSend a value into the asynchronous generator. Return next yielded value or raise StopAsyncIteration. @RTEZ`WXT@R N\@RProcessing user site-packages@R XveueyePjepejeje TV@RoUQ!-0Qhh H 44S9@R[@R ehUe(THe@TZUeaehT`U8VU@R[@Ree@RPathFinder.find_spec@R@AVW@R0Z@R LICENSE.txtQ  ##@R XyUp4\W`\R@TP?SPR`VS0RPS@RPk^QL 5DN4   66S=~~&G~~&u%! *ww||FF$1C4D4DRa4H$H$35##D)  *    '    VUO L M#N$ @R_Printer.__repr__@R9 Reset the decoder to the initial state. @R($SxeVQ! * !!i^L L@RepeWR@R>Construct a callable which returns the eager loader made lazy.@R\_W@R'source not available through get_data()@Rbytecode is stale for @RExec a built-in moduleQ&// S]]KH$--i:TUHb4E 3 t ,D GB +wwr{{+  mY/0 RWW\\$ 2D"))DE$--1 tH@R *SP8R@R: @Rexe@R VVepe:S)UПe@R @z_@teWhexeZ8\[He^Z@R e?R8eXeleYR TVXvexe@R trying {}@R-Module globals; __loader__ != __spec__.loaderQ0 :{#MM)MM(Q6~~h' ,CD#+- -4""@ROptional method which writes data (bytes) to a file path (a str). Implementing this method allows for the writing of bytecode files. The source path is needed in order to correctly transfer permissions @RT!VeGTQ8 333 3 ,EF#+- -4""@Rp^W@RXveueyepeeZTe a set-like object providing a view on D's items@RMutableMapping.popitem@R e eQLQ@RWxS^Z@R *SVe@e`ERaeؿTTXS8eRQ (  " ""@R& Directory tree generator. For each directory in the directory tree rooted at top (including top itself, but excluding '.' and '..'), yields a 3-tuple dirpath, dirnames, filenames dirpath is a string, the path to the directory. dirnames is a list of the names of the subdirectories in dirpath (including symlinks to directories, and excluding '.' and '..'). filenames is a list of the names of the non-directory files in dirpath. Note that the names in the lists are just names, with no path components. To get a full path (which begins with top) to a file or directory in dirpath, do os.path.join(dirpath, name). If optional arg 'topdown' is true or not specified, the triple for a directory is generated before the triples for any of its subdirectories (directories are generated top down). If topdown is false, the triple for a directory is generated after the triples for all of its subdirectories (directories are generated bottom up). When topdown is true, the caller can modify the dirnames list in-place (e.g., via del or slice assignment), and walk will only recurse into the subdirectories whose names remain in dirnames; this can be used to prune the search, or to impose a specific order of visiting. Modifying dirnames when topdown is false has no effect on the behavior of os.walk(), since the directories in dirnames have already been generated by the time dirnames itself is generated. No matter the value of topdown, the list of subdirectories is retrieved before the tuples for the directory and its subdirectories are generated. By default errors from the os.scandir() call are ignored. If optional arg 'onerror' is specified, it should be a function; it will be called with one argument, an OSError instance. It can report the error to continue with the walk, or raise the exception to abort the walk. Note that the filename is available as the filename attribute of the exception object. By default, os.walk does not follow symbolic links to subdirectories on systems that support them. In order to get this functionality, set the optional argument 'followlinks' to true. Caution: if you pass a relative pathname for top, don't change the current working directory between resumptions of walk. walk never changes the current directory, and assumes that the client doesn't either. Example: import os from os.path import join, getsize for root, dirs, files in os.walk('python/Lib/email'): print(root, "consumes ") print(sum(getsize(join(root, name)) for name in files), end=" ") print("bytes in", len(files), "non-directory files") if 'CVS' in dirs: dirs.remove('CVS') # don't visit CVS directories @RkRp~^&fWQ$@Rimport {!r} # {!r}@ReeXveYR(yUV@hT@RVWvepU ke@tePexeheyehTe7USQn D 88AB>?@  Q % %@R`WW@R ^SR(Ue8eHlRjSغe0)TQ "!@Rn[8]Wh]\W@RLUtRT@R7expected {}.__fspath__() to return str or bytes, not {}@R\@RAsyncGenerator.__subclasshook__QL%%eX.%%''.E""#9e#99 9@RA mutable set is a finite, iterable container. This class provides concrete generic implementations of all methods except for __contains__, __iter__, __len__, add(), and discard(). To override the comparisons (presumably for speed, as the semantics are fixed), all you have to do is redefine __le__ and then the other operations will automatically follow suit. @R`UTpt[`T0?VGS2TW@R$Context manager for the import lock.@RpVSheQ << (( H (W5%779D%  ;;Dzz$' T\\*%%  @Repe eQ @@RIA decorator indicating abstract methods. Requires that the metaclass is ABCMeta or derived from it. A class that has a metaclass derived from ABCMeta cannot be instantiated unless all of its abstract methods are overridden. The abstract methods can be called using any of the normal 'super' call mechanisms. abstractmethod() may be used to declare abstract methods for properties and descriptors. Usage: class C(metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def my_abstract_method(self, arg1, arg2, argN): ... @Re8SaSpe e@RP]\e eP\ eQC <    , ! wsD%EfEE@R5sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down@RMutableMapping.pop@R_BlockingOnManager.__enter__@R8e$SQN *JJt~~c23E&& *3-T ) *@R not bottom-level directory in Q&B BB@R/SWRVV@R_d.pyd@RLazyLoader.factoryQ ~D1 gfn5  &% %"5"M"M  *4? ?!t&tFBHJ J 6< ( "#..t4 J dF6j II  "!  "@R<Release the import lock regardless of any raised exceptions.@RFrozenImporter.create_moduleQ"3@R6D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's valuesQ\\?\UNC\@RABCMeta._abc_caches_clear@R eeПeTPe8ex(SJRR@RWZ@RT@ReXe@RПe4VRe*Tpe@RSppUQA   DNN 2?@ @HHQKjj Q&t, [0&v.LFD   d #[0Z( D-F  &!  - $e ,  ' ' =#  ++,I,2C9   -  ' '(Et(+ - - -@R=Return the last access time of a file, reported by os.stat().@ReVTT@RK Remove duplicate entries from sys.path along with making them absolute@R_@R|V@R eW@RW`neQ  @RPreVpe@R`Vpee@R!S.reverse() -- reverse *IN PLACE*@R XT@_RKTUSRVYS@Rpe THe@RR@RPSeV@RVXTVQB WWT] << ## Z @RR(yUe7UPeNRQ (?!!Z0 0Q/ (# h &??8V4 4O@R __init__.pyc@RDTest whether a path exists. Returns False for broken symbolic links@RMutableSet.__iand__@R *SeXSTTؿT8eRye keQ@R e e e8 e8 e eeexehZ .^^@RXbU@Rabstractstaticmethod.__init__@ReeeUQPATH@Rl Set the current state of the encoder. state must have been returned by getstate(). @R_LoaderBasics.exec_module@RX~UpSV:R@ReVkU@Re@Tepe@RXe!VQ N @R3\WQ''1      3 J-k:M. J__[1 #2g;/ (J==7D !) -#KJ -dHk J%/%5bc%: %*S[A%5 %+04<1+.>$5$0/" !34h3>!@4 $ , "6 ( + #33O]4?A0(?L=H JJ (2?    # ! M !d  ==5L)), D ##$9;G''M,E(&"&"2"23D3?#AK(k<P-k<.1,.?A $$[-F'  @RTRpSTQ { +,$& #G,G[ + %   $ 7#$ Dd f%dooc.B DE Du /7D+./    D@R}^W@R *SVe@eXSpR@R@WtRT@R@T ~UQ  bjj99QQ ! @R:spawnve(mode, file, args, env) -> integer Execute file with arguments from args in a subprocess with the specified environment. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. Q&@R0\RHexeQzz~~.5H ||887 ww$zz~~i(/Ch'' ||xCNNY#"2"22A"668 8 C ""@R4 Return the next decoded line from the input stream.@R_Printer.__init__@R Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its encoder function. Raises a LookupError in case the encoding cannot be found. @R0\W@RW@RQ ##% &  LL33M  S S  4AJ 77??1<<8AL!   ! 1 1 < < !   3   3   Q $<7 ""@R8TWWUPTR@RFileFinder.path_hook@R(+TtRTQ"  @Rzipimporter.get_resource_reader@RExtensionFileLoader.get_source@RWse@ReVR@Rcode object from {}@R !VeeTe`VpTe`T@RV U0"VW TPSW@R]@RPTR@RTZe_^}UVW@RnNormalize case of pathname. Makes all characters lowercase and all slashes into backslashes. QM 99T?D ; dE "**,C))+CC D>@R eVheelVplT@eeU@R@D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D@R0UغeS@FVUVXbUQ) ,'/,/ CA9B;;C@R[]e`WWQ@R loader for @RWe@RR Creates a StreamReaderWriter instance. stream must be a Stream-like object. Reader, Writer must be factory functions or classes providing the StreamReader, StreamWriter interface resp. Error handling is done in the same way as defined for the StreamWriter/Readers. @ReVe@RNamespaceLoader.exec_moduleQ -3X5DN@R)Set 'copyright' and 'credits' in builtinsQ @R6_WeakValueDictionary.__init__..KeyedRef.remove@R!BufferedIncrementalDecoder.decode@R*Return True if mode is from an event port.@R:]@RpU@RSXnVHIUU!SQ%C, D?,A D;:D;?EE@RS&f@TSW@RKCache the module name and the path to the file found by the finder.@RUX~U@UUUTTRQ*     Q =Q&11#6D!Y 9??$R+t3)' 6 '{3;FF  ,)#CR( )@RyU@R e(THSpeVS#UheHehUeR8e@Re`V!VeePOS(yUV00V T W VTSVV(U@ReПeSXnVHIUU@R ~UPTTpUS(FSpTHSQD XXd^ << ## Z 0@R, @Re3TpV .UTeVRPSSe8eS0RXbUETQ Q@RexV@R UQ5q15a55@RX~U(S`SFS@Rfe3V@RStreamReader.__enter__Q Q/A.,. A.AAAA@R XveueyePjevepSqee)U0TRge@RAsyncGenerator.__anext__@R S@q_UTSWzSV[UVس_Q#  #S) $$@R T{UexieR@R@ V@R_Environ.__init__@Re?R8eVfeXve@RWVZ@Reعepe ef@R$sys.implementation.cache_tag is None@R0e5R@R Set.__sub__@R8Remove an element. Do not raise an exception if absent.Q1%*! !5T5M5""5))@RDecode filename (an os.PathLike, bytes, or str) from the filesystem encoding with 'surrogateescape' error handler, return str unchanged. On Windows, use 'strict' error handler if the file system encoding is 'mbcs' (which is the default encoding). @R`ZUUUس_@R`Q\NR`WD\@R'see PyImport_ImportFrozenModuleObject()@R_DummyModuleLock.__repr__@Rmodule object for @RПePWe*T@R]W e]eQK 99C44 4 -FG#'99. .()<)** r(C E$iG '/ uQw  : #D$iG $ 1 q4 +++'\EAIeai(G3q E!GH~d)! JJw/E v,C8"?$&KK 2;;s;K0L$ME$+CLE5LC &[EAIeai(F2q eai *e3E!GH~d)! JJv.E v,C>"?$&KK 2;;s;K0L$ME$+CLE5LC2Ah uqy)AM1HCQJEU519-AAM) " BJJr{{37G,H I ' u QJE 1HC  W '/X JI $q4x!  $,$8 '#  78"(7T>)C#aKE(@$> & 4v =>"(6E>D00C#aKE(4 )"SLE)Q`   $$$% & & & $$. T@RXSeV(yUW@R#BufferedIncrementalEncoder.__init__@R exS`TVPSS)SVVhS$S@RXveueye0e0R`ne0V@e@R Set.__or__Q @R Decodes the object input and returns a tuple (output object, length consumed). input must be an object which provides the bf_getreadbuf buffer slot. Python strings, buffer objects and memory mapped files are examples of objects providing this slot. errors defines the error handling to apply. It defaults to 'strict' handling. The method may not store state in the Codec instance. Use StreamReader for codecs which have to keep state in order to make decoding efficient. The decoder must be able to handle zero length input and return an empty object of the output object type in this situation. @R@RWfe@R_NamespacePath.__contains__@RReturn an absolute path.Q9<AAQ AA10A1@R Creates an IncrementalEncoder instance. The IncrementalEncoder may use different error handling schemes by providing the errors keyword argument. See the module docstring for a list of possible values. @RBS.count(value) -> integer -- return number of occurrences of value@Rimport {} # loaded from Zip {}Q" yy gCJJ'@R^xiefe(NRW`RWQ JJL@RPje!VTشeCUnU^S@ceXeRe@RT0TRPOST8T#SpV+TUR8VXveeeT8e@RV@RHeWV *S(yU@Re[@Rcannot load module Q U^ !_$" E::D~ <<>KK%*u-NN4( & 4%/ /#ODT71C D &"&tE5"Q&222&* e"'**U*"CT8j#8G  "dmmGT%[&I"ii6G%eWg&-w IIIe ) ,4%/ /C '')t,  * &CL Ie Q% "%"%Q?d???@RNOS routines for NT or Posix depending on what system we're on. This exports: - all functions from posix or nt, e.g. unlink, stat, etc. - os.path is either posixpath or ntpath - is either 'posix' or 'nt' - os.curdir is a string representing the current directory (always '.') - os.pardir is a string representing the parent directory (always '..') - os.sep is the (or a most common) pathname separator ('/' or '\\') - os.extsep is the extension separator (always '.') - os.altsep is the alternate pathname separator (None or '/') - os.pathsep is the component separator used in $PATH etc - os.linesep is the line separator in text files ('\r' or '\n' or '\r\n') - os.defpath is the default search path for executables - os.devnull is the file path of the null device ('/dev/null', etc.) Programs that import and use 'os' stand a better chance of being portable between different platforms. Of course, they must then only use functions that are defined by all platforms (e.g., unlink and opendir), and leave all pathname manipulation to os.path (e.g., split and join). @RIncrementalEncoder.__init__Qd 99T?D$! !HsN1:4. k;RYY& /A&/l #GVV,#*L$ $ W 4==?l&8&8&::#*L"(K"(K& {2d:)C/ %.K+ /.  \"#.edlB#% 3 3k)K77 ~| 4$$VT:E: @R 8Tp[[WTS@uVpWWSxV]Q+-@RA decorator indicating abstract staticmethods. Deprecated, use 'staticmethod' with 'abstractmethod' instead: class C(ABC): @staticmethod @abstractmethod def my_abstract_staticmethod(...): ... @RW"^ ^@RTغekSS@Rzipimporter.__repr__@R`y[WQ@RReR@dUQ]t00:;A> Q/2 '',Q/  *FyJ/FF@RZExpand shell variables of form $var and ${var}. Unknown variables are left unchanged.Q 778  $ $$@R @UX~U(T`SFSSXe!V$U6RVTQ **@Re($S(eȧe@R[ eW@RyeYRXeQ C @Rzipimporter.get_code@RV0 U@R\@RSourceFileLoader.path_stats@R2 Resets the codec buffers used for keeping internal state. Calling this method should ensure that the data on the output is put into a clean state, that allows appending of new fresh data without having to rescan the whole stream to recover state. @RXnVU@RW]0 Z@RpXUSTQ GCNN+1S-=-=,>?d K N?