2008-09-11 transami * Add VERSION stamp file. * Moved METADATA into meta/* files. * Added comment loading benchmark. * Removed admin directory. * Moved admin/site to web. * Moved admin/depot to work. * Added doc/news.html and doc/authors.html to website (temporarily). * Added deprecated work file. * Added a misc work file. * Moved admin/forms to gen. * Moved archive of old changelogs to doc/archive. * Moved .roll to .config/roll.ini. * Moved admin/config/ to .config/. * Array#index now takes a block (this is a core override). [minor] * Change #index_of to #index which now takes a block. * Speed up of Integer odd/even methods. [minor] * OpenCascade automatically creates nodes, use foo? to query. [minor] 2008-09-08 transami * Fixed Pathname#glob to ensure use of ::File. * Added zlib.rb to Lore library. 2008-09-06 transami * OpenStruct.new can now take a default block, like Hash.new. 2008-09-02 transami * Removed Rope class. If anything this will have a separate project. 2008-09-01 transami * Tag 2.4.4 * Added news section to reap config. * Adjusted tests to match recent fixes. * Added warning to annotations.rb. * Fixed facets.rb to use relative paths. * Added Time#advance. [minor] * date.rb (stamp) fixed ref to constant FORMAT. * Updated all per-class loaders to use relative paths. * Added qua_class.rb. Yea. It really is my favorite. * Moved variablize methods out of metaid.rb and into separate files (string/ and symbol/). [minor] * Deprecated String#to_time. * This method reqiures the loading of a number of other standard libs. * We can reconsider adding it again if we decide these other libs should be core. * Or if we find a more suitable way to define the method. * Deprecated kernel/suppress. Use Exception.suppress from now on. [major] * Fixed require of string/xor in bicrypt.rb. [bug] * Fixed cgi.rb (CGI is a class not a module). * Update reap rdoc services. * Added a benchmark for measuring how fast Facets loads. (Core < 1sec!) * Place old news posts in doc/news. * Until 2.4.0 these are mostly just changelog entries. * Moved README.* to doc/. * Added simple functional test that loads all of Facets. * Updated tests to head syntax warnings. * Added doc/book. * Remove doc/notes and add README.* files. * Added Instantise as a synonym for Instantize. * General improvements to More libs to correct syntax warnings. * Much improved date.rb extension now in Lore library. [major] * adjusted Ruby 1.9 condition * Made Module#alias_method_chaing a public method (for better Rails support). * Wrapped Nilclass#to_f in 1.9 condition. * float/round.rb redirects to numeric/round.rb. * numeric/float.rb holds rounding methods for all classed Numeric, Integer and Float. * Replace Kernel#instance_exec with Mauricio's version. * Fixed warning about parenthesis. * Minor improvements to Time extensions. * Wrapped String#to_time in Ruby 1.9 condition. * Improved String#each_char to work like Ruby 1.9. * This loads strscan.rb. * It is wrapped in a 1.9 condition. * Removed a comment from pathname.rb. * OpenStruct#to_h dups internal table. [bug] * Re-added date.rb to lore library, and removed from core. [major] 2008-08-31 transami * Add facets class files (eg. facets/string) have been made dynamic. [minor] * Removed Time#to_date. * Due to clobberd RI Docs (!) this should have been in Lore lib date.rb * Moved to Lore date.rb. [major] * Added Symbol#plain?, Symbol#query? and Symbol#setter? [major] * Move admin/sow to admin/share. * Moved old changelogs to archive. * Added a log/archive. * Fixed tests for BasicObject and Hash#slice. * Added admin/share dirctory. * Moved Hash#<< from hash/update.rb to hash/op_push.rb [minor] * Array#index accepts a block (one of the few core overrides). [minor] * Module#instance_method_define? now only applies to public methods. [minor] * Renamed string/subtract to string/op_sub. Old name will remain for time being for compatability. [minor] * Hash#<< now return self [bug] * BasicObject is now just a synonm for BlankSlate unless Ruby 1.9. [major] * Added #glob and #glob_first as extensions to Pathname. * Moved style.rb to string/stylize.rb [minor] * Added string/mask providing powerful string manipulation. [major] * Added warning to bytes --use RichUnits instead. * Added Jim Weirich's BlankSlate class. * This is a temporary measure be compatible w/ AcitveSupport's BasicObject. 2008-08-29 transami * Added block to Array#index. * This is one of the few core overrides in Facets. * It is a feature already in Ruby 1.9. 2008-08-25 transami * Added niclass/ergo whic points back to kernel/ergo. 2008-08-23 transami * Added reap and sow to admin/. * Made core/facets/hash.rb dynamic. 2008-08-22 transami * Renamed arguments.rb and CLI::Arguments to argvector.rb and Argvector.* * Added #bump method to VersionNumber class.* * Updated warn line fore eventual deprecation of fileshell and arguments.* 2008-08-18 transami * Added facets-load.rb to allow old school cherry picking.* * Between 2.0 and 2.4 require 'facets' simply added core to LOAD_PATH. * Starting with 2.4 it loads all of core automatically instead. * facets-load.rb provides a way to use the old behavior. require 'facets-load.rb require 'kernel/with' require 'symbol/to_proc' * It adds the path to the end of LOAD_PATH to prevent any load conflicts. * Added file/split_root.* * Made module/alias_method_chain and alias_accessor separate files.* 2008-08-15 transami * Split module/alias.rb up into alias_accessor, alias_module_function and alias_method_chain. 2008-08-14 transami * Renamed Instantise to Instantize. 