- if @blog.nil? .well -if current_user.nil? current_user is not defined. You have to be logged in with Devise in order to configure your first blog. - else Create your first blog - else - if @posts.empty? .well.centered = link_to "Create Your First Post Tagged with “#{@tag}”", new_post_path, :class => "btn" - else %h3.head Posts Tagged with “#{@tag}” - old_date = DateTime.now + 1.day - @posts.each do |post| - @post = post - unless @post.nil? - unless old_date.day == @post.written_at.day and old_date.month == @post.written_at.month and old_date.year == @post.written_at.year %h3.head = @post.written_at.strftime("%B %d, %Y") = render "post" - old_date = @post.written_at = will_paginate(@posts, :renderer => BootstrapPagination::Rails)