//portlets !function($) { "use strict"; /** Portlet Widget */ var Portlet = function() { this.$body = $("body"), this.$portletIdentifier = ".portlet", this.$portletCloser = '.portlet a[data-toggle="remove"]', this.$portletRefresher = '.portlet a[data-toggle="reload"]' }; //on init Portlet.prototype.init = function() { // Panel closest var $this = this; $(document).on("click",this.$portletCloser, function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var $portlet = $(this).closest($this.$portletIdentifier); var $portlet_parent = $portlet.parent(); $portlet.remove(); if ($portlet_parent.children().length == 0) { $portlet_parent.remove(); } }); // Panel Reload $(document).on("click",this.$portletRefresher, function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var $portlet = $(this).closest($this.$portletIdentifier); // This is just a simulation, nothing is going to be reloaded $portlet.append('
'); var $pd = $portlet.find('.panel-disabled'); setTimeout(function () { $pd.fadeOut('fast', function () { $pd.remove(); }); }, 500 + 300 * (Math.random() * 5)); }); }, // $.Portlet = new Portlet, $.Portlet.Constructor = Portlet }(window.jQuery), /** * Notifications */ function($) { "use strict"; var Notification = function() {}; //simple notificaiton Notification.prototype.notify = function(style,position, title, text) { var icon = 'fa fa-adjust'; if(style == "error"){ icon = "fa fa-exclamation"; }else if(style == "warning"){ icon = "fa fa-warning"; }else if(style == "success"){ icon = "fa fa-check"; }else if(style == "custom"){ icon = "md md-album"; }else if(style == "info"){ icon = "fa fa-question"; }else{ icon = "fa fa-adjust"; } $.notify({ title: title, text: text, image: "" }, { style: 'metro', className: style, globalPosition:position, showAnimation: "show", showDuration: 0, hideDuration: 0, autoHide: true, clickToHide: true }); }, //auto hide notification Notification.prototype.autoHideNotify = function (style,position, title, text) { var icon = "fa fa-adjust"; if(style == "error"){ icon = "fa fa-exclamation"; }else if(style == "warning"){ icon = "fa fa-warning"; }else if(style == "success"){ icon = "fa fa-check"; }else if(style == "custom"){ icon = "md md-album"; }else if(style == "info"){ icon = "fa fa-question"; }else{ icon = "fa fa-adjust"; } $.notify({ title: title, text: text, image: "" }, { style: 'metro', className: style, globalPosition:position, showAnimation: "show", showDuration: 0, hideDuration: 0, autoHideDelay: 5000, autoHide: true, clickToHide: true }); }, //confirmation notification Notification.prototype.confirm = function(style,position, title) { var icon = "fa fa-adjust"; if(style == "error"){ icon = "fa fa-exclamation"; }else if(style == "warning"){ icon = "fa fa-warning"; }else if(style == "success"){ icon = "fa fa-check"; }else if(style == "custom"){ icon = "md md-album"; }else if(style == "info"){ icon = "fa fa-question"; }else{ icon = "fa fa-adjust"; } $.notify({ title: title, text: 'Are you sure you want to do nothing?

Yes No', image: "" }, { style: 'metro', className: style, globalPosition:position, showAnimation: "show", showDuration: 0, hideDuration: 0, autoHide: false, clickToHide: false }); //listen for click events from this style $(document).on('click', '.notifyjs-metro-base .no', function() { //programmatically trigger propogating hide event $(this).trigger('notify-hide'); }); $(document).on('click', '.notifyjs-metro-base .yes', function() { //show button text alert($(this).text() + " clicked!"); //hide notification $(this).trigger('notify-hide'); }); }, //init - examples Notification.prototype.init = function() { }, //init $.Notification = new Notification, $.Notification.Constructor = Notification }(window.jQuery), /** * Components */ function($) { "use strict"; var Components = function() {}; //initializing tooltip Components.prototype.initTooltipPlugin = function() { $.fn.tooltip && $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() }, //initializing popover Components.prototype.initPopoverPlugin = function() { $.fn.popover && $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover() }, //initializing custom modal Components.prototype.initCustomModalPlugin = function() { $('[data-plugin="custommodal"]').on('click', function(e) { Custombox.open({ target: $(this).attr("href"), effect: $(this).attr("data-animation"), overlaySpeed: $(this).attr("data-overlaySpeed"), overlayColor: $(this).attr("data-overlayColor") }); e.preventDefault(); }); }, //initializing nicescroll Components.prototype.initNiceScrollPlugin = function() { //You can change the color of scroll bar here $.fn.niceScroll && $(".nicescroll").niceScroll({ cursorcolor: '#98a6ad',cursorwidth:'6px', cursorborderradius: '5px'}); }, //range slider Components.prototype.initRangeSlider = function() { $.fn.slider && $('[data-plugin="range-slider"]').slider({}); }, /* ------------- * Form related controls */ //switch Components.prototype.initSwitchery = function() { $('[data-plugin="switchery"]').each(function (idx, obj) { new Switchery($(this)[0], $(this).data()); }); }, //multiselect Components.prototype.initMultiSelect = function() { if($('[data-plugin="multiselect"]').length > 0) $('[data-plugin="multiselect"]').multiSelect($(this).data()); }, /* ------------- * small charts related widgets */ //peity charts Components.prototype.initPeityCharts = function() { $('[data-plugin="peity-pie"]').each(function(idx, obj) { var colors = $(this).attr('data-colors')?$(this).attr('data-colors').split(","):[]; var width = $(this).attr('data-width')?$(this).attr('data-width'):20; //default is 20 var height = $(this).attr('data-height')?$(this).attr('data-height'):20; //default is 20 $(this).peity("pie", { fill: colors, width: width, height: height }); }); //donut $('[data-plugin="peity-donut"]').each(function(idx, obj) { var colors = $(this).attr('data-colors')?$(this).attr('data-colors').split(","):[]; var width = $(this).attr('data-width')?$(this).attr('data-width'):20; //default is 20 var height = $(this).attr('data-height')?$(this).attr('data-height'):20; //default is 20 $(this).peity("donut", { fill: colors, width: width, height: height }); }); $('[data-plugin="peity-donut-alt"]').each(function(idx, obj) { $(this).peity("donut"); }); // line $('[data-plugin="peity-line"]').each(function(idx, obj) { $(this).peity("line", $(this).data()); }); // bar $('[data-plugin="peity-bar"]').each(function(idx, obj) { var colors = $(this).attr('data-colors')?$(this).attr('data-colors').split(","):[]; var width = $(this).attr('data-width')?$(this).attr('data-width'):20; //default is 20 var height = $(this).attr('data-height')?$(this).attr('data-height'):20; //default is 20 $(this).peity("bar", { fill: colors, width: width, height: height }); }); }, //initilizing Components.prototype.init = function() { var $this = this; this.initTooltipPlugin(), this.initPopoverPlugin(), this.initNiceScrollPlugin(), this.initCustomModalPlugin(), this.initRangeSlider(), this.initSwitchery(), this.initMultiSelect(), this.initPeityCharts(), //creating portles $.Portlet.init(); }, $.Components = new Components, $.Components.Constructor = Components }(window.jQuery), //initializing main application module function($) { "use strict"; $.Components.init(); }(window.jQuery);