require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' class ThrottledJobTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "Resque::ThrottledJob" do should "instantiate a new Resque::ThrottledJob" do assert end context "settings" do context "#can_run_every" do should "return the number of seconds in which to throttle these jobs" do assert_equal 3600, OneHourThrottledJob.can_run_every end should "default to 30 minutes (1800 seconds) if not provided" do assert_equal 1800, DefaultThrottledJob.can_run_every end end context "#identifier" do should "return an additional key identifier used in storing the key in the redis SET" do assert_equal "my_identifier", IdentifierThrottledJob.identifier("identifier") end should "return nil if not defined" do assert_nil DefaultThrottledJob.identifier end end context "#disabled" do should "not be disabled by default" do assert !DefaultThrottledJob.disabled end should "be able to be overriden" do assert DisabledThrottledJob.disabled end end end context "#key" do should "consist of a prefix, the class name and the identifier" do assert_equal( "resque-throttle:IdentifierThrottledJob:my_identifier", IdentifierThrottledJob.key("identifier") ) end should "consist of just the module prefix and the class name if the identifier is not provided" do assert_equal( "resque-throttle:DefaultThrottledJob", DefaultThrottledJob.key ) end end end end