require 'test_helper' require 'roar/json/hal' class HalJsonTest < MiniTest::Spec let(:rpr) do do include Roar::JSON include Roar::JSON::HAL links :self do [{:lang => "en", :href => "http://en.hit"}, {:lang => "de", :href => "http://de.hit"}] end link :next do "http://next" end end end subject { } describe "links" do describe "parsing" do it "parses link array" do # TODO: remove me. obj = subject.from_json("{\"_links\":{\"self\":[{\"lang\":\"en\",\"href\":\"http://en.hit\"},{\"lang\":\"de\",\"href\":\"http://de.hit\"}]}}") obj.links.must_equal "self" => [link("rel" => "self", "href" => "http://en.hit", "lang" => "en"), link("rel" => "self", "href" => "http://de.hit", "lang" => "de")] end it "parses single links" do # TODO: remove me. obj = subject.from_json("{\"_links\":{\"next\":{\"href\":\"http://next\"}}}") obj.links.must_equal "next" => link("rel" => "next", "href" => "http://next") end it "parses link and link array" do obj = subject.from_json("{\"_links\":{\"next\":{\"href\":\"http://next\"}, \"self\":[{\"lang\":\"en\",\"href\":\"http://en.hit\"},{\"lang\":\"de\",\"href\":\"http://de.hit\"}]}}") obj.links.must_equal "next" => link("rel" => "next", "href" => "http://next"), "self" => [link("rel" => "self", "href" => "http://en.hit", "lang" => "en"), link("rel" => "self", "href" => "http://de.hit", "lang" => "de")] end it "parses empty link array" do subject.from_json("{\"_links\":{\"self\":[]}}").links[:self].must_equal [] end it "parses non-existent link array" do subject.from_json("{\"_links\":{}}").links[:self].must_equal nil # DISCUSS: should this be []? end it "rejects single links declared as array" do assert_raises TypeError do subject.from_json("{\"_links\":{\"self\":{\"href\":\"http://next\"}}}") end end end describe "rendering" do it "renders link and link array" do subject.to_json.must_equal "{\"_links\":{\"self\":[{\"lang\":\"en\",\"href\":\"http://en.hit\"},{\"lang\":\"de\",\"href\":\"http://de.hit\"}],\"next\":{\"href\":\"http://next\"}}}" end it "renders empty link array" do rpr = do include Roar::JSON::HAL links :self do [] end end subject = subject.to_json.must_equal "{\"_links\":{\"self\":[]}}" end end end # describe "#prepare_links!" do # it "should map link arrays correctly" do # subject.send :prepare_links!, {} # subject.links.must_equal :self => [link("rel" => "self", "href" => "http://en.hit", "lang" => "en"),link("rel" => :self, "href" => "http://de.hit", "lang" => "de")], "next" => link("href" => "http://next", "rel" => "next") # end # end describe "#link_array_rels" do it "returns list of rels for array links" do subject.send(:link_array_rels).must_equal [:self] end end describe "HAL/JSON" do Bla = do include Roar::JSON::HAL property :title link :self do "http://songs/#{title}" end end representer_for([Roar::JSON::HAL]) do property :id collection :songs, :class => Song, :extend => Bla, :embedded => true link :self do "http://albums/#{id}" end end before do @album = => [ => "Beer")], :id => 1).extend(rpr) end it "render links and embedded resources according to HAL" do assert_equal "{\"id\":1,\"_embedded\":{\"songs\":[{\"title\":\"Beer\",\"_links\":{\"self\":{\"href\":\"http://songs/Beer\"}}}]},\"_links\":{\"self\":{\"href\":\"http://albums/1\"}}}", @album.to_json end it "parses links and resources following the mighty HAL" do @album.from_json("{\"id\":2,\"_embedded\":{\"songs\":[{\"title\":\"Coffee\",\"_links\":{\"self\":{\"href\":\"http://songs/Coffee\"}}}]},\"_links\":{\"self\":{\"href\":\"http://albums/2\"}}}") assert_equal 2, assert_equal "Coffee", @album.songs.first.title assert_equal "http://songs/Coffee", @album.songs.first.links[:self].href assert_equal "http://albums/2", @album.links[:self].href end it "doesn't require _links and _embedded to be present" do @album.from_json("{\"id\":2}") assert_equal 2, # in newer representables, this is not overwritten to an empty [] anymore. assert_equal ["Beer"], @album.links.must_equal nil end end end class JsonHalTest < MiniTest::Spec Album =, :songs) Artist = Song = def self.representer! super([Roar::JSON::HAL]) end def representer rpr end describe "render_nil: false" do representer! do property :artist, embedded: true, render_nil: false do property :name end collection :songs, embedded: true, render_empty: false do property :title end end it {"Bare, Jr."), ["Tobacco Spit")]).extend(representer).to_hash.must_equal({"_embedded"=>{"artist"=>{"name"=>"Bare, Jr."}, "songs"=>[{"title"=>"Tobacco Spit"}]}}) } it {{}) } end end class LinkCollectionTest < MiniTest::Spec subject {[:self, "next"]) } describe "#is_array?" do it "returns true for array link" do subject.is_array?(:self).must_equal true subject.is_array?("self").must_equal true end it "returns false otherwise" do subject.is_array?("prev").must_equal false end end end class HalCurieTest < MiniTest::Spec representer!([Roar::JSON::HAL]) do link "doc:self" do "/" end curies do [{:name => :doc, :href => "//docs/{rel}", :templated => true}] end end it {{"_links"=>{"doc:self"=>{"href"=>"/"}, :curies=>[{"name"=>:doc, "href"=>"//docs/{rel}", "templated"=>true}]}}) } end