2008-08-13 transami * Modified script/test to display $LOAD_PATH before running tests. * Fixed dir tests to require 'fileutils'. * Upped version to 2.4.3. * Updated NEWS and CHANGES. * Moved Indexable and Stackable to core. * Update news and added svn entry to reap.yaml. * Fixed string/pathize. * Move test_partial to more tests. * Split out Enumerable#probability tests, etc. * Split tests for String#words, etc. * Remove module/test_clone. * Modified website copyright notice section. * Split out String #word_wrap, #words and #each_word. * Split out enumerable methods probability, commonality, entropy and frequency. * Remove more/facets/module --there's nothing in it. * Worked through core lib breaking up a few remaining large method bunches. * Added module directory to more lib, as well as hash/symbolize_keys and stringify_keys. * Split revise.rb up into separate methods. * Split kernel/load.rb into require_all.rb and require_local.rb. * Deprecate Hash#keys_to_s and Hash#keys_to_sym. * These are the original versions of these methods. * But now we can use #rekey(:to_s) and #rekey(:to_sym) instead. * Added had directory to more library. * Renamed Class#to_pathname and #to_methodname to #pathize and #methodize. * Moved binding/opvars from core to more. * Added a binding directory to more lib. * Deprecated Console:: namespace for ANSICode. 2008-08-12 transami * Added sow generation forms. * Updated READMEs. * Spilt Time#trunc into separate file. * Remove old log files --shouldn't version control these. * Added note to FileList to add glob options parameter. 2008-08-10 transami * Added Ken Bloom's DictionaryMatcher class from Ruby Quiz #103. * Note this class will probably be renamed in the future. * IMPORTANT! Changed File#rewrite to not use the inplace change of the string. * If you were using the function, change your code to use File#rewrite! instead. * Or, modify your code ot use the new behavior. * This change can make for a slippery bug, so be sure to check for it! * Moved test-old to test/more. * Remove test/more --we'll just copy test-old at this point. * Move "lore" tests to test/lore (lore are extensions to Ruby's standard lib). * Moved test-old core test to test/core. * Added test/core, test/lore and test/more. * Added new test directory. * Temporarily move test to test-old. * Added time/test_round.rb * Updated user scripts. * Updated reap configuration. * Updated test to correspond with previous changs. * Adjusted require path for facets.rb. * Added array/recursively. * Added time/round. * Time#to_date makes the public (it already existed in Ruby!) * Fixed Time#hence to flip year correctly when adding months. * Split hash/recurisve_merge out from hash/recursively. * Added optional argument to Dictionary#first and #last. * Moved facets.rb to core/. * Removed intermediate facets directory. * Moved live.rb to facets-live.rb. * Removed intermediate facets directory for lib/. 2008-08-09 transami * Move facets to more/. * Recreate more directory. * Temporarily move more to facets/. * Move facets to lore/. * Recreate lore directory. * Temorarily move lore to facets/. * Moved facets to core/. * Added core directory back. * Temporary move of core to facets. * Removed remaining requires of 'ruby.rb'. * Completed moving test_ruby.rb tests to separate files. * Removed test/test_ruby. * Updated tests. * Removed test_ruby/array. * Updated array test which were moved from ruby.rb. * Moved history.rdoc and notes.rodc to doc/notes. * Added doc/notes directory. * Moved doc/html to admin/site/doc. * Removed site/doc --only to be relplaced by doc/html. * Update web docs. * Added kernel/instance method which provides a fluent interface to private object space. * Work on documentation using new Sow system. * Moved meta.rb to more/kernel/meta.rb and merged facets/core.rb into facets.rb. * Added more/kernel directory --hey not every extension can be core. * Adjusted loadpath and moved lazy.rb to core! * Moved remaing files to subdirectory locations. * Moved most core libs to core/. * Move most more files to the more directory. * Added lore and more directories. * Added facets/core directory. Yes, I'm spiliting the lib again. * Loadpath will be used, so user inteface will stay the same. * Setup.rb will be adjusted to recognaize loadpath. 2008-08-08 transami * Update metadata and added admin/config to repository. 2008-08-07 transami * Removed work directory. * Finished moving old work content to depot. * Move work/old to depot/deprecated. * Moved work/ref to depot/reference. * Moved work/new and work/sandbox to depot. * Added depot to admin directory to store odd files. * This used to be calle work/. * Is used to store scrap code, reference code, etc. * Moved setup.rb to script/setup. * This will either be replaced with configure/install scripts. * Or, depend on a separate ruby setup.rb project. * Metadata modifications. 2008-08-06 transami * Moved work to admin. * Added recorder.rb to consider in work directory. * Moved site to admin. * Moved log/ to admin/. * Update to testlog and changelog. * Added admin directory. * Added doc/news to store archives of part release notes. * Added website images. * Added test for paramix.rb. * Updated website with cleaner look. * Added "TO BE DEPRECATED" message to ruby.rb. * Added all methods from ruby.rb as individual core methods. * These are the methods that overlap with 1.9. * They are encased in 'unless RUBY_VERSION' caluses. 2008-08-01 transami * Imporved file/rootname --now much more robust. * Added Kernel#to_yamlfrag to yaml.rb as way to output yaml w/o the "---" header. * Perhaps not the most robust solution, but okay for now. * Maybe a poor name for the method, but you got a better one? 2008-06-11 tylerrick * Made FileUtils#whereis a module_function again like it used to be. Because: (1) that seems to be the way most other FileUtils methods are (cd, mkdir, cp, ...) and the most obvious way that users would WANT to use FileUtils: FileUtils.whereis("ruby"). (3) I see module_function used in other comparible parts of Facets: UploadUtils, ConsoleUtils, ZipUtils, FileUtils#safe_ln, ... (3) My code that relied on the old module_function behavior was breaking What were you thinkin changing it?? ;) 2008-04-05 transami * Paramix is all spiffy again. * There a no longer capitialize module methods at all. * Use Module#[] and mixin_params[] instead. 