# frozen_string_literal: true

require_relative '../../puppet'
require_relative '../../puppet/util/classgen'
require_relative '../../puppet/node/environment'

# This module defines methods dealing with Type management.
# This module gets included into the Puppet::Type class, it's just split out here for clarity.
# @api public
module Puppet::MetaType
module Manager
  include Puppet::Util::ClassGen

  # An implementation specific method that removes all type instances during testing.
  # @note Only use this method for testing purposes.
  # @api private
  def allclear
    @types.each { |_name, type|

  # Clears any types that were used but absent when types were last loaded.
  # @note Used after each catalog compile when always_retry_plugins is false
  # @api private
  def clear_misses
    unless @types.nil?

  # Iterates over all already loaded Type subclasses.
  # @yield [t] a block receiving each type
  # @yieldparam t [Puppet::Type] each defined type
  # @yieldreturn [Object] the last returned object is also returned from this method
  # @return [Object] the last returned value from the block.
  def eachtype
    @types.each do |_name, type|
      # Only consider types that have names
      # if ! type.parameters.empty? or ! type.validproperties.empty?
      yield type
      # end

  # Loads all types.
  # @note Should only be used for purposes such as generating documentation as this is potentially a very
  #  expensive operation.
  # @return [void]
  def loadall

  # Defines a new type or redefines an existing type with the given name.
  # A convenience method on the form `new<name>` where name is the name of the type is also created.
  # (If this generated method happens to clash with an existing method, a warning is issued and the original
  # method is kept).
  # @param name [String] the name of the type to create or redefine.
  # @param options [Hash] options passed on to {Puppet::Util::ClassGen#genclass} as the option `:attributes`.
  # @option options [Puppet::Type]
  #   Puppet::Type. This option is not passed on as an attribute to genclass.
  # @yield [ ] a block evaluated in the context of the created class, thus allowing further detailing of
  #   that class.
  # @return [Class<inherits Puppet::Type>] the created subclass
  # @see Puppet::Util::ClassGen.genclass
  # @dsl type
  # @api public
  def newtype(name, options = {}, &block)
    @manager_lock.synchronize do
      # Handle backward compatibility
      unless options.is_a?(Hash)
        # TRANSLATORS 'Puppet::Type.newtype' should not be translated
        Puppet.warning(_("Puppet::Type.newtype(%{name}) now expects a hash as the second argument, not %{argument}") %
                       { name: name, argument: options.inspect })

      # First make sure we don't have a method sitting around
      name = name.intern
      newmethod = "new#{name}"

      # Used for method manipulation.
      selfobj = singleton_class

      if @types.include?(name)
        if self.respond_to?(newmethod)
          # Remove the old newmethod
          selfobj.send(:remove_method, newmethod)

      # Then create the class.

      klass = genclass(
        :parent => Puppet::Type,
        :overwrite => true,
        :hash => @types,
        :attributes => options,

      # Now define a "new<type>" method for convenience.
      if self.respond_to? newmethod
        # Refuse to overwrite existing methods like 'newparam' or 'newtype'.
        # TRANSLATORS 'new%{method}' will become a method name, do not translate this string
        Puppet.warning(_("'new%{method}' method already exists; skipping") % { method: name.to_s })
        selfobj.send(:define_method, newmethod) do |*args|

      # If they've got all the necessary methods defined and they haven't
      # already added the property, then do so now.
      klass.ensurable if klass.ensurable? and !klass.validproperty?(:ensure)

      # Now set up autoload any providers that might exist for this type.

      klass.providerloader = Puppet::Util::Autoload.new(klass, "puppet/provider/#{klass.name}")

      # We have to load everything so that we can figure out the default provider.
      klass.providify unless klass.providers.empty?

      loc = block_given? ? block.source_location : nil
      uri = loc.nil? ? nil : URI("#{Puppet::Util.path_to_uri(loc[0])}?line=#{loc[1]}")
      Puppet::Pops::Loaders.register_runtime3_type(name, uri)


  # Removes an existing type.
  # @note Only use this for testing.
  # @api private
  def rmtype(name)
    # Then create the class.

    rmclass(name, :hash => @types)

    singleton_class.send(:remove_method, "new#{name}") if respond_to?("new#{name}")

  # Returns a Type instance by name.
  # This will load the type if not already defined.
  # @param [String, Symbol] name of the wanted Type
  # @return [Puppet::Type, nil] the type or nil if the type was not defined and could not be loaded
  def type(name)
    @manager_lock.synchronize do
      # Avoid loading if name obviously is not a type name
      if name.to_s.include?(':')
        return nil

      # We are overwhelmingly symbols here, which usually match, so it is worth
      # having this special-case to return quickly.  Like, 25K symbols vs. 300
      # strings in this method. --daniel 2012-07-17
      return @types[name] if @types.include? name

      # Try mangling the name, if it is a string.
      if name.is_a? String
        name = name.downcase.intern
        return @types[name] if @types.include? name
      # Try loading the type.
      if typeloader.load(name, Puppet.lookup(:current_environment))
        # TRANSLATORS 'puppet/type/%{name}' should not be translated
        Puppet.warning(_("Loaded puppet/type/%{name} but no class was created") % { name: name }) unless @types.include? name
      elsif !Puppet[:always_retry_plugins]
        # PUP-5482 - Only look for a type once if plugin retry is disabled
        @types[name] = nil

      # ...and I guess that is that, eh.
      return @types[name]

  # Creates a loader for Puppet types.
  # Defaults to an instance of {Puppet::Util::Autoload} if no other auto loader has been set.
  # @return [Puppet::Util::Autoload] the loader to use.
  # @api private
  def typeloader
    unless defined?(@typeloader)
      @typeloader = Puppet::Util::Autoload.new(self, "puppet/type")
