require "spec_helper" describe Mongoid::Persistence::Atomic::Pull do describe "#persist" do context "when the field exists" do let(:person) do Person.create(aliases: [ "007", "008" ]) end context "when pulling an exact value" do let!(:pulled) do person.pull(:aliases, "007") end let(:reloaded) do person.reload end it "pulls the value from the array" do person.aliases.should eq([ "008" ]) end it "persists the data" do reloaded.aliases.should eq([ "008" ]) end it "removes the field from the dirty attributes" do person.changes["aliases"].should be_nil end it "resets the document dirty flag" do person.should_not be_changed end it "returns the new array value" do pulled.should eq([ "008" ]) end end end context "when the field does not exist" do let(:person) do Person.create end let!(:pulled) do person.pull(:aliases, "Bond") end let(:reloaded) do person.reload end it "does not modify the field" do person.aliases.should be_nil end it "persists no data" do reloaded.aliases.should be_nil end it "removes the field from the dirty attributes" do person.changes["aliases"].should be_nil end it "resets the document dirty flag" do person.should_not be_changed end it "returns nil" do pulled.should be_nil end end end end