2008-04-03 transami * Update to notes and changes. * Added doc/notes.rdoc * Renamed. * Update metadata for 2.4.1. * Added new logs. * Removed old logs. * Removed old xml changelogs. * Added .rsync-filter and .htaccess to site/. * Fixed methods and conflicts scripts to compare extension libraries. * Updated tests for reatomizations. * Continued work on reatomizing core extensions (nearly complete now). 2008-03-30 transami * Work on kernel instance methods. 2008-03-27 transami * Added basex.rb and deprecated bahavior.rb. 2008-03-24 transami * Updated website a little. * Split off some time tests. * Updated logs. * Update CHANGES and NOTES. * Fixed minor bugs to pass tests. * Split up include.rb. * Split up include.rb. * Moved test/test_one_nine.rb to test/test_ruby.rb. * Removed use of Console namepspace. command.rb and arguments.rb now use CLI. * Renamed ArgVector to CLI::Arguments * Removed rdoc script (will replace in future). * Added ri generation to setup.rb. * Added site/doc soft link to doc/html. * Moved one_nine.rb to ruby.rb * Update d requires for "one_nine" to just "ruby" b/c of backports to 1.8.7. * Added some work files. * Added some expirments in "safe" extensions. * Added html docs. * Added tests. * Added amazon books. * Add some addition separation to extensions. * Renamed task/ to script/, since the community is used to it b/c of Rails. * Fixed up tasks. * Clean up task system and docs. * Update metadata. * Test updates. * Minor updates. 2008-03-22 transami * Update annotations for to_hash.rb. * Added headers to docs. * Updated docs. 2008-03-16 transami * Added the new split-off tests. * Splinter remaining clumped tests. * Removed test_array. * Splintered array tests. * Added some finer-grain to core method. * Some deprecated libs added to work/old. * Tests are now to th epoint of passing again. Yea! 2008-03-15 transami * Continued touching up tests. * Moved some old tests to proper place in work/old. * Deprecated files moved to work/old. * Coninuted work on tests. 2008-03-14 transami * Adjusted module tests. * Removed cli directory. * Removed prime test directory and moved cli test up a level. * Adjust test to match lib (again). * Some deprecated extensions place in work/old for possible future reference. 2008-03-12 transami * Umph... there it is. * Removed prime directory. * Make way for class extensions. * Added warning to Rick Kilmers's unit system. * Moving Rich Kilmers's units system to it's own package. * Three are alternate unit systems available and Facets should work with any of them. * Will keep a fair amount of the Time extensions though. 2008-03-10 transami * Move core method decisions (I sware there are only a few more!) * Moved cli libs to toplevel. Added a few methods to prime library. * And so on... 2008-03-08 transami * Cleandup symbol and class extra extensions. * Moved nil/status.rb to nilstatus.rb * Got rid of Method#curry and Method#partial since they just convert to Procs. * Divied prime methods to sepearate files after all. 2008-03-07 transami * General cleanup pushing toward 3.0 release. * Finished the reorganization of Enumerable extensions. * Loose end additions. * Cleanup module tests. * Cleanup hash tests. * Cleanup enumerable tests. * Added new test/kernel directory. * Removed old test/kernel directory. * Moved test_let to prime/kernel in order to move prime/kernel. * Cleanup array and time tests. * Cleanup file tests. * Cleanup string tests. * Continued test cleanup. Oh, so, fun fun ;) * Removed uneeded test directories. * Continued organizing tests. * Move integer tests cleanup. * Cleaned up integer tests. * Continued fixing tests. * Working on test organization. * Cleaned up binding tests. * Removed old core/more test directories. * Moved remaining tests to top test directory. * MOved extra extension test to toplevel. * Again moved more files to top level. * MOved more test to toplevel. * Moved remaining core test to top test level. * Moved ext/core to prime/. * Will not combine the per-method tests for the moment. * Will save that for later (unless we decide to div prime again :p) * Fixed requires for prime/ directory. * Moved all "prime" libs to subdir (yes, like they were). * Cleaned up remaining extranerous files. 2008-03-06 transami * Further touchups to website. * Added some extra pages to website. * OVerhaul website for version 3. 2008-03-05 transami * Made op_esc.rb a separate module rather thanan extension. * REmoved more extraneous files and moved a few to work area. 2008-03-04 transami * Added some tasks and a couple of file to work old. * Cleaned up extra binding extensions. * Continued considations (almost there). * Continued consolidation and removing extraneous files. * Deprecated with_reader, with_writer and with_accessor for attr_singleton_reader, &c. * Removed extraneous Enumerable files. 2008-03-03 transami * Removed extraneous module alias and attr files. * Deprecated Hash#pairs_at. Use Hash#slice instead from core. * Removed extraneous kernel extension files. * Removed extraneous String extextion files. * Removed some work folders. * Partial adjustments for work area dure to organization changes. * Scrap code. * Removed vestiges of transfers to core extensions and consolidations. * Fixed require in core libraries. * Fixed the namespaces of some extensions. * It is finished! * Move all "prime" libs to top. * Removed extra/. * Moved extra/continuation to top. * Move the rest of extra directories. * Moved all "extra" extensions to top facets/ directory. * Few more. * Added some file that were added before in the transition. 2008-03-02 transami * Removed remains vestigaes of old organization. (Now just ot fix the new one!) * The big wadoozy. * Remove empty directories for more/ext. * Move add classes and module to facets/. * Move more extensions to facets/extra. * Move a few more/ext to prime. * Moved core/facets to facets/extra. * Removed empty ext directories. * Added prime directory and files. * Removed some dir methods that are now in prime. * Remove some now empty directories from core/ext, due to the "prime" transfer. * Removed all "prime" extension files. * Move mattr to module. 