#4"56T B,5cN *]J(; ( OM#45D A L/d ; )*=)@A M 12M1PQ @R0\Rȧe@Re@RfExpand shell variables of the forms $var, ${var} and %var%. Unknown variables are left unchanged.@RItemsView._from_iterable@RGenerator.throw@RTh5R@R#_@RpXUTSQ 5AA1Q "44Q!!8!8!>!>!@A +LD&~[%6++D1!45((*  + "9,,.@R0\R(e8e($SVȧe@R`Vxee@R UWfT@hTHTh5RSHUpjS8e@RContainer.__subclasshook__@R M_8\\e`M^\HZ_C_`WQ #9U&+4&7$)#9@R5U`UeeS8GS@R3Define the builtin 'help'. This is a wrapper around that provides a helpful message when 'help' is typed at the Python interactive prompt. Calling help() at the Python prompt starts an interactive help session. Calling help(thing) prints help for the python object 'thing'. Q@R@RSRW@RйT@hTXC"J6"J %*P)?@R$Test whether a path is a mount point@R eВV5U`UST8GSkSST`+TeغeQ@@R.local@R2Import and return the module based on its name, the package the call is being made from, and the level adjustment. This function represents the greatest common denominator of functionality between import_module and __import__. This includes setting __package__ if the loader did not. @RHVU(e8eRNR W^S@RHSRSeXeRR!VeTU@RTexie0TxeWVPSQ >    +@RW@.^ eeQ7 *+#%IBGGMM)49k* @RWW_[\@Re($S@R8eV@RpZ`W@R SPOSe8T!VeSШeU8eefeXveQ AAaC  @RReturn the ResourceReader for a package in a zip file. If 'fullname' is a package within the zip file, return the 'ResourceReader' object for the package. Otherwise return None. Q  ""Q>A!! A-,A-@RjAbstract Base Classes (ABCs) for collections, according to PEP 3119. Unit tests are in test_collections. @RSkipping hidden .pth file: @RReplacement for os.path.isfile.@R&_W@R Xveueye0epesep{e0VSfe@RVpeWV@RBuffer.__buffer__@R_NamespacePath.__len__@RAdding directory: @RGet or create the module lock for a given module name. Acquire/release internally the global import lock to protect _module_locks.@R=_ e e e e e8 eX ex e e e TUK[@](]P]ZF]p\0UOR0STP*SSTT0W WPWZS\])eeeXl[e e e0^ZX)]^_fxeeeeeeef8eehfhePT]WQ  D E)1-E  q CI D la$h GEzQ%Z FAla$h    Q1 ##$L$(JJ 0++D(;;@Rrzipimport.zipimporter.load_module() is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12; use exec_module() instead@Rp4_`ZKZWQ . ('@R_AddedDllDirectory.__exit__@ReeS`UR(UV@Re(yUe8TTLS@R`]W eغe@R from @R6U&fUpSTW@RW]e0[eNR`W\@R`T@ceYRS@Rfexie@R] ;e2e4eZ)eexee/\]eW e e ex e eQ3  $ $T *D |5<== $ @Rexpected str, not QA vv~"!!))&#6HM!))&#6HM@RWT@RConcrete implementation of InspectLoader.is_package by checking if the path returned by get_filename has a filename of ''.@R@RFVp^qTPS`TW@RSee@Re8S@R TQk I&8 $ Q  & @R2Return the popped value. Raise KeyError if empty.@Rcan't read Zip file: @RnU!Ve(oUepe@RQuitter.__call__@R eHe{USNSxSXTeUS@RVVV@R^SR@R _ModuleLock(@RBuiltinImporter.create_module@Re8SV@Reȧe@R# Encodes the object input and returns a tuple (output object, length consumed). errors defines the error handling to apply. It defaults to 'strict' handling. The method may not store state in the Codec instance. Use StreamWriter for codecs which have to keep state in order to make encoding efficient. The encoder must be able to handle zero length input and return an empty object of the output object type in this situation. @RJSplit a pathname into drive and path. On Posix, drive is always empty.@R0V8R@Re?RVXeXveQ GFJ5= "iiFO76<6> >..:&.--"5"E"E(00A#>> $ #'  &F 76=$7? !%F  76:t4<  * * 6 "&"A"A  wvz48@ "&++ wv|T:B{{&(, F% M6M   8           "  "  & M@RNo module named @ReJVS@R.VxU2S@Rl^W@R\\?\QQb D  ICczS  D!  KK   774=@RV؈e`AU8eplUT8e@RSequence.__reversed__@RMappingView.__len__@R SS@ReHsRVve@R[ eW@RDirectory tree generator. This behaves exactly like walk(), except that it yields a 4-tuple dirpath, dirnames, filenames, dirfd `dirpath`, `dirnames` and `filenames` are identical to walk() output, and `dirfd` is a file descriptor referring to the directory `dirpath`. The advantage of fwalk() over walk() is that it's safe against symlink races (when follow_symlinks is False). If dir_fd is not None, it should be a file descriptor open to a directory, and top should be relative; top will then be relative to that directory. (dir_fd is always supported for fwalk.) Caution: Since fwalk() yields file descriptors, those are only valid until the next iteration step, so you should dup() them if you want to keep them for a longer period. Example: import os for root, dirs, files, rootfd in os.fwalk('python/Lib/email'): print(root, "consumes", end="") print(sum(os.stat(name, dir_fd=rootfd).st_size for name in files), end="") print("bytes in", len(files), "non-directory files") if 'CVS' in dirs: dirs.remove('CVS') # don't visit CVS directories @RSequence.index@RpeQ @@RVA simple _ModuleLock equivalent for Python builds without multi-threading support.@Ree`XRS/TSQ 99T?D  D 4=D!$E4 qT!x D KK  d # * *4 0zz|qzz|++@RLVQ~ dE "F(J$N**,C~"++g*>!??$F'J#N))+C~'!22#__V, %+T?D 5$T*D "doof5z*&c*o.>)??S[\* !$U+t3 D t I " c"g&D0D>D 5!{{ .t4D  5&    !;;"22 D  !@RContainer.__contains__@Rз_ e e@RXveueyePje0e@RGenerator.__subclasshook__@RT@R#Return True if mode is from a door.@ReITVTT@R$WindowsRegistryFinder._open_registry@ReV@ehT@VTH]TV@TxUHTUSXS@R% (required for relative module names)@RStreamReaderWriter.__enter__@R+Return True if mode is from a regular file.@R 9RexR@hT@RVhS@RWx e e@R4[0e eWȴ[@ePAe The\H^e[e ex e@RWWWWW@R e e@R0\R($SVȧe@RNon-code object in @Rp\U[W`WW_\eQ7nnS!  'sE 3@R-\ e e c\Zh_W e@R_NamespacePath.__iter__@R`H_@R(yUV@R1\W@RHVRQ?a5jAJ1?@R_NamespacePath(Q`` @RInitialize with the path to search on and a variable number of 2-tuples containing the loader and the file suffixes the loader recognizes.@RIterable.__subclasshook__@RPzipimport provides support for importing Python modules from Zip archives. This module exports three objects: - zipimporter: a class; its constructor takes a path to a Zip archive. - ZipImportError: exception raised by zipimporter objects. It's a subclass of ImportError, so it can be caught as ImportError, too. - _zip_directory_cache: a dict, mapping archive paths to zip directory info dicts, as used in zipimporter._files. It is usually not needed to use the zipimport module explicitly; it is used by the builtin import mechanism for sys.path items that are paths to Zip archives. @RpeЫeHeee eS@lU@R_createenviron..encode@ReHeWV@Rbuilt-in@Re@RQTest whether a path is a junction Junctions are not a part of posix semantics@R6Remove self.lock from this thread's _blocking_on list.@RWPje0eX~U؈e!V VAS VhzR(e5USeSpRTxSTغe@VSRTS`RTT(TUUHTRpXU0S)SVVTUTXeIVfTSؾTTVXNR U`UHVUe@U@dUTR`^T0sSpVT(ehSPV$UTT@0S T?SRP!TepgSTV%VxFVUXTUTU8TWVpT SeVUXRjSS(Uغe0UPSS?R@FV9Re@Ree`U@RStreamWriter.reset@RTbR!VVȓeeVe T^SeR keeغeZU@TT@R%Cannot use package as __main__ module@RVtRT@R]`WWQHP A3(C'#w*?@ A LL   -@ReeT/V(yUXS@RVZTПeS@R(eȧe0\Re@R ЫeHeeXDRЅVpdTUSVPe e@RdLoad a module from a file. This method is deprecated. Use exec_module() instead. @RRhU8SHSQ/A<< B9*B44B9@R __path__ attribute not found on @R1Decorator to verify the named module is built-in.QtT4((Q Dz@R An IncrementalDecoder decodes an input in multiple steps. The input can be passed piece by piece to the decode() method. The IncrementalDecoder remembers the state of the decoding process between calls to decode(). @RLazyLoader.__check_eager_loader@RStreamReaderWriter.__iter__QNI    B@R 0^xehe@Z`Xe e ZЇ_Xveye\e e@R&FileFinder.__init__..@R]@REncode filename (an os.PathLike, bytes, or str) to the filesystem encoding with 'surrogateescape' error handler, return bytes unchanged. On Windows, use 'strict' error handler if the file system encoding is 'mbcs' (which is the default encoding). QD%%'((@RW`VTQ!#% @R-Path hook for importlib.machinery.FileFinder.@R2\@RMutableSet.clear@RWU RQ>' *& 1 @R!BufferedIncrementalEncoder.encode@RVe(yUe7UhTYRT@R /bin:/usr/bin@RSequence.count@R Encoding iterator. Encodes the input strings from the iterator using an IncrementalEncoder. errors and kwargs are passed through to the IncrementalEncoder constructor. @R,Clear the caches (for debugging or testing).@RTQM $BB%%)H)HHII^4  @R!VeTPOS?Re@Rzipimporter.__init__@RZW@R;Convert a file's mode to a string of the form '-rwxrwxrwx'.@R/Simple substitute for functools.update_wrapper.@Re epef@RePe S@T@R_V e]eW e@R^SRT|VekS@R5UjSPWT!V@TS[S@RWre@RCreate a built-in moduleQE*MMO ++-     @R\\.\NUL@Rpg] e-]#\__(w\kZyZ[XYHV]8ZVWQ 0E8EQK <;;'')D;;''-D![[t{{;l Q, ( (@Re@R8R@hST`TPtUUhTUOSWUPTPTPJVWQdmm##@RV:ReQG ww$JJ&&sB/ 8I;o>> ||xCNN455Z{71:,a |> JJQ 79 QC LL   *JQt|!!!Q&Qwws|H ggfo x-wwvH( 1 h&}Q/69(|Qxy\11 Q Mh& ae8OQ    &(D <'-"4(! (#+,,tR"8M$   K1 D , @R XveueyePjeSLV0VPepehRV@ReXf@R `W0WpVWUWPU@CRteW@RTH]V0UeȸRHU`AU)STVXTRTVx`e@R iVRVxe!Vh)T 8TSRS@RBuiltinImporter.exec_moduleQ A// A;:A;@R W\e e\]KZ e]`@R`VQ* ) !!Z"('7< <@R_TempModule.__enter__@RGet an environment variable, return None if it doesn't exist. The optional second argument can specify an alternate default. key, default and the result are str.@Rinvalid flags @Rq]Q @R U@TeXR(UxeeRVVh WXfSHe@RxTxieT@RW9Z@R0j\2e\eQ)t$!"BNNt-n- -@R Remainder of file ignored@R!VV VTSPOSQ 8B==C@R[W@Re?RXveVXe T`e@ce@U`Te!VeeT@R5Return None as extension modules have no source code.@Re(yUeeVfeXveغe@ReQ6F FFQv}->? ?.Q-DD  D^KZh0Z`@RPathLike.__subclasshook__@R!Ve0V(yUVe8TQ8 AAQA#@R.pywQ Qyy@R]W@RV !T@Rp_p_hZ eW [nU e e`(USG]PXV8cVVRU(Tp_@R($Se(eȧeQ\\.\NUL@RpeЫeHeeQ\$(\w+|\{[^}]*\})@RPS ZbR0VWQ  @R^S3Te!V VexWh)TQ  Q%c84 4QK@R UPt_UTVVTRPWW@RW@R`l\WxeqU@_ eP]HU@R when get_code() returns None@RZ@\e@RWte1Z\ e@R}\W@R xSvee(e8e TRNRRe@RPjeR |V0e@ V`V`S+T@hTؾT UpVP!TTTX~U!VeyUPWTUVSSRRyU@R OST(oU!Veepe^S[SS8GSSSpT@Re@RXS@ReUf@RVHS@R^SRe8e@RgS@Re!UȿeXfpe@R ``from list''@Re@R OST^SeUT@RepeeSxf@R)`WZ@KZ@RIncrementalEncoder.setstate@R&bad central directory size or offset: @R_NamespacePath.__getitem__@R OSpRS^SeUT@R@i^le0^PZ@R_NamespacePath.__init__@RSTQ8#@R_LoaderBasics.load_moduleQ| d\+>? @s4y) #Tyy{ # #D#& #$yy{ # # # # # #@R *SЫe@>RH`UU SQ=xx~![[t{{;l{{  &&QtT388Q $V ,F 68V$ ??QCFF+C@R@e@RXR@R_fscodec..fsdecode@R0e@R_script..exists@R\@R0^W@RhVSQA path import for built-in modules. All methods are either class or static methods to avoid the need to instantiate the class. Q zz| dH --@RЖUS@RStreamReader.__getattr__@RW G^@R@\ eW@ReuS@RProcessing global site-packages@Re(yUe6RVexR 9R@RPathFinder._path_importer_cache@Reee@RȓeeHV`WRNRXe(e@R(UرSQIIdO Q>{{!![[t{{;l--Q$!01C E  #JGG$ $+r ::d DT"JD$ooc*OD#t   & &C {!"HIIgg$cBCO 99   "L99--L|$Lr##% //CDE E,-Qtf\NC!21!55H %T" 7c>d1g_<8D    KK (   dHh //@RWR@RT&fWTW@R ^]eWQ#I$!Q rBw<1 @RModuleSpec.__eq__Q Q7 Q F @RStreamReaderWriter.__next__@RZWQX" 11 = =#  @R@RU V:SQ @RXveQ  "   Q:I $L1@R_NamespacePath.append@R_@R^SVPRأTTSPSRe8eغe0kR`RV@ReS@R_Helper.__repr__Q5CC!(C0 CC! C-,C-0 C<;C<Q<)"H 1fG>((",@R8GSxSUpV@RVTR@R`ZW R e ehr^@R4RQ*     Q}}Z..@R\Y[ee$^pe\$[@Reлepe@R!zipimport: found {} names in {!r}@Re@RSplit a pathname. Returns tuple "(head, tail)" where "tail" is everything after the final slash. Either part may be empty.@R^S@gVV@ReefeQe}}S66<"NO   "4"4((  (%6D " QFH9 3 C'#w"7 89LL %@RepeeT@R /lib/pythonQ?? N @RW|_KZ@R %U#S@R,Check if user site directory is safe for inclusion The function tests for the command line flag (including environment var), process uid/gid equal to effective uid/gid. None: Disabled for security reasons False: Disabled by user (command line option) True: Safe and enabled Q" Q$2htT49c22Q{{%%@R{U@TZUHeETpT0Reex>RRRH/V8RS[R(SU@R^SRe8eSeT3TSغeSe(UR8RQ  *  #Y  & . (V ( /3&*)-4)-,0/3 )4; zMYM+8'+(-E<$/,& /d z 388}q 1 C HHQKCHHQK( @R@RMutableSequence.reverseQ, II " # II "$@R#SШ^W@R_NamespacePath._get_parent_path@R bROZx e TBSPRWWWZQ#C <+C CC@RWXve@texeye keS@R T`oU@R<renames(old, new) Super-rename; create directories as necessary and delete any left empty. Works like rename, except creation of any intermediate directories needed to make the new pathname good is attempted first. After the rename, directories corresponding to rightmost path segments of the old name will be pruned until either the whole path is consumed or a nonempty directory is found. Note: this function can fail with the new directory structure made if you lack permissions needed to unlink the leaf directory or file. @RQuitter.__repr__@R TV@R(V@Rzipimporter.get_filename@ReVeoUR@R]\e eQ*//8@Rp integer Execute file (which is looked for along $PATH) with arguments from args in a subprocess with the supplied environment. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. Q"%djj1  @RPStRTQ  "5))@RW\e\ye e\D^]`^`]8 eZ^!\te@^[\\[\p_@RWM]``[@R`IVRIUQ  Q{{  &&@R@R`[W@ReU e@R Xveueye0ewe0Ree(e0V@eQQ*>1: //@RLV(yUQ VVL !F 66* D  [[F  ")$9F%dH5F &tXfE ' 2DK :!<!:$<    @RMutableSequence.__setitem__@ReeHSQ*AQ6! (@Re8S(NR@R [AeHf epGSTW]eTWQ qD #H (**s{{*S\\94%< IB ZZD ! T JJt   Hd#     JJx      Q * !!