# WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE # # This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information: # https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md # # WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE require 'seahorse/client/plugins/content_length.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/credentials_configuration.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/logging.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/param_converter.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/param_validator.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/user_agent.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/helpful_socket_errors.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/retry_errors.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/global_configuration.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/regional_endpoint.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/response_paging.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/stub_responses.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/idempotency_token.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/jsonvalue_converter.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/signature_v4.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/protocols/json_rpc.rb' Aws::Plugins::GlobalConfiguration.add_identifier(:servicecatalog) module Aws::ServiceCatalog class Client < Seahorse::Client::Base include Aws::ClientStubs @identifier = :servicecatalog set_api(ClientApi::API) add_plugin(Seahorse::Client::Plugins::ContentLength) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::CredentialsConfiguration) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::Logging) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::ParamConverter) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::ParamValidator) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::UserAgent) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::HelpfulSocketErrors) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::RetryErrors) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::GlobalConfiguration) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::RegionalEndpoint) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::ResponsePaging) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::StubResponses) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::IdempotencyToken) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::JsonvalueConverter) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::SignatureV4) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::Protocols::JsonRpc) # @option options [required, Aws::CredentialProvider] :credentials # Your AWS credentials. This can be an instance of any one of the # following classes: # # * `Aws::Credentials` - Used for configuring static, non-refreshing # credentials. # # * `Aws::InstanceProfileCredentials` - Used for loading credentials # from an EC2 IMDS on an EC2 instance. # # * `Aws::SharedCredentials` - Used for loading credentials from a # shared file, such as `~/.aws/config`. # # * `Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials` - Used when you need to assume a role. # # When `:credentials` are not configured directly, the following # locations will be searched for credentials: # # * `Aws.config[:credentials]` # * The `:access_key_id`, `:secret_access_key`, and `:session_token` options. # * ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] # * `~/.aws/credentials` # * `~/.aws/config` # * EC2 IMDS instance profile - When used by default, the timeouts are # very aggressive. Construct and pass an instance of # `Aws::InstanceProfileCredentails` to enable retries and extended # timeouts. # # @option options [required, String] :region # The AWS region to connect to. The configured `:region` is # used to determine the service `:endpoint`. When not passed, # a default `:region` is search for in the following locations: # # * `Aws.config[:region]` # * `ENV['AWS_REGION']` # * `ENV['AMAZON_REGION']` # * `ENV['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION']` # * `~/.aws/credentials` # * `~/.aws/config` # # @option options [String] :access_key_id # # @option options [Boolean] :convert_params (true) # When `true`, an attempt is made to coerce request parameters into # the required types. # # @option options [String] :endpoint # The client endpoint is normally constructed from the `:region` # option. You should only configure an `:endpoint` when connecting # to test endpoints. This should be avalid HTTP(S) URI. # # @option options [Aws::Log::Formatter] :log_formatter (Aws::Log::Formatter.default) # The log formatter. # # @option options [Symbol] :log_level (:info) # The log level to send messages to the `:logger` at. # # @option options [Logger] :logger # The Logger instance to send log messages to. If this option # is not set, logging will be disabled. # # @option options [String] :profile ("default") # Used when loading credentials from the shared credentials file # at HOME/.aws/credentials. When not specified, 'default' is used. # # @option options [Integer] :retry_limit (3) # The maximum number of times to retry failed requests. Only # ~ 500 level server errors and certain ~ 400 level client errors # are retried. Generally, these are throttling errors, data # checksum errors, networking errors, timeout errors and auth # errors from expired credentials. # # @option options [String] :secret_access_key # # @option options [String] :session_token # # @option options [Boolean] :simple_json (false) # Disables request parameter conversion, validation, and formatting. # Also disable response data type conversions. This option is useful # when you want to ensure the highest level of performance by # avoiding overhead of walking request parameters and response data # structures. # # When `:simple_json` is enabled, the request parameters hash must # be formatted exactly as the DynamoDB API expects. # # @option options [Boolean] :stub_responses (false) # Causes the client to return stubbed responses. By default # fake responses are generated and returned. You can specify # the response data to return or errors to raise by calling # {ClientStubs#stub_responses}. See {ClientStubs} for more information. # # ** Please note ** When response stubbing is enabled, no HTTP # requests are made, and retries are disabled. # # @option options [Boolean] :validate_params (true) # When `true`, request parameters are validated before # sending the request. # def initialize(*args) super end # @!group API Operations # Accepts an offer to share a portfolio. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :portfolio_id # The portfolio identifier. # # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.accept_portfolio_share({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # portfolio_id: "Id", # required # }) # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/AcceptPortfolioShare AWS API Documentation # # @overload accept_portfolio_share(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def accept_portfolio_share(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:accept_portfolio_share, params) req.send_request(options) end # Associates the specified principal ARN with the specified portfolio. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :portfolio_id # The portfolio identifier. # # @option params [required, String] :principal_arn # The ARN representing the principal (IAM user, role, or group). # # @option params [required, String] :principal_type # The principal type. Must be `IAM` # # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.associate_principal_with_portfolio({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # portfolio_id: "Id", # required # principal_arn: "PrincipalARN", # required # principal_type: "IAM", # required, accepts IAM # }) # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/AssociatePrincipalWithPortfolio AWS API Documentation # # @overload associate_principal_with_portfolio(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def associate_principal_with_portfolio(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:associate_principal_with_portfolio, params) req.send_request(options) end # Associates a product with a portfolio. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :product_id # The product identifier. # # @option params [required, String] :portfolio_id # The portfolio identifier. # # @option params [String] :source_portfolio_id # The identifier of the source portfolio to use with this association. # # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.associate_product_with_portfolio({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # product_id: "Id", # required # portfolio_id: "Id", # required # source_portfolio_id: "Id", # }) # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/AssociateProductWithPortfolio AWS API Documentation # # @overload associate_product_with_portfolio(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def associate_product_with_portfolio(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:associate_product_with_portfolio, params) req.send_request(options) end # Associate a TagOption identifier with a resource identifier. # # @option params [required, String] :resource_id # The resource identifier. # # @option params [required, String] :tag_option_id # The TagOption identifier. # # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.associate_tag_option_with_resource({ # resource_id: "ResourceId", # required # tag_option_id: "TagOptionId", # required # }) # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/AssociateTagOptionWithResource AWS API Documentation # # @overload associate_tag_option_with_resource(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def associate_tag_option_with_resource(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:associate_tag_option_with_resource, params) req.send_request(options) end # Copies the specified source product to the specified target product or # a new product. # # You can copy the product to the same account or another account. You # can copy the product to the same region or another region. # # This operation is performed asynchronously. To track the progress of # the operation, use DescribeCopyProductStatus. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :source_product_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source product. # # @option params [String] :target_product_id # The ID of the target product. By default, a new product is created. # # @option params [String] :target_product_name # A name for the target product. The default is the name of the source # product. # # @option params [Array<Hash>] :source_provisioning_artifact_identifiers # The IDs of the product versions to copy. By default, all provisioning # artifacts are copied. # # @option params [Array<String>] :copy_options # The copy options. If the value is `CopyTags`, the tags from the source # product are copied to the target product. # # @option params [required, String] :idempotency_token # A token to disambiguate duplicate requests. You can use the same input # in multiple requests, provided that you also specify a different # idempotency token for each request. # # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option.** # # @return [Types::CopyProductOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::CopyProductOutput#copy_product_token #copy_product_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.copy_product({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # source_product_arn: "ProductArn", # required # target_product_id: "Id", # target_product_name: "ProductViewName", # source_provisioning_artifact_identifiers: [ # { # "Id" => "ProvisioningArtifactPropertyValue", # }, # ], # copy_options: ["CopyTags"], # accepts CopyTags # idempotency_token: "IdempotencyToken", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.copy_product_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/CopyProduct AWS API Documentation # # @overload copy_product(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def copy_product(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:copy_product, params) req.send_request(options) end # Creates a new constraint. For more information, see [Using # Constraints][1]. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/servicecatalog/latest/adminguide/constraints.html # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :portfolio_id # The portfolio identifier. # # @option params [required, String] :product_id # The product identifier. # # @option params [required, String] :parameters # The constraint parameters. Expected values vary depending on which # **Type** is specified. For more information, see the Examples section. # # For Type `LAUNCH`, the `RoleArn` property is required. # # For Type `NOTIFICATION`, the `NotificationArns` property is required. # # For Type `TEMPLATE`, the `Rules` property is required. # # @option params [required, String] :type # The type of the constraint. Case-sensitive valid values are: `LAUNCH`, # `NOTIFICATION`, or `TEMPLATE`. # # @option params [String] :description # The text description of the constraint. # # @option params [required, String] :idempotency_token # A token to disambiguate duplicate requests. You can use the same input # in multiple requests, provided that you also specify a different # idempotency token for each request. # # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option.