$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require 'rautomation' require 'rspec' module SpecHelper # @private def adapter ENV["RAUTOMATION_ADAPTER"] && ENV["RAUTOMATION_ADAPTER"].to_sym || RAutomation::Adapter::Helper.default_adapter end def navigate_to_simple_elements main_window = RAutomation::Window.new(:title => "MainFormWindow") main_window.button(:value => "Simple Elements").click { RAutomation::Window.new(:title => "SimpleElementsForm").present? } end module_function :adapter, :navigate_to_simple_elements # Since adapters are different then the windows to be tested # might be different also. # # This constant allows to create input data for specs which could differ between the adapters. # # There has to be 2 windows: # 1) Some random window, which is maximizable, minimizable, close'able and etc. # 2) Browser window, which opens up a test.html where JavaScript prompt with a Button and a TextField objects will be shown. DATA = { # This adapter needs Windows OS with Internet Explorer installed into 'c:\program files\internet explorer'. :autoit => { # Path to some binary, which opens up a window, what can be # minimized, maximized, activated, closed and etc. :window1 => "ext\\WindowsForms\\Release\\WindowsForms.exe", :window2 => "calc", :window2_title => /calc/i, # Window 1 title, has to be a Regexp. :window1_title => /FormWindow/i, :window1_full_title => 'MainFormWindow', # Window 1 should have this text on it. :window1_text => "This is a sample text", # When sending ENTER on Window 2, then the window OK button should be pressed and Window 2 should be closed. # "A" key :window1_send_keys => "A", :proc_after_send_keys => lambda do about_box = RAutomation::Window.new(:title => /About/i) RAutomation::WaitHelper.wait_until {about_box.present?} end, # Window 1 should have a button with the following text. :window1_button_text => "&About", # Window 1 should have a text field with the specified class name. :window1_text_field_class => "Edit", # Adapter internal method invocation for getting title of window2 :title_proc => lambda {|win| win.WinGetTitle("[TITLE:MainFormWindow]")} }, :win_32 => { # Path to some binary, which opens up a window, what can be # minimized, maximized, activated, closed and etc. :window1 => "ext\\WindowsForms\\Release\\WindowsForms.exe", :window2 => "calc", :window2_title => /calc/i, # Window 1 title, has to be a Regexp. :window1_title => /FormWindow/i, :window1_full_title => 'MainFormWindow', # Window 1 should have this text on it. :window1_text => "This is a sample text", # When sending ENTER on Window 2, then the window OK button should be pressed and Window 2 should be closed. # "A" key :window1_send_keys => "A", :proc_after_send_keys => lambda do about_box = RAutomation::Window.new(:title => /About/i) RAutomation::WaitHelper.wait_until {about_box.present?} end, # Window 1 should have a button with the following text. :window1_button_text => "&About", # Window 1 should have a text field with the specified class name. :window1_text_field_class => "Edit", # Adapter internal method invocation for getting title of window2 :title_proc => lambda {|win| win.window_title(win.hwnd)} }, #Just copying :win_ffi data for now :ms_uia => { # Path to some binary, which opens up a window, what can be # minimized, maximized, activated, closed and etc. :window1 => "ext\\WindowsForms\\Release\\WindowsForms.exe", :window2 => "calc", :window2_title => /calc/i, # Window 1 title, has to be a Regexp. :window1_title => /FormWindow/i, :window1_full_title => 'MainFormWindow', # Window 1 should have this text on it. :window1_text => "This is a sample text", # When sending ENTER on Window 2, then the window OK button should be pressed and Window 2 should be closed. # "A" key :window1_send_keys => "A", :proc_after_send_keys => lambda do about_box = RAutomation::Window.new(:title => /About/i) RAutomation::WaitHelper.wait_until {about_box.present?} end, # Window 1 should have a button with the following text. :window1_button_text => "&About", # Window 1 should have a text field with the specified class name. :window1_text_field_class => "Edit", # Adapter internal method invocation for getting title of window2 :title_proc => lambda {|win| win.window_title(win.hwnd)} } }[adapter] end RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:each) do RAutomation::Window.wait_timeout = 15 @pid1 = IO.popen(SpecHelper::DATA[:window1]).pid RAutomation::WaitHelper.wait_until {RAutomation::Window.new(:pid => @pid1).present?} end config.after(:each) do Process.kill(9, @pid1) rescue nil end end