^Z@ @@R&Produce the data for a hash-based pyc.Q ! A!U$ #  IIfc "E RayC 1: r*j8AaEJJsE*E{%&ZZUQY/F|%&Wf:q 3Qvz{^C C!BQ%12& & qu  1: Ra5!Aa&!AB%' 'Ra5%12& &eQ@R`SH UX.UT@RUe8RxeV`Ufe`eSSRelU@R XveueyePjepeje`ne$UVhUTTge@ReThS@R eHe{U@TZUHkV7TSSXf@ReTpe`XR@R e(e8e`eRПeSV W@Rorigin=Q Qd \ "D 'Q, EKK U#$ { q  KK KK d#$ K@R\ e@R@V@RS[P]@R8exZQ* !ww~~h'  @RVtRTQ  E} @RZA set is a finite, iterable container. This class provides concrete generic implementations of all methods except for __contains__, __iter__ and __len__. To override the comparisons (presumably for speed, as the semantics are fixed), redefine __le__ and __ge__, then the other operations will automatically follow suit. @RStreamReader.__exit__@RAsyncIterable.__aiter__@R0VSXveQtT477@R Set._hash@ReHeaS R@RLExpand ~ and ~user constructs. If user or $HOME is unknown, do nothing.QZ  * 6==.L\** 6G#+-25 6 6QR <99D YY$ !%D28<> >dD242622@R{[@RB_ eW eQ``@R /dev/null@RVeHSQ @R$SQ6yy"HXbq\8VR@HD" 4=@RT@R_ModuleLockManager.__enter__@RWh\@R.VeHe@RCoroutine.throw@RW ePZNR@RUse Q !! =F|''=H FF F8FJ/E))&//:eC JU JC"44Xtyy%P Hf 8S%7%7 8!!!D 66H2~/x/~33::1fE'11'vz2 CFOO C2&.FO??h.!??b0A&//A0OO**8466HD(E$u+&:z*BB IE IB~~**5>>499eL6~~1MENNH3MM1#x/C(F1CC/#e>HH>~~-=u~~=-%BT:DHD:vz222(2OV__h4OO2"6:6GG6vz222(2OV__h4OO2"6:6GG6$$$$$K&@R `T!V@TeV T R8TT`iV_T@R XveueyepeeRxeHeelejejeze@RH)SpUHRpe@R8T] e VV%STR@;S >t{{K ||@RpUQ@R]@Rmakedirs(name [, mode=0o777][, exist_ok=False]) Super-mkdir; create a leaf directory and all intermediate ones. Works like mkdir, except that any intermediate path segment (not just the rightmost) will be created if it does not exist. If the target directory already exists, raise an OSError if exist_ok is False. Otherwise no exception is raised. This is recursive. @R8cVW@R8spawnvp(mode, file, args) -> integer Execute file (which is looked for along $PATH) with arguments from args in a subprocess. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. @R@\]eW@R&S@RFrozenImporter.load_moduleQ @R Set.__lt__@RQA *A44A77A;@Re#S Tлee@R Xveueye0e0Rce0V@eSfe@R]]@RПeSVZTpR@RW \ e@R`a^0\@RStreamReader.reset@RHS8e8SPOSe/VPbRS@U^SeغexTVhTpS@R(yU@R_wrap_close.__enter__@Rno os specific module found@RIterator.__subclasshook__@R\site-packages@R9Return the file system path representation of the object.@R Acquire the module lock. If a potential deadlock is detected, a _DeadlockError is raised. Otherwise, the lock is always acquired and True is returned. @R^W%^@RNo module named %sQ} C6DD+D5D,D9,E6DDD DDDD)(D),D65D69EEEE@RS@RU@RZ]WQ(== %C--$ $ %@R`R(e@R8T@R7QZ\eZeexe؄\0ER eW]`^pSZ`UTP6U@S;R+V@RTT0>SDRSsRRCZ0RU` St]` VDU "S.^ASHb_pSUW[pV`WRmR\H_1\^`[TpWس_QI!!#(%((.#5)$/%%'D%%'@R8e@RStreamWriter.write@R:ZR@RSe3V@Rremovedirs(name) Super-rmdir; remove a leaf directory and all empty intermediate ones. Works like rmdir except that, if the leaf directory is successfully removed, directories corresponding to rightmost path segments will be pruned away until either the whole path is consumed or an error occurs. Errors during this latter phase are ignored -- they generally mean that a directory was not empty. @RnGiven the path to a .pyc. file, return the path to its .py file. The .pyc file does not need to exist; this simply returns the path to the .py file calculated to correspond to the .pyc file. If path does not conform to PEP 3147/488 format, ValueError will be raised. If sys.implementation.cache_tag is None then NotImplementedError is raised. Q (  ( ((@RA MutableMapping is a generic container for associating key/value pairs. This class provides concrete generic implementations of all methods except for __getitem__, __setitem__, __delitem__, __iter__, and __len__. @RABCMeta.__subclasscheck__@RnS8eSПepe e(eXeQ QD ! A!U  Cv 66Q @RValidate a pyc against the source last-modified time. *data* is the contents of the pyc file. (Only the first 16 bytes are required.) *source_mtime* is the last modified timestamp of the source file. *source_size* is None or the size of the source file in bytes. *name* is the name of the module being imported. It is used for logging. *exc_details* is a dictionary passed to ImportError if it raised for improved debugging. An ImportError is raised if the bytecode is stale. @R\\?\UNC\@RProcess a .pth file within the site-packages directory: For each line in the file, either combine it with sitedir to a path and add that to known_paths, or execute it if it starts with 'import '. @RsR@RW`M^Q ) !!^4 4@RePW&VПee@R&Test whether a path is a symbolic link@R1Test whether the path is the specified mode type.@R *SS@R&Return the absolute version of a path.@R*env cannot contain 'PATH' and b'PATH' keys@RvS.remove(value) -- remove first occurrence of value. Raise ValueError if the value is not present. @RMappingView.__repr__@RThe specification for a module, used for loading. A module's spec is the source for information about the module. For data associated with the module, including source, use the spec's loader. `name` is the absolute name of the module. `loader` is the loader to use when loading the module. `parent` is the name of the package the module is in. The parent is derived from the name. `is_package` determines if the module is considered a package or not. On modules this is reflected by the `__path__` attribute. `origin` is the specific location used by the loader from which to load the module, if that information is available. When filename is set, origin will match. `has_location` indicates that a spec's "origin" reflects a location. When this is True, `__file__` attribute of the module is set. `cached` is the location of the cached bytecode file, if any. It corresponds to the `__cached__` attribute. `submodule_search_locations` is the sequence of path entries to search when importing submodules. If set, is_package should be True--and False otherwise. Packages are simply modules that (may) have submodules. If a spec has a non-None value in `submodule_search_locations`, the import system will consider modules loaded from the spec as packages. Only finders (see and should modify ModuleSpec instances. Q.//Q !!&) Q Ah @R^SRUT@RABCMeta._dump_registry@RWZ@Re0\R(e8ePUhpVȧe@RVe@RUPje(S@T0R!VXe`TTVSpT|VMR@ceXve8eȏRH6RpTлe RPeMRe`TT@e`TV(RRnUpVTVYVU0kSTSGSxie0;TpT5R0R(egS1TtRVTSpSS8ULUV(+TU;SjS@WV8RpTغTpUpRITPDTpV#SViU6U(V %UeVxS?RU`IVkR8eTU@RASoftware\Python\PythonCore\{sys_version}\Modules\{fullname}\Debug@RX%UPehee@R Z\WW`W@RHV TP9RQkk3w{ I !a%  T  AaB "b/H,; ;A IA  a2g!r' "" I ! T  s7 MA 7A@RSQHE,-E= F1F, E:9E:= F  F  FF F-,F-@RFrozenImporter._fix_up_module@RWle@R_Environ.__getitem__@RpUQ:I $L1@R *SeTTWVefe@RxeXe@RW eP$]b[ZX e@] e0E] @Z e e\@y]`^@R sys.path = [@Ree@R_W(Z\e e__@R@H[`W\^TpR@R eWQH: > -2-@R`_W`WQD   (0:"')+&# @R^SRe8e8RX&VS@R Creates an encoding map from a decoding map. If a target mapping in the decoding map occurs multiple times, then that target is mapped to None (undefined mapping), causing an exception when encountered by the charmap codec during translation. One example where this happens is which decodes multiple character to \u001a. QB/C,$C,,-DQ 49T?Q:I $L1@R@RjS&fPWИRWQ+=B9  <+Q }%'@A ;; " KK'$++1 2  * * 6 KK5d6U6U5VW X..))*!DIIdO+>@R@ ] e`WW@RMutableSequence.__iadd__@R>Meta path finder for sys.path and package __path__ attributes.Q# t9>> >>$ ))Q @R4_incompatible_extension_module_restrictions.__exit__@R@RABCMeta.__instancecheck__@R{Register a virtual subclass of an ABC. Returns the subclass, to allow usage as a class decorator. @R U S$TU0W6Rx e^PT=TW@R(Return True if mode is from a directory.@ReXe eGRQT )$,,7DK15  .  $ $T\\4 8DK @R@D_WQ6((*H  * * ,F   X @RPathFinder.invalidate_caches@RReturn the code object compiled from source. The 'data' argument can be any object type that compile() supports. @R \\e eyex[[0_KZWN_0^@R]efQ 3;;$%%T" > ??D| D6):!;<<K  Fv%9:; E FQQoo%%G@RV]`WWQr:vDAA@R_Load a frozen module. This method is deprecated. Use exec_module() instead. @RXveueyepejeje@Re@R/_WeakValueDictionary.__init__..KeyedRef@R8RrUUQF33@R This subclass of IncrementalEncoder can be used as the baseclass for an incremental encoder if the encoder must keep some of the output in a buffer between calls to encode(). @R^SRe8e8RSePSQ @RyDecode bytes representing source code and return the string. Universal newline support is used in the decoding. @RWZ@R Thanks to CWI, CNRI,, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands for supporting Python development. See for more information.QBD5 E 5E  E%@RйT@RPZQ}} K@R&_\e]e@S_ye@R(V&f/UUWQ>M"" $L1@R @R0%r is a namespace package and cannot be executed@RfU@R^S SSVeغeT@R *SVe@ee(yU0SXS@RFileFinder._get_specQGI   B@R#BufferedIncrementalEncoder.setstateQ @RStreamWriter.writelinesQJ yyI%!!"23WnG ngnnd##**5&@RSourceLoader.get_source@R!Test whether a path is a junction@R @RW eaeQ\   '+3 #,13 (GGLLh73733@ReXeȧe@R StreamReaderWriter instances allow wrapping streams which work in both read and write modes. The design is such that one can use the factory functions returned by the codec.lookup() function to construct the instance. @RW\@ReXe@e@RWge@RMutableSet.__isub__Q?@R6Return None as frozen modules do not have source code.Qr <88D}}XtV4 < [[ !<[^[h[h2i/ K@R&_NamespacePath._find_parent_path_namesQ@RXve keSPje@texeheQ+/99dhh??@R not found in sys.modules@ReXS@RRpST@Rexeclpe(file, *args, env) Execute the executable file (which is searched for along $PATH) with argument list args and environment env, replacing the current process. @RW_eH_e@ReRVPeV\VpV TS@R_LazyModule.__getattribute__Q @RSequence.__iter__Q('/$eYI&IC cNJ@RHType help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object.@R@T0R@ReVeSxUPUlVU`XRplTПeeRhe@R0Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc.Q$4D(#C i@R ^SRe8e|VВVPSVYRTWTXV@RZ eS@RBuiltinImporter.is_packageQ:\@ReITTepse@RReturns a list containing all global site-packages directories. For each directory present in ``prefixes`` (or the global ``PREFIXES``), this function will find its `site-packages` subdirectory depending on the system environment, and will return a list of full paths. Q //@RV@R Mapping.get@RSet.__or__..@R#Compile bytecode as found in a pyc.@RUeTTWV *Sfe@RX~UU@RGenerator.send@RIncrementalEncoder.resetQ @RW[@Re?R3Te!V`OR8RQ,"&"@R *SVhkSpeRe@RVnU VПe@Re(yU8T@R.PjeйT@hTU(TU0zU0eX~U؈eAS!VS V@ceTSH[UPOSWpTXe@TTV@VxFVxT]TfTPTUHRpzU(TpkRHU`R(STIVfTvS@S.VУR[SS@R]@RVSxUHT5UjSQ@Qq#31)!5(& V T*  FO 6" @R USER_SITE: Q%:EI?C ! &@RS@R#BufferedIncrementalDecoder.getstate@R8U@R(TU0eRPOSQY EE D< B!D''D98D9< EE EE E('E(=H HHQ@R%V@R make_identity_dict(rng) -> dict Return a dictionary where elements of the rng sequence are mapped to themselves. Q@R@Return the next item or raise StopAsyncIteration when exhausted.@R:D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys@RStreamReader.readlines@R Set.__ge__@R ASbRefT0eRX~U SPOS@R!Type %s() to see the full %s textQ  ))Q@RpepTkRV@V@R#ZW@RVR@R W e`B[8 ex ex e exe ex e@R *SVeؿTHe8TR8e@ReT@ReVeПe*T@RZW@Rexecvpe(file, args, env) Execute the executable file (which is searched for along $PATH) with argument list args and environment env, replacing the current process. args may be a list or tuple of strings. @RPTQ (?@R`8_@R(_check_name.._check_name_wrapperQ13Q!))+HM@RTAdd 'sitedir' argument to sys.path if missing and handle .pth files in 'sitedir'@RInv. counter: Q %<!!Y/ /@R(TXeȧeWV|VXeHYV@R8epeXeȧe0eЫe`ER`#U@RXveueyePjepeje`nehRV8TTe$UhUQG DD==/0K@Re!VpVSPOS@UX~U%VQ"MUu}5"M@RWW`W@Rp]Q ! --@R^_W8]@RWFT@RnU!Ve^SxS(oUpeV@R.;C:\binQ~ BCyJ&&&CRyKK% ||%aLdD)+<<< j) ,Q.Q##D&1 @R0\W@RpjSTS@R#Relative module names not supported@ReeHe@TZU@RPTVae HR0TRe\UUXfذRgTHR@Repe(VQ<*   VV, VV,  @RU[WV@RXe@ReWex e@RMutableSequence.__delitem__@R`]\@RHe@R@TZUHeET0RU{Ux>R@Rexecvp(file, args) Execute the executable file (which is searched for along $PATH) with argument list args, replacing the current process. args may be a list or tuple of strings. Q  4Q4{{%![[t{{;l @Re8S e@R *S8e@ReTVVXenUVeQ>$ U~~c"%R(8(8(?'B C$ @R8ee$SSxe@RpR&fW`\RW@RFileLoader.__init__@R-Loader which handles sourceless file imports.@R&namespace module loaded with path {!r}@RHS8SSpTV8eQ d d @ReV@RWce@RCUW@Rpossible namespace for {}@RMeta path import for frozen modules. All methods are either class or static methods to avoid the need to instantiate the class. QA  AA A  A @R; @RStreamRecoder.readlinesQ& A44 B?B@R%Can't mix absolute and relative paths@RRuns the designated module in the __main__ namespace Note that the executed module will have full access to the __main__ namespace. If this is not desirable, the run_module() function should be used to run the module code in a fresh namespace. At the very least, these variables in __main__ will be overwritten: __name__ __file__ __cached__ __loader__ __package__ @RP]\e[z[ e eW@RReturns the user-specific site-packages directory path. If the global variable ``USER_SITE`` is not initialized yet, this function will also set it. @ReHTVexT@e(yU@R0ZWQ$&@RP^@RAlready preserving saved value@Rj_WN_0^@RPSxSВV^SRe8eXbUnUTЖU SغeVYRWTXV@RU`%V@R RS^SeTSnUȸRgSe@R nUTpe1T(U3U0)TغeRS@FVPS@RSplit a pathname into drive/UNC sharepoint and relative path specifiers. Returns a 2-tuple (drive_or_unc, path); either part may be empty. If you assign result = splitdrive(p) It is always true that: result[0] + result[1] == p If the path contained a drive letter, drive_or_unc will contain everything up to and including the colon. e.g. splitdrive("c:/dir") returns ("c:", "/dir") If the path contained a UNC path, the drive_or_unc will contain the host name and share up to but not including the fourth directory separator character. e.g. splitdrive("//host/computer/dir") returns ("//host/computer", "/dir") Paths cannot contain both a drive letter and a UNC path. Q!