module UiBibz::Ui::Core::Forms::Buttons # Create a button # # This element is an extend of UiBibz::Ui::Core::Component. # # ==== Attributes # # * +content+ - Content of element # * +options+ - Options of element # * +html_options+ - Html Options of element # # ==== Options # # You can add HTML attributes using the +html_options+. # You can pass arguments in options attribute: # * +status+ - status of élement with symbol value: # (+:primary+, +:secondary+, +:info+, +:warning+, +:danger+, +:link+) # * +size+ # (+:xs+, +:sm+, +:lg+) # * +outline+ - Boolean # * +state+ - Symbol (+:active+, +:disabled) # * +type+ - Symbol (+:outline) # * +glyph+ - Add glyph with name or hash options # * +name+ - String # * +size+ - Integer # * +type+ - Symbol # # ==== Signatures # #, options = nil, html_options = nil) # # = nil, html_options = nil) do # content # end # # ==== Examples # #'test', type: :primary, size: :xs).render # # :primary) do # test # end.render # # ==== Helper # # ui_button(content, options = {}, html_options = {}) # # ui_button(options = {}, html_options = {}) do # content # end class Button < UiBibz::Ui::Core::Component # See UiBibz::Ui::Core::Component.initialize def initialize content = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block super end # Render html tag def pre_render button_html_tag end protected def button_html_tag content_tag :button, html_options do concat spinner_html unless options[:spinner].nil? concat glyph_and_content_html(options[:text].nil? ? @content : '') concat badge_html unless options[:badge].nil? end end def component_html_classes super << ['btn', size, type, without_text] end def component_html_options opts = super opts = opts.merge(toggle) unless options[:toggle].nil? opts = opts.merge(collapse) unless options[:collapse].nil? opts = opts.merge(active_html_options) if options[:state] == :active opts = opts.merge({ disabled: 'disabled' }) if options[:state] == :disabled opts end def collapse attrs = { "data-toggle": "collapse", "data-target": "##{ options[:collapse] }" } attrs = attrs.merge({ "aria-expanded": true }) if options[:active_collapse] attrs end def status ["btn", outline, options[:status] || "secondary"].compact.join('-') end def outline "outline" unless options[:outline].nil? end def toggle { "data-toggle" => 'button', "aria-pressed" => false, "autocomplete" => "off" } end def active_html_options { "aria-pressed" => true } end def type "btn-block" if options[:type] == :block end def without_text "without-text" unless options[:text].nil? end def action add_html_data('action', options[:action]) unless options[:action].nil? end def badge_html if options[:badge].kind_of? Hash options[:badge][:status] = options[:badge][:status] || options[:status] || :secondary[:badge].delete(:content), options[:badge]).render else[:badge], status: (options[:status] || :secondary)).render end end def spinner_html opts = { size: :sm, tag: :span, class: options[:text] == false ? nil : 'mr-2' } opts = opts.merge(options[:spinner]) if options[:spinner].kind_of? Hash, opts).render end # :lg, :sm or :xs def size "btn-#{ options[:size] }" if options[:size] end end end