import React from 'react';
import { act } from 'react-test-renderer';
import { renderWithRedux, patientlyWaitFor } from 'react-testing-lib-wrapper';
import { nockInstance, assertNockRequest, mockForemanAutocomplete, mockSetting } from '../../../../../../test-utils/nockWrapper';
import { foremanApi } from '../../../../../../services/api';
import { ModuleStreamsTab } from '../ModuleStreamsTab';
import mockModuleStreams from './modules.fixtures.json';
import { MODULE_STREAMS_KEY } from '../ModuleStreamsConstants';
const contentFacetAttributes = {
id: 11,
uuid: 'e5761ea3-4117-4ecf-83d0-b694f99b389e',
content_view_default: false,
lifecycle_environment_library: false,
const renderOptions = (facetAttributes = contentFacetAttributes) => ({
initialState: {
API: {
response: {
id: 1,
name: 'test-host',
content_facet_attributes: { ...facetAttributes },
status: 'RESOLVED',
const hostModuleStreams = foremanApi.getApiUrl('/hosts/1/module_streams');
const autocompleteUrl = '/hosts/1/module_streams/auto_complete_search';
let firstModuleStreams;
let searchDelayScope;
let autoSearchScope;
beforeEach(() => {
const { results } = mockModuleStreams;
[firstModuleStreams] = results;
searchDelayScope = mockSetting(nockInstance, 'autosearch_delay', 0);
autoSearchScope = mockSetting(nockInstance, 'autosearch_while_typing');
afterEach(() => {
beforeEach(() => {
const { results } = mockModuleStreams;
[firstModuleStreams] = results;
searchDelayScope = mockSetting(nockInstance, 'autosearch_delay', 0);
autoSearchScope = mockSetting(nockInstance, 'autosearch_while_typing');
afterEach(() => {
test('Can call API for Module streams and show on screen on page load', async (done) => {
// Setup autocomplete with mockForemanAutoComplete since we aren't adding /katello
const autocompleteScope = mockForemanAutocomplete(nockInstance, autocompleteUrl);
const scope = nockInstance
.reply(200, mockModuleStreams);
const { getAllByText } = renderWithRedux(, renderOptions());
// Assert that the Module streams are now showing on the screen, but wait for them to appear.
await patientlyWaitFor(() =>
// Assert request was made and completed, see helper function
assertNockRequest(scope, done); // Pass jest callback to confirm test is done
test('Can handle no Module streams being present', async (done) => {
// Setup autocomplete with mockForemanAutoComplete since we aren't adding /katello
const autocompleteScope = mockForemanAutocomplete(nockInstance, autocompleteUrl);
const noResults = {
total: 0,
subtotal: 0,
page: 1,
per_page: 20,
results: [],
const scope = nockInstance
.reply(200, noResults);
const { queryByText } = renderWithRedux(, renderOptions());
// Assert that there are not any Module streams showing on the screen.
await patientlyWaitFor(() => expect(queryByText('This host does not have any Module streams.')).toBeInTheDocument());
// Assert request was made and completed, see helper function
assertNockRequest(scope, done); // Pass jest callback to confirm test is done