2008-03-01 transami * Fixed require bug in time methods. * Reverted memomize.rb back to original code --will come back to later. * Moved random.rb to sys/. * Added stylizer.rb to replace stylize.rb * Removed old stylize.rb library --see new stylizer.rb. * Array #recursively is not only called #traverse. * Added case/stylize methods to more/facets/string. * Renamed more/string/facets/titlecase to captialize_all. 2008-02-29 transami * Added uri and xoxo tests. * Cleaning up more/ext tests. * Some more reorganization in test/core. * Removed finaly vestage of old dir structure. * Moved remaing test to more/add. * Removed some outdated test and organized. * Moved more/ext tests out of more/add/. * Added ext, cli and sys to test/more/. * Removed test/mixin. * Moved test from mixin to more/add. * Moved add to test/more. * Added test/more. * Moved test/more to add. * Moved ext tests to core subdir. * Added test/core. * Move text/core to test/ext. * Updated .roll file for new organization. * Updated .reap file. * Updated metadata to fit new organization. (Happy Days!) * Moved facets.rb up a level. * Temporarily moved console libs to cli --mainly to ease working on them. * Moved condole to add. * Moved system to more/sys. * Moved "lore" to add/. Yea! * Moved libs to ext. * Added more/ext directory. * Progressive work on memoize and elementor. * Moved systematic libs from ext/ to sys/. * Moved classes and modules from ext/ to add/. * Added facets directory to add/ directory. * dded add/ directory to core/. * Moved facets/ to ext/. * Added ext directory. * Minor doc change. * Functor no longer privatizes =, == and =~. * Minor doc fix. * Properly split conversion.rb. * Some string methods extracted from stylize.rb. 2008-02-28 transami * Continued structuring. * Moved lore/console up a notch. * Moved lore/system up a notch. * Moved random.rb to more/. * Renamed namespace.eb to methodspace.rb. * Moved autoreload to more/facets/kernel. * Moved four remaing web libs to common directory (use web/ subdir?). 2008-02-26 transami * Moved some modules from system to common. * Moved all mixins back in with classes. * Moved class/facets up a level. * Removed old curry.rb. * More as standard and extraneous core extensions is progressing. * Added enumerable directory to more. * Moved some libs from system to more. * Added string directory to more. * Added kernel directory to more extensions. * Recreated more to house standard extensions. * More as standard extensions, and Lore (?) for the rest. * Added some web related libraries. 2008-02-25 transami * Added cgi.rb with some standard extensions. * Fixed bug with #peek in stackable. * Deprecated paramix.rb. 2008-02-24 transami * Added xmlhash.rb and returned uri.rb extensions to the library. * Moved getoptlong/rb to standard extensions folder. * Added #method_name to Date class. 2008-02-22 transami * Removed extraneous level in doc. * REmove cut-bases AOP, now in it's own library. * Converted compare_on.rb to Paramtric Mixins. 2008-02-21 transami * Split fileutils up into individual methods. * Update metadata to reflect organization changes. * Moved standard library extensions to more/extend. * Added facets directory to more/extend. * Continued organization. * Moved console related libs to more/console. * Added facets subdir to console. * Added more/console; trying something a bit different in organization. * Added more/class/facets/net and moved set and ostruct to class as well. * more/system, rather than systems. * Moved class, mixin, and system to more. * Added new more directory. * Moved more to systems. 2008-02-20 transami * Added test for command.rb. 2008-02-19 transami * Renamed console.rb to whate it should be consoleutils.rb. * Update to command.rb integrating MasterCommand and Command into a single class. * The Console::Command is not nice and simple command parser I've been aiming torward. * Barring some major oversite, this class will not change in an incompatible way ever again. * Basic tests pass. More eleborate test will follow to ensure more complex designs also work. 2008-02-18 transami * Added doc directory. * Updated README and allowed doc/ to be included in package. * Added site/rdoc, which is a symlink. * Added log/Changelog.txt too. * Update logs. (Should these even be under version control?) * Added Rakefile to redirect to task/*. * Fixed bug in Kernel#object_hexid. * Fixed test for hash/collate. * Added test task and temporary rdoc task. * Added options back into multiglob_r. * Fixed bug in multiglob_r so it will NOT follow symlinks. * Moved work/reference to work/ref. * Moved work/current to new (can you tell I have a new naming scheme for work/?) * Moved work/outdated to old. * Added some outdated tasks to work. Will eventually delete. 2008-02-11 transami * Moved doc/ to site/. * Added remaining doc files. * Converted website to XML. 2008-02-09 transami * Automated learn and quick doc menus. * Convert website from html to xml. * Finishing touches for next release. * Saved old rdoc script. 2008-02-06 transami * Updates to tests as embedded tests are no more. * Finally completed removal of all embedded tests. * Organized tests according to new lib organization. * Improved cloneable.rb to be a true deep dup/clone mixin using Ken Bloom's suggestion. 