#-- # setup ORM: #++ unless app_config.orm.nil? dbs = YAML::load(Erubis::Eruby.new(IO.read(File.join(MACK_CONFIG, "database.yml"))).result) case app_config.orm when 'active_record' when 'data_mapper' else MACK_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn("Attempted to configure an unknown ORM: #{app_config.orm}") end else MACK_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn("No ORM has been configured!") end if app_config.orm == 'active_record' begin module ActiveRecord # :nodoc: end require 'activerecord' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(dbs[MACK_ENV]) class ArSchemaInfo < ActiveRecord::Base # :nodoc: set_table_name :schema_info end rescue Exception => e end end begin module DataMapper # :nodoc: end require 'data_mapper' DataMapper::Database.setup(dbs[MACK_ENV]) class DmSchemaInfo # :nodoc: include DataMapper::Persistence set_table_name "schema_info" property :version, :integer, :default => 0 end rescue Exception => e end # Returns true if the system is setup to use ActiveRecord def using_active_record? app_config.orm == 'active_record' end # Returns true if the system is setup to use DataMapper def using_data_mapper? app_config.orm == 'data_mapper' end