# Value Struct [![[travis]](https://travis-ci.org/janlelis/value_struct.png)](https://travis-ci.org/janlelis/value_struct)

A value struct is a subclass of the normal [Ruby struct](http://blog.grayproductions.net/articles/all_about_struct) that behaves almost the same. However, it has a major difference:

__Value structs are immutable, i.e. they don't have setters (although, not recursively*)__

Additionally, this gem provides the following optional mixins to make life easier when using immutable structs:

* __:dup_with_changes__ Extends `#dup` to take a optional hash for setting new values in the duplicate
* __:strict_arguments__ Value structs need to be initialized with the exact amount of arguments
* __:freeze__ Automatically freezes new instances
* __:no_clone__ Alters `#clone` to return the same object

By default, only __:dup_with_changes__ will be included.

Without mixins, ValueStructs are almost as fast as normal structs. Some mixins add noticable overhead, e.g. strict_arguments

## Why?

See [this blog article](http://ruby.janlelis.de/65-value_struct-read-only-structs-in-ruby) for more information.

## Example 1

    require 'value_struct'

    SimplePoint = ValueStruct.new(:x, :y)

Please refer to the [documentation of Ruby's struct](http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/Struct.html) for more details on general struct usage.

## How to use structs with mixins

    Point = ValueStruct.new_with_mixins :x, :y, [

    p = Point.new(1,2)
    p.frozen?    #=> true
    p.dup(x: 0)  #=> #<ValueStruct Point x=0, y=2>
    Point.new(1) # ArgumentError

Alternatively, you can put custom modules in the mixin array.

## Example 2

    require 'value_struct'

    Point = ValueStruct.new_with_mixins(
       [:dup_with_changes, :freeze, :no_clone],
    ) do

      def initialize(x,y)
        raise ArgumentError, 'points must be initilized with two numerics' unless x.is_a?(Numeric) && y.is_a?(Numeric)

      def abs
        ( x**2 + y**2 ) ** 0.5

      def +(o)
        dup(x: x + o.x, y: y + o.y)

      def -(o)
        dup(x: x - o.x, y: y - o.y)

      def +@

      def -@
        dup(x: -x, y: -o.y)

      def to_c

      def to_s
      alias inspect to_s

## *

Because of the nature of Ruby, most things are not really immutable. So if you have an attribute `:by` and initialize it with an array, you cannot change the value struct anymore, but still the array:

    Ru = ValueStruct.new(:by)
    ruby = Ru.by([1,2,3])
    ruby.by # => [1,2,3]

    ruby.by = [1,2,3,4] # not possible
    ruby.by << 4        # possible

## Install

    $ gem install value_struct

## Influenced by / Thanks to

* Tom Crayford: [Values](https://github.com/tcrayford/Values)
* Theo Hultberg: [ImmutableStruct](https://github.com/iconara/immutable_struct)
* Ruby Rogues

## J-_-L

Copyright © 2012-2015 Jan Lelis, janlelis.com, released under the MIT license.