2008-02-05 transami * Working on end-user tasks. * Added work/outdated/task. * Updated the way rdocs are generated. * Organized all libs between core, more, class and mixin. * Moved class libraries to lib/class/facets. * Added lib/class. * Added tasksystem.rb. * Remove some admin task files no longer needed thanks to Reap. * Move admin/ to work/outdated. We'll be using reap instead. * Moved meta/facets.roll to .roll. * This is related to an update of Rolls... * It's better to have good SOC here regardless of some metadata redundancy. * Added meta/authors. * Moved old changelogs to log/ and move meta/config.yaml to .reap per new reap design. * Updaed reap config and removed icli.yaml. * Added doc/ads directory. * Removed dev/ directory. * Moved remaining dev files to work/ (will cleanup later). * Moved dev/sandbox to work/. * Moved dev/task and reference material to work directory. * Moved outdated dev libs to work. * Moved current dev to work directory. * Update to admin/tasks. * Update to project file. * Added enumerable/combinations. * Added openhash and tracepoint. * Added work directory. * Added some development scraps, plan to move dev/ to work/. 2008-01-19 transami * Remove admin/log. * Convert changelog to pure ruby. * Remove admin/svn subdir. * Organize admin tasks better. * Add admin tasks. * Moved admin tasks to admin directory. * Added admin directory. * Removed task/doc subdir. * Moved some tasks. * Convert tasks to pure ruby. 2008-01-16 transami * Move test/unit to test/core. * Moved remaining more test to test/more. * Added test/more/hash directory. * Moved more tests to test/more directory. * Added test/more. * Fixed test_keyize.rb. * binding/test_cflow renamed to test_caller 2008-01-09 transami * Added test for new hash/collate. * Added demo benchmarks. * Update publish task. * Update quick.html and wiki code. * Added TODO to toplevel. * Added a couple of missing binding requires to repo. * Moved More lib hash_keyize.rb to hash/keyize.rb. 2007-12-29 transami * Move source_material to just source. 2007-12-27 transami * ANd so it goes with work reorganization. * Moved dev/play to dev/sandbox. * Further reorganiztion of work area. * Some reorganization of developemnt area. 2007-12-22 transami * Moved doc/wiki to apiwiki b/c of Rubyforge's wiki. * Removed doc/api dir. * Added wiki. * Prepare for 2.2.1 release. * Update per-module/class files. * Moved binding/cflow.rb to caller.rb. * Fixed up binding extensions. * Update tests and prepare for next version. * Ditto. * Renamed a couple test tasks. 2007-12-21 transami * Moved methods and groups task to trash. * Moved core hash/keyize to more. * Added test class/remove_descendents.rb. * Added all remaining per-method require libs from methods/ --will need to wrok through these over time. * Added trash work directory. 2007-12-20 transami * Adjust text according to per-method file changes. * All hash method, but the conversion methods, are now rpresented in core/facets/hash. * Added a few more Hash per-method files. * Add per-method libs for hash. * Updated facets/string.rb. * Moved string/format.rb to string/wrap.rb. * Updated String#brief. 2007-12-17 transami * Renamed ROLLRC to facets.roll. 2007-12-13 transami * Fixed project.yaml summary. * Update AUTHORS list. * Update release notes. * Update CHANGES for 2.2.0. * VERSION 2.2.0 * Added some missing tests dur to recent separations. * Minor update to test/general. * Updated tests to reflect recent changes. * Fixed test for continuation and removed test for pp_s.rb. * Move task/docpkg to task/doc/zip. * Moved task/config.yaml to meta/ per new Ratch. * Moved task/special to task/doc. * Minor updates to test and install tasks. * Updated todo list (in dev/). * Copied log/history.rd to CHANGES. * Removed log/history.rd and log/todo.rd * Fixed stylize.rb for use with 1.9 (fixed case statement). * Separated kernel/returning, now that #tap will be in 1.9. * Updated facets.rb for use with 1.9. * Separated time/stamp.rb. * Divided binding up into a few more pieces. * Fixed kernel/instance to play nice with 1.9. * Added test for string/op.rb. 2007-12-12 transami * Renamed accessor #attributes to #instance_attributes. 2007-12-10 transami * Removed continuation from core. * Removed pp_s.rb (use pretty_inspect) add continuation.rb. * Documentaiton improvements and moved continuation extension to more lib. * Added 1.9 check in continuation/create.rb. * Added op.rb to string.rb. * Added String/op.rb with String#- method. 2007-12-09 transami * Minor edit to basicobject.rb in light of 1.9. * Minor adjustments to lazy.rb to fix warnings by Ruby 1.9. * Added Matthew Harris' Duration class. 2007-12-08 transami * Added Hash#slice and Hash#except (didn't we have this before?) 2007-12-04 transami * Minor adjust to website. * Improved on tests in relation to doc work. * Handled some minor bugs found while documenting. * Mode doc improvements. 2007-12-02 transami * Add a couple new task for rdoc gen. * Added nbsp to quickopts task. * Website updates. * Work on website using siteparts. * Added registerable.rb, updated history. * Added #include_as to facets/namespace.rb. * Cleanup test hearders. * Rdoc improvements. 2007-12-01 transami * Removed test for kernel/require_esc.rb * Remove kernel/require_esc.rb. * Updated integer docs. * Updates to kernel test headers. * Documentation updates to kernel extensions. 2007-11-30 transami * Update docs continued. * Update hash test headers. * Updated hash extension docs. * Updated docs. * Added some missing tests. * Continued docs update. * Update docs. * Added test_collect.rb split-offs and test_mash inplace of test_collate. * Updated lots of test headers. * Renamed Enumerable #collate to #mash. (old name, along with graph, will be an alias for time being) * Lots of doc updates. * Updated documentation for array extensions. 2007-11-29 transami * Updated AUTHORS. * Divided enumerable/collect into split.rb and each.rb as well. * Moved mapsend.rb to thread.rb. * Updated mapsend.rb to focus on threads. 2007-11-28 transami * VERSION 2.1.3 * Fixed bug is test/load. * Array#to_h used flatten, but it needs to be flatten(1). * Doc updates. * Fixed minor issue with collate. * Cleaned-up tests headers. 2007-11-27 transami * Fixed bug with main.rb <=> facets.rb. * Move core/main.rb back to core/facets.rb as it conflicts with lib in more/. 