# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- module Umlaut # Class to inject Umlaut routes, design copied from Blacklight project. # you would do a: # Umlaut::Routes.new(self, optional_args).draw # in local # app routes.rb, that line is generated into local app by Umlaut generator. # options include :only and :except to limit what route groups are generated. class Routes def initialize(router, options ={}) @router = router @options = options end def draw route_sets.each do |r| self.send(r) end end protected def add_routes &blk @router.instance_exec(@options, &blk) end def route_sets (@options[:only] || default_route_sets) - (@options[:except] || []) end def default_route_sets [:root, :permalinks, :a_z, :resolve, :open_search, :link_router, :export_email, :resources, :search, :javascript] end module RouteSets # for now include root generation in Umlaut auto-generation def root add_routes do |options| root :to => "search#index" end end def permalinks add_routes do |options| match 'go/:id' => 'store#index' end end # some special direct links to A-Z type searches, including # legacy redirects for SFX-style urls, to catch any bookmarks. def a_z add_routes do |options| # Special one for alpha list match 'journal_list/:id/:page' => 'search#journal_list', :defaults => { :page => 1, :id => 'A' } # Catch redirected from SFX A-Z and citation linker urls # v2 A-Z links redirected to umlaut, point to journal_list # code in journal_list filter picks out SFX URL vars for # letter. match '/resolve/azlist/default' => 'search#journal_list', :page => 1, :id => 'A' # SFX v3 A-Z list url format match 'resolve/az' => 'search#journal_list', :page => 1, :id => 'A' end end # This is a legacy wild controller route that's not recommended for RESTful applications. # Note: This route will make all actions in every controller accessible via GET requests. # match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))' def resolve add_routes do |options| # ResolveController still uses rails 2.0 style 'wildcard' routes, # TODO tighten this up to only match what oughta be matched. # Note: This route will make all actions in this controller accessible via GET requests. match 'resolve(/:action(/:id(.:format)))' => "resolve" end end def open_search add_routes do |options| # OpenSearchController still uses rails 2.0 style 'wildcard' routes, # TODO tighten this up to only match what oughta be matched. # Note: This route will make all actions in this controller accessible via GET requests. match 'open_search(/:action(/:id(.:format)))' => "open_search" end end def link_router add_routes do |options| # LinkRouterController still uses rails 2.0 style 'wildcard' routes, # TODO tighten this up to only match what oughta be matched. # Note: This route will make all actions in this controller accessible via GET requests. match 'link_router(/:action(/:id(.:format)))' => "link_router" end end def export_email add_routes do |options| # ExportEmailController still uses rails 2.0 style 'wildcard' routes, # TODO tighten this up to only match what oughta be matched. # Note: This route will make all actions in this controller accessible via GET requests. match 'export_email(/:action(/:id(.:format)))' => "export_email" end end def resources add_routes do |options| # ResourceController still uses rails 2.0 style 'wildcard' routes, # TODO tighten this up to only match what oughta be matched. # Note: This route will make all actions in this controller accessible via GET requests. match 'resource(/:action(/:id(.:format)))' => "resource" end end def search add_routes do |options| # SearchController still uses rails 2.0 style 'wildcard' routes, # TODO tighten this up to only match what oughta be matched. # Note: This route will make all actions in this controller accessible via GET requests. match 'search(/:action(/:id(.:format)))' => "search" end end def javascript add_routes do |options| # Legacy location for update_html.js used by JQuery Content Utility # to embed JS on external sites. Redirect to new location. # Intentionally non-fingerprinted, most efficient thing # we can do in this case is let the web server take care # of Last-modified-by etc headers. match 'javascripts/jquery/umlaut/update_html.js' => redirect("/assets/umlaut/update_html.js", :status => 301) match 'images/spinner.gif' => redirect("/assets/spinner.gif") end end end include RouteSets end end