require 'spec_helper' describe TokenAttr do class Model < ActiveRecord::Base include TokenAttr token_attr :token end class ModelWithLength < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'models' include TokenAttr token_attr :token, length: 13 end class ModelWithAlphabet < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'models' include TokenAttr token_attr :token, alphabet: 'abc123' end class ModelWithAlphanumericAlphabet < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'models' include TokenAttr token_attr :token, alphabet: :alphanumeric end class ModelWithAlphabeticAlphabet < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'models' include TokenAttr token_attr :token, alphabet: :alphabetic end class ModelWithNumericAlphabet < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'models' include TokenAttr token_attr :token, alphabet: :numeric end class ModelWithMultipleTokens < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'models' include TokenAttr token_attr :token token_attr :private_token end describe ".token_attr" do let(:model) { } context "when token is blank" do before { model.token = '' } it "generates a token on validation" do model.valid? model.token.should_not be_blank end it "generates a token of the default length" do stub_const('TokenAttr::DEFAULT_TOKEN_LENGTH', 4) model.valid? model.token.length.should == 4 end it "generates a unique token" do SecureRandom.should_receive(:hex).twice.with(4).and_return('12345678') SecureRandom.should_receive(:hex).once.with(4).and_return('abcdefgh') existing_model = Model.create model.valid? model.token.should == 'abcdefgh' end it "raises an exception if it can't find a unique token" do SecureRandom.should_receive(:hex).exactly(5 + 1).times.with(4).and_return('12345678') existing_model = Model.create expect{ model.valid? }.to raise_error(TokenAttr::TooManyAttemptsError) end context "when length is specified" do let(:model) { } it "generates a token of the specified length" do model.valid? model.token.length.should == 13 end end context "when an alphabet is specified" do let(:model) { } it "generates a token with characters from that alphabet" do model.valid? model.token.split('').all? do |c| 'abc123'.include?(c) end.should be_true end it "generates a token of the default length even if lower than the alphabet" do stub_const('TokenAttr::DEFAULT_TOKEN_LENGTH', 12) model.valid? model.token.length.should == 12 end it "generates a token with alphanumeric characters when the alphabet is :alphanumeric" do fake_alphabet('TokenAttr::ALPHANUMERIC_ALPHABET', times: 8, sample: 'T') model = model.valid? model.token.should == 'TTTTTTTT' end it "generates a token with alphabetic characters when the alphabet is :alphabetic" do fake_alphabet('TokenAttr::ALPHABETIC_ALPHABET', times: 8, sample: 't') model = model.valid? model.token.should == 'tttttttt' end it "generates a token with numeric characters when the alphabet is :numeric" do fake_alphabet('TokenAttr::NUMERIC_ALPHABET', times: 8, sample: '0') model = model.valid? model.token.should == '00000000' end end context "when the model has multiple tokens" do let(:model) { } it "generates each token" do model.valid? model.token.should_not be_blank model.private_token.should_not be_blank end end end context "when token is not blank" do before { model.token = 'not blank' } it "does not generate a token on validation" do model.valid? model.token.should == 'not blank' end end end protected def fake_alphabet(alphabet_const, times: 8, sample: 'T') fake = double('Array') fake.stub(:split).and_return(fake) fake.should_receive(:sample).exactly(times).times.and_return(sample) stub_const(alphabet_const, fake) end end