2007-11-22 transami * Updated manifest. * Remove task/config directory. * Added some missing tests to repo. * Added some missing tasks to repo. * Added some missing dev files (many of these can be deleted actually). * Added some missing files from repo. * Added log files. * Touch-up before release. * Update to metadata. * VERSION 2.1.2 * Renamed core/facets/facets.rb to main.rb (Rolls default). * Added copyright notice to COPYING file. * Renamed LICENSE to COPYING according to offical GPL policy. * Touch-up to logger.rb. * Added exception#details. * Move all test scripts to task/test/. * Added test subdir. * Prepare to make a test task subdir. * Continued fixes to metadata. * Fixes to metadata. * Added setup task. 2007-11-17 transami * Prepare for version 2.1.1 2007-11-16 transami * Removed debug code. * Fixed options bug in command.rb 2007-11-15 transami * Moved nilclass/ergo to kernel/ergo. * Update Kernel#ergo. 2007-11-14 transami * Added missing libs. * Added pp_s.rb (Questionable addition, but we'll leave it for now.) * Added validation.rb. This is here for Nitro's sake --better techinques may replace it in the future. * Removed tracepoint.rb --now part of Ratchets project. * Added Console::Logger to logger.rb (may be separated in future). * Added option arity to command.rb. 2007-11-10 transami * Update to prepare task. manifest interface is better now ;) * Added UniversalOptions module. * Fixed minor bug in arguments.rb that prevented proper repeat parameters. * Removed extraneous symbol marks (:). * Fixed bug in to_console. * Adjustment to docs. * Some task improvements. * Moved common alias methods from attr.rb to alias.rb. * Added clobber/ tasks. * Updated tests. * VERSION 2.1.0 * MasterCommand now passes (args, opts), until 1.9 is main stream. * Added BiCrypt class for simple two-way encryption. 2007-11-09 transami * Added dev/test * Renamed RELEASE to WHATSNEW * Added injecting test and cleaned up. * Fixed bud in enumerable/cluster_by (returned nil instead of []). * Cleaned up enumerable/permutation.rb * minor space removal * Complete rewrite of command.rb. * Added comment for potential future #is. * Added "tester" attribues attr_xxx!. Also added alias_xxx for all attr_xxx methods. * Added top-level log directory. 2007-11-08 transami * Added -q option to zip method in ZipUtils. 2007-11-05 transami * Remove #q reference from RELEASE. * Cleanup of test_initializer.rb. * VERSION 2.0.5 * Fixed return bug in hash/op.rb. * Ok. #p is back. This will in fact be in 1.9, so we're good. * Allowed Class#initializer to return the attribute names. * This should allow things like: 'private *initializer(...)' 2007-11-04 transami * Added missing (*args) in #initialize on Hash.new. * Renamed #p to #q, because of multiple args problem. * I don't know how Ruby 1.9 plans to handle multiple args. * Will deprecate for 1.9 anyway so doesn't matter much. * Fixed package name in icli.yaml. * Added name field to meta/icli.yaml. * Added meta/icli.yaml. * Added a RELEASE file to hold current release notes. * Added log task. * Added changelog file in doc/log/. * Up'd version to 2.0.4. * Update task/groups. * Fixed to_h in Command::Options * Fixed bug in initialize. 2007-11-03 transami * Removed extest task. We will no longer need it. * Fixed bug in Hash#- Thanks to Xavier Shay. * Minor update to rdoc.yaml. * Renamed old changelogs. 2007-11-02 transami * Touch up to methods task. * Update rsync filter * Minor updates fixing issues highlighted by running crosstest. * Many minor bug fixes after running against crosstest. * Added usage support for __foo options. * Fixed a many a test after running against crosstest. * Removed load task. It did not isolate the libs, so wasn't effective. * Added a number of new tasks. * Rename SMTP_TLS to Smtp_tls for Rdocs. * Moved rdoc.yaml to config/. * moved task/config to task/config/general. * Update tasks. 2007-11-01 transami * Added array/only, symbol/to_proc (where did it go?) and hash/select. 2007-10-31 transami * Update roll file. * Moved test_command_options to test_command. * Update dictionary test to check dup and autohash. * Fixed autohash and dup bugs. * Verbatim support for Rails' version of #alias_method_chain. * Remove site/ directory. * Moved rsync filter up too. * Moved doc/site/ up to doc/. * Added javascript directory to doc/. 2007-10-30 transami * Updates across the board. * Updates to stylize and command.rb. * Made facets.rb a shortcut to facets/facets.rb (this is for Rolls, better way?) * Oh smack. Lots of stuff fixed. 2007-10-29 transami * Remove version.txt. No longer needed. * Removed meta/project.yaml, replaced by facets roll file. 2007-10-28 transami * Modifications to command.rb, snapshot and rbsystem. * Merged command.rb and command_options.rb into command.rb. * Added to_data aliases to snapshot.rb * Minor additions to rbsystem. Rather than System, maybe Ruby? 2007-10-27 transami * Removed embedded test from overload.rb. * Allow OpenStruct#initialize to take a setter block. * Downloader needs 'wb' flag rather then just 'w'. * Fixed typo and removed embedded test. * Fixed bug in command_options.rb, putting the class back in the Console namespace. 