#coding:utf-8 require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper') require 'logger' require 'tempfile' describe "PadrinoLogger" do before do @save_config = Padrino::Logger::Config[:test].dup Padrino::Logger::Config[:test][:stream] = :null Padrino::Logger.setup! end after do Padrino::Logger::Config[:test] = @save_config Padrino::Logger.setup! end def setup_logger(options={}) @log = StringIO.new @logger = Padrino::Logger.new(options.merge(:stream => @log)) end describe 'for logger functionality' do describe 'check stream config' do it 'should use stdout if stream is nil' do Padrino::Logger::Config[:test][:stream] = nil Padrino::Logger.setup! assert_equal $stdout, Padrino.logger.log end it 'should use StringIO as default for test' do assert_instance_of StringIO, Padrino.logger.log end it 'should use a custom stream' do my_stream = StringIO.new Padrino::Logger::Config[:test][:stream] = my_stream Padrino::Logger.setup! assert_equal my_stream, Padrino.logger.log end it 'should use a custom file path' do tempfile = Tempfile.new('app.txt') path = tempfile.path tempfile.unlink Padrino::Logger::Config[:test][:stream] = :to_file Padrino::Logger::Config[:test][:log_path] = path Padrino::Logger.setup! assert_file_exists path File.unlink(path) end it 'should use a custom log directory' do tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir Padrino::Logger::Config[:test][:stream] = :to_file Padrino::Logger::Config[:test][:log_path] = tmpdir Padrino::Logger.setup! log_path = File.join(tmpdir, 'test.log') assert_file_exists log_path File.unlink(log_path) Dir.rmdir(tmpdir) end end it 'should log something' do setup_logger(:log_level => :error) @logger.error "You log this error?" assert_match(/You log this error?/, @log.string) @logger.debug "You don't log this error!" refute_match(/You don't log this error!/, @log.string) @logger << "Yep this can be logged" assert_match(/Yep this can be logged/, @log.string) end it 'should respond to #write for Rack::CommonLogger' do setup_logger(:log_level => :error) @logger.error "Error message" assert_match(/Error message/, @log.string) @logger << "logged anyways" assert_match(/logged anyways/, @log.string) @logger.write "log via alias" assert_match(/log via alias/, @log.string) end it 'should not blow up on mixed or broken encodings' do setup_logger(:log_level => :error, :auto_flush => false) binary_data = "\xD0".force_encoding('BINARY') utf8_data = 'фыв' @logger.error binary_data @logger.error utf8_data @logger.flush assert_includes @log.string, utf8_data assert_includes @log.string.force_encoding('BINARY'), binary_data end it 'should sanitize mixed or broken encodings if said so' do encoding = 'windows-1251' setup_logger(:log_level => :error, :auto_flush => false, :sanitize_encoding => encoding) @log.string.encode! encoding binary_data = "\xD0".force_encoding('BINARY') utf8_data = 'фыв' @logger.error binary_data @logger.error utf8_data @logger.flush assert_match(/\.*фыв/m, @log.string.encode(Encoding.default_external)) end it 'should log an application' do mock_app do enable :logging get("/"){ "Foo" } end get "/" assert_equal "Foo", body assert_match(/GET/, Padrino.logger.log.string) end it 'should log an application\'s status code' do mock_app do enable :logging get("/"){ "Foo" } end get "/" assert_match(/\e\[1;9m200\e\[0m OK/, Padrino.logger.log.string) end describe "static asset logging" do it 'should not log static assets by default' do mock_app do enable :logging get("/images/something.png"){ env["sinatra.static_file"] = '/public/images/something.png'; "Foo" } end get "/images/something.png" assert_equal "Foo", body assert_match "", Padrino.logger.log.string end it 'should allow turning on static assets logging' do Padrino.logger.instance_eval{ @log_static = true } mock_app do enable :logging get("/images/something.png"){ env["sinatra.static_file"] = '/public/images/something.png'; "Foo" } end get "/images/something.png" assert_equal "Foo", body assert_match(/GET/, Padrino.logger.log.string) Padrino.logger.instance_eval{ @log_static = false } end end describe "health-check requests logging" do def access_to_mock_app mock_app do enable :logging get("/"){ "Foo" } end get "/" end it 'should output under debug level' do Padrino.logger.instance_eval{ @level = Padrino::Logger::Levels[:debug] } access_to_mock_app assert_match(/\e\[0;36m DEBUG\e\[0m/, Padrino.logger.log.string) Padrino.logger.instance_eval{ @level = Padrino::Logger::Levels[:devel] } access_to_mock_app assert_match(/\e\[0;36m DEBUG\e\[0m/, Padrino.logger.log.string) end it 'should not output over debug level' do Padrino.logger.instance_eval{ @level = Padrino::Logger::Levels[:info] } access_to_mock_app assert_equal '', Padrino.logger.log.string Padrino.logger.instance_eval{ @level = Padrino::Logger::Levels[:error] } access_to_mock_app assert_equal '', Padrino.logger.log.string end end end end describe "alternate logger" do class FancyLogger attr_accessor :level, :log def initialize(buf) self.log = buf self.level = 0 end def add(level, text) self.log << text end end before do @save_logger = Padrino.logger @log = StringIO.new new_logger = FancyLogger.new(@log) new_logger.extend(Padrino::Logger::Extensions) capture_io { Padrino.logger = new_logger } end after do Padrino.logger = @save_logger end it 'should annotate the logger to support additional Padrino fancyness' do Padrino.logger.debug("Debug message") assert_match(/Debug message/, @log.string) Padrino.logger.exception(Exception.new('scary message')) assert_match(/Exception - scary message/, @log.string) end it 'should colorize log output after colorize! is called' do Padrino.logger.colorize! mock_app do enable :logging get("/"){ "Foo" } end get "/" assert_match(/\e\[1;9m200\e\[0m OK/, @log.string) end end describe "binary logger" do before do @save_logger = Padrino.logger @log = StringIO.new new_logger = Logger.new(@log) new_logger.formatter = proc do |_, _, _, message| "#{message.size}" end capture_io { Padrino.logger = new_logger } end after do Padrino.logger = @save_logger end it 'should not convert parameters to strings before formatting' do logger.info({:a => 2}) assert_equal "1", @log.string end end describe "alternate logger: stdlib logger" do before do @log = StringIO.new @save_logger = Padrino.logger new_logger = Logger.new(@log) new_logger.extend(Padrino::Logger::Extensions) capture_io { Padrino.logger = new_logger } end after do Padrino.logger = @save_logger end it 'should annotate the logger to support additional Padrino fancyness' do Padrino.logger.debug("Debug message") assert_match(/Debug message/, @log.string) end it 'should colorize log output after colorize! is called' do Padrino.logger.colorize! mock_app do enable :logging get("/"){ "Foo" } end get "/" assert_match(/\e\[1;9m200\e\[0m OK/, @log.string) end end describe "options :colorize_logging" do def access_to_mock_app mock_app do enable :logging get("/"){ "Foo" } end get "/" end before do @save_config = Padrino::Logger::Config[:test].dup end after do Padrino::Logger::Config[:test] = @save_config Padrino::Logger.setup! end describe 'default' do before do Padrino::Logger::Config[:test][:colorize_logging] = true Padrino::Logger.setup! end it 'should use colorize logging' do Padrino::Logger.setup! access_to_mock_app assert_match(/\e\[1;9m200\e\[0m OK/, Padrino.logger.log.string) end end describe 'set value is false' do before do Padrino::Logger::Config[:test][:colorize_logging] = false Padrino::Logger.setup! end it 'should not use colorize logging' do access_to_mock_app assert_match(/200 OK/, Padrino.logger.log.string) end end end describe "options :source_location" do before do Padrino::Logger::Config[:test][:source_location] = true Padrino::Logger.setup! end def stub_root(base_path = File.expand_path("."), &block) callable = proc{ |*args| File.join(base_path, *args) } Padrino.stub(:root, callable, &block) end it 'should output source_location if :source_location is set to true' do stub_root { Padrino.logger.debug("hello world") } assert_match(/\[test\/test_logger\.rb:#{__LINE__-1}\] hello world/, Padrino.logger.log.string) end it 'should output source_location if file path is relative' do stub_message = "test/test_logger.rb:269:in `test'" Padrino::Logger.logger.stub(:caller, [stub_message]){ stub_root { Padrino.logger.debug("hello relative path") }} assert_match(/\[test\/test_logger\.rb:269\] hello relative path/, Padrino.logger.log.string) end it 'should not output source_location if :source_location is set to false' do Padrino::Logger::Config[:test][:source_location] = false Padrino::Logger.setup! stub_root { Padrino.logger.debug("hello world") } assert_match(/hello world/, Padrino.logger.log.string) refute_match(/\[.+?\] hello world/, Padrino.logger.log.string) end it 'should not output source_location unless file path is not started with Padrino.root' do stub_root("/unknown/path/") { Padrino.logger.debug("hello boy") } assert_match(/hello boy/, Padrino.logger.log.string) refute_match(/\[.+?\] hello boy/, Padrino.logger.log.string) end it 'should not output source_location if source file path is started with Padrino.root + vendor' do base_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/') stub_message = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/vendor/logger.rb') + ":291:in `test'" Padrino::Logger.logger.stub(:caller, [stub_message]) { stub_root(base_path) { Padrino.logger.debug("hello vendor") } } assert_match(/hello vendor/, Padrino.logger.log.string) refute_match(/\[.+?\] hello vendor/, Padrino.logger.log.string) end end