module EnjuCirculation module User def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def enju_circulation_user include InstanceMethods attr_accessible :save_checkout_history, :checkout_icalendar_token attr_accessible :save_checkout_history, :checkout_icalendar_token, :as => :admin has_many :checkouts, :dependent => :nullify has_many :reserves, :dependent => :destroy has_many :reserved_manifestations, :through => :reserves, :source => :manifestation has_many :checkout_stat_has_users has_many :user_checkout_stats, :through => :checkout_stat_has_users has_many :reserve_stat_has_users has_many :user_reserve_stats, :through => :reserve_stat_has_users has_many :baskets, :dependent => :destroy before_destroy :check_item_before_destroy end end module InstanceMethods def check_item_before_destroy # TODO: 貸出記録を残す場合 if checkouts.size > 0 raise 'This user has items still checked out.' end end def reset_checkout_icalendar_token self.checkout_icalendar_token = Devise.friendly_token end def delete_checkout_icalendar_token self.checkout_icalendar_token = nil end def checked_item_count checkout_count = {} CheckoutType.all.each do |checkout_type| # 資料種別ごとの貸出中の冊数を計算 checkout_count[:"#{}"] = self.checkouts.count_by_sql([" SELECT count(item_id) FROM checkouts WHERE item_id IN ( SELECT id FROM items WHERE checkout_type_id = ? ) AND user_id = ? AND checkin_id IS NULL",,] ) end return checkout_count end def reached_reservation_limit?(manifestation) return true if user_group.user_group_has_checkout_types.available_for_carrier_type(manifestation.carrier_type).where(:user_group_id => <= reserves.waiting.size false end end end end