2007-10-17 transami * improved module/traits.rb 2007-10-08 transami * cleaned up some test and updated version to 2.0.2 * update methods to eleminate duplicate file names between lib/core and lib/methods 2007-10-07 transami * doc session - clean up array methods 2007-10-06 transami * fixed enumerable/test_collect.rb * doc update some tasks * updated version to 2.0.1 * minor bugs fixes * update methods task to display each file as it process it * added benchmarks for some enumerable methods. * moved demo/bench/bench_factorial to an demo/bench/integer subclass * added Erik Veenstra to AUHTORS for work on enumerable/group_by and cluster_by * minor improvement to test task to specifically read test_*.rb files * removed enumerable/partition.rb * move enumerable/partition.rb methods to collect.rb. * Improved Integer#of. * Minor improvements to collect.rb and partition.rb * Deprecated nonuniq!, bug fixed cluster_by and aliased group_by and partition_by. * Rennamed Enumerable#partition_by to group_by (like RUby 1.9) and fixed bug in cluster_by. * update quick docs * Doc updates 2007-10-02 transami * Added Oliver Renaud to the AUTHORS list (oops!) * update README to not use folded lines * spellchecked README * update test task and test_aop.rb * minor update to meta/project.yaml * updates to groups task and methods task and version to 'stable' * updated test task to allow 'live' test * update AUTHORS * update test task and move AUTHORS file to toplevel * moved note/ to doc/notes * update tasks for core/fore move and moved todo to dev/ * moved fore to core (and core to methods) 2007-09-20 transami * update test and install tasks * require fixes to cut.rb and attributes.rb * fixed tests for string/nchar and kernel/silence * Fixed String#brief in format.rb 2007-09-13 transami * removed 1stClassMethod from "more" docs * removed 1stClassMethod as a rdoc target (now in Core target) * update install and rdoc tasks * moved string/test_index.rb to string/test_nchar.rb * updated indexable tests * update string.rb to include string/nchar.rb * moved index.rb to nchar.rb * clean up string/index.rb 2007-09-12 transami * moved facets.rb to fore directory * add comment to groups task * added groups task * updated all extrension group files (array.rb, binding.rb, etc.) * uncapitalize meta files * update methods task a bit more, plus related configuration * updated methods task * removed lib/core --this is generated content (may be renamed too) * added load and stats tasks * update install task --this replaces setup b/c of Facets' special install needs * update project file * removed lib/facets * moved remaining libs to fore (will later consider an additional subdivision) * move facets/fore to fore/facets * move facets/more to more/facets * added ;ob/core, more and fore * move memorize 2007-09-10 transami * removed io and net directories * moved io/redirect.rb to more/ioredirect.rb and net/smtp_tls.rb and net/uploadutils.rb libs to more too. * few more libs moved to more/ directory * moved all the most obvious more libs to the more directory * moved fore "grouping" libs to fore directory * moved "fore" libs to fore directory * create for and more directories (yes, you know what's coming ;) * renamed remain.rb (was main_as_module.rb) to just main.rb * improved rdoc task and project.yaml file * better docs for OpenObject * improved method hiding 2007-09-07 transami * documentation touch ups * fixes for conversion.rb rather than conversions.rb * updated to website docs * moved demos to demo/sample * added bench and sample dir to demo 2007-09-06 transami * moved spy.html to light.html * menum change to webpage, fixed core doc link * moved metadata files to meta/ (info/ or box/ would be better?) * updated test_conversion.rb for to_h/to_hash * reverse_each instead of each for after advice in advice.rb * final fix to to_h/to_hash discrepency * added a Path and Root features to Pathname (good idea?) 2007-09-05 transami * update advice.rb test and moved old cut test to dev/scrap * updated advice; removed preinitialize.rb to trinkets project (it was too expiremental) * command_filter.rb needs to considered/developed; moved to dev/new/ * fixed interface.rb fo singelton methods * updates to tests * whole lot of small bug fixes * add tests to revision control * removed old cut test (moved to dev/scrap) * working on tests 2007-09-04 transami * added read.rb (taken from readwrite.rb) * split readwrite.rb into read.rb and write.rb * remove string/unpack.rb, offset can be had using '@' format instead * renamed conversions.rb to conversion.rb, fixed some requires * improved attr.rb * some cleanup of enumerable extensions * setup annotations demo 2007-09-03 transami * add non-embedded tests 2007-09-02 transami * finally brough over toadcode prototype.rb and cleaned it up enough to be useful * removed annotations subdir * moved annotations/ann.rb and attr.rb to annotations.rb and attributes.rb * remove annotations.rb * moved annotations/settings.rb up a dir * remove settings.rb * chnaged multiton_id(e) to multiton_id(*e,&b) * updated test task * added Christoph Rippel to authors lists * added doc header to new multiton class * update to new version of multiton * playing around with multiton2.rb * renamed dev/try to dev/new * created dev/old to temporarily house old versions of libs that have been replaced. * fixed quick.html documentation * used old wiki.gif as email.gif instead * fixed config.yaml publish entry * some minor updates to index.html 2007-09-01 transami * moved site to doc/site * update to publish task * updates of tasks * added kernel/report.rb to hold debug/warn extensions. * renamed reporting.rb to silence.rb * update reporting.rb (created report.rb from it) * task work * clean up dev finis * cleanup dev just a bit more * continue cleanup of dev directory * moved dev/twiki to misc/ * removed dev/core * moved require_directory.rb to misc/ * added dev/misc for code scraps that might be useful but are not straight lib or task code * more dev changes * organize dev better * cleanup of dev continues * cleanup of dev dir * clean up dev dir more * some cleanup of dev directory 2007-08-31 transami * almost completed advice lib * added comment about possible update * deprecate instance_send and instance_map * work on rdoc task * work on rdoc task 2007-08-30 transami * added dev/cut dir 2007-08-29 transami * no reason to track .config * clean up trunk * added todo comment * added advice.rb to replace old aspects.rb * removed aspects.rb (sucked), added prototype.rb (infancy) and adjusted to class_extension.rb * removed #to_roman (now part of the English project) * cont. work