+&}}]D}==@RHVNRQTTYY' +((11H"*     @R\W exee ex^@R SP TVT@R@\W_`Wq\QHB/2B#B/#B,(B// C9CC CCCCQk#t >>Z '## #..!3#3#3"455 h#|$|| 9@R^S3T!V VP}V{ReRT(TeغeeHRxTPSSRyRTTS@ReeПe@RhUUpe0eؘT[R@RkCreate a ModuleSpec for the specified module. Returns None if the module cannot be found. @R^SPRUQ@RIncrementalEncoder.getstate@R eZp^p[P_\e@ce`W\\eW@RBest-effort function to write data to a path atomically. Be prepared to handle a FileExistsError if concurrent writing of the temporary file is attempted.@Rzipimport: can't read data@RP$[T@ReHe{UU8V8SiS=U@RModuleSpec.parentQ @RX~UUS@RSized.__subclasshook__@Re(eПeXS@R?RS@RRVQn $&7D7&t,55(1+t}5|Hcr]F)H$XuX??@R'Return the data from path as raw bytes.@RЫeHee@RTHfTȓeR@RWserege@Rpe@RWWW@R TnUdeepexieePDT(be@RTtRTQIQw . D FH NNC(C C D ts{ DI%d+DI5#&5 @RClass: @RWVTQ$ BC )B00 C <CC @Rxe@ReeITTxepeQ5 &&&t,!    $ $  @R]\e@R *SSefeQ  & @Ros.walk@R VUTee(yUXS5US`UQ  & &t|| 4DIQ M!)4)==%=  H_  S)>>>> 9xu' )!$  ?Q.+`0C@R\$(\w+|\{[^}]*\})@R 0\ ;e2ek\exepU^W e e`WW@R], @Rcollections.abcQE A!!#!AvAaDAaD  HQ    xB7  # \(A  # #$9 :  # #O 4   # # %  . . 0A 5 ggll277#5#5c#:#46G **73  OOM *+ 6)       "  @RU&f`WUW@RTQGE DA+E 0D,*E < ED))E ,EE  EE*@ROptional method which writes data (bytes) to a file path (a str). Implementing this method allows for the writing of bytecode files. @R!_CallableGenericAlias.__getitem__@ReПepe8aUeЫeQ Q           ': "7((00 #>V6)z   .j(+$D+ "'<~"llh6!R#UQJ (  Q;6Q; KK   ';@R%_make_relax_case.._relax_case@R- is a package and cannot be directly executedQ $ 00Q@R*Convert a 32-bit integer to little-endian.@Re5U[SjSPWTTR!V VSnUVHRPSpeS XR@R ThUPOS5URTUS0eXyUxRV8GSxS(yUpgS8TVRe@R0\RHe($SxeV@R8eT@RVveWVpe@R`WRteWQ@RU@^TRVWpS0MVS`WPV0/TUnVVW GVV[7Zس_X6Z@RPO\@RpReturn the next item from the asynchronous generator. When exhausted, raise StopAsyncIteration. @R  Find distributions. Return an iterable of all Distribution instances capable of loading the metadata for packages matching ```` (or all names if ``None`` indicated) along the paths in the list of directories ``context.path``. Q, 0/ +79OS@Re`T@Rmodule load failed: Q E -0 $#$## # ==H#"C)I #"C)I     &&>@"@"D& & P "!3 "D/ / b"!3"VHH5HHXxH5xHxVHVHtsHsHn/b"L##  ))$( . *M *M!),N+,?@*+=>%m4   o"E =C DDEV"MMN#"@RFileFinder.find_spec@RExecute the module.@RTe8R}UeSlUYVPRe8UXVeVغe }V(e@R ^SVSPSYRTDRPRT@RЫe W^SȧeUT0aT@RxFVP_VV`-S@URW@RImport a module. The 'globals' argument is used to infer where the import is occurring from to handle relative imports. The 'locals' argument is ignored. The 'fromlist' argument specifies what should exist as attributes on the module being imported (e.g. ``from module import ``). The 'level' argument represents the package location to import from in a relative import (e.g. ``from ..pkg import mod`` would have a 'level' of 2). @RAwaitable.__await__@RIterator.__iter__@RTQ0 '')U ::,$  @Rp \`WWG^W@RSetup importlib by importing needed built-in modules and injecting them into the global namespace. As sys is needed for sys.modules access and _imp is needed to load built-in modules, those two modules must be explicitly passed in. @R`#ZQJ3E<A E A'E< E9E*)E9* E63E95E66E99E<< F@Rgthe load_module() method is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12; use exec_module() insteadQgF&"*F58I1G#I1$A2GI1& F21F25 GG I. BI)#I1)I..I11I:@R(UXf@RXveueyePjeFS0VSShRV0STe8T5RV@RKeysView.__iter__@R\W'[[@RAdd a per user site-package to sys.path Each user has its own python directory with site-packages in the home directory. Q@RRe8e8e@RMutableSequence.remove@R eeSNSVpejUpRUDR@RXveueyePje0e0RpexeWV(Ueqene8sereQ"J@RXe|VQ CIu%QdD$''@R Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its StreamReader class or factory function. Raises a LookupError in case the encoding cannot be found. @RV@RStreamReader.decode@R XveueyePje0evep{ezeHmege@R_ZWQX \ "DKK Q KK U#$KK [)*KK d#$ K@R ^SRe8ee|VXbUeeغe@RT@R codecs -- Python Codec Registry, API and helpers. Written by Marc-Andre Lemburg ( (c) Copyright CNRI, All Rights Reserved. NO WARRANTY. Q..@RTest whether a path is absolute@RTest whether two pathnames reference the same actual file or directory This is determined by the device number and i-node number and raises an exception if an os.stat() call on either pathname fails. @R must be str, not @ReexV@RSet._from_iterableQ@RStreamRecoder.__reduce_ex__@R Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its IncrementalDecoder class or factory function. Raises a LookupError in case the encoding cannot be found or the codecs doesn't provide an incremental decoder. QG9J<@RFileFinder.__init__@ReP8R e@RUTR@dU@R r]2e)exe]eW e e e@R_W@Rxe`U@RReturn the spec for the specified module. First, sys.modules is checked to see if the module was already imported. If so, then sys.modules[name].__spec__ is returned. If that happens to be set to None, then ValueError is raised. If the module is not in sys.modules, then sys.meta_path is searched for a suitable spec with the value of 'path' given to the finders. None is returned if no spec could be found. If the name is for submodule (contains a dot), the parent module is automatically imported. The name and package arguments work the same as importlib.import_module(). In other words, relative module names (with leading dots) work. @ReXe@eПeUV@RMutableSet.remove@R FrozenImporter._resolve_filenameQ_  *}}T"  dHk2 t RS !  @R@ReH UX.U$S@Rzipimporter.find_spec@RW&^ e^@R]W e@RTU`rZ&fjTUS WpURVRpSRW7ZQ@R%_WeakValueDictionary._commit_removals@R@RConstruct an instance of the class from any iterable input. Must override this method if the class constructor signature does not accept an iterable for an input. @ReGT@R/lib/python/site-packagesQX 99D D !, ;;??4  .D8#67Cc- - ,{{"22:%&6TYYGG"4$?"4$?t{{M:*4;;789;;CNN3 6KK++D1KK++F3[[__TYY/F%+CKK "/,0 M[[__TYY/F%+CKK "/,0 M@ReeeXS@RW._+eP,e@R,asynchronous generator ignored GeneratorExit@R@USe!Ve@RReplacement for os.path.isabs.@Rx(SJRQ2 XXd^  Z @R V= 0@R)Returns the final component of a the finder for the path entry from sys.path_importer_cache. If the path entry is not in the cache, find the appropriate finder and cache it. If no finder is available, store None. @R@W&fWTW@Rx ex eW@RpV(fW@R #S]&fe`SW.UfSPT0TRUس_@RVvePTQ3 ( Q;6Q; JJL';@RMutableMapping.clearQ(,% "@RX~UsSQQ V\4 0Fvz400t0%d++6??$|155  5 >dXQ' 'dXRz4 4 5@R heYRXve@te keeS`TyeXyUxR7UV@RIncrementalDecoder.__init__@R \P+^2e2e\\exeZWOR@ROptional method returning a metadata dict for the specified path (a str). Possible keys: - 'mtime' (mandatory) is the numeric timestamp of last source code modification; - 'size' (optional) is the size in bytes of the source code. Implementing this method allows the loader to read bytecode files. Raises OSError when the path cannot be handled. @RXSe8eQC IE S L  $--'N @RZ@R W ;e]4ee0 Ze ex eغe@Rvenv..@RExtensionFileLoader.exec_module@Rcan't open Zip file: @R *S R`FRe e@R Q&(@RCodecInfo.__repr__@R@ [Q  ! A Ra5!8O@R ZVeVX\0PTW keZRT_@R Set.__le__@RZ@R...@R XveueyePjepeV(exeeXeQ  @RModuleSpec.__repr__@Re#STee@RSequence.__contains__Q==  @R_TempModule.__exit__QA A'&A'@R:S.append(value) -- append value to the end of the sequenceQI@R module in @R!Vhe(egUQ@R Xveueye0e0Rwere0V@e@R^SRe8eWTS@R@R#Return a relative version of a path@R/\W`WW~U e`RpS[p_eH_8e]e^^ e`M^$^[Q A== B B @R>Meta path finder for modules declared in the Windows registry.@Ropt-@R8SePOS@RT(e@RW0/Z e@Re(yUeXSeaR7UV@R0e@UX~UFSRee@R(T0eRW WT8T@R is not a frozen module@RMapping.__getitem__@R eV5UjSeTUVnUV XRQt3(%("-22.28  = 7>*b././b<%""<~$'$'@RrUV(TSVhPTe@R/Convert 4 bytes in little-endian to an integer.Q(I   2 I I@Rfe@Re6R8T@R@load_module(fullname) -> module. Load the module specified by 'fullname'. 'fullname' must be the fully qualified (dotted) module name. It returns the imported module, or raises ZipImportError if it could not be imported. Deprecated since Python 3.10. Use exec_module() instead. @Rp_ eWЂ_0V~RPSKV`VTRRAR SPTSPS`wRQ>U@@DD /'@RؾT@R site-packages@ReXf@RStreamReaderWriter.__exit__@R The name of the module's parent.@RV&fWSW@R `he(NRfe`RW`Wxie [ !]@R_ImportLockContext.__exit__@R(UeXbUS@R!_is_param_expr..Q!!))G@RMReturn the portion of the file's mode that can be set by os.chmod(). Q\/Q @R^SRe8eXUIVgSpVLSeT3TxVSS8GS8RSeS@RWdeQN(( B,B'A' B,&B'' A30B'2A33B' B,B''B,@R Mapping.items@RT@RModuleSpec.__init__@R2Resolve a relative module name to an absolute one.@RMutableMapping.__delitem__@Ri]W@RМ[ G^WQ %B B!@Re7UQ4==!!@R XveueyePjepe(exeeXe@R^SexTVغeQBC C) C' C& C CCCC# & C65C6@RaTest whether a path is a mount point (a drive root, the root of a share, or a mounted volume)@R_NamespacePath.__setitem__@Re!VPnSYR VSe0PTQ4 G7@ReXS@R (yUhe@texiexefeerS6RRQA A*)A*QQYB* .C*9.D* C'4 CC' C!C' C!!C'&C'*DDDDQ {  "0h 5 I " ' \ ($DFF& $Iu)E$Y/ )0, ??7 ##' I  i(  00@RJoin two or more pathname components, inserting '/' as needed. If any component is an absolute path, all previous path components will be discarded. An empty last part will result in a path that ends with a separator.@R Return a wrapped version of file which provides transparent encoding translation. Data written to the wrapped file is decoded according to the given data_encoding and then encoded to the underlying file using file_encoding. The intermediate data type will usually be Unicode but depends on the specified codecs. Bytes read from the file are decoded using file_encoding and then passed back to the caller encoded using data_encoding. If file_encoding is not given, it defaults to data_encoding. errors may be given to define the error handling. It defaults to 'strict' which causes ValueErrors to be raised in case an encoding error occurs. The returned wrapped file object provides two extra attributes .data_encoding and .file_encoding which reflect the given parameters of the same name. The attributes can be used for introspection by Python programs. @Re0\Rȧe@R . Try using '@RW`WW@RL_@R5Test whether two stat buffers reference the same file@R8R&feeT TW@RZW@R ^ e@R Xveueye0e0Rge0V@eSfeQ@R_ModuleLock.__repr__Q-Utclld.B-UQZZ%%%%@Reعe@RXveueyePjeTe@RGiven the path to a .py file, return the path to its .pyc file. The .py file does not need to exist; this simply returns the path to the .pyc file calculated as if the .py file were imported. The 'optimization' parameter controls the presumed optimization level of the bytecode file. If 'optimization' is not None, the string representation of the argument is taken and verified to be alphanumeric (else ValueError is raised). The debug_override parameter is deprecated. If debug_override is not None, a True value is the same as setting 'optimization' to the empty string while a False value is equivalent to setting 'optimization' to '1'. If sys.implementation.cache_tag is None then NotImplementedError is raised. @R/Convert 2 bytes in little-endian to an integer.@R`_)eW@R^ eQ! E HHUO  @ReeeQ%wtR= @RAdd an element.@RCoroutine.__subclasshook__@Re0UHkV7ThUeXf@R0Return True if mode is from a FIFO (named pipe).@RConvert a bytecode file path to a source path (if possible). This function exists purely for backwards-compatibility for PyImport_ExecCodeModuleWithFilenames() in the C API. @ReTVXNR@R=Return a module spec based on a file location. To indicate that the module is a package, set submodule_search_locations to a list of directory paths. An empty list is sufficient, though its not otherwise useful to the import system. The loader must take a spec as its only __init__() arg. @R pTPL\0R&S mUWR UzUس_xV]@R0pV@R. substituted in sys.modules during a lazy load@R Xveueye0ece0RR`S(fV0V@e@RPSГV@Repee@R^SeغeTST@RTQS}}V__- < 3FOO3FG889 9,,T4I@ReVkUeU`XRQ @@Ree@Rnegative data size@R6FileFinder.path_hook..path_hook_for_FileFinder@Re8e@R 0] e e@F] e8_\ e eXJ^P`x e[@RTeQQ @R!V VSSS@Re`RS@Re8eVXeXveQYIxH'  $@R__package__ not set to a string@R.remove_importlib_frames in import.c will always remove sequences of importlib frames that end with a call to this function Use it instead of a normal call in places where including the importlib frames introduces unwanted noise into the traceback (e.g. when executing module code) QQG7FNN## 7v;6a!A$#+6667QoFt{{O,**40 m ,=> > ~TYY'tV$ MQ1 (  w(22Q$ .<= =47AB Bf ;t$tS)%x #CO cc?-c22 c QDI!DL)=D &@R5] eWU[`Ze@R)Reload the file data of the archive path.@RFrozenImporter.get_sourceQ IIaLH a 002H#45==c4HA5/4A88H&78 8!"8"2"#))C"68 8@RXyU@RReplacement for os.path.isdir.Q 33Q` D:F ,G;H): F:FF G8$AG33G8;H&!H!!H&) I 2II @R(yU T W VTSV@ Ve!VeeVPOSVS(UR@R&Return the repr to use for the module.