** # # @return [Types::CreateConstraintOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::CreateConstraintOutput#constraint_detail #constraint_detail} => Types::ConstraintDetail # * {Types::CreateConstraintOutput#constraint_parameters #constraint_parameters} => String # * {Types::CreateConstraintOutput#status #status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.create_constraint({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # portfolio_id: "Id", # required # product_id: "Id", # required # parameters: "ConstraintParameters", # required # type: "ConstraintType", # required # description: "ConstraintDescription", # idempotency_token: "IdempotencyToken", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.constraint_detail.constraint_id #=> String # resp.constraint_detail.type #=> String # resp.constraint_detail.description #=> String # resp.constraint_detail.owner #=> String # resp.constraint_parameters #=> String # resp.status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "CREATING", "FAILED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/CreateConstraint AWS API Documentation # # @overload create_constraint(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def create_constraint(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:create_constraint, params) req.send_request(options) end # Creates a new portfolio. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :display_name # The name to use for display purposes. # # @option params [String] :description # The text description of the portfolio. # # @option params [required, String] :provider_name # The name of the portfolio provider. # # @option params [Array<Types::Tag>] :tags # Tags to associate with the new portfolio. # # @option params [required, String] :idempotency_token # A token to disambiguate duplicate requests. You can use the same input # in multiple requests, provided that you also specify a different # idempotency token for each request. # # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option.** # # @return [Types::CreatePortfolioOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::CreatePortfolioOutput#portfolio_detail #portfolio_detail} => Types::PortfolioDetail # * {Types::CreatePortfolioOutput#tags #tags} => Array<Types::Tag> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.create_portfolio({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # display_name: "PortfolioDisplayName", # required # description: "PortfolioDescription", # provider_name: "ProviderName", # required # tags: [ # { # key: "TagKey", # required # value: "TagValue", # required # }, # ], # idempotency_token: "IdempotencyToken", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.portfolio_detail.id #=> String # resp.portfolio_detail.arn #=> String # resp.portfolio_detail.display_name #=> String # resp.portfolio_detail.description #=> String # resp.portfolio_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.portfolio_detail.provider_name #=> String # resp.tags #=> Array # resp.tags[0].key #=> String # resp.tags[0].value #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/CreatePortfolio AWS API Documentation # # @overload create_portfolio(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def create_portfolio(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:create_portfolio, params) req.send_request(options) end # Creates a new portfolio share. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :portfolio_id # The portfolio identifier. # # @option params [required, String] :account_id # The account ID with which to share the portfolio. # # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.create_portfolio_share({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # portfolio_id: "Id", # required # account_id: "AccountId", # required # }) # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/CreatePortfolioShare AWS API Documentation # # @overload create_portfolio_share(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def create_portfolio_share(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:create_portfolio_share, params) req.send_request(options) end # Creates a new product. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :name # The name of the product. # # @option params [required, String] :owner # The owner of the product. # # @option params [String] :description # The text description of the product. # # @option params [String] :distributor # The distributor of the product. # # @option params [String] :support_description # Support information about the product. # # @option params [String] :support_email # Contact email for product support. # # @option params [String] :support_url # Contact URL for product support. # # @option params [required, String] :product_type # The type of the product to create. # # @option params [Array<Types::Tag>] :tags # Tags to associate with the new product. # # @option params [required, Types::ProvisioningArtifactProperties] :provisioning_artifact_parameters # Parameters for the provisioning artifact. # # @option params [required, String] :idempotency_token # A token to disambiguate duplicate requests. You can use the same input # in multiple requests, provided that you also specify a different # idempotency token for each request. # # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option.** # # @return [Types::CreateProductOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::CreateProductOutput#product_view_detail #product_view_detail} => Types::ProductViewDetail # * {Types::CreateProductOutput#provisioning_artifact_detail #provisioning_artifact_detail} => Types::ProvisioningArtifactDetail # * {Types::CreateProductOutput#tags #tags} => Array<Types::Tag> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.create_product({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # name: "ProductViewName", # required # owner: "ProductViewOwner", # required # description: "ProductViewShortDescription", # distributor: "ProductViewOwner", # support_description: "SupportDescription", # support_email: "SupportEmail", # support_url: "SupportUrl", # product_type: "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", # required, accepts CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE, MARKETPLACE # tags: [ # { # key: "TagKey", # required # value: "TagValue", # required # }, # ], # provisioning_artifact_parameters: { # required # name: "ProvisioningArtifactName", # description: "ProvisioningArtifactDescription", # info: { # required # "ProvisioningArtifactInfoKey" => "ProvisioningArtifactInfoValue", # }, # type: "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", # accepts CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE, MARKETPLACE_AMI, MARKETPLACE_CAR # }, # idempotency_token: "IdempotencyToken", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.id #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.product_id #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.name #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.owner #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.short_description #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.type #=> String, one of "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "MARKETPLACE" # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.distributor #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.has_default_path #=> Boolean # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.support_email #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.support_description #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.support_url #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "CREATING", "FAILED" # resp.product_view_detail.product_arn #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.id #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.name #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.description #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.type #=> String, one of "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "MARKETPLACE_AMI", "MARKETPLACE_CAR" # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.tags #=> Array # resp.tags[0].key #=> String # resp.tags[0].value #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/CreateProduct AWS API Documentation # # @overload create_product(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def create_product(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:create_product, params) req.send_request(options) end # Create a new provisioning artifact for the specified product. This # operation does not work with a product that has been shared with you. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :product_id # The product identifier. # # @option params [required, Types::ProvisioningArtifactProperties] :parameters # The parameters to use when creating the new provisioning artifact. # # @option params [required, String] :idempotency_token # A token to disambiguate duplicate requests. You can use the same input # in multiple requests, provided that you also specify a different # idempotency token for each request. # # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option.** # # @return [Types::CreateProvisioningArtifactOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::CreateProvisioningArtifactOutput#provisioning_artifact_detail #provisioning_artifact_detail} => Types::ProvisioningArtifactDetail # * {Types::CreateProvisioningArtifactOutput#info #info} => Hash<String,String> # * {Types::CreateProvisioningArtifactOutput#status #status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.create_provisioning_artifact({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # product_id: "Id", # required # parameters: { # required # name: "ProvisioningArtifactName", # description: "ProvisioningArtifactDescription", # info: { # required # "ProvisioningArtifactInfoKey" => "ProvisioningArtifactInfoValue", # }, # type: "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", # accepts CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE, MARKETPLACE_AMI, MARKETPLACE_CAR # }, # idempotency_token: "IdempotencyToken", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.id #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.name #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.description #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.type #=> String, one of "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "MARKETPLACE_AMI", "MARKETPLACE_CAR" # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.info #=> Hash # resp.info["ProvisioningArtifactInfoKey"] #=> String # resp.status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "CREATING", "FAILED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/CreateProvisioningArtifact AWS API Documentation # # @overload create_provisioning_artifact(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def create_provisioning_artifact(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:create_provisioning_artifact, params) req.send_request(options) end # Create a new TagOption. # # @option params [required, String] :key # The TagOption key. # # @option params [required, String] :value # The TagOption value. # # @return [Types::CreateTagOptionOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::CreateTagOptionOutput#tag_option_detail #tag_option_detail} => Types::TagOptionDetail # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.create_tag_option({ # key: "TagOptionKey", # required # value: "TagOptionValue", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.tag_option_detail.key #=> String # resp.tag_option_detail.value #=> String # resp.tag_option_detail.active #=> Boolean # resp.tag_option_detail.id #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/CreateTagOption AWS API Documentation # # @overload create_tag_option(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def create_tag_option(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:create_tag_option, params) req.send_request(options) end # Deletes the specified constraint. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :id # The identifier of the constraint to delete. # # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.delete_constraint({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # id: "Id", # required # }) # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DeleteConstraint AWS API Documentation # # @overload delete_constraint(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def delete_constraint(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:delete_constraint, params) req.send_request(options) end # Deletes the specified portfolio. This operation does not work with a # portfolio that has been shared with you or if it has products, users, # constraints, or shared accounts associated with it. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :id # The identifier of the portfolio for the delete request. # # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.delete_portfolio({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # id: "Id", # required # }) # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DeletePortfolio AWS API Documentation # # @overload delete_portfolio(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def delete_portfolio(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:delete_portfolio, params) req.send_request(options) end # Deletes the specified portfolio share. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :portfolio_id # The portfolio identifier. # # @option params [required, String] :account_id # The account ID associated with the share to delete. # # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.delete_portfolio_share({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # portfolio_id: "Id", # required # account_id: "AccountId", # required # }) # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DeletePortfolioShare AWS API Documentation # # @overload delete_portfolio_share(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def delete_portfolio_share(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:delete_portfolio_share, params) req.send_request(options) end # Deletes the specified product. This operation does not work with a # product that has been shared with you or is associated with a # portfolio. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :id # The identifier of the product for the delete request. # # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.delete_product({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # id: "Id", # required # }) # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DeleteProduct AWS API Documentation # # @overload delete_product(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def delete_product(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:delete_product, params) req.send_request(options) end # Deletes the specified provisioning artifact. This operation does not # work on a provisioning artifact associated with a product that has # been shared with you, or on the last provisioning artifact associated # with a product (a product must have at least one provisioning # artifact). # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :product_id # The product identifier. # # @option params [required, String] :provisioning_artifact_id # The identifier of the provisioning artifact for the delete request. # This is sometimes referred to as the product version. # # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.delete_provisioning_artifact({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # product_id: "Id", # required # provisioning_artifact_id: "Id", # required # }) # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DeleteProvisioningArtifact AWS API Documentation # # @overload delete_provisioning_artifact(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def delete_provisioning_artifact(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:delete_provisioning_artifact, params) req.send_request(options) end # Retrieves detailed information for a specified constraint. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :id # The identifier of the constraint. # # @return [Types::DescribeConstraintOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeConstraintOutput#constraint_detail #constraint_detail} => Types::ConstraintDetail # * {Types::DescribeConstraintOutput#constraint_parameters #constraint_parameters} => String # * {Types::DescribeConstraintOutput#status #status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_constraint({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # id: "Id", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.constraint_detail.constraint_id #=> String # resp.constraint_detail.type #=> String # resp.constraint_detail.description #=> String # resp.constraint_detail.owner #=> String # resp.constraint_parameters #=> String # resp.status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "CREATING", "FAILED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DescribeConstraint AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_constraint(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_constraint(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_constraint, params) req.send_request(options) end # Describes the status of the specified copy product operation. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :copy_product_token # The token returned from the call to `CopyProduct` that initiated the # operation. # # @return [Types::DescribeCopyProductStatusOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeCopyProductStatusOutput#copy_product_status #copy_product_status} => String # * {Types::DescribeCopyProductStatusOutput#target_product_id #target_product_id} => String # * {Types::DescribeCopyProductStatusOutput#status_detail #status_detail} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_copy_product_status({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # copy_product_token: "Id", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.copy_product_status #=> String, one of "SUCCEEDED", "IN_PROGRESS", "FAILED" # resp.target_product_id #=> String # resp.status_detail #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DescribeCopyProductStatus AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_copy_product_status(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_copy_product_status(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_copy_product_status, params) req.send_request(options) end # Retrieves detailed information and any tags associated with the # specified portfolio. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :id # The identifier of the portfolio for which to retrieve information. # # @return [Types::DescribePortfolioOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribePortfolioOutput#portfolio_detail #portfolio_detail} => Types::PortfolioDetail # * {Types::DescribePortfolioOutput#tags #tags} => Array<Types::Tag> # * {Types::DescribePortfolioOutput#tag_options #tag_options} => Array<Types::TagOptionDetail> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_portfolio({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # id: "Id", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.portfolio_detail.id #=> String # resp.portfolio_detail.arn #=> String # resp.portfolio_detail.display_name #=> String # resp.portfolio_detail.description #=> String # resp.portfolio_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.portfolio_detail.provider_name #=> String # resp.tags #=> Array # resp.tags[0].key #=> String # resp.tags[0].value #=> String # resp.tag_options #=> Array # resp.tag_options[0].key #=> String # resp.tag_options[0].value #=> String # resp.tag_options[0].active #=> Boolean # resp.tag_options[0].id #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DescribePortfolio AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_portfolio(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_portfolio(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_portfolio, params) req.send_request(options) end # Retrieves information about a specified product. # # This operation is functionally identical to DescribeProductView except # that it takes as input `ProductId` instead of `ProductViewId`. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :id # The `ProductId` of the product to describe. # # @return [Types::DescribeProductOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeProductOutput#product_view_summary #product_view_summary} => Types::ProductViewSummary # * {Types::DescribeProductOutput#provisioning_artifacts #provisioning_artifacts} => Array<Types::ProvisioningArtifact> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_product({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # id: "Id", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.product_view_summary.id #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.product_id #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.name #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.owner #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.short_description #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.type #=> String, one of "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "MARKETPLACE" # resp.product_view_summary.distributor #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.has_default_path #=> Boolean # resp.product_view_summary.support_email #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.support_description #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.support_url #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifacts #=> Array # resp.provisioning_artifacts[0].id #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifacts[0].name #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifacts[0].description #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifacts[0].created_time #=> Time # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DescribeProduct AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_product(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_product(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_product, params) req.send_request(options) end # Retrieves information about a specified product, run with # administrator access. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :id # The identifier of the product for which to retrieve information. # # @return [Types::DescribeProductAsAdminOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeProductAsAdminOutput#product_view_detail #product_view_detail} => Types::ProductViewDetail # * {Types::DescribeProductAsAdminOutput#provisioning_artifact_summaries #provisioning_artifact_summaries} => Array<Types::ProvisioningArtifactSummary> # * {Types::DescribeProductAsAdminOutput#tags #tags} => Array<Types::Tag> # * {Types::DescribeProductAsAdminOutput#tag_options #tag_options} => Array<Types::TagOptionDetail> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_product_as_admin({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # id: "Id", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.id #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.product_id #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.name #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.owner #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.short_description #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.type #=> String, one of "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "MARKETPLACE" # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.distributor #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.has_default_path #=> Boolean # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.support_email #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.support_description #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.support_url #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "CREATING", "FAILED" # resp.product_view_detail.product_arn #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.provisioning_artifact_summaries #=> Array # resp.provisioning_artifact_summaries[0].id #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_summaries[0].name #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_summaries[0].description #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_summaries[0].created_time #=> Time # resp.provisioning_artifact_summaries[0].provisioning_artifact_metadata #=> Hash # resp.provisioning_artifact_summaries[0].provisioning_artifact_metadata["ProvisioningArtifactInfoKey"] #=> String # resp.tags #=> Array # resp.tags[0].key #=> String # resp.tags[0].value #=> String # resp.tag_options #=> Array # resp.tag_options[0].key #=> String # resp.tag_options[0].value #=> String # resp.tag_options[0].active #=> Boolean # resp.tag_options[0].id #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DescribeProductAsAdmin AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_product_as_admin(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_product_as_admin(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_product_as_admin, params) req.send_request(options) end # Retrieves information about a specified product. # # This operation is functionally identical to DescribeProduct except # that it takes as input `ProductViewId` instead of `ProductId`. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :id # The `ProductViewId` of the product to describe. # # @return [Types::DescribeProductViewOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeProductViewOutput#product_view_summary #product_view_summary} => Types::ProductViewSummary # * {Types::DescribeProductViewOutput#provisioning_artifacts #provisioning_artifacts} => Array<Types::ProvisioningArtifact> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_product_view({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # id: "Id", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.product_view_summary.id #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.product_id #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.name #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.owner #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.short_description #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.type #=> String, one of "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "MARKETPLACE" # resp.product_view_summary.distributor #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.has_default_path #=> Boolean # resp.product_view_summary.support_email #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.support_description #=> String # resp.product_view_summary.support_url #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifacts #=> Array # resp.provisioning_artifacts[0].id #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifacts[0].name #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifacts[0].description #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifacts[0].created_time #=> Time # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DescribeProductView AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_product_view(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_product_view(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_product_view, params) req.send_request(options) end # Retrieve detailed information about the provisioned product. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :id # The provisioned product identifier. # # @return [Types::DescribeProvisionedProductOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeProvisionedProductOutput#provisioned_product_detail #provisioned_product_detail} => Types::ProvisionedProductDetail # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_provisioned_product({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # id: "Id", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.provisioned_product_detail.name #=> String # resp.provisioned_product_detail.arn #=> String # resp.provisioned_product_detail.type #=> String # resp.provisioned_product_detail.id #=> String # resp.provisioned_product_detail.status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "UNDER_CHANGE", "TAINTED", "ERROR" # resp.provisioned_product_detail.status_message #=> String # resp.provisioned_product_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.provisioned_product_detail.idempotency_token #=> String # resp.provisioned_product_detail.last_record_id #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DescribeProvisionedProduct AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_provisioned_product(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_provisioned_product(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_provisioned_product, params) req.send_request(options) end # Retrieves detailed information about the specified provisioning # artifact. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :provisioning_artifact_id # The identifier of the provisioning artifact. This is sometimes # referred to as the product version. # # @option params [required, String] :product_id # The product identifier. # # @option params [Boolean] :verbose # Enable a verbose level of details for the provisioning artifact. # # @return [Types::DescribeProvisioningArtifactOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeProvisioningArtifactOutput#provisioning_artifact_detail #provisioning_artifact_detail} => Types::ProvisioningArtifactDetail # * {Types::DescribeProvisioningArtifactOutput#info #info} => Hash<String,String> # * {Types::DescribeProvisioningArtifactOutput#status #status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_provisioning_artifact({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # provisioning_artifact_id: "Id", # required # product_id: "Id", # required # verbose: false, # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.id #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.name #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.description #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.type #=> String, one of "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "MARKETPLACE_AMI", "MARKETPLACE_CAR" # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.info #=> Hash # resp.info["ProvisioningArtifactInfoKey"] #=> String # resp.status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "CREATING", "FAILED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DescribeProvisioningArtifact AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_provisioning_artifact(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_provisioning_artifact(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_provisioning_artifact, params) req.send_request(options) end # Provides information about parameters required to provision a # specified product in a specified manner. Use this operation to obtain # the list of `ProvisioningArtifactParameters` parameters available to # call the ProvisionProduct operation for the specified product. # # If the output contains a TagOption key with an empty list of values, # there is a TagOption conflict for that key. The end user cannot take # action to fix the conflict, and launch is not blocked. In subsequent # calls to the `ProvisionProduct` operation, do not include conflicted # TagOption keys as tags. Calls to `ProvisionProduct` with empty # TagOption values cause the error "Parameter validation failed: # Missing required parameter in Tags\[*N*\]:*Value* ". Calls to # `ProvisionProduct` with conflicted TagOption keys automatically tag # the provisioned product with the conflicted keys with the value # "`sc-tagoption-conflict-portfolioId-productId`". # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :product_id # The product identifier. # # @option params [required, String] :provisioning_artifact_id # The provisioning artifact identifier for this product. This is # sometimes referred to as the product version. # # @option params [String] :path_id # The identifier of the path for this product's provisioning. This # value is optional if the product has a default path, and is required # if there is more than one path for the specified product. # # @return [Types::DescribeProvisioningParametersOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeProvisioningParametersOutput#provisioning_artifact_parameters #provisioning_artifact_parameters} => Array<Types::ProvisioningArtifactParameter> # * {Types::DescribeProvisioningParametersOutput#constraint_summaries #constraint_summaries} => Array<Types::ConstraintSummary> # * {Types::DescribeProvisioningParametersOutput#usage_instructions #usage_instructions} => Array<Types::UsageInstruction> # * {Types::DescribeProvisioningParametersOutput#tag_options #tag_options} => Array<Types::TagOptionSummary> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_provisioning_parameters({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # product_id: "Id", # required # provisioning_artifact_id: "Id", # required # path_id: "Id", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.provisioning_artifact_parameters #=> Array # resp.provisioning_artifact_parameters[0].parameter_key #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_parameters[0].default_value #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_parameters[0].parameter_type #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_parameters[0].is_no_echo #=> Boolean # resp.provisioning_artifact_parameters[0].description #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_parameters[0].parameter_constraints.allowed_values #=> Array # resp.provisioning_artifact_parameters[0].parameter_constraints.allowed_values[0] #=> String # resp.constraint_summaries #=> Array # resp.constraint_summaries[0].type #=> String # resp.constraint_summaries[0].description #=> String # resp.usage_instructions #=> Array # resp.usage_instructions[0].type #=> String # resp.usage_instructions[0].value #=> String # resp.tag_options #=> Array # resp.tag_options[0].key #=> String # resp.tag_options[0].values #=> Array # resp.tag_options[0].values[0] #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DescribeProvisioningParameters AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_provisioning_parameters(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_provisioning_parameters(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_provisioning_parameters, params) req.send_request(options) end # Retrieves a paginated list of the full details of a specific request. # Use this operation after calling a request operation # (ProvisionProduct, TerminateProvisionedProduct, or # UpdateProvisionedProduct). # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :id # The record identifier of the ProvisionedProduct object for which to # retrieve output information. This is the `RecordDetail.RecordId` # obtained from the request operation's response. # # @option params [String] :page_token # The page token of the first page retrieved. If null, this retrieves # the first page of size `PageSize`. # # @option params [Integer] :page_size # The maximum number of items to return in the results. If more results # exist than fit in the specified `PageSize`, the value of # `NextPageToken` in the response is non-null. # # @return [Types::DescribeRecordOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeRecordOutput#record_detail #record_detail} => Types::RecordDetail # * {Types::DescribeRecordOutput#record_outputs #record_outputs} => Array<Types::RecordOutput> # * {Types::DescribeRecordOutput#next_page_token #next_page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_record({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # id: "Id", # required # page_token: "PageToken", # page_size: 1, # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.record_detail.record_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.provisioned_product_name #=> String # resp.record_detail.status #=> String, one of "CREATED", "IN_PROGRESS", "IN_PROGRESS_IN_ERROR", "SUCCEEDED", "FAILED" # resp.record_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.record_detail.updated_time #=> Time # resp.record_detail.provisioned_product_type #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_type #=> String # resp.record_detail.provisioned_product_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.product_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.provisioning_artifact_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.path_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_errors #=> Array # resp.record_detail.record_errors[0].code #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_errors[0].description #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_tags #=> Array # resp.record_detail.record_tags[0].key #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_tags[0].value #=> String # resp.record_outputs #=> Array # resp.record_outputs[0].output_key #=> String # resp.record_outputs[0].output_value #=> String # resp.record_outputs[0].description #=> String # resp.next_page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DescribeRecord AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_record(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_record(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_record, params) req.send_request(options) end # Describes a TagOption. # # @option params [required, String] :id # The identifier of the TagOption. # # @return [Types::DescribeTagOptionOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeTagOptionOutput#tag_option_detail #tag_option_detail} => Types::TagOptionDetail # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_tag_option({ # id: "TagOptionId", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.tag_option_detail.key #=> String # resp.tag_option_detail.value #=> String # resp.tag_option_detail.active #=> Boolean # resp.tag_option_detail.id #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DescribeTagOption AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_tag_option(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_tag_option(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_tag_option, params) req.send_request(options) end # Disassociates a previously associated principal ARN from a specified # portfolio. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :portfolio_id # The portfolio identifier. # # @option params [required, String] :principal_arn # The ARN representing the principal (IAM user, role, or group). # # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.disassociate_principal_from_portfolio({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # portfolio_id: "Id", # required # principal_arn: "PrincipalARN", # required # }) # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DisassociatePrincipalFromPortfolio AWS API Documentation # # @overload disassociate_principal_from_portfolio(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def disassociate_principal_from_portfolio(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:disassociate_principal_from_portfolio, params) req.send_request(options) end # Disassociates the specified product from the specified portfolio. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :product_id # The product identifier. # # @option params [required, String] :portfolio_id # The portfolio identifier. # # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.disassociate_product_from_portfolio({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # product_id: "Id", # required # portfolio_id: "Id", # required # }) # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DisassociateProductFromPortfolio AWS API Documentation # # @overload disassociate_product_from_portfolio(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def disassociate_product_from_portfolio(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:disassociate_product_from_portfolio, params) req.send_request(options) end # Disassociates a TagOption from a resource. # # @option params [required, String] :resource_id # Identifier of the resource from which to disassociate the TagOption. # # @option params [required, String] :tag_option_id # Identifier of the TagOption to disassociate from the resource. # # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.disassociate_tag_option_from_resource({ # resource_id: "ResourceId", # required # tag_option_id: "TagOptionId", # required # }) # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/DisassociateTagOptionFromResource AWS API Documentation # # @overload disassociate_tag_option_from_resource(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def disassociate_tag_option_from_resource(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:disassociate_tag_option_from_resource, params) req.send_request(options) end # Lists details of all portfolios for which sharing was accepted by this # account. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [String] :page_token # The page token of the first page retrieved. If null, this retrieves # the first page of size `PageSize`. # # @option params [Integer] :page_size # The maximum number of items to return in the results. If more results # exist than fit in the specified `PageSize`, the value of # `NextPageToken` in the response is non-null. # # @return [Types::ListAcceptedPortfolioSharesOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListAcceptedPortfolioSharesOutput#portfolio_details #portfolio_details} => Array<Types::PortfolioDetail> # * {Types::ListAcceptedPortfolioSharesOutput#next_page_token #next_page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_accepted_portfolio_shares({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # page_token: "PageToken", # page_size: 1, # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.portfolio_details #=> Array # resp.portfolio_details[0].id #=> String # resp.portfolio_details[0].arn #=> String # resp.portfolio_details[0].display_name #=> String # resp.portfolio_details[0].description #=> String # resp.portfolio_details[0].created_time #=> Time # resp.portfolio_details[0].provider_name #=> String # resp.next_page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/ListAcceptedPortfolioShares AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_accepted_portfolio_shares(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_accepted_portfolio_shares(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_accepted_portfolio_shares, params) req.send_request(options) end # Retrieves detailed constraint information for the specified portfolio # and product. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :portfolio_id # The portfolio identifier. # # @option params [String] :product_id # The product identifier. # # @option params [Integer] :page_size # The maximum number of items to return in the results. If more results # exist than fit in the specified `PageSize`, the value of # `NextPageToken` in the response is non-null. # # @option params [String] :page_token # The page token of the first page retrieved. If null, this retrieves # the first page of size `PageSize`. # # @return [Types::ListConstraintsForPortfolioOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListConstraintsForPortfolioOutput#constraint_details #constraint_details} => Array<Types::ConstraintDetail> # * {Types::ListConstraintsForPortfolioOutput#next_page_token #next_page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_constraints_for_portfolio({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # portfolio_id: "Id", # required # product_id: "Id", # page_size: 1, # page_token: "PageToken", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.constraint_details #=> Array # resp.constraint_details[0].constraint_id #=> String # resp.constraint_details[0].type #=> String # resp.constraint_details[0].description #=> String # resp.constraint_details[0].owner #=> String # resp.next_page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/ListConstraintsForPortfolio AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_constraints_for_portfolio(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_constraints_for_portfolio(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_constraints_for_portfolio, params) req.send_request(options) end # Returns a paginated list of all paths to a specified product. A path # is how the user has access to a specified product, and is necessary # when provisioning a product. A path also determines the constraints # put on the product. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :product_id # The product identifier. Identifies the product for which to retrieve # `LaunchPathSummaries` information. # # @option params [Integer] :page_size # The maximum number of items to return in the results. If more results # exist than fit in the specified `PageSize`, the value of # `NextPageToken` in the response is non-null. # # @option params [String] :page_token # The page token of the first page retrieved. If null, this retrieves # the first page of size `PageSize`. # # @return [Types::ListLaunchPathsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListLaunchPathsOutput#launch_path_summaries #launch_path_summaries} => Array<Types::LaunchPathSummary> # * {Types::ListLaunchPathsOutput#next_page_token #next_page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_launch_paths({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # product_id: "Id", # required # page_size: 1, # page_token: "PageToken", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.launch_path_summaries #=> Array # resp.launch_path_summaries[0].id #=> String # resp.launch_path_summaries[0].constraint_summaries #=> Array # resp.launch_path_summaries[0].constraint_summaries[0].type #=> String # resp.launch_path_summaries[0].constraint_summaries[0].description #=> String # resp.launch_path_summaries[0].tags #=> Array # resp.launch_path_summaries[0].tags[0].key #=> String # resp.launch_path_summaries[0].tags[0].value #=> String # resp.launch_path_summaries[0].name #=> String # resp.next_page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/ListLaunchPaths AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_launch_paths(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_launch_paths(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_launch_paths, params) req.send_request(options) end # Lists the account IDs that have been authorized sharing of the # specified portfolio. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :portfolio_id # The portfolio identifier. # # @return [Types::ListPortfolioAccessOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListPortfolioAccessOutput#account_ids #account_ids} => Array<String> # * {Types::ListPortfolioAccessOutput#next_page_token #next_page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_portfolio_access({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # portfolio_id: "Id", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.account_ids #=> Array # resp.account_ids[0] #=> String # resp.next_page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/ListPortfolioAccess AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_portfolio_access(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_portfolio_access(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_portfolio_access, params) req.send_request(options) end # Lists all portfolios in the catalog. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [String] :page_token # The page token of the first page retrieved. If null, this retrieves # the first page of size `PageSize`. # # @option params [Integer] :page_size # The maximum number of items to return in the results. If more results # exist than fit in the specified `PageSize`, the value of # `NextPageToken` in the response is non-null. # # @return [Types::ListPortfoliosOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListPortfoliosOutput#portfolio_details #portfolio_details} => Array<Types::PortfolioDetail> # * {Types::ListPortfoliosOutput#next_page_token #next_page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_portfolios({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # page_token: "PageToken", # page_size: 1, # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.portfolio_details #=> Array # resp.portfolio_details[0].id #=> String # resp.portfolio_details[0].arn #=> String # resp.portfolio_details[0].display_name #=> String # resp.portfolio_details[0].description #=> String # resp.portfolio_details[0].created_time #=> Time # resp.portfolio_details[0].provider_name #=> String # resp.next_page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/ListPortfolios AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_portfolios(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_portfolios(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_portfolios, params) req.send_request(options) end # Lists all portfolios that the specified product is associated with. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :product_id # The product identifier. # # @option params [String] :page_token # The page token of the first page retrieved. If null, this retrieves # the first page of size `PageSize`. # # @option params [Integer] :page_size # The maximum number of items to return in the results. If more results # exist than fit in the specified `PageSize`, the value of # `NextPageToken` in the response is non-null. # # @return [Types::ListPortfoliosForProductOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListPortfoliosForProductOutput#portfolio_details #portfolio_details} => Array<Types::PortfolioDetail> # * {Types::ListPortfoliosForProductOutput#next_page_token #next_page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_portfolios_for_product({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # product_id: "Id", # required # page_token: "PageToken", # page_size: 1, # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.portfolio_details #=> Array # resp.portfolio_details[0].id #=> String # resp.portfolio_details[0].arn #=> String # resp.portfolio_details[0].display_name #=> String # resp.portfolio_details[0].description #=> String # resp.portfolio_details[0].created_time #=> Time # resp.portfolio_details[0].provider_name #=> String # resp.next_page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/ListPortfoliosForProduct AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_portfolios_for_product(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_portfolios_for_product(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_portfolios_for_product, params) req.send_request(options) end # Lists all principal ARNs associated with the specified portfolio. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :portfolio_id # The portfolio identifier. # # @option params [Integer] :page_size # The maximum number of items to return in the results. If more results # exist than fit in the specified `PageSize`, the value of # `NextPageToken` in the response is non-null. # # @option params [String] :page_token # The page token of the first page retrieved. If null, this retrieves # the first page of size `PageSize`. # # @return [Types::ListPrincipalsForPortfolioOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListPrincipalsForPortfolioOutput#principals #principals} => Array<Types::Principal> # * {Types::ListPrincipalsForPortfolioOutput#next_page_token #next_page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_principals_for_portfolio({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # portfolio_id: "Id", # required # page_size: 1, # page_token: "PageToken", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.principals #=> Array # resp.principals[0].principal_arn #=> String # resp.principals[0].principal_type #=> String, one of "IAM" # resp.next_page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/ListPrincipalsForPortfolio AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_principals_for_portfolio(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_principals_for_portfolio(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_principals_for_portfolio, params) req.send_request(options) end # Lists all provisioning artifacts associated with the specified # product. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :product_id # The product identifier. # # @return [Types::ListProvisioningArtifactsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListProvisioningArtifactsOutput#provisioning_artifact_details #provisioning_artifact_details} => Array<Types::ProvisioningArtifactDetail> # * {Types::ListProvisioningArtifactsOutput#next_page_token #next_page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_provisioning_artifacts({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # product_id: "Id", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.provisioning_artifact_details #=> Array # resp.provisioning_artifact_details[0].id #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_details[0].name #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_details[0].description #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_details[0].type #=> String, one of "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "MARKETPLACE_AMI", "MARKETPLACE_CAR" # resp.provisioning_artifact_details[0].created_time #=> Time # resp.next_page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/ListProvisioningArtifacts AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_provisioning_artifacts(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_provisioning_artifacts(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_provisioning_artifacts, params) req.send_request(options) end # Returns a paginated list of all performed requests, in the form of # RecordDetails objects that are filtered as specified. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [Types::AccessLevelFilter] :access_level_filter # The access level for obtaining results. If left unspecified, `User` # level access is used. # # @option params [Types::ListRecordHistorySearchFilter] :search_filter # The filter to limit search results. # # @option params [Integer] :page_size # The maximum number of items to return in the results. If more results # exist than fit in the specified `PageSize`, the value of # `NextPageToken` in the response is non-null. # # @option params [String] :page_token # The page token of the first page retrieved. If null, this retrieves # the first page of size `PageSize`. # # @return [Types::ListRecordHistoryOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListRecordHistoryOutput#record_details #record_details} => Array<Types::RecordDetail> # * {Types::ListRecordHistoryOutput#next_page_token #next_page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_record_history({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # access_level_filter: { # key: "Account", # accepts Account, Role, User # value: "AccessLevelFilterValue", # }, # search_filter: { # key: "SearchFilterKey", # value: "SearchFilterValue", # }, # page_size: 1, # page_token: "PageToken", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.record_details #=> Array # resp.record_details[0].record_id #=> String # resp.record_details[0].provisioned_product_name #=> String # resp.record_details[0].status #=> String, one of "CREATED", "IN_PROGRESS", "IN_PROGRESS_IN_ERROR", "SUCCEEDED", "FAILED" # resp.record_details[0].created_time #=> Time # resp.record_details[0].updated_time #=> Time # resp.record_details[0].provisioned_product_type #=> String # resp.record_details[0].record_type #=> String # resp.record_details[0].provisioned_product_id #=> String # resp.record_details[0].product_id #=> String # resp.record_details[0].provisioning_artifact_id #=> String # resp.record_details[0].path_id #=> String # resp.record_details[0].record_errors #=> Array # resp.record_details[0].record_errors[0].code #=> String # resp.record_details[0].record_errors[0].description #=> String # resp.record_details[0].record_tags #=> Array # resp.record_details[0].record_tags[0].key #=> String # resp.record_details[0].record_tags[0].value #=> String # resp.next_page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/ListRecordHistory AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_record_history(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_record_history(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_record_history, params) req.send_request(options) end # Lists resources associated with a TagOption. # # @option params [required, String] :tag_option_id # Identifier of the TagOption. # # @option params [String] :resource_type # Resource type. # # @option params [Integer] :page_size # The maximum number of items to return in the results. If more results # exist than fit in the specified `PageSize`, the value of # `NextPageToken` in the response is non-null. # # @option params [String] :page_token # The page token of the first page retrieved. If null, this retrieves # the first page of size `PageSize`. # # @return [Types::ListResourcesForTagOptionOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListResourcesForTagOptionOutput#resource_details #resource_details} => Array<Types::ResourceDetail> # * {Types::ListResourcesForTagOptionOutput#page_token #page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_resources_for_tag_option({ # tag_option_id: "TagOptionId", # required # resource_type: "ResourceType", # page_size: 1, # page_token: "PageToken", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.resource_details #=> Array # resp.resource_details[0].id #=> String # resp.resource_details[0].arn #=> String # resp.resource_details[0].name #=> String # resp.resource_details[0].description #=> String # resp.resource_details[0].created_time #=> Time # resp.page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/ListResourcesForTagOption AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_resources_for_tag_option(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_resources_for_tag_option(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_resources_for_tag_option, params) req.send_request(options) end # Lists detailed TagOptions information. # # @option params [Types::ListTagOptionsFilters] :filters # The list of filters with which to limit search results. If no search # filters are specified, the output is all TagOptions. # # @option params [Integer] :page_size # The maximum number of items to return in the results. If more results # exist than fit in the specified `PageSize`, the value of # `NextPageToken` in the response is non-null. # # @option params [String] :page_token # The page token of the first page retrieved. If null, this retrieves # the first page of size `PageSize`. # # @return [Types::ListTagOptionsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListTagOptionsOutput#tag_option_details #tag_option_details} => Array<Types::TagOptionDetail> # * {Types::ListTagOptionsOutput#page_token #page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_tag_options({ # filters: { # key: "TagOptionKey", # value: "TagOptionValue", # active: false, # }, # page_size: 1, # page_token: "PageToken", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.tag_option_details #=> Array # resp.tag_option_details[0].key #=> String # resp.tag_option_details[0].value #=> String # resp.tag_option_details[0].active #=> Boolean # resp.tag_option_details[0].id #=> String # resp.page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/ListTagOptions AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_tag_options(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_tag_options(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_tag_options, params) req.send_request(options) end # Requests a *provision* of a specified product. A *provisioned product* # is a resourced instance for a product. For example, provisioning a # CloudFormation-template-backed product results in launching a # CloudFormation stack and all the underlying resources that come with # it. # # You can check the status of this request using the DescribeRecord # operation. The error "Parameter validation failed: Missing required # parameter in Tags\[*N*\]:*Value*" indicates that your request # contains a tag which has a tag key but no corresponding tag value # (value is empty or null). Your call may have included values returned # from a `DescribeProvisioningParameters` call that resulted in a # TagOption key with an empty list. This happens when TagOption keys are # in conflict. For more information, see DescribeProvisioningParameters. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :product_id # The product identifier. # # @option params [required, String] :provisioning_artifact_id # The provisioning artifact identifier for this product. This is # sometimes referred to as the product version. # # @option params [String] :path_id # The identifier of the path for this product's provisioning. This # value is optional if the product has a default path, and is required # if there is more than one path for the specified product. # # @option params [required, String] :provisioned_product_name # A user-friendly name to identify the ProvisionedProduct object. This # value must be unique for the AWS account and cannot be updated after # the product is provisioned. # # @option params [Array<Types::ProvisioningParameter>] :provisioning_parameters # Parameters specified by the administrator that are required for # provisioning the product. # # @option params [Array<Types::Tag>] :tags # A list of tags to use as provisioning options. # # @option params [Array<String>] :notification_arns # Passed to CloudFormation. The SNS topic ARNs to which to publish # stack-related events. # # @option params [required, String] :provision_token # An idempotency token that uniquely identifies the provisioning # request. # # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option.** # # @return [Types::ProvisionProductOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ProvisionProductOutput#record_detail #record_detail} => Types::RecordDetail # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.provision_product({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # product_id: "Id", # required # provisioning_artifact_id: "Id", # required # path_id: "Id", # provisioned_product_name: "ProvisionedProductName", # required # provisioning_parameters: [ # { # key: "ParameterKey", # value: "ParameterValue", # }, # ], # tags: [ # { # key: "TagKey", # required # value: "TagValue", # required # }, # ], # notification_arns: ["NotificationArn"], # provision_token: "IdempotencyToken", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.record_detail.record_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.provisioned_product_name #=> String # resp.record_detail.status #=> String, one of "CREATED", "IN_PROGRESS", "IN_PROGRESS_IN_ERROR", "SUCCEEDED", "FAILED" # resp.record_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.record_detail.updated_time #=> Time # resp.record_detail.provisioned_product_type #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_type #=> String # resp.record_detail.provisioned_product_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.product_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.provisioning_artifact_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.path_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_errors #=> Array # resp.record_detail.record_errors[0].code #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_errors[0].description #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_tags #=> Array # resp.record_detail.record_tags[0].key #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_tags[0].value #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/ProvisionProduct AWS API Documentation # # @overload provision_product(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def provision_product(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:provision_product, params) req.send_request(options) end # Rejects an offer to share a portfolio. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :portfolio_id # The portfolio identifier. # # @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}. # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.reject_portfolio_share({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # portfolio_id: "Id", # required # }) # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/RejectPortfolioShare AWS API Documentation # # @overload reject_portfolio_share(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def reject_portfolio_share(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:reject_portfolio_share, params) req.send_request(options) end # Returns a paginated list of all the ProvisionedProduct objects that # are currently available (not terminated). # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [Types::AccessLevelFilter] :access_level_filter # The access level for obtaining results. If left unspecified, `User` # level access is used. # # @option params [Integer] :page_size # The maximum number of items to return in the results. If more results # exist than fit in the specified `PageSize`, the value of # `NextPageToken` in the response is non-null. # # @option params [String] :page_token # The page token of the first page retrieved. If null, this retrieves # the first page of size `PageSize`. # # @return [Types::ScanProvisionedProductsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ScanProvisionedProductsOutput#provisioned_products #provisioned_products} => Array<Types::ProvisionedProductDetail> # * {Types::ScanProvisionedProductsOutput#next_page_token #next_page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.scan_provisioned_products({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # access_level_filter: { # key: "Account", # accepts Account, Role, User # value: "AccessLevelFilterValue", # }, # page_size: 1, # page_token: "PageToken", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.provisioned_products #=> Array # resp.provisioned_products[0].name #=> String # resp.provisioned_products[0].arn #=> String # resp.provisioned_products[0].type #=> String # resp.provisioned_products[0].id #=> String # resp.provisioned_products[0].status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "UNDER_CHANGE", "TAINTED", "ERROR" # resp.provisioned_products[0].status_message #=> String # resp.provisioned_products[0].created_time #=> Time # resp.provisioned_products[0].idempotency_token #=> String # resp.provisioned_products[0].last_record_id #=> String # resp.next_page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/ScanProvisionedProducts AWS API Documentation # # @overload scan_provisioned_products(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def scan_provisioned_products(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:scan_provisioned_products, params) req.send_request(options) end # Returns a paginated list all of the `Products` objects to which the # caller has access. # # The output of this operation can be used as input for other # operations, such as DescribeProductView. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [Hash<String,Array>] :filters # The list of filters with which to limit search results. If no search # filters are specified, the output is all the products to which the # calling user has access. # # @option params [Integer] :page_size # The maximum number of items to return in the results. If more results # exist than fit in the specified `PageSize`, the value of # `NextPageToken` in the response is non-null. # # @option params [String] :sort_by # The sort field specifier. If no value is specified, results are not # sorted. # # @option params [String] :sort_order # The sort order specifier. If no value is specified, results are not # sorted. # # @option params [String] :page_token # The page token of the first page retrieved. If null, this retrieves # the first page of size `PageSize`. # # @return [Types::SearchProductsOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::SearchProductsOutput#product_view_summaries #product_view_summaries} => Array<Types::ProductViewSummary> # * {Types::SearchProductsOutput#product_view_aggregations #product_view_aggregations} => Hash<String,Array<Types::ProductViewAggregationValue>> # * {Types::SearchProductsOutput#next_page_token #next_page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.search_products({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # filters: { # "FullTextSearch" => ["ProductViewFilterValue"], # }, # page_size: 1, # sort_by: "Title", # accepts Title, VersionCount, CreationDate # sort_order: "ASCENDING", # accepts ASCENDING, DESCENDING # page_token: "PageToken", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.product_view_summaries #=> Array # resp.product_view_summaries[0].id #=> String # resp.product_view_summaries[0].product_id #=> String # resp.product_view_summaries[0].name #=> String # resp.product_view_summaries[0].owner #=> String # resp.product_view_summaries[0].short_description #=> String # resp.product_view_summaries[0].type #=> String, one of "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "MARKETPLACE" # resp.product_view_summaries[0].distributor #=> String # resp.product_view_summaries[0].has_default_path #=> Boolean # resp.product_view_summaries[0].support_email #=> String # resp.product_view_summaries[0].support_description #=> String # resp.product_view_summaries[0].support_url #=> String # resp.product_view_aggregations #=> Hash # resp.product_view_aggregations["ProductViewAggregationType"] #=> Array # resp.product_view_aggregations["ProductViewAggregationType"][0].value #=> <Hash,Array,String,Numeric,Boolean,IO,Set,nil> # resp.product_view_aggregations["ProductViewAggregationType"][0].approximate_count #=> Integer # resp.next_page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/SearchProducts AWS API Documentation # # @overload search_products(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def search_products(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:search_products, params) req.send_request(options) end # Retrieves summary and status information about all products created # within the caller's account. If a portfolio ID is provided, this # operation retrieves information for only those products that are # associated with the specified portfolio. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [String] :portfolio_id # The portfolio identifier. # # @option params [Hash<String,Array>] :filters # The list of filters with which to limit search results. If no search # filters are specified, the output is all the products to which the # administrator has access. # # @option params [String] :sort_by # The sort field specifier. If no value is specified, results are not # sorted. # # @option params [String] :sort_order # The sort order specifier. If no value is specified, results are not # sorted. # # @option params [String] :page_token # The page token of the first page retrieved. If null, this retrieves # the first page of size `PageSize`. # # @option params [Integer] :page_size # The maximum number of items to return in the results. If more results # exist than fit in the specified `PageSize`, the value of # `NextPageToken` in the response is non-null. # # @option params [String] :product_source # Access level of the source of the product. # # @return [Types::SearchProductsAsAdminOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::SearchProductsAsAdminOutput#product_view_details #product_view_details} => Array<Types::ProductViewDetail> # * {Types::SearchProductsAsAdminOutput#next_page_token #next_page_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.search_products_as_admin({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # portfolio_id: "Id", # filters: { # "FullTextSearch" => ["ProductViewFilterValue"], # }, # sort_by: "Title", # accepts Title, VersionCount, CreationDate # sort_order: "ASCENDING", # accepts ASCENDING, DESCENDING # page_token: "PageToken", # page_size: 1, # product_source: "ACCOUNT", # accepts ACCOUNT # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.product_view_details #=> Array # resp.product_view_details[0].product_view_summary.id #=> String # resp.product_view_details[0].product_view_summary.product_id #=> String # resp.product_view_details[0].product_view_summary.name #=> String # resp.product_view_details[0].product_view_summary.owner #=> String # resp.product_view_details[0].product_view_summary.short_description #=> String # resp.product_view_details[0].product_view_summary.type #=> String, one of "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "MARKETPLACE" # resp.product_view_details[0].product_view_summary.distributor #=> String # resp.product_view_details[0].product_view_summary.has_default_path #=> Boolean # resp.product_view_details[0].product_view_summary.support_email #=> String # resp.product_view_details[0].product_view_summary.support_description #=> String # resp.product_view_details[0].product_view_summary.support_url #=> String # resp.product_view_details[0].status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "CREATING", "FAILED" # resp.product_view_details[0].product_arn #=> String # resp.product_view_details[0].created_time #=> Time # resp.next_page_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/SearchProductsAsAdmin AWS API Documentation # # @overload search_products_as_admin(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def search_products_as_admin(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:search_products_as_admin, params) req.send_request(options) end # Requests termination of an existing ProvisionedProduct object. If # there are `Tags` associated with the object, they are terminated when # the ProvisionedProduct object is terminated. # # This operation does not delete any records associated with the # ProvisionedProduct object. # # You can check the status of this request using the DescribeRecord # operation. # # @option params [String] :provisioned_product_name # The name of the ProvisionedProduct object to terminate. Specify either # `ProvisionedProductName` or `ProvisionedProductId`, but not both. # # @option params [String] :provisioned_product_id # The identifier of the ProvisionedProduct object to terminate. Specify # either `ProvisionedProductName` or `ProvisionedProductId`, but not # both. # # @option params [required, String] :terminate_token # An idempotency token that uniquely identifies the termination request. # This token is only valid during the termination process. After the # ProvisionedProduct object is terminated, further requests to terminate # the same ProvisionedProduct object always return **ResourceNotFound** # regardless of the value of `TerminateToken`. # # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option.** # # @option params [Boolean] :ignore_errors # If set to true, AWS Service Catalog stops managing the specified # ProvisionedProduct object even if it cannot delete the underlying # resources. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @return [Types::TerminateProvisionedProductOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::TerminateProvisionedProductOutput#record_detail #record_detail} => Types::RecordDetail # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.terminate_provisioned_product({ # provisioned_product_name: "ProvisionedProductNameOrArn", # provisioned_product_id: "Id", # terminate_token: "IdempotencyToken", # required # ignore_errors: false, # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.record_detail.record_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.provisioned_product_name #=> String # resp.record_detail.status #=> String, one of "CREATED", "IN_PROGRESS", "IN_PROGRESS_IN_ERROR", "SUCCEEDED", "FAILED" # resp.record_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.record_detail.updated_time #=> Time # resp.record_detail.provisioned_product_type #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_type #=> String # resp.record_detail.provisioned_product_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.product_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.provisioning_artifact_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.path_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_errors #=> Array # resp.record_detail.record_errors[0].code #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_errors[0].description #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_tags #=> Array # resp.record_detail.record_tags[0].key #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_tags[0].value #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/TerminateProvisionedProduct AWS API Documentation # # @overload terminate_provisioned_product(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def terminate_provisioned_product(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:terminate_provisioned_product, params) req.send_request(options) end # Updates an existing constraint. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :id # The identifier of the constraint to update. # # @option params [String] :description # The updated text description of the constraint. # # @return [Types::UpdateConstraintOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::UpdateConstraintOutput#constraint_detail #constraint_detail} => Types::ConstraintDetail # * {Types::UpdateConstraintOutput#constraint_parameters #constraint_parameters} => String # * {Types::UpdateConstraintOutput#status #status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.update_constraint({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # id: "Id", # required # description: "ConstraintDescription", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.constraint_detail.constraint_id #=> String # resp.constraint_detail.type #=> String # resp.constraint_detail.description #=> String # resp.constraint_detail.owner #=> String # resp.constraint_parameters #=> String # resp.status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "CREATING", "FAILED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/UpdateConstraint AWS API Documentation # # @overload update_constraint(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def update_constraint(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:update_constraint, params) req.send_request(options) end # Updates the specified portfolio's details. This operation does not # work with a product that has been shared with you. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :id # The identifier of the portfolio for the update request. # # @option params [String] :display_name # The name to use for display purposes. # # @option params [String] :description # The updated text description of the portfolio. # # @option params [String] :provider_name # The updated name of the portfolio provider. # # @option params [Array<Types::Tag>] :add_tags # Tags to add to the existing list of tags associated with the # portfolio. # # @option params [Array<String>] :remove_tags # Tags to remove from the existing list of tags associated with the # portfolio. # # @return [Types::UpdatePortfolioOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::UpdatePortfolioOutput#portfolio_detail #portfolio_detail} => Types::PortfolioDetail # * {Types::UpdatePortfolioOutput#tags #tags} => Array<Types::Tag> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.update_portfolio({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # id: "Id", # required # display_name: "PortfolioDisplayName", # description: "PortfolioDescription", # provider_name: "ProviderName", # add_tags: [ # { # key: "TagKey", # required # value: "TagValue", # required # }, # ], # remove_tags: ["TagKey"], # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.portfolio_detail.id #=> String # resp.portfolio_detail.arn #=> String # resp.portfolio_detail.display_name #=> String # resp.portfolio_detail.description #=> String # resp.portfolio_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.portfolio_detail.provider_name #=> String # resp.tags #=> Array # resp.tags[0].key #=> String # resp.tags[0].value #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/UpdatePortfolio AWS API Documentation # # @overload update_portfolio(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def update_portfolio(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:update_portfolio, params) req.send_request(options) end # Updates an existing product. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :id # The identifier of the product for the update request. # # @option params [String] :name # The updated product name. # # @option params [String] :owner # The updated owner of the product. # # @option params [String] :description # The updated text description of the product. # # @option params [String] :distributor # The updated distributor of the product. # # @option params [String] :support_description # The updated support description for the product. # # @option params [String] :support_email # The updated support email for the product. # # @option params [String] :support_url # The updated support URL for the product. # # @option params [Array<Types::Tag>] :add_tags # Tags to add to the existing list of tags associated with the product. # # @option params [Array<String>] :remove_tags # Tags to remove from the existing list of tags associated with the # product. # # @return [Types::UpdateProductOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::UpdateProductOutput#product_view_detail #product_view_detail} => Types::ProductViewDetail # * {Types::UpdateProductOutput#tags #tags} => Array<Types::Tag> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.update_product({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # id: "Id", # required # name: "ProductViewName", # owner: "ProductViewOwner", # description: "ProductViewShortDescription", # distributor: "ProductViewOwner", # support_description: "SupportDescription", # support_email: "SupportEmail", # support_url: "SupportUrl", # add_tags: [ # { # key: "TagKey", # required # value: "TagValue", # required # }, # ], # remove_tags: ["TagKey"], # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.id #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.product_id #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.name #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.owner #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.short_description #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.type #=> String, one of "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "MARKETPLACE" # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.distributor #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.has_default_path #=> Boolean # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.support_email #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.support_description #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.product_view_summary.support_url #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "CREATING", "FAILED" # resp.product_view_detail.product_arn #=> String # resp.product_view_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.tags #=> Array # resp.tags[0].key #=> String # resp.tags[0].value #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/UpdateProduct AWS API Documentation # # @overload update_product(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def update_product(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:update_product, params) req.send_request(options) end # Requests updates to the configuration of an existing # ProvisionedProduct object. If there are tags associated with the # object, they cannot be updated or added with this operation. Depending # on the specific updates requested, this operation may update with no # interruption, with some interruption, or replace the # ProvisionedProduct object entirely. # # You can check the status of this request using the DescribeRecord # operation. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [String] :provisioned_product_name # The updated name of the ProvisionedProduct object. Specify either # `ProvisionedProductName` or `ProvisionedProductId`, but not both. # # @option params [String] :provisioned_product_id # The identifier of the ProvisionedProduct object to update. Specify # either `ProvisionedProductName` or `ProvisionedProductId`, but not # both. # # @option params [String] :product_id # The identifier of the ProvisionedProduct object. # # @option params [String] :provisioning_artifact_id # The provisioning artifact identifier for this product. This is # sometimes referred to as the product version. # # @option params [String] :path_id # The identifier of the path to use in the updated ProvisionedProduct # object. This value is optional if the product has a default path, and # is required if there is more than one path for the specified product. # # @option params [Array<Types::UpdateProvisioningParameter>] :provisioning_parameters # A list of `ProvisioningParameter` objects used to update the # ProvisionedProduct object. # # @option params [required, String] :update_token # The idempotency token that uniquely identifies the provisioning update # request. # # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option.** # # @return [Types::UpdateProvisionedProductOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::UpdateProvisionedProductOutput#record_detail #record_detail} => Types::RecordDetail # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.update_provisioned_product({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # provisioned_product_name: "ProvisionedProductNameOrArn", # provisioned_product_id: "Id", # product_id: "Id", # provisioning_artifact_id: "Id", # path_id: "Id", # provisioning_parameters: [ # { # key: "ParameterKey", # value: "ParameterValue", # use_previous_value: false, # }, # ], # update_token: "IdempotencyToken", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.record_detail.record_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.provisioned_product_name #=> String # resp.record_detail.status #=> String, one of "CREATED", "IN_PROGRESS", "IN_PROGRESS_IN_ERROR", "SUCCEEDED", "FAILED" # resp.record_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.record_detail.updated_time #=> Time # resp.record_detail.provisioned_product_type #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_type #=> String # resp.record_detail.provisioned_product_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.product_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.provisioning_artifact_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.path_id #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_errors #=> Array # resp.record_detail.record_errors[0].code #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_errors[0].description #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_tags #=> Array # resp.record_detail.record_tags[0].key #=> String # resp.record_detail.record_tags[0].value #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/UpdateProvisionedProduct AWS API Documentation # # @overload update_provisioned_product(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def update_provisioned_product(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:update_provisioned_product, params) req.send_request(options) end # Updates an existing provisioning artifact's information. This # operation does not work on a provisioning artifact associated with a # product that has been shared with you. # # @option params [String] :accept_language # The language code. # # * `en` - English (default) # # * `jp` - Japanese # # * `zh` - Chinese # # @option params [required, String] :product_id # The product identifier. # # @option params [required, String] :provisioning_artifact_id # The identifier of the provisioning artifact for the update request. # This is sometimes referred to as the product version. # # @option params [String] :name # The updated name of the provisioning artifact. # # @option params [String] :description # The updated text description of the provisioning artifact. # # @return [Types::UpdateProvisioningArtifactOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::UpdateProvisioningArtifactOutput#provisioning_artifact_detail #provisioning_artifact_detail} => Types::ProvisioningArtifactDetail # * {Types::UpdateProvisioningArtifactOutput#info #info} => Hash<String,String> # * {Types::UpdateProvisioningArtifactOutput#status #status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.update_provisioning_artifact({ # accept_language: "AcceptLanguage", # product_id: "Id", # required # provisioning_artifact_id: "Id", # required # name: "ProvisioningArtifactName", # description: "ProvisioningArtifactDescription", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.id #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.name #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.description #=> String # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.type #=> String, one of "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "MARKETPLACE_AMI", "MARKETPLACE_CAR" # resp.provisioning_artifact_detail.created_time #=> Time # resp.info #=> Hash # resp.info["ProvisioningArtifactInfoKey"] #=> String # resp.status #=> String, one of "AVAILABLE", "CREATING", "FAILED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/UpdateProvisioningArtifact AWS API Documentation # # @overload update_provisioning_artifact(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def update_provisioning_artifact(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:update_provisioning_artifact, params) req.send_request(options) end # Updates an existing TagOption. # # @option params [required, String] :id # The identifier of the constraint to update. # # @option params [String] :value # The updated value. # # @option params [Boolean] :active # The updated active state. # # @return [Types::UpdateTagOptionOutput] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::UpdateTagOptionOutput#tag_option_detail #tag_option_detail} => Types::TagOptionDetail # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.update_tag_option({ # id: "TagOptionId", # required # value: "TagOptionValue", # active: false, # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.tag_option_detail.key #=> String # resp.tag_option_detail.value #=> String # resp.tag_option_detail.active #=> Boolean # resp.tag_option_detail.id #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/servicecatalog-2015-12-10/UpdateTagOption AWS API Documentation # # @overload update_tag_option(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def update_tag_option(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:update_tag_option, params) req.send_request(options) end # @!endgroup # @param params ({}) # @api private def build_request(operation_name, params = {}) handlers = @handlers.for(operation_name) context = Seahorse::Client::RequestContext.new( operation_name: operation_name, operation: config.api.operation(operation_name), client: self, params: params, config: config) context[:gem_name] = 'aws-sdk-servicecatalog' context[:gem_version] = '1.1.0' Seahorse::Client::Request.new(handlers, context) end # @api private # @deprecated def waiter_names [] end class << self # @api private attr_reader :identifier # @api private def errors_module Errors end end end end