on aop and cuts * fixed IMG tag bug * added yaml.rb * move #here convenience method to binding/eval (separate?) * added in order to remove kernel/misc.rb * consolidate string/regesc * added module/methods * updates to include and attr 2007-08-28 transami * fixed Range#umbrella * more organization of docs * orginizing docs 2007-08-27 transami * update val.rb * added proc/fn.rb (from kernel/misc.rb) and fixed typo in compose.rb * moved misc.rb to val.rb * better organization of some kernel methods * moved #here alias to eval.rb * minor updates and some bug fixes (modspace what broke) * removed file/yaml.rb in favor or just yaml.rb * moved this to facets/yaml.rb 2007-08-25 transami * work on aop system * Added aop.rb, and cut.r and recursive.rb * moved cut.rb to dev (old version will be deprecated) * added to_hash to Dictionary, and minor mods to others 2007-08-24 transami * oops, no need for enumerator directory * moved threaded_send.rb to mapsend.rb * moved threaded_send out of enumerable/ dir * updates to elementor.rb * merged instance_map into threaded_send * removed map_send * merging map_send with threaded_send 2007-08-23 transami * cont work on elementwise methods * divide elementwise functions betwee two libs * uniq.rb is merged into count.rb * removed count.rb (uniq.rb will become count.rb) * more refinement to enumerable extensions 2007-08-22 transami * continued refinement of enumerable extensions * general improvements to the organization of enumerable extensions * moved rake/ back to task/ * added a couple of tasks * renamed rake files as task file * update some tasks * moved methods.rake to methods * updated methods task to use ratch * Okay, were going to use Ratch --heaven help me. 2007-08-19 transami * removed facets/cli dir * moved all cli libs from facets/cli to facets/ * removed src/ directory * finished cli lib move * made dev/cli * almost finished integrating cli libs * moved cli support files to facets locations * moved cli lib to facets main (also modified functor) * preparing to move cli libs to facets main 2007-08-18 transami * renamed hash/reverse to hash/merge (it contains #reverse_merge) 2007-08-13 transami * updated Project.yaml * remove Manifest.txt from repository * more and more task work * removed info/ and added Project.yaml * moved info/ content to top-level * more task work * removed rake.rake * more task work 2007-08-12 transami * basic tasks are almost ready * continued work on rake tasks * more work on rake tasks * tweak methods.rake * cont. improvement of rake tasks * added clean.rake * more updates to rake tasks * got rid of setup in favor of a simply install.rake * added a rake support file * renamed tasks with *.rb * updated tasks to be rake tasks * moved methods to methods.rake * update methods to be a rake file * Will use rake adn be done with it. 2007-08-11 transami * cont. clean up of metadata * clean up of metadata * remove instance_intercept (trinket code) 2007-08-10 transami * continued modification of those tasky tools * removed lib/more (this is it!) * moved M-Z of more/facets to facets (this is it!) * moved A-L of more/facets to facets (this is it!) * removed lib/core (this is it!) * moved lib/core/facets.rb to lib/facets.rb (this is it!) * moved lib/core/facets to lib/facets (this is it!) * added file/yaml.rb * added a list of libraries considered "core" * continued work on build tools * change tools for core/more convergence (so help us god!) * added conversion requirement to some core libs * update methods task 2007-08-06 transami * update quick.html to mirror rdoc changes --still needs work though * remove old rdoc task * added rdoc section (minimal) to tool/config.yaml * nope. remove site/rdoc * add rdoc dir, should we? * remove site/rdoc in preperation for new way * facets.rb belongs to core/ * renamed some doc files * removed src/core * move src/core/lin to lib/core * added kernel/constant * remove src/core/web * moving more of core to top-level (svn sucks!) * moving core support files to top-level * removed src/more * move src/more/lib to lib/more * made lib dir (to replace src) * added settings.rb which points to annotations/settings.rb * moved svn to annotations/ subdir * moved dev files to top-level as part of more transition * temporarily removed dev/more * moved annotations demo to demo dir * added demo folder * add dev/more * remove struct again! (stupid svn) * moved file to top-level doc as part of more transisiton * bullshit svn crap * ann moved back to more (strongly considering annotations for it's own project) * build moved back to more * aop moved back to more * cast moved back to more * crypt moved back to more * exts moved back to more * file moved back to more * meta moved back to more * misc moved back to more * model moved back to more * struct moved to back to more * moved sync back to more 2007-08-05 transami * minor modification to core's method task * finished removing facets/core from revision control * remove facets/core/ method libs from revision control * fixed task/methods, update facets/core (which will be removed from revision ctrl) * updated methods task to point to facets/core/ * moved lib/facets_by_method/ to facets/core/ for backward compatibility 2007-08-04 transami * updated some tools 2007-08-03 transami * moved commandoptions.rb to command_options.rb * rewrote command and command options libs 2007-08-02 transami * fixed up website * moved web to site * added splash.html (really trash but we'll hang on to it fot now) * added .rsync_filter to wesite, for publish task 2007-08-01 transami * moved 'task' to 'tool' (was 'util' before that) * removed web/home.html, replaced with index.html * update website to look better on Widows * moved facets-by-method/ to facets_by_method/. note: this was the old facets/core/. * rearranged web directory (no more cover page) 2007-07-31 transami * removed core ri files and series 1.8 packages * initial import