@RZ >() ) EQJ,--4@R(e@R#^x eW@R_Environ.__ior__@R9ZW@Re@RTexie0Txe@R+Pje@TZUUHeET0R{Ux>R^S!VPRWT@ceUT(UغeXbUVSU|V(URnSp&S`RxTVTXUSeX&V0)TPOST0kRDR V VORS@R~Split a pathname. Return tuple (head, tail) where tail is everything after the final slash. Either part may be empty.@RZW`W@RReplacement for os.path.join().Q\\?\@RW$q'#:Sb ?DH,D$x&666@R`_@RRWQ $@R WHTWW0VWW>RUWQ Q                     ######$                               ss s s s s s s s gos s ss s gos s ss s gos s s/8    "'%)"%#    @R cS[!TEROVTWW[`Z@RKReturn the next item from the iterator. When exhausted, raise StopIteration@R@R() or @ReUU؈eȸR?ReHUQj2% }%I}%I tY--y/?/? --y/E/Ev OB%B$B I@RWPU^ UWQ **C ||x$9S$@,.JJ7L,MM S)^^ ggoobggooj9:G''//'*KCI M  Wm4 [-8&   N%  , 1 *Q *$;$(NN3$7MCE))+++-C!KKME<<&+kkm $)  * *(32 S_  cjj\2 & OOAszz *  |H$  1 * *@RX%UPeee@R_Environ.__ror__QBCs./#3D(#C ikkooh' ;jl;x(C$'CKK ! (h7.99$,,M (z 3/#/  . .s||Xw O s|| $  V++h'C ##$DhPWX   H%  Vxl:STU U V@ReeHeee@Re0\RPUhpVȧe@RConcrete implementation of InspectLoader.get_code. Reading of bytecode requires path_stats to be implemented. To write bytecode, set_data must also be implemented. @R"W \Z eb[ e e``_Z e e e_q^0[Xe@]x^ e eX e e eX e e ee]Z(T8exe e [@R2debug_override or optimization must be set to None@ReПe8exgU@RU@RWWQ @RFExecute the spec's specified module in an existing module's namespace.@R --user-base@R:RVVS#U@Re#STeR@Rp_W@RStreamRecoder.resetQ*I 257 @@@R Read one line from the input stream and return the decoded data. size, if given, is passed as size argument to the read() method. @RehV@Rsubmodule_search_locations=Q  ,,@RAcquires then releases the module lock for a given module name. This is used to ensure a module is completely initialized, in the event it is being imported by another thread. @R(+T&fRUBTW@RNamespaceLoader.__init__@R'Override for isinstance(instance, cls).Q T[[1@RW ex e@Repeexf@R]W@RgRaise an exception in the coroutine. Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration. @RW`RTQ0$Q4'11$..%'J tyy)@R This subclass of IncrementalDecoder can be used as the baseclass for an incremental decoder if the decoder must be able to handle incomplete byte sequences. @R Decoding iterator. Decodes the input strings from the iterator using an IncrementalDecoder. errors and kwargs are passed through to the IncrementalDecoder constructor. @R%commonpath() arg is an empty sequenceQ\\@R_[ e\e e epeQH O++m, , ,MN N -12   QC 11/ 5 @RL]@Re`eQ+9@RStreamRecoder.__init__@R.Vee@RSR@R&@R W5]Za]X[(l[/\x^[ e@RfHeaS@RTuS@R2_requires_frozen.._requires_frozen_wrapperQ @RGTReT@Rpath is on mount @RNZ^KZ@Ree@RXveueye؈eSPje@R"[Q5@R9The machinery of importlib: finders, loaders, hooks, etc.@RtR@Rzipimport: zlib UNAVAILABLE@Re(UepeQ3%%! !4yCJ&=4;;u+==@R: Resets the encoder to the initial state. @R Xveueye0e0Ree(e0V@eQ! YY *zzS "#DEEtzz?Q& && JJNN tzz?! t||$q(LL$$&KK'') * * *Q ##$ABHIIO #   ;<  J##$ABHIIJ Q5||D)  Ix|| I." @R8TpU@R\W@R %s [--user-base] [--user-site] Without arguments print some useful information With arguments print the value of USER_BASE and/or USER_SITE separated by '%s'. Exit codes with --user-base or --user-site: 0 - user site directory is enabled 1 - user site directory is disabled by user 2 - user site directory is disabled by super user or for security reasons >2 - unknown error QL   )-););A)>CKK &  DMM*Q' (N!7 HHXb\ ""8NQMVJHh 9k4s1}122 w 82 T GGK  v;" 89 9 "1: & #:7+!FWU U"6"R=1 #F2bM2 9nz1 {"  T GGK 779% x=I %67 7 &/841}J)+  h $$? T #8 !D7S S T  T #8 !D7S S T)88B JHIIJQ8@R;[0e0e eW^(T01e@ePAe Thex^eeH^e[e e e@R6Normalize case of pathname. Has no effect under Posix@RSplit a pathname into drive, root and tail. On Posix, drive is always empty; the root may be empty, a single slash, or two slashes. The tail contains anything after the root. For example: splitroot('foo/bar') == ('', '', 'foo/bar') splitroot('/foo/bar') == ('', '/', 'foo/bar') splitroot('//foo/bar') == ('', '//', 'foo/bar') splitroot('///foo/bar') == ('', '/', '//foo/bar') @RX&V@RTЖU@R0^ eWUJT0SVTVRTURRSSPT%TpZRhU`aTjV@RSиU2SRP)V Vteس_@RuS@RW e[]@?]@R8e@RW)e@RЫeHe@R Set.__and__Q d#d@RAsyncGenerator.asend@R%d.%d@R"argv first element cannot be empty@RXveueye0e0R{e0V@eQGB%B%H  0:  $$ $0000@R)can't decompress data; zlib not available@R`W9]WQ '' h?H   t||h6 73t||h6789C & C(Iy11 &!R% % &@RWW@ReITTe@R7_WeakValueDictionary.__init__..KeyedRef.__new__@ReعehVRSfeQ52 "   $*H@RzZ@R!VeSSTxe8eQLIO 9 L@RWx eHV_@RValuesView.__iter__Q @R_Environ.__repr__@R, start on mount Q> 3? 33A1u4x 8T!a%&\ !!@Rc^ e e]W@RyRaise an exception in the asynchronous generator. Return next yielded value or raise StopAsyncIteration. @RA decorator indicating abstract properties. Deprecated, use 'property' with 'abstractmethod' instead: class C(ABC): @property @abstractmethod def my_abstract_property(self): ... @Rmodule @R4]@Rmodule name must be str, not @RTRpSTHVU(NR`T@Rp\ e0eQNI& !!   O@R@K  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ #%%%%$%a%b%V%U%c%Q%W%]%\%[%%%4%,%%%<%^%_%Z%T%i%f%`%P%l%g%h%d%e%Y%X%R%S%k%j%% %%%%%%")"a"e"d" #!#H""" %@R\Q@R`T DTeQ#s#DtCyPQ Q z !.56 6 >Y.JK K 3;##C*.T+5??,5$7Dt{{D1 1##C*.T*4//,5$7Dtzz40 0@RXveueyePje0e0RPe@ieTeeee(UWVne@RWx eHV_8 eX e eZ@R0\R(e@R_WeakValueDictionary.setdefaultQA A%$A%@R fT]T0eRpjSTh5RHU(STPOS@SSW@RSourceFileLoader.set_data@RG\W@RPathFinder.find_distributionsQHS SS* S6SSS'&S'*S32S36S?>S?Q8?"'&))7++1540D@RWNR`W\@R.Clear the registry (for debugging or testing).Q6A<< BB@R@S ePV!Ve@R)Helper to run code in nominated namespaceQ          O!,-- 8H(+b.1r +*8 ((00  2>>+,J$%:-zj`.+!P+" +# +]> (T/b"'<@"+p.b  ())) #o ,, ,t^#("(#(D G Hd  @R \@RSourcelessFileLoader.get_source@R X~UTUSU`UT8V:ShUU@R *SexV@RNamespaceLoader.is_package@R ZWQ6A  A @R+Compute the hash value of a set. Note that we don't define __hash__: not all sets are hashable. But if you define a hashable set type, its __hash__ should call this function. This must be compatible __eq__. All sets ought to compare equal if they contain the same elements, regardless of how they are implemented, and regardless of the order of the elements; so there's not much freedom for __eq__ or __hash__. We match the algorithm used by the built-in frozenset type. @RMutableSequence.pop@RW[Xe@R&Represents a namespace package's path. It uses the module name to find its parent module, and from there it looks up the parent's __path__. When this changes, the module's own path is recomputed, using path_finder. For top-level modules, the parent module's path is sys.path.@R[=_ZQ B/B5Q. VV, VV,  @Ree`XR@RCodecInfo.__new__@R USER_BASE: Q eW % '!#JS  ' UF #zz| '!#JS  '$ " U!S  "**, JCDI @R\We@R:RX~UpSQ;I"":""@RReversible.__reversed__Q, ,-- 99T?D$ } %  !(!5!5c!:@Aaa@ @ ' 3 3C 8>1AQ> >  j)45 68s:q01IabMAMXA> ~|5G H$$Ye< @R _CallableGenericAlias.__reduce__@RЋ]Wd\@ReVfe@R^SeU@RZQTYYM++@R eX e@R is not a package@R!Ve RfTPTSV7TyRpUUxTeURQSV0V@RWdeee(e@Reee@Rbad magic number in @Rbad local header offset: @R e@TePe(5VSheRXSe@R P|VT`IRPmVWNV0SWP@RSW[X6Z@RCReturn the last modification time of a file, reported by os.stat().@RSЕTPVS W@R:]TQ  :4!44dEfEE@RhUpVVTVTTUX~UITPW U@0ST0eR TPOSTS@RVU!VUR?SeءU@ReXe8eПeQ3**//4R "9 z!!@Re@R *SVe@e@R V0^&f e`VUSLUWPVp0VF\@R XveueyePjepe8exeeXe@R_WeakValueDictionary.__init__@RWindowsRegistryFinder.find_spec@RGTSoUS;Ue@RMutableSequence.appendQ@Re~Te@Rhe@R eVSpS9RpT8T@THSNSV@Rp\ c\ e0eQ@55   '##$LDII / Q* C"9C  CCC" C.-C.@Ree6R@RIncrementalDecoder.resetQ' ! A 1+C << @R R^]ZSS+U@VT0UW[`Z@Re(yU@RehBUfe@RpUQ  "    @RWkR e[]@?]@Reغe@Rget_data(pathname) -> string with file data. Return the data associated with 'pathname'. Raise OSError if the file wasn't found. @R *SVQ>BE,E"#E"'E,<E'E'AE,E," E,,7F#@R@Determines whether the specified path is on a Windows Dev Drive.@R`&`@RStreamWriter.__reduce_ex__Q)X11G(## NQ 778  % %%@R/Trigger the load and then perform the deletion.@Rx\@RWHyZ\ e@R Codec.decode@RZWQ_ KK 5>>''(=>H33D$?O  ! !,"5"5hqk"B CCQ@RSдS@RPOS@R$_Environ.__repr__..@R\te`ZW eQ&d1Rj!lZ&?@*4(3##D'2'1[11tBr{# j(@A24(;K{KK B @R UV(NReX.Uee(UIR8Ue@RCannot set an attribute on @Rz^0\@RfRVVXfe@RWPl] eD\`[efU]^Xet\ _ e@W]ZW e e e@RHS!Ve@UyeYRS`The+TeeT(U{U VTS@Re(e@RStreamRecoder.__getattr__@R.pycQe A ww~~d#&tn 8h  H   @RhV@Rexe@R environ({@RGTmV@R e?RVXePSؘTȁTUVehe@R Replacement for os.path.abspath.@R_AddedDllDirectory.__enter__@RFind and load the module.@R Set.__rsub__@Re?RVXeXve(e@RWp\KZ@R _DeprecateByteStringMeta.__new__@R> Writes the object's contents encoded to @RMutableMapping.updateQ:I $L1Q2D== F AFF @R eUhe6RxiewURhTdVpe e@RSplit a pathname into drive, root and tail. The drive is defined exactly as in splitdrive(). On Windows, the root may be a single path separator or an empty string. The tail contains anything after the root. For example: splitroot('//server/share/') == ('//server/share', '/', '') splitroot('C:/Users/Barney') == ('C:', '/', 'Users/Barney') splitroot('C:///spam///ham') == ('C:', '/', '//spam///ham') splitroot('Windows/notepad') == ('', '', 'Windows/notepad') @RS R!SS@Rhe6RR(U TX~UUSXveSeXe!V$UVT keYRyeeST8ehT@RV@R_getuserbase..joinuser@R@eHe@R7.exec_module() not found; falling back to load_module()Q A AQA## A43A4@R e(eV[USПeUVRSU@Repee eQ7  IIOO   @R:spawnle(mode, file, *args, env) -> integer Execute file with arguments from args in a subprocess with the supplied environment. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. @R Xveueye0e0Rre0V@eSfe@R RVe@eHT5U7TTS0eRTQLutnD( HHXd^ $ #D)T{"(+' $D):D$ABDtnD(,  ;;"22     @R_Printer.__setup@R8eR8eee@R@c\W@RA Mapping is a generic container for associating key/value pairs. This class provides concrete generic implementations of all methods except for __getitem__, __iter__, and __len__. @R8U&fgTPW[VWQ0DKK ![[t{{;l QA "%$P62* ;4 (V )O@RpeW@RZ@RDGiven a sequence of path names, returns the longest common sub-path.@ReQ @@@RLR[ ehi\WОW@WP_x\)e e_]e&f`W0WWSTVG]`UTUSUSPwV8UULU0OTV0U(+T0VUS;STjSqU@WkTVLS8R@WpTpVJU SpRUITiRpV0sU#SpTVUiUcV6U@W(V@4R %UVVW`IVWkR STU@RPje0eXyU8TR@hTU`^T0sSTR@dU%VpT SUTUWvRQ4<<. .@R)S@R1Return True if two sets have a null intersection.@REOF read where not expectedQ ! A!U!u|eQ 1Q3!Aa&C-c1QR5  aeQqrU""Q Q<C37C)?C)C3!C.)C.-3C3!C3) C332D%Q)D0D-D* D%%D*-EE@R~Stat the path. Made a separate function to make it easier to override in experiments (e.g. cache stat results). @RRTU@R Set.__gt__Q# 6p B&H *;QW I""""   Q>$  !%!4!4!600@Rspawnl(mode, file, *args) -> integer Execute file with arguments from args in a subprocess. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. @R%Failed to load the builtin codecs: %s@RKeysView._from_iterableQ% 9  N @Rstr expected, not %sQ25@R@2\W[@R eePV@S@RZ7S@ReHe:R@R %U*\&fRUQUU T|UW@T _س_@RRYPSVW@R_ImportLockContext.__enter__Q`@RPje0R0VTS`W TVR ~UPTTpUS(FSpTHSXe@TPOSSuePWUؽU@RPSxSВV^SRe8e|VePSXbUeTЖU SغeVYRWTXV@R5_incompatible_extension_module_restrictions.__enter__@R (namespace) from Qm  # A 9%%%%'!^^GS9DIIcNNH A @RFExpected a list of types, an ellipsis, ParamSpec, or Concatenate. Got Q@RF[W@R`iV_TpS@R8V$ZST0]U@V^TW@RBloaders that define exec_module() must also define create_module()QQc.#H-f??G& L^^B %F  QI* 38<HhlHhGGr<8DD@RReturns the sequence of directories that will be searched for the named executable (similar to a shell) when launching a process. *env* must be an environment variable dict or None. If *env* is None, os.environ will be used. QKyy dE ";;~bkk$.?@AIT Id#*s*@R`] eWxePTZ03\@R&WindowsRegistryFinder._search_registry@RStreamReader.__init__@RTPerform basic validity checking of a pyc header and return the flags field, which determines how the pyc should be further validated against the source. *data* is the contents of the pyc file. (Only the first 16 bytes are required, though.) *name* is the name of the module being imported. It is used for logging. *exc_details* is a dictionary passed to ImportError if it raised for improved debugging. ImportError is raised when the magic number is incorrect or when the flags field is invalid. EOFError is raised when the data is found to be truncated. @ReXSe@RؾT0eRPOSeT(TU@RePe@R created {!r}@RXShee@R8eQ # Q) D( +DL)9S% I&=##OT\\8Xabc , H-I lGT\\95DD'*4(HdSD'w5|lGG+ +/S2 (7C 84, F #5h\!BR R#'#&L'   @R`[\@RWd[/^QAA.-A.@RHV8e@RP!T@ReHkV7T#UQ @R6]Q &=!!\2 2@ReHeXf@R T`RT3TeR[Re8RВVغePWTRS@Rspec missing loader@RTXvePOS0e@UNRxieQ IY'J I,"9-", I  C (#((1+78=@ A  ", IQk yyr8Y!7 ::<299; &r8Y!7 ::<299; & @RP[W@R0p_@Re(NR@RxR@RxeHe{U(RTQ,%D *+ Aq'M @Rp-Z@R-Utility code for constructing importers, etc.Q/ A AA @R4_incompatible_extension_module_restrictions.__init__@R%Test whether a path is a regular file@RPathLike.__fspath__Qyy {{4#73::<8H||&&u-"8}D %(E !  4$(NN3$7!c6"&q(89H#H%))(3  4 5D  << " "#> ?=E'Fr 'FD $ @/"?4FG H 0(G@R`V`US UW@R_DummyModuleLock(@RehSTПepeQ@R '\W@RFileLoader.get_dataQQv R adT5M * #bii# $ QB QB" 1 1:bq6M I@RS.pop([index]) -> item -- remove and return item at index (default last). Raise IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range. Q ??11L++L!!8.58H8H!8L.L"N ##C( 7D!,,T26 7  7  @R#_@R0\R@R Creates a StreamRecoder instance which implements a two-way conversion: encode and decode work on the frontend (the data visible to .read() and .write()) while Reader and Writer work on the backend (the data in stream). You can use these objects to do transparent transcodings from e.g. latin-1 to utf-8 and back. stream must be a file-like object. encode and decode must adhere to the Codec interface; Reader and Writer must be factory functions or classes providing the StreamReader and StreamWriter interfaces resp. Error handling is done in the same way as defined for the StreamWriter/Readers. @R0R_@RPG_[@Re?RVXePSPOS@RPathFinder._get_specQ#&"! E4 $+ @Repe@RQ $@R.hash in bytecode doesn't match hash of source QA IO .@@R SourceFileLoader._cache_bytecode@RlReturn the canonical path of the specified filename, eliminating any symbolic links encountered in the path.@RStRTQ{{$$X..@RxeHeQ E" #@ReITTe8le@R.Raise GeneratorExit inside generator. Q 3aDJJqM 3@ReUQ r(C D$s)S!@RXveueyePjeTpe@US`3VVreHmePesep{egee@R\Z@R,Return True if mode is from a symbolic link.@RXveueyePje0eae0RHmeegeлeePeje{e@Ree@R@UX~UV@RSWV(NR@RIncrementalDecoder.getstate@RPaths don't have the same drive@R($Se(eȧe V@RUSVRQ *"!@ReHeXfVSQI%Q@xIIigw < C[ME;; DF iik c5 !I    J  ) 5  $Z 0#"\\^F KK +NN5::.6#$( /).)9)9);J )3N  !((4Q1 " "  )*D ##F#$ '/*/J /C) 5) 5) 5T   tW$ $#D> +W- fX&6LL* + LL#tW- .$Y/ ' X& 'i Q 99T?D$ } ,-- IIe EHUO, 8D>*%.y%9" Q #,X#6 Ay K HZ$8 8K)* *",!1!1#!6x FFO2sww2$4<++" %[               Q.. "II+<KK5<</<KK5<</<E<<<<KK5<</ < %%););;  =  "! ! "Q,%//10 / 1QE $Z %HE U  % $ %@R(Create an uninitialized extension moduleQ 99T?D$ t K  #8"((CI!!"j$/ d?K zz"6AH** A  4O " K!vvay1wwqz ??5 !dmmC&8":D  BJJr{{4/@$AB 8D8e#DD A DLD'  A @R W&^ e e e0IRV e e eZ^.^@R e?R@LUS(yUVPOSe0eXyUQ6&B">#C" C-C5CC D#C??DQ+ z?a a= !#"5"5zB "NHd"">2h6G6G6W7?4 4(""3'==?h&7&7&99$D 6DKK%'4 D! "48=a1)== t9>$q'(? "hmmD))) >Qyy{x((@RW\ eW`W@R!VeRpRTeSVeTU^SETغeRS@RMake the module load lazily.@RAsyncIterator.__anext__@R8RtRTQ+ B B B @RpRtRT@RpQ[W eZQ@RVX]PSRVWQ - !![+> >@R,pSHVe(TUTVTNRSVoShaR@SiSUR DR8TJR`VcS)SP|V`WURhV`R@3UTR/V(e8eRX!U6R TVRT@UUSSbR@RU>^RUT@\\UWQ B"6B."B+.B:@R(T(UغeU|VXbUV(URx(VrTVSUS3UxSp&SU"U`RxTVS0)TT@TZUHeET0R{UUx>R0kR VOR0Tx5TVSnSQ()9)98D <"5(#'*{{+02008UK&4D!3!34    + + 2 21f = @ReU@ReHsRVqe@RUSQ +4@R"ZW@R+Produce the data for a timestamp-based pyc.@R@eVeQ (?!(L9 9@RESet all module __file__ and __cached__ attributes to an absolute path@RGet an environment variable, return None if it doesn't exist. The optional second argument can specify an alternate default. key, default and the result are bytes.@R halted; None in sys.modules@RJ[W\Z`W@RCommon operations on Posix pathnames. Instead of importing this module directly, import os and refer to this module as os.path. The "os.path" name is an alias for this module on Posix systems; on other systems (e.g. Windows), os.path provides the same operations in a manner specific to that platform, and is an alias to another module (e.g. ntpath). Some of this can actually be useful on non-Posix systems too, e.g. for manipulation of the pathname component of URLs. @R pTSoUmVSSeTGT;U2UxYV@R is not an alphanumeric value@Rexpected only 2 or 3 dots in @R Represent `Callable[argtypes, resulttype]`. This sets ``__args__`` to a tuple containing the flattened ``argtypes`` followed by ``resulttype``. Example: ``Callable[[int, str], float]`` sets ``__args__`` to ``(int, str, float)``. @R Open an encoded file using the given mode and return a wrapped version providing transparent encoding/decoding. Note: The wrapped version will only accept the object format defined by the codecs, i.e. Unicode objects for most builtin codecs. Output is also codec dependent and will usually be Unicode as well. If encoding is not None, then the underlying encoded files are always opened in binary mode. The default file mode is 'r', meaning to open the file in read mode. encoding specifies the encoding which is to be used for the file. errors may be given to define the error handling. It defaults to 'strict' which causes ValueErrors to be raised in case an encoding error occurs. buffering has the same meaning as for the builtin open() API. It defaults to -1 which means that the default buffer size will be used. The returned wrapped file object provides an extra attribute .encoding which allows querying the used encoding. This attribute is only available if an encoding was specified as parameter. @R/site-packages. On other platforms (such as Windows), it tries each of the prefixes directly, as well as with lib/site-packages appended. The resulting directories, if they exist, are appended to sys.path, and also inspected for path configuration files. If a file named "pyvenv.cfg" exists one directory above sys.executable, sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix are set to that directory and it is also checked for site-packages (sys.base_prefix and sys.base_exec_prefix will always be the "real" prefixes of the Python installation). If "pyvenv.cfg" (a bootstrap configuration file) contains the key "include-system-site-packages" set to anything other than "false" (case-insensitive), the system-level prefixes will still also be searched for site-packages; otherwise they won't. All of the resulting site-specific directories, if they exist, are appended to sys.path, and also inspected for path configuration files. A path configuration file is a file whose name has the form .pth; its contents are additional directories (one per line) to be added to sys.path. Non-existing directories (or non-directories) are never added to sys.path; no directory is added to sys.path more than once. Blank lines and lines beginning with '#' are skipped. Lines starting with 'import' are executed. For example, suppose sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix are set to /usr/local and there is a directory /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages with three subdirectories, foo, bar and spam, and two path configuration files, foo.pth and bar.pth. Assume foo.pth contains the following: # foo package configuration foo bar bletch and bar.pth contains: # bar package configuration bar Then the following directories are added to sys.path, in this order: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bar /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/foo Note that bletch is omitted because it doesn't exist; bar precedes foo because bar.pth comes alphabetically before foo.pth; and spam is omitted because it is not mentioned in either path configuration file. The readline module is also automatically configured to enable completion for systems that support it. This can be overridden in sitecustomize, usercustomize or PYTHONSTARTUP. Starting Python in isolated mode (-I) disables automatic readline configuration. After these operations, an attempt is made to import a module named sitecustomize, which can perform arbitrary additional site-specific customizations. If this import fails with an ImportError exception, it is silently ignored. @Rcommonpath..@R_ModuleLockManager.__init__@R0\]@R ^SRUВVS8GSVYRTWTXV@RV&fRW@RZ@R:ShUpRe@R>Concrete implementation of SourceLoader using the file system.@RPV@SX.U!Ve e@RX] e eWWv]e`W^eP,e8^x eC[ eQQ$XBQx :(.+/tD$'9T9* ) :;;&66  .d3H4'7;tHd3I(#4[ d$;&+/tD$'T' : @RB StreamRecoder instances translate data from one encoding to another. They use the complete set of APIs returned by the codecs.lookup() function to implement their task. Data written to the StreamRecoder is first decoded into an intermediate format (depending on the "decode" codec) and then written to the underlying stream using an instance of the provided Writer class. In the other direction, data is read from the underlying stream using a Reader instance and then encoded and returned to the caller. @RR!8Da5zA~b T__4 */*.+0(T__*D##>qA& % %Qx "'("5"5u"5"Ea"H?2&*&<&<&A&A%)&L&*oo'6DO+  / 4+??E?:1=D $A ]@R:\@ReHV@Rget_code(fullname) -> code object. Return the code object for the specified module. Raise ZipImportError if the module couldn't be imported. @ReПeexS@Rxe@R`\TQ@ 2  @ReV@eVplTeXS@R L[ e@RW e@R] eW\e8 ex e]UQ D __S !! $FK  $ %gv 6 3;; ;;t$ $ F+  @ ))D$,, $Q' dD !D |!_$5dX">TJJ   1 1 8 8 ? <#D)F5599;  F+  / M5& 1 M6M5 @$%dXRz9JKC%c54 ? @ 5599; //z9KE9UC NN3 . M /@RPre@R *SVe`ERaeؿTT@R+popen() does not support unbuffered streams@RW8ee@RExtensionFileLoader.__eq__@R] e [`[0[8_`0][W_`]"]xE^ eWPV ZV0SU0VSpWRVyUس_Q @@@RpjSxgU]TXUe@T TПeeȭR0ReVVee9VS/T@ThR(R/VVlUeehf@RjEnable default readline configuration on interactive prompts, by registering a sys.__interactivehook__. If the readline module can be imported, the hook will set the Tab key as completion key and register ~/.python_history as history file. This can be overridden in the sitecustomize or usercustomize module, or in a PYTHONSTARTUP file. @R eSGT;UmVtST2UxYV@R^W@ROptional method that returns the modification time (an int) for the specified path (a str). Raises OSError when the path cannot be handled. @RbLoad a namespace module. This method is deprecated. Use exec_module() instead. @RABCMeta.__new__@Rb[W@Re`eehT@R^SPRSPSUT@RTR0TQ0B B6B B B B BB@RValidate a hash-based pyc by checking the real source hash against the one in the pyc header. *data* is the contents of the pyc file. (Only the first 16 bytes are required.) *source_hash* is the importlib.util.source_hash() of the source file. *name* is the name of the module being imported. It is used for logging. *exc_details* is a dictionary passed to ImportError if it raised for improved debugging. An ImportError is raised if the bytecode is stale. Q  $Q4  * * 299'',Q/ /99 Q2$' qyT7E2 $ ,,@RXveueye؈eVPjeQ @RStreamWriter.__enter__@R`T!SXnV@RXveueye0e0Rse0V@eQ/ dH - : #5h\!BR R @RFileLoader.get_filename@R PYS`V\`TR@SV@RpTW[`Z@RaReturn the path representation of a path-like object. If str or bytes is passed in, it is returned unchanged. Otherwise the os.PathLike interface is used to get the path representation. If the path representation is not str or bytes, TypeError is raised. If the provided path is not str, bytes, or os.PathLike, TypeError is raised. @RVHelper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance. @R.Return True if the frozen module is a package.Q!DLDJQ ""!@RAcquire the import lock.Q9@R<Return true if the pathname refers to an existing directory.Q (?!!Z< <Q@RZxee@R eUHe0USRpV ^Te YSXTU@ReeSHU0S(yUQ%  "  "@RTe@Re TQ Q\ b# @48KLL  $##H- 2772tY B4 B6 BBQ 99Q<@Re ef@R.__all__Q*     @Rbad central directory offset: @Re8e(UHRXbUغe^SVPRأTTSDRpTQ0![[t{{;l{{  &&@R_T@Repe@RV`R@R eXeeeeeU~Th;T@R@RXveueyePjelehe@Rpe(eQ, T>&\F A KKN @RStreamReaderWriter.seekQ))#3D {{ >dXQ' '  +6#6#F#FGdX%7V\\8J7K1M MdXRz4 4   dXVDKK?!< <dii]"T[[M< <@Rzipimporter(archivepath) -> zipimporter object Create a new zipimporter instance. 'archivepath' must be a path to a zipfile, or to a specific path inside a zipfile. For example, it can be '/tmp/', or '/tmp/', if mydirectory is a valid directory inside the archive. 'ZipImportError is raised if 'archivepath' doesn't point to a valid Zip archive. The 'archive' attribute of zipimporter objects contains the name of the zipfile targeted. @RExtensionFileLoader.get_code@R^Core implementation of path-based import. This module is NOT meant to be directly imported! It has been designed such that it can be bootstrapped into Python as the implementation of import. As such it requires the injection of specific modules and attributes in order to work. One should use importlib as the public-facing version of this module. @Rȧe@RLoad the specified module into sys.modules and return it. This method is deprecated. Use loader.exec_module() instead. @RT^SeغeVSePRSUTR OSnUx`eȸR SSxTNRkS(oUxS!Vepe8TTxe8eecU V@R]W`W@R!VT@Rele6RReee(yUV!VePSRyURfee@R^Return the next item from the generator. When exhausted, raise StopIteration. @RFileLoader.load_moduleQ. 9  DI @RStreamWriter.__exit__@RMThis unifies bytes and bytearray. XXX Should add all their methods. @RПee*T(Tpee@R)SwUS`]RWPUpTSRSФW%UWvUxR[\^X6ZQ6GAE?GAF'A F41F22F46G F!E;:F; FFFF G FG F/ F*$G*F//G2F44 GGQ   * @Re SXfe WHkVPS &V@R]W@RW`W@R__check_eager_loader@R.__spec__ is not set@RX~UPW U@R .__init__Q ~@RQ33   .  v& QO&S;>DXGH HwsFD11@R _WFShU\[8TWHyZ@Rcompiled module Q  .@RRVxVTVXeرS@RTry to find a spec for 'fullname' on sys.path or 'path'. The search is based on sys.path_hooks and sys.path_importer_cache. QN$~#..55bff= 55diiH $@R ]W_U]]e e\e [ e@^e e@RK D.update([E, ]**F) -> None. Update D from mapping/iterable E and F. If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v QJ %tDz"CS  IEz  % $ %@R">@Rexeclp(file, *args) Execute the executable file (which is searched for along $PATH) with argument list args, replacing the current process. @R^SRUS@R:Error while finding module specification for {!r} ({}: {})Q,t~~/F/FFGG@R @T@_UPYR`fVUp+SS0Vس_@RExtensionFileLoader.is_package@RSourceLoader.source_to_code@RAll the operations on a read-only sequence. Concrete subclasses must override __new__ or __init__, __getitem__, and __len__. @RxS@RVerify arguments are "sane".@RXveueyePjeVRhzR@dUiVS 8T0VTS@RCoroutine.send@Rarchive path is empty@R.V e8SQ ^^ '' @R\@R in @ReXeueyeVMRXveRQ 1AQ}H//"  *8. F F@RHfTA[WTWQ"$(G N@ReeЫeQlD,D+D,.DD, D&D! D! D! $D&)4D,$D,D,DD,!D&&D,,'E@R Set the current state of the decoder. state must have been returned by getstate(). The effect of setstate((b"", 0)) must be equivalent to reset(). @R&invalid cmd type (%s, expected string)@Rp_AU`WTW`WWV e[0W@T0Z(S WPWؽUG]W@RFileFinder._fill_cache@R_ModifiedArgv0.__enter__@R`T\W ke@RiU&f jRV`5VW@RModuleSpec.cached@Re8Rȧe@R: Return the current state of the encoder. Q4 ;z %C >$$R(C QPK@RW\e eQ@ReXeȧe@e@RW^[@^Z[P]0\x e@RXveueyepe(ejejep{e@R is not alphanumeric@R_ModuleLock.acquire@RW[XM]X_@RpSS@ReRTXRR3UغeV8RTSUxlVPS}USlUR@U@R0f\x eW@R0VpVUPUSXve@R)e e@Rhee@UX~UsSNRxie@R)\W [W`WZ\e}[p^ e eX eЦ__ ^ e@RXSeeheQ**4<,, & !+ 2&&t[9[H  -!224>+ 2+ 2.2 \*!224D !) **5 $ " "+//"33JC*,-2 c*IcN+r*S//BB-2 c* 3++D1!CKK/$x2ckk-&@#AA(+=m=NO1*122  .!&!1!1W+ 2ZtT""[+ 2+ 2@R]@R,Run custom user specific code, if available.@R!Vh)T^SeVe VxWQ$Q 99T?D$ ??5 ! 4.C #qA1u IAv  #  << 4;; zz&)H  Aay dE "tW%D LL&E <<CLLI5 $;;x(t$H tABx  (D(I        K  K QwsM4@ F((C u ""3'#AB<"*95H""3, (gY7F #k2HF//*3%y.check_str@Rzipimporter.invalidate_caches@R0V@RUPjeRx]TSkV(U(FT@UST;T(VSTppUдS(V;T0ORTHVTjSUT`/S USأTU~UVUR-USPSS\VRVAVPSTTV0#UVVV SJR@SeTp~TU8&S@7TSSUTiTT7T`STPRUPUV`UT None -- remove all items from S@R_DummyModuleLock.release@ReT@R[ Writes the concatenated list of strings to the stream using .write(). @Rcan't find module @R0Install importers for builtin and frozen modules@RU\H\P@U0"UV@R^Se"U@R"Error processing line {:d} of {}: @R9Return None as built-in modules do not have code objects.@R#NamespaceLoader.get_resource_readerQ 88D>Q3  9E&   ] +  ' '"22126  [ Cy "lO%33lOjd+ ud+ 5">{J/ : *(%\&P/** + @  & 2 S@R`T@RT@Rex eW@R/expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not @R^Q PYTHONCASEOKQ||C))@R^R_Q& AEzQ%Z Q7:0A-,A-Q9}}*4>"&#kk/:>? ?>@Rp [@R UV!VVe S`^S8RepT@R @RReturn the repr() of an object, special-casing types (internal helper). Copied from :mod:`typing` since shouldn't depend on that module. (Keep this roughly in sync with the typing version.) Q#5F>(G> G  G  GGQ; : JJL  $ U# $ @ReXSee@R 0j\ ;e2e2e\exe\eZ e e@RxZ^@R6Callable must be used as Callable[[arg, ...], result].@R^W@R8T~_`WW[S)T@}[@RПeeThSeQ:eS) 6e9M9M MNN<<*;< <@RWrite bytes data to a file.@R eaR(yUVXSHT0S8TRQ ! A 1+C D  !HsNRYY" A||C T]]3/ a   K ~| 4$$VQ33 Qd MM!8 . ' '  )$*H@R_-@RRVV@R0T_W@RAsyncGenerator.athrow@R`_\W@R[UQ;I $$9:@RgA context manager that can temporarily skip the compatibility check. NOTE: This function is meant to accommodate an unusual case; one which is likely to eventually go away. There's is a pretty good chance this is not what you were looking for. WARNING: Using this function to disable the check can lead to unexpected behavior and even crashes. It should only be used during extension module development. If "disable_check" is True then the compatibility check will not happen while the context manager is active. Otherwise the check *will* happen. Normally, extensions that do not support multiple interpreters may not be imported in a subinterpreter. That implies modules that do not implement multi-phase init or that explicitly of out. Likewise for modules import in a subinterpeter with its own GIL when the extension does not support a per-interpreter GIL. This implies the module does not have a Py_mod_multiple_interpreters slot set to Py_MOD_PER_INTERPRETER_GIL_SUPPORTED. In both cases, this context manager may be used to temporarily disable the check for compatible extension modules. You can get the same effect as this function by implementing the basic interface of multi-phase init (PEP 489) and lying about support for multiple interpreters (or per-interpreter GIL). @R'Override for issubclass(subclass, cls).@RVfeXveQ,A A%$A%@R' as the module name.@R ^ eWS0``Ze@R^True if filenames must be checked case-insensitively and ignore environment flags are not set.Q $@R W(e\e]e`\T\[ e eZ@R_AddedDllDirectory.__init__@RSet.__and__..@RW@ `@RؽUj^&fW@R0[|_KZ@RXveueyePje(e8e@R_wrap_close.__init__Q 4S3s8q= 4@R-Returns the directory component of a pathname@R\\@RKeysView.__contains__Q8)@R,D.clear() -> None. Remove all items from D.Q!77??2;;u#56L l #q| | \\, ' 411668UF3D 4 ;4;  4 ;Q5 +#HTN3 3$ +$T* * +Q ! A  DlGAq! AA !A#d" Q !A#d"2A!"$D q54;;t$ $d **Q 'tX6  "..x+V V'tX6GtW%,,z';!,,(48<>//66t< Q8 ??"4499$//JDO"DO 19Ezt'50ax++**,++**40??W,D )-T4;;)G&,#<=1DO OOx 'O?@ 19__F"44DO  __Ve,F"ooef5DO 1&  D#))$4dkkB+Hl$///>E5z1}%  Q5!2A#5@R_wrap_close.close@RUHe{U@Te)VeeXRHkV7Teh WexeRVVXfQ,  @RSCore implementation of import. This module is NOT meant to be directly imported! It has been designed such that it can be bootstrapped into Python as the implementation of import. As such it requires the injection of specific modules and attributes in order to work. One should use importlib as the public-facing version of this module. Q `@R XveueyePjepeXUSep{eQ{{%%d++@R__setup@R `V &ZnSЫVWW WW[`Z@RW ;e2e2eexe\e@RR@R VTSV5URRHS!V$UX$S@RVغeeXe?RTPSHVTRpWTUSHTW`UQ B'CCQ$ ??8 $#Hc#++F F@R]WQ I@R ^SRe8e|VXbUe(Uغe@RAsyncIterator.__aiter__@R *S(e8eRNR TReeeQ2I!!@R;A context manager responsible to updating ``_blocking_on``.@RhUTSPOSP!TQ@Re DT`TQ !h/ /@RXveueyePjeFS0VeSSShRVVVTe8TQ@RPy_W@RAsyncIterator.__subclasshook__@R(eV@R VTSS!Veee@T@tefT@hTHTpjSye TeeexieNRSPOS0eR@R-Return the code object for the frozen module.@R]W@R_ModifiedArgv0.__exit__Q> $cz ==4 3D h t'8'8$:K:KVT    @RSourceLoader._cache_bytecode@R (Q3%)! !DJJL!T%++-%888@RXveueyePjeQXoG dkk !!@RPathFinder._path_hooks@RVPOSQ  @RKZQDIIdii00Q D Cs)K ))+ . f fk *s///(%'$VV4D tV ,'%%f- .++h'K<; s{{ */ =N [[6N \>: ;()L@R.V eeQf A%Kxx% } W + % HHSM OOG $%CHHQK QAK - -dHk JE!Jt|q(  & &' 1!;!;x!G*4:L'"..'99  $66+x> *$ 9 " k nT!BZ8,G"42;/;>++,XL9; ==bc #D dJ '*8,6KLMM KQ)@RWWW@Rinvalid mode %rQ9B%%B0/B0@R UPOSe8T!VeSШeU8eefeXveQ: $& ww||GT*H XXh  Z #dnn 4 )1 -0J0J J,XL9: #H< 01   R\\(3h G  | GAts#zz|r! ??#:;J{{}'6 W+-"''..2EHHOOC(OOG, 0  O  " ;BB1Q3Q::' '88=:F & 1 1 3:d4icjj9::3#**E @R`V@RP{_W@R `g_W\e ex epeW(Za[\@R BufferedIncrementalEncoder.resetQ=))$ "jj..0$  O,C00@RexSVHmede`TpTpRQ` @R'Return True if mode is from a whiteout.@R-]K[@RCalculate what __package__ should be. __package__ is not guaranteed to be defined or could be set to None to represent that its proper value is unknown. @R e@RTueye ~U(FSQ zT"%17r#H-T7E2  A:t~~c2156 6M$i#dnnS&9!&<"==G;;v/LFOO0DW0LMN N  $+>> @R!VeST8e@RpeQB  GQ   @RIterator.__next__@RCtrl-D (i.e. EOF)@ReTUVПe*Te@VVToUPW4VRe@R ^ eW@R *SVe@epRPSxVXS0RQ"/3ooc.B|D'*Hs{{"))#.q1  zlCF P$oo K(K00X& > ??D| D6):!;<<K%" P)6{oF,,4<9?GINOP P Fv%9:; E F@RP^ZWP\@R9 Defines the interface for stateless encoders/decoders. The .encode()/.decode() methods may use different error handling schemes by providing the errors argument. These string values are predefined: 'strict' - raise a ValueError error (or a subclass) 'ignore' - ignore the character and continue with the next 'replace' - replace with a suitable replacement character; Python will use the official U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER for the builtin Unicode codecs on decoding and '?' on encoding. 'surrogateescape' - replace with private code points U+DCnn. 'xmlcharrefreplace' - Replace with the appropriate XML character reference (only for encoding). 'backslashreplace' - Replace with backslashed escape sequences. 'namereplace' - Replace with \N{...} escape sequences (only for encoding). The set of allowed values can be extended via register_error. @RЖUeرSPS@RXveueyeveqege@RBuiltinImporter.get_codeQ8 ;z %C >$$R(C @R5UjS0SQ   -| <<@RPVT@R .__main__@R_Helper.__call__@Rimport Q/ (# h $??8V4 4O@RXveueyePjePrepege@RiPje(S!VPR`U0StRXe`TTVSpVSlR@ce]VTepTe)SePOSp UepUe(e\VeS@TZUHeET0RU{Ux>RXeH)SXSnUHR8TVpehV`RRRH/VRTUPTeTDT }VW`TUTUR SSPT[R %U#S8RXS3TSRlS!S8e T`oUV8RSBTVWWXR4RpUV0/SETT T V(SV(SxWVRXveؽUPSV`T@RKExecute code located at the specified filesystem location. path_name -- filesystem location of a Python script, zipfile, or directory containing a top level script. Optional arguments: init_globals -- dictionary used to pre-populate the module s globals dictionary before the code is executed. run_name -- if not None, this will be used to set __name__; otherwise, '<run_path>' will be used for __name__. Returns the resulting module globals dictionary. @RGuido van Rossum , Mike Verdone , Mark Russell , Antoine Pitrou , Amaury Forgeot d'Arc , Benjamin Peterson @RW_D_0[Z](eH[Xe@RW e@Rinclude-system-site-packages@R:Return the path to the source file as found by the finder.@R *SeHeSRfeQ1A ==-A10A1@R`W`\T@SSW@TLR@V`WU U09TV@ESWV HV[7Zس_X6Z@RBTVW@RSR@R0ZRV !TSQEN   JJ (   ( &.&  4n4@#0 K " B 7 *,90v4n/(/(> yyF4l z I@RSet.__rsub__..@RGGiven a list of pathnames, returns the longest common leading componentQa  3C NN3*+ Hd +D3;;X& dF{{8$$T{@R&fQV$$(( II e  ) )!S 1   @RP,]W@ReHVXSQ 2774=!@R@8[W@RURWQ @@@R`W`TteW@R Xveueye0e0Rfe0V@epTfe@RKA loader that creates a module which defers loading until attribute access.Q t{{D))@R *SSR@RCMark the running thread as waiting for self.lock. via _blocking_on.@RNamespaceLoader.create_moduleQ39::((-NHa  x ;;??8,  *(E %#FHxFH  $ % I~~''1 |(8344 &&2 z !X%6%6{%C?@ @ G${2M&}e< < [[F ~FCKLM M&x( |5@AA T4 g vv~!&&H"4 ++AFFSL9  & J ?IK   U # mHSbM?3 z!68 9CCJJxb):):B?@bHI" Gs{{*9:HFG G G &F1IA%&Q tyy)@R[`T@RStreamReaderWriter.__init__QK99 LL@R Creates a StreamReader instance. stream must be a file-like object open for reading. The StreamReader may use different error handling schemes by providing the errors keyword argument. These parameters are predefined: 'strict' - raise a ValueError (or a subclass) 'ignore' - ignore the character and continue with the next 'replace'- replace with a suitable replacement character 'backslashreplace' - Replace with backslashed escape sequences; The set of allowed parameter values can be extended via register_error. @RFthe debug_override parameter is deprecated; use 'optimization' insteadQRN2"N`IV ) $*HQ,eS) 6e9M9M MNNLQ@R Decodes data from the stream and returns the resulting object. chars indicates the number of decoded code points or bytes to return. read() will never return more data than requested, but it might return less, if there is not enough available. size indicates the approximate maximum number of decoded bytes or code points to read for decoding. The decoder can modify this setting as appropriate. The default value -1 indicates to read and decode as much as possible. size is intended to prevent having to decode huge files in one step. If firstline is true, and a UnicodeDecodeError happens after the first line terminator in the input only the first line will be returned, the rest of the input will be kept until the next call to read(). The method should use a greedy read strategy, meaning that it should read as much data as is allowed within the definition of the encoding and the given size, e.g. if optional encoding endings or state markers are available on the stream, these should be read too. Qyy dE "CECFCECF 5=J#,T? ?D 3  Ds|#y "  7  &  %0{s@RTSS8ULUVV(+T;SUjS@WpRVITpV#S %UViU6U(VVTUkR8R@Rh[W e@RpU@RXveueyepeHmePe@ieresep{exeReturns a tuple of (parent-module-name, parent-path-attr-name)@RHe@R_Printer.__call__@R]@`W@RSourceLoader.set_data@RBuffer.__subclasshook__@RCenablerlcompleter..register_readline..write_history@R Set.__eq__Q K K@R_CallableGenericAlias.__new__Q'""&& @R_ModuleLock.releaseQ@RW2exe@RXveueyePjepejejeQI  t||  -99T\\* *64;;.:JK K@R5Helper to run code in new namespace with sys modified@RpU@RHS@R؈eȸRSWeHeTeeVЖU@VT(TUTU8eCTXepzUeT@hTHT0eR@R!ExtensionFileLoader.create_module@RePOS@R(USQ @RThUaeVhSQ @R@\ ehr^@R!V:TRe3Uغe(UexSTSe$S}UeelU@e@RS@RZQW B B/ B> CC B,+B,/ B;:B;> C  C  CC C.-C.@R while trying to find @R`\[W@R`W1[`W S@RNamespaceLoader.get_code@R^SPR VQ$2hdD"Is33Q kr @RZW@R U0e`SfTPTpjSTXyUVe@RStreamRecoder.__next__@R0VT@RU^@R T(elV Ve@RW e[@R4Concrete implementation of InspectLoader.get_source.@R_AddedDllDirectory.__repr__@R@3U8e@R^SPRV@R`WWWQn ! A!U   "1 fc"A ||CALLA6 @R_Environ.__len__@RHRpjSh5RpTW(U@RIncrementalDecoder.decodeQH0GHG!*H9 G( "H( G/ 5AHG6 G6G6H H%G; -G; 3G; 7H<2H/,HH;HH'H-@ReeUR@RD.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. @RPU&`WQ'  I  @R e~TVVPeHVPeeXS@R8Re{RTS8VUjR8Vf`epeae e@RZ@RpjS`XRnS9VhR@TlUS/T@TxgUe(R/VȭRؼRT@RnU!VePe@teueYRhe(yU^SeT keSVS@R V]]ZKZWPgZ`W'[V]Qk ! A 1+C  qA2A!"$D CI %{{3 :@Ronly directories are supported@R[W@R8RRQ9!H8  P JJJJJ#'    "S[[CKK"%%*S((&*&&& 6~~~#EE"# &E *%()  QN ||:; << " "#F G C!C K   @RLazyLoader.create_module@RSPOSR`V@ReПeHT@R,enablerlcompleter..register_readline@RMutableSequence.extend@R T#SU!V{RVexieee0T@RSplit the extension from a pathname. Extension is everything from the last dot to the end, ignoring leading dots. Returns "(root, ext)"; ext may be empty.@RR\TVp UWLT9UPR5T`RTWPUE^xV]@R@[@U\ex eW@R_abc_negative_cache: @Rloader=@RReturn a new module object, loaded by the spec's loader. The module is not added to its parent. If a module is already in sys.modules, that existing module gets clobbered. Q4D D':D6 D$#D$' D32D36 EEQ-I@R})@R e`TxSВV^SRTЖU SQA ,-"8,- 77== ! w ,- @RXveueye؈eYVPje@RAdd site-packages to sys.pathQ DDDQ=$''  EMD K Q B7C!!C*@RAReturns a list of all recognized module suffixes for this process@R)S@R XveueyePje(S0Rle0V@eSfeQFF("H )*!(1+ @RAwaitable.__subclasshook__@R$LazyLoader.factory..Q!&t||nXJt{{m2NN@RStreamWriter.__init__Q T4Q&AF FFQ -> filename string. Return the filename for the specified module or raise ZipImportError if it couldn't be imported. Qnn$$G@R'Debug helper to print the ABC registry.QY$$0d?@ @ !8tD D << h7D (33D9JJ)h6()9EE /(.E  )44fTrTlC ;; KK8 #K 1Z( (%8$C$CD$I!d?()9EE h' (( /#D)E).  & /@R.__spec__ is None@RexV_TQi : JJL b#&((, $D=LL'HHUO  $  @R e5UeTPVS؈eHUeeSPeQdH - : #5h\!BR Rh/ *55dMJHs|H  H-Iy188::  @RpXU VU@RW e_Q?{{U"!00t{{EJ89o  @R? Inherit all other methods from the underlying stream. @R&extension module {!r} loaded from {!r}@RR[UU@R!Ve@RWceceR`S(fV@R(reached EOF while reading pyc header of @R4Return False as built-in modules are never packages.@Repe0eXeHeWVnU@RABCMeta._abc_registry_clear@RFrozenImporter.get_code@R0x\@RxeXeQ! ( @Rexf@ReeyUQ4  f  8v8v)f)@RedeغTVp{eغepU@RpV@R WhV [ye\ e ke8eTQ Q  + ' ||D$!!Ic"I t|~),  99S$'  h ) )  N"#56 H H   Q0    Z @Ree@Rx(S7TeSU#Ue@RT@R9Pjeȓe!VeUPOSSR@ceoSV@STiSR DReUhaRUNRTVSxS8TJRe`VPYScSRP|V)S`WUe(TRhV`R@3UTR/VRX!U0T0jSbR6R TVRT@UUSP9R8TxR@Ree RQ@R e2USGT;UmVtS(yUT7UQuzz4(4((Q   '   / &@RcSxeeQ,%)! !5k 4 @R@R@\Q$ T{ABx s+ atv~  6>"4[ d6>ff5D tT" /'"B ll2::.GD  d?=D GT*E11W  r{{7';VTJbd#U* *W Y \ :; G @R1Z(be&fWPreWQB *c7G_fMSk3fEGS(Z/? BJJw$?$(MM'4;$G!%je.D")7OEEE %LE %L@R_Environ.setdefault@RW[@R0UpT@R0\Q - !![1 1Q$yy333Js{{8J JQQ$ww!!"'',,"566Q+ @AA #bii' (E%(E"JOPQy63!7!=!=!?@P P3>??1aqwws|? ? --gaA- .! 3DE E --gaA- .! 3>? ?%eAh&6&6vs&CDtTC#9qQ&[!99DOPq1:aa6k:P P    bM &DAqBqEz & HSW%Ft|chhv...5Q?- . ::P ~ &$$\:E: @RMapping.__contains__Q . .1C CC@RW]R^S!VPRWT@ceTVRS:TpVOSaRTPOS(UغeU|VXbUVS(UR TuVnSp&S(e!U`RxTVSX&V0)TPuSTVT0UpT1TUV9R0kR VORSVU)S"UsR3U`VxS@V]T@RSxe@R`:T!V8Re8TR@R {} matches {}@R(T(UغeU|VXbUV(URx(VrTVSUS3UxSp&SU"U`RxTVS0)TT0Tx5TV@TZUHeET0R{UUx>R0kR VORSnS@R6This is slow (creates N new iterators!) but effective.@Re~TefU@RMutableSet.__ior__@R,The implementation of ModuleType.__repr__().@R4_requires_builtin.._requires_builtin_wrapperQ#.H3+ L@Rp Set the input stream's current position. Resets the codec buffers used for keeping state. @RV(UПeرS:S)UQtT377@R is not a built-in module@RP#^[hD[`M^WQ!S!*4'hug.##'7#3#3"467 7 #X!; +/1#!??+1QC0I )'9=0 M' HH )KKOOI~>J @RStRT@RHashable.__subclasshook__@R0Codec details when looking up the codec registry@RXveueye0e0VTgere@RH6RؾTeTASS@RLazyLoader.__init__@RІ[W@RC]Q+D (D% D"!D"Q# ) !![&'7K K@RStreamRecoder.__enter__@R^SPR(V@R8T@R R@R T0UHRe!VeXve T`eQBGGMM$$7&@R x(VxSSUSVrTU"U3U0Tx5TVQ @Re@Re`UQc.#H-f??G& L^^C &F  @RTfffQ@R^SPRT@REmpty module name@RXveueye?RXUpe8ee8eoVxeHewereelejejeze@RZW@R] e0e@RS^BURUGTWQ&Ri E LL   @RSHIUV!S@RЏ_@RYcan't resolve package from __spec__ or __package__, falling back on __name__ and __path__@R0[ eW+T8VW@RWT@RTR W#SPVdT[T W Ute e*``M^@}[_^xV]@R Resets the codec buffers used for keeping internal state. Note that no stream repositioning should take place. This method is primarily intended to be able to recover from decoding errors. @RU`^T0sSTR@dUQ [[__T> 2F.  D1?EJ  % >[[__T>:F'.tW= > >' > D! ~tf$@A!'55 M > >@RmVtS@RP]`] e ;e2e2eexe\e e\]WS@RexSeV`TغTVve@RStreamReader.__next__@Re8ehRVTWThRU3THRUReU e@RMutableMapping.__setitem__@R`ZW@RSBase class of common code needed by both SourceLoader and SourcelessFileLoader.@R_Environ.__delitem__Q5 AA@R python%d.%d@RStreamReaderWriter.readline@R Lookup up the codec for the given encoding and return its decoder function. Raises a LookupError in case the encoding cannot be found. @RoUTSRfe@R0UUHe~T Uxe@RItem in @R8eXeȧeQkk-(G ;;z "D  4;; 6 NN&kdkk_A?-!  = {{?$  4*% W $((-a0G NQDKK  @RTpVpSp`VW@RePe VTSSHSQG t " 0C$$qY/D 0#**,-- Q( A A AAA;/ A;:A;@RThe io module provides the Python interfaces to stream handling. The builtin open function is defined in this module. At the top of the I/O hierarchy is the abstract base class IOBase. It defines the basic interface to a stream. Note, however, that there is no separation between reading and writing to streams; implementations are allowed to raise an OSError if they do not support a given operation. Extending IOBase is RawIOBase which deals simply with the reading and writing of raw bytes to a stream. FileIO subclasses RawIOBase to provide an interface to OS files. BufferedIOBase deals with buffering on a raw byte stream (RawIOBase). Its subclasses, BufferedWriter, BufferedReader, and BufferedRWPair buffer streams that are readable, writable, and both respectively. BufferedRandom provides a buffered interface to random access streams. BytesIO is a simple stream of in-memory bytes. Another IOBase subclass, TextIOBase, deals with the encoding and decoding of streams into text. TextIOWrapper, which extends it, is a buffered text interface to a buffered raw stream (`BufferedIOBase`). Finally, StringIO is an in-memory stream for text. Argument names are not part of the specification, and only the arguments of open() are intended to be used as keyword arguments. data: DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE An int containing the default buffer size used by the module's buffered I/O classes. open() uses the file's blksize (as obtained by os.stat) if possible. @R%Return True if mode is from a socket.@RCtrl-Z plus Return@RHS@R W0PTxV]Vexee e^W\eh0Z`@RdeeغT`TpTpR@R[@RgBase file loader class which implements the loader protocol methods that require file system usage.Q{!% KK  #)??#7#7#9 Z $*$4$4 [!(0 V%* \"'3$&@R)BufferedIncrementalDecoder._buffer_decodeQ t}}  "~dmmA6F'G7#% %YYt}}Sb7IJ! 1 JKLCdmmB/014 5J@RSQA3H"6 DH"F D<FE-&AF)E>9!FH" D9% D4/H"4D99H"< EE FEE  E* E% F%E**F- E;8F:E;;F> F  F F  F H"F!5H"A H"@RK@R^SRe8eeRZU@R8ZW@RGenerator.close@R`W@R8Return True if mode is from a block special device file.@RProcessing .pth file: @R Xveueye0evepeSWVge@RJR^3TXTW[QtCJD$ T[[. 3CJD$   t t   @R^W@RQuitter.__init__Q Q #:U&+5&8$)#:@R`S]WW`WT&^ e e e e0IRV(ew_[@ZQs64+B6+B'CQB WWQZ << ## Z @R to exit@Rbad central directory size: @ReTXveYR keQ +A A@RCTest whether a path exists. Returns True for broken symbolic links@R5optimization portion of filename does not start with @R3] eW@R Path operations common to more than one OS Do not use directly. The OS specific modules import the appropriate functions from this module themselves. Q:6**DNN,G,GBtH&& &@R!VeR5U3T@ReHe@ReHeU@R3Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) according to PEP 3119.Q A AA@RXveueyePje0epsete0ne8leje0VTpcePzeVxe|eЀe~eex~eV@Re`TПeHTQ>( DI Cy Bx   d3i$y{+,RWWY($ryy{+,bhhj)*T"X D"./d58n%$uQ$Y/01DK DH~ d2hDK O 299; "((*  DMM" /$ %   K    es)   2'2"& &R 92g2"M&-]-`(22$x& .!$%"#$%#$- &'.!$%,,.!,   --` 9 g 2'2") w 4@L4@l V$;;(G*GT YMM` C 1j1f 2% 2 !{C ! ), S,, : %j %  K OWOd =@z:=@~ %#%*3w3(%= E I?h?D#@R` `W@R!_createenviron..encodekey@RCollection.__subclasshook__QM[@RTPV@R pVZ&fiTTTuUUU@UT`VTW@RXveueyePjejeje@R^SHeT5Uȓe}UV@RX~U!VXeeeepVS8TXHRRT00VeXveU{U V V@Re@RW@Rex e@R^ e@R;Software\Python\PythonCore\{sys_version}\Modules\{fullname}@R`RT@R6UQ}EE#/E2F$FF>F. E E # E/.E/2 E>=E> F  F  FF F+*F+. F;:F;@R_DummyModuleLock.__init__@Rbind ^I rl_complete@RiU@Rcould not create {!r}: {!r}Q1ACA!C3C4C8 CC CC@RStreamRecoder.__exit__Qdii]%4z::@RS.index(value, [start, [stop]]) -> integer -- return first index of value. Raises ValueError if the value is not present. Supporting start and stop arguments is optional, but recommended. @Rname=Q--1-I-I-K*Ns{{#56GG@RXveueyePjepeSTThUe8TVT Rp{e@R XveueyePjeS R[S0V@LU0VSpS@R\ZWQ a00@ReeHeWVe@RWcece@Rzipimporter.load_module@R_WeakValueDictionary.clear@RFileLoader.get_resource_reader@RPw\@Rn\@`~[&^@R_LazyModule.__delattr__@R(TWQ @ReVPTR@RPje^SPR@cexS"UU3UrTVSUSx(VV0Tx5TSXV@R0[ e e@RoConstants/functions for interpreting results of os.stat() and os.lstat(). Suggested usage: from stat import * @RHe@eQZ28<<@Re@R`S@RPje!Ve5UbRHfT@RCHelper function for _warnings.c See GH#97850 for details. Q""3'*H$I&H(DJ'*(I> elH)1uF F 9% (@'A $HhX& I+ * I)0099  {L$,hBBF$&  I I I   *   I I I I I   *    *  @R.pthQ A11 A=<A=@R.python_history@R.Vee@RReturn the absolute version of a path as a fallback function in case `nt._getfullpathname` is not available or raises OSError. See bpo-31047 for more. @Rfeueyeee@RReVxVغe SQ  !!@Rغe8eȧeVe@R.Can't mix strings and bytes in path components@R !V8RPOS VTSeWTSYRheQG B>>&":":C@ @ B>>&";";SA A B@R0ST@RXSe@RD.popitem() -> (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty. @RW@ZQA  ??8,- 0x((  @RWYXe@RZ^Q5 ! A 1+C  qA QR5L@RXe Vpeefe@R@^^SW@R!SSSU@RXeheQtT488@R W2e2e\xe\eZ eW`W@R_check_name.._wrapQ( #GDM2 2  @Ree0T@R]spawnlpe(mode, file, *args, env) -> integer Execute file (which is looked for along $PATH) with arguments from args in a subprocess with the supplied environment. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. @R0eRpU5R@Rexecle(file, *args, env) Execute the executable file with argument list args and environment env, replacing the current process. Q  Qkk!!G@R nUTpe^SHe!V0zReeغeh)TQE **Q:*#+#(#<#(  x  ;6663$3l#LGA0G@R Replacement for os.path.split().@RZW@RStreamRecoder.__iter__Q Q Q +<Q3%%! !4y3u:%<$++e*<<Q @RHeWV_T@RFileLoader.__hash__@R e e e8 e8 e ee8eeexeeeP*_3[@R!`[ eWp`WxT eWX elZz\WZ`Wh0ZW`[Z 9SuSbUrTЂ]VT 8UPW@tSPfU@TlR`SpS@ReПeXSQ{ 99T?D$ ??5 ! c$iqA a%DG=#66 Q a%DG=#66 "::m, 2:: %  JJ{+Erzz*56Av1Qi k5 )++k2Kzz~~j1 , & x11 GH-{;H$;;x( d12h / E @R5RX~U(ThVR(Uyee@RW e`W@RItemsView.__iter__Q  ))#.q1  tyy8CJJL9BBE D$$ $    $D  =,,E&,,.L$$E&L 5 "499k:I(,  6$ *V 3 &y-@  *>>,)i[Z`aa  6 +95 $(MM 8 FL &tyy+2FG   ' ' Y! ' Lf$- *>>,)*.88 8   ' '(CY O((48D/8kD +KQ E 8  Q @RMutableSet.__ixor__@R(yUhR@R0SQQm 6> * !..t4::h' $X.H  vh ?DD~&A&C  "L(  x1%dH5$    "Y. 6< ( 9#..t4 68D3*D' &&", !(+A.G  + + 2 27 ; K]      8  @RStreamReaderWriter.writelines@RStreamRecoder.write@R XveueyePjepe R0VSpT0V`^Sp{eQ8== C c"AEzQ%Z @RX~UTUeUQ^ >> %cnn NN4m DNN D Dz!    @Ree@R^SPRSPS UT@RePiS(T;TU@Roptimization level Q @R.Vf e@R%T`VeTQ   Q*%*! !"""Me"MMM@R8e T@R{}@R_WeakValueDictionary.get@R_Environ.__setitem__Q| ??3  5d4j\BAAB B E      efw 66@RSHSQ<E( D,!4D D, E((D DDD D,# E(,D51E(9E E%$E%(F*F  F FFFF@R*Use default semantics for module creation.@Re?RVXeWH[UeT@hTpXUTSPSRepTSHRh5RpjSHTS@R^W@]@RMetaclass for defining Abstract Base Classes (ABCs). Use this metaclass to create an ABC. An ABC can be subclassed directly, and then acts as a mix-in class. You can also register unrelated concrete classes (even built-in classes) and unrelated ABCs as 'virtual subclasses' -- these and their descendants will be considered subclasses of the registering ABC by the built-in issubclass() function, but the registering ABC won't show up in their MRO (Method Resolution Order) nor will method implementations defined by the registering ABC be callable (not even via super()). @RR@R.VHe@R W^ O^^ e@[^e`WP]?\@RXe~TXSQ @R0#[]eW@R0\Rȧe SXUP TVT@RFrozenImporter.exec_module@RFileFinder.__repr__Q8E=*A-E=BE==F@R5Return a module spec based on various loader methods.QFX [ a F 5 !Hxj)778{{7K7K6NPQVZ [ [(HItSv@R^SVSPS@RAsyncIterable.__subclasshook__@RW(ePUpV?%A!7GG-.779Djj!347(+;G;)G.577c#&:":;v;"66(+=g[)I.577"+c$i"7#"=(27K*6"R=9M,$'CG;%OV]^^.$'Eg[%QX_`` { *O(=8JA~$'Mg[%Y`ghhEE X(v;?"#@AA"1:.v;"$"#@AA&va|4)&B-8%fRm4%fRm4$VBr]3*6"R=9 *6"R=9 *6"R=9 +F2bM: -fRm< ,VBr]; '*4|C .(+DWK)PW^__z) \779-Dt9 )(+@ )LSZ[[\277;#:;< i@WW,/DWK-PW^__X 5=;;=DL#{{73||C2*55gtD8Y ;dTWXd  m d GGL !gs"h CUGT Lq P4WK@wOOP X$'>{KL GGL !gs"s"@R`W@R ]W e@]`Zh_ eS_ e e[8^@R ST!VeHSoeyeYR`T+ThePS@R VTS`S!VeRHT@R0Z@R@RV@ReRT@eHeSTU@RENABLE_USER_SITE: @RnUQ!%[Q! @RExtensionFileLoader.__init__@RXe@RرSQ  5/ ! U@RpgVS@R Xveueye0e0Rcece0V@e@R4]]e e ee@Rxe@ReTTGR@RWspawnlp(mode, file, *args) -> integer Execute file (which is looked for along $PATH) with arguments from args in a subprocess with the supplied environment. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. If mode == P_WAIT return the process's exit code if it exits normally; otherwise return -SIG, where SIG is the signal that killed it. @RXR4RpUVQ' ^^GU +F ^^E5 )F MQ ##+!"HII ::d D(.D # %**11/B ??=83 4M*+,D&* # "#D) g h z)H $x)* * &&s+I89I8LMNN a'..sA6r: &&t,%%)H./ / T,   "2<2BC223 3$..s3A6M dMOA,>> ??Q,  ||w& SkOeO 4O 4444 1 '''/*)89A!A39'-#(:% E"E!F  7 * * *<? "2. .R0 ,-(( ) pq(+g5 NN<:  '6",T,,.H8II5C0C0L%@PG&  >BL8 0 9 D H C47@CL-d00f<< integer Execute file with arguments from args in a subprocess. If mode == P_NOWAIT return the pid of the process. 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