class FuzzyMatch # "Record linkage typically involves two main steps: blocking and scoring..." # # # Blockings effectively divide up the haystack into groups that match a pattern # # A blocking (as in a grouping) comes into effect when a str matches. # Then the needle must also match the blocking's regexp. class Blocking attr_reader :regexp def initialize(regexp_or_str) @regexp = regexp_or_str.to_regexp end def match?(str) !!(regexp.match(str)) end # If a blocking "joins" two strings, that means they both fit into it. # # Returns false if they certainly don't fit this blocking. # Returns nil if the blocking doesn't apply, i.e. str2 doesn't fit the blocking. def join?(str1, str2) if str2_match_data = regexp.match(str2) if str1_match_data = regexp.match(str1) str2_match_data.captures == str1_match_data.